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传统风电机组虚拟惯性控制的惯性时间常数较大,虽抑制了频率变化率(Rate of Change of Frequency,ROCOF),但也阻碍了频率的恢复。文章提出了一种风电机组自适应虚拟惯性控制,该控制在频率扰动初期能够提供适当的虚拟惯性支撑,同时在频率恢复期间加快频率恢复。首先,文章控制策略在频率跌落或者上升阶段,根据ROCOF的最大值,自适应计算出虚拟惯性时间常数。该值一直保持到ROCOF的极性发生变化,切换至根据ROCOF计算出的虚拟惯性时间常数,此时的ROCOF较小,虚拟惯性时间常数趋于零。故在频率恢复阶段,风电机组退出虚拟惯性支撑,从而帮助频率加快恢复。在PSCAD/EMTDC中搭建仿真算例,仿真结果,表明文章所提控制策略能够提供虚拟惯性支撑和加快扰动后频率恢复。  相似文献   

针对传统双馈风电机组虚拟同步控制(VSG)中因负载突变导致电网频率、输出有功功率波动较大和暂态调节时间过长的问题,提出一种基于模糊自适应控制策略的变参数风电机组虚拟同步发电机控制策略。首先,在机组转子侧变流器中引入VSG算法使得风电对电网频率具有主动支撑能力,并建立DFIG-VSG有功功率小信号模型分析惯量和阻尼系数对系统稳定性的影响;然后,通过分析系统暂态过程中的功频变化原理并结合不受线性量化约束的模糊算法,将虚拟惯量和阻尼的范围作为模糊自适应环节的输出论域,进而实时调整惯量和阻尼系数以降低功率超调和频率偏移。最后,在Matlab/Simulink中基于DFIG-VSG机组的仿真结果验证了所提模糊自适应VSG控制策略的可行性、有效性及优势。  相似文献   

双馈风电机组惯量控制是通过建立发电机转子转速与电网频率之间的耦合关系,调整机组有功输出以适应电力系统频率波动。惯量控制直接快速地调节有功会对机组轴系小干扰稳定性造成负面影响,不利于轴系扭振的抑制。文章分析了不同惯量控制响应特征及其对轴系阻尼特性的影响,设计一种以转差率为输入信号的附加惯性与阻尼转矩的惯量控制策略,提出了含轴系稳定性约束的附加惯性与阻尼转矩惯量控制参数整定方法。仿真结果表明,所设计的双馈风电机组惯量控制策略不仅有良好的惯量控制效果,还能有效增大轴系等效电气阻尼,提高了轴系的稳定性。  相似文献   

摘要: 风电并网容量的增加将导致系统惯性降低,不利于电网安全稳定运行。针对附加惯性控制与最大功率跟踪控制之间存在相互影响的问题,提出改进附加惯性控制方法。该控制方法不仅可以利用附加惯性控制的辅助功率对系统频率提供支撑,还可以根据系统频率变化调节转速,补偿最大功率跟踪控制的有功参考,从而避免了2种控制在动态调节过程中的相互影响,使得机组的输出功率更好地响应系统频率的变化。仿真分析验证了在改进的控制方法下,直驱永磁风电机组不仅减小了负荷扰动初期的频率变化率,还缩短了系统频率调节时间,调频效果得到改善。  相似文献   

针对多端柔性直流(简称多端柔直)系统用于异步互联时各交流电网的频率稳定问题,提出了一种考虑虚拟惯性的多端柔直系统改进下垂控制策略。该控制策略以提高整个系统的惯性水平为目标,利用直流电压建立起交流电网频率和换流站传输的有功功率之间的联系,使得在单个交流电网因故障而产生频率偏差时,其余交流电网可以提供一定的频率支援能力,在保证直流电压稳定性的前提下改善故障交流电网的频率响应特性。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台上搭建三端柔直系统以验证所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

风电并网容量比重不断加大,减弱了系统的调频能力与惯量支撑能力,电网失稳日益严重。针对这些问题提出了基于虚拟同步机(VSG)的永磁直驱风电机组的控制方案。模仿同步机的功频控制特点,使系统具有惯量响应能力。风电机组经PWM变流器并网,在机侧变流器利用直流电压外环和电流内环控制,维持直流母线电压稳定,VSG从网侧变流器接入,通过设计有功频率和无功电压控制方案,对系统进行调频、调压。使用Matlab软件搭建模型,调整仿真参数,仿真结果表明,该控制方案使系统可以模拟同步发电机的惯量响应特性,能够有效地解决由于风速或者电网负荷改变引起的频率震荡问题。  相似文献   

针对风电机组高电压脱网问题,提出了一种考虑变直流母线电压参考值与网侧无功优先控制相结合的HVRT控制策略。该策略在电压轻度骤升时,通过优化无功电流给定值,快速向故障电网注入感性无功电流;电压深度骤升时,改变直流母线电压参考值,抑制直流侧电压波动。最后,在Simulink中搭建了1.5 MW直驱永磁风电机组仿真模型,在不同电压骤升幅度下对文章所提控制策略进行验证,结果表明,该控制策略能在不同电压骤升幅度下实现机组的HVRT,且避免Chopper电路的频繁动作,提高了机组稳定运行的能力。  相似文献   

为解决大规模风电并网带来的系统频率稳定性降低问题,风电机组通过虚拟惯量控制可为系统提供短期频率支撑,然而惯性响应期间风电机组转速收敛缓慢,导致一部分转子动能被无故浪费;转速恢复阶段的有功突变易造成频率二次跌落。为此,提出基于转矩极限的改进风电机组虚拟惯量控制策略,实现在释放较少动能的前提下提供与传统策略相同的频率响应服务;并在频率步入准稳态时,借助时变功率函数开始转速恢复,实现转速快速恢复的同时缓解二次频率跌落。基于EMTP-RV仿真软件搭建包含风电场的电力系统模型,验证了所提策略的有效性。  相似文献   

新能源直流微电网惯性响应能力弱、系统稳定性较差,传统惯性控制策略无法针对不同工况灵活调整惯性强弱,为此该文提出了双向扩展惯性控制方法。首先建立含风电的直流微电网结构模型,分析了系统惯性和风电机组惯性的关系。在此基础上,提出了直流微电网中风电机组的双向扩展惯性控制方法,该方法利用指数函数的极速增长性,快速调节机组的功率跟踪曲线比例系数,大幅扩展风电机组的惯性,同时在直流电压突变初期,通过正向扩展惯性控制,增加系统惯性阻止其变化,在直流电压恢复初期,通过负向扩展惯性控制,减小系统惯性促进其稳定,实现了惯性双向灵活调节,有效提高系统稳定能力。最后,在Matlab/Simulink仿真软件中搭建了直流微网模型,验证所提控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

传统虚拟惯量控制的双馈风力发电机组参数设置不当将面临风机失速的风险,且风机有功出力的瞬时下降可能引起频率的二次跌落。为此,提出一种改进虚拟惯量控制策略,基于系统频率最低点产生时刻,设定频率有功出力维持时间,减小不必要的转子动能释放;转速恢复期间有功出力随时间缓慢减少至风机最大功率跟踪点,减小频率二次跌落。最后,基于EMTP-RV仿真平台搭建高比例风电联网调频电力系统,验证了在不同变风速场景下改进方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

Inertia provision for frequency control is among the ancillary services that different national grid codes will likely require to be provided by future wind turbines. The aim of this paper is analysing how the inertia response support from a variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) to the primary frequency control of a power system can be enhanced. Unlike fixed speed wind turbines, VSWTs do not inherently contribute to system inertia, as they are decoupled from the power system through electronic converters. Emphasis in this paper is on how to emulate VSWTs inertia using control of the power electronic converter and on its impact on the primary frequency response of a power system. An additional control for the power electronics is implemented to give VSWTs a virtual inertia, referring to the kinetic energy stored in the rotating masses, which can be released initially to support the system's inertia. A simple Matlab/Simulink model and control of a VSWT and of a generic power system are developed to analyse the primary frequency response following different generation losses in a system comprising VSWTs provided with virtual inertia. The possibility of substituting a 50% share of conventional power with wind is also assessed and investigated. The intrinsic problems related to the implementation of virtual inertia are illustrated, addressing their origin in the action of pitch and power control. A solution is proposed, which aims at obtaining the same response as for the system with only conventional generation. The range of wind speeds near the power limitation zone seems to be the most critical from a primary response point of view. The theoretical reasons behind this are elucidated in the paper. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clemens Jauch 《风能》2015,18(9):1645-1656
In this paper, a flywheel energy storage that is an integral part of a wind turbine rotor is proposed. The rotor blades of a wind turbine are equipped with internal weights, which increase the inertia of the rotor. The inertia of this flywheel can be controlled by varying the position of the weights, i.e. by positioning them closer to the center of rotation (closer to the hub) or closer to the tip of the blades. The simulation model used in this study is introduced briefly. The equation system of the flywheel is set up. Finally, simulations of different scenarios show the performance of this controllable flywheel. The conclusion is that the proposed system can mitigate transients in the power output of wind turbines. Hence, it can support the frequency control in a power system by contributing to the power system inertia. © 2014 The Authors. Wind Energy published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the physical capability of double‐fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines for inertial support of frequency response. Frequency stability is modeled using the DFIG electromechanical and generator controller dynamics, and a destabilizing effect is demonstrated in low‐inertia systems. To improve response, a synchronous reference frame DFIG controller is proposed that acts by following low‐frequency grid dynamics and adds a fast acting proportional plus integral (PI)‐controlled frequency‐responsive component to existing qd current commands. The proposed controller is derived in a straightforward manner using only the DFIG dynamic equations and is designed using pole/zero placement techniques. Laboratory experiments using a micro‐scale DFIG wind turbine with hub‐emulating flywheel prove better capability for transient frequency regulation even under extreme load change. The result is a DFIG controller that balances the appearance of transients in electrical and mechanical systems. Value is achieved in providing immediate continuous inertial response to support load change. The proposed frequency response can improve the use of existing physical inertia from wind turbines.  相似文献   

储能技术可用于提高风电并网能力,因此其储能系统及控制策略成为研究热点。提出将燃氢燃气轮机作为储能系统主要部分,低通滤波器结合模糊控制作为其平抑风功率的控制策略。通过设定储氢罐容量,对15台1.5 MW风机的历史风功率数据进行了处理。结果表明:低通滤波器结合模糊控制能有效平抑风功率至限制值,实现平抑指标,并得到储氢罐容量的设置限制;可实现储能时燃气轮机不工作,耗能时燃气轮机工作,当储氢罐容量为0.017 m3时,燃气轮机输出功率为0.1 MW。在将燃气轮机作为平抑风功率的储能系统时,需将燃气轮机的启停控制作为今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

Using output from a high‐resolution meteorological simulation, we evaluate the sensitivity of southern California wind energy generation to variations in key characteristics of current wind turbines. These characteristics include hub height, rotor diameter and rated power, and depend on turbine make and model. They shape the turbine's power curve and thus have large implications for the energy generation capacity of wind farms. For each characteristic, we find complex and substantial geographical variations in the sensitivity of energy generation. However, the sensitivity associated with each characteristic can be predicted by a single corresponding climate statistic, greatly simplifying understanding of the relationship between climate and turbine optimization for energy production. In the case of the sensitivity to rotor diameter, the change in energy output per unit change in rotor diameter at any location is directly proportional to the weighted average wind speed between the cut‐in speed and the rated speed. The sensitivity to rated power variations is likewise captured by the percent of the wind speed distribution between the turbines rated and cut‐out speeds. Finally, the sensitivity to hub height is proportional to lower atmospheric wind shear. Using a wind turbine component cost model, we also evaluate energy output increase per dollar investment in each turbine characteristic. We find that rotor diameter increases typically provide a much larger wind energy boost per dollar invested, although there are some zones where investment in the other two characteristics is competitive. Our study underscores the need for joint analysis of regional climate, turbine engineering and economic modeling to optimize wind energy production. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浓缩风能型风力发电机具有起动风速低、发电时间长、风能利用率高等优点。根据浓缩风能型风力发电机的形体结构,设计了基于89C51单片机的迎风自动控制系统。整个系统可在风向变化超过-15~15°时自动迎风,达到了设计要求,为浓缩风能型风力发电机组向中、大型并网发电机组发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

储能技术可以解决可再生能源大规模并网的波动问题。文章以大规模可再生能源接入地区电网侧储能为研究对象,重点关注改善大规模可再生能源接入地区频率稳定的控制方法。首先通过灵敏度分析,求取影响频率特征指标的主导参数;对比不同技术路线的虚拟惯量控制策略,提出了计及储能频率控制策略的电力系统频率响应模型,用于分析不同频率控制策略对实际电网的惯量支撑能力;最后利用Matlab/Simulink建立某可再生能源高占比区域电网频率响应模型,验证不同虚拟惯量支撑手段对于改善频率特征指标的有效性。  相似文献   

通过对大型风力发电机组结构进行合理简化,应用机械能守恒原理,推导出机组固有频率与自振周期的计算公式。方法简便实用,精度能满足工程要求,对大型风力机组总体的初始设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, it is reported that energy capacitor system (ECS), which combines power electronic devices and electric double‐layer capacitor, can significantly decrease voltage and power fluctuations of grid‐connected fixed‐speed wind generator. The proper selection of wind farm output power reference is still a problem for smoothing the wind farm output power. This paper proposes exponential moving average to generate the reference output power of a grid‐connected wind farm. The objective of the control system is to follow the line power reference by absorbing or providing real power to or from the ECS. Moreover, the necessary reactive power can also be supplied to keep the wind farm terminal voltage at the desired reference level. Real wind speed data were used in the simulation analyses, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Simulation results clearly show that our proposed ECS can be suitable for wind power application. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact on the mechanical loads of a wind turbine due to a previously proposed hydraulic‐pneumatic flywheel system is analysed. Load simulations are performed for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 5‐MW wind turbine using fatigue, aerodynamics, structures, and turbulence (FAST). It is discussed why FAST is applied although it cannot simulate variable rotor inertia. Several flywheel configurations, which increase the rotor inertia of the 5‐MW wind turbine by 15%, are implemented in the 61.5‐m rotor blade. Load simulations are performed twice for each configuration: Firstly, the flywheel system is discharged, and secondly, the flywheel is charged. The change in ultimate and fatigue loads on the tower, the low speed shaft, and the rotor blades is juxtaposed for all flywheel configurations. As the blades are mainly affected by the flywheel system, the increase in ultimate and fatigue loads of the blade is evaluated. Simulation results show that the initial design of the flywheel system causes the lowest impact on the mechanical loads of the rotor blades although this configuration is the heaviest.  相似文献   

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