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储能技术可以解决可再生能源大规模并网的波动问题。文章以大规模可再生能源接入地区电网侧储能为研究对象,重点关注改善大规模可再生能源接入地区频率稳定的控制方法。首先通过灵敏度分析,求取影响频率特征指标的主导参数;对比不同技术路线的虚拟惯量控制策略,提出了计及储能频率控制策略的电力系统频率响应模型,用于分析不同频率控制策略对实际电网的惯量支撑能力;最后利用Matlab/Simulink建立某可再生能源高占比区域电网频率响应模型,验证不同虚拟惯量支撑手段对于改善频率特征指标的有效性。  相似文献   

近日,国家发展改革委等部门联合下发通知,要求发电调度中优先考虑可再生能源和低能耗机组发电。  相似文献   

<正>中国近年来大力发展可再生能源收效明显,已成为全球可再生能源利用规模最大的国家。截至2014年上半年,中国水电装机容量达到2.9亿kW,风电装机容量达到8300万kW,太阳能发电装机容量达到2200万kW。其中可再生能源发电装机超过全部发电装机的30%。  相似文献   

8月6日,由国家能源局组织制定的《可再生能源发展“十二五”规划》(简称《规划》)正式发布。根据《规划》到2015年,可再生能源年利用量在能源消费中的比重达到9.5%以上。这将意味着在国内电力体系中,占比较小的可再生能源发电正在逐步提升。  相似文献   

目前,日本的有关部门正在加紧对可再生能源发电技术进行研究,研究内容包括太阳能、风能、波力发电、温差发电、生物能和地热发电利用技术等,其中最受重视的是太阳能发电。在研究超高效太阳能电池方面,日本已经达到在锗和硅片上形成结晶,每平方厘米单晶上的能量转换率分别达到30.9%和17.9%,  相似文献   

世界可再生能源发展动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
时璟丽 《中国能源》2006,28(11):26-29
本文主要介绍了自2005年以来世界可再生能源,尤其是在发电领域的总体发展态势和技术发展动向,并对可再生能源发展趋势和前景进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

周篁 《节能技术》2001,19(6):3-3,5
我国可再生能源发电产业现状及背景我国目前已拥有 3亿千瓦的电力装机 ,国电公司全额投资、控股或掺股的电厂占总装机的一半左右。全国发电量达到 1.2万亿千瓦时。其中火力发电量占总发电量的 74 .5 % ,可再生能源发电不足 1‰ (未包括小水电 )。风力发电总装机容量 34万千瓦 ,风机国产化率可达 4 0 %以上 ;太阳能光伏发电总装机容量 2万千瓦 ,9个国内生产厂家的年生产能力达 1万千瓦以上。我国电力行业发展的传统模式是“大机组、大电网、高电压、集中供电”。今后很长一段时间内 ,我国电力行业还将继续沿着这样的模式发展。但是这种模式是…  相似文献   

周篁 《节能》2001,(8):3-4
1我国可再生能源发电产业现状及背景 我国目前已拥有3亿kw的电力装机.国电公司全额投资、控股或参股的电厂占总装机的一半左右.全国发电量达到12000亿kWh。其中火力发电量占总发电量的74.5%,可再生能源发电不足1‰(未包括小水电).风力发电总装机容量34万kW ,风机国产化率可达40%以上;太阳能光伏发电总装机容量2万kW,9个国内生产厂家的年生产能力达1万kW以上.我国电力行业发展的传统模式是“大机组、大电网,高电压、集中供电”.今后很长一段时间内,还将继续沿着这样的模式发展.但是这种模式是…  相似文献   

可再生能源应用的重要领域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马重芳  底冰  吴玉庭 《中国能源》2005,27(9):11-13,46
建筑能源具有品位低,温度范围窄,与自然能源的温度接近三大特点,这三大特点决定了可再生能源是建筑用能的首选。通过热泵的提升,可以将土壤能、地表水能、海洋能应用到建筑中,这一技术已在国外得到大规模利用。太阳能热发电是另一种最有希望与传统发电方式竞争的可再生能源发电方式。  相似文献   

J.K. Kaldellis   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(7):1665-1677
According to long-term wind speed measurements the Aegean Archipelago possesses excellent wind potential, hence properly designed wind energy applications can substantially contribute to fulfill the energy requirements of the island societies. On top of this, in most islands the electricity production cost is extremely high, while significant insufficient power supply problems are often encountered, especially during the summer. Unfortunately, the stochastic behaviour of the wind and the important fluctuations of daily and seasonal electricity load pose a strict penetration limit for the contribution of wind energy in the corresponding load demand. The application of this limit is necessary in order to avoid hazardous electricity grid fluctuations and to protect the existing thermal power units from operating near or below their technical minima. In this context, the main target of the proposed study is to present an integrated methodology able to estimate the maximum wind energy penetration in autonomous electrical grids on the basis of the available wind potential existing in the Aegean Archipelago area. For this purpose a large number of representative wind potential types have been investigated and interesting conclusions have been derived.  相似文献   

We present the results of an analysis of the performance of a photovoltaic array that complement the power output of a wind turbine generator in a stand-alone renewable energy system based on hydrogen production for long-term energy storage. The procedure for estimating hourly solar radiation, for a clear sunny day, from the daily average solar insolation is also given. The photovoltaic array power output and its effective contribution to the load as well as to the energy storage have been determined by using the solar radiation usability concept. The excess and deficit of electrical energy produced from the renewable energy sources, with respect to the load, govern the effective energy management of the system and dictate the operation of an electrolyser and a fuel cell generator. This performance analysis is necessary to determine the effective contribution from the photovoltaic array and the wind turbine generator and their contribution to the load as well as for energy storage.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodology for risk analysis and portfolio optimization of power generation assets with hydro, wind, and solar power, considering the Regulated Contracting Environment and the Mechanism for Reallocation of Energy in Brazil. Innovative stochastic models are used to generate synthetic time series for the random variables water inflow, wind speed, solar irradiance, temperature of the photovoltaic panel, and average generation capacity of the Mechanism for Reallocation of Energy. The simulation is implemented using the Monte Carlo method associated with a Cholesky decomposition. An economic approach is presented taking into account taxation and financing, as well as the Markowitz Portfolio theory. The results show that the initial correlation between the energy resources is altered by the cash flow model and mainly by the debt. In the diversification process, the complementarity between sources helps to reduce the economic risk. The increase in debt increases the correlation, decreases the return and risk and, consequently, affects the diversification process and economic results. The Mechanism for Reallocation of Energy significantly reduces the hydroelectric economic risk and increases the financial return, which directly benefits the formation of portfolios.  相似文献   

德国可再生能源法及其风能开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一德国可再生能源法德国是世界上最重视可再生能源开发和利用的国家之一。在德国,可再生能源发展很快,其主要因素是德国政府给于可再生能源以强有力的支持,制定了一个可再生能源法。此法于2000年4月1日开始实行,是目前世界上第一部可再生能源法。德国制定可再生能源法的目的在于提高德国的可再生能源在总能源中的比重,由当时的5%提高到2010年的10%。那么,德国的可再生能源法有些什么主要内容和有效的措施呢?本文作一些介绍。其主要的内容和措施包括让可再生能源发电上网,并给于一定的奖励。为了解释方便,现在以一个…  相似文献   

In this study a model of the Irish energy-system was developed using EnergyPLAN based on the year 2007, which was then used for three investigations. The first compares the model results with actual values from 2007 to validate its accuracy. The second illustrates the exposure of the existing Irish energy-system to future energy costs by considering future fuel prices, CO2 prices, and different interest rates. The final investigation identifies the maximum wind penetration feasible on the 2007 Irish energy-system from a technical and economic perspective, as wind is the most promising fluctuating renewable resource available in Ireland. It is concluded that the reference model simulates the Irish energy-system accurately, the annual fuel costs for Ireland's energy could increase by approximately 58% from 2007 to 2020 if a business-as-usual scenario is followed, and the optimum wind penetration for the existing Irish energy-system is approximately 30% from both a technical and economic perspective based on 2020 energy prices. Future studies will use the model developed in this study to show that higher wind penetrations can be achieved if the existing energy-system is modified correctly. Finally, these results are not only applicable to Ireland, but also represent the issues facing many other countries.  相似文献   

The Optimal Renewable Energy Model (OREM) has been developed to determine the optimum level of renewable energy sources utilisation in India for the year 2020–21. The model aims at minimising costefficiency ratio and determines the optimum allocation of different renewable energy sources for various end-uses. The extent of social acceptance level, potential limit, demand and reliability will decide the renewable energy distribution pattern and are hence used as constraints in the model. In this paper, the performance and reliability of wind energy system and its effects on OREM model has been analysed. The demonstration windfarm (4 MW) which is situated in Muppandal, a village in the southern part of India, has been selected for the study. The windfarm has 20 wind turbine machines of 200 KW capacity. The average technical availability, real availability and capacity factor have been analysed from 1991 to 1995 and they are found to be 94.1%, 76.4% and 25.5% respectively. The reliability factor of wind energy system is found to be 0.5 at 10,000 hours. The OREM model is analysed considering the above said factors for wind energy system, solar energy system and biomass energy systems. The model selects wind energy for pumping end-use to an extent of 0.3153×1015 KJ.  相似文献   

在考虑信息通信系统和电力物理系统深度交互耦合的高比例可再生能源主动配电系统中,配电网优化规划决策不可避免地受到通信网络性能的影响。文章提出基于时变通信拓扑的可再生能源主动配电系统规划模型。首先基于电力信息物理深度融合系统和非理想时变通信拓扑特征在高比例可再生能源配电网规划中的作用机理,提出基于多智能体的主动配电系统规划架构;其次引入多智能体系统协同控制方法,研究具有通信时延和攻击行为节点的复杂网络环境下通信时延多智能体系统,提出具有自适应能力的一致性控制方法;最后通过仿真算例验证了所提方法对于具有通信时延和遭遇恶意节点攻击下可再生能源主动配电系统规划安全一致的有效性,并通过电压偏移灵敏度测试,验证了信息传输质量对于物理系统的影响。考虑多智能体主动配电系统物理系统和信息系统的协同规划,有利于配电网安全、可靠、稳定运行,能够为主动配电系统优化规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Fuzzy logic control based maximum power tracking of a wind energy system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper a utility interactive wind energy conversion system (WECS) with an asynchronous (AC–DC–AC) link is described. The control system has the objective of identifying and extracting the maximum power from the wind energy system and transferring this power to utility. A fuzzy logic control (FLC) technique has been implemented to design the tracking controller of the WECS. A wind speed step model was used in the design phase. The performance of the WECS with the proposed fuzzy logic controller is tested using real meteorological data. Its robustness and effectiveness are demonstrated by the simulation results of the controlled system.  相似文献   

Recently, with increasing improvements in the penetration of wind power and photovoltaic power in the world, probabilistic small signal stability analysis (PSSSA) of a power system consisting of multiple types of renewable energy has become a key problem. To address this problem, this study proposes a probabilistic collocation method (PCM)-based PSSSA for a power system consisting of wind farms and photovoltaic farms. Compared with the conventional Monte Carlo method, the proposed method meets the accuracy and precision requirements and greatly reduces the computation; therefore, it is suitable for the PSSSA of this power system. Case studies are conducted based on a 4-machine 2-area and New England systems, respectively. The simulation results show that, by reducing synchronous generator output to improve the penetration of renewable energy, the probabilistic small signal stability (PSSS) of the system is enhanced. Conversely, by removing part of the synchronous generators to improve the penetration of renewable energy, the PSSS of the system may be either enhanced or deteriorated.  相似文献   

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