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籼型两系杂交稻稻米品质性状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用 4个籼型光温敏不育系与 9个籼型恢复系配组杂交 ,分析了 9个稻米外观及加工品质性状杂种一代的表现、配合力效应及其相关显著性。结果表明 ,杂种一代糙米率的达标率最高 ,而整精米率的达标率最低 ;不育系中的培矮 6 4S、恢复系中的HR1 5 7和HR1 5具有较好的一般配合力 ;品质性状优良的杂交组合 ,其双亲的一般配合力均较好 ;偏相关分析表明糙米率和整精米率均为独立性状 ,垩白粒率与米粒长度呈显著负相关 ,与垩白度及米粒宽度呈显著正相关 ,而米粒长与宽呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

利用4个籼型光温敏不育系与9个籼型恢复系配组杂交,分析了9个稻米外观及加工品质性状杂种一代的表现,配合力效应及其相关显著性,结果表明,杂种一代糙米率的达标率最高,而整精米达标率最低,不育系中的培矮64S,恢复系中的HR157和HR15具有较好的一般配合力,品质性状优良的杂交组合,其双亲的一般配合力均较好,偏相关分析表明糙米率和整精度米率均为独立性状,垩白粒率与米粒长度呈显著负相关,与垩白度及米粒宽度呈显著正相关,而米粒长与宽呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

应用模糊综合评判的方法 ,对 16个甘蔗杂交组合的 F1代实生苗五个主要性状进行综合评价。较为优良的杂交组合有湛农 83/ 144×湛家 83/ 67、粤糖 59/ 65×CP4 9/ 50、湛农 83/ 144×崖城 57/ 2 5。其评价的结果与实际情况较为吻合。模糊综合评价方法在甘蔗杂交组合的综合评价上 ,具有较为简便、准确的优势  相似文献   

在选配早籼杂交稻强优组合的育种过程中 ,产量与品质的协调性已引起育种者高度重视。而产量与品质性状较多 ,关系复杂。有关水稻品质性状研究的报道较多 ,张业云[1] 研究了杂交稻的品质对出品率的影响 ;甄海等[2 ] 对广东籼稻品种品质性状进行了相关与通径分析 ;李成荃、程融等[3 ]也进行了杂交粳稻品种品质性状的遗传研究 ;赵镛洛等[4 ] 则通过因子分析方法 ,研究了北方早粳稻米品质。在水稻丰产性状研究方面 ,陈伟栋等[5] 对华南水稻品种叶片及产量性状进行了因子分析 ,并探讨了高产水稻品种的理想因子模型。而对水稻产量与品质性状间的综…  相似文献   

转基因水稻恢复系产量构成性状的杂种优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明转抗真菌蛋白基因水稻的杂种优势利用价值,选用6个转基因的水稻恢复系与多个不育系杂交,计算转基因水稻恢复系杂种一代的超父优势、超原种优势和单株产量竞争优势,并对其产量构成性状进行相关与通径分析。结果表明:不同品种或同一品种的不同转基因株系间的超父优势表现不同,整体上优势较明显的性状是有效穗数和单株产量;七丝软占转化后代的杂种F1普遍存在显著正向超原种优势,而E32转化后代所配杂种的超原种优势则较多表现为负值;产量竞争优势分析结果则表明转基因水稻选配优良组合几率并不比常规育种方法低,其中E10、EF38的杂种F1存在较强的产量竞争优势;对转化后代杂种F1的单株产量贡献最大的性状依次为有效穗、穗实粒数和千粒重。  相似文献   

为探明转抗真菌蛋白基因水稻的杂种优势利用价值,选用6个转基因的水稻恢复系与多个不育系杂交,计算转基因水稻恢复系杂种一代的超父优势、超原种优势和单株产量竞争优势,并对其产量构成性状进行相关与通径分析。结果表明:不同品种或同一品种的不同转基因株系间的超父优势表现不同,整体上优势较明显的性状是有效穗数和单株产量;七丝软占转化后代的杂种F1普遍存在显著正向超原种优势,而E32转化后代所配杂种的超原种优势则较多表现为负值;产量竞争优势分析结果则表明转基因水稻选配优良组合几率并不比常规育种方法低,其中E10、EF38的杂种F1存在较强的产量竞争优势;对转化后代杂种F1的单株产量贡献最大的性状依次为有效穗、穗实粒数和千粒重。  相似文献   

采用平衡巢式设计方法和人工授精技术,构建九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)12个半同胞家系和36个全同胞家系(每个雄鲍配3个雌鲍),分别测定每个母系生长到8月龄的全同胞个体30个后代的壳长、壳宽和体质量,应用数量遗传学的全同胞组内相关分析法,利用SPSS软件的GLM过程计算表型变量的原因方差组分,估算九孔鲍8月龄生长性状的遗传力以及性状间遗传相关和表型相关。结果表明:利用父系半同胞组内相关法估计的遗传力是九孔鲍各生长性状遗传力的无偏估计值,其中壳长、壳宽和体质量性状的狭义遗传力的估计值分别为0.285、0.264和0.343,属于中高等遗传力,显示出较高的选择育种潜力;基于父系半同胞遗传协方差组分及表型协方差分别估计的各性状间的遗传相关和表型相关表明,各性状间均表现出高的正相关,其中壳长―壳宽、壳长―体质量和壳宽―体质量性状间遗传相关的相关系数分别为0.947、0.934、0.902,表型相关的相关系数分别为0.910、0.791、0.760。经t检验,各性状间遗传相关和表型相关均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。研究表明,以任何一个生长性状为参数进行选育,均可达到改良九孔鲍生长的效果。  相似文献   

以东莞野生稻为细胞质供体,梅青B×II-32B的后代为细胞核供体,经杂交和连续多代回交核置换,转育成新质源三系不育系湛A。选育结果:湛A育性稳定,不育株率100%,花粉不育度99.95%,典败花粉率95.64%,异交结实率高,抗稻瘟病,中抗白叶枯病,恢复谱较广,配合力好。  相似文献   

通过对湛江地区水稻品种的耐盐性、品质性状及主要农艺性状进行分析,结果表明,"咸水禾”品种具有一定的耐盐性,可用1/5海水灌溉,但其耐盐性不高;灌溉水含盐量的高低,对株高和穗粒结构影响较大;3个品种的出糙率均偏低,外观品质较差.并指出增强抗盐性、提高品质应是目前改良耐盐水稻地方品种的主攻方向.  相似文献   


Microorganisms plays an important role in the growth of Pyropia haitanensis. To understand the structural and functional diversity of the microorganism community of P. haitanensis(PH40), the associated metabolic pathway network in cluster of orthologous groups(COG) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG), and carbohydrate-active enzymes(CAZymes) were explored in metagenomic analysis. DNA extraction from gametophytes of P. haitanensis was performed first, followed by library construction, sequencing, preprocessing of sequencing data, taxonomy assignment, gene prediction, and functional annotation. The results show that the predominant microorganisms of P. haitanensis were bacteria(98.98%), and the phylum with the highest abundance was Proteobacteria(54.64%), followed by Bacteroidetes(37.92%). Erythrobacter(3.98%) and Hyunsoonleella jejuensis(1.56%) were the genera and species with the highest abundance of bacteria, respectively. The COG annotation demonstrated that genes associated with microbial metabolism was the predominant category. The results of metabolic pathway annotation show that the ABC transport system and two-component system were the main pathways in the microbial community. Plant growth hormone biosynthesis pathway and multi-vitamin biosynthesis functional units(modules) were the other important pathways. The CAZyme annotation revealed that the starch might be an important carbon source for microorganisms. Glycosyl transferase family 2(GT2) and glycosyl transferase family 3(GT3) were the highly abundant families in glucoside transferase superfamily. Six metagenome-assembled genomes containing enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of cobalamin(vitamin B 12) and indole-3-acetic acid were obtained by binning method. They were confirmed to belong to Rhodobacterales and Rhizobiales, respectively. Our findings provide comprehensive insights into the microorganism community of Pyropia.  相似文献   

本文以山东省寿光市北部数量众多的废弃盐田和盐碱地为例,结合基础现状分析,介绍了废弃盐田和盐碱地复垦的必要性,提出了综合开发利用的“六个模式”,以期多措并举,助力寿光北部盐田和盐碱地生态全面恢复,打造更高水平的“寿北粮仓”。废弃盐田和盐碱地治理需要遵循客观规律和科学理念,因地制宜,因地施策,创新性采用林盐结合、无土栽培、盐光互补等多种举措,为废弃盐田和盐碱地生态修复提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The preferential flow tends to result in the loss of irriga- tion water and nutrients. The formation of the preferen- tial flow was caused by various factors, such as soil structure, tillage, worm cavity and root channeling rup- ture (Pot et al., 2005). Besides, frozen rupture can not be ignored in the northeastern China where the lowest tem- perature reaches -40℃ (Wang et al., 1993). There are several types of preferential flow, such as bypass flow, channeling flow and macro…  相似文献   

We estimated the reproductive success of adult brood fish and the heritability of growth-related traits for large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). We created two independent full-factorial cross groups (1 and 2) by crossing 4 males×4 females and 4 males×3 females, respectively. We measured the body weight (BW), body length (BL), and body height (BH) of 281 individuals from group 1 and 318 individuals from group 2 at 20 months post hatch (harvest age). We also collected a tissue sample from each individual. The parents and offspring were genotyped using six polymorphic microsatellites. Of the 599 offspring, 99.2% were assigned to a single pair of parents. In both groups, some parent pairs produced a large number of offsprings while other pairs did not produce any offspring. The genetic diversity and putative Ne were lower in the offsprings than in the parents in both groups. The heritability estimates at 20-month age were 0.13±0.10 for BW, 0.19±0.13 for BL, and 0.09±0.06 for BH. The genetic and phenotype correlation between BW, BL, and BH was close to 1. The results provide basic information for selective breeding and further genetic characterization of large yellow croaker.  相似文献   

Gao  Fan  Nan  Fangru  Feng  Jia    Junping  Liu  Qi  Liu  Xudong  Xie  Shulian 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2336-2362
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Salt stress is an abiotic stress to plants in especially saline lakes. Dunaliella, a halophilic microalga distributed throughout salt lakes and seas, can...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIrrigated ricefieldsarecharacterizedbylargespatialandtemporalvariationsin CH4 emissiontotheatmo-sphere.Accordingly,thereisagreatuncertaintyintheestimate ofCH4 emissionsfromricefields.GreateffortshavebeenmadetoestimatetheCH4 emissionsfromricefieldsandseveralapproacheshavebeendeveloped.TherepresentativemethodsincludetheIPCC(Inter-governmentPanelofClimateChange)region-specificemissionfactormethodandthemodelcalculationmethod.Toimprovethecalculationaccuracy,theIPCCmethodreq…  相似文献   

In this study,a polysaccharide from Enteromorpha prolifera(EP)was extracted and its effect on maize seedlings under NaCl stress was investigated.Firstly,the components and structure of the EP were determined.We found that EP is a sulfated polysaccharide of high-molecular weight(Mw,1 840 KDa)heteropoly saccharides and the main mono saccharide is rhamno se.The poly saccharide was applied to explore its effect on the growth of maize seedlings and its defense response under a salt stress.The results show that EP could promote the growth of maize seedlings under the salt stress.In addition,EP was shown able to significantly regulate membrane permeability and adjustment of osmotic substances such as soluble protein,soluble sugar,and proline,antioxidant enzymes containing superoxide dismutase,catalase,peroxidase,and ascorbate peroxidase.Therefore,EP is an effective salt-resistant substance for the growth of maize seedlings under NaCl stress.  相似文献   

为了鉴定杂交种子与父母本的亲缘关系,用20条随机引物和21条ISSR引物在供试的一组三系杂交水稻F1、父母本及对照进行扩增。20条RAPD引物共扩增出78个条带,其中28条为多态性条带;21条ISSR引物共扩增出72个条带,其中多态性条带为20条。将这些多态性条带进行聚类分析,F1与父、母亲缘关系较近归为一类,随后它们才与对照归为一类。结果表明RAPD和ISSR引物的PCR扩增均能有效地鉴定三系杂交水稻的杂种F1与组合中父、母本的遗传关系。与RAPD相比ISSR引物在三系杂交水稻及其父母本的鉴定中具有稳定性更好的优点。  相似文献   

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