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Spherical harmonic synthesis (SHS) of gravity field functionals at the Earth’s surface requires the use of heights. The present study investigates the gradient approach as an efficient yet accurate strategy to incorporate height information in SHS at densely spaced multiple points. Taylor series expansions of commonly used functionals quasigeoid heights, gravity disturbances and vertical deflections are formulated, and expressions of their radial derivatives are presented to arbitrary order. Numerical tests show that first-order gradients, as introduced by Rapp (J Geod 71(5):282–289, 1997) for degree 360 models, produce cm- to dm-level RMS approximation errors over rugged terrain when applied with EGM2008 to degree 2190. Instead, higher-order Taylor expansions are recommended that are capable of reducing approximation errors to insignificance for practical applications. Because the height information is separated from the actual synthesis, the gradient approach can be applied along with existing highly efficient SHS routines to compute surface functionals at arbitrarily dense grid points. This confers considerable computational savings (above or well above one order of magnitude) over conventional point-by-point SHS. As an application example, an ultra-high resolution model of surface gravity functionals (EurAlpGM2011) is constructed over the entire European Alps that incorporates height information in the SHS at 12,000,000 surface points. Based on EGM2008 and residual topography data, quasigeoid heights, gravity disturbances and vertical deflections are estimated at ~200m resolution. As a conclusion, the gradient approach is efficient and accurate for high-degree SHS at multiple points at the Earth’s surface.  相似文献   

The paper deals with data filtering on closed surfaces using linear and nonlinear diffusion equations. We define a surface finite-volume method to approximate numerically parabolic partial differential equations on closed surfaces, namely on a sphere, ellipsoid or the Earth’s surface. The closed surface as a computational domain is approximated by a polyhedral surface created by planar triangles and we construct a dual co-volume grid. On the co-volumes we define a weak formulation of the problem by applying Green’s theorem to the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Then the finite-volume method is applied to discretize the weak formulation. Weak forms of elliptic operators are expressed through surface gradients. In our numerical scheme we use a piece-wise linear approximation of a solution in space and the backward Euler time discretization. Furthermore, we extend a linear diffusion on surface to the regularized surface Perona–Malik model. It represents a nonlinear diffusion equation, which at the same time reduces noise and preserves main edges and other details important for a correct interpretation of the real data. We present four numerical experiments. The first one has an illustrative character showing how an additive noise is filtered out from an artificial function defined on a sphere. Other three examples deal with the real geodetic data on the Earth’s surface, namely (i) we reduce a stripping noise from the GOCE satellite only geopotential model up to degree 240, (ii) we filter noise from the real GOCE measurements (the component $T_{zz})$ , and (iii) we reduce a stripping noise from the satellite only mean dynamic topography at oceans. In all experiments we focus on a comparison of the results obtained by both the linear and nonlinear models presenting advantages of the nonlinear diffusion.  相似文献   

Time-varying Stokes coefficients estimated from GRACE satellite data are routinely converted into mass anomalies at the Earth’s surface with the expression proposed for that purpose by Wahr et al. (J Geophys Res 103(B12):30,205–30,229, 1998). However, the results obtained with it represent mass transport at the spherical surface of 6378 km radius. We show that the accuracy of such conversion may be insufficient, especially if the target area is located in a polar region and the signal-to-noise ratio is high. For instance, the peak values of mean linear trends in 2003–2015 estimated over Greenland and Amundsen Sea embayment of West Antarctica may be underestimated in this way by about 15%. As a solution, we propose an updated expression for the conversion of Stokes coefficients into mass anomalies. This expression is based on the assumptions that: (i) mass transport takes place at the reference ellipsoid and (ii) at each point of interest, the ellipsoidal surface is approximated by the sphere with a radius equal to the current radial distance from the Earth’s center (“locally spherical approximation”). The updated expression is nearly as simple as the traditionally used one but reduces the inaccuracies of the conversion procedure by an order of magnitude. In addition, we remind the reader that the conversion expressions are defined in spherical (geocentric) coordinates. We demonstrate that the difference between mass anomalies computed in spherical and ellipsoidal (geodetic) coordinates may not be negligible, so that a conversion of geodetic colatitudes into geocentric ones should not be omitted.  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for Earths gravity field modeling on the basis of satellite accelerations that are derived from precise orbit data. The functional model rests on Newtons second law. The computational procedure is based on the pre-conditioned conjugate-gradient (PCCG) method. The data are treated as weighted average accelerations rather than as point-wise ones. As a result, a simple three-point numerical differentiation scheme can be used to derive them. Noise in the orbit-derived accelerations is strongly dependent on frequency. Therefore, the key element of the proposed technique is frequency-dependent data weighting. Fast convergence of the PCCG procedure is ensured by a block-diagonal pre-conditioner (approximation of the normal matrix), which is derived under the so-called Colombo assumptions. Both uninterrupted data sets and data with gaps can be handled. The developed technique is compared with other approaches: (1) the energy balance approach (based on the energy conservation law) and (2) the traditional approach (based on the integration of variational equations). Theoretical considerations, supported by a numerical study, show that the proposed technique is more accurate than the energy balance approach and leads to approximately the same results as the traditional one. The former finding is explained by the fact that the energy balance approach is only sensitive to the along-track force component. Information about the cross-track and the radial component of the gravitational potential gradient is lost because the corresponding force components do no work and do not contribute to the energy balance. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed technique is much (possibly, orders of magnitude) faster than the traditional one because it does not require the computation of the normal matrix. Hints are given on how the proposed technique can be adapted to the explicit assembling of the normal matrix if the latter is needed for the computation of the model covariance matrix.Acknowledgments. Professor R. Klees is thanked for support of the project and for numerous fruitful discussions. The authors are also thankful to Dr. J. Kusche for useful remarks and to Dr. E. Schrama, his solid background in satellite geodesy proved to be very helpful. A large number of valuable comments were made by Dr. S.-C. Han, Dr. P. Schwintzer, and an anonymous reviewer; their contribution is greatly acknowledged. The satellite orbits used in the numerical study were kindly provided by Dr. P. Visser (Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology). Access to the SGI Origin 3800 computer was provided by Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), grant SG-027.  相似文献   

Comparisons between high-degree models of the Earth’s topographic and gravitational potential may give insight into the quality and resolution of the source data sets, provide feedback on the modelling techniques and help to better understand the gravity field composition. Degree correlations (cross-correlation coefficients) or reduction rates (quantifying the amount of topographic signal contained in the gravitational potential) are indicators used in a number of contemporary studies. However, depending on the modelling techniques and underlying levels of approximation, the correlation at high degrees may vary significantly, as do the conclusions drawn. The present paper addresses this problem by attempting to provide a guide on global correlation measures with particular emphasis on approximation effects and variants of topographic potential modelling. We investigate and discuss the impact of different effects (e.g., truncation of series expansions of the topographic potential, mass compression, ellipsoidal versus spherical approximation, ellipsoidal harmonic coefficient versus spherical harmonic coefficient (SHC) representation) on correlation measures. Our study demonstrates that the correlation coefficients are realistic only when the model’s harmonic coefficients of a given degree are largely independent of the coefficients of other degrees, permitting degree-wise evaluations. This is the case, e.g., when both models are represented in terms of SHCs and spherical approximation (i.e. spherical arrangement of field-generating masses). Alternatively, a representation in ellipsoidal harmonics can be combined with ellipsoidal approximation. The usual ellipsoidal approximation level (i.e. ellipsoidal mass arrangement) is shown to bias correlation coefficients when SHCs are used. Importantly, gravity models from the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) are inherently based on this approximation level. A transformation is presented that enables a transformation of ICGEM geopotential models from ellipsoidal to spherical approximation. The transformation is applied to generate a spherical transform of EGM2008 (sphEGM2008) that can meaningfully be correlated degree-wise with the topographic potential. We exploit this new technique and compare a number of models of topographic potential constituents (e.g., potential implied by land topography, ocean water masses) based on the Earth2014 global relief model and a mass-layer forward modelling technique with sphEGM2008. Different to previous findings, our results show very significant short-scale correlation between Earth’s gravitational potential and the potential generated by Earth’s land topography (correlation +0.92, and 60% of EGM2008 signals are delivered through the forward modelling). Our tests reveal that the potential generated by Earth’s oceans water masses is largely unrelated to the geopotential at short scales, suggesting that altimetry-derived gravity and/or bathymetric data sets are significantly underpowered at 5 arc-min scales. We further decompose the topographic potential into the Bouguer shell and terrain correction and show that they are responsible for about 20 and 25% of EGM2008 short-scale signals, respectively. As a general conclusion, the paper shows the importance of using compatible models in topographic/gravitational potential comparisons and recommends the use of SHCs together with spherical approximation or EHCs with ellipsoidal approximation in order to avoid biases in the correlation measures.  相似文献   

Using a Love number formalism, the elastic deformations of the mantle and the mass redistribution gravitational potential within the Earth induced by the fluid pressure acting at the core–mantle boundary (CMB) are computed. This pressure field changes at a decadal time scale and may be estimated from observations of the surface magnetic field and its secular variation. First, using a spherical harmonic expansion, the poloidal and toroidal part of the fluid velocity field at the CMB for the last 40 years is computed, under the hypothesis of tangential geostrophy. Then the associated geostrophic pressure, whose order of magnitude is about 1000 Pa, is computed. The surface topography induced by this pressure field is computed using Love numbers, and is a few millimetres. The mass redistribution gravitational potential induced by these deformations and, in particular, the zonal components of the related surface gravitational potential perturbation (J2, J3 and J4 coefficients), are calculated. Overall perturbations for the J2 coefficient of about 10–10, for J3 of about 10–11 and for J4 are found of about 0.3×10–11. Finally, these theoretical results are compared with recent observations of the decadal variation of J2 from satellite laser ranging. Results concerning J2 can be described as follows: first, they are one order of magnitude too small to explain the observed decadal variation of J2 and, second, they show a significant linear trend over the last 40 years, whose rate of decrease amounts to 7% of the observed value.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission measures the Earth’s gravity field since March 2002. We propose a new filtering procedure for post-processing GRACE-based monthly gravity field solutions provided in the form of spherical harmonic coefficients. The procedure is tuned for the optimal estimation of linear trends and other signal components that show a systematic behavior over long time intervals. The key element of the developed methodology is the statistically optimal Wiener-type filter which makes use of the full covariance matrices of noise and signal. The developed methodology is applied to determine the mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet, both per drainage system and integrated, as well as the mass balance of the ice caps on the islands surrounding Greenland. The estimations are performed for three 2-year time intervals (2003–2004, 2005–2006, and 2007–2008), as well as for the 6-year time interval (2003–2008). The study confirms a significant difference in the behavior of the drainage systems over time. The average 6-year rate of mass loss in Greenland is estimated as 165 ± 15 Gt/year. The rate of mass loss of the ice caps on Ellesmere Island (together with Devon Island), Baffin Island, Iceland, and Svalbard is found to be 22 ± 4, 21 ± 6, 17 ± 9, and 6 ± 2 Gt/year, respectively. All these estimates are corrected for the effect of glacial isostatic adjustment.  相似文献   

G. Bourda 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):295-305
The temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field, nowadays routinely determined from satellite laser ranging (SLR) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), are related to changes in the Earth’s rotation rate through the Earth’s inertia tensor. We study this connection from actual data by comparing the traditional length-of-day (LOD) measurements provided by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) to the variations of the degree-2 and order-0 Stokes coefficient of the gravity field determined from fitting the orbits of the LAGEOS-1 and −2 satellites since 1985. The two series show a good correlation (0.62) and similar annual and semi-annual signals, indicating that the gravity-field-derived LOD is valuable. Our analysis also provides evidence for additional signals common to both series, especially at a period near 120 days, which could be due to hydrological effects.  相似文献   

This study deals with the external type of topographic–isostatic potential and gravity anomaly and its vertical derivatives, derived from the Airy/Heiskanen model for isostatic compensation. From the first and the second radial derivatives of the gravity anomaly the effect on the geoid is estimated for the downward continuation of gravity to sea level in the application of Stokes' formula. The major and regional effect is shown to be of order H 3 of the topography, and it is estimated to be negligible at sea level and modest for most mountains, but of the order of several metres for the highest and most extended mountain belts. Another, global, effect is of order H but much less significant Received: 3 October 1997 / Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

GPS data collected by satellite gravity missions can be used for extracting the long-wavelength part of the Earth’s gravity field. We propose a new data processing method which makes use of the ‘average acceleration’ approach to gravity field modelling. In this method, satellite accelerations are directly derived from GPS carrier phase measurements with an epoch-differenced scheme. As a result, no ambiguity solutions are needed and the systematic errors that do not change much from epoch to epoch are largely eliminated. The GPS data collected by the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite mission are used to demonstrate the added value of the proposed method. An analysis of the residual accelerations shows that accelerations derived in this way are more precise, with noise being reduced by about 20 and 5% at the cross-track component and the other two components, respectively, as compared to those based on kinematic orbits. The accelerations obtained in this way allow the recovery of the gravity field to a slightly higher maximum degree compared to the solution based on kinematic orbits. Furthermore, the gravity field solution has an overall better performance. Errors in spherical harmonic coefficients are smaller, especially at low degrees. The cumulative geoid height error is reduced by about 15 and 5% up to degree 50 and 150, respectively. An analysis in the spatial domain shows that large errors along the geomagnetic equator, which are caused by a high electron density coupled with large short-term variations, are substantially reduced. Finally, the new method allows for a better observation of mass transport signals. In particular, sufficiently realistic signatures of regional mass anomalies in North America and south-west Africa are obtained.  相似文献   

IntroductionRadio occultation technique was firstly appliedin the astronomic research in the 18th century .It has developed greatly by the scientists in JetPropulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Stanford Uni-versity since the 1960’s and widely usedin manymissions for planets exploration, which providedus with i mportant information about the at mos-phere of these planets[1]. In 1965 , it wasbrought forward by Fischbach that this tech-nique can be used in the research of the Earth’sat mosphere[2…  相似文献   

By using observed CHAMP orbit ephemeredes and MSISE-90 dry air model and regarding the earth as a sphere and an ellipsoid respectively, phase delays are simulated and the simulated data are retrieved under different schemes. The comparison between the inverted temperature profiles and the model temperature profiles shows that by inverting observed data, we will get temperature results with large errors if the effect of Earth’s oblateness is omitted. The correction method is proved to be effective because the temperature errors decreased obviously with this method.  相似文献   

The changing distribution of surface mass (oceans, atmospheric pressure, continental water storage, groundwater, lakes, snow and ice) causes detectable changes in the shape of the solid Earth, on time scales ranging from hours to millennia. Transient changes in the Earth’s shape can, regardless of cause, be readily separated from steady secular variation in surface mass loading, but other secular changes due to plate tectonics and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) cannot. We estimate secular station velocities from almost 11 years of high quality combined GPS position solutions (GPS weeks 1,000–1,570) submitted as part of the first international global navigation satellite system service reprocessing campaign. Individual station velocities are estimated as a linear fit, paying careful attention to outliers and offsets. We remove a suite of a priori GIA models, each with an associated set of plate tectonic Euler vectors estimated by us; the latter are shown to be insensitive to the a priori GIA model. From the coordinate time series residuals after removing the GIA models and corresponding plate tectonic velocities, we use mass-conserving continental basis functions to estimate surface mass loading including the secular term. The different GIA models lead to significant differences in the estimates of loading in selected regions. Although our loading estimates are broadly comparable with independent estimates from other satellite missions, their range highlights the need for better, more robust GIA models that incorporate 3D Earth structure and accurately represent 3D surface displacements.  相似文献   

Error analyses of CHAMP data for recovery of the Earth’s gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary commission error analysis whereby orbit perturbation theory and other techniques are used to assess and predict the recovery of the Earths gravity field from the challenging microsatellite payload (CHAMP) mission is developed and implemented. With CHAMP launched in July 2000, accumulated evidence is now available to quantify the errors in the recovery procedure including the orbital precision from GPS, attitude errors, accelerometer noise and thruster mismatch/misalignment. For the latter, numerical integrations using a variable length single-step Runge–Kutta integrator and a fixed length multi-step method are compared to assess the error associated with assuming that the thruster misalignment can be spread uniformly across a step interval. Error degree variances from simulated studies are compared to results from a recently released CHAMP-based gravity field, EIGEN-1S. It is seen that the orbital positioning, as derived from the onboard GPS receiver, is critical, with accelerometer noise contributing at a lower level. Attitude error, at currently quoted accuracy, is not significant as an error source. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. NER/A/0000/00612) for financing this study and GFZ for supplying the data and technical support.  相似文献   

Net primary production (NPP) is a crucial feature of ecosystem function and structure. Furthermore, precipitation use efficiency (PUE) is a critical indicator for exploring NPP in grassland ecosystem responses to variations in precipitation and temperature. In this study, we examined the spatial patterns of NPP and PUE in China’s grasslands from 2000 to 2010 and explored the effects of environmental factors on NPP and PUE at different scales. The results showed first that the spatial distribution of NPP and PUE decreased from the northeast to southwest. NPP increased in most places across China’s grasslands; however, there was no obvious change in PUE during 2000–2010. Second, in most regions across China’s grasslands, positive and negative correlations existed between precipitation and NPP and PUE, respectively. The spatial distribution of the relationship between temperature and NPP and PUE was consistent with the relationship between precipitation with NPP and PUE. Finally, for the gradients of the various environmental factors in different regional grassland ecosystems, on the Tibetan Plateau, there were unimodal correlations between precipitation with NPP and PUE and aridity with NPP and PUE, but a positive linear correlation existed for temperature with NPP and PUE. However, in the Inner Mongolian Plateau, there were positive correlations between precipitation and NPP, temperature and NPP, and aridity and both NPP and PUE and negative correlations between precipitations and PUE and temperature and PUE. Our findings improve understanding of grassland ecosystem responses to global climate change and provide a basis for the protection of grassland ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the theory of the free wobble of the triaxial Earth is developed and new conclusions are drawn: the Euler period should be actually expressed by the first kind of complete elliptic integral; the trace of the free polar motion is elliptic and the orientations of its semi-minor and major axes are approximately parallel to the Earth’s principal axes A and B, respectively. In addition, the present theory shows that there is a mechanism of frequency-amplitude modulation in the Chandler wobble, whi...  相似文献   


Bertin’s first book, Semiology of Graphics, was published in 1967. His second book, Graphics and Graphic Information Processing, was subsequently published in 1977. The word “processing” in the title of the second book is interesting because in those days there were no personal computers with an interactive display system. But in Bertin’s laboratory there were many kinds of tool kits – basically manually developed thematic maps and data analysis. Bertin’s methods were concerned with making a thematic map and data visualization. Maps, and more generally graphics, were represented by sets of cartographic symbols. Thus, they are abstractions that demand both theoretical and technical literacy to represent and understand them. If the representation is systematic, a sort of tool kit might be necessary, because the representation demands consistency based on the theory. Otherwise a cartographer faces the risk of an unstable and unintelligible representation. In this paper, we discuss the discrimination between tool kits intended either for an automated system or a process assisting system. The latter process might be useful and necessary to develop a graphic way of thinking. This investigation refers to Bertin’s books, materials conserved at the National Archives in Paris, and other related software developed later.

Abbreviation: EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales inherited Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes since 1975  相似文献   

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