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Animals provide benefits to elderly and chronically ill people by decreasing loneliness, increasing social interactions, and improving mental health. As a result, many hospitals and long‐term care facilities allow family pets to visit ill or convalescing patients or support animal‐assisted therapy programs. These include programs that have resident animals in long‐term care facilities. Despite the benefits, there are concerns about disease transmission between pets and patients. Antibiotic‐resistant bacteria, such as methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are a recognized problem in healthcare settings leading to refractory infections and potentially life‐threatening illnesses. MRSA has been isolated from numerous animal species, yet few studies are available on the carriage of this pathogen in animals residing in long‐term care facilities. Our objective was to characterize MRSA carriage among resident animals in a long‐term care facility. Methods: To document MRSA colonization, nasal swabs from 12 resident animals (one dogs and 11 cats) of a long‐term care facility were collected weekly for 8 weeks. Staphylococcus isolates were characterized by antimicrobial susceptibility and MRSA isolates were further characterized by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE isolate patterns were compared with an existing database of MRSA isolate patterns at the Minnesota Department of Health. Results: Two of 11 cats were colonized with MRSA. MRSA was recovered from five of eight weekly samples in one cat and two of eight weekly samples in the other cat. All isolates were classified as USA100 (healthcare‐associated strains). Discussion: Long‐term care resident animals may acquire MRSA. Clonally related strains were identified over the 8‐week sampling period. It is unclear if pets serve as an on‐going source of infection to their human companions in long‐term care facilities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish a co‐culture of bovine hoof keratinocytes and fibroblasts in different types of perfusion chambers under defined conditions. The perfusion chamber PCS3c (Oligene, Berlin) was used to culture dermal fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes separated by a Millicell® Insert (Millipore, Schwalbach). In addition novel perfusion chambers developed by Dirk Hoffmann were used in combination with S & S membrane filters (Schleicher & Schuell, Dassel). First, fibroblasts were seeded onto one side of the insert/membrane and allowed to grow for 4 days. Subsequently keratinocytes were seeded onto the other side and allowed to adhere for one day. Then the chambers were connected to the tubing system with an attached 8‐channel pump and a gas permeable media bag. We worked with different media and flow rates ranging from 0.035 ml/min to 0.35 ml/min. The system was run for up to 20 days. After a few days in culture the cells had grown to confluence. Then keratinocytes began to differentiate and built up stratified colonies. Within these colonies the cells showed the characteristic morphology of a stratified squamous epithelium. The use of perfusion chambers allows three‐dimensional cultures to grow and survive for weeks, because of an unlimited medium supply and gas exchange. Additional, perfusion chamber systems enable the co‐cultivation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes separated by membranes, which permit the exchange of molecules like growth factors. Furthermore, it is possible to perfuse the two different parts of the perfusion chamber with various and even different types of media. This provides the opportunity to add a growth factor to the medium for only one cell type and to study the effect of this factor to the other cell type. This work was supported by the European Communities under the Lamecow project QLK5‐CT‐2002‐00969.The authors are solely responsible and the work does not necessarily represent the opinion of the European Communities.  相似文献   

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is a rare immune‐mediated dermatitis. To the best of the authors’ knowledge it has not been described in donkeys. A 5‐year‐old male neutered donkey, living in south‐east France, was diagnosed with CLE. Clinical signs included generalized symmetrical areas of alopecia, erythema, crusting and scales. Diagnostic tests included examination of skin biopsy samples by histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis which demonstrated an interface dermatitis with CD8+ T cells. The skin condition was successfully treated initially with glucocorticoids and methotrexate; successful long‐term maintenance was associated with administration of methotrexate.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin implants administered during non‐breeding season in Rasa Aragonesa rams on sperm motility parameters and other reproductive traits was assessed. In a first experiment, two Rasa Aragonesa rams were implanted (with melatonin group M), remaining other two males as control group (C). Semen of each group was collected from 1 May to 23 June, twice or three times a week, and motility parameters were assessed using a computer‐assisted sperm analysis system. Melatonin increased the percentage of progressive motile spermatozoa, particularly during 46–75 days after melatonin implantation (p < 0.01). In experiment 2, M and C in vitro fertilization ability had been determined by zona‐pellucida binding assays, using spermatozoa from experiment 1, obtained 60–70 days after melatonin was implanted. A significantly higher number of spermatozoa attached per oocyte was observed in frozen‐thawed immature ovine oocytes incubated with sperm from M animals than in those incubated with sperm from the C group (p < 0.01). Finally, a field assay (experiment 3) was performed. In this case, five Rasa Aragonesa rams were implanted with melatonin and three remained as control group. Sperm doses from those animals were used for artificial insemination of 2608 Rasa Aragonesa ewes from 39 different farms at non‐breeding season. Fertility, litter size and fecundity were studied. Semen from melatonin implanted rams seemed to increase both fertility and fecundity in ewes inseminated with spermatozoa obtained 46–60 days after implantation (p < 0.1). Thus, melatonin treatment in rams during non‐breeding season modifies sperm motility parameters and seems to improve the fertilization parameters obtained.  相似文献   



Serum bile acid concentrations (SBA) and a histopathological biopsy score [Equine Vet J 35 (2003) 534] are used prognostically in equine hepatic disease.


Histopathologic features and scores, but not SBA, differ between survivors and nonsurvivors and correlate with histopathologic evidence of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.


Retrospective study. Records (1999–2011) of horses with hepatic disease diagnosed by biopsy and with concurrent measurements of SBA.


Retrospective cohort study. Biopsies were examined for inflammatory cell infiltration including type and distribution, fibrosis, irreversible cytopathology affecting hepatocytes, hemosiderin, or other pigment deposition and bile duct proliferation. SBA, histopathological findings and a histological score [Equine Vet J 35 (2003) 534] were compared between short‐ (survival to discharge) and long‐term (>6 months) survivors and correlations between SBA and histopathological findings investigated.


Of 81 cases 90% survived short‐term and 83% long‐term. Short‐term and long‐term nonsurvival were associated with SBA (P = .009; P = .006), overall (P = .001; P = .002) and parenchymal (short‐term only; P = .01) inflammation, portal and bridging fibrosis (all P < .001), apoptosis or single cell necrosis (P < .001; P = .008), hemosiderin deposition in hepatocytes (P = .011; P = .028), biliary (both P < .001), vascular (P = .003; P = .045) and endothelial (P < .001; P = .02) hyperplasia, nucleic changes (P = .004; P < .001) and the histopathological score (both P < .001). SBA were significantly and positively correlated with overall (P = .001), parenchymal (P < .001) and portal (P = .004) inflammation and portal (P = .036) and bridging (P = .002) fibrosis.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

SBA, histopathological findings and scores differ between survivors and nonsurvivors. SBA concentrations are associated with inflammation and fibrosis suggesting interference with hepatic function. A histopathological score >2 and, less so, SBA >20 μmol/L are specific but not sensitive indicators of nonsurvival.  相似文献   

Heat stress (HS) disrupts redox balance and insulin‐related metabolism. Supplementation with supranutritional amounts of selenium (Se) may enhance glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity and reduce oxidative stress, but may trigger insulin resistance. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of a short‐term high Se supplementation on physiology, oxidative stress and insulin‐related metabolism in heat‐stressed pigs. Twenty‐four gilts were fed either a control (0.20 ppm Se) or a high Se (1.0 ppm Se yeast, HiSe) diet for 2 weeks. Pigs were then housed in thermoneutral (20°C) or HS (35°C) conditions for 8 days. Blood samples were collected to study blood Se and oxidative stress markers. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was conducted on day 8 of thermal exposure. The HS conditions increased rectal temperature and respiration rate (both p < .001). The HiSe diet increased blood Se by 12% (p < .05) and ameliorated the increase in rectal temperature (p < .05). Heat stress increased oxidative stress as evidenced by a 48% increase in plasma advanced oxidized protein products (AOPPs; p < .05), which may be associated with the reductions in plasma biological antioxidant potential (BAP) and erythrocyte GPX activity (both p < .05). The HiSe diet did not alleviate the reduction in plasma BAP or increase in AOPPs observed during HS, although it tended to increase erythrocyte GPX activity by 13% (p = .068). Without affecting insulin, HS attenuated lipid mobilization, as evidenced by a lower fasting NEFA concentration (p < .05), which was not mitigated by the HiSe diet. The HiSe diet increased insulin AUC, suggesting it potentiated insulin resistance, although this only occurred under TN conditions (p = .066). In summary, HS induced oxidative stress and attenuated lipid mobilization in pigs. The short‐term supranutritional Se supplementation alleviated hyperthermia, but did not protect against oxidative stress in heat‐stressed pigs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of a commercial European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)‐inactivated vaccine after 18‐month use in gilts/sows at a farm with high seroprevalence. In a farrow‐to‐finish farm with 1100 sows, all sows and gilts were systematically vaccinated with the PRRS‐inactivated PROGRESSIS® vaccine for a period of 18 months. Farm's reproductive and litter characteristics were longitudinally recorded for this period and historically compared with those of the year prior to vaccination. Serology, employing immunoperoxidase monolayer assay, had confirmed a high prevalence of PRRS‐specific antibodies in most age groups within the farm prior to vaccination. Seroprevalence during the experiment ranged between 0% and 100% in weaners and growers, but remained at stable high levels (>93%) in finishing pigs and gilts throughout all 2‐year period of serology measurements. No local or systemic vaccine side effects were noted throughout the trial period. Vaccinations had resulted over time in a significant improvement of sow reproductive performance (e.g. reduction of premature farrowings, abortions and increase of farrowing rate) and litter characteristics (e.g. increase of the number of live born and weaned pigs and decrease of stillborn, mummified, weak and splay‐legged piglets). It has also been observed that the higher the degree of immunization of a sow, the better the improvement of her reproductive parameters. Sows after vaccination have shown improved characteristics compared to homoparous sows prior to the application of vaccinations in the farm.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the long‐term efficacy, complications, and duration of effect of a cyclosporine (CsA) suprachoroidal implant (CSI) in horses with equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). Methods Horses with ERU were treated with a 6‐mm diameter, 25 mg, reservoir matrix CsA implant in the deep sclera adjacent to the suprachoroidal space. Horses with follow‐up >1 year were examined for frequency of uveitis episodes, complications, and vision at last recheck. Results Data from 151 eyes of 133 horses from the USA and Europe that had CsA devices implanted for ERU were reviewed. Follow‐up time ranged from 13 to 85 months after surgery, with a mean and median follow‐up time of 28.9 and 26.3 months, respectively. Overall, at last follow‐up 78.8% of eyes were considered visual and the overall mean frequency of uveitis episodes after CSI was 0.09 ± SD 0.08 episodes per month. The most common complications leading to vision loss at last follow‐up were persistent uveitis episodes (54%), glaucoma (22%), mature cataracts (16%), and retinal detachment (6%). Persistent uveitis episodes tended to be the highest cause of vision loss in horses with <24 months and >48 months of follow‐up. Conclusions This study demonstrated the long‐term maintenance of vision of horses with ERU implanted with a CSI. The increased vision loss related to uveitis episode of inflammation in eyes after the likely depletion of CsA from the CSI suggests that a repeat CSI may be required at or before 48 months after surgery.  相似文献   

A 233 kg, 4‐year‐old Welsh pony stallion presented with a unilateral coxofemoral luxation and a history of previous upward fixation of the patella. This condition was surgically managed by femoral head ostectomy using a craniodorsal approach to the luxated coxofemoral joint, without greater trochanteric osteotomy. Immediate improvement in weightbearing was observed after surgery and primary intention healing was recorded. Long‐term outcome, 4 years after surgery, was assessed by radiographic, ultrasonographic and lameness examination. The pony was in good body condition and the initial weight of this patient was restored. Despite fetlock hyperlaxity of the contralateral hindlimb, amyotrophy and mechanical lameness of the affected hindlimb, the pony showed evident comfort without apparent signs of pain and was able to trot and gallop. Bone callus was observed at imaging examination.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Acute monensin intoxication in equids is well described; however, the long‐term effects of sublethal intoxication and ability to return to previous use are less well understood. Long‐term observations may allow improved estimation of prognosis in cases of sublethal intoxication. Objectives: To assess horses and ponies exposed to sublethal amounts of monensin for evidence of chronic sequelae and ability to return to prior/intended use. Methods: Twenty‐nine horses and 8 ponies were assessed utilising serum biochemistry, treadmill exercise stress testing, electrocardiography, and pre‐ and post exercise echocardiography ≥6 weeks after ingestion of monensin‐contaminated feed. Animals with evidence of monensin‐induced cardiomyopathy were re‐examined after a period of rest of ≥11 months. Follow‐up information was obtained by owner telephone interview ≥52 months after exposure. Results: During resting echocardiography, 11 animals had reduced/low‐normal left ventricular fractional shortening (FS); an increase in FS in 8 of these animals was measured ≥11 months later. Six animals had reduced or low‐normal FS during post exercise echocardiography. Two horses had ventricular premature depolarisations during exercise. Follow‐up information was available for 35 animals: 21 returned to athletic/reproductive use, 13 were retired immediately and one died. Mean FS increased significantly (P<0.001) between initial and second examination in 15 animals that underwent resting echocardiography on 2 occasions. Conclusions: Some equids exposed to sublethal doses of monensin may not develop permanent myocardial disease and a return to athletic/reproductive use is possible. Potential relevance: Exercise stress testing, echocardiography and electrocardiography may be useful for detection and monitoring of cardiac dysfunction in equids exposed to monensin and determining whether a return to athletic/reproductive use is possible.  相似文献   

Deslorelin acetate is a GnRH agonist used for contraception in dogs. This study aimed to evaluate the treatment of pre‐pubertal female dogs with deslorelin acetate implants, to better investigate the primary stimulatory effect of the drug and the long‐term effects on the genital tract, throughout repeated treatments. Sicilian hound female dogs (24) were randomly assigned to treated group, control group 1 and control group 2. First group bitches were implanted at 4.5, 9.0 and 13.5 months and monitored clinically, ultrasonographically and endocrinologically, throughout the study period (13.5 months). Control group 1 bitches were not implanted and clinically monitored for the same period. At 18 months, the animals underwent ovariohysterectomy, thus allowing evaluation of the internal genitalia. Control group 2 bitches were ovariohysterectomized at the age of 4.5 months. The suppression of oestrus was obtained in the treated group despite the fact that the first implant caused a modest increase in plasmatic levels of 17‐beta estradiol and an evident cornification of the vaginal mucosa cells (50–80%). Estradiol and progesterone were at baseline levels for the remaining study period, in which no other oestrous manifestations were observed. The external genitalia maintained a juvenile appearance. The ovaries, ultrasonographically, showed no follicular structures and stayed the same size. At 18 months, the genital tract was still juvenile with inactive small ovaries and a thin filiform uterus. Deslorelin suppressed ovarian activity in pre‐pubertal bitches, and oestrous induction was not observed despite the presence of the primary stimulatory effect of the drug. Juvenile genitalia were an expected side effect of the treatment.  相似文献   

Although non‐destructive deformation is relevant for assessing eggshell strength, few long‐term selection experiments are documented which use non‐destructive deformation as a selection criterion. This study used restricted maximum likelihood‐based methods with a four‐trait animal model to analyze the effect of non‐destructive deformation on egg production, egg weight and sexual maturity in a two‐way selection experiment involving 17 generations of White Leghorns. In the strong shell line, corresponding to the line selected for low non‐destructive deformation values, the heritability estimates were 0.496 for non‐destructive deformation, 0.253 for egg production, 0.660 for egg weight and 0.446 for sexual maturity. In the weak shell line, corresponding to the line selected for high non‐destructive deformation values, the heritabilities were 0.372, 0.162, 0.703 and 0.404, respectively. An asymmetric response to selection was observed for non‐destructive deformation, egg production and sexual maturity, whereas egg weight decreased for both lines. Using non‐destructive deformation to select for stronger eggshell had a small negative effect on egg production and sexual maturity, suggesting the need for breeding programs to balance selection between eggshell traits and egg production traits. However, the analysis of the genetic correlation between non‐destructive deformation and egg weight revealed that large eggs are not associated with poor eggshell quality.  相似文献   

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