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The energy requirement of ewes increases during pregnancy. In late pregnancy, approximately 40% of the increase in heat production can be attributed to increases in heat production by nonreproductive tissues. The objective of this study was to determine the pattern of oxygen consumption by the portal-drained viscera (PDV) and liver during pregnancy to allow for an estimation of the extent to which these tissues contribute to the increase in energy requirement. Nineteen multiparous ewes were individually penned and allowed ad libitum access to an alfalfa hay-based diet. Catheters were surgically placed in the portal vein, a branch of the hepatic vein, a mesenteric vein, and the abdominal aorta. Oxygen consumption by the PDV and liver were subsequently measured before breeding and at 6, 19, 39, 61, 82, and, 103 d before lambing. Hepatic arterial blood flow was not influenced by litter size (P = .89) or stage of pregnancy (P = .28). Portal and hepatic venous blood flow peaked 19 d before lambing. Oxygen consumption by the PDV and liver increased with increased ad libitum feed intake. The increase in hepatic oxygen consumption occurred approximately 63 d earlier in ewes with twins than in ewes with a single fetus independent of changes in feed intake. Hepatic oxygen consumption increased with duration of gestation and was estimated to account for 40% of the heat production not associated with the gravid uterus.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine oxygen consumption by portal-drained viscera and liver in lactating ewes and to determine the relationship between this consumption and milk production. Nine multiparous ewes were individually penned and fed for ad libitum intake a diet based on alfalfa hay. Catheters were surgically placed in the portal vein, a branch of the hepatic vein, a mesenteric vein, and the abdominal aorta. Oxygen consumption by portal-drained viscera and liver was subsequently measured at 1, 3, 6, and 10 wk after parturition. The percentages of fat, protein, and SNF in milk decreased as milk production increased; however, yields of fat, protein, and SNF increased as milk production increased. Increased oxygen consumption by portal-drained viscera and liver was positively correlated with increased milk energy yield. These results indicated that the efficiency of milk energy secretion relative to energy expenditure by these tissues increases as milk production increases.  相似文献   

To define the interactions between the absorption of glycyl-L-sarcosine (Gly-Sar; .1 mM) and glycine, L-methionylglycine, glycyl-L-leucine, L-carnosine, or L-methionylglycyl-L-methionyl-L-methionine (each at 5 mM), ovine omasal epithelium was collected from eight wethers (average BW=69+/-8.2 kg) and mounted in parabiotic chambers. [1,2]-[14C]Glycyl-L-sarcosine was used as a marker to monitor the presence of Gly-Sar. The Gly-Sar concentration in the omasal epithelium after 60 min of incubation was greatest (P < .05; .0055 nmol/mg dry tissue) when only Gly-Sar was present. Glycine inhibited (P < .05) Gly-Sar movement through the tissue by 20%, and peptide substrates inhibited (P < .05) Gly-Sar movement by 60 to 85%. The appearance of Gly-Sar in serosal buffers increased quadratically (P < .001) with time. Numerically, Gly-Sar appearance in serosal buffers was stimulated by the presence of glycine and peptide substrates. In a second experiment, ovine omasal epithelium was collected from four lambs (average BW=47+/-6.0 kg) to determine the interactions of Gly-Sar absorption (.1 mM) alone or when coincubated with either 10 mM butyric acid, or with a mixture of VFA (50 mM acetic acid, 40 mM propionic acid, and 10 mM butyric acid). The movement of Gly-Sar through the omasal epithelium was greatest (P < .05) when only Gly-Sar was present, and the VFA mixture inhibited (P < .05) Gly-Sar movement by 84%. Results from these studies support the idea that peptides can be absorbed across omasal epithelium and that the process involves mediated as well as nonmediated mechanisms, including possibly paracellular transport.  相似文献   

In 34 unselected patients blood concentrations of glucose, lactate, pyruvate and free fatty acids (FFA) were determined after i.v. injection of a pressure agent containing theophylline esterified with norephedrine and theophylline esterified with norepinephrine (Akrinor) with and without beta-adrenergic blockade. After Akrinor a significant increase of FFA concentration of 32% is observed, which can be abolished by beta-receptor blocking agents. Our findings indicate that the Akrinor-induced lipolysis is mainly due to a direct sympathomimetic effect on the beta-receptors of adipose tissue. there are only slight effects on carbohydrate metabolism (decrease of pyruvate concentration, increase of lactate/pyruvate ratio) which are not influenced by beta-receptor blockade. According to our results there are important metabolic differences between Akrinor and the classical catecholamines.  相似文献   

Trans fatty acids are produced in the manufacture of margarine, and these hydrogenated fatty acids may have a deleterious effect on the reduction in fasting levels of serum cholesterol anticipated from the feeding of cis polyunsaturated fatty acids. We undertook this study in rats to test the effect of feeding trans fatty acids on the intestinal uptake of glucose, fatty acids and cholesterol. Adult female Wistar rats were fed for 2 weeks semisynthetic, isocaloric diets containing no oleic acid (18:1), cis 18:1 or trans 18:1. There was no difference between the three dietary groups in the animals' food consumption or body weight gain. Rats fed trans 18:1 had an approximately 20% decline in the total weight of the ileum as compared with controls fed no 18:1, and therefore there was also a decline in the percentage of the ileal tissue comprised of mucosa. When comparing rats fed trans 18:1 with those fed cis 18:1 or no 18:1, there was no difference in the uptake of varying concentrations of D-glucose when expressed as nmol.100 mg tissue-1.min-1 or nmol.100 mg mucosal-1.min-1 for jejunum or for ileum. Also, there was no difference in the value of the maximal transport rate (Vmax), Michaelis constant (Km), or the contribution of passive uptake of glucose assessed with L-glucose. There was no diet-associated change in the jejunal or ileal uptake of a medium-chain length fatty acid (lauric acid), a long-chain length saturated fatty acid (palmitic acid), a monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid), two polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids), or cholesterol. Thus, we conclude that 2 weeks' feeding of trans fatty acid to rats has no influence on the jejunal or ileal uptake of glucose, fatty acids or cholesterol.  相似文献   

Four fistulated Holstein cows were arranged in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to study the effects of level and type of energy source on milk yield and composition. Treatments consisted of a basal diet fed alone (low energy treatment) or with 3.3 Mcal of net energy for lactation from extra nutrients perfused either into the rumen (either propionic acid or a mixture of volatile fatty acids) or into the duodenum (glucose). Increasing the energy input without changing the volatile fatty acid profile improved milk yield and slightly increased milk protein and fat yields. Compared with the isoenergetic mixture of volatile fatty acids, both propionic acid and glucose infusions significantly decreased fat content (-4.5 g/kg) and yields (respectively, -111 and -160 g/d), but affected fatty acid proportion and yield differently (more elongation process and less C18 with glucose infusion). Protein yield was slightly increased by propionic acid infusion but not by glucose because of the counterbalanced effects on milk yield (-1.3 kg/d) and protein content (1.5 g/kg). The coagulating properties of milk were directly linked to variations in protein, casein and mineral contents. In conclusion, propionic acid or glucose scarcely affected milk protein content, but induced a similar decrease in milk fat content probably through different metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Fatty acid oxidation is generally considered the major source of energy in the heart, although lactate oxidation can be a major contributor to ATP production, depending on the concentration and availability of other competing substrates. In this study, isolated working rat hearts were used to directly determine the relationship between lactate and fatty acid oxidation to overall ATP production from exogenous sources. A range of lactate from 0.5 to 8.0 mM lactate was added to hearts perfused with buffer containing 5.5 mM glucose, and either 0.4 or 1.2 mM palmitate over a 100 min period. Rates of glycolysis, glucose oxidation, lactate oxidation, and palmitate oxidation were determined. In the presence of 0.5 mM lactate and 0.4 mM palmitate, lactate oxidation provided 17% of the ATP production and palmitate oxidation provided 68%, with the remainder coming from glucose oxidation and glycolysis. In the presence of 0.4 mM palmitate, an increase in lactate from 0.5 to 8.0 mM increased the steady state rates of lactate oxidation from 1239+/-236 to 5247+/-940 nmol/min/g dry weight, respectively. The contribution of lactate oxidation to total ATP production increased to 37%, with palmitate oxidation now contributing only 52% of the total ATP produced. At 8.0 mM lactate and 1.2 mM palmitate, lactate oxidation contributed 13% of the total ATP production, while palmitate oxidation contributed 81%. This data demonstrates that under near physiological conditions of lactate (0.5 mM) and fatty acids (0.4 mM), the preferred energy substrate of the heart remains to be fatty acids, and that only at high levels of lactate, such as can be observed during exercise or severe stress, does lactate oxidation become a significant source of ATP production.  相似文献   

The effect of egg yolk fatty acid composition on the uptake and utilization of essential n-6 and n-3 fatty acids by the developing chick embryo was studied. Eggs were enriched with n-9, n-3, or n-6 fatty acids by incorporating sunflower seed high in oleic acid (C18:1 n-9), flax seed rich in linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3), or sunflower seed high in linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6) into the laying hen diets. Fertile eggs were collected and incubated. The fatty acid composition of eggs and newly hatched chicks were compared. Feeding diets containing flax seed increased (P < .05) total n-3 fatty to 528.4 mg compared with 53.9 and 39.3 mg for eggs from hens fed diets with high oleic acid or regular sunflower seed, respectively. Levels of C18:2 n-6 and monounsaturated fatty acids were higher in eggs from hens fed diets containing regular or high oleic acid sunflower seeds. Dietary fat did not influence the total lipid content of the egg yolk or total lipids of chick tissues. The fatty acid composition of the hatched progeny was significantly altered by egg yolk lipids. However, the percentage incorporation of essential n-6 and n-3 fatty acids into the progeny increased when yolk sources of these fatty acids were low. The developing chick embryo appeared to preferentially take up docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid from the yolk lipids. Evidence also suggests that conversion of C18:2 n-6 and C18:2 n-3 to longer chain n-3 or n-6 fatty acids occurs during the incubation period.  相似文献   

1. The decrease in specific radioactivity of individual volatile fatty acids (VFA) after a single injection of tracer was monitored. The results obtained indicated the occurrence of a first-order process. 2. Regression analysis indicated the high flux of VFA through the caecal pool, equivalent to 30% of the maintenance energy requirement of the animal. 3. Interconversion of VFA was monitored, and results indicated substantial synthesis of butyric acid from acetic acid. 4. Results were obtained from animals on two dietary regimens, and these were compared with results reported for the other species.  相似文献   

A chemical method was used for the study of the concentration of the three main groups of oestrogens in the blood of five ewes after mating in natural heat. The concentration values of all the three groups of oestrogens was found to increase in proportion with the length of gravidity. From the 30th to the 140th day of gravidity the average concentration values of oestrone increased from 309 to 1380 ng per 100 ml blood, those of oestradiol from 48 to 192 ng per 100 ml blood. Significant changes were recorded in oestrone between the 50th and 60th day and between the 130th and 140th day of gravidity; in oestradiol and oestriol such changes occurred on the 140th day of gravidity.  相似文献   

Bovine, ovine, and caprine milk fats were treated with pregastric lipases (kid goat, calf, and lamb), microbial lipases (Candida cylindracea, C. cylindracea AY30, Aspergillus niger APF12, Rhizopus arrhizus, Penicillium roqueforti R10, and Mucor zavanicus Map 10), porcine pancreatic lipase, or milk lipase. All three pregastric lipases preferentially hydrolyzed volatile branched-chain and short n-chain fatty acids from each milk fat. Pregastric lipases also released a relatively low proportion of C10 from bovine milk fats but a high proportion of C10 from caprine milk fat. Milk lipase released very low concentrations of butanoic acid and did not release 4-methyloctanoic acid in significant amounts except from caprine milk fat. Ovine milk fat yielded a substantially greater concentration of butanoic acid than did bovine or caprine milk fats when it was hydrolyzed by porcine pancreatic lipase. Candida cylindracea lipase yielded high amounts of volatile n-chain fatty acids nonselectively and only small quantities of volatile branched-chain fatty acids. High amounts of the medium-chain branched fatty acids were produced by kid goat, P. roqueforti, A. niger, and R. arrhizus lipases.  相似文献   

Milk protein secretion is changed by increasing the proportion of energy, mainly as propionic acid, or the availability of AA. Whether associative effects exist between energy nature and protein amounts is unknown. Therefore, ruminal isoenergetic infusions of low or high propionate mixtures were combined factorially with duodenal infusion of sodium caseinate or control. Four ruminally and duodenally fistulated Holstein cows were used. The diet was limited and consisted of 70% forage and 30% concentrate. Caseinate infusion increased milk yield and protein and casein contents and decreased milk fat content; curd yields and coagulation properties of milk were improved. The infusion of propionic acid caused a large increase in rumen propionate. Milk yield tended to decrease, and milk fat decreased, but protein, casein, and curd yields were unchanged; milk-coagulating properties were improved. No interaction existed between energy and protein amounts. Alteration of VFA had little effect on milk composition, but increasing the protein supply to the duodenum increased milk protein.  相似文献   

Electrochemical measurements show that there are high-potential states of two copper proteins, Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin and Thermus thermophilus CuA domain; these perturbed states are formed in guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) solution in which the proteins are still blue (azurin) and purple (CuA). In each case, the high-potential state forms reversibly. Absorption (azurin, CuA), visible circular dichroism (azurin, CuA), resonance-Raman (CuA), and EPR (CuA) spectra indicate that the structure of the oxidized copper site of each high-potential form is very similar to that of the native protein. It is proposed that GuHCl perturbs one or more H-bonds in the blue or purple copper active site, thereby allowing Cu(I) to adopt a more favorable coordination structure than that in the rigid cavity of the native protein.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess uterine and fetal blood flows by Doppler velocimetry and fetal growth and oxygenation in pregnant ewes treated daily with cocaine and to determine whether cocaine impairs fetal cardiac and cerebral reactivity. METHODS: The study groups received 70 mg (n = 7) or 140 mg (n = 7) of cocaine and the control group (n = 7) received placebo injected intramuscularly daily on days 60-134. Hemodynamic data were measured at rest and during two acute hypoxic tests at cesarean delivery performed on day 134. RESULTS: The fetal heart rate (FHR) and umbilical and uterine resistance indices (RIs) were higher in the cocaine groups than in the control group (FHR: 187 +/- 8 and 166 +/- 8 beats per minute at 83 and 123 days, respectively, in controls and 9-11% higher in cocaine groups; umbilical RI: 0.79 +/- 0.06, 0.60 +/- 0.04, and 0.52 +/- 0.06, at 83, 105, and 123 days, respectively, in controls and 11-17% higher in the cocaine groups [P < .01]; and uterine RI: 0.40 +/- 0.05, 0.40 +/- 0.04, and 0.37 +/- 0.04, at 83, 105, and 123 days, respectively, in controls and 13-35% higher in cocaine groups [P < .05]). At delivery on day 134, the following characteristics were found to be different in the cocaine groups: fetal weight (4.03 +/- 0.2 kg in controls and 15-21% lower in the cocaine groups [P < .02]), partial pressure of oxygen (26.5 +/- 1.4 mmHg in controls and 15-16% lower in cocaine groups [P < .05]), umbilical RI (0.40 +/- 0.03 in controls and 11-17% higher in cocaine groups [P < .01]), cerebral RI (0.61 +/- 0.03 in controls and 9-15% lower in cocaine groups [P < .01]), and cerebral-umbilical ratio (1.52 +/- 0.04 in controls and 22-23% lower in cocaine groups [P < .001]). During the hypoxic tests, the cerebral RI (P < .05) and the cerebral-umbilical ratio (P < .05) decreased significantly less in the two cocaine groups. The FHR response was reduced significantly in the two cocaine groups (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Long-term exposure to cocaine induces uterine and fetal blood flow disorders, fetal growth restriction, and hypoxia. It reduces the capability of the cerebral vessels to vasodilate and the heart rate to increase during acute hypoxia.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to quantify the relationships between feed chemistry and the proportions of rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) across a wide range of feedstuffs. In an experiment using 11 rumencannulated sheep, 16 test feeds were fed at three different inclusion rates in rations that were based on grass silage. The 17 periods of the experiment were each 14 d long. Eight rumen samples were taken every 24 h on d 13 and 14 of each period from which the mean daily proportions of VFA were derived. The effects of an increase in the proportion of test feed in the total feed on proportions of VFA were significant. The observed proportions of VFA were related to the chemical composition of the total feed by principal component regression. The inclusion of the amount of feed offered and the ratio of test feed to total feed in these regressions did not improve their precision; these terms were not significant. The significant terms in the regressions were crude protein, starch, sugar, and cellulose (calculated by difference). The R2 values achieved for the regressions between acetate, propionate, and butyrate (molar proportions) and feed composition were 77.5, 68.0, and 87.3%, respectively. These regressions provided an apparently robust basis for predicting molar proportions of VFA from feed chemistry in feeds based on grass silage.  相似文献   

Linoleate, linolenate, arachidonate, docosahexenoate and six other fatty acids were major components of 24 ester preparations fed as 5% of the diet for 60 days to groups of male white rats. The experiment was designed so as to provide that all major fatty acid components were independent of each other in the sense that the intake of each was poorly correlated with the intake of any of the others. Fatty acid compositions of liver lipids were determined and were related to the composition of the diet lipids. Linolenate and docosahexaenoate contents of diet and tissue revealed the same relationships reported previously from experiments in which individual pure acid esters were added to a fat-free diet. Linoleate, when fed in lipid mixtures, was more effective in raising the linoleate concentration in liver lipids than when fed alone, but this increase did not change the shape of the dose-response curve or the estimated nutritional requirement. Large amounts of fish oil in the diet tended to depress the arachidonate concentration in tissue lipids.  相似文献   

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