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Eclipsing binary stars are gratifying objects because of their unique geometrical properties upon which all important physical parameters such as masses, radii, temperatures, luminosities and distance may be obtained in absolute scale. This poses strict demand on the model to be free of systematic effects that would influence the results later used for calibrations, catalogs and evolution theory. We present an objective scheme of obtaining individual temperatures of both binary system components by means of color-index constraining, with the only requirement that the observational data-set is acquired in a standard photometric system. We show that for a modest case of two similar main-sequence components the erroneous approach of assuming the temperature of the primary star from the color index yields temperatures which are systematically wrong by ∼ 100K.  相似文献   

Many different methods exist for reducing data obtained when an astronomical source is studied with a two-channel polarimeter, such as a Wollaston prism system. This paper presents a rigorous method of reducing the data from raw aperture photometry, and evaluates errors both by a statistical treatment, and by propagating the measured sky noise from each frame. The reduction process performs a hypothesis test for the presence of linear polarization. The probability of there being a non-zero polarization is obtained, and the best method of obtaining the normalized Stokes Parameters is discussed. Point and interval estimates are obtained for the degree of linear polarization, which is subject to positive bias; and the polarization axis is found.  相似文献   

Photoelectric UBV observations of the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 2346 obtained during 60 nights between October 1991 and February 1992 are presented (Tables 1 and 2). Four minima have been stated and can be interpreted in terms of occulting dust clouds, probably representing dense condensations of the planetary nebula. We derived R = AV/EB—V = 4.0.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution observations of the CO emission at 2.6mm in the protoplanetary nebula M1-92 (Minkowski's Footprint), obtained with the Plateau de Bure interferometer. The total mass corresponding to the CO measured intensity is estimated to be large, of about 0.1–0.2 solar masses. The cartography is particularly rich and revealing. From the measured position-velocity distribution of brightness, we conclude that a strong dynamical interaction between the AGB and post-AGB winds is present.  相似文献   

We numerically model the evolution of dust in a protoplanetary disk using a two-phase (gas+dust) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which is non-self-gravitating and locally isothermal. The code follows the three dimensional distribution of dust in a protoplanetary disk as it interacts with the gas via aerodynamic drag. In this work, we present the evolution of a disk comprising 1% dust by mass in the presence of an embedded planet for two different disk configurations: a small, minimum mass solar nebular (MMSN) disk and a larger, more massive Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) disk. We then vary the grain size and planetary mass to see how they effect the resulting disk structure. We find that gap formation is much more rapid and striking in the dust layer than in the gaseous disk and that a system with a given stellar, disk and planetary mass will have a different appearance depending on the grain size and that such differences will be detectable in the millimetre domain with ALMA. For low mass planets in our MMSN models, a gap can open in the dust disk while not in the gas disk. We also note that dust accumulates at the external edge of the planetary gap and speculate that the presence of a planet in the disk may facilitate the growth of planetesimals in this high density region.  相似文献   

We present a new orbit for the visual binary ADS 8630 = γ Vir. Although it is one of the first visual double stars discovered, its orbital elements were still poorly known. Indeed the very high eccentricity of the orbit and the difficulty of observing the pair at periastron passage in 1836 has meant that it is only now that sufficient measures of the recent close approach in 2005 have allowed an orbital analysis which predicts the angular motion to an acceptable degree of accuracy. We present a series of 35 speckle measurements of ADS 8630 obtained with PISCO in Merate between 2004 and 2006. Those measures have been crucial for determining the new orbital elements since they cover an arc of 130 degrees in the apparent orbit and include the periastron passage of 2005. The masses of the individual F0V components of the binary are found to be 1.40 M with an accuracy of about 3%. We also investigate in detail the possibility of the presence of a third body in the system, that was proposed by other authors. The high‐angular resolution infra‐red image of γ Vir that we obtained in June 2006 with the LuckyCam instrument on the ESO NTT shows the absence of any companion as faint as a M0V star at a distance larger than 0.4″. Combined with the analysis of the residuals of our orbit, the values found for the masses of the individual components and the radial velocity measurements, this observation rules out the presence in the system of a third companion with a mass larger than 0.3 M. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the first diffraction-limited K-band image of the Red Rectangle with 76 mas resolution, an H-band image with 75 mas resolution, and an RG 715 filter image ( 800 nm wavelength) with 78 mas resolution (corresponding to 25 AU for a distance of 330 pc). The H and K images were reconstructed from 6 m telescope speckle data and the RG 715 image from 2.2 m telescope data using the speckle masking bispectrum method. At all wavelengths the images show a compact, highly symmetric bipolar nebula, suggesting a toroidal density distribution of the circumstellar material. No direct light from the central binary can be seen as it is obscured by a dust disk or circumbinary torus. Our first high-resolution HK color image of the nebula shows a broad red plateau of HK≈ 2m in the bright inner regions.The optical and near-infrared images and the available photometric continuum observations in a wide range of ultraviolet to centimeter wavelengths enabled us to model the Red Rectangle in detail using a two-dimensional radiative transfer code. Our model matches both the high-resolution images and the spectral energy distribution of this object very well, making the following picture much more certain. The central close binary system with a total luminosity of 3000 L is embedded in a very dense, compact circumbinary torus which has an average number density nH ≈5×1012 cm−3, an outer radius of the dense inner region of R≈30 AU (91 mas), and a ρ∝r−2 density distribution. The full opening angle of the bipolar outflow cavities in our model is 70°. By comparing the observed and theoretical images, we derived an inclination angle of the torus to the line of sight of 7°±1°.The radiative transfer calculations show that the dust properties in the Red Rectangle are spatially inhomogeneous. The modeling confirms that the idea of large grains in the long-lived disk around the Red Rectangle (Jura et al., 1997 [ApJ, 474, 741]) is quantitatively consistent with the observations. In our models, unusually large, approximately millimeter-sized grains dominate the emission of the compact, massive torus. Models with smaller average grain sizes can possibly be found in future studies, for instance, if it turns out that the radio spectrum is not mainly caused by continuum dust emission. Therefore, the large grains suggested by our models require further confirmation by both new observations and radiative transfer calculations. Assuming a dust-to-gas ratio ρdg of 0.005, the dense torus mass is 0.25 M. The model gives a lower limit of 0.0018 M, for the mass of the large particles, which produce a gray extinction of A≈ 28m, towards the center. A much smaller mass of submicron-sized dust grains is presumably located in the polar outflow cavities, their conical surface layers, and in the outer low-density parts of the torus (where ρ∝r−4, in the region of 30 AUr 2000 AU corresponding to 0.′′09–6′′).  相似文献   

We report XMM-Newton observations of the isolated neutron star RBS1774 and confirm its membership as an XDINS. The X-ray spectrum is best fit with an absorbed blackbody with temperature kT=101 eV and absorption edge at 0.7 keV. No power law component is required. An absorption feature in the RGS data at 0.4 keV is not evident in the EPIC data, but it is not possible to resolve this inconsistency. The star is not seen in the UV OM data to m AB ∼21. There is a sinusoidal variation in the X-ray flux at a period of 9.437 s with an amplitude of 4%. The age as determined from cooling and magnetic field decay arguments is 105–106 yr for a neutron star mass of 1.35–1.5 M.   相似文献   

The absolute dimensions of the components of the eccentric eclipsing binary KL CMa have been determined. The solution of light and radial velocity curves of high (Δλ=0.14 Å) and intermediate (Δλ=1.1 Å) resolution spectra yielded masses M1 = 3.55 ± 0.27 M, M2 = 2.95 ± 0.24 M and radii R1 = 2.37 ± 0.09 R, R2 = 1.70 ± 0.1 R for primary and secondary components, respectively. The system consists of two late B-type components at a distance of 220 ± 20 pc for an estimated reddening of E(B-V)=0.127.The present study provides an illustration of spectroscopy’s crucial role in the analysis of binary systems in eccentric orbits. The eccentricity of the orbit (e=0.20) of KL CMa is found to be bigger than the value given in the literature (e=0.14). The apsidal motion rate of the system has been updated to a new value of ẇ=0°.0199±0.0002cycle-1, which indicates an apsidal motion period of U=87±1 yrs, two times slower than given in the literature. Using the absolute dimensions of the components yielded a relatively weak relativistic contribution of ẇrel=0°.0013cycle-1. The observed internal-structure component (logk2,obs=-2.22±0.01) is found to be in agreement with its theoretical value (logk2,theo=-2.23).Both components of the system are found very close to the zero-age main-sequence and theoretical isochrones indicate a young age (τ=50 Myr) for the system. Analysis of the spectral lines yields a faster rotation (Vrot1,2=100 km s−1) for the components than their synchronization velocities (Vrot,syn1=68 km s−1, Vrot,syn1=49 km s−1).  相似文献   

介绍了云南天文台1.2米地平式望远镜用于天文观测和图像采集处理的方法,建立了新的、独特的全天指向模型,大大提高了该望远镜的指向精度,达到1″,并在多年的实际应用中得到验证。  相似文献   

Using the All-Sky Monitor (ASM, 1.5∼12 keV) data of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) from January 1996 to October 2011, we have analyzed in detail the power spectrum of the hardness ratio (HR) (5∼12 keV/3∼5 keV) of the X-ray binary Cyg X-1 as a black hole candidate. The results show that the HR exhibits the following periodical variations: (1) During MJD = 50087∼55841, the HR presented the the periods T ≈ 5.6 d, T ≈ 40.0 d, T ≈ 78.4 d, T ≈ 173.8 d, and T ≈ 400/800 d; (2) When Cyg X-1 was in the hard state, the HR exhibited the periods T ≈ 5.6 d, T ≈ 33.7/67.6 d, T ≈ 45.3 d, and T ≈ 165.3 d; (3) When Cyg X-1 was in the soft state, the HR exhibited the periods T ≈ 38.5 d, T ≈ d, and T ≈ 128.3 d. Moreover, using the viscosity theory and Zdziarski accretion disk model, we have made a discussion on the physical mechanism of this kind of periodicity.  相似文献   

We have performed radio polarization observation experiments of the stars V772 Her and β Per with the Urumqi 25 m radio telescope at the 6 cm waveband, and obtained light curves of the stars after data processing and calibration. A radio ?are from the star V772 Her was detected on 2011 April 13. The degree of linear polarization of this ?are is about 30%, and the polarization angle is about 4°. We have detected also the slowly-varying component of the radio radiation from β Per, as well as a short ?are superposed on it, which has a very weak linear polarization.  相似文献   

In order to improve the light curve solutions we suggest to use a new approach. A library of the Fourier-coefficients (up to 20th term) of (several millions of) light curves was constructed each of the light curves has different input parameters. A light curve solution is made in a very fast way: its discrete Fourier-transform yields not more than some simple number which are compared to the Fourier-coefficients in the library. A chi-squared test can help us to estimate very good initial parameters for the differential correction analysis. The library can also be used to study the uniqeness problem of the light curve solutions. Here we investigated the uniqueness of the spot solution of SV Cam.  相似文献   

We present two methods for the determination of moments of extrema and their errors appropriate for the analysis of light variations of variable objects. The method I is suitable for determination of times of extrema of non-periodical variables or objects, whose light curves vary. The method II is apt for O-C analyses of objects whose light curves are more or less repeating. Both methods are displayed on the analysis of BL Cam light variations and compared with the Kwee-van Woerden method.  相似文献   

We present maps and astrometric results from first epoch, simultaneous MERLIN and Global VLBI observations of the very weak core of a double-lobed radio source, using as reference the bright, compact, flat-spectrum quasar 1636+473 A, 20 arcsec away. The observations were made in May 1995 at 5 GHz. The phase-referenced VLBI map of the weak core, of resolution 1.5 mas, contains a high percentage of the core flux density seen in the MERLIN map. Further hybrid mapping iterations reveal a faint, one-sided core extension on the same side as the MERLIN jet. We explore the effect of both temporal and other coherence losses on the phase-reference map. We relate our results to the structural asymmetry in weak AGN cores within the context of unification models.  相似文献   

We report on observations of transit events of the transiting planets XO‐1b and TrES‐1 with a 25 cm telescope of the University Observatory Jena. With the transit timings for XO‐1b from all 50 available XO, SuperWASP, Transit Light Curve (TLC)‐Project‐ and Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD)‐data, including our own I ‐band photometry obtained in March 2007, we find that the orbital period is P = (3.941501 ± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ∼3 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we present new R ‐band photometry of two transits of TrES‐1. With the help of all available transit times from literature this allows us to refine the estimate of the orbital period: P = (3.0300722 ± 0.0000002) d. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

介绍了1.2m地平式望远镜利用天文观测和图像采集处理的方法,通过建立测角编码器小周期模型,解决了数显部分的细分误差,提高了指向精度,对于空间目标高精度测轨、定轨及激光卫星的盲跟踪测距都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

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