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Quartz grains zeroed by heat and subsequently irradiated—either in the laboratory, or naturally in volcanic deposits—were exposed to sunlight for several months prior to TL measurements. As a result, the residual TL, in either the Blue or the Red, appeared to grow significantly with the radiation-dose experienced by the grains since zeroing. In another experiment, unheated sedimentary quartz grains, sampled at the very surface of a coastal sand-dune, were irradiated and subsequently exposed to sunlight before TL measurements. The residual Red-TL still exhibited a strong dose-dependence, but at a level that was higher than the natural signal. Finally, it was concluded that the so-called “unbleachable TL” is not a constant, intrinsic quantity, for a given quartz sample.

Because the residual TL is strongly correlated with the radiation dose experienced since the last zeroing by heat, it can theoretically be quoted in terms of “dose”, as is sometimes done. However, this raises the question of its correct evaluation, and, on the other hand, there is a risk of misinterpreting its physical meaning in the case of unheated sediments.

In the context of sediment dating, the experimentally-estimated residual signal that is routinely subtracted from the total signal for palaeodose estimation is, therefore, higher than the signal that would have been measured prior to burial. Such an effect introduces an error that can be significant for Red TL. It can be corrected for, at least approximately, from experimental exploration of the dose-dependence of the residual TL.  相似文献   

Portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers are robust devices that allow rapid determination of luminescence signals of polymineralic coarse-grained samples. To date, however, the utility of portable OSL readers has largely been confined to the construction of luminescence profiles that depict variations of luminescence signal intensities with depth. Because the luminescence signals used to construct such profiles are uncalibrated, it is neither practical to quantitatively compare portable OSL data from different sites nor is it possible to approximate sample ages. Such comparisons could be facilitated by converting portable OSL signals into equivalent doses (De). However, determining De requires the construction of unique growth curves for each sample; a laborious procedure that negates the rapidity associated with portable measurements. To circumvent that limitation, we construct standardised growth curves (SGCs) using normalized regeneration dose signals obtained using a portable OSL reader from the feldspar component of polymineralic sands from five disparate eolian dune sites in Alberta, Canada. Comparison of SGCs from different samples indicates general congruence and we merge these to construct a regionally applicable curve which we test by comparing the De obtained from given samples with that obtained using conventional OSL dating protocols. Results show that, though the uncertainties associated with the portable OSL data are high, the De values from the two approaches are linearly proportional. This direct variation enables portable OSL SGC De values to be used independently in reconnaissance studies that aim to screen samples for more detailed analysis using standard OSL methods. The affordability of portable OSL readers suggests that the approach could be attractive to researchers who do not have ready access to conventional OSL readers.  相似文献   

Parallel multiple aliquot calibration transfer is combined with the use of standardized optically stimulated luminescence signals and evaluation of single aliquot regenerative dose response characteristics, to produce a robust and efficient transfer protocol for mineral samples used in dating and retrospective dosimetry. Transfer was made from an IST-LPSR 60Co primary air kerma standard to four Risø and Daybreak 90Sr/90Y irradiators, for quartz or polymineral grains of 90/100–160 μm or 160–250 μm diameter from seven samples. Grains were pretreated by activation, heating, or bleaching, and mounted on 0.5 mm thick aluminium or stainless steel disks, or 0.25 mm thick stainless steel cups. Multiple aliquot conversion coefficients based on parallel irradiations (mGy60Co per s of 90Sr/90Y exposure) were corrected for non linearity in dose response using the regenerative measurements, and compared with “single aliquot” coefficients obtained directly from the regenerative, i.e. retrospectively measured, dose responses. Ratios of measured/given β exposure time provide controls: these were close to unity for activated and heated material, which exhibited predose sensitization, and vice versa for optically bleached samples. Parallel multiple aliquot calibration transfer, using OSL integrated over the main signal decay, was found to offer better accuracy and precision than retrospective single aliquot measurements, and was robust for polyminerals as well as quartz. Differences in conversion coefficient between grain-sizes and supports on a given irradiator ranged up to 25% and were specific to the irradiator-support-grainsize permutation. Geometric effects are quantitatively explained by the solid angle subtended at the source by the sample, and the effect of support material (and thickness) by differences in electron backscatter.  相似文献   

Dating of quartz by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been revolutionized with introduction of the test dose (TD) in development of a measurement sequence known as the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR), whereby a valid sensitivity correction for the luminescence signal is provided in the measurement cycle. However, the size of the TD used in the SAR protocol remains controversial. Previous studies show that the TD has little effect on the equivalent dose (De) for young samples in luminescence dating in which the applicability of different deposits varies greatly in different regions. However, detailed studies are lacking on how TD size affects SAR–OSL results of samples with a relatively high De range. In this study, typical loess samples with high De values (∼60 Gy–∼250 Gy) from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were selected to investigate the effects of variation in TD size on the quartz SAR–OSL protocol. Dose recovery tests show that a known dose could be recovered successfully by applying different TDs. Test dose size has an effect on shapes of regenerated dose–response curves (DRCs) and has different influences on Des and characteristic saturation doses for quartz samples with a high dose range. A TD size of 20%–30% De is a good compromise for Tibetan loess with De of ∼60–120 Gy in the quartz SAR protocol, and a TD size larger than 30% should be considered for samples with a larger De. The results of this study highlight the importance of TD size in the SAR–OSL protocol for quartz samples with a high dose range.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 3He can be used to date a wide range of mineral phases because it is produced from all target elements and can be readily measured above atmospheric contamination. Calcite is a particularly attractive target mineral due to its natural abundance, large crystal size (>1 mm), and low He closure temperature (<70 °C), which limit non-cosmogenic 3He components (Copeland et al., 2007). However, several recent studies have shown that some calcite may not be retentive to helium, even under surface temperatures (Cros et al., 2014; Copeland et al., 2007). This study thus explores 3He retention and production in natural calcite samples at four different sites. Samples from two high elevation sites appear retentive to 3He over 10 kyr timescales, whereas two additional sites clearly suffer from diffusive loss of 3He. Step-degassing experiments suggest that diffusion in calcite is controlled by multiple diffusion domains, with an apparent activation energy of 25–27 kcal mol−1. Although minor 3He loss is expected from the smallest diffusion domains, the observed kinetics cannot explain the poor retention at all sites. We thus propose that opaque (non-transparent) calcite may be more retentive due to the presence of imperfections in the crystal lattice. We conclude that 3He dating of calcite shows promise in some settings. However, because retention depends on crystallographic variability it must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis until robust criteria for retention can be identified.  相似文献   

Dating phases of pedogenesis, soil carbonate deposition or even the burial of whole soil profiles using 14C is a valuable goal in archaeology and pedology, but one that has been consistently hampered by the presence of old carbon skewing the measurements to produce apparent dates older than the true formation date. Calcite produced by earthworms could be a useful alternative source of datable carbon. Since earthworms both inhabit and ingest soils with an old carbon content, however, the granules could yield a 14C date older than the date of their formation. In this study, by examining granules from two sites of known-age stratigraphy, we show that the radiocarbon date derived from the granules' calcite closely reflects their true formation date, opening up the possibility of using the granules either individually or as distributions of dates to understand soil processes and date sealed archaeological layers.  相似文献   


We have studied the behavior of nonlinear waves in isothermal atmospheres using an improved beam scheme method. It is shown that although the magnitude of the mass leakage due to side beams is significant, nevertheless in a motion close to hydrostatic equilibrium it can be suppressed, if special density distributions and/or suitable mesh intervals are selected. We adopt as the parameters for our model of the atmospheres M=1 M[odot], R=50 R[odot] and T=4864 K. The time variation of the physical quantities in each cell is found for several oscillation periods. The critical frequency for the model atmosphere in the case of waves with a weak nonlinearity seems to be consistent with that in the linear theory.  相似文献   

Luminescence thermochronometry is sensitive to very low temperatures (below ∼120 °C), and enables the resolution of thermal histories over sub-Quaternary timescales. Here we apply a multi-elevated-temperature post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (MET-pIR-IRSL) measurement protocol to feldspar minerals to extract thermal histories. These thermal histories depend on the thermal stability of the MET signal, and are based on the thermal kinetic parameters extracted from isothermal decay experiments. However, the derived thermal kinetic parameters vary with experimental conditions, specifically with the isothermal holding temperatures (ITL) used. We analyse samples with independently known thermal histories, together with synthetic thermal history samples and samples with unknown thermal histories to test the validity of thermal kinetic parameters obtained from different combinations of isothermal holding data. This approach is tested on feldspars of different mineralogies and lithologies. We find that the temperatures inferred from inverting the data change, depending both on the number and on the highest ITL temperature used for thermal kinetic parameter derivation. Analysed samples validate the MET-pIR-IRSL protocol for extracting thermal histories, and we suggest that four isothermal holding temperatures between 190 and 250 °C are used for appropriate thermal kinetic parameter derivation.  相似文献   

南极洲万达盐湖为饱和方解石湖水。计算出的方解石饱和指数随水深增加而变化。在Ca2+及HCO3-活度值均一的上部氧化环境湖水中,pH及溶解氧(DO)是控制该变化的主要因素,在下部还原环境湖水中,Ca2+及HCO3-的活度对方解石的饱和指数SI的变化起主要作用。这充分揭示了湖底部近代沉积物中分布较多方解石矿物的原因。  相似文献   

The continent is the second largest carbon sink on Earth’s surface.With the diversification of vascular land plants in the late Paleozoic,terrestrial organic carbon burial is represented by massive coal formation,while the development of soil profiles would account for both organic and inorganic carbon burial.As compared with soil organic carbon,inorganic carbon burial,collectively known as the soil carbonate,would have a greater impact on the long-term carbon cycle.Soil carbonate would have multiple carbon sources,including dissolution of host calcareous rocks,dissolved inorganic carbon from freshwater,and oxidation of organic matter,but the host calcareous rock dissolution would not cause atmospheric CO2drawdown.Thus,to evaluate the potential effect of soil carbonate formation on the atmospheric p CO2level,different carbon sources of soil carbonate should be quantitatively differentiated.In this study,we analyzed the carbon and magnesium isotopes of pedogenic calcite veins developed in a heavily weathered outcrop,consisting of limestone of the early Paleogene Guanzhuang Group in North China.Based on the C and Mg isotope data,we developed a numerical model to quantify the carbon source of calcite veins.The modeling results indicate that4–37 wt%of carbon in these calcite veins was derived from atmospheric CO2.The low contribution from atmospheric CO2might be attributed to the host limestone that might have diluted the atmospheric CO2sink.Nevertheless,taking this value into consideration,it is estimated that soil carbonate formation would lower 1 ppm atmospheric CO2within 2000 years,i.e.,soil carbonate alone would sequester all atmospheric CO2within 1 million years.Finally,our study suggests the C–Mg isotope system might be a better tool in quantifying the carbon source of soil carbonate.  相似文献   

In this paper,the equivalent force inside the source which produces a large area deformation field is calculated by using the records of residual deformation,S wave radiation of shear dislocation source and Green function of the Lancang-Gengma earthquake.Under the action of equivalent force whose intensity was 1.103×1013 N,the crust derm of northeast segment of seismic fault had finished the upraise and formed permanent irrecoverable deformation within 20.46 min after the major earthquake occurred.The authors indicate that the residual deformation would split into 2 deformation fields with different propagation velocities and different directions in the Song-distance propagation process.  相似文献   

朱旭 《地震》2015,35(4):76-82
在脉冲供电和正弦交流供电地电阻率观测研究中, 大地容性效应会引起测量误差。 本文按照电子学等效电路的方法提出了大地等效电容量的概念, 研究了大地等效电容量的测量方法, 为合理确定脉冲供电参数和减小交流地电阻率测量误差奠定了基础。  相似文献   

李美  王中平  卢军  谭捍东  张小涛 《地震》2018,38(1):49-60
本文利用地下电偶极子产生的电磁场模型, 尝试模拟和推算地震前地面电磁台站观测数据所需震源深度处等效电偶矩。 结果显示, 在观测频率为1 Hz, 地下平均电导率取7.0×10-4 S/m 时, 2008年汶川MS8.0地震前电磁异常高潮期, 距离震中1440 km 的高碑店台NS测向观测到1.3 mV/m的电场强度所需震源深度处等效电偶矩量级为1013A·m; 若考虑地震主破裂长度150 km, 则产生的地电流量级为108 A。 同时, 这一等效电偶源在地面产生电场的2D分布图显示出很强的方向性(或不均匀性); 信号强度和电流源方向存在着密切的关系, 且电磁场值随观测距离增大而衰减迅速。 这部分地解释了地震相关电磁异常信号的方向性(或不均匀性)的观测事实; 如果观测点位于非强信号区, 即使在有效的探测范围内也可能记录不到异常信息, 这对地震监测台网仪器选址和布置提出了要求, 具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

The paleogeography of Amazonia lowlands during the Pleistocene remains hampered by the lack of reliable absolute ages to constrain sediment deposition in the hundred thousand to few million years timescales. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating applied to quartz has provided important chronological control for late Quaternary sediments, but the method is limited to the last ∼150 ka. In order to extend the age range of luminescence dating, new signals from quartz have been investigated. This study tested the application of isothermal thermoluminescence (ITL) and thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) signals of quartz for dating of fluvial terraces from eastern Amazonia. ITL and TT-OSL signals measured in a modern fluvial sediment sample have shown small residual doses (4 and 16 Gy), suggesting adequate bleached sediments for the target dose range (>150 Gy). This sample responded well to dose recovery test, which showed that the ITL and TT-OSL signals grow to higher doses compared to the doses estimated by the conventional OSL signal. The ITL signal saturated for doses significantly lower than doses reported in the literature. Most dating samples were beyond the ITL saturation doses and only TT-OSL signals were suitable to estimate equivalent doses. Burial ages ranging from 107 to 340 ka were estimated for the fluvial terraces in the lower Xingu River. The main ages uncertainties are related to dose rate changes through time. Despite the uncertainties, these ages should indicate a higher channel base level during the Middle Pleistocene followed by channel incision, possibly due to episodes of increased precipitation in the Xingu watershed.  相似文献   

Equivalent linear dynamic response analysis of ground is based on complex moduli and Fourier series expansion; therefore, it is not an equivalent method but an approximate method. Two deficiencies in the conventional equivalent linear method represented by SHAKE are described first. The maximum shear strength is overestimated, resulting in overestimation of the peak acceleration under a strong ground motion, and the amplification is underestimated at high frequency. The latter sometimes results in underestimation of the peak acceleration under weak ground shaking, and gives an incident wave with unrealistic large accelerations or a divergence of analysis in deconvolution analysis under strong ground motion. Both deficiencies are shown to come from the same cause, i.e. computing the effective strain as a constant fraction of the maximum strain. Since this is a key concept of the equivalent linear analysis, one cannot overcome both deficiencies at the same time in the conventional method. An apparent frequency dependence in stiffness and damping is shown to appear in the dynamic response, although soil itself does not show frequency dependent characteristics. Following this observation, the effective strain is expressed in terms of frequency from the similarity concept of the strain–frequency relationship between time domain and frequency domain. This enables the reduction of both deficiencies at the same time, resulting in a marked improvement in the equivalent linear analysis. The accuracy of the proposed method is examined by the simulations of three vertical array records during large earthquakes. The proposed method always gives much better prediction than conventional equivalent linear methods for both convolution and deconvolution analyses, and it is confirmed to be applicable at more than 1% shear strain.  相似文献   




The choice of the ESR signal in the dating of speleothems is still debated. Among the peaks observed in speleothem ESR spectra, the most frequently signals used for the determination of the palaeodoses are the peaks at g=2.0007 (h3 line), g=2.0040 (Broad Line) and g=2.0057 (h1 line).

In order to determine the better analytical way to obtain reproducible DE values from these three ESR signals, successive additional annealing treatments ranging from 60–300 °C were performed on several samples of a stalagmitic floor from the Mousterian site of the Caverna delle Fate (Liguria, Italy), also dated by U-series between 90 and130 ka. The results confirm that DE values can be obtained from h3 and BL signals without annealing, while the h1 signal requires a thermal pre-treatment, to obtain the maximum intensity of this line. Then, on our samples, the DEvalues derived for the three lines are equivalent. It gives, hence, the opportunity to obtain data when the g=2.0007 line cannot be used.  相似文献   

将软土地层中地铁车站结构与周围土体地震时产生的水平加速度,以静态的水平加速度代替,使两者作用下结构内力最大值相等、出现部位相同,实现将动力问题转化为静力问题。结果表明,该方法能反映软土地层中两层三跨地铁车站的在地震时的动力响应,是适用于工程设计的简单、实用的数值方法。  相似文献   

在实际工程场地中,很多土层可视为水平分层,各层土的物理和力学性质存在差异,其中包括土的振动阻尼比。本文讨论水平分层土层系统的等效阻尼比的近似计算方法,基于5个不同的加权函数推导了10种等效阻尼比的计算公式。通过2个算例,分别以等效阻尼比为参数计算水平分层土层的地震反应,并与准确解相比较,分析了不同等效阻尼比近似计算方法的计算精度。数值结果表明,若等效阻尼比计算方法选择不恰当,会导致土层地震反应的计算结果出现较大误差。针对2种不同类型的水平分层土层,建议采用基于三角形分布的加权函数来计算土层系统的等效阻尼比。  相似文献   

基于最小反演拟合差的重磁场源深度计算方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以等效源及位场物性反演为基础,本文提出一种新的求取重磁场源深度的方法.该方法将一层等效源以一定的间隔从浅部向深部移动,并将等效源作为初始模型进行反演,当反演拟合差最小时,停止反演,此时的等效源底深即为所求场源的中心深度.由于仅需要反演一层等效源,比传统的物性反演计算时间大大减少,并且不需要进行深度加权约束.理论模型数据处理结果表明该方法能够获得较准确的场源深度:以长宽比为7.5的薄板模型为例,深度计算误差约为1个点距(25 m);以长宽比为0.5~1.5的厚板模型为例,深度计算误差小于1个点距(25 m).将该方法应用于实测航磁梯度数据,计算的磁源中心深度在200~250 m之间,钻井资料显示该异常由埋藏深度在200~300 m的闪长岩引起,计算结果与钻井资料较吻合.  相似文献   

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