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Contemporary systematic treatments of the Central and South American bracken ferns in the genus Pteridium Gled. ex Scop. recognize morphotype caudatum as either a full species or a variety of P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Geographically representative sporophytes of morphotype caudatum , including the type in the Linnaean Herbarium, are shown using spore size, guard-cell length and morphology of the cells of the false indusium to be tetraploid (based on 4 n  = 208). DNA fingerprinting of field-collected Venezuelan samples supports the generalization that morphotype caudatum is a fertile allotetraploid containing genomic elements otherwise distinctive of the southern hemisphere diploid P. arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon, together with elements characteristic of northern hemisphere diploids including the North American P. aquilinum var. pubescens Underw. and P. aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum (Clute) A. Heller. Evidence of genetic isolation from taxa with overlapping distributions, as well as morphological, biochemical and ecological data, validate recognition of P. caudatum (L.) Maxon at species level. Heterogeneity observed within P. caudatum is consistent with multiple origins through independent hybridization events. Pteridium caudatum is strikingly analogous to the tropical Asian/Australasian allotetraploid P. semihastatum (N. Wallich ex J. G. Agardh) S. B. Andrews [= P. yarrabense (Domin) N. A. Wakef.].  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London . Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 237−248.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) encroachment is an important factor in the loss of certain habitats in the United Kingdom. However, no information exists as to whether prevention of encroachment is a cost‐effective strategy for Pteridium management. Conventional methods for the control of Pteridium (cutting, asulam application) were tested at one site (Levisham) to quantify their ability to prevent or delay encroachment and to affect the vigour of the Pteridium at the edge of the stand. The effects of encroachment and asulam application on the vegetation present were monitored at a second site (Ramsley), where techniques commonly used for moorland restoration were employed in combination with asulam application. Cutting once per year or a single application of asulam delayed the advance of the Pteridium front. At Levisham, the untreated front advanced 2.7 m in 5 yr, while in the same period the cut front advanced 0.88 m and the sprayed front was 1.5 m behind its initial position. At Ramsley, the untreated front invaded 1.8 m in 5 yr, and the sprayed front was again 1.5 m behind its starting position. Both spraying and cutting reduced frond biomass, frond cover and rhizome biomass. Herbicide spraying prevented the loss of Calluna vulgaris, though the restoration treatments had little effect. The merits of a balanced targeting of control on encroaching fronts or Pteridium at the stand level are discussed for different situations.  相似文献   

Regime shifts have been observed in marine ecosystems around the globe. These phenomena can result in dramatic changes in the provision of ecosystem services to coastal communities. Accounting for regime shifts in management clearly requires integrative, ecosystem-based management (EBM) approaches. EBM has emerged as an accepted paradigm for ocean management worldwide, yet, despite the rapid and intense development of EBM theory, implementation has languished, and many implemented or proposed EBM schemes largely ignore the special characteristics of regime shifts. Here, we first explore key aspects of regime shifts that are of critical importance to EBM, and then suggest how regime shifts can be better incorporated into EBM using the concept of integrated ecosystem assessment (IEA). An IEA uses approaches that determine the likelihood that ecological or socio-economic properties of systems will move beyond or return to acceptable bounds as defined by resource managers and policy makers. We suggest an approach for implementing IEAs for cases of regime shifts where the objectives are either avoiding an undesired state or returning to a desired condition. We discuss the suitability and short-comings of methods summarizing the status of ecosystem components, screening and prioritizing potential risks, and evaluating alternative management strategies. IEAs are evolving as an EBM approach that can address regime shifts; however, advances in statistical, analytical and simulation modelling are needed before IEAs can robustly inform tactical management in systems characterized by regime shifts.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role of feral sheep ( Ovis aries ) in facilitating the naturalization of alien plants and degrading a formerly robust and stable ecosystem of Socorro, an isolated oceanic island in the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Approximately half of the island is still sheep-free. The other half has been widely overgrazed and transformed into savannah and prairie-like open habitats that exhibit sheet and gully erosion and are covered by a mix of native and alien invasive vegetation today. Vegetation transects in this moderately sheep-impacted sector show that a significant number of native and endemic herb and shrub species exhibit sympatric distribution patterns with introduced plants. Only one alien plant species has been recorded from any undisturbed and sheep-free island sector so far.
Socorro Island provides support for the hypothesis that disturbance of a pristine ecosystem is generally required for the colonization and naturalization of alien plants. Sheep are also indirectly responsible for the self-invasion of mainland bird species into novel island habitats and for the decline and range contraction of several endemic bird species.  相似文献   

Summary Commercial sugarcane, belonging to the genus Saccharum (Poaceae), is an important industrial crop accounting for nearly 70% of sugar produced worldwide. Compared to other major crops, efforts to improve sugarcane are limited and relatively recent, with the first introduction of interspecific hybrids about 80 yr ago. Progress in traditional breeding of sugareane, a highly polyploid and frequently aneuploid plant, is impeded by its narrow gene pool, complex genome, poor fertility, and the long breeding/selection cycle. These constraints, however, make sugarcane a good candidate for molecular breeding. In the past decade considerable progress has been made in understanding and manipulating the sugarcane genome using various biotechnological and cell biological approaches. Notable among them are the creation of transgenic plants with improved agronomic or other important traits, advances in genomics and molecular markers, and progress in understanding the molecular aspects of sucrose transport and accumulation. More recently, substantial effort has been directed towards developing sugarcane as a biofactory for high-value products. While these achievements are commendable, a greater understanding of the sugarcane genome, and cell and whole plant physiology, will accelerate the implementation of commercially significant biotechnology outcomes. We anticipate that the rapid advancements in molecular biology and emerging biotechnology innovations would play a significant role in the future sugarcane crop improvement programs and offer many new opportunities to develop it as a new-generation industrial crop.  相似文献   

Glenn Merlino  Meenhard Herlyn  David E. Fisher  Boris C. Bastian  Keith T. Flaherty  Michael A. Davies  Jennifer A. Wargo  Clara Curiel‐Lewandrowski  Michael J. Weber  Sancy A. Leachman  Maria S. Soengas  Martin McMahon  J. William Harbour  Susan M. Swetter  Andrew E. Aplin  Michael B. Atkins  Marcus W. Bosenberg  Reinhard Dummer  Jeffrey E. Gershenwald  Allan C. Halpern  Dorothee Herlyn  Giorgos C. Karakousis  John M. Kirkwood  Michael Krauthammer  Roger S. Lo  Georgina V. Long  Grant McArthur  Antoni Ribas  Lynn Schuchter  Jeffrey A. Sosman  Keiran S. Smalley  Patricia Steeg  Nancy E. Thomas  Hensin Tsao  Thomas Tueting  Ashani Weeraratna  George Xu  Randy Lomax  Alison Martin  Steve Silverstein  Tim Turnham  Ze'ev A. Ronai 《Pigment cell & melanoma research》2016,29(4):404-416
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) has charted a comprehensive assessment of the current state of melanoma research and care. Intensive discussions among members of the MRF Scientific Advisory Council and Breakthrough Consortium, a group that included clinicians and scientists, focused on four thematic areas – diagnosis/early detection, prevention, tumor cell dormancy (including metastasis), and therapy (response and resistance). These discussions extended over the course of 2015 and culminated at the Society of Melanoma Research 2015 International Congress in November. Each of the four groups has outlined their thoughts as per the current status, challenges, and opportunities in the four respective areas. The current state and immediate and long‐term needs of the melanoma field, from basic research to clinical management, are presented in the following report.  相似文献   

We examined temporal changes in spatial patterns of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in response to the restoration of geomorphic habitat in Navigation Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River from 1998 to 2016. The frequency of occurrence and species composition of SAV at sampling sites were spatially interpolated for each year to create annual maps. Linear models were fitted to temporal changes in SAV within each map pixel. The frequency of occurrence of SAV (across all species) increased over time in much of the impounded region of the pool, including areas near restored islands. However, impounded areas maintained a relatively consistent species composition over time, with species known to be tolerant of higher flow velocities (>0.10 m/second) and wind fetch distances (>1,000 m) (e.g. Vallisneria americana) being most abundant. In contrast, areas protected by newly constructed islands transitioned from V. americana to species found in other protected backwater habitats and known to be intolerant of high flow velocities and wind fetch distances (e.g. Ceratophyllum demersum). The results suggest that previously reported improvements in water clarity may have improved growing conditions for all SAV species, especially in the lower impounded portion of the pool, while island restoration created more backwater‐like habitats and facilitated changes in species composition. Assessing changes in SAV occurrence alone offers only a partial view of local‐scale river restoration (e.g. island building), while analyses of species composition are likely to be more indicative of the types of changes (i.e. reduced flow velocity and wind fetch) associated with restoring geomorphic habitat.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers and limits of species radiations is a crucial goal of evolutionary genetics and molecular ecology, yet research on this topic has been hampered by the notorious difficulty of connecting micro‐ and macroevolutionary approaches to studying the drivers of diversification. To chart the current research gaps, opportunities and challenges of molecular ecology approaches to studying radiations, we examine the literature in the journal Molecular Ecology and revisit recent high‐profile examples of evolutionary genomic research on radiations. We find that available studies of radiations are highly unevenly distributed among taxa, with many ecologically important and species‐rich organismal groups remaining severely understudied, including arthropods, plants and fungi. Most studies employed molecular methods suitable over either short or long evolutionary time scales, such as microsatellites or restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) in the former case and conventional amplicon sequencing of organellar DNA in the latter. The potential of molecular ecology studies to address and resolve patterns and processes around the species level in radiating groups of taxa is currently limited primarily by sample size and a dearth of information on radiating nuclear genomes as opposed to organellar ones. Based on our literature survey and personal experience, we suggest possible ways forward in the coming years. We touch on the potential and current limitations of whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) in studies of radiations. We suggest that WGS and targeted (‘capture’) resequencing emerge as the methods of choice for scaling up the sampling of populations, species and genomes, including currently understudied organismal groups and the genes or regulatory elements expected to matter most to species radiations.  相似文献   

Question: How rapidly has the sandy beach and maritime forest vegetation on Phuket recovered and regenerated after the impact of the major Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004? What are the characteristics of sandy beach species for regenerating their populations and the invasion patterns of originally non-sandy beach species or other newcomers after the tsunami? Location: Phuket Island, southern Thailand. Methods: Species composition of beaches was studied on the same research plots 6 months before and 9 months after the tsunami. The changes in individual species cover before and after the tsunami were determined by χ2 tests. Change in community composition was analysed by detrended correspondence analysis. The relationship between species and environmental factors was analysed by canonical correspondence analysis. Results: The sites disturbed by the tsunami were often invaded by annuals, especially grasses and asteraceous plants, rather than by perennials. In contrast, species with clonal growth by stolons decreased significantly. Factors determining the species habitat differences were soil hardness (penetration resistance of sandy soil), per cent silt content, soil water content and beach management. Habitat differences among originally non-sandy beach herbaceous species that expanded their population or moved to the coast after the disaster were defined by sand accretion or erosion caused by the tsunami. Many sandy beach herbaceous communities changed into Dactyloctenium aegyptium communities because of the tsunami were originally constituted by non-sandy beach D. aegyptium with Cenchrus echinatus. Although the forest floors of most maritime forests were invaded by originally non-sandy beach Tridax procumbens, Eleusine indica or D. aegyptium because of the tsunami, this did not result in a change in the vegetation unit, because species' loss was restricted to the understorey. In time, these forests will recover their previous community composition. Conclusions: Our results suggest that originally non-sandy beach native species invaded the disturbed beaches rapidly after the tsunami but their habitats differ. Sites where sand accumulated on a beach because of the tsunami were invaded by D. aegyptium and E. indica, whereas soil erosion permitted invasion by Digitania adscendens. Tridax procumbens establishes rapidly on wet sites with hard soil, high per cent silt content and low beach management pressure. Sandy beach species with subterranean long rhizomes are strongly tolerant of such disasters. We concluded that the species composition of the beaches disturbed by a temporary large disaster is determined by dormancy and growth forms, with radicoid form being influential.  相似文献   

The removal of invasive mammals from islands is one of society’s most powerful tools for preventing extinctions and restoring ecosystems. Given the demonstrable high conservation impact and return on investment of eradications, new networks are needed to fully leverage invasive mammal eradications programs for biodiversity conservation at-large. There have been over 800 invasive mammal eradications from islands, and emerging innovations in technology and techniques suggest that island area will soon no longer be the limiting factor for removing invasive mammals from islands. Rather, securing the necessary social and economic capital will be one main challenge as practitioners target larger and more biologically complex islands. With a new alliance between conservation practitioners and the fisheries sector, biodiversity offsets may be a promising source of capital. A suite of incentives exists for fisheries, NGOs, and governments to embrace a framework that includes fishery bycatch offsets for seabirds and sea turtles. A bycatch management framework based on the hierarchy of “avoid, minimize, and offset” from the Convention on Biological Diversity would result in cost-effective conservation gains for many threatened seabirds and sea turtles affected by fisheries. Those involved with island conservation and fisheries management are presented with unprecedented opportunities and challenges to operationalize a scheme that will allow for the verifiable offset of fisheries impacts to seabirds and sea turtles, which would likely result in unparalleled marine conservation gains and novel cross-sector alliances.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models (SDMs) have been used to address a wide range of theoretical and applied questions in the terrestrial realm, but marine‐based applications remain relatively scarce. In this review, we consider how conceptual and practical issues associated with terrestrial SDMs apply to a range of marine organisms and highlight the challenges relevant to improving marine SDMs. Location We include studies from both marine and terrestrial systems that encompass many geographic locations around the globe. Methods We first performed a literature search and analysis of marine and terrestrial SDMs in ISI Web of Science to assess trends and applications. Using knowledge from terrestrial applications, we critically evaluate the application of SDMs in marine systems in the context of ecological factors (dispersal, species interactions, aggregation and ontogenetic shifts) and practical considerations (data quality, alternative modelling approaches and model validation) that facilitate or create difficulties for model application. Results The relative importance of ecological factors to be considered when applying SDMs varies among terrestrial and marine organisms. Correctly incorporating dispersal is frequently considered an important issue for terrestrial models, but because there is greater potential for dispersal in the ocean, it is often less of a concern in marine SDMs. By contrast, ontogenetic shifts and feeding have received little attention in terrestrial SDM applications, but these factors are important to many marine SDMs. Opportunities also exist for applying more advanced SDM approaches in the marine realm, including mechanistic ecophysiological models, where water balance and heat transfer equations are simpler for some marine organisms relative to their terrestrial counterparts. Main conclusions SDMs have generally been under‐utilized in the marine realm relative to terrestrial applications. Correlative SDM methods should be tested on a range of marine organisms, and we suggest further development of methods that address ontogenetic shifts and feeding interactions. We anticipate developments in, and cross‐fertilization between, coupled correlative and process‐based SDMs, mechanistic eco‐physiological SDMs, and spatial population dynamic models for climate change and species invasion applications in particular. Comparisons of the outputs of different model types will provide insight that is useful for improved spatial management of marine species.  相似文献   

Species reintroductions – the translocation of individuals to areas in which a species has been extirpated with the aim of re‐establishing a self‐sustaining population – have become a widespread practice in conservation biology. Reintroduction projects have tended to focus on terrestrial vertebrates and, to a lesser extent, fishes. Much less effort has been devoted to the reintroduction of invertebrates into restored freshwater habitats. Yet, reintroductions may improve restoration outcomes in regions where impoverished regional species pools limit the self‐recolonisation of restored freshwaters. We review the available literature on macroinvertebrate reintroductions, focusing on identifying the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that determine their success or failure. Our study reveals that freshwater macroinvertebrate reintroductions remain rare, are often published in the grey literature and, of the attempts made, approximately one‐third fail. We identify life‐cycle complexity and remaining stressors as the two factors most likely to affect reintroduction success, illustrating the unique challenges of freshwater macroinvertebrate reintroductions. Consideration of these factors by managers during the planning process and proper documentation – even if a project fails – may increase the likelihood of successful outcomes in future reintroduction attempts of freshwater macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物抢救性保护面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>过去50年,中国在生物多样性保护方面取得了一系列成就。但是,国家层面立法保护的植物仅有1999年国务院批准的《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》,之后并没有根据全国普查与各地调查报道的结果进行相应的更新。目前,最突出和最具有争议性的一个问题是,哪些物种才是最需要优先保护的?一些研究机构基于物种保护生物学的研究,认为应参考国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)对受威胁物种的等级划分标准来确定,但这些标准是基于全球尺度,并且大部分标准是依赖于对未来若干年的物  相似文献   

Studies examining the effects of invasive species have focussed traditionally on the direct/lethal effects of the invasive on the native community but there is a growing recognition that invasive species may also have non-lethal effects. In terrestrial systems, non-lethal effects of invasive species can disrupt early life-history phases (such as fertilisation, dispersal and subsequent establishment) of native species, but in the marine environment most studies focus on adult rather than early life-history stages. Here, we examine the potential for an introduced sessile marine invertebrate (Styela plicata) to exert both lethal and non-lethal effects on a native species (Microcosmus squamiger) across multiple early life-history stages. We determined whether sperm from the invasive species interfered with the fertilisation of eggs from the native species and found no effect. However, we did find strong effects of the invasive species on the post-fertilisation performance of the native species. The invasive species inhibited the settlement of native larvae and, in the field, the presence of the invasive species was associated with a ten-fold increase in the post-settlement mortality of the native species, as well as an initial reduction of growth in the native. Our results suggest that larvae of the native species avoid settling near the invasive species due to reduced post-settlement survival in its presence. Overall, we found that invasive species can have complex and pervasive effects (both lethal and non-lethal) across the early life-history stages of the native species, which are likely to result in its displacement and to facilitate further invasion.  相似文献   

The endangered Socorro Isopod, Thermosphaeroma thermophilum, is endemic to a single thermal spring in Socorro, NM. This species is cannibalistic, with males more cannibalistic than females, and with females and juveniles more vulnerable than males as prey. In 1990, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, created the Socorro Isopod Propagation Facility (SIPF) near the natural habitat, Sedillo Spring (SS), to increase total population size and to examine the effects of habitat heterogeneity on population growth. We report the genetic and morphological effects of this experiment, using the natural population as a control. Captive subpopulations experienced bottlenecks of known intensity and duration, as well as different intensities of cannibalism. Using 57 AFLP markers, we show that in 6 years (1990–1996), captive subpopulations diverged significantly from the natural population. Also during this 6-year period, body lengths of captive isopods diverged nearly 2-fold from the natural population, evidently because cannibalism and thus selection favoring large size was more intense in captive subpopulations than in nature. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that cannibalism and the apparent response to selection on body size became variable among captive subpopulations when physical structure was added to three of the four SIPF pools in April 1997. As expected if cannibalism was the source of selection for large body size, by August 1998 (15 months = 7–8 generations), the rate at which body size increased became inversely proportional to the amount of physical structure within pools. Although we are unable to separate the specific effects of population subdivision and cannibalism, our results show that these conditions in combination caused rapid changes in genetic variation and the external morphology of these captive subpopulations. Our results have important implications for future attempts to manage and propagate endangered species.  相似文献   

植被(植物群落)稳定性研究评述   总被引:48,自引:4,他引:48  
稳定性是植物群落结构与功能的一个综合特征。本文对影响植被稳定性的主要干扰因索、群落多样性(复杂性)与稳定性的关系、植被稳定性的判定与测度指标、稳定性的机制等方面的研究进展进行了阐述。指出应加强干扰对植被稳定性影响及提高干旱区人工植被稳定性的技术措施的的研究,以指导自然植被的保护利用和人工植被的建设,对植被稳定性机制的认识需要从植物群落内部的生物学生态学过程方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

基因组学时代的真菌分类学:机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨祝良 《菌物学报》2013,32(6):931-946
真菌物种的形态特征有限,加之形态滞后和形态可塑性,仅靠外部形态、内部结构及生理生化指标,很难把握真菌的系统亲缘。应用DNA测序、基因组测序、比较基因组学及生物信息学等技术,研究人员可以快速识别真菌演化中出现的数量众多的单系支系,为建立各分类等级的新分类单元提供有力证据,为真菌分类学研究带来了新的希望和活力。自2000年以来,在真菌界至少发表了1新亚界、4新门、7新亚门、19新纲、9新亚纲、40余新目等高级分类单元。近3年来,我国发表了20余个真菌新属,其中绝大多数属的建立都有分子证据支持。可以预见,大量的新种、新属、新科乃至更高级分类单元将会在今后10年内持续发现和建立。这必将大大促进真菌分类学的发展,完善现有的真菌分类系统。我们应该顺势而上,利用我国丰富的真菌资源,为真菌分类学的发展做出应有贡献。与此同时,真菌分类学也面临着十分严峻的挑战。挑战主要来自3个方面,一是研究变得越来越综合,不但需要有相应的研究经费支持,而且要求从事该领域的研究人员技术更全面、知识更广博及知识更新速度更快捷;二是新物种描述进度偏慢,远远不能满足人们对物种认识和利用的日益增长的需要;三是研究人员亟需创新研究模式,以新技术、新思路、新机制来构建新的真菌分类学,加速新物种的发现和描述进度,最终为社会进步和科学发展服务。  相似文献   

Question: How does restoration affect the hydrology and the understorey vegetation of managed pine fens? Location: Oligotrophic pine fens in Natura 2000 areas in Kainuu, eastern Finland. Methods: Eleven managed pine fens and eight pristine reference pine fens were chosen for the study in 2005. The managed fens, which had been drained for forestry during the 1970s and 1980s, were restored in 2007. The water table was monitored in all fens over four growing seasons during 2006 to 2009, and vegetation was surveyed from permanent sample plots in 2006 and 2009. Results: Before restoration in 2006, the water table was at a significantly lower level in the managed fens compared with the pristine fens. Immediately after restoration, the water table rose to the same level as in the pristine fens, and this change was permanent. Forest drainage had had little impact on the understorey vegetation of the managed fens in the three decades before restoration, with species typical of pristine fens still dominating the sites. Forest dwarf shrubs and feather mosses had started to increase in cover, but mire dwarf shrubs and Sphagnum mosses still dominated the managed fens. Only the typical hollow species Sphagnum majus, Sphagnum balticum and Scheuzeria palustris were missing from the managed fens. Two years after restoration, the changes in species composition were also marginal, with increased cover of mire dwarf shrubs and sedges being the only significant change. Conclusions: The success of restoration of oligotrophic pine fens seems likely, given that changes in hydrological functioning occurred rapidly, and since little change has occurred in the vegetation composition after draining. Speeding up the regeneration process in these peatland types by restoration may, therefore, be recommended, especially if the drainage effect extends to nearby pristine mires and influences their biodiversity.  相似文献   

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