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Typological study, including paragenic, morphological, textural, and chemical characteristics of zircon from nine rare metal granitic stocks and associated greisens, was carried out in order to identify the metallogenic processes of their host granitoids. The investigated zircon‐bearing granitoids and type occurrences can be categorized into magmatically and metasomatically specialized types. The magmatic type includes: (i) peralkaline, Zr + Nb‐enriched, A1‐granite (e.g. Um Hibal); (ii) metaluminous, Nb + Zr + Y‐enriched, A2‐type alkali granite (e.g. Hawashia and Ineigi); and (iii) peraluminous, Ta ≥ Nb + Sn + Be ± W‐enriched, Li‐albite granite (e.g. Nuweibi, Igla and Abu Dabbab). The metasomatized granites are Nb>>Ta + Sn + Zr + Y + U ± Be ± W‐enriched and hydrothermally altered alkali feldspar granite (i.e. apogranite; e.g. Um Ara, Abu Rusheid, and Um Naggat). Zircon of peralkaline granite is characteristically equant with well‐developed pyramidal faces and short prisms (i.e. pseudo‐octahedral form) with length/width ratios in the range of 2:1–1:1. It is of Zr0.990Hf0.007SiO4 composition and is associated with hypersolvus assemblage consisting of alkali feldspar, quartz, aegirine and minor reibeckite. Zircon of metaluminous alkali granites is of Zr0.99Hf0.01SiO4 composition and is associated with sub‐ to transolvus assemblage of K‐feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and annite‐siderophyllite mica. It is prismatic with length/width ratios in the range of 5:1–3:1, doubly terminated with small pyramidal faces. Compositionally, zircon of Li‐albite granite ranges between Zr0.925Hf0.075SiO4 and Zr0.705Hf0.295SiO4. It is idiomorphic with a simple combination of prism and bipyramidal terminations with a length/width ratio of 3:1–2:1. This zircon commonly exhibits a normal zoning with rims consistently higher in Hf than cores. The higher Hf content, of this zircon coupled with its association with topaz, tantalite and lithian micas (e.g. zinnwaldite and Li‐white mica), indicates a higher solubility of Hf‐fluoride complexes and their more stabilized state at lower temperature in Li‐ and F‐rich sodic melts. Zircon of apogranite association ranges in composition between Zr0.967Hf0.013SiO4 in the lower unaltered alkali feldspar granite zone and Zr0.805Hf0.064(Y, U, Th, heavy rare‐earth elements) [HREE])0.125SiO4 in the apical metasomatized (i.e. microclinized, albitized, and greisenized) apogranite zones. This compositional change appears to reflect a roofward increasing in μKF, μNaF, and μHF of the exsolved fluids. Columbite, xenotime, thorite, cassiterite, beryl and fluorite are common associates of this zircon. This zircon is of bipyramidal to typical octahedral form with complete absence of prism concurrently with conspicuous development of pyramid, thus the zircon crystals have a length/width ratio of 1:1–0.5:1. The neoformed metasomatic zircon commonly exhibits either normal or reverse zoning with rims consistently different in Hf, U, Y, and HREE than cores, reflecting disequilibrium conditions (e.g. sudden change in P, T, salinity, and pH) between the growing crystals and the exsolved fluids.  相似文献   

The Neo-Proterozoic ophiolites occur in the central and southern Eastern Desert along suture zone as dismemberedmassesinvolcano-sedimentary assemblages.The ophiolite component includes ultramafic rocks mainly serpentinites,mafic rocks,minor bodies of trondhjemite,sheeted dykes,metabasalts,and pillow lavas.The Present studies include two ophiolites in Central and southern eastern Desert named Mubarak–El Mayet and Ghadir respectively(Fig.1).The first one named after wadi Mubarak and wadi El Mayet area(55 km north Marsa Alam city)and the second named after Wadi Ghadir(30 km south Marsa Alam city).The dismembered ophiolite components in MubarakEl Mayet mainly composed mainly of serpentinites,ophiolitic metagabbros,sheeted dykes and Pillow lavas.All components occur as thrusted blocks and sheets in metavolcano-sedimentary assemblages(matrix).Gabbros sometimes occur as coarse grained gabbros(appenites)whereas pillows range in size from 30 cm to 1 m(Fig.2a).The second ophiolite sequence expose in Wadi Ghadir and its tributary.It consists of serpentinized peridotites,layered gabbro,massive isotropic gabbro,1fine grained gabbro,sheeted diabase dykes,pillowed basaltic lavas and minor plagiogranites.The serpentinizedperidotites,metapyroxenitesand serpentinites occur as allochthonous dismembered blocks,fragments and sheets in highly sheered metasediments and metavolcanics(mélange)(Fig.2b,c).The massive and layered gabbros occur in the main wadi(Fig.2d,f)and in many places contain some veins and pockets from plagiogranites.The present gabbros intruded by syenogranites from the east.Pillow lavas occur between metasedimentary mélange and ophiolitic gabbros in wadi El Beda as tributary of Wadi Ghadir and sometimes occur as fragments in mélange.The pillows range in size from 40 cm to 1 m(Fig.2f)and are mainly amygdaloidal and porphyritic basalt and spilite.Sheeted dykes cut the gabbros and pillow lavas in the Wadi El Beda and composed mainly from diabase(Fig.2g,h).In the present study,47 samples for major,trace and REE elements from different rock types in Mubarak-El Mayet(18 samples)and Ghadir ophiolite(29 samples)were analyzed.The field work and the geochemical data will discussed in the present work to evaluate the tectonic setting,origin and mantle source for two ophiolite suites.  相似文献   

Abstract: The northern part of Um Naggat granite massif (UNGM) has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatic reworking which results into the development of (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, F)– and albite-enriched and greisenized apogranite body (UNAP) of 600 m thick, and more than 3 km in the strike length.
Albitization produced an enrichment in Zr (av. 2384 ppm), Hf (61), Nb (419), and U (43). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 33 and 1. 90. Extreme albitization (i. e. the albitite rock) is characterized by sharp decrease in the rare metals contents. However, extreme greisenization (i. e. endogreisen bodies) is characterized by a considerable enrichment in Zr (av. 5464 ppm), Hf (143), Nb (2329), Ta (152), U (66) and Th (178). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 57 and 3. 60. In contrast to extreme greisenization, it seems that extreme albitization does not apparently change the fluid pH and therefore poor amounts of rare metals are localized in the albitites.
It is suggested that the presence of Na+, H+ and F- in the ore fluids was essential to stablize complexes of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, and HREE during extraction and transportation. In contrast, contemporaneous decrease of temperature and increasing pH due to decreasing pressure are considered the essential factors for localization of disseminated mineralization of Zr and Nb in the apical parts of the UNAP. The enhanced uranium content in the alteration facies of UNAP coupled with the absence of significant uranium mineralization may indicate the metalliferous rather than mineralized nature for the UNAP. The high uranium contents are stabilized in refractory accessory minerals. However, with repect to Zr and Nb, the UNAP especially the albitized and greisen facies, can be categorized as a mineralized productive granite.  相似文献   

Paragenetic, textural, and chemical characteristics of micas from 10 rare-metal granitic stocks and the associated greisens were examined in order to identify the metallogenetic processes of the host granitoids. The investigated granitoids and type occurrences can be categorized as: (1) metaluminous, Nb + Zr + Y-enriched alkali granite (e.g., Hawashia, Ineigi, and a stock northwest of Um Naggat); (2) peraluminous, Ta > Nb + Sn ± W + Be-enriched Li-albite granites (e.g., Nuweibi, Igla, and Abu Dabbab); and (3) metasomatized, Nb » Ta + Sn + Zr + Y + U ± Be ± W-enriched apogranites (e.g., Um Ara, Abu Rusheid, Mueilha, and Homr Akarem).

Mica of the alkali granite is of the annite-siderophyllite series, and is characterized by an average FeO? of 28.14, low MgO of 0.05, a mean Fe?/(Fe? + Mg)atom. value of 0.996, TiO2 of 0.69, enhanced Al2O3 of 14.91, MnO of 0.58, Li2O of 0.26, and moderate to low F of 0.86. These characteristics are representative of the relatively highly evolved nature of the annite-siderophyllite-bearing magmas. The micas closely resemble those of the anorogenic pegmatites and A-type granites.

Primary mica of the Li-albite granites is compositionally constrained between zinnwaldite in the lower zones, and white mica in the apical, more evolved zone, and is associated with columbite-tantalite, topaz, and fluorite. The occurrence of zinnwaldite with high contents of Mn and F indicates its stabilization at rather low temperatures in Li- and F-rich sodic melts. The restriction of white mica with lower Mn, F, and Li contents to the apical zones can be attributed to either volatile degassing or to the beginning of topaz crystallization. These two factors brought about an evolutionary trend for micas, which contrasts with the documented trends of Li-micas in other Li-granites (i.e., from Li-siderophyllite or Li-muscovite to lepidolite).

Micas range in composition between white mica in the lower unaltered zones of the apogranites and Li-siderophyllite-zinnwaldite in the apical microclinized and albitized zones; this systematic compositional change appears to reflect roofward increasing in μKF and μLiF of the exsolved fluids. Columbite, cassiterite, zircon, xenotime, beryl, and fluorite are common associates of the zinnwaldites. However, white micas from the greisenized apogranite and endogreisen veins have diminishing Li contents. The subsolidus formation of zinnwaldite and Li-siderophyllite in the apogranites, and white mica in the associated greisens, represent transitions from magmatic to hydrothermal environments under the influence of decreasing P, T, salinity, and alkalinity of the exsolved fluids.  相似文献   

This paper describes various problems in carrying out geochemical prospecting under the conditions that prevail in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Conclusions are based on four years experience in geochemical exploration in the Eastern Desert, including studies of over 25,000 geochemical samples. In prospecting for ore deposits in stony and sandy deserts, different kinds of geochemical survey techniques can be successfully applied. In carrying out regional geochemical surveys, stream-sediment sampling in combination with panning of heavy concentrates may be used with a considerable degree of success. The method of the cold extraction of metals produces best results when the alluvial silt and argillaceous fraction (minus 0.075 mm) is sampled. Spectrographic analysis, on the other hand, provides dependable data when the minus 1-plus 0.25-mm fractions are sampled. It is established as a fact that sieving-out of the minus 0.25-mm fraction helps to get rid of aeolian sands which otherwise “dilute” anomalies.In the localities where colluvium is mixed with aeolian sand, sampling of the minus 1-plus 0.25-mm fraction considerably increases the contrast of anomalies (by 3.7 times for Sn, 3.8 for Mo, and 1.5 for Cu) and enlarges their size (4 times for Sn, 2.6 for Mo, and 2.5 for Cu). A possibility of forming of “false” anomalies in colluvium, resulting from the secondary concentration of certain heavy minerals resistant to weathering (e.g. Sn, W, Nb, Ta, Zr, etc.) was proven. This should be taken into consideration while carrying out geochemical prospecting in similar conditions.  相似文献   

Altered granite occurrences (GII and GV) at Gabal (G.) Gattar are the most important mineralized rocks hosting U-mineralization in Egypt. This mineralized granite is affected by multi-stage hydrothermal alteration proc-esses along brittle structures. This alteration comprises pre-ore alkali-metasomatism and ore-stage hydrothermal hematitization, silicification, kaolinitization, fluoritization, carbonatization and episyenitization. Autoradiographic examination indicates that primary uranium mineralization is present as massive or disseminated ores along tectonic fractures, interstitially in granular minerals, and as cements of breccias. Uraninite, pitchblende and coffinite are the main primary minerals, while uranophane and kasolite are the secondary ones. Galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrohtite and pyrite are the most abundant sulphides in association with uranium mineralizations. Hydrothermal alterations at the GII occurrence exhibit an increase in Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, Nb, Rb beside HREEs and a decrease in Ba, Co, Sr, and V, while alterations at the GV occurrence show enrichment in Ni, Cu, Pb, Mo, Nb, Y, HREEs and depletion in Zn, Ba, Co, Rb, Sr, and V. Hydrothermal alteration during the late magmatic stage is also identified through the development of unusual REE patterns and fractionation of ratios like Zr/Hf and Y/Ho out of the CHARAC (Charge Radius Con-trolled) range. Non-chondritic Y/Ho ratio at GV is of larger value than chondritic one which may result from wa-ter-rock interaction or print from the encompassing sedimentary rocks. Fluid inclusion studies on quartz and fluorite revealed that temperatures of the mineralizing fluids range between 126 and 240℃ at pressure ≤0.5×108 Pa and give salinity values ranging between 1 wt% and 7.8 wt% NaCl equivalent.  相似文献   

High‐resolution gamma ray spectrometry was exploited to locate the potential radioactive targets at Kab Amiri granite pluton, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The Kab Amiri pluton forms a concentric granitic body of monzogranite to syenogranite composition intruded into mafic‐ultramific rocks. To identify and detect anomalous concentrations of natural radioactive elements in the study area, contour maps of equivalent uranium (eU ppm), equivalent thorium (eTh ppm), potassium (K%) and their geochemical ratios (eU/Th, eTh/K and eU‐eTh/3.5) as well as standard deviation map of uranium were constructed and interpreted. Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the spectrometric survey data revealed the presence of seven radioactive anomalies in the south of the studied area. These anomalies could be related to the prevailing faulting directions NE and ENE fault trends. The southernmost anomalous zone is related to high episyenitization and uranium concentrations. It exhibits a sharp increase in the eU concentrations reaching 370 ppm resulting in a high eU/eTh ratio reaching 4.5 and characterized by oval shape trending in the NE direction. Constructing the contour map of the (eU‐eTh/3.5) was helpful in defining the trends of uranium migration and enabling the delineation of the limit between the negative contours (leaching) and positive contours (deposition).  相似文献   

Gebel El Rousas is an isolated hillock in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. It consists of the Basement Complex (subsurface) which is non-conformably overlain by the Middle Miocene and successively by Pleistocene-Recent terraces. The Miocene strata are mineralized by oxidized hypogene lead-zinc deposits.Geochemical prospecting was attempted for the first time in Gebel El Rousas and for the second time in Egypt. The old terraces of gravels and sands covering the hillock were sampled on a grid pattern of a 30 m spacing. The samples were taken at a depth of 30 cm from the surface. They were sieved to –150 mesh and analyzed for Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, and CO2.Significant contrasts and anomalies resulted for Pb, Zn, and Fe. The main anomalies are parallel and generally coincide with the subsurface mineralized zone which is inferred to cross the area on the same trend. The mineralized zone extends as shown by the geochemical pattern southward, from the known northern part, to a southern district which has not been checked by drilling or any other testing.
Zusammenfassung Djebel El Rousas ist ein isolierter Hügel in der Ägyptischen Ostwüste. Er besteht aus dem Basementkomplex, der diskordant von MittelmiozÄn und aufeinanderfolgend von PleistozÄn-HolozÄn-Terrassen überlagert wird. Die MiozÄn-Schichten sind mit oxydischen hypogenen Blei-Zink-Ablagerungen vererzt.Im Djebel El Rousas wurde zum erstenmal der Versuch einer geochemischen Prospektion durchgeführt, für ganz Ägypten ist es das zweite Mal. Gitterförmig wurden im Abstand von 30 m den alten Kies- und Sandterrassen, die den Hügel bedecken, Proben aus einer Tiefe von 30 cm unter der OberflÄche entnommen. Die Proben wurden mit 150 Maschenweite gesiebt und auf Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn und CO2 analysiert.Eindeutige Kontraste und Anomalien wurden für Pb, Zn und Fe festgestellt. Die Hauptanomalien sind parallel und fallen normalerweise mit der mineralisierten Zone unter Tage zusammen, die das Gebiet in derselben Richtung durchquert. Wie aus der geochemischen Karte hervorgeht, setzt sich die vererzte Zone nach Süden in ein Gebiet fort, das bisher noch nicht durch Bohrungen untersucht wurde.

Résumé Gebel El Rousas est un monticule isolé dans le Désert Oriental de l'égypte. Il se compose de roches du Basement Complex (sous-sol) surmontées en discordance par des terrasses du Miocène Moyen et succéssivement par des terrasses du Pleistocène-Récent. Les couches du Miocène sont mineralisées par des dépÔts hypogènes de plomb et de zinc oxidés.Les prospections géochimiques furent essayées pour la première fois au Gebel El Rousas et pour la seconde fois en égypte. Des échantillons des anciennes terrasses de galets et de sables recouvrant ce monticule furent prises en une carte quadrillé de 30 m. Les échantillons furent prélevés à une profondeur de 30 cm de la surface. Ils furent criblés jusqu'aux mailles de 150 analysées pour la détermination de Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, et CO2.Des contrastes et des anomalies significatifs furent obtenus pour le Pb, Zn, et Fe. Les anomalies essentielles sont parallèles et généralement coincident avec la zone minéralisée du sous-sol qui est supposée traverser la région suivant la mÊme direction. La zone minéralisée s'étend comme l'indique la carte géochimique du Nord au Sud vers un district qui n'a pas été vérifié par forage ou par toute autre méthode éxpérimentale.

Djebel El Rousas — , . - . . , . 30 , , 30 . 150 Pb, Zn, u, Fe, n 2. Pb, Zn Fe. , . , .

Abu Rusheid area lie in the south of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and comprises (1) ophiolitic mélange, consisting of ultramafic rocks and layered metagabbros in metasedimentary matrix (2) cataclastic group, consisting of protomylonites, mylonites, ultramylonites and silicified ultramylonites (3) monzogranites (4) pegmatite pockets, quartz veins and post-granite dykes. Focus on the monzogranites and the xenoliths of mylonite rocks from the geochemical and mineralogical points of view introduces a new view about the genesis of the related mineralization. Geochemically, the monzogranites have a metaluminous character and were crystallized under moderate water-vapor pressure around 3 kb and temperatures of 750–800°C. The monzogranites are altered along strike-slip faults exhibiting propylitic, with slightly sodic metasomatism and record high radioactive measurements. The average uranium and thorium (U and Th) contents in fresh monzogranites, mylonite xenolith and altered monzogranites are (7.3, 21.20), (40.36, 94.82), (60.34 and 347.88 ppm), respectively. These high radioactivities are attributed to the presence of kasolite, uranothorite, cerite, fluorite, zircon, apatite and columbite. The mylonite xenolith is higher in radioactivity than the surrounding fresh monzogranites, reflecting U and Th enrichment before emplacement of the monzogranites, then the latter were subjected to right lateral strike-slip faulting with producing hydrothermal solution rich in Th and U.  相似文献   

A crescent-shape granitic stock and associated dykes is located to the East Gabal Nuqra at the extreme western part of Wadi Natash,South Eastern Desert,Egypt.The examined granites are classified as alkali-feldspar granites and mainly consist of quartz,potash feldspars,plagioclases,and aegirine-augite.Xenotime,zircon,apatite and allanite are accessories representing the source of Y,U,Th and REEs in these rocks.These granites are characterized by high K2O,Na2O and Zn contents and Rb/Sr ratio.Also,they are highly enriched in high field strength elements(HFSE),especially Zr(1529×10-6),Nb(100×10-6),Hf(91×10-6) and Y(624×10-6) and light rare-earth elements(LREE,141×10-6) concentrations and strongly depleted in Ca,Mg,Sr and Eu contents.These features suggest that they are similar to A-type granites(type-2).The rhyolite dykes and granites have similar geochemical characteristics whereas the chondrite-normalized REE patterns show a LREE enriched feature with strong negative Eu-anomaly,whereas the REE pattern of trachydacites show slightly fractionated pattern with no Eu-anomaly.It is suggested that the trachydacites were generated by small degree of partial-melting deep-seated basic source.Such liquid,when subjected to fractional crystallization involving separation of plagioclases as residue,generated the alkali-feldspar granites.And further fractional crystallization gave rise to the alkali rhyolites.The igneous rock suite originated from metaluminous to alkaline trachytic magma,and was developed in a within-plate tectonic environment.The extension caused by NW-SE right-lateral shear in area led to the emplacement of the alkali-feldspar granites.The later extrusion of the alkali rhyolite and trachydacite dykes was due to cauldron subsidence.  相似文献   

本文对武夷山中段的司前岩体进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、年代学及Lu-Hf同位素研究。结果表明,司前岩体形成于(140±1)Ma,主要由黑云母二长花岗岩组成,富碱(K_2O+Na_2O=6.67 wt%~8.25 wt%),富钾(K_2O/Na_2O=1.16~2.41),A/CNK值介于1.01~1.25之间。岩体具有较高的∑REE(177.73×10~(-6)~427.88×10~(-6))、Zr+Nb+Y+Ce含量(262.6×10~(-6)~581.5×10~(-6))和Zr饱和温度(平均824°C),FeOt/MgO(3.06~3.93)和10 000×Ga/Al(2.64~3.28)比值均较高,属典型的铝质-过铝质A型花岗岩。岩体的锆石εHf(t)值均为负值(–18.6~–7.9),暗示其源于古老的地壳物质重熔。综合上述结果和区域背景推测,司前岩体的源岩为新元古代麻源群变质火山-碎屑岩,源岩可能经历早古生代和白垩纪两期熔融事件,地幔岩浆为花岗岩的形成提供了热源,但并未贡献物质,岩体的形成与古太平洋板块俯冲过程中因俯冲板片后撤诱发的弧后扩张作用有关。  相似文献   

Abstract: El Mueilha area consists of post-collision granitic rocks intruding Pan-African metasediments, metavolcanics and granodiorites. Tin mineralization in Gabal El Mueilha is either of vein type or disseminated in the greisenized and albitized parts of the granitic rocks. Cassiterite and wolframite-bearing quartz veins also characterize a small intrusion of muscovite granite at El Mueilha tin mine area. Detailed geochemical prospecting for the rare metals Sn, Nb, Be, Li, U, Th and some other trace elements was carried out at Gabal El Mueilha area using stream sediments survey. Sixty-seven stream sediment samples were collected from the main drainage patterns of the study area. Statistical parameters were calculated for the analyzed elements. The sought elements Sn, Nb, Be and Li have relatively high background values in the studied sediments. This may reflect the role of the pathfinder elements (Nb, Be and Li) during secondary dispersion survey for Sn mineralization.
Geochemical maps were constructed to delineate anomalous areas with abnormally high rare metal contents. The anomalous Sn, Nb and Be areas are mainly encountered in the main stream draining the mineralized zones of El Mueilha tin mine and near the SW albitized parts of the post-collision granite. Correlation coefficient matrices show significant positive relation between Sn and the rare metals group (Nb, Rb and Li) at 99 % significant level. R-mode factor analysis for the concerned elements yields five factor–model.  相似文献   

The Eastern Desert of Egypt suffered a protracted period of deformation triggered by cratonization of the new juvenile crust known as the Arabian Nubian Shield (ANS), which has been proposed for potential gold discoveries associated with the corresponding tectonic event. The Fatira area, on the border of Egypt''s Northern and Central Eastern Deserts, is covered with metavolcanic rocks twisted by a dextral relocation of the Fatira Shear Zone (FSZ) relative to the Barud magmatic body. The recent study evaluated many deformed post-orogenic granitic intrusions and felsite dikes associated with promising mineralization localities, notably orogenic gold deposits. The combination of various field observations and remote sensing data, followed by the analysis of aeromagnetic enhanced maps, allowed the differentiation of distinct lithologies, structural features, and hydrothermal alterations in the study area. Additionally, the integrated results obtained from the different interpretation techniques are utilized to identify and confirm the previously supposed mineralized localities in the Fatira and Abu Zawal areas and predict other matched localities. The final ASTER, Sentinel 2 hydrothermal alteration, and orientation entropy heat maps demonstrate the association between these mineralized regions and major structures related to the FSZ late stage of deformation rather than other structures studied throughout the area of interest.  相似文献   

广东莲花山岩体位于莲花山断裂带北部, 由规模巨大的侏罗—白垩纪花岗岩组成。本文对莲花山岩体中部进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb同位素和Lu-Hf同位素研究, 获得片麻状花岗岩、细粒黑云母花岗岩和细-中粒黑云母花岗岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄分别为(142.5±1.5) Ma(MWSD=3.5, N=30)、(138.9±0.6) Ma(MWSD=1.4, N=30)和(145.5±0.7) Ma(MWSD=1.2, N=28), 表明岩体为晚侏罗至早白垩世岩浆活动的产物。地球化学特征显示岩体为偏铝质-弱过铝质(A/CNK=0.97~1.1)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=6.1 wt%~ 8.1 wt%)、富钾(K2O/Na2O=1.4~1.8), 富集Rb、Th、U、K、Pb, 亏损Ba、Ta、Nb、Sr、P、Ti, 与壳源岩浆特征类似。岩体SiO2含量差异较大(69.5 wt%~80.1 wt%), 高硅样品明显经历一定程度的结晶分异, 属于分异的I型花岗岩。所有样品锆石εHf(t)值均为负值(–4.5 ~ –2.0), 在年龄-εHf(t)图中, 均落入球粒陨石演化线和华夏基底演化线之间, 暗示源岩主要为古老壳源基底物质。在此基础上, 结合区域构造-岩浆记录, 本文认为莲花山花岗岩体的形成与古太平洋板片俯冲后撤(roll back)诱发的弧后扩张作用相关。  相似文献   

Quartz-diorite, gneissose granodiorites, two-mica granite and perthite leucogranie are the main rock units cropping out in the Wadi Ghadir area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt. Along the NNE-SSW mega-faults, a broad brittle shear zone is developed in the Ghadir two-mica granite. Brittle deformation is manifested by severe myloniti-zation and alteration of these granites. These sheared altered granites are characterized by the presence of radioactive mineralization, associated with alteration features such as silicification, hematization and kaolinitization. Radioelement measurements revealed that the unaltered and altered two-mica granites are considered as uraniferous granites. The average uranium and thorium contents in the unaltered two-mica granites are 12.29×10-6 and 19.81×10-6, respectively, and the average Th/U ratio is 1.62. The altered granites exhibit higher concentrations of U (averaging 97.949), but have lower Th and Th/U ratios (13.83 and 0.16, respectively), which indicates uranium enrichment in the granites. Binary relations of eTh/eU against either eU or eTh and eU with eTh in the studied gran-ites suggest that the distribution of radioactive elements not only magmatic (positive correlation between eU and eTh), but also due to hydrothermal redistribution of radioelements (weak correlation between eU and eTh/eU). The magmatic U and Th are indicated by the presence of uraninite, thorite, zircon and monazite whereas the evidence of hydrothermal mineralization is the alteration of rock-forming minerals such as feldspar and the forma-tion of secondary minerals such as uranophane and pyrite. Microscopic, XRD and scanning electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of uraninite, uranophane, thorite, Ce-monazite and zircon, in addition to phlogopite-fluor mica in the studied altered granites of the Wadi Ghadir shear zone.  相似文献   

A unique zircon was studied in the gneiss samples collected from the Wadi Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss using electron scanning microscope and electron probe microanalyses. This zircon can be categorized into two types according to the texture and trace element content: (l) magmatic zircon slightly enriched in HfO2 with ordinary zone. (2) Overgrowths of zircon occur as two species, the first species being highly enriched in HfO2 with irregular zoning. The second species is highly enriched in HfO2 forming a rim around the second species with a very sharp thinner boundary. The first type shows a distinct oscillatory internal zoning pattern without change in shape of this zone and has conspicuous inclusion-free zircon overgrowths with distinct poor concentrations in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in both rim and core. The second type shows two species, the first one displays distinct irregular interval zoning and irregular overgrowth with abrupt change in composition of these zones with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in the rim relative to the core. The second species is forming a rim around the first species also with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta content. These indicate that two events (crystallization environment) have played an important role in the formation of this zircon and largely reflect differences in whole-rock trace element contents between the successive generations of this zircon. The first event is believed to be of magmatic origin giving rise to normal composition of magmatic zircon. The second event shows an intense successive process of metasomatic activity during the formation of the Abu Rusheid radioactive gneiss. Electron microprobe analysis indicates that oscillatory zoned zircon shows poor content of Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, Ta, and rare earth elements (REE) in the rim and core, while overgrowths of zircon are slightly enriched by these elements. Also, these analyses indicate that the Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss has been significantly enriched by the thorite mineral (Th content up to 54.72% ThO2) and columbite-bearing minerals (Nb content up to 64.74% Nb2O5, Ta content up to 9.32% Ta2O5). The poor content of REE in overgrowths of zircon indicates mobilization of REE during the metamorphism processes of gneiss.  相似文献   

The Shaitian granite complex(SGC) spans more than 80 Ma of crustal growth in the Arabian–Nubian Shield in southeast Egypt.It is a voluminous composite intrusion(60 km~2) comprising a host tonalite massif intruded by subordinate dyke-like masses of trondhjemite,granodiorite and monzogranite.The host tonalite,in turn,encloses several,fine-grained amphibolite enclaves.U-Pb zircon dating indicates a wide range of crystallization ages within the SGC(800 ± 18 Ma for tonalites;754 ± 3.9 Ma for trondhjemite;738 ± 3.8 Ma for granodiorite;and 717 ± 3.2 Ma for monzogranite),suggesting crystallization of independent magma pulses.The high positiveεNdi(+6–+8) indicate that the melting sources were dominated by juvenile material without any significant input from older crust.Application of zircon saturation geothermometry indicates increasing temperatures during the generation of melts from 745 ± 31 ℃ for tonalite to 810 ± 25 ℃ for trondhjemite;840 ± 10 ℃ for granodiorite;and 868 ± 10 ℃ for monzogranite.The pressure of partial melting is loosely constrained to be below the stability of residual garnet(10 kbar) as inferred from the almost flat HREE pattern((Gd/Lu)N= 0.9–1.1),but 3 kbar for the stability of residual amphibole as inferred from the significantly lower NbNand TaNcompared with LREENand the sub-chondrite Nb/Ta ratios exhibited by the granitic phases.The inverse relation between the generation temperatures and the ages estimates of the granitoid lithologies argue against a significant role of fractional crystallization.The major and trace element contents indicate the emplacement of the SGC within a subduction zone setting.It lacks distinctive features for melt derived from a subducted slab(e.g.high Sr/Y and high(La/Yb)Nratios),and the relatively low MgO and Ni contents in all granite phases within the SGC suggest melting within the lower crust of an island arc overlying a mantle wedge.Comparison with melts produced during melting experiments indicates an amphibolite of basaltic composition is the best candidate as source for the tonalite,trondhjemite and granodiorite magmas whereas the monzogranite magma is most consistent with fusion of a tonalite protolith.Given the overlapping Sm-Nd isotope ratios as well as several trace element ratios between monzogranite and tonalite samples,it is reasonable to suggest that the renewed basaltic underplating may have caused partial melting of tonalite and the emplacement of monzogranite melt within the SGC.The emplacement of potassic granite(monzogranite) melts subsequent to the emplacement of Na-rich granites(tonalitetrondhjemite-granodiorite) most likely suggests major crustal thickening prior arc collision and amalgamation into the over thickened proto-crust of the Arabian-Nubian shield.Eventually,after complete consolidation,the whole SGC was subjected to regional deformation,most probably during accretion to the Saharan Metacraton(arc–continent collisions) in the late Cryogenian-Ediacaran times(650–542 Ma).  相似文献   

The Nuweibi albite granite is one of 14 known Sn-Ta-Nb bearing granitoids in the Eastern Desert region of Egypt. The granite is a highly leucocratic, albite-rich rock with accessory columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, microlite and ixiolite as well as topaz, garnet and white mica. Ages of 450–600 Ma were obtained from zircons by the 207Pb/206Pb evaporation method. Great uncertainty is caused by the small size and poor quality of the grains, but the precision is sufficient to indicate that the granite is late- or postorogenic with respect to the Panafrican orogeny. The Nuweibi granite is divided into a western and an eastern part by a regional fault. Both parts of the granite are compositionally similar but there are important differences and a clear compositional gap between them, so they are considered separate facies of an intrusive complex. The eastern part of the granite is more highly mineralized, has higher modal albite contents and higher Ta/Nb ratios, both in the whole rock and in the ore minerals. It is suggested that the two parts of the granite evolved from a common source and were emplaced sequentially, the eastern part representing a later, more fractionated magma. Textural evidence strongly suggests that the granite has a magmatic origin overall, but disturbance of geochemical trends at the whole-rock scale and at the scale of zoning profiles in individual grains of columbite-tantalite indicate post-magmatic overprinting. By analogy with other Ta-bearing albite granites, the sodic bulk composition of the Nuweibi granite can be explained by fluorine enrichment in the magma. Fluorine contents in the magma were high enough to stabilize topaz, and muscovites contain 2–4 wt.%. F. However, whole-rock F contents are low. We speculate that the low Ca, Al and P contents of the magma prevented abundant F-bearing minerals to form and led to loss of fluorine to now-eroded roof rocks. Received: 8 November 1995 / Accepted: 10 June 1996  相似文献   

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