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本文根据初始位温廓线,已知的地面位温及其时间变化和地转风速,用Nieuwstadt方程的数值积分来预报逆温层高度的时间变化,並与某些常州观测资料进行比较,计算结果符合于观测。  相似文献   

刘畅  李郁竹  蒋瑞宾   《气象》1985,11(2):31-31
行星边界层昼夜特性的研究,对于预报污染物的扩散具有重要意义。昼夜间边界层高度的变化有明显的不同,过去对夜间边界层高度的研究多集中于诊断方程方面,即借助于局地地面热量和动量通量等参数来描述边界层高度。用这种定常状态方程描述边界层结构的方法是不够的,近期的研究表明,大气层中稳定的边界层是连续演变的,因此,应当用描述边界层时间演变的预报方程来表达。  相似文献   

根据探测仪器元件滞差原理,计算出逆温层高度与实际逆温层高度的差,为环境评价工作中计算被评价工厂烟窗高度提供了可参考的依据。  相似文献   

邓冰  张铭 《热带气象学报》1994,10(4):374-379
利用一个准二维原始方程模式讨论了500hPa上的湿度及逆温层的不同高度对中尺度扰动的影响。结果发现它们对中尺度扰动的发展和演变均有重要的作用。500hPa上过干或过湿均不利于中尺度扰动的发展;合适的逆温层高度有利于中尺度扰动的发展。  相似文献   

周兵  陆晨  李青春 《气象》1991,17(1):39-42
本文从夜间强降水天气分析着手,采用天气形势、单站指标等消空方法,应用线性分析的统计学理论,建立了北京城区7、8月份夜间强降水预报方程。分析发现,本地潜在不稳定条件σ_L~*和水汽条件是很好的消空指标,且与预报因子间存在着差异。历史拟合率或回报率与实际预报的检验表明,预报方程总的预报效果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

贵阳低空逆温层统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1前言低空逆温是造成城市大气污染的主要气象因素。低空存在逆温时大气稳定,对污染物的扩散稀释能力弱.因外许多起重大的大气污染事件几乎都是由于低空持续存在强逆温,使得污染物在地面大量积累所造成.如1952年12月5~8日,由于英格兰上空有冷南停滞,无风且低空有强逆温存在,在英国首都伦敦连续4天烟雾弥漫,煤烟粉尘蓄积不散,大气中污染物含量剧增,造成震惊世界的一次严重大气污染物中毒事件(“伦敦烟雾”事件).随着现代工业的发展,城市和工业区污染问题日益突出并受到人们的重视。贵阳市是全国大气污染严重的城市之一,据1988…  相似文献   

青岛低空逆温层特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2004-2005年青岛逐日高空资料,统计和分析低空逆温层的结构和特征,表明青岛地区逆温出现的频率较高,低层的污染物不易向上扩散。  相似文献   

通过对富川近几年的气象资料进行对比分析,找出夜间温度会出现异常上升原因.  相似文献   

本文应用1983—1984年南京北郊低空探测资料,结合分析Nieuwstadt的夜间逆温高度演变模式,给出了平原地区夜间接地逆温高度演变模式。通过该模式的预报值与实测值的比较,证明模式有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

大同市逆温层特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

大气边界层具备一个重要特性,即在边界层顶部,气溶胶浓度在垂直分布上存在显著突变.利用该特性,采用主动遥感装置经过窗口平滑去除噪点后数据,提出基于梯度法改进的大气边界层高度反演方法——窗口标准偏差法.基于激光云高仪后向散射廓线数据,利用该方法反演边界层高度,在边界层高度下大气气溶胶混合均匀时,反演结果较为理想.在此基础上...  相似文献   

A 1-D numerical model for the nocturnal boundary layer is developed which is capable of predicting inversion heights and strengths successfully. The model uses two distinct length scales for the dissipation of turbulent energy and for transfer of heat and momentum within the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). The wind and potential temperature profiles obtained from the present model are compared with observations and the agreement is found to be good, viz., the RMSE for inversion height is found to be 71 m and that for inversion strength is found to be 2.0 °C.  相似文献   

A method is presented for estimating the height of the constant flux layer.  相似文献   

Statistics of the tropopause inversion layer over Beijing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High resolution radiosonde data from Beijing, China in 2002 are used to study the strong tropopause inversion layer (TIL) in the extratropical regions in eastern Asia. The analysis, based on the tropopause- based mean (TB-mean) method, shows that the TIL over Beijing has similar features as over other sites in the same latitude in Northern America. The reduced values of buoyancy frequency in 13-17 km altitude in winter-spring are attributed to the higher occurrence frequency of the secondary tropopause in this season. In the monthly mean temperature profile relative to the secondary tropopause, there also exists a TIL with somewhat enhanced static stability directly over the secondary sharp thermal tropopause, and a 4 km thickness layer with reduced values of buoyancy frequency just below the tropopause, which corresponds to the 13-17 km layer in the first TB-mean thermal profile. In the monthly mean temperature profile relative to the secondary tropopause, a TIL also exists but it is not as strong.
For individual cases, a modified definition of the TIL, focusing on the super stability and the small distance from the tropopause, is introduced. The analysis shows that the lower boundary of the newly defined TIL is about 0.42 km above the tropopause, and that it is higher in winter and lower in summer; the thickness of the TIL is larger in winter-spring.  相似文献   

大气边界层高度确定及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气边界层高度是表征边界层特征的重要参量,影响边界层内水热、物质、能量的垂直分布,也是数值模拟、环境评估中的重要参数。从湍流运动、热力作用、动力作用以及物质分布等多视角总结了大气边界层高度的定义及确定方法,回顾了采用直接观测手段和遥感手段确定大气边界层高度的不同方法,对比了大气边界层高度不同获取手段的优缺点,梳理了大气边界层高度参数化方案,探讨了大气边界层高度确定中存在的问题,并提出未来相关研究和应用可能突破方向。  相似文献   

On the determination of the height of the Ekman boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The heighth of the Ekman turbulent boundary layer determined by the momentum flux profile is estimated with the aid of considerations of similarity and an analysis of the dynamic equations. Asymptotic formulae have been obtained showing that, with increasing instability,h increases as ¦¦1/2 (where is the non-dimensional stratification parameter); with increasing stability, on the other hand,h decreases as –1/2. For comparison, a simple estimate of the boundary-layer heighth u determined by the velocity profile is given. As is shown, in unstable stratification,h u behaves asymptotically as ¦¦–1, i.e., in a manner entirely different from that ofh .  相似文献   

When cool air flows from the sea over a warm coast, the air is thermally modified. It is shown that h = cX 1/2, where h is the height (in meters) of this thermal or convective internal boundary layer (CIBL) over the coast, X is the distance downwind (in meters) from the shoreline (i.e., the fetch), and c is a coefficient that relates to the shear velocity and wind speed inside the CIBL, potential temperature difference and entrainment coefficient across the CIBL, and the lapse rate outside the CIBL. This equation is a simplification of a theoretical equation and is supported by three similar formulations based on thermodynamic and dimensional analyses. Pertinent field experiments conducted near shorelines in France, Sweden, and Japan indicate that c is approximately 1.91, with a standard deviation of 0.38. All observations are within 95% confidence limits.  相似文献   

The impact of well watered mesoscale wheat over mid-latitude arid areas on mesoscale boundary layer structures (MBLS) and climate has been investigated in the study .using a mesoscale biophysical, meteorological model (BM) developed in the current study. The BM is composed of six modules:mesoscale atmospheric module, soil module, vegetation module, snow-atmosphere interaction module, underlying surface meteorology module and subgrid scale flux parameterization module. The six modules constitute an interacting system by supplying boundary conditions to each other.The investigation indicates that a horizontal pressure gradient associated with mesoscale perturbations in temperature and humidity is created during the day, which results from more water transpired from the vegetation canopy (VC) and evaporated from underlying wet soil. Non-classical mesoscale circulations (called as vegetation-breeze) are forced by the pressure perturbations with wind speeds about 5 m / s, flowing from the VC to the adjacent  相似文献   

张哲  师宇  王咏薇  刘磊  胡非 《气象科学》2019,39(3):359-367
大气边界层高度对于天气、气候和大气污染研究是一个至关重要的参量。对流边界层(Convective Boundary Layer,CBL)顶部的夹卷过程造成温度和湿度垂直梯度增强,导致这一层的折射率结构常数C■变高。C■的这种垂直分布特征经常被用来定位出CBL高度Z_i。本文利用2010年7—8月天津大港的风廓线雷达数据推断出CBL高度Z_i,对于多重C■峰值或不明确的C■峰值,本文改进了对Z_i的测定,分别讨论了C■最大后向散射法与C■和垂直速度方差(σ■)相结合的新方法的适用性。研究显示:(1)C■廓线具有单峰时,最大后向散射强度法能正确估计CBL高度,这种情况往往对应的是晴天。CBL上存在的残留层或云层引起的温湿起伏变化导致C■廓线具有双峰甚至多峰时,最大后向散射强度法可能会错误估计CBL高度;(2)C■和σ■结合的方法不仅与晴天时C■最大后向散射法有较好的一致性,而且可以将CBL造成的C■峰值从云层造成的C■峰值中区分出来,从而正确估计CBL高度;(3)一般而言,对流边界层中存在有明显的、破碎或者分散不明显的云时,C■和σ■结合的方法都能较好地识别出CBL对应的C■峰值。但由于边界层中的情况极为复杂,C■和σ■结合法也会因不同的原因而错误估计CBL高度。  相似文献   

The effects of sea-breeze interactions with synoptic forcing on the PBL height over complex terrain are investigated through the use of a 3-D mesoscale numerical model. Two of the results are as follows. First, steep PBL height gradients—order of 1500 m over a grid interval of 10 km — are associated with the sea-breeze front and are enhanced by the topography. Second, a significant horizontal shift in the maximum PBL height relative to the mountains, is induced by a corresponding displacement of the thermal ridge due to the mountains, in the presence of large scale flow.  相似文献   

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