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RU486对下丘脑-垂体-卵巢-子宫内膜的作用,包括RU486的月经诱导作用及对月经周期的影响等,均与其剂量及在月经周期的使用时间有密切关系。目前,RU486在避孕方面主要用作事后避孕药,有一定的失败率,尚需对其用药方式进行更广泛、深入的研究。  相似文献   

<正> 为了准确地掌握女大学生月经周期情况及发病规律,做好卫生保健工作,笔者对在校女生进行一次较为广泛,深入的调查,并进行了研究分析。1 调查对象及方法1.1 对象:为本校全体在校学习的女生。1.2 时间:1989年12月。1.3 方法:事先印制好调查表,分发到各个系,在各系辅导员指导下填写,在校学习的女生共433人,共取回调查表421份。2 结果2.1 初潮年龄:从表1可见初潮年龄最早11岁,共7人,占4.73%,均为城市女生;最迟为18岁,共4人,占1.46%,均为乡村女生。城市女生组初潮年龄中位数为13.64岁。  相似文献   

广州市不同人群对“安乐死”态度的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解广州市不同人群对安乐死的态度,于1994年进行了调查。结果表明:70%-80%被调查者赞成安乐死。在晚期癌症,植物人与严重畸形新生儿三种不同疾病案例中,人们对后两种案例持慎重态度;随年龄增加、对安乐死的赞同率增高,不同职业人群对安乐死的赞同率有差异;  相似文献   

为了解广州市不同人群对安乐死的态度,于1994年进行了调查.结果表明:70%~80%被调查者赞成安乐死.在晚期癌症、植物人与严重畸形新生儿三种不同疾病案例中,人们对后两种案例持慎重态度;随年龄增加,对安乐死的赞同率增高(P<0.05);不同职业人群对安乐死的赞同率有差异(P<0.01);情感因素、医疗制度及宗教信仰对安乐死的态度选择均有影响.  相似文献   

目的:了解产后服务对象有关产后避孕的知识、态度、行为,为医院开展产后避孕服务提供科学依据。方法:随机抽取2013年10~12月在天津医科大学总医院及天津市永久医院住院分娩且自愿接受调查的939名产后服务对象进行问卷调查,获取服务对象产后避孕的知识、态度、行为情况。结果:产后服务对象产后避孕知识问卷回答总正确率28.9%,总分100分,得分28.45±14.8分;70%的调查对象认为产后避孕有必要或非常有必要;70%的服务对象在产前、分娩后、出院前或产后返诊时未接受指导或落实避孕措施。结论:产后妇女对产后避孕的态度积极,然而提供的宣教不足,产后避孕知识严重匮乏。医疗机构应积极开展产后避孕服务,借助网络、公共传媒、社区卫生服务等辅助设施,在产前、分娩后、出院前及产后返诊时全面展开产后避孕宣教并积极落实避孕措施。  相似文献   

目的了解医院门诊就诊妇女对针对妇女暴力的相关知识态度现状。方法2{}12年7—8月在河北省承德县、湖南省浏阳市两地各选一家县级妇幼保健院和综合医院,使用分层随机抽样方法抽取了635名门诊就诊妇女。使用自行设计的调查问卷收集妇女的一般情况、家庭地位、社会性别平等意识、针对妇女暴力识别知识题和与暴力有关的态度题等。结果医院门诊妇女暴力识别知识得分满分率为39.2%,家庭地位较高者的暴力知识得分较高(OR=1.4);分别有29.6%、26.3%、24.3%、22.5%的门诊就诊妇女认为“妇女不忠”、“妇女不孝敬老人”、“妇女先动手”和“妇女用恶毒言语羞辱男性”的情况下男性可以打女性”;分别有19.5%、8.3%和7.7%的妇女认同“妇女不进行身体上的反抗就不叫强奸”、“如果女人被强奸是因为穿得太暴露性感”和“丈夫打妻子纯属家庭私事,家丑不可外扬”,社会性别平等意识得分较高者的态度得分较高(OR=2.6);34.6%的人知道医疗机构可以求助,67.2%的人会选择去医疗机构求助。结论医院就诊妇女对针对妇女暴力识别能力有待提高,尚未认识到女性对待暴力行为应该零容忍,医疗机构作为暴力求助机构知晓度不够。  相似文献   

目的了解非上海户籍妇女对避孕节育知识的掌握程度及其影响因素,为探索适合非上海户籍妇女特点的避孕节育健康教育方式提供依据。方法选取2007年7月~2008年12月在黄浦区半淞园街道社区卫生服务中心妇科就诊的所有非户籍育龄妇女共430例。对所有研究对象进行统一设计的问卷调查。描述研究对象避孕节育的知识和态度得分情况,采用二分类Logistic回归模型分析知识得分的影响因素。结果在总分为12分的知识问卷中,平均得分为(7.17±2.65)分;宫内节育器和避孕套的知晓程度较高,而对其他非常用避孕方法的知晓率均较低;有84.7%的妇女表示希望了解避孕节育的知识,希望了解的内容中比例最高的是"我该选择怎样的避孕方法",占74.5%。多因素分析结果显示,年龄为25~岁、初中及以上文化程度、原户籍地为城市者、不与配偶一同居住、流产≥2次的妇女有较高的知识得分(P<0.05)。结论非上海户籍妇女对避孕节育基本知识了解不全面;应针对不同特征妇女人群开展易于接受和理解的生殖健康教育。  相似文献   

目的了解江苏省徐州市妊娠妇女妊娠糖尿病(GDM)知识和态度现状,为今后开设孕妇GDM健康教育提供依据。方法随机选择2006-2007年徐州市4所三级医院产科建卡就诊的720名孕妇进行问卷调查和实验室检查。结果孕妇对GDM各项基础知识知晓率均在14%以下;不同孕期、职业、月收入和文化程度孕妇GDM 3项基础知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),尤其是农民、商业服务人员、月收入较低、文化程度较低的孕妇知晓基础知识更低,其中初中文化程度孕妇3项基本知识知晓率分别为6.5%,7.6%,2.2%。90%以上孕妇认为有必要预防和愿意接受健康教育以预防GDM。结论孕妇对GDM基础知识了解普遍较低,但对GDM知识的需求比例较高。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力的态度以及相关影响因素,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法:本研究为横断面调查,采用同性别调查员匿名面对面访谈形式进行问卷调查,共收回有效问卷958份。用SAS9.1软件对数据进行统计分析。结果:80.8%调查对象同意“任何情况下,丈夫都不应该打妻子”,15.7%妇女认为“丈夫发现妻子对他不忠时,可以打妻子”,11.1%妇女同意“妻子不孝敬公公婆婆时,可以打妻子”;17.1%的妇女不同意“妻子自己不想要时,可以拒绝与丈夫过性生活”。多因素分析结果显示,年龄越大,由父母亲戚介绍/相亲方式结婚的研究对象更容忍家庭暴力,而文化程度越高的对象越反对家庭暴力。结论:上海市流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力态度较积极,但仍有部分流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力仍存在错误认识,需要加强对其进行性别平等意识、家庭暴力意识及反家庭暴力意识的宣传教育,提高她们预防和制止家庭暴力的能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康女性血清中瘦素水平情况与月经周期的关系。方法:通过放射免疫分析方法检测45例月经正常者中血清瘦素浓度,比较月经期、卵泡期、排卵期及黄体期血清瘦素水平。结果:正常女性血清瘦素水平月经期低于卵泡期,卵泡期低于排卵期,排卵期高于黄体期,黄体期高于月经期,差异均具有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:正常人血清瘦素水平随月经周期呈周期性变化,月经期最低,卵泡期逐渐上升,排卵期最高,黄体期逐渐下降至月经期最低,为临床上瘦素水平定量检测提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨引起女性菜农月经周期异常的主要影响因素,为促进菜农生殖健康提供线索和依据。方法以寿光地区从事蔬菜种植作业的248名妇女为调查对象进行问卷调查。采用SPSS 17.0软件进行月经周期异常的单因素分析及多因素logistic回归分析。结果单因素分析显示:有无家族病史、喷洒农药天数、喷洒农药时是否穿着围裙或长衣、橡胶手套、冬季施药后隔多久洗澡、乳房胀痛、乏力、烦躁不安、腹痛、孕次、孕期工作月数、乳腺疾病、子代数、宫内胎儿是否正常、同房频率是否正常、有无流产等均与女性菜农的月经周期异常有关,均P0.05。进行二分类的logistic回归分析,最终得到喷洒农药天数、施药是否带口罩、是否穿着围裙或长衣、冬季施药后隔多久洗澡、月经前有无乏力、月经前有无腹痛、有无阴道疾病、怀孕时宫内胎儿发育是否正常8个有统计学意义的因素。结论 8项与温室蔬菜作业妇女生殖卫生可能有关的危险因素的确定,为进一步深入研究和分析提供了线索。加强女性菜农的健康教育和月经期卫生保健工作分很有必要。  相似文献   

目的:观察月经周期中性腺分泌不同时相的垂体形态,了解垂体体积形态变化的相关关系。方法:选取90名20~49岁健康女性志愿者,分别于月经干净后7d内(滤泡期)和20d(黄体期)作性腺激素测定,并于验血当天行垂体MRI扫描,测定垂体正中层面的面积。结果:各个体的滤泡期和黄体期腺垂体的面积值均无明显变化,经t检测,P≤0·5。结论:月经周期中滤泡期和黄体期性腺激素分泌的水平高低与垂体体积变化无正相关关系。  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(2):127-134
PurposeTo evaluate the association between physical activity (PA) across the menstrual cycle and reproductive function.MethodsThe BioCycle Study (2005–2007) followed 259 healthy premenopausal women not using hormonal contraceptives for up to two menstrual cycles (N = 509 cycles). Serum leptin, estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone were measured five to eight times per cycle. Linear mixed models were used to estimate the effect of past-week PA (measured four times during each cycle) on hormone levels. Past-week PA was categorized into tertiles based on metabolic equivalent of task hours per week (cut-points were 15.3 and 35.7). Risk ratios for sporadic anovulation were estimated using generalized linear models. Analyses adjusted for habitual PA (assessed at baseline), body mass index, race, age, and perceived stress. Linear mixed models used inverse probability weights to control for concurrent reproductive hormones and caloric intake.ResultsHigh past-week PA was inversely associated with leptin (−6.6%; 95% confidence interval, −10.6 to −2.5) and luteal phase progesterone (−22.1%; −36.2 to −4.7) as compared with low past-week PA. High past-week PA was not significantly associated with sporadic anovulation (adjusted risk ratio, 1.5; 0.6 to 3.4).ConclusionsHigh levels of PA were modestly associated with changes in select hormones but not sporadic anovulation among moderate to highly active premenopausal women.  相似文献   

茅峥嵘 《职业与健康》2003,19(1):139-140
目的 了解抗精神病药物与女性患者月经周期紊乱的关系。方法 观察住院病人129例,分别服用氯丙嗪34例,氯氮平29例。维思通18例,合并用药48例,服药后对月经周期影响的评定,对有月经同期紊乱的患者矛减药观察。以证明月经周期紊乱与抗精神病药物的关系。结果 129例患者的387个月经周期中144个发生紊乱,主要表现为经期延长,尤以氮丙嗪及合并用药所致经期延长更明显。结论 抗精神病药物可引起月经周期紊乱,在临床应用时应予以注意。  相似文献   

We prospectively examined the association between COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual cycle characteristics in an internet-based prospective cohort study. We included a sample of 1,137 participants who enrolled in Pregnancy Study Online (PRESTO), a preconception cohort study of couples trying to conceive, during January 2021-August 2022. Eligible participants were aged 21–45 years, United States or Canadian residents, and trying to conceive without fertility treatment. At baseline and every 8 weeks for up to 12 months, participants completed questionnaires on which they provided information on COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual cycle characteristics, including cycle regularity, cycle length, bleed length, heaviness of bleed, and menstrual pain. We fit generalized estimating equation (GEE) models with a log link function and Poisson distribution to estimate the adjusted risk ratio (RR) for irregular cycles associated with COVID-19 vaccination. We used linear regression with GEE to estimate adjusted mean differences in menstrual cycle length associated with COVID-19 vaccination. We adjusted for sociodemographic, lifestyle, medical and reproductive factors. Participants had 1.1 day longer menstrual cycles after receiving the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine (95 % CI: 0.4, 1.9) and 1.3 day longer cycles after receiving the second dose (95 % CI: 0.2, 2.5). Associations were attenuated at the second cycle post-vaccination. We did not observe strong associations between COVID-19 vaccination and cycle regularity, bleed length, heaviness of bleed, or menstrual pain. In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination was associated with a ∼1 day temporary increase in menstrual cycle length, but was not appreciably associated with other menstrual cycle characteristics.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人类正常月经周期、体外授精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)周期宫颈粘液IL-1β的变化规律,以寻求新的预告排卵的方法。方法:用酶联免疫吸附双抗夹心法连续测定15例IVF周期、7例正常月经周期宫颈粘液中IL-1β的水平。结果:正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有相似的周期性变化规律,从卵泡期到排卵期宫颈粘液IL-1β水平逐渐增加,至排卵前1d达到高峰,排卵日下降。结论:人类正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有周期性变化规律,宫颈粘液IL-1β水平在排卵前1d的高峰可能作为预测排卵的指标。  相似文献   

Female Macaque monkey were given a low (1.5 g/kg), moderate (2.5 g/kg) and high (3.5 g/kg) dose of alcohol via nasogastric intubation. Integrated plasma samples for blood alcohol analysis were collected at 30 minute intervals over 210 minutes. Peak blood alcohol levels measured at the premenstruum, menstruation, the periovulatory and mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle did not differ significantly after a standard dose of alcohol. Average peak blood alcohol levels, independent of menstrual cycle phase after low, moderate and high doses of alcohol were 139, 238 and 335 mg/dl. Menstrual cycle phase was verified by calendar and radioimmunoassay of levels of luteinizing hormone and 17-beta estradiol. We conclude that in alcohol-naive female Macaque monkeys studied under controlled conditions, peak blood alcohol levels after a standard dose of alcohol do not vary as a function of phase of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective was to evaluate the influence of combined oral contraceptives (COC) and of the menstrual cycle on the steroid receptor expression in the vulvar vestibular mucosa of healthy women. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-five healthy women (20 with COC and 25 without) were included. Vestibular biopsies were obtained during the menstrual cycle. Estrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta, progesterone receptors (PR) A and B, glucocorticoid receptor and androgen receptor as well as the proliferation marker Ki67 were analyzed using immunohistochemistry followed by computerized image analysis. RESULTS: The vestibular stromal tissue of women using COC expressed more ERbeta (p=.024) than that of women without COC. In the follicular phase, PRB was more abundant in the stromal tissue than in the luteal phase (p=.01). CONCLUSIONS: ERbeta is more abundant in the vulvar vestibular mucosa of women using COC than in that of women without COC. There is a cyclic variation in PRB in the vestibular mucosa in healthy women without COC.  相似文献   

Atrazine is the most commonly used herbicide in the U.S. and a wide-spread groundwater contaminant. Epidemiologic and laboratory evidence exists that atrazine disrupts reproductive health and hormone secretion. We examined the relationship between exposure to atrazine in drinking water and menstrual cycle function including reproductive hormone levels.Women 18–40 years old residing in agricultural communities where atrazine is used extensively (Illinois) and sparingly (Vermont) answered a questionnaire (n=102), maintained menstrual cycle diaries (n=67), and provided daily urine samples for analyses of luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol and progesterone metabolites (n=35). Markers of exposures included state of residence, atrazine and chlorotriazine concentrations in tap water, municipal water and urine, and estimated dose from water consumption.Women who lived in Illinois were more likely to report menstrual cycle length irregularity (odds ratio (OR)=4.69; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.58–13.95) and more than 6 weeks between periods (OR=6.16; 95% CI: 1.29–29.38) than those who lived in Vermont. Consumption of >2 cups of unfiltered Illinois water daily was associated with increased risk of irregular periods (OR=5.73; 95% CI: 1.58–20.77). Estimated “dose” of atrazine and chlorotriazine from tap water was inversely related to mean mid-luteal estradiol metabolite. Atrazine “dose” from municipal concentrations was directly related to follicular phase length and inversely related to mean mid-luteal progesterone metabolite levels.We present preliminary evidence that atrazine exposure, at levels below the US EPA MCL, is associated with increased menstrual cycle irregularity, longer follicular phases, and decreased levels of menstrual cycle endocrine biomarkers of infertile ovulatory cycles.  相似文献   

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