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Rare‐earth element and Y partitioning between garnet and monazite was measured in metamorphic rocks from western Norway to provide more confidence in tying monazite U/Th–Pb dates to P–T conditions recorded in garnet. A subset of samples has low‐Y garnet mantles and low‐Y monazite cores that gave Y‐partitioning temperatures similar to independently determined metamorphic temperatures. In combination with previously published data, these monazite–garnet pairs have temperature‐dependent partitioning of the HREE from Dy to Lu, and nonsystematic partitioning of the LREE from La–Gd. The temperature‐dependent partitioning must be considered when using HREE to assess which portions of garnet and monazite might have coexisted, but experiments are needed to place the dependence on a firm footing.  相似文献   

The growth and dissolution behaviour of accessory phases (and especially those of geochronological interest) in metamorphosed pelites depends on, among others, the bulk composition, the prograde metamorphic evolution and the cooling path. Monazite and zircon are arguably the most commonly used geochronometers for dating felsic metamorphic rocks, yet crystal growth mechanisms as a function of rock composition, pressure and temperature are still incompletely understood. Ages of different growth zones in zircon and monazite in a garnet‐bearing anatectic metapelite from the Greater Himalayan Sequence in NW Bhutan were investigated via a combination of thermodynamic modelling, microtextural data and interpretation of trace‐element chemical ‘fingerprint’ indicators in order to link them to the metamorphic stage at which they crystallized. Differences in the trace‐element composition (HREE, Y, EuN/Eu*N) of different phases were used to track the growth/dissolution of major (e.g. plagioclase, garnet) and accessory phases (e.g. monazite, zircon, xenotime, allanite). Taken together, these data constrain multiple pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) points from low temperature (<550 °C) to upper amphibolite facies (partial melting, >700 °C) conditions. The results suggest that the metapelite experienced a cryptic early metamorphic stage at c. 38 Ma at <550 °C, ≥0.85 GPa during which plagioclase was probably absent. This was followed by a prolonged high‐T, medium‐pressure (~600 °C, 0.55 GPa) evolution at 35–29 Ma during which the garnet grew, and subsequent partial melting at >690 °C and >18 Ma. Our data confirm that both geochronometers can crystallize independently at different times along the same P–T path and that neither monazite nor zircon necessarily provides timing constraints on ‘peak’ metamorphism. Therefore, collecting monazite and zircon ages as well as major and trace‐element data from major and accessory phases in the same sample is essential for reconstructing the most coherent metamorphic P–T–t evolution and thus for robustly constraining the rates and timescales of metamorphic cycles.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria modelling, laser‐ablation split‐stream (LASS)‐ICP‐MS petrochronology and garnet trace‐element geochemistry are integrated to constrain the P–T–t history of the footwall of the Priest River metamorphic core complex, northern Idaho. Metapelitic, migmatitic gneisses of the Hauser Lake Gneiss contain the peak assemblage garnet + sillimanite + biotite ± muscovite + plagioclase + K‐feldspar ± rutile ± ilmenite + quartz. Interpreted P–T paths predict maximum pressures and peak metamorphic temperatures of ~9.6–10.3 kbar and ~785–790 °C. Monazite and xenotime 208Pb/232Th dates from porphyroblast inclusions indicate that metamorphism occurred at c. 74–54 Ma. Dates from HREE‐depleted monazite formed during prograde growth constrain peak metamorphism at c. 64 Ma near the centre of the complex, while dates from HREE‐enriched monazite constrain the timing of garnet breakdown during near‐isothermal decompression at c. 60–57 Ma. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~5.0–4.4 kbar was followed by cooling and further decompression. The youngest, HREE‐enriched monazite records leucosome crystallization at mid‐crustal levels c. 54–44 Ma. The northernmost sample records regional metamorphism during the emplacement of the Selkirk igneous complex (c. 94–81 Ma), Cretaceous–Tertiary metamorphism and limited Eocene exhumation. Similarities between the Priest River complex and other complexes of the northern North American Cordillera suggest shared regional metamorphic and exhumation histories; however, in contrast to complexes to the north, the Priest River contains less partial melt and no evidence for diapiric exhumation. Improved constraints on metamorphism, deformation, anatexis and exhumation provide greater insight into the initiation and evolution of metamorphic core complexes in the northern Cordillera, and in similar tectonic settings elsewhere.  相似文献   

The textural and chemical evolution of allanite and monazite along a well‐constrained prograde metamorphic suite in the High Himalayan Crystalline of Zanskar was investigated to determine the P–T conditions for the crystallization of these two REE accessory phases. The results of this study reveals that: (i) allanite is the stable REE accessory phase in the biotite and garnet zone and (ii) allanite disappears at the staurolite‐in isograd, simultaneously with the occurrence of the first metamorphic monazite. Both monazite and allanite occur as inclusions in staurolite, indicating that the breakdown of allanite and the formation of monazite proceeded during staurolite crystallization. Staurolite growth modelling indicates that staurolite crystallized between 580 and 610 °C, thus setting the lower temperature limit for the monazite‐forming reaction at ~600 °C. Preservation of allanite and monazite inclusions in garnet (core and rim) constrains the garnet molar composition when the first monazite was overgrown and subsequently encompassed by the garnet crystallization front. Garnet growth modelling and the intersection of isopleths reveal that the monazite closest to the garnet core was overgrown by the garnet advancing crystallization front at 590 °C, which establishes an upper temperature limit for monazite crystallization. Significantly, the substitution of allanite by monazite occurs in close spatial proximity, i.e. at similar P–T conditions, in all rock types investigated, from Al‐rich metapelites to more psammitic metasedimentary rocks. This indicates that major silicate phases, such as staurolite and garnet, do not play a significant role in the monazite‐forming reaction. Our data show that the occurrence of the first metamorphic monazite in these rocks was mainly determined by the P–T conditions, not by bulk chemical composition. In Barrovian terranes, dating prograde monazite in metapelites thus means constraining the time when these rocks reached the 600 °C isotherm.  相似文献   

To assess the petrogenetic relationship between monazite and major silicates during prograde metamorphism, REE were measured across coexisting zoned silicates in garnet through kyanite‐grade pelitic schists from the Great Smoky Mountains, western Blue Ridge terrane, southern Appalachians, to establish REE concentrations and distributions before and after the monazite‐in isograd, and to identify the role major silicates play in the formation of monazite. Results indicate significant scavenging of light rare‐earth elements (LREE) from silicates during the monazite‐in isograd reaction; however, the absolute concentration of LREE hosted in the silicates was insufficient to produce monazite in the quantity observed in these schists. Monazite must have formed mainly from either the dissolution of allanite or some other source of concentrated LREE (possibly adsorbed onto grain boundaries), even though direct evidence for allanite is lacking in a majority of the samples. Laser‐ablation ICP‐MS analyses and theoretical thermodynamic calculations show that monazite may have formed as a result of contributions from both allanite and major silicates. Allanite breakdown initially formed monazite, and monazite production drew LREE liberated from allanite, major silicates and possibly from crystal boundaries. In many rocks the reaction was further promoted by the staurolite‐in reaction, allowing for rapid, isogradic monazite growth.  相似文献   

Monazite grains from Greater Himalayan Sequence gneisses, Langtang valley, Nepal, were chemically mapped and then dated in situ via Th–Pb ion‐microprobe analysis. Correlation of ages and chemistry reveals at least five different generations of monazite, ranging from c. 9 to >300 Ma. Petrological models of monazite chemistry provide a link between these generations and the thermal evolution of these rocks, yielding an age for the melting of Greater Himalayan rocks within the Main Central Thrust sheet (c. 16 Ma), and for the timing of thrust sheet emplacement that are younger than commonly viewed. Chemical characterization of monazite is vital prior to chronological microanalysis, and many ages previously reported for monazite from the Greater Himalayan Sequence are interpretationally ambiguous.  相似文献   

The Broken Hill Pb-Zn deposit, New South Wales Australia, is hosted in granulite facies gneisses of the Southern Curnamona Province (SCP) that have long been known to record a polydeformational and polymetamorphic history. The details of this potentially prolonged tectonothermal history have remained poorly understood because of a historical emphasis on conventional (i.e. grain mount) U-Pb zircon geochronology to reveal details of the sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic history of the rock that crops out in the vicinity of the city of Broken Hill. An alternative approach to unravelling the metamorphic history of the granulite facies gneisses in and around Broken Hill is to date accessory minerals, such as monazite, that participate in sub-solidus metamorphic reactions. We have taken advantage of the high spatial resolution and high sensitivity afforded by SHRIMP monazite geochronology to reconstruct the early history of the metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill. In contrast to previous studies, in situ analysis of monazite grains preserved in their original textural context in polished thin sections is used. Guided by electron microprobe X-ray maps, SHRIMP U-Pb dates for three distinct monazite compositional domains record pulses of monazite growth at c. 1657 Ma, c. 1630 Ma and c. 1602 Ma. It is demonstrated that these ages correspond to monazite growth during lower amphibolite facies, upper amphibolite facies and granulite facies metamorphism, respectively. It is speculated that this progressive heating of the SCP crust may have been driven by inversion of the upper crust during the Olarian Orogeny that was pre-heated by magmatic underplating at c. 1657 Ma.  相似文献   

The Karakoram–Hindu Kush–Pamir and adjacent Tibetan plateau belt comprise a series of Gondwana‐derived crustal fragments that successively accreted to the Eurasian margin in the Mesozoic as the result of the progressive Tethys ocean closure. These domains provide unique insights into the thermal and structural history of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Eurasian plate margin, which are critical to inform the initial boundary conditions (e.g. crustal thickness, structure and thermo‐mechanical properties) for the subsequent development of the large and hot Tibetan–Himalaya orogen, and the associated crustal deformation processes. Using a combination of microstructural analyses, thermobarometry modelling and U–Th–Pb monazite and Lu–Hf garnet geochronology, the study reappraises the metamorphic history of exposed mid‐crustal metapelites in the Chitral region of the South Pamir–Hindu Kush (NW Pakistan). This study also demonstrates that trace elements in monazite (especially Y and Dy), combined with thermodynamical modelling and Lu–Hf garnet dating, provides a powerful integrated toolbox for constraining long‐lived and polyphased tectono‐metamorphic histories in all their spatial and temporal complexity. Rocks from the Chitral region were progressively deformed and metamorphosed at sub‐ and supra‐solidus conditions through at least four distinct episodes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. Rocks were first metamorphosed at ~400–500°C and ~0.3 GPa in the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic (210–185 Ma), likely in response to the accretion of the Karakoram during the Cimmerian orogeny. Pressure and temperature subsequently increased by ~0.3 GPa and 100°C in the Early‐ to Mid Cretaceous (140–80 Ma), coinciding with the intrusion of calcalkaline granitic plutons across the Karakoram and Pamir regions. This event is interpreted as the record of crustal thickening and the development of a proto‐plateau within the Eurasian margin due to a long‐lived episode of slab flattening in an Andean‐type margin. Peak metamorphism was reached in the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene (40–30 Ma) at conditions of 580–600°C and ~0.6 GPa and 700–750°C and 0.7–0.8 GPa for the investigated staurolite schists and sillimanite migmatites respectively. This crustal heating up to moderate anatexis likely resulted in the underthrusting of the Indian plate after a NeoTethyan slab‐break off or to the Tethyan Himalaya–Lhasa microcontinent collision and subsequent oceanic slab flattening. Near‐isothermal decompression/exhumation followed in the Late Oligocene (28–23 Ma) as marked by a pressure decrease in excess of ~0.1 GPa. This event was coeval with the intrusion of the 24 Ma Garam Chasma leucogranite. This rapid exhumation is interpreted to be related to the reactivation of the South Pamir–Karakoram suture zone during the ongoing collision with India. The findings of this study confirm that significant crustal shortening and thickening of the south Eurasian margin occurred during the Mesozoic in an accretionary‐type tectonic setting through successive episodes of terrane accretions and probably slab flattening, transiently increasing the coupling at the plate interface. Moreover, they indicate that the south Eurasian margin was already hot and thickened prior to Cenozoic collision with India, which has important implications for orogen‐scale strain‐accommodation mechanisms.  相似文献   

In Rogaland, South Norway, a polycyclic granulite facies metamorphic domain surrounds the late‐Sveconorwegian anorthosite–mangerite–charnockite (AMC) plutonic complex. Integrated petrology, phase equilibria modelling, monazite microchemistry, Y‐in‐monazite thermometry, and monazite U–Th–Pb geochronology in eight samples, distributed across the apparent metamorphic field gradient, imply a sequence of two successive phases of ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphism in the time window between 1,050 and 910 Ma. A first long‐lived metamorphic cycle (M1) between 1,045 ± 8 and 992 ± 11 Ma is recorded by monazite in all samples. This cycle is interpreted to represent prograde clockwise P–T path involving melt production in fertile protoliths and culminating in UHT conditions of ~6 kbar and 920°C. Y‐in‐monazite thermometry, in a residual garnet‐absent sapphirine–orthopyroxene granulite, provides critical evidence for average temperature of 931 and 917°C between 1,029 ± 9 and 1,006 ± 8 Ma. Metamorphism peaked after c. 20 Ma of crustal melting and melt extraction, probably supported by a protracted asthenospheric heat source following lithospheric mantle delamination. Between 990 and 940 Ma, slow conductive cooling to 750–800°C is characterized by monazite reactivity as opposed to silicate metastability. A second incursion (M2) to UHT conditions of ~3.5–5 kbar and 900–950°C, is recorded by Y‐rich monazite at 930 ± 6 Ma in an orthopyroxene–cordierite–hercynite gneiss and by an osumilite gneiss. This M2 metamorphism, typified by osumilite paragenesis, is related to the intrusion of the AMC plutonic complex at 931 ± 2 Ma. Thermal preconditioning of the crust during the first UHT metamorphism may explain the width of the aureole of contact metamorphism c. 75 Ma later, and also the rarity of osumilite‐bearing assemblages in general.  相似文献   

LA-ICPMS U–Pb data from metamorphic monazite in upper amphibolite and granulite-grade metasedimentary rocks indicate that the Nawa Domain of the northern Gawler Craton in southern Australia underwent multiple high-grade metamorphic events in the Late Paleoproterozoic and Early Mesoproterozoic. Five of the six samples investigated here record metamorphic monazite growth during the period 1730–1690 Ma, coincident with the Kimban Orogeny, which shaped the crustal architecture of the southeastern Gawler Craton. Combined with existing detrital zircon U–Pb data, the metamorphic monazite ages constrain deposition of the northern Gawler metasedimentary protoliths to the interval ca 1750–1720 Ma. The new age data highlight the craton-wide nature of the 1730–1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny in the Gawler Craton. In the Mabel Creek Ridge region of the Nawa Domain, rocks metamorphosed during the Kimban Orogeny were reworked during the Kararan Orogeny (1570–1555 Ma). The obtained Kararan Orogeny monazite ages are within uncertainty of ca 1590–1575 Ma zircon U–Pb metamorphic ages from the Mt Woods Domain in the central-eastern Gawler Craton, which indicate that high-grade metamorphism and associated deformation were coeval with the craton-scale Hiltaba magmatic event. The timing of this deformation, and the implied compressional vector, is similar to the latter stages of the Olarian Orogeny in the adjacent Curnamona Province and appears to be part of a westward migration in the timing of deformation and metamorphism in the southern Australian Proterozoic over the interval 1600–1545 Ma. This pattern of westward-shifting tectonism is defined by the Olarian Orogeny (1600–1585 Ma, Curnamona Province), Mt Woods deformation (1590–1575 Ma), Mabel Creek Ridge deformation (1570–1555 Ma, Kararan Orogeny) and Fowler Domain deformation (1555–1545 Ma, Kararan Orogeny). This westward migration of deformation suggests the existence of a large evolving tectonic system that encompassed the emplacement of the voluminous Hiltaba Suite and associated volcanic and mineral systems.  相似文献   

孔令耀  韩庆森  郭盼  邓新  李琳静  徐扬  万俊  陈超 《地质学报》2023,97(5):1463-1477
为探讨大别造山带早期结晶基底物质组成及其演化特征,对大别造山带蕙兰山地区出露的黑云紫苏斜长片麻岩的岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学及Lu-Hf同位素组成进行研究,显示其原岩应为石英闪长岩,成岩时代为古元古代早期(2463±22 Ma),且经历了古元古代麻粒岩相变质作用,锆石Ti地质温度计显示其变质温度为767~827℃(平均799℃),变质时间为2002±11 Ma(MSWD=0.46)。岩石地球化学成分显示其SiO2含量为55.16%~57.10%,MgO为4.74%~5.89%,Mg#值为47.5~50.4,钙碱性系列,富Mg贫Si,稀土配分曲线呈现轻稀土相对富集的右倾分布特征((La/Yb)N=19.3~34.1),无明显Eu异常((Eu/Eu*)=0.9~1.2),且具较高的Sr、Ni、Cr含量,以及较低的YbN值及Y含量,与镁质闪长岩具相似特征;明显富集Rb、Ba、K等大离子亲石元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素;锆石Lu-Hf同位素显示具有较为均一...  相似文献   

Sm–Nd (garnet), U–Pb (monazite) and Rb–Sr (biotite) ages from a composite migmatite sample (Damara orogen, Namibia) constrain the time of high‐grade regional metamorphism and the duration of regional metamorphic events. Sm–Nd garnet whole‐rock ages for a strongly restitic melanosome and an adjacent intrusive leucosome yield ages of 534±5, 528±11 and 539±8 Ma. These results provide substantial evidence for pre‐500 Ma Pan‐African regional metamorphism and melting for this segment of the orogen. Other parts of the migmatite yield younger Sm–Nd ages of 488±9 Ma for melanosome and 496±10, 492±5 and 511±16 Ma for the corresponding leucosomes. Garnet from one xenolith from the leucosomes yields an age of 497±2 Ma. Major element compostions of garnet are different in terms of absolute abundances of pyrope and spessartine components, but the flat shape of the elemental patterns suggests late‐stage retrograde equilibration. Rare earth element compositions of the garnet from the different layers are similar except for garnet from the intrusive leucosome suggesting that they grew in different environments. Monazite from the leucosomes is reversely discordant and records 207Pb/235U ages between 536 and 529 Ma, indicating that this monazite represents incorporated residual material from the first melting event. Monazite from the mesosome MES 2 and the melanosome MEL 3 gives 207Pb/235U ages of 523 and 526 Ma, and 529 and 531 Ma, respectively, which probably indicates another thermal event. Previously published 207Pb/235U monazite data give ages between 525 and 521 Ma for composite migmatites, and 521 and 518 Ma for monazite from neosomes. Monazite from granitic to granodioritic veins indicates another thermal event at 507–505 Ma. These ages are also recorded in 207Pb/235U monazite data of 508 Ma from the metasediment MET 1 from the migmatite and also in the Sm–Nd garnet ages obtained in this study. Taken together, these ages indicate that high‐grade metamorphism started at c. 535 Ma (or earlier) and was followed by thermal events at c. 520 Ma and c. 505 Ma. The latter event is probably connected with the intrusion of a large igneous body (Donkerhoek granite) for which so far only imprecise Rb–Sr whole‐rock data of 520±15 Ma are available. Rb–Sr biotite ages from the different layers of the migmatite are 488, 469 and 473 Ma. These different ages indicate late‐stage disturbance of the Rb–Sr isotopic system on the sub‐sample scale. Nevertheless, these ages are close to the youngest Sm–Nd garnet ages, indicating rapid cooling rates between 13 and 20°C Ma?1 and fast uplift of this segment of the crust. Similar Sm–Nd garnet and U–Pb monazite ages suggest that the closure temperatures for both isotopic systems are not very different in this case and are probably similar or higher than the previously estimated peak metamorphic temperatures of 730±30°C. The preservation of restitic monazite in leucosomes indicates that dissolution of monazite in felsic water‐undersaturated peraluminous melts can be sluggish. This study shows that geochronological data from migmatites can record polymetamorphic episodes in high‐grade terranes that often contain cryptic evidence for the nature and timing of early metamorphic events.  相似文献   

Caledonian eclogite facies shear zones developed from Grenvillian garnet granulite facies anorthosites and gabbros in the Bergen Arcs of western Norway allow direct investigation of the relations between macroscopic structures and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) in lower continental crust. Field relations on the island of Holsnøy show that the eclogites formed locally from granulite facies rocks by progressive development of: (1) eclogite adjacent to fractures; (2) eclogite in discrete shear zones (> 2 m thick); (3) eclogite breccia consisting of >80% well-foliated eclogite that wraps around rotated granulite blocks; and (4) anastomosing, subparallel, eclogite facies shear zones 30–100 m thick continuous over distances > 1 km within the granulite terrane. These shear zones deformed under eclogite facies conditions at an estimated temperature of 670 ± 50°C and a minimum pressure of 1460 MPa, which corresponds to depths of >55 km in the continental crust. Detailed investigation of the major shear zones shows the development of a strong foliation defined by the shape preferred orientation of omphacite and by alternating segregations of omphacite/garnet-rich and kyanite/zoisite-rich layers. A consistent lineation throughout the shear zones is defined by elongate aggregates of garnet and omphacite. The CPO of omphacite, determined from five-axis universal stage measurements, shows a strong b-axis maximum normal to foliation, and a c-axis girdle within the foliation plane with weak maxima parallel to the lineation direction. These patterns are consistent with deformation of omphacite by slip parallel to [001] and suggest glide along (010). The lineation and CPO data reveal a consistent sense of shear zone movement, although the displacement was small. Localized faulting of high-grade rocks accompanied by fluid infiltration can be an important mode of failure in the lower continental crust. Field relations show that granulite facies rocks can exist in a metastable state under eclogite facies conditions and imply that the lower crust can host differing metamorphic facies at the same depth. Deformation of granulite and partial conversion to eclogite, such as is exposed on Holsnøy Island, may be an orogenic-scale process in the lowermost crust of collisional orogens.  相似文献   

The Greenland Caledonides (GC) formed in the overriding Laurentian plate during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the subduction of Baltica, and offer a unique opportunity to study metamorphic patterns, regional structures and the kinematic evolution of the overriding plate of a continental collision. We present new metamorphic petrology and coupled zircon geochronology and geochemistry data from the Jættedal complex in southern Liverpool Land to document the thermal evolution of the orogenic core of the southern GC. Pelitic migmatite gneisses from the Jættedal complex document metamorphic conditions of 850–730 °C at pressures of 11–9.5 kbar. Zircon from these samples yields Archean–Mesoproterozoic detrital cores with positive heavy rare earth element (HREE) slopes, and 440–425 Ma rims with flat HREE slopes are interpreted to date the timing of prograde pelite anatexis. Intercalated mafic assemblages record metamorphic conditions of 860–820 °C at 12–10 kbar. Zircon from mafic gneisses contains cores with ages of c. 458 Ma with positive HREE slopes and 413–411 Ma rims with flat HREE slopes that are interpreted to record the timing of original mafic dyke intrusion and subsequent partial melting respectively. When placed in the context of correlative rocks from the southern GC, these results suggest the development of a thermally weakened lower to middle crust in the Caledonian overriding plate that spanned >200 km perpendicular to orogenic strike during the Silurian. The existing data further suggest Silurian syn‐orogenic channel flow and exhumation occurred at the thrust front, while protracted high‐T metamorphism continued in the orogenic core. These patterns highlight variations in the thermal and rheologic structure of the Caledonian overriding plate along orogenic strike, and have implications for the development and exhumation of high‐ and ultrahigh‐pressure terranes.  相似文献   

Several petrographic studies have linked accessory monazite growth in pelitic schist to metamorphic reactions involving major rock‐forming minerals, but little attention has been paid to the control that bulk composition might have on these reactions. In this study we use chemographic projections and pseudosections to argue that discrepant monazite ages from the Mount Barren Group of the Albany–Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, reflect differing bulk compositions. A new Sensitive High‐mass Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb monazite age of 1027 ± 8 Ma for pelitic schist from the Mount Barren Group contrasts markedly with previously published SHRIMP U–Pb monazite and xenotime ages of c. 1200 Ma for the same area. All dated samples experienced identical metamorphic conditions, but preserve different mineral assemblages due to variable bulk composition. Monazite grains dated at c. 1200 Ma are from relatively magnesian rocks dominated by biotite, kyanite and/or staurolite, whilst c. 1027 Ma grains are from a ferroan rock dominated by garnet and staurolite. The latter monazite population is likely to have grown when staurolite was produced at the expense of garnet and chlorite, but this reaction was not intersected by more magnesian compositions, which are instead dominated by monazite that grew during an earlier, greenschist facies metamorphic event. These results imply that monazite ages from pelitic schist can vary depending on the bulk composition of the host rock. Samples containing both garnet and staurolite are the most likely to yield monazite ages that approximate the timing of peak metamorphism in amphibolite facies terranes. Samples too magnesian to ever grow garnet, or too iron‐rich to undergo garnet breakdown, are likely to yield older monazite, and the age difference can be significant in terranes with a polymetamorphic history.  相似文献   

Interpreting tectonic histories from metamorphic tectonites requires an understanding of the linkages and feedbacks between deformation and metamorphism. Relationships between deformation and metamorphism can be divided into two broad groups: active and passive. Active relationships involve direct interactions whereby deformation directly influences metamorphic reactions or metamorphism directly affects the rate or style of deformation. One of the most important ‘active’ relationships is the role that deformation plays in helping to remove unstable reactant phases and to promote the growth of stable product phases. Passive relationships are correlations or linkages that allow the deformation history to be integrated with the metamorphic history. Compositional mapping of major and accessory phases and especially maps of larger thin section domains are particularly valuable for evaluating strain partitioning, scales of equilibrium, relationships between metamorphic textures and deformational fabrics, and in particular, for interpreting geochronological data. Petrological pseudosections are an increasingly utilized tool for interpreting microtextures and for linking deformation, metamorphism, and large‐scale tectonics. In situ geochronology and petrological analysis of chronometer phases (i.e. monazite, xenotime, titanite, allanite, etc.) are a critical part of tectonic analysis of metamorphic rocks. The electron microprobe plays an essential role in characterizing chronometer phases and placing them into the context of silicate fabrics and textures.  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) granulites provide telling records of mineral reactions at upper mantle to lower crustal levels and key information on the fate of material in subduction systems. The latter especially applies when they abut eclogite and mantle dunite because such rock associations are crucial for understanding the incompletely known processes at the interface of converging plates. A continental arc, active c. 520–395 Ma ago, formed an enigmatic example of such a rock association in the Songshugou area, Qinling Orogen. To unravel the juxtaposition of the distinct rocks, this study combines petrography, phase equilibria modelling, conventional thermobarometry, and zircon U–Th–Pb–Ti–REE analysis. Two mafic HP granulites, which contain the mineral assemblages garnet–clinopyroxene–plagioclase–rutile–mesoperthite–quartz and garnet–clinopyroxene–plagioclase–rutile, experienced peak metamorphic conditions of ≤1.4 GPa, 860°C and ~1.3 GPa, ≥910°C, respectively. During decompression and cooling, at 489 ± 4 Ma, amphibole lamellae unmixed from a clinopyroxene solid solution and orthopyroxene in part replaced garnet. A felsic HP granulite shows equilibration of garnet, perthite, antiperthite, kyanite, quartz, and rutile at 810–860°C, ~1.2 GPa, sillimanite growth during decompression, and upper amphibolite facies cooling at 510 ± 4 Ma. Though the thermobarometric data are just within the methodological errors, the U/Pb zircon ages imply the HP granulites did not evolve coherently. The HP granulites either represent foundered lower arc crust or originated from subduction erosion because their geochemistry is indistinguishable from that of the hanging-wall plate. Published and new pressure–temperature–time–deformation paths converge at ~710°C, ~0.9 GPa, and ≲470 Ma, implying exhumation tectonics juxtaposed the HP granulites with a mélange of eclogite and mantle dunite at lower crustal levels. This study highlights that lower arc crust can comprise material of diverse evolution.  相似文献   

对分布于江南造山带东段江绍断裂带附近的浙江诸暨地区石角-璜山侵入岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年工作,石角角闪辉石岩和璜山石英闪长岩的结晶年龄分别为844Ma±3Ma和818Ma±6Ma。该年龄结果表明,石角村附近的超镁铁质岩(包括球状辉闪岩)与其外围的闪长岩可能并非同时形成。江绍断裂带附近分布的多个闪长岩体的形成时代介于930~820Ma之间。对这些超镁铁质岩和闪长岩的精细岩石成因研究将有助于揭示扬子和华夏在新元古代时期的拼接过程。  相似文献   

Integrated metamorphic and geochronological data place new constraintson the metamorphic evolution of a Neoproterozoic orogen in eastAntarctica. Granulite-facies rocks from a 150 km stretch ofthe Kemp Land coast reflect peak conditions involving T 870–990°Cat P 7·4–10 kbar, with pressure increasing westwardtowards an Archaean craton. Electron microprobe-derived (Th+ U)–Pb monazite ages from metapelitic assemblages indicatethat the major mineral textures in these rocks developed duringthe c. 940 Ma Rayner Orogeny. Complex compositional zoning inmonazite suggests high-T recrystallization over c. 25 Myr. Diversityin metapelitic reaction textures reflects silica and ferromagnesiancontent: Si-saturated Fe-rich metapelites contain garnet thatis partially pseudomorphed by biotite and sillimanite, whereasSi-saturated Mg-rich metapelites and Si-undersaturated metapeliticpods have reaction microstructures involving cordierite enclosingorthopyroxene, garnet and/or sapphirine, cordierite + sapphirinesymplectites around sillimanite and coarse-grained orthopyroxene+ corundum separated by sapphirine coronae. Interpretationsbased on PT pseudosections provide integrated bulk-rockconstraints and indicate a clockwise PTt pathcharacterized by a post-peak PT trajectory with dP/dT 15–20 bar/ °C. This moderately sloped decompressive-coolingPT path is in contrast to near-isothermal decompressionPT paths commonly cited for this region of the RaynerComplex, with implications for the post-collisional tectonicresponse of the mid- to lower crust within this orogenic belt. KEY WORDS: electron microprobe monazite dating; granulite facies; Rayner Complex; sapphirine; THERMOCALCMinerals abbreviations: q, quartz; g, garnet; sill, sillimanite; ky, kyanite; opx, orthopyroxene; cd, cordierite; ksp, alkali feldspar; pl, plagioclase; bi, biotite; sp, spinel; ilm, ilmenite; mt, magnetite; ru, rutile; sa, sapphirine; cor, corundum; osm, osumilite; liq, silicate melt; mnz, monazite  相似文献   

对分布于江南造山带东段江绍断裂带附近的浙江诸暨地区石角-璜山侵入岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年工作,石角角闪辉石岩和璜山石英闪长岩的结晶年龄分别为844Ma±3Ma和818Ma±6Ma。该年龄结果表明,石角村附近的超镁铁质岩(包括球状辉闪岩)与其外围的闪长岩可能并非同时形成。江绍断裂带附近分布的多个闪长岩体的形成时代介于930~820Ma之间。对这些超镁铁质岩和闪长岩的精细岩石成因研究将有助于揭示扬子和华夏在新元古代时期的拼接过程。  相似文献   

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