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如果CEO了解信息部门的真实情况,也许这些困惑就迎刃而解了大多数CEO对IT部门的感情是复杂而矛盾的,一方面感觉到信息化越来越重要,业务的发展离不开IT部门的支持;另一方面对IT部门又不是很放心,因为他们大多数不是出身IT,对IT部门的管理是心有余而力不足。  相似文献   

组织的最高IT主管实际上应该是CEO。在IT治理的实施过程中.CEO 参与其事有着非常重大的意义。在一些组织中,IT治理被看作是IT部门的事,那些负责业务战略的人,特别是CEO,很少甚至根本不参与其事。这种态度好像就是:这是IT方面的事务,只有做 IT的人才最清楚该如何处理。在过去,一些企业这样做或许行得通;在某些变化很少的成熟行  相似文献   

眨眼工夫,就要到开集团年中会议的时间了,面对不及格的绩效考核表,信息部主任林恒知道这次为了自己的部门和员工,一定要说些什么了。但信息部门的绩效考核,该怎么做?考核体系如何更合理?  相似文献   

不是每一个IT部门都能像上海宝信、一汽启明那样自立门户。但王鲁平认为,即使是一个企业的信息化职能部门,也要有自立精神。  相似文献   

IT部门公司化已经开始被许多大中型多元化的企业所接受和尝试。作为一种摸着石头过河的新模式,CIO们又有哪些应该注意的问题呢?  相似文献   

面对公司上下对信息工作日益增长的巨大需求,张经理既需要足够的人员,也需要有几个骨干能够独挡一面,可实际情况着实很让人困惑。信息部门应该如何进行人员配备?  相似文献   

信息中心在企业的位置究竟是怎样的?出现边缘化的原因是什么?项目建设完成后又应该怎样发展自己?随着企业信息化的不断深入,这个部门的作用如何体现?李明是一家大型国有企业集团的信息中心主任,计算机专业出身。他刚被分到这家单位的时候,一个人维护着几台电脑,由于那时IT技术的缺陷,  相似文献   

急CIO之所急,想CIO之所想,做CIO倾述及献计献策之对象。通过对生动的典型场景展现和分析,与业内专家、CIO、企业管理者、共同探讨信息化过程中的管理冲突、思维困境、决策难点、角色尴尬等问题。  相似文献   

小袁问老王:“王经理,干嘛不让我把上次财务部的事说出来,他们太不合作了!”老王说:“小伙子,我们IT部门和业务部门关系奥妙,我也很头疼啊!”  相似文献   

IT部门的五大业务职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业的信息部门人员既要达到专业能力的要求,同时要对企业内部一种或以上的业务达到业务能力的要求。从这家能源企业的案例来看,虽然提出的是信息部门人员配备问题,但涉及的专业领域非常广泛,包括信息化规划、信息系统管理、信息管理控制体系、信息业务外包、信  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2002,4(4):22-26
Today's tight budgets and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures place incredible stress on the IT environment. IT managers are working hard to keep up with new technologies while supporting existing infrastructure. As the demands on a business infrastructure grow and expand to new areas, an IT infrastructure must support these new and varied needs. Taking a hard look at ones systems can uncover hidden opportunities for savings and provide funds to help one prepares for future demands.  相似文献   

Many studies have observed that close interfirm collaborations have positive effects on a firm's innovation. Yet, they have not shown how the collaboration contributes to this process. Higher innovation rates could be a result of revolutionary improvements, evolutionary improvements, or both. We investigated changes in the innovation process. Longitudinal data from 23 top IT firms across 9 years were collected and analyzed. Results suggested that close interfirm collaborations were associated with evolutionary but not revolutionary improvement. Results also suggested that the longer the IT firms had engaged in close interfirm collaboration, the larger the effect on IT innovations.  相似文献   

How IT organizations handle rapid IT change: five coping mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Information technology (IT) has become a strategic resource in many organizations. As a result, the management of IT has dramatically increased in importance. However, IT is changing at a rapid rate. This change is increasing the complexity of the challenges facing IT managers. In fact, previous research has hypothesized that IT managers deliberately use specific coping mechanisms to deal with these challenges.The results from that research were used to construct a survey sent to a nationwide sample of 1,000 IT organizations. Two hundred forty-six respondents provided data to confirm the existence of and refine the definitions for coping mechanisms that IT managers apply to handle changing IT. The research contributes knowledge about how IT organizations cope with rapid IT change and about the relationship of various coping mechanisms to the reduction of the problems of rapidly changing IT. Five categories of coping mechanism – Education and Training, Vendor Support, Endurance, Internal Procedures, and Consultant Support – emerged. An overall model proposing that the use of those categories predicts the reduction in problems from new IT was significant. Moreover, Education and Training and Internal Procedures presaged problem reduction, whereas Endurance and Consultant Support presaged increased problems.  相似文献   

近年来,各省市的电信运营企业相继建设了许多IT系统,但是由于缺乏长期系统的整体规划,老的IT系统在新的发展环境与形势下,暴露出了许多先天不足。首先,IT应用系统多且彼此孤立,业务流程自动化程度低,导致业务运营中出现多个人工处理环节,不能有效支撑流程化管理;数据较为分散,难以支撑灵活的市场营销策略并提供有效的管理决策支持;数据的准确性、完整性和一致性较差,难以支持经营分析和决策。其次,系统供应商多而水平参差不齐,没有统一的网络平台支撑多个业务系统,使得系统整合困难,系统后期维护成本高。再次,IT投资不足且效率低下。这…  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内餐饮市场竞争日趋激烈,餐饮企业的高利润时代已渐渐成为过去。餐饮企业在进行资金的再投入和经营范围扩张的同时,也要苦练内功,加强企业经营各环节的成本控制,通过强化内部管理堵住餐饮企业的各种跑冒滴漏,从控制成本角  相似文献   

How trainee teachers of IT approach teaching their subject   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  This paper explores the nature of Information Technology (IT) as a separate subject in the secondary school curriculum. It reports on research carried out with a cohort of specialist IT post-graduate trainee teachers at a local university. The paper explores IT trainees' approach to teaching their subject and describes their strong focus on purpose when teaching IT. Important characteristics of the purposeful approach are the use of authentic data; the transformation of data by pupils; and a focus on problem solving within a context to which pupils can relate. However in their work in schools, trainees found constraints on developing a strong focus on purpose in their lessons. They were encouraged to experiment but felt they needed more support to carry out purposeful activities with pupils. The implications of this research on teacher training and on the value of IT as a curriculum subject are discussed.  相似文献   


根据自己的教学实践,本文介绍如何在课堂中运用各种方式方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的信息素养,并取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

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