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Thermoluminescence (TL) of monomineralic separates have been widely used in various geosciences fields in order to trace the thermal history and aid in prospecting for gold deposits. Quartz is a ubiquitous mineral in the Shihu gold deposit, which is situated in the northern part of the Taihang orogenic belt in the North China craton (NCC). The deposit is hosted by ductile-brittle faults within an Archean metamorphic core complex of the Fuping Group. This deposit is characterized by gold-bearing quartz-polymetallic sulfides and quartz veins. New TL results have been obtained for quartz, in which four type-TL glow curves were identified. The gold-bearing quartz present type III glow curves that consist of two peak glow curves at the middle and high peak temperatures with the similar TL intensity. In addition, the cross-sections of peak temperatures and TL intensity highlight the valuable area where the Au-bearing quartz present weak TL intensity and low-middle peak temperatures. Our results significantly enhance the usefulness of quartz in metallogenic studies of the North China craton and as an indicator mineral in mineral exploration of the Taihang Mountain region.  相似文献   

冀西石湖金矿成矿流体特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过对石湖金矿矿石中石英包裹体的气、液相成分分析表明,石湖金矿成矿流体为富含CO2、H2O和CH4、C2H6等挥发分的K -Na -Ca2 -SO24--NO3--Cl-体系。硫、碳同位素分析显示硫、碳来源于地幔,氢氧同位素分析则显示成矿流体为岩浆热液和大气水的混合流体。6个均一法测温数据平均为310℃,显示为中温成矿,53个爆裂法测温数据主要集中在区域320~350℃和360~380℃两个区域,成矿期大致分为两个阶段。成矿压力为20.3MPa,成矿深度为0.75km,lgfo2=-39.95,Eh=-0.42~-0.64V,pH=5.94~6.44,这些特征都表明矿床形成于超浅成、相对偏氧化的弱碱性成矿环境。101-4主矿体不同中段石英包裹体测温等温线图表明,成矿流体的运移方向为自矿区南端深部流向矿区北端浅部,运移方向与矿体的侧伏方向基本一致,预示矿区南端深部还有很好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The trace element signatures of wall rocks and veins display a basically similar tendency in the spider diagram, showing the genetic relationship. The values of Co/Ni, Y/Ho, Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-normalized patterns and REE fractionation between wall rocks and ore bodies, possibly reflecting their similar origin. Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe=0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe=1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation.  相似文献   

黄铁矿热电性特征在冀西石湖金矿床中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了黄铁矿热电性测量方法在石湖金矿找矿实践中的应用。黄铁矿是主要的载金矿物,可分为4个阶段。热电性测试研究得出如下结论,黄铁矿的导型组合从Ⅰ=〉Ⅳ成矿阶段的变化为P〈N=〉P≥N=〉P〉N=〉P≤N;在矿化地段,由上而下,αP减小,αN增大;P%减小,N%增大;用电导型分布(P%)和αP均值所作矿物学填图反映的结果基本一致,从中可以取得有关黄铁矿的形成温度、矿体的相对埋深、矿体特征,深部远景等标型信息。  相似文献   

The quartz vein-type gold deposits are widely hosted by the Neoproterozoic (Xiajiang Group) epimeta- morphic clastic rock series in southeastern Guizhou Province, China. The Zhewang gold deposit studied in this paper occurs in the second lithologieal member of the Pinglue Formation of the Xiajiang Group. Trace element geochemis- try of host rocks, quartz veins and arsenopyrite has revealed that ore-forming fluid was enriched in sulphophile ele- ments such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Pb and Zn, and simultaneously concentrated some magmaphile elements such as W and Mo, which probably provides some evidence for multi-stage mineralization or overprinting of magmatic hydro- therm. Quartz veins and arsenopyrite were characterized by depletion in HFSE and enrichment in LREE. Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La imply that the ore-forming fluid was probably a NaC1-H20 solution system enriched in more C1 than F; Th/U values reflect the strong reducibility of the ore-forming fluid, coincident with the sulfide assemblages. The values of Co/Ni reflect that magmatic fluids may have partly participated in the ore-forming process and Y/Ho values have proved that the ore-forming fluid was associated with metamorphism and exotic hydrotherm which has reformed former quartz veins during late mineralization. The concentrations of REE, Eu anomalies and Ce anomalies of this deposit display that ore-forming elements mainly were derived from host rocks and possibly from a mixed deep source, and the ore-forming fluid was mixed by dominant metamorphic fluid and minor other sources. The physical-chemical conditions of ore-forming fluid changed from the initial stage to the late stage. The metamorphic fluid is responsible for the mineralization. Therefore, the Zhewang gold deposit is classified as a quartz vein-type gold deposit which may have been reformed by magmatic fluids during the late stage.  相似文献   

冀西石湖金矿成矿物质来源及成矿作用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
石湖金矿101、116矿脉深部延伸稳定,品位有所提高,产状变化不大,南于深部探矿进展较好,而使其成为太行山中段大型金矿.石湖金矿的矿脉明显受断裂构造控制,总体属岩浆期后热液石英脉-断裂构造蚀变岩型矿床.本文采用幔枝构造新视角开展研究,通过对地质背景研究及铅、硫、硅、碳、氢、氧同位素的分析表明:石湖金矿成矿物质主要来源于地球深部,成矿溶液主要为岩浆水,混有部分大气水.进而探讨了其成矿作用,建立了成矿模式,提出了具体找矿建议.  相似文献   

笔者利用显微测温、成分及氢氧同位素测试对大西沟金矿流体包裹体参数以及成矿流体性质进行了较为深入的探讨,结果显示,大西沟金矿与矿化关系密切的石英中,包裹体可以分为气体包裹体、气液包裹体、液体包裹体3种类型,其中气液包裹体、液体包裹体最为常见.包裹体均一温度主要集中在175℃~275℃,盐度为2%~7%,流体密度为0.804~0.959g/cm3,成矿深度为1.01~2.24 km.流体包裹体气相成分主要为H2O和CO2;包裹体液相成分中阳离子以Na+为主,Ca2+、K+次之,阴离子以SO42-、Cl-为主,仅含微量的F-.石英中δO水值是2.1%~5.8‰,δD值为-87‰~-103.67‰.反映成矿流体来源于岩浆水与大气降水.通过气体逸度的计算,大西沟金矿成矿流体中金主要以[Au(HS)2]-络合物的形式迁移,混合作用和热液蚀变作用是导致金沉淀与富集的主要因素.  相似文献   

The Shihu gold deposit is situated in the central shear zone of the Meso-Cenozoic Fuping metamorphic core complex in the middle-northern part of the Taihang Mountains. This kind of gold deposits named after ‘Shihu type’ widely occurs in this region. Gold-bearing quartz veins are their most important industrial orebodies. Detailed laser 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the mineralized quartz veins in the study area reveals details of its tectono-magmatic history. The 40Ar/39Ar ages for the quartz are between 134.4 Ma and 155.9 Ma with a mean age of 141±4 Ma on the isochron line and 139±7 Ma on the inverse isochron line, respectively, which is interpreted to be the best estimate of the crystalline age of the quartz veins. The gold mineralization was most likely related to an underplating event that took place in the northern part of the Taihang Mountain at ca. 140 Ma. The timing of gold mineralization in the area is similar to those observed in other major gold-producing provinces in the NCC. This episode is simultaneous with those in the eastern NCC, indicative of a widespread late Yanshanian metallogenic event that was a response either to the subduction of the Izanagi-Pacific plate beneath eastern China or to the removal of the Early Cretaceous lithosphere in the eastern NCC. The ore-forming material sources may be the Early Precambrian metamorphic basement, instead of intermediate-acid rock bodies and dykes.  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the theory of mantle-branch structure-associated metallogenesis and on the basis of the geological characteristics, analysis of the ore-forming and ore-controlling structures, the geochemical characteristics of metallogenesis, the source of ore-forming materials, changes in the physical and chemical conditions of metallogenesis, changes in the vertical width of ore veins, and changes in gold grade of the Shihu gold deposit, the mechanism of its metallogenesis was discussed and the rules of vertical variation of ore veins were summarized in this study. It is pointed out that the orebodies under exploitation at present time should be in the middle and upper portions of gold veins in the Shihu gold mining district. Particularly on the basis of the characteristics of mantle-branch structure-associated metallogenesis, it is indicated that metallogenesis is controlled mainly by such ore-forming conditions as temperature and pressure. Deep-seated ore-forming fluids are characterized mainly by injection and precipitation. So the vein bodies in the adjacent metallogenic structures are of obvious comparability, and there would be great prospects for ore search both at depth and in the periphery of the Shihu gold deposit. Therefore, ore prospecting should be strengthened both at depth and in the peripheries.  相似文献   

The Xishimen gold deposit is located in the tectonic zone southeast to the Shihu gold deposit, both of which belong to the same orefield. Then, how is the prospecting potential for the Xishimen gold deposit? A com-parison was made between the Xishimen gold deposit and the Shihu gold deposit on the basis of their geological background of metallogenesis, geological characteristics of the ore deposits, the sources of ore-forming materials, etc. The results showed that both the deposits possess many similarities in the respects mentioned above. And their met-allogeneses can be compared. Therefore, there is great potential for ore prospection in the periphery or at the deep levels of the Xishimen gold deposit. Ore exploration should be well programmed on the basis of a better dissection of the tectonic setting of the orefield. A breakthrough in ore prospection of the Xishimen gold deposit will be of great instructive significance in regionally geological prospecting.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThebehaviorsoftherare earthelements (REE)duringmagmatism ,metamorphismandmeta somationareofgreatgeologicalinterestbecauseoftheirapplicationsingeochronologyandgeochemi caltracing (e .g .reviewsbyFaure ,1 986;LipinandMckay ,1 989) .Becauseoftheirsimilargeo chemicalbehaviorsandlowsolubilitiesinwater,theREEshaveprovedthemselvestobeapowerfultoolforthecharacterizationofprovenanceswhenappliedtosedimentaryrocks (McDanieletal.,1 994) .Althoughtheirbehaviorsunderhydrothermalconditionsar…  相似文献   

豫西前河金矿热液蚀变地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
含矿热液在迁移过程中与围岩发生了广泛的流体-岩石反应而引起热液蚀变.前河金矿区内主要的热液蚀变有钾长石化、青磐岩化、绢云母化、硅化、黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化和萤石化等7种类型;划分了6个蚀变-成矿阶段,即黑云母-钾长石阶段→青磐岩阶段→绢英岩阶段→黄铁矿-石英阶段→石英-黄铁矿阶段→碳酸盐-卤化物阶段,以及外、中、内3个蚀变带.5种典型蚀变岩的常量和微量元素分析表明,绢英岩化蚀变中,Si、K大量迁入,Pb含量大大增加,在∑REE有所降低的情况下HREE有所富集:δ Eu和δ Ce在各蚀变阶段均呈现负异常:这些现象可能是导致金沉淀的元素地球化学响应.各阶段成矿流体-岩石的交代特点在绿泥石单矿物的矿物化学成分变化上也有所反映.  相似文献   

临沧锗矿褐煤的稀土元素地球化学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用ICP-MS测定了临沧锗矿中51件含矿煤,5件无矿煤的稀土元素和锗含量,并与含矿煤层中热水成因燧石及其底白云母花岗岩进行对比,探讨了含矿煤与无矿煤的稀土元素地球化学及其与锗超常富集的关系。得出几点初步认识(1)无矿煤和含矿煤的稀土元素主要来自基底白云母花岗岩;(2)无矿煤属正常沉积产物,含矿煤组成叠加了热水活动产物;93)形成临沧锗矿的锗可能主要由热水活动带来。  相似文献   

嘎拉金矿床位于甘孜-理塘结合带北段,矿区内韧性剪切变形特征明显,主要赋矿地层为上三叠统曲嘎寺组蛇绿混杂岩,控矿构造以北西向断裂为主.论文对与成矿有关的热液石英及其中的流体包裹体、各类硫化物进行了H-O-C-S-Pb同位素分析,测试显示石英δ18OQ的值介于15.60‰ ~ 18.38‰之间,流体的δ18 OH2o值介于8.24‰ ~9.89‰,而δDH2o值为-121.342‰ ~-126.368‰;流体包裹体中CO2的δ13C值介于-11.3‰~-2.1‰之间;各类矿石硫化物δ34S值介于-9.2‰~-4.9‰,峰值集中在-7‰~-5‰;铅同位素显示铀铅富集的特征.同位素研究表明成矿热液来源于变质水,并有大气降水的参与;金等成矿物质主要来自于围岩地层.年代学数据表明嘎拉金矿床形成于燕山晚期,是在义敦岛弧碰撞造山过程中由挤压作用体制转变为伸展作用体制的构造背景下形成的造山型金矿床.  相似文献   

方解石作为木落稀土矿床常见的脉石矿物,其中的铂族元素(简称PGE)地球化学特征有可能记录了地质流体的性质。采用ICP-MS分析木落方解石中PGE的含量,并对铂族元素的分布、相关性、成因进行了探讨。木落方解石可以分为两类:I型方解石和Ⅱ型方解石。I型方解石中∑PGE(不含Os)0.62~1.33ng/g,具相对低的Pd/Pt、Pd/Rh、Pd/Ru、Pd/Ir比值,不太显著的Pt-Pd分配模式,为岩浆成因方解石,与成矿作用密切相关;Ⅱ型方解石中∑PGE(不含Os)1.85~2.97ng/g,具相对高的Pd/Pt、Pd/Rh、Pd/Ru、Pd/Ir比值和显著的Pt-Pd分配模式,为热液成因方解石,代表了成矿作用后的一期地质流体作用,与成矿关系不大,仅局部地区存在改造前次流体作用形成的稀土矿体。富CO2热液具有携带PGE的能力,并能够导致PGE的分异,与富CO2岩浆相比,富CO2热液对铂族元素具有一定程度的富集作用。  相似文献   

广西田林县八渡金矿床主要产于辉绿岩侵入体中,广泛发育乳白色石英网脉,蚀变辉绿岩体即为金矿体,具有硅化、粘土化、碳酸盐化和硫化物化等卡林型金矿热液蚀变特征。本文采用电子探针(EPMA)背散射电子图像(BSE)、波谱(WDS)和能谱(EDS)分析技术,对该矿床原生矿石中含金硫化物显微岩相学结构以及主量和微量元素含量和分布规律进行了系统研究,认为金主要是以不可见化学结合态金(Au+)的形式赋存于含砷黄铁矿和毒砂之中。含金硫化物与热液交代形成的金红石密切共生,并保留含钛铁辉石或钛铁矿等矿物的假象,金红石的形成是辉绿岩中含钛铁辉石或钛铁矿热液蚀变的产物,含金硫化物形成所需要的Fe来自辉绿岩中含钛辉石或钛铁矿等矿物的溶解,Fe的硫化物化过程是导致含金硫化物形成的重要机制。  相似文献   

湘西合仁坪金矿床硫、铅同位素地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湘西柳林汊一带广泛分布钠长石_石英脉型金矿,合仁坪金矿床是其典型代表。文章对合仁坪金矿床的硫、铅同位素进行了研究,并与区域石英脉型金矿床进行对比,探讨了该矿的成矿物质来源,并初步确定了其矿床成因。研究表明,合仁坪金矿床硫化物的δ34S值范围较窄(-4.8‰~4.4‰),平均为-0.6‰,该矿床的硫为深源硫,由深部变质流体带入;铅的同位素组成较均一,并表现出明显的造山带铅的特点。结合区域成矿作用,进一步研究揭示,合仁坪金矿床为一典型的造山型金矿,其成矿可能与湘西雪峰山地区加里东期的造山作用有关。  相似文献   

热液石英脉型金矿石中锆石可以来自围岩,也可以由热液活动形成.因此,对其研究有助于揭示成岩成矿信息.中山沟金矿位于河北省张家口—宣化(张宣)地区,主要呈石英脉型产于水泉沟岩体西段,是张宣幔枝构造核部的典型金矿床之一.本文在矿区地质特征基础上,主要开展含金石英脉内锆石形态学特征、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测年以及H...  相似文献   

陈超  张福祥  王丰翔  牛树银  马奎  王云静  楚洁 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020008-67020008
热液石英脉型金矿石中锆石可以来自围岩,也可以由热液活动形成。因此,对其研究有助于揭示成岩成矿信息。中山沟金矿位于河北省张家口—宣化(张宣)地区,主要呈石英脉型产于水泉沟岩体西段,是张宣幔枝构造核部的典型金矿床之一。本文在矿区地质特征基础上,主要开展含金石英脉内锆石形态学特征、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测年以及Hf同位素研究。研究表明:石英脉内的锆石形态为自形—半自形,环带特征明显,Th/U值较高,平均0.97,具有岩浆锆石特征。锆石稀土元素含量(∑REE)为 351×10-6~976×10-6,平均值为690×10-6,呈现出轻稀土(LREE)亏损、重稀土(HREE)富集特征,在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线总体呈现出斜率基本一致的左倾型;17个锆石U-Pb年龄数据获得391±1 Ma的谐和年龄和391±3 Ma的加权平均年龄,两组年龄在误差范围内基本一致,代表了含金石英脉中岩浆锆石的结晶年龄。11个Hf同位素测试数据获得的εHf(t)值位于-21.4~-16.6,TDM1介于1.7~1.9 Ga,平均1.7 Ga,TDM2主要集中于2.4~2.6 Ga,平均2.5 Ga,在Hf图解中投影点均位于亏损地幔和球粒陨石演化线之下,基本靠近2.5 Ga古老地壳的Hf同位素演化线,反应了其源区物质在地壳中平均存留的年龄。结合区域、矿区地质和实验锆石特征,本文认为中山沟金矿成矿时代不早于391±1Ma,推测可能形成于海西早期,存在燕山期热液叠加成矿。水泉沟岩体的主成岩时代为加里东末期—海西早期。  相似文献   

滇西金宝山铂钯矿床元素地球化学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金宝山铂钯矿床位于扬子板块西缘红河断裂东侧,宁蒗-弥渡镁铁-超镁铁岩带内,矿体呈似层状、透镜状产于辉石橄榄岩中。辉石橄榄岩和铂钯矿石均富集LREE,具有弱的Eu负异常和较强的Sr、Ba负异常;与N-MORB相比,辉石橄榄岩具有较低的(Nb/Th)PM比值和较高的(Th/Yb)PM比值,表明金宝山岩体受到了地壳物质混染;通过(Th/Yb)PM-(Nb/Yb)PM图解估算得到地壳混染程度在55%~70%之间,强烈地壳混染表明岩浆中的S达到饱和并使得硫化物发生大规模熔离。而利用硅酸盐岩浆/硫化物的质量比值(R因子)方程进行模拟计算,得到金宝山矿床R因子集中于5000~1000之间,明显大于金川、图拉尔根、白马寨等典型岩浆硫化物矿床,说明金宝山岩体形成时岩浆中的硫化物熔离程度较低。辉石橄榄岩和铂钯矿石的S/Se和Cu/Pd比值也同样反映了硫化物低程度熔离的特征。与Nb、Th等元素含量相对稳定的高场强元素相比,S、Se、Pd等元素在硫化物部分熔解以及热液作用过程中更容易发生迁移。类似于River Valley和Platreef矿床等大型层状PGE矿床,金宝山铂钯矿床的形成是一个两阶段的过程,早阶段在岩浆通道或深部岩浆房中,地壳混染使得硫化物发生强烈熔离并在有限的空间内大量聚集,产生富PGE岩浆;后由于硫化物的部分熔解,岩浆中硫化物熔体富集Se、Pd,亏损S、Fe,岩浆中的S由饱和变为不饱和。晚阶段在浅部岩浆房,少量地壳S的加入并未使得S饱和从而发生硫化物大规模熔离。金宝山岩体具有较低的Cu/Pd、Cu/Pt比值,即出现Cu/Pd比值较低的岩体也可能有较大的成矿潜力,这与传统意义上所认为的具有较高Cu/Pd、Cu/Pt比值的矿体不同。  相似文献   

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