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Spideis of similar miss but of two different species Araneusdiadematus Cl. and Argiope aurantia L., build webs which havesimilar geometric patterns, but which differ in relative proportionsand thread number. Within species, webs may also differreliably,presumably on a genetic basis. Fine detail of the web undergoeschange throughout the lifetime of the spider, different formale and female; these changes are not simply response to thegrowing weight of the spider. Relatively simple restraints,such as availability of material for thread, result in adaptationsof web-building which may at first appear to be based upon buildingexperience, but which are in fact independent of it.  相似文献   

在不惊扰蜘蛛的情况下对悦目金蛛Argiope amoena和圆尾肖蛸Tetragnatha vermiformis的个体大小与蛛网粘丝区面积问的相关性进行了野外观察。主要测量了蜘蛛体长、蛛网粘丝区直径、蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离、网中枢到地面或水面距离、网平面与水平线的夹角等参数;另外还对蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离作为圆网蛛网址选择行为量化指标的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明,2种蜘蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积以及蜘蛛体长与蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离均呈现明显的正相关。悦目金蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积的相关性高于圜尾肖蛸,这可能与悦目金蛛在其生境中易于找到框丝固着点、而圆尾肖蛸在其生境中较难找到框丝同着点有关;  相似文献   

Colonial orb-weaving spiders from Mexico (Metepeira spp.), show considerable geographic variation and temporal flexibility in group size and social spacing. A series of laboratory studies was conducted to test whether the variation observed in the field is the result of behavioral plasticity, or the result of genetic mechanisms inherent in different populations. Spiders from source populations in desert and moist tropical habitats were collected as eggs and raised in the laboratory under identical controlled conditions. To test for the effect of experience on conspecific tolerance, experiments were conducted rearing tropical and desert spiderlings in isolation and in communal groups. Measurements of spacing in laboratory colonies and observations of web building behavior show significant differences between populations, suggesting genetic differences between them. Desert spiders show an initial effect of isolation on tolerance of conspecifics — greater inter-individual distance that is eventually modified by communal adult experience. Tropical spiders put together after isolation show spacing patterns opposite those observed for desert spiders, and nearest neighbor distances similar to those seen in the communally reared (tropical) groups. These findings support the hypothesis that these populations represent separate species that differ with respect to their level of sociality.  相似文献   

Group foraging is rare in spiders, occurring only where preyavailability is high. If colonial web-building increases individualprey capture rates as shown, why does group foraging not occurmore often where prey are scarce? Risk sensitivity may explainthis paradox, as variance in prey capture is reduced in groups;risk-averse spiders should join groups only when prey exceeda threshold level. Field studies show that group foraging variesas predicted between species, between populations of a singlespecies, and between sites within a population. However, recentmodels suggest the necessity of examining variance within individualsover time rather than between individuals within populations.Additionally, mechanisms responsible for variance reductionin colonial webs may be less effective than previously assumed.New field data suggest that while prey variance over time maybe somewhat less for individual spiders in groups than for solitaries,the relationship between colonial web-building and variancein prey capture is far more complex than originally thought.The influence of risk sensitivity on reproductive success andthe evolution of colonial web-building is discussed.  相似文献   

Evolution of Social Behavior in Spiders (Araneae; Eresidae and Theridiidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Whereas most spiders are asocial, species in eight familiesare known to live all their life in communities and are thus"permanent-social." Their special attributes are: tolerance,interattraction, and cooperation. These peculiarities must havebeen achieved step by step several times independently. Periodic-socialspiders have been studied as a link between asocial and permanent-socialspiders. In two families—the cribellate Eresidae and ecribellateTheridiidae—different steps of periodic sociality havebeen discovered, from brood-care to feeding by regurgitation.The comparative study of the phylogeny of social behavior inboth families uncovers remarkable convergences of patterns fromasocial to permanent-social via periodical-social species ofspiders.  相似文献   

C. W. Olive 《Oecologia》1981,49(1):83-87
Summary Large orb-weaving spiders in temperate zones always mature in Autumn. A model based on laboratory feeding experiments and insect trap samples from an old-field in Michigan was used to simulate orb-weaver foraging behavior in various habitats and seasons. Seasons of peak energy return rates in habitats used by old-field orb-weavers indicate that prey availability plays a role in determining phenologies of large spiders. The minimum body-size to which the constraint applies in the model corresponds to the lower size-range of strictly Autumn-maturing orb-weaver species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2002,5(2):181-184
Survey was conducted to determine the composition of the spiders in a grape vineyard by using pitfall traps in Sunggeo-eup, Chunan in 1999. Total 17 genera and 19 species belonging to 10 families of spiders were identified. The dominant family was Linyphiidae. Overall, the seasonal fluctuation of the spider population showed two peaks a year. The results showed that the composition of species was very poor and occurrence density was very low in a grape vineyard in this study.  相似文献   

The web-construction behavior of three species of linyphiid spider (Erigone autumnalis, Meioneta unimaculata and Bathyphantes pallida) was studied in the laboratory to examine competition and co-existence within predator guilds. Competitive interactions between spiders potentially reduce their role in biological control. We tested the hypothesis that at high densities, intraguild competition for web-sites would occur but spatial separation of microhabitat would reduce interguild competition, thus allowing co-existence. High mortality and reduced web-size were observed at high B. pallida densities but Linyphiinae co-existed with Erigoninae which constructed webs at different strata. Competitive exclusion by larger individuals occurred between species whose microhabitat niche overlapped. The biocontrol potential of spider or arthropod predator guilds could ultimately be enhanced by maximizing the diversity of species whose niche axes vary.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1965,1(5447):1389-1390

The future commercialization of halide perovskite solar cells relies on improving their stability. There are several studies focused on understanding degradation under operating conditions in light, but little is known about the stability of these solar cells under reverse bias conditions. Reverse bias stability is important because shaded cells in a module are put into reverse bias by the illuminated cells. In this paper, a phenomenological study is presented of the reverse bias behavior of halide perovskite solar cells and it is shown that reverse bias can lead to a partially recoverable loss in efficiency, primarily caused by a decrease in V OC. A general mechanism is proposed, supported by drift–diffusion simulations, to explain how these cells breakdown via tunneling caused by accumulated ionic defects and suggests that the reversible loss in efficiency may be due to an electrochemical reaction of these defects. Finally, the implications of these phenomena are discussed and how they can possibly be addressed is also discussed.  相似文献   

Attachment and Eclipse of Adenovirus   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The attachment and eclipse of adenovirus have been studied with the aid of highly purified 14C-threonine and 32P-labeled adenovirus type 2 in KB cells in suspension cultures. Adenovirus particles and infectivity appear to attach at the same rate. The attachment rate appears to be highly dependent on the cell concentration and less dependent on virus concentration within the multiplicity range from 0.15 to 3 plaque-forming units per cell, probably corresponding to 4.5 to 90 particles per cell. Subsequent to attachment, 5 to 8% of the 14C label is eluted from the cell at a structure level, corresponding to free hexon. The 32P activity is rapidly associated with the cells and is converted within 20 to 30 min to 65 to 85% deoxyribonuclease-susceptible material. This process is unaffected by actinomycin and puromycin. The deoxyribonuclease-sensitive material is, however, associated with 14C label for an extended period after infection, and does not sediment as free deoxyribonucleic acid in sucrose gradients. The implications of these findings on the penetration mechanism of animal viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes four recognisably different geographical processes in principle causing species to die out. One of these processes, the one we dub “range eclipse”, holds that one range expands at the expense of another one, thereby usurping it. Channell and Lomolino (2000a, Journal of Biogeography 27: 169–179; 2000b, Nature 403: 84–87; see also Lomolino and Channell, 1995, Journal of Mammalogy 76: 335–347) measured the course of this process in terms of the proportion of the total range remaining in its original centre, thereby essentially assuming a homogeneous distribution of animals over the range. However, part of their measure seems mistaken. By giving a general, analytical formulation of eclipsing ranges, we estimate the exact course of this process. Also, our formulation does not partition a range into two spatially equal parts, its core and its edge, but it assumes continuity. For applying this model to data on the time evolution of species, individual time series should be available for each of them. For practical purposes we give an alternative way of plotting and interpreting such time series. Our approach, being more sensitive than Channell and Lomolino’s, gives a less optimistic indication of range eclipses than theirs once these have started.  相似文献   

Spider bites cause a range of symptoms from simple swellings to disfiguring necrotic lesions, and occasionally death. While spider bites are not a major medical problem in Korea, it would be of great value to know which species of spiders pose a threat to human health. A middle molecular weight protein, sphingomyelinase D, has been identified in the venom of the brown recluse spider and strong evidence suggests that they have a major role in spider bite necrosis. For the identification of necrotizing species, we have investigated using recently developed non‐radioactive assay of sphingomyelinase for rapidly screening the necrotizing venoms. Here, we demonstrate the fetal toxicity of total 65 species (24 genera, 9 families) of the web‐building spiders among 622 identified spider species in Korea. It has been revealed that four species of the orb‐weaving spider, Araneus ventricosus (family Araneidae, 0.3509), Dipoena castrata (0.2413, family Theridiidae), Argiope minuta (0.1836, family Araneidae), and Paracoelotes spinivulva (0.1760, family Amaurobiidae) have relatively strong activities among themselves. However, comparing to that of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles recluse (1.814) in North America, the necrotizing shpingomyelinase activities of these Korean web‐building spiders are still very low. Based on our results, we may thus conclude that there would be little possibilities in South Korea to create serious medical problems caused by necrotizing arachnidism.  相似文献   

There are now more than 40,000 identified spider species in the world, and considered about 100 species as actually dangerous to human. Spider bites cause a range of symptoms from simple swellings to disfiguring necrotic lesions, and occasionally death. While spider bites are not a major medical problem in Korea, it would be of great value to know which species of spiders pose a threat to human health. A middle molecular weight protein, sphingomyelinase D, has been identified in the venom of the brown recluse spider and strong evidence suggests that they have a major role in spider bite necrosis. For the identification of necrotizing species, we have investigated using recently developed non‐radioactive assay of sphingomyelinase for rapidly screening the necrotizing venoms. Here, we demonstrate the fetal toxicity of total 57 species (32 genera, 9 families) of the wandering spiders among 622 identified spider species in Korea. It has been revealed that two species of the Thomisidae spider, Ozyptila nongae (0.2467) and Diaea subdola (0.2020) have the strongest sphingomyelinase activities among themselves. In addition one species of the family Pisauridae, Dolomedes sulfureus (0.2341) has also relatively higher value comparing to other wandering spiders. However comparing to that of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa (1.814) in North America the necrotizing activities of these Korean wandering species are still very low state, so there seems to be little possibilities to create serious medical problems by the necrotizing arachnidism in Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

胡金林教授主编的《青藏高原蜘蛛》一书,由河南科学技术出版社于2001年3月出版社发行。全书658页,包括412幅特征图,为一部百万字巨著。 青藏高原是地球上海拔最高、面积最广的高原,悉由多个地体(微板块)在漫长的地质演化过程中拼合而成,尤其是4千万年前印度次大陆与亚洲主大陆发生碰撞,使其形成了统一的高原背景。自上新世纪末第四世纪初气候和自然环境,孕育了生物资源的多样性和丰富性;再有,青藏高原归属东洋、古北两大动物地理区域内地段,蜘蛛区系极为丰富和复杂,历来为世人所瞩目。近二百年来已有20余位外国学者  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated long-term memory for unpleasant, neutral and spider pictures in 15 spider-fearful and 15 non-fearful control individuals using behavioral and electrophysiological measures. During the initial (incidental) encoding, pictures were passively viewed in three separate blocks and were subsequently rated for valence and arousal. A recognition memory task was performed one week later in which old and new unpleasant, neutral and spider pictures were presented. Replicating previous results, we found enhanced memory performance and higher confidence ratings for unpleasant when compared to neutral materials in both animal fearful individuals and controls. When compared to controls high animal fearful individuals also showed a tendency towards better memory accuracy and significantly higher confidence during recognition of spider pictures, suggesting that memory of objects prompting specific fear is also facilitated in fearful individuals. In line, spider-fearful but not control participants responded with larger ERP positivity for correctly recognized old when compared to correctly rejected new spider pictures, thus showing the same effects in the neural signature of emotional memory for feared objects that were already discovered for other emotional materials. The increased fear memory for phobic materials observed in the present study in spider-fearful individuals might result in an enhanced fear response and reinforce negative beliefs aggravating anxiety symptomatology and hindering recovery.  相似文献   

More than half of all spider species hunt prey without a web. To successfully subdue their prey, they use adapted capture behaviour and efficient grasping mechanisms to interrupt the prey's locomotion, and to restrain it from escaping during the subsequent handling for final envenomation. In this study, we investigated how the prey capture behaviour of different lycosoid spider species is related to leg morphology and venom efficiency; using high speed videography, feeding experiments, stereomicroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and LD50 venom bioassays. We found that different species employed different techniques when grasping their prey and these differences strongly correlate with the distribution and size of hairy adhesive leg pads (so‐called scopulae on pro‐ and retrolateral parts of legs) and erectable spines, which act in a complementary way. Our results indicate that the grasping and handling behaviour and leg morphology is crucial in restricting the prey's movements. However, none of these traits is directly related with venom efficiency.  相似文献   

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