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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aims to capture groundwater potential zones integrating deep neural network and groundwater influencing factors. The present work was...  相似文献   

Ten raw urban well water samples and twelve water samples collected from distribution lines after the well waters were treated were examined for bacteriological and coliphage/bacteriophage populations. The raw well waters were found to contain <1/100 ml total coliforms and fecal streptococci, but they all contained varying concentrations of coliphage and bacteriophage. The treated waters were all found to have <1 total coliforms and fecal streptococci per 100 ml with the exception of one treated water sample from Community C. However, even though the treated water samples contained free and total chlorine levels varying from 0.05 to 1.5 ppm, they were all found to contain usually greater amounts of coliphage and bacteriophage than the raw well waters.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper was to develop a new recreational water quality index (RWQI) as a tool to ensure the health of swimmers and to take practical decisions.


RWQI was elaborated with epidemiological data, and we carried out an exhaustive study of the different guidelines for recreational waters proposed by different organisations around the world. Different parameters were chosen, considering, as a priority, the swimmer??s contact and the possibility of ingestion of water during the recreational activity. Furthermore, rating curves were established for pH, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, phosphate, detergents, enterococci, total coliforms, faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli.

Results and conclusions

The index was applied to the data set on water quality of the Potrero de los Funes River (San Luis, Argentina), generated during 2 years (2009?C2010). Following the RWQI values classification, most of the Potrero de los Funes water samples fell in the good quality range during the study period.  相似文献   

Groundwater provides about 30% of water requirements in Ontario, but farm families depend almost entirely on private wells. Major potential contaminants on farms are nitrate (NO3), pathogenic microorganisms, pesticides and petroleum derivatives. A survey of farm drinking-water wells was conducted throughout the Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1991 and 1992 and tested for these contaminants. The main objectives of the survey were to determine the quality and safety of drinking water for farm families, and determine the effect of agricultural management on groundwater quality at a provincial scale. Four farm wells were chosen in each township where >50% of the land area was used for agricultural production. Elsewhere one well per township was usually sampled. Within each township the types of farming activity and dominant soils were additional criteria for selection. The network comprised 1292 of the estimated 500,000 water-wells in Ontario, and the study conformed to a stratified random survey. A subset of 160 wells, chosen by farm type, soil, and the presence or absence of a fuel storage tank, was investigated for the presence of petroleum derivatives: benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene. About 40% of farm wells tested contained one or more of the target contaminants above the maximum acceptable concentration; 34% of wells had more than the maximum acceptable number of coliform bacteria, 14% contained NO3-N concentrations above 10 mg l−1 limit and about 7% were contaminated with both bacteria and NO3. Only six wells contained pesticide residues above the interim maximum acceptable concentration (IMAC), but pesticides were detected in 7% of wells in winter and in 11% in summer. No wells contained detectable petroleum derivatives. These results for NO3 contamination were not significantly different from those reported for a survey of Ontario wells for the period 1950–1954, but the frequency of contamination by Escherichia coli was greater in the present study. None of the point sources investigated contributed significantly to the NO3 contamination. The percentage of wells contaminated by coliform bacteria decreased significantly with increasing separation of the well from the feedlot or exercise yard on livestock farms. A full statistical model including the type of well construction, depth, age and soil hydrologic group was developed to describe the frequency of NO3 contamination.  相似文献   

Samples were collected every 2-4 weeks from a set of 37 monitoring wells over a period of 2-3 years in Araihazar, Bangladesh, to evaluate the temporal variability of groundwater composition for As and other constituents. The monitoring wells are grouped in 6 nests and span the 5-91 m depth range. Concentrations of As, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and S were measured by high-resolution ICPMS with a precision of 5% or better; concentrations of Cl were measured by ion chromatography. In shallow wells <30 m deep, As and P concentrations generally varied by <30%, whereas concentrations of the major ions (Na, K, Mg, Ca and Cl) and the redox-sensitive elements (Fe, Mn, and S) varied over time by up to +/-90%. In wells tapping the deeper aquifers >30 m often below clay layers concentrations of groundwater As were much lower and varied by <10%. The concentrations of major cations also varied by <10% in these deep aquifers. In contrast, the concentration of redox-sensitive constituents Fe, S, and Mn in deep aquifers varied by up to 97% over time. Thus, strong decoupling between variations in As and Fe concentrations is evident in groundwaters from shallow and deep aquifers. Comparison of the time series data with groundwater ages determined by (3)H/(3)He and (14)C dating shows that large seasonal or inter-annual variations in major cation and chloride concentrations are restricted to shallow aquifers and groundwater recharged <5 years ago. There is no corresponding change in As concentrations despite having significant variations of redox sensitive constituents in these very young waters. This is attributed to chemical buffering due to rapid equilibrium between solute and solid As. At two sites where the As content of groundwater in existing shallow wells averages 102 microg/L (range: <5 to 648 microg/L; n=118) and 272 microg/L (range: 10 to 485 microg/L; n=65), respectively, a systematic long-term decline in As concentrations lends support to the notion that flushing may slowly deplete an aquifer of As. Shallow aquifer water with >5 years (3)H/(3)He age show a constant As:P molar ratio of 9.6 over time, suggesting common mechanisms of mobilization.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The lack of information on the origin and behavior of iodine in deep groundwater restricts the development and use of groundwater resources. To...  相似文献   

Batt AL  Snow DD  Aga DS 《Chemosphere》2006,64(11):1963-1971
Samples from six private wells formerly used as sources for drinking water by the residents of Washington County (Weiser, Idaho) were collected to assess the impact of a nearby confined animal feeding operation (CAFO) on the quality of the local groundwater. All six samples were found contaminated by two veterinary antimicrobials, sulfamethazine (at concentrations from 0.076 to 0.22 μg/l) and sulfadimethoxine (at concentrations from 0.046 to 0.068 μg/l). These groundwater samples also contained elevated concentrations of nitrate and ammonium. Three of the sampled wells have nitrate levels that exceeded the maximum contaminant level set by the US Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water, with nitrate concentration as high as 39.1 mg/l. All but one well showed nitrate, which instead contained ammonium at 1.22 mg/l. Analysis of the nitrate and ammonium in these samples by isotopic ratio mass spectrometry indicated δ15N characteristic of an animal or human waste source. Results from this study underscore the role of CAFO as an important source of antibiotic contamination of groundwater.  相似文献   

采用现场调查和实验室验证的方法,对以再生水为景观补水的水华优势藻进行了分析。2年的现场调查表明,再生水在条件适合时极易发生水华,且水华的优势藻以小球藻为主。在实验室针对小球藻和铜绿微囊藻进行了竞争生长实验研究,在再生水的氮磷浓度范围内小球藻生长快于铜绿微囊藻,这也验证了再生水作为景观水补水时小球藻是优势藻现场调查结论。针对水华爆发初期和水华爆发验证时2种条件,比较研究了4种以化学成分为主的抑藻药剂对以小球藻为水华特征藻的控藻效果。结果表明,这4种药剂对水华的控制均具有一定的效果,并且水华初期实施药剂抑藻,药剂投加少,且效果好。对4种药剂进行急性毒性实验,只有S2一种药剂在安全浓度时对水华爆发初期有抑藻效果。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM, AND SCOPE: The distribution of chlorinated organic contaminants in groundwater and the importance of colloids were studied in groundwater from a sawmill site contaminated by chlorophenol preservatives. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The groundwater was fractionated into three different size ranges: (1) >0.7 mum, (2) 0.4-0.7 mum and (3) 0.2-0.4 mum and the filtered water phase. The concentrations of chlorophenols (CP), chlorinated phenoxy phenols (PCPP), chlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDE), chlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) were determined in each fraction. The colloids were characterised regarding the chemical composition using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). RESULTS: Chlorophenols were mostly found in the water fraction and PCDD/Fs were found almost exclusively in the particulate fractions. For example, the filtered water phase contained 2,100 mug l(-1) and 0.72 ng l(-1) for CPs and PCDD/Fs, respectively, and the particulate fractions contained 27 mug l(-1) and 32 ng l(-1) for CPs and PCDD/Fs, respectively. XPS evaluation of the particulate phases showed no correlation between the surface chemistry of the particle properties and the distribution of chlorinated compounds. DISCUSSION: The results suggest that groundwater transport of CPs, PCPPs, PCDEs and PCDD/Fs may occur from contaminated sawmill sites and that the colloid-facilitated transport, especially of PCDD/Fs, is substantial. The results correlated well with previous studies of compounds sorbed to dissolved organic carbon, which indicate that dissolved and colloidal organic carbon facilitated the transport of PCDEs, PCDFs and PCDDs particularly. CONCLUSIONS: Several classes of chlorinated compounds were readily detected in the groundwater samples. Due to the differences in their physicochemical properties, CPs, PCPPs, PCDEs and PCDD/Fs vary in their partitioning between colloidal fractions and the filtered groundwater. The proportion of the bound fraction increased with an increasing hydrophobicity of the chlorinated compounds. The groundwater transport of colloid-associated pollutants from the site may be significant. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: The results imply that colloidal particles <0.7 mum are freely mobile in groundwater from this site. The groundwater transport of colloid-associated pollutants may be significant. However, the extent of the problem is not yet known and, thus, further research is needed to evaluate the impact of colloidal transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants. In Sweden alone, 400 to 500 sawmill sites are estimated to be contaminated with PCDD/Fs as a result of the former use of CP-based wood preservatives. The widespread use of CP mixtures for a variety of applications, including wood preservation, indicates that potential colloidal transport will be an issue of concern in many countries.  相似文献   

During the last decade, nanofiltration (NF) made a breakthrough in drinking water production for the removal of pollutants. The combination of new standards for drinking water quality and the steady improvement of the nanofiltration process have led to new insights, possible applications and new projects on lab-scale, pilot scale and industrial scale. This paper offers an overview of the applications in the drinking water industry that have already been realised or that are suggested on the basis of lab-scale research. Applications can be found in the treatment of surface water as well as groundwater. The possibility of using NF for the removal of hardness, natural organic material (NOM), micropollutants such as pesticides and VOCs, viruses and bacteria, salinity, nitrates, and arsenic will be discussed. Some of these applications have proven to be reliable and can be considered as known techniques; other applications are still studied on laboratory scale. Modelling is difficult due to effects of fouling and interaction between different components. The current insight in the separation mechanisms will be briefly discussed.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Recent assessments of water quality status have identified eutrophication as one of the major causes of water quality ‘impairment’ not only in the USA but also around the world. In most cases, eutrophication has accelerated by increased inputs of phosphorus due to intensification of crop and animal production systems since the early 1990s. Despite substantial measurements using both laboratory and field techniques, little is known about the spatial and temporal variability of phosphorus dynamics across landscapes, especially in agricultural landscapes with cow-calf operations. Critical to determining environmental balance and accountability is an understanding of phosphorus excreted by animals, phosphorus removal by plants, acceptable losses of phosphorus within the manure management and crop production systems into soil and waters, and export of phosphorus off-farm. Further research effort on optimizing forage-based cow-calf operations to improve pasture sustainability and protect water quality is therefore warranted. We hypothesized that properly managed cow-calf operations in subtropical agroecosystem would not be major contributors to excess loads of phosphorus in surface and ground water. To verify our hypothesis, we examined the comparative concentrations of total phosphorus among soils, forage, surface water, and groundwater beneath bahiagrass-based pastures with cow-calf operations in central Florida, USA.  相似文献   

In this second paper of a series on groundwater seepage from uranium tailings, the general geochemical behavior of radionuclides is described and then applied to data from the field site, Seepage Area A of the Nordic Main impoundment near Elliot Lake, Ontario. The delineation of radionuclide behavior requires (1) the calculation of total element concentration by the summation of concentrations of each element's isotopes (the isotopic concentrations are calculated from the isotopes' radioactivities), (2) the evaluation of solid-liquid interactions using total element concentrations, and (3), for particular isotopes, the evaluation of the extent to which parental geochemical behavior causes a deviation in the isotope's behavior from that of its total element. A computerized speciation program, WATRAD, is used to evaluate aqueous complexation and mineral saturation indices of radium, actinium, thorium, and uranium. Data from Seepage Area A on isotopes of these four elements plus 210Pb show that the geochemical behavior of radionuclides can be best defined on an individual isotopic basis rather than on an elemental basis.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Researching the watershed-scale spatiotemporal groundwater and surface water mixing function, groundwater recharge heights and age can provide...  相似文献   

Wei R  Ge F  Huang S  Chen M  Wang R 《Chemosphere》2011,82(10):1408-1414
The objective of this investigation was to obtain a broad profile of veterinary antibiotics residues in animal wastewater and surface water around large-scale livestock and poultry farms in Jiangsu Province of China. Therefore, 53 samples collected from 27 large-scale animal farms in 11 cities and counties of Jiangsu Province in 2009, were monitored for 10 selected veterinary antibiotics using solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS/MS) techniques. Ten veterinary antibiotics were found in animal wastewaters, eight antibiotics were detected in pond waters, and animal farm-effluents and river water samples were contaminated by nine antibiotics. The most frequently detected antibiotics were sulfamethazine (75%), oxytetracycline (64%), tetracycline (60%), sulfadiazine (55%) and sulfamethoxazole (51%) which were detected with a maximum concentration of 211, 72.9, 10.3, 17.0 and 63.6 μg L−1, respectively. The maximum concentration of 0.55 μg L−1 for cyromazine, 3.67 μg L−1 for chlortetracycline, 0.63 μg L−1 for sulfadoxine, 39.5 μg L−1 for doxycycline and 0.64 μg L−1 for sulfaquinoxaline were determined in the collected samples. In general, the maximum concentration of the selected veterinary antibiotics was detected in animal wastewaters except for chlortetracycline in animal farm-effluents. In addition, residue levels of selected veterinary antibiotics in animal wastewater and surface water around the farms were related to animal species and have a high spatial variation.  相似文献   

Water quality in terms of nutrient concentrations, turbidity, suspended solids, and chlorophyll a, was studied during 2000–2001 at a total of 27 beaches in the Kihei and West Maui–Lahaina districts of Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Nitrate concentrations varied widely and averaged as much as 15–20 μM at some beaches. Most turbidities fell in the range 1–10 nephelometric turbidity units. Resuspension of bottom sediments on shallow reef flats appeared to be a cause of some of the highest turbidity. Onshore-offshore transect studies showed that turbidity and concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a declined dramatically with distance from the shoreline. The dramatic gradients in water quality within the first 100 m from the shoreline and the fact that some violations of water quality criteria within that zone appear to be the result of natural phenomena, underscore the difficulty of assessing the quality of coastal waters based on traditional parameters.  相似文献   

Halogenated persistent organic pollutants [polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)] along with total lipid, were measured in the liver and muscle of three species of deep water fish (black scabbard, black dogfish (liver only) and roundnose grenadier) collected from the Rockall fishing area, to the west of Scotland, between 2006 and 2008. Both contaminant groups were detected in the muscle and liver, with concentrations of PCBs being higher than PBDEs. There were no significant differences in the PCB or PBDE concentrations between the three species, or different sampling locations in the Rockall fishing area. PCB concentrations (ΣICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)7 PCBs) greater than 500 μg kg−1 lipid weight were found in 26 of the 106 liver samples. PCB concentrations were compared to OSPAR assessment criteria, concentrations were above background but below Environmental Assessment Criteria. Estimated Toxic Equivalent (TEQ) concentrations, calculated using published models, in the fish muscle and liver indicated that consumption of deep water fish is unlikely to represent a risk to human health. The high squalene content in some of the black dogfish liver necessitated an additional clean-up step, involving gel permeation chromatography, when analyzing for PBDEs. Concentrations of PBDEs were low with many congeners being below detection limits, particularly in the muscle. There are currently no assessment criteria available for PBDEs. Furthermore, there is only very limited data on PBDEs in deep water fish. However, the concentrations observed in this study were similar to the concentrations recently reported in Mediterranean deep water fish.  相似文献   

Enhanced knowledge of water and solute pathways in catchments would improve the understanding of dynamics in water quality and would support the selection of appropriate water pollution mitigation options. For this study, we physically separated tile drain effluent and groundwater discharge from an agricultural field before it entered a 43.5-m ditch transect. Through continuous discharge measurements and weekly water quality sampling, we directly quantified the flow route contributions to surface water discharge and solute loading. Our multi-scale experimental approach allowed us to relate these measurements to field-scale NO3 concentration patterns in shallow groundwater and to continuous NO3 records at the catchment outlet. Our results show that the tile drains contributed 90-92% of the annual NO3 and heavy metal loads. Considering their crucial role in water and solute transport, enhanced monitoring and modeling of tile drainage are important for adequate water quality management.  相似文献   

Existing drinking water wells are widely used for the collection of ground water samples to evaluate chemical contamination. A well comparison study was conducted to compare pesticide and nitrate-N data from specially designed stainless steel research monitoring wells with data from nearby existing on-farm drinking water wells. Results could help to determine whether adequate information concerning ground water contamination can be obtained from existing drinking water wells for use in making pollutant control decisions. The study was conducted during 1993-1994 in the Little Coharie Watershed, a 158 square mile area located in the coastal plain of eastern North Carolina. Statistical analysis indicated that research monitoring wells provided a greater probability of detecting pesticides in ground water than existing on-farm wells. Atrazine was the most frequently detected pesticide found in all wells, followed in order by fluometuron, carbofuran, metolachlor, alachlor, carbaryl, butylate, chlorothalonil, linuron and simazine. Ninety-seven percent of all wells had observed concentrations of nitrate-N, ranging from 0.1 to 30.1 mg/L. There was not a significant difference between research wells and existing wells for monitoring nitrate-N. Based on results of this study, existing drinking water wells can be used for monitoring nitrate; however, specialized stainless steel monitoring wells should be used for monitoring pesticides in ground water.  相似文献   

Residues of p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDT alpha-, beta-, gamma-isomers of HCH, aldrin and heptachlor in water, from four different sites of the Mahala water reservoir were monitored periodically from September 1985 to October 1987. All the samples contained the above residues in varying concentrations. Isomers of HCH predominated and were followed in relative dominance by aldrin, total DDT and heptachlor residues, p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD constituted the major fraction of total p,p'-DDT. Monthly total organochlorine residue levels in water ranged between 1.07 and 81.23 microg litre-1. The variation is attributed to the run-off or subsoil water movement from the catchment area.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater and saline water interaction is the most common processes in the coastal aquifers that alters the quality of aquifer waters. The...  相似文献   

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