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In the present paper, direct numerical simulation (DNS) is performed to analyze the characteristic structures of a supersonic jet lifted hydrogen-air flame with Reynolds number of 22, 000, and Mach number of 1.2. The fuel consisting of 85% H2 and 15% N2 by volume is injected into hot co-flow air from a round orifice. Overall 975 million grids are used to compute the complex multi-scales phenomena. A Damköhler number and a flame index are defined to analyze combustion modes and the mixedness of the flame. Complicated characteristic elements of the supersonic jet lifted flame are observed, i.e. a stable laminar flame base with auto-ignition as the stabilization mechanism, a violent mixing region in which vigorous turbulent combustion occurs with both fuel-lean and fuel-rich mixtures, and a flame region consisting of outer diffusion combustion and inner weaker premixed combustion in the far field. At the leading edge of the fame base, auto-ignition takes place primarily in the fuel-lean mixture where the mixedness mode is opposed. Downstream of the laminar flame base, the combustion becomes turbulent due to the intensified mixing of fuel and air, which results in the subequilibrium values of temperature and OH concentration. Detonation occurs near the sonic layer, and then sustains the combustion in higher dissipative mixture. The flame near the stochiometric condition keeps non-premixed, and the other non-premixed flame elements could be observed in the very fuel-rich region. Through the reacting field the premixed flame appears near the shear layer. The combustion intensity decreases in the far field where the inner non-premixed flame disappears gradually.  相似文献   

Fuel mixing inside the supersonic combustion chamber is a significant process for development of modern scramjets. In this article, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach is applied to investigate the effect of various fuel injections on the mixing rate inside the supersonic combustion chamber. The mixing of hydrogen jets with four different arrangements inside the cavity flame holder is comprehensively studied. In order to examine the effect of multi jets within a cavity flameholder, a three-dimensional model is established and Navier-stocks equations are solved to simulate the flow and mixing zone inside a cavity region. Obtained results show that the injection of hydrogen jet from the bottom of cavity flame holder considerable enhances the ignition zone within the cavity. Moreover, the backward fuel injection is more superior to forward fuel injection since low-pressure vortex could significantly distribute the fuel and enlarge the mixing zone inside the cavity flame holder.  相似文献   

In this research, the effects of oblique shock on the mixing characteristics in a supersonic combustor equipped with a cavity is numerically investigated. To reveal the flow structure of the supersonic flow field under oblique shock wave interference, three-dimensional steady RANS equations and SST k-ω turbulence model are adopted. The current work focuses on comparing the interaction effects between oblique shock wave and bow shock wave, which are formed by fuel jet on fuel mixing under different conditions. The numerical analysis demonstrates that an optimal angle exists for the mixing efficiency of the ramp. The optimal angle diminishes as the jet-to-crossflow pressure ratio increases. The oblique shock wave in a certain range is conducive to enhance the penetration depth of ethylene. The smaller angle of the ramp does not cause large stagnation pressure losses.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional self-throttling system is proposed in a scramjet combustor with transverse fuel jet, and investigated by Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations with the k-ω SST turbulence model. Numerical validation has been carried out against experiment and LES results. The effects of the jet-to-cross-flow momentum flux ratio and the throttling angle on mixing performance, fuel jet penetration depth and total pressure losses are all addressed. Through the proposed throttling system, the higher pressure upstream of the transverse fuel injection can drive part of the low momentum mainstream air into the downstream lower pressure region. The flow structures and the interactions between the shock waves and boundary layer are significantly changed to improve the mixing performance. The enhancement of mixing efficiency in the self-throttling system is closely related to the magnitude of the jet to crossflow momentum flux ratio, and a smaller throttling angle is found to further improve the mixing. On the other hand, the self-throttling system has a good performance in reducing the total pressure losses.  相似文献   

Hysteresis in flame stabilization mode transitions in a hydrogen-fueled strut-stabilized supersonic combustion test rig was experimentally observed and studied. Air was vitiated using H2–O2 combustion products to stagnation conditions of 8.65 bar and 1350 K and was expanded through a rectangular nozzle to Mach number 2.5. H2 fuel was injected transversely using a strut positioned at the center of the combustor. The equivalence ratio (ER) was changed in time to study its effects on flame stabilization modes. Shadowgraph and wall pressure measurements were used to study the shock system generated by the strut in the supersonic combustor. High-speed OH1 chemiluminescence and high-speed flame imaging were used to study the heat release zones and flame structure of different combustion modes and transitions between them. Three different combustion modes were observed, namely: divergent section flame (CM1), strut wake stabilized flame (CM2), and jet stabilized flame (CM3). CM1 was observed at a very low ER, where the H2 was ignited by the normal shock positioned in the divergent section. At this point, the weak shock system at the strut is unable to ignite the fuel. At higher ER, CM2 was observed, as a stronger shock system ignites the richer mixture at the wake of the strut. It was observed that the mixture auto-ignites in the strut wake and doesn't flashback from the divergent section. When the ER is further increased, the stronger injection shock reduces the local velocity and increases the static temperature, enhancing the flame speed of the richer mixture. Thus, the flame flashes back to the fuel jet. Two hysteresis were observed in the supersonic combustor based on ER as a time-varying input. The flame stabilization mode has two solutions based on the history of the change in ER, hence indicating hysteresis. The hysteresis between CM1 and CM2 is because of the retention of the temperature and radicals in the recirculation zone at the wake of the strut. The hysteresis between CM3 and CM2 is because of the retention of the temperature and radicals in the horseshoe vortices around the fuel jets. Understanding hysteresis will help design scramjets with wider operability.  相似文献   

IntroductionMixing of fuel with oxidizer and their combustionare encountered in many engineering applicationsincluding hypersonic propulsion system in space vehicles.Particularly, the fuel injection scheme in hypersonicvehicles incorporating Scramet (Supersonic CombustionRamjet) engines, requires special attention for efficientmixing and stable combustion. Though a considerablenumber of researches has been cwhed out on ndxing andcombustion of fuel with oxidizer in Scramet program,still it fa…  相似文献   

The spreading of hydrogen jet within the combustion chamber is extremely important for the fuel consumption and enactment of scramjet engines. In this article, a numerical method is used to simulate the influence of wavy wall on distribution of the hydrogen cross flow jet in the downstream of the injectors. To examine the main role of wavy surface on the fuel distribution, a 3-D model is selected with an appropriate grid to detect the primary interaction of the hydrogen fuel jet with the deflected supersonic free stream. Code was developed to solve the Navier-stokes equation with energy and species mass transport equations. This study compares the effect of the amplitude of the wavy upstream wall on the main flow structure and hydrogen fuel distribution within the confined channel. The effects of hydrogen jet pressure on the main stream are also studied. Our findings display that the mixing rate of fuel inside the combustor rises about 35% when high amplitude surface wall is applied in the upstream of jet.  相似文献   

In this research study, a computational method is applied to examine the impacts of coaxial hybrid air and fuel jets on fuel mixing at the supersonic cross-flow of Mach = 4. This study examined the coaxial air and fuel jet effects on main parameters i. e. circulation, mixing efficiency, and fuel penetration. Computational Fluid Dynamic is employed for the modelling of the coaxial jet at cross supersonic flow. Reynolds Average Navier-Stocks equations with SST turbulence model for achieving hydrodynamic feature of the main model. Impacts of air-jet pressure and nozzle configurations on fuel distribution are also presented and the main effective factors for efficient fuel mixing condition are explained. Our results disclosed that injection of coaxial air and fuel jets at supersonic cross airflow significantly improves the fuel penetration and mixing inside the combustion chamber. Flow study analysis shows that the coaxial injector augments the spiral feature of the fuel jet, which surges fuel mixing downstream. Our circulation analysis confirms that circulation strength increases in far away from an injector by the injection of a coaxial air jet.  相似文献   

Cavity flameholder is known as an efficient technique for providing the ignition zone. In this research, computational fluid dynamic is applied to study the influence of the various shapes of cavity as flameholder on the mixing efficiency inside the scramjet. To evaluate different shapes of cavity flame holder, the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations with (SST) turbulence model are solved to reveal the effect of significant parameters. The influence of trapezoidal, circle and rectangular cavity on fuel distribution is expansively analyzed. Moreover, the influence of various Mach numbers (M = 1.2, 2 and 3) on mixing rate and flow feature inside the cavity is examined. The comprehensive parametric studies are also done. Our findings show that the trapezoidal cavity is more efficient than other shapes in the preservation of the ignition zone within the cavity. In addition, the increase of free stream Mach number intensifies the main circulations within cavity and this induces a stable ignition zone within cavity.  相似文献   

The fuel mixing process within the combustion chamber is a critical procedure for advance of scramjet engine. In current study, the influence of free stream angle on the fuel mixing process of multi jets was thoroughly investigated. This research attempts to applied computational technique to disclose the structure of multi-fuel jets when the supersonic air stream is not normal to the jet direction. The effect of both positive and negative supersonic free stream on the diffusion and penetration of multi-hydrogen jets is fully described. The attention of this research is the flow structure of the multi jets and their interaction in the presence of different free stream angle. Our results indicate that the positive free stream angle expands the mixing zone in the downstream while the negative angle of free stream limited jet distribution inside the combustor. Our results show that mixing efficiency increase approximately 50% when the angle of free stream augments from +20° to −20°. According to our findings, mixing efficiency surges up to 17% when the jet spaces are increased from 4Dj to 10 Dj.  相似文献   

In this study, an experimental investigation is conducted to study the effects of CO addition (0%–7.5% vol.) on the self-ignition of pressurized hydrogen leakage. The result shows that more CO addition significantly decreases the likelihood of self-ignition inside the tube and the formation of self-sustained jet flame outside the tube. This can be mostly explained by the reduction of leading shock intensity inside the tube. Furthermore, CO addition effectively inhibits the flame propagation and development inside the tube. For pure hydrogen, the ignited flame quickly develops an intense flame spanning the tube width and eventually form a jet flame in ambient air. However, the H2–CO diffusion flame initiated approaching tube sidewall tends to propagate adjacent to the wall or be soon quenched with more CO addition. If the CO-weakened flame spouts to the tube exit, it may not survive the expansion at the tube exit and thus it is quenched.  相似文献   

This work presents the numerical analysis of the DLR scramjet combustor for different jet schemes of the double-nozzle injector, namely the various injection directions, injection angles, and nozzle spacings. After comparing various jet schemes, it is found that the optimal jet scheme for the double-nozzle strut is to set the angle of 60° for the inward injection direction and the nozzle spacing of 3 mm. Furthermore, the mixing efficiency of the optimal jet scheme is investigated at different Mach numbers. The current research focuses on the mixing mechanism of air and hydrogen by analyzing the flow structures in the strut's wake region. It is observed that the double-nozzle configuration increases the number of vortexes behind the strut and creates a recirculation zone between the two jet streams. The mixing efficiency of the scramjet combustor improves significantly with an increase in the injection angle, but the spacing and direction of the double-nozzle have little effect on the mixing efficiency. It is found that the additional total pressure loss generated by the double-nozzle configuration can be negligible. In addition, the results show that the mixing efficiency of the optimal jet scheme for the double-nozzle is improved more significantly at low Mach numbers (e.g., Ma = 2 and 3).  相似文献   

The injection of the hydrogen is the main noteworthy stage for the advance of the supersonic engine. In our computational study, the incidence of the step condition in the upstream of the hydrogen multi-jet is investigated for the augmentation of the fuel distribution in downside of the fuel jets at Mach = 4. To perform our research, a 3-dimensional computational domain is taken to unveil the primary flow organization of the hydrogen jets and its interactions with the freestream for the advance of fuel mixing. This work comprehensively examined the impression of the jet pressure on the mixing value and flow structure. Besides, the three-dimensional outcome of the step on the pattern of the four multi-jets is compared with the single equivalent jet. According to our results, the existence of step improves the fuel mixing efficiency up to 30% close to of early jets. Our findings reveal that increasing the step height from 0.5 to 2 mm enhances the fuel mixing more than 15%.  相似文献   

The dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flame ignited at different locations in a finite-size closed tube is experimentally studied. The flame behaves differently in the experiments with different ignition positions. The ignition location exhibits an important impact on the flame behavior. When the flame is ignited at one of the tube ends, the heat losses to the end wall reduce the effective thermal expansion and moderate the flame propagation and acceleration. When the ignition source is at a short distance off one of the ends, the tulip flame dynamics closely agrees with that in the theory. And both the tulip and distorted tulip flames are more pronounced than those in the case with the ignition source placed at one of the ends. Besides, the flame–pressure wave coupling is quite strong and a second distorted tulip flame is generated. When the ignition source is in the tube center, the flame propagates in a much gentler way and the tulip flame can not be formed. The flame oscillations are weaker since the flame–pressure wave interaction is weaker.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a three-dimensional spatially-developing supersonic lifted hydrogen jet flame has been conducted in this paper. The scalar structure of the lifted flame is investigated through instantaneous images and conditional means of combustion statistics. And then the scalar dissipation rate and its implications on the flamelet-based combustion modeling are analyzed in detail. It can be found that most of the heat release occurs in the subsonic region. However, distributed reaction pockets exist in the sonic mixing layer due to the rolled up vortices. The magnitude of conditional compression or expansion rate of the fluid presents comparable to the corresponding heat release rate, and takes a great influence on the flame temperature in the high speed reacting flow. The probability density functions of mean conditional and unconditional scalar dissipation rate prove to qualitatively agree with the presumed log-normal distribution, while a little skewed to the higher scalar dissipation rate in the sonic mixing layer. The conditional mean scalar dissipation rate presents to be radial dependent at the flame base, especially in the fuel lean mixture. The DNS results show good agreement with the trends of the flamelet calculations; however, the amplitudes of temperature are far lower than the corresponding flamelet statistics due to finite rate reaction and expansion of the high speed reacting flow.  相似文献   

In this paper, three-dimensional pulsed hydrogen jet in supersonic crossflow (PJISC) is investigated by the unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations with the k-ω shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model. The numerical validation and mesh resolution have been carried out against experiment firstly. The effects of the pulsed frequency and amplitude on the jet flow field and mixing performance in supersonic cross-flow are all addressed. It significantly changes the distribution of the hydrogen jet flow by comparing with the steady jet in supersonic crossflow. The fuel jet penetration, mixing efficiency, decay rate of the maximum hydrogen mass fraction and total pressure losses are used to quantitatively analyze the mixing performance. The mixing of fuel and incoming air flow is enhanced by the pulsed jet, especially for the case of 50 kHz, which is the optimal pulsed frequency while considering the effects of jet excitation frequency in the present simulations. The decay rate of the maximum mass fraction of hydrogen in the far field downstream is related to the frequency of the pulse jet. Moreover, the pulsed frequency and amplitude have little effects on the total pressure recovery coefficient for the cases studied in the present simulations.  相似文献   

This paper numerically investigated the dynamic characteristics of combustion in a model scramjet. Three-dimensional compressible large eddy simulation was performed on a hydrogen fueled combustor and pressure fluctuations were recorded. The analysis of pressure data showed that the combustion processes are intrinsically unstable under supersonic air inflow conditions. Flame dynamics were convinced by the fluctuations in flame lift-off distance away from the strut base. Combined with the corresponding time interval, instantaneous flame speed was calculated. Results indicated that pressure oscillations at different locations show difference in amplitude, frequency, and the underlying control mechanism. Flame front oscillation analysis showed that the flame–shock interaction in the strut recirculation zone was responsible for the combustion instability. Flame dynamics were compared with low-speed turbulent lifted flames. The transition between flame propagation just after the strut and shock-induced combustion in the subsonic bubble at the intersection of two wall-reflected oblique shocks made for the flame stabilization.  相似文献   

In this numerical study, the influence of chemistry models on the predictions of supersonic combustion in a model combustor is investigated. To this end, 3D, compressible, turbulent, reacting flow calculations with a detailed chemistry model (with 37 reactions and 9 species) and the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model have been carried out. These results are compared with earlier results obtained using single step chemistry. Hydrogen is used as the fuel and three fuel injection schemes, namely, strut, staged (i.e., strut and wall) and wall injection, are considered to evaluate the impact of the chemistry models on the flow field predictions. Predictions of the mass fractions of major species, minor species, dimensionless stagnation temperature, dimensionless static pressure rise and thrust percentage along the combustor length are presented and discussed. Overall performance metrics such as mixing efficiency and combustion efficiency are used to draw inferences on the nature (whether mixing- or kinetic-controlled) and the completeness of the combustion process. The predicted values of the dimensionless wall static pressure are compared with experimental data reported in the literature. The calculations show that multi step chemistry predicts higher and more wide spread heat release than what is predicted by single step chemistry. In addition, it is also shown that multi step chemistry predicts intricate details of the combustion process such as the ignition distance and induction distance.  相似文献   

Effect of content of hydrogen (H2) in fuel stream, mole fraction of H2(XH2) in fuel composition, and velocity of fuel and co-flow air (Vavg) on the flame characteristics of a co-flow H2/N2 laminar diffusion flame is investigated in this paper. Co-flow burner of Toro et al. [1] is used as a model geometry in which the governing conservation transport equations for mass, momentum, energy, and species are numerically solved in a segregated manner with finite rate chemistry. GRI3 reaction mechanisms are selected along with the weight sum of grey gas radiation (WSGG) and Warnatz thermo-diffusion models. Reliability of the newly generated CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model is initially examined and validated with the experimental results of Toro et al. [1]. Then, the method of investigation is focused on a total of 12 flames with XH2 varying between 0.25 and 1, and Vavg between 0.25 and 1 ms?1. Increase of flame size, flame temperature, chemistry heat release, and NOx emission formation resulted are affected by the escalation of either XH2 or Vavg. Significant effect on the flame temperature and NOx emission are obtained from a higher XH2 in fuel whereas the flame size and heat release are the result of increasing Vavg. Along with this finding, the role of N2 and its higher content reducing the flame temperature and NOx emission are presented.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation (LES) has been performed to investigate transverse hydrogen jet mixing and combustion process in a scramjet combustor model with a compression ramp at inlet to generate shock train. Partially Stirred Reactor (PaSR) sub-grid combustion model with a skeleton of 19 reactions and 9 species hydrogen/air reaction mechanism was used. The numerical solver is implemented in an Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) and validated against experimental data in terms of mean wall pressure. Effects of a shock train induced by the inlet compression ramp on the flame stabilization process are then studied. It can be observed that the interaction of the oblique shock and the jet mixing layer enhance the combustion and stabilize the flame. Symmetrical recirculation zone, which contributes to the flame anchoring of the supersonic transverse jet combustion, is observed in the near wall region of 10 < x/D < 20. The hydrogen fuel is transported from the center of jet plume to the near wall region on both sides of the central plane (z/D = 0) and thus intense combustion near the wall is observed due to the enhanced mixing and shock compression heating. Besides, the jet penetration in the reacting field is different from that in non-reacting case with the influence of the interaction between the reflected oblique shock and the jet shear layer on the windward side.  相似文献   

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