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The doped SiC powders were prepared by the thermal diffusion process in nitrogen atmosphere at 2 000℃. Graphite film with holes was used as the protective mask, The dielectric properties of the prepared SiC powders at high frequencies were investigated. The complex permittivity of the undoped and doped SiC powders was measured within the microwave frequency range from 8.2 to 12.4 GHz. The XRD patterns show that before and after heat treatment no new phase appears in the samples of undoped and nitrogen-doped, however, in the aluminum-doped sample the AIN phase appears. At the same time the Raman spectra indicate that after doping the aluminum and nitrogen atoms affect the bond of silicon and carbon. The dielectric real part (ε) and imaginary part (ε") of the nitrogen-doped sample are higher than those of the other samples. The reason is that in the nitrogen-doped the N atom substitutes the C position of SiC crystal and induces more carriers and in the nitrogen and aluminum-doped the concentration of carriers and the effect of dielectric relaxation will decrease because of the aluminum and nitrogen contrary dopants.  相似文献   

采用真空高温裂解聚碳硅烷法制备β-SiC陶瓷粉末,并对热解产物进行TGA/DSC、XRD和拉曼光谱表征。通过矩形波导法测量β-SiC陶瓷粉末与石蜡复合材料在8.2~18GHz下的复介电常数来研究其介电性能。结果表明:复介电常数的实部与虚部均随着热解温度的升高而增大。高温下产生的石墨碳引起的电子松弛极化及电导损耗是复介电常数的实部与虚部增大的主要原因。  相似文献   

Porous silicon nitride ceramics with difference volume fractions of porosity from 34.1% to 59.2% were produced by adding different amount of the pore-forming agent into initial silicon nitride powder. The microwave dielectric property of these ceramics at a frequency of 9.36 GHz was studied. The crystalline phases of the samples were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The influence of porosity on the dielectric properties was evaluated. The results show that α-Si3N4 crystalline phase exists in all the samples while the main crystalline phase of the samples is β-Si3N4, indicating that the αβ transformation happens during the preparation of samples and the transformation is incomplete. There is a dense matrix containing large pores and cavities with needle-shaped and flaky β-Si3N4 grains distributing. The dielectric constant of the ceramics reduces with the increase of porosity.  相似文献   

Continuous SiC(OA1) fibers, named KD-A fibers, were prepared by the melt-spinning of ceramic precursor polyaluminocarbosilane, air-curing, and pyrolizing at 1 300℃. These fibers contained small amount of aluminum and 7%-9% oxygen. The KD-A fibers were converted into sintered SiC(A1) fibers, named KD-SA, by sintering at 1 800℃. The fibers were characterized by chemical analysis, tensile strength test, SEM and XRD. The tensile strength, elastic modulus and diameter of the KD-A fibers are 2.6 GPa, 210 GPa, 12- 14μm, respectively. The KD-A fibers have higher thermal stability, more excellent oxidation resistance than the Nicalon fibers. The properties of the KD-A fibers have reached the level of Hi-Nicalon fibers. The tensile strength, elastic modulus and diameter of the KD-A fibers are 2.1 GPa, 405 GPa, 10 - 12μm, respectively. The KD-SA fibers with nearly stoichiometric component have stable performance at high temperature, and better creep resistance than the Tyranno SA fibers.  相似文献   

Because of the direct relationship between removal rate and surface roughness in conventional grinding, ultra-precision finishing of hard coatings produced by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) usually involves several process steps with fixed and loose abrasives. In this paper, an innovative shape adaptive grinding (SAG) tool is introduced that allows finishing of CVD silicon carbide with roughness below 0.4 nm Ra and high removal rates up-to 100 mm3/min. The SAG tool elastically complies with freeform surfaces, while rigidity at small scales allows grinding to occur. Since material removal is time dependent, this process can improve form error iteratively through feed moderation.  相似文献   

Recently, SiC‐based ceramics have been found to exhibit corrosion damage patterns, which can only be explained by electrochemical processes. Therefore, the current work focusses on the electrochemical test procedures to determine the corrosion behaviour of solid state sintered silicon carbide (SSiC) ceramics in acidic and alkaline media. The corrosion current densities have been determined from linear voltammetric scans. At anodic polarization potentials, electrochemically induced etching patterns were observed in alkaline solution. The formation of pores and crevices during electrochemical oxidation in acidic solution could be monitored by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) in addition to transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Impedance spectra measured after anodic polarization could be described by the assumption of a pore model equivalent circuit.  相似文献   

研究了氧化态和原始态碳化硅颗粒增强铝基复合材料的界面结构及其对复合材料弯曲强度的影啊。结果发现.氧化处理后碳化硅与基体铝界面上有一SiO2非晶层,该非晶层内由于铝的扩散作用而形成铝的浓度梯度。原始态碳化硅与铝的界面上则无此非晶层.由于此非晶层的作用.导致界面结合强度的提高从而增加了复合材料的弯曲强度。  相似文献   

在自行设计制造的直流电阻加热CVD装置上制备出C芯SiC纤维,C芯SiC比W芯具有更高的力学性能,更好的界面相容性,更低的密度,成为制备SiC/Ti基复合材料的最佳增强体。研究CH3SiHCl2-CH3SiCl3-H2-Ar体系中在C芯表面化学气相沉积SiC涂层工艺,考察沉积温度,[H2]/[silane],气流量,Ar气流量对化学气相沉积SiC涂层的结构、性能的影响。并对涂层表面形貌及结构成分进行SEM,XRD,raman,AES分析。结果表明:在温度1200℃,[H2]/[silane]=1.4,气体流量4.89L/min,稀释气体0.2L/min时,纤维拉伸强度最好为3392MPa。其中纤维的性能对沉积温度,[H2]/[silane]最敏感。  相似文献   

用拓扑关系将硅 /碳化硅材料转化为具有 3个不同显微结构单元的整体 ,建立了等效电路 ,结合相关试验 ,计算了不同显微组织的硅 /碳化硅材料的电阻率。得到的理论计算结果与实验值的综合相对误差仅为3.9% ,分析比较了各相含量和分布形态对硅 /碳化硅材料整体电阻率的影响。结果表明 ,提高低电阻率硅的体积含量和其分布连续性 ,可降低材料的整体电阻率。该方法可用来预测要得到所需电阻率材料中应具有的硅含量和分布形态 ,为确定制备材料的显微结构设计提供指导。  相似文献   

以硅粉为硅源,乙炔炭黑为碳源,通过微波加热的方法制备碳化硅。研究反应物密实度和反应物粒度对产物碳化硅粒度和形貌的影响,利用SEM和TEM等手段观察碳化硅的形貌。结果表明:采用自由堆积的乙炔炭黑和硅粉为反应物时,硅粉、碳粉表面存在的氧与其发生反应生成的Si O和CO,再通过气-气反应生成Si C晶须,生成产物包括Si C颗粒和晶须。当反应物加压后,生成的Si O与Si和C反应生成Si C颗粒,产物中只包括Si C颗粒。乙炔炭黑和硅粉反应过程中Si C通过扩散机制生成,碳颗粒的粒度决定了生成的Si C的粒度。  相似文献   

CVD技术的应用与进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵峰  杨艳丽 《热处理》2009,24(4):7-10
简要论述了化学气相沉积(CVD)技术的工作原理,与其他表面硬化技术相比的特点,应用领域,以及近年来发展的金属有机化合物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)、等离子体化学气相沉积(PCVD)、激光化学气相沉积(LCVD)、超高真空化学气相沉积(UHVCVD)和热丝化学气相沉积(HWCVD)等新CVD技术,展望了该技术的发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

AlSiC电子封装基片的制备与性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用模压成形制备SiC预制件和真空压力浸渗相结合的技术,成功制备出AlSiC电子封装基片。研究磷酸铝含量和成形压力对SiC预制件抗弯强度和孔隙率的影响规律,并对所制备的AlSiC电子封装基片的性能进行评价。结果表明,在磷酸铝含量为0.8%,成形压力为200MPa时,经600℃恒温2h处理的SiC预制件抗弯强度为8.46MPa,孔隙率为37%。当温度为100~500℃时,AlSiC电子封装基片的热膨胀系数介于6.88×10-6和8.14×10-6℃-1之间,热导率为170W/(m·K),抗弯强度为398MPa,气密性小于1×10-8Pa·m3/s。用钯盐活化进行化学镀镍,得到光亮、完整的镀层。镀层于450℃恒温120s后,镀层不变色,未见起皮和鼓泡。  相似文献   

采用电火花沉积分别制备了碳化铬基金属陶瓷单涂层和碳化铬基金属陶瓷/Ni复合涂层。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、显微硬度计和摩擦磨损试验机对比研究了单涂层和复合涂层的物相、微观组织结构、显微硬度和摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,两种涂层组织结构致密,与基体呈良好的冶金结合,并在涂层内形成了纳米晶的微观组织。复合涂层中FeCr0.29Ni0.16C0.06韧性相含量增加,在涂层界面处存在过渡层Ni,并以塑性变形的方式释放了更多沉积时产生的热应力,因而涂层裂纹明显减少。复合涂层的峰值硬度(1186HV0.05)虽略低于单涂层,但该涂层具有最小的摩擦系数(0.2462),1h磨损量仅为单涂层的1/3,因此表现出更好的耐磨性能,其主要磨损机制为磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损。  相似文献   

Boron-doped diamond (BDD) films were deposited on the tungsten carbide substrates at different substrate temperatures ranging from 450 to 850 °C by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) method. The effect of deposition temperature on the properties of the boron-doped diamond films on tungsten carbide substrate was investigated. It is found that boron doping obviously enhances the growth rate of diamond films. A relatively high growth rate of 544 nm/h was obtained for the BDD film deposited on the tungsten carbide at 650 °C. The added boron-containing precursor gas apparently reduced activation energy of film growth to be 53.1 kJ/mol, thus accelerated the rate of deposition chemical reaction. Moreover, Raman and XRD analysis showed that heavy boron doping (750 and 850 °C) deteriorated the diamond crystallinity and produced a high defect density in the BDD films. Overall, 600–700 °C is found to be an optimum substrate temperature range for depositing BDD films on tungsten carbide substrate.  相似文献   

硬质合金基体表面沉积金刚石薄膜可以提高其硬度和耐磨性,延长其使用寿命,有效保护和节约钨、钴等稀有金属。作为一种多晶膜,金刚石薄膜的摩擦系数直接影响了其在摩擦学领域的应用。对近年来硬质合金基体表面CVD金刚石薄膜的摩擦磨损性能的研究状况进行了阐述,分析了CVD金刚石薄膜在摩擦实验过程中的摩擦磨损机制,并对金刚石薄膜在摩擦学领域中的应用研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

碳化硅材料在冰晶石熔液中的侵蚀行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了气、冰晶石、铝液三相区介质在温度为900℃时对碳化硅材料的侵蚀行为。分别用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了试样在熔液区域的横截面以及试样与三相区的界面形貌。研究结果表明:碳化硅材料在熔融的冰晶石混合介质中表现出良好的抗腐蚀性能;铝液对碳化硅材料有侵蚀作用,而电解质、空气界面对碳化硅有较强的腐蚀行为。分析和探讨了各相介质对碳化硅材料的腐蚀机理以及腐蚀产物的相组成。  相似文献   

基于包混和复合添加工艺的多孔碳化硅陶瓷的制备和性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用包混工艺合成核-壳结构的硅-树脂先驱体粉体,引入Al2O3-SiO2-Y2O3复合添加剂,通过成型、炭化和烧结工艺制备多孔碳化硅陶瓷。分析多孔碳化硅陶瓷样品的物相、形貌、孔隙率、热导率、热膨胀系数和抗热震性能。结果表明:复合添加能够在较低的温度下制得多孔碳化硅陶瓷;陶瓷样品的晶粒较小,明显增强了多孔碳化硅陶瓷的导热性能;复合添加提高了碳化硅陶瓷的抗热震性能,添加Al2O3-SiO2-Y2O3并且在1650℃下烧结制备的多孔碳化硅陶瓷经过30次热震后的抗弯强度损失率为6.5%;陶瓷样品的孔壁更加光滑,孔分布更均匀;复合添加对多孔碳化硅陶瓷热膨胀系数的影响较小。  相似文献   

Based on the model that in the intrinsic disorder of SiO2 oxygen-ion vacancies dominate at low oxygen pressure and oxygen-ion interstitials at high oxygen pressure, a model is presented which explains the formation of mobile interstitial silicon ions preferentially at high oxygen pressure by doping of SiO2 with Ti3+ and/or Ti2+ ions. Analogously an attempt has been made to understand an increase in the solubility of MoO3 in SiO2 by Al2O3 dissolved in SiO2. Doping and co-dissolution are in particular to be expected in the oxidation of SiO2 forming ceramics because SiO2 has very probable dissolved impurities of the ceramic or/and sinter additives.  相似文献   

铝表面化学气相沉积SiOx膜层的显微结构和性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用低温常压化学气相沉积(CVD)方法在铝基底上制备了硅氧化物陶瓷膜层.使用SEM、XPS、AFM、XRD、HRTEM和UV-VIS等技术分析了膜层的形貌、成分和组织结构特征,测试了膜层的孔隙率、光学和显微力学性能.结果表明:硅氧化物SiOx陶瓷膜层在铝基表面以气相反应沉积硅氧化物颗粒-颗粒嵌镶堆垛-融合长大的方式生成,大部分膜层为非晶态区域,其中包含少量局部有序区域,SiOx中的硅氧原子比为1:1.60~1:1.75,膜层疏松多孔,具有很高的紫外-可见光吸收率,膜层与基底具有很好的结合性.  相似文献   

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