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This study analysed the importance of precipitation events from May 2003 to April 2004 on surface water chemistry and solute export from a 696 ha glaciated forested watershed in western New York State, USA. The specific objectives of the study were to determine: (a) the temporal patterns of solutes within individual storm events; (b) the impact of precipitation events on seasonal and annual export budgets; and (c) how solute concentrations and loads varied for precipitation events among seasons as functions of storm intensity and antecedent moisture conditions. Analysis of solute trajectories showed that NH4+, total Al and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) peaked on the hydrograph rising limb, whereas dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations peaked following the discharge peak. Sulphate and base‐cations displayed a dilution pattern with a minimum around peak discharge. End‐member mixing analysis showed that throughfall contributions were highest on the rising limb, whereas valley‐bottom riparian waters peaked following the discharge peak. The trajectories of NO3? concentrations varied with season, indicating the influence of biotic processes on the generation, and hence flux, of this solute. Storm events had the greatest impact on the annual budgets for NH4+, K+, total dissolved Al, DON and DOC. Storm events during summer had the greatest impact on seasonal solute budgets. Summer events had the highest hourly discharges and high concentrations of solutes. However, NO3? and DOC exports during a spring snowmelt event were considerably more than those observed for large events during other periods of the year. Comparisons among storms showed that season, precipitation amount, and antecedent moisture conditions affected solute concentrations and loads. Concentrations of solutes were elevated for storms that occurred after dry antecedent conditions. Seven of the largest storms accounted for only 15% of the annual discharge, but were responsible for 34%, 19%, 64%, 13%, 39% and 24% of the annual exports of NH4+, K+, Al, NO3?, DON and DOC respectively. These results suggest that the intense and infrequent storms predicted for future climate‐change scenarios will likely increase the exports of solutes like DOC, DON, NH4+, Al and K+ from watersheds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream chemistry is often used to infer catchment‐scale biogeochemical processes. However, biogeochemical cycling in the near‐stream zone or hydrologically connected areas may exert a stronger influence on stream chemistry compared with cycling processes occurring in more distal parts of the catchment, particularly in dry seasons and in dry years. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that near‐stream wetland proportion is a better predictor of seasonal (winter, spring, summer, and fall) stream chemistry compared with whole‐catchment averages and that these relationships are stronger in dryer periods with lower hydrologic connectivity. We evaluated relationships between catchment wetland proportion and 16‐year average seasonal flow‐weighted concentrations of both biogeochemically active nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate (NO3‐N), total phosphorus (TP), as well as weathering products, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), at ten headwater (<200 ha) forested catchments in south‐central Ontario, Canada. Wetland proportion across the entire catchment was the best predictor of DOC and TP in all seasons and years, whereas predictions of NO3‐N concentrations improved when only the proportion of wetland within the near‐stream zone was considered. This was particularly the case during dry years and dry seasons such as summer. In contrast, Ca and Mg showed no relationship with catchment wetland proportion at any scale or in any season. In forested headwater catchments, variable hydrologic connectivity of source areas to streams alters the role of the near‐stream zone environment, particularly during dry periods. The results also suggest that extent of riparian zone control may vary under changing patterns of hydrological connectivity. Predictions of biogeochemically active nutrients, particularly NO3‐N, can be improved by including near‐stream zone catchment morphology in landscape models.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of hydrological processes on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in a forested headwater catchment, DOC concentration was observed along the flow path from rainfall to stream water via throughfall, soil water, groundwater, and spring water for 4 years, and DOC flux through the catchment was calculated. The spatial and temporal variations in DOC concentration and flux were compared with physical hydrological observations and the mean residence time of water. In the upslope soil layer, DOC concentrations were not significantly correlated with water fluxes, suggesting that DOC concentrations were not strictly controlled by water fluxes. In the upslope perennial groundwater, DOC concentration was affected by the change in the amount of microbial degradation of DOC produced by changes in the mean residence time of water. In stream water, the temporal variation in DOC concentration was usually affected by changes in DOC concentration of the inflow component via vertical infiltration from above the perennial groundwater. During dry periods, however, the component from inflow via vertical infiltration was negligible and DOC in the upslope perennial groundwater became the major component of stream water DOC. The temporal variation in stream water DOC concentration during baseflow was affected by rainfall patterns over several preceding months. Therefore, records of rainfall over several preceding months are one of the most important factors for predicting changes in DOC concentration on a catchment scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streamwater quality can be affected by climate-related variability in hydrologic state, which controls flow paths and affects biogeochemical processes. Thirty-one years of input/output solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, a small, forested, seasonally water-limited watershed near Atlanta, Georgia, were used to quantify the effects of climatic-related variability in storage on streamwater solute concentrations and fluxes. Streamwater fluxes were estimated for ten solutes from weekly and event sample concentrations using regression-based methods. The most pertinent storage attribute (current or antecedent watershed, shallow, and deep storage) for each solute was determined by fitting separate concentration relationships. The concentration-discharge relationships varied more for reactive solutes such as potassium, sulfate, and DOC and less for weathering products (base cations and dissolved silica) and conservative chloride. Many solutes exhibited higher concentrations when storage levels were lower or wetting up, which was likely the result of the concentrating effects of evapotranspiration and/or the buildup and flushing of weathering products associated with longer residence times. The impacts of storage modeling on annual fluxes varied by solute, ranging from about 5% (magnesium) to 52% (nitrate) as relative standard deviations, and sufficiently removed climate-related patterns observed in streamwater concentrations. Sulfate was particularly mobilized following growing season droughts but only if deep storage was sufficiently recharged, possibly indicating that sulfides in the deep storage pool were oxidized to sulfate during droughts and mobilized when re-wetted. The lack of streamwater sulfate response to 61% declines in atmospheric deposition indicates the importance of watershed biogeochemical processes on controls of streamwater export of sulfate. The approach of explicitly incorporating storage in the streamwater concentration modeling elucidated the effects of climate on streamwater water-quality and may provide insight into the effects of climatic change on future fluxes.  相似文献   

The quantitative evaluation of the effects of bedrock groundwater discharge on spatial variability of stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) concentrations has still been insufficient. We examined the relationships between stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations and bedrock groundwater contribution to stream water in forest headwater catchments in warm-humid climate zones. We sampled stream water and bedrock springs at multiple points in September and December 2013 in a 5 km2 forest headwater catchment in Japan and sampled groundwater in soil layer in small hillslopes. We assumed that stream water consisted of four end members, groundwater in soil layer and three types of bedrock groundwater, and calculated the contributions of each end member to stream water from mineral-derived solute concentrations. DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations in stream water were compared with the calculated bedrock groundwater contribution. The bedrock groundwater contribution had significant negative linear correlation with stream DOC concentration, no significant correlation with stream DIN concentration, and significant positive linear correlation with stream DIP concentration. These results highlighted the importance of bedrock groundwater discharge in establishing stream DOC and DIP concentrations. In addition, stream DOC and DIP concentrations were higher and lower, respectively, than those expected from end member mixing of groundwater in soil layer and bedrock springs. Spatial heterogeneity of DOC and DIP concentrations in groundwater and/or in-stream DOC production and DIP uptake were the probable reasons for these discrepancies. Our results indicate that the relationships between spatial variability of stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations and bedrock groundwater contribution are useful for comparing the processes that affect stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations among catchments beyond the spatial heterogeneity of hydrological and biogeochemical processes within a catchment.  相似文献   

We identify and assess the relative importance of the principal factors influencing the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved forms of nitrogen (N) from a small upland headwater dominated by podzolic soils during a sequence of autumn runoff events. We achieve this by subjecting high‐resolution hydrometeorological and hydrochemical data to an R‐mode principal component factor analysis and a stepwise multivariate regression analysis. We find that the release of DOC and N is influenced by four principal factors, namely event magnitude, soil water flow through the Bs horizon, the length of time since the soil profile was last flushed, and rewetting of the H horizon. The release of DOC and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is most strongly influenced by the combination of event magnitude and soil water flow through the Bs horizon, and to a lesser extent by the length of time since the soil profile was last flushed. Rewetting of the H horizon also influences the release of DOC, but this is not the case for DON. The release of nitrate (NO3‐N) is most strongly influenced by the combination of the length of time since the soil profile was last flushed and rewetting of the H horizon, and to a lesser extent by event magnitude. Soil water flow through the Bs horizon does not influence the release of NO3‐N. We argue that the mechanisms by which the above factors influence the release of DOC and N are probably strongly associated with moisture‐dependent biological activity, which governs the turnover of organic matter in the soil and limits the availability of NO3‐N in the soil for leaching. We conclude that the release of DOC and N from upland headwaters dominated by podzolic soils is largely controlled by the variable interaction of hydrometeorological factors and moisture‐dependent biological processes, and that a shift in climate towards drier summers and wetter winters may result in the release of DOC and N becoming increasingly variable and more episodic in the future. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Both monitoring and model simulation are useful for understanding and detecting changes in the environment. To understand and simulate leaching in small forested catchments, it is important to have knowledge of soil processes. Here, we describe recent development of the Hydrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE) model for forested catchments. HYPE includes an organic carbon (OC) variable in addition to previously published nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and water flow models. The aspects addressed in the current study included P concentrations under low‐flow conditions and high concentrations of inorganic N. HYPE was further developed based on nine small forested catchments (0.5–200 ha) in Sweden, which were calibrated separately using local data. The model (excluding the OC variable) was tested on a larger set of forest catchments from the operational HYPE model of Sweden (S‐HYPE). We observed the following: (1) dissolved organic P could make a significant contribution to the total P concentration in a stream during low‐flow periods, (2) the inorganic N concentration simulated in a stream improved when part of the atmospheric N was retained in the soil, (3) the soil flow path formulation was critical for simulating concentration dynamics, and (4) evaluating an additional variable (OC) further elucidated the soil runoff processes in the model. Copyright © 2016 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of contrasting antecedent soil moisture conditions on the hydrochemical response, here the changes in dissolved nitrogen (NO3?, NH4+ and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, of a first‐order stream during hydrological events. The study was performed in the Hermine, a 5 ha forested watershed of the Canadian Shield. It focused on a series of eight precipitation events (spring, summer and fall) sampled every 2 or 3 h and showing contrasted antecedent moisture conditions. The partition of the eight events between two groups (dry or wet) of antecedent moisture conditions was conducted using a principal component analysis (PCA). The partition was controlled (first axis explained 86% of the variability) by the antecedent streamflow, the streamflow to precipitation ratio Q/P and by the antecedent groundwater depth. The mean H+, NO3?, NH4+, total dissolved nitrogen and DOC concentrations and electrical conductivity values in the stream were significantly higher following dry antecedent conditions than after wetter conditions had prevailed in the Hermine, although the temporal variability was high (17 to 138%). At the event scale, a significantly higher proportion of the changes in DON, NO3?, and DOC concentrations in the stream was explained by temporal variations in discharge compared with the seasonal and annual scales. Two of the key hydrochemical features of the dry events were the synchronous changes in DOC and flow and the frequent negative relationships between discharge and NO3?. The DON concentrations were much less responsive than DOC to changes in discharge, whereas NH was not in phase with streamflow. During wet events, the synchronicity between streamflow and DON or NO3? was higher than during dry events and discharge and NO3? were generally positively linked. Based on these observations, the hydrological behaviour of the Hermine is conceptually compatible with a two‐component model of shallow (DON and DOC rich; variable NO3?) and deep (DON and DOC poor; variable NO3?) subsurface flow. The high NO3? and DOC levels measured at the early stages of dry events reflected the contribution from NO3?‐rich groundwaters. The contribution of rapid surface flow on water‐repellent soil materials located close to the stream channel is hypothesized to explain the DOC levels. An understanding of the complex interactions between antecedent soil moisture conditions, the presence of soil nutrients available for leaching and the dynamics of soil water flow paths during storms is essential to explain the fluxes of dissolved nitrogen and carbon in streams of forested watersheds. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excessive terrestrial nutrient loadings adversely impact coral reefs by primarily enhancing growth of macroalgae, potentially leading to a phase‐shift phenomenon. Hydrological processes and other spatial and temporal factors affecting nutrient discharge must be examined to be able to formulate effective measures for reducing nutrient export to adjacent reefs. During storm events and baseflow periods, water samples were obtained from the tropical Todoroki River, which drains an intensively agricultural watershed into Shiraho coral reef. In situ nutrient analyzers were deployed for 6 months to hourly measure dissolved nutrient (NO3‐N and PO43−‐P) concentrations. Total phosphorus (TP) and suspended solid concentration (TSS) were increased by higher rainfall intensity (r = 0·94, p < 0·01) and river discharge Q (r = 0·88, p < 0·01). In contrast, NO3‐N concentration tends to decrease drastically (e.g. from 3 to 1 mg l−1) during flood events. When base flow starts to dominate afterwards, NO3‐N manifested an increasing trend, but decreases when baseflow discharge becomes low. This counter‐clockwise hysteresis for NO3‐N highlights the significant influence of groundwater discharge. N delivery can therefore be considered a persistent process compared to sediment and P discharge, which are highly episodic in nature. Based on GIS analysis, nutrient concentration along the Todoroki River was largely affected by the percentage of sugarcane/bare areas and bedrock type. The spatial distribution of N concentration in the river reflects the considerable influence of subsurface geology—higher N levels in limestone‐dominated areas. P concentrations were directly related to the total length of artificial drainage, which enhances sediment transport. The use of high‐resolution monitoring data coupled with GIS‐based spatial analysis therefore enabled the clarification of control factors and the difference in the spatio‐temporal discharge characteristics between N and P. Thus, although erosion‐reduction schemes would reduce P discharge, other approaches (e.g. minimize fertilizer) are needed to reduce N discharge. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

季宁宁  刘永  王圣瑞 《湖泊科学》2022,34(1):118-133
为探究湖泊水体悬浮颗粒物和沉积物有机碳、氮来源及水质指示意义,分析了2013-2014年洱海悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物有机碳同位素(δ13C)、氮同位素(δ15N)和C/N比值时空变化特征及与水质的关系.结果 表明:①洱海悬浮颗粒物δ13C、C/N、δ15N在旱、雨季差异显著(P<0.05),旱季变化范围分别为-31.75...  相似文献   

While the role of groundwater in flushing of solutes has long been recognized, few studies have explicitly studied the within‐event changes in groundwater chemistry. We compared the changes in groundwater chemistry during storm events for a wetland and hillslope position in a small (1·5 ha) glaciated, forested catchment in western New York. Flushing responses for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON), nitrate (NO3) and sulfate (SO4) in wetland and hillslope groundwaters were also compared against the corresponding responses in stream water. Eight storm events with varying intensity, amount, and antecedent moisture conditions were evaluated. Solute flushing patterns for wetland and hillslope groundwaters differed dramatically. While DOC concentrations in wetland groundwater followed a dilution trend, corresponding values for hillslope groundwater showed a slight increase. Concentrations for NO3 in wetland groundwater were below detection limits, but hillslope groundwaters displayed high NO3 concentrations with a pronounced increase during storm events. Flushing responses at all positions were also influenced by the size of the event and the time between events. We attributed the differences in flushing to the differences in hydrologic flow paths and biogeochemical conditions. Flushing of the wetland did appear to influence storm‐event stream chemistry but the same could not be said for hillslope groundwaters. This suggests that while a variety of flushing responses may be observed in a catchment, only a subset of these responses affect the discharge chemistry at the catchment outlet. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frequent heavy rainfalls during the East Asian summer monsoon drastically increase water flow and chemical loadings to surface waters. A solid understanding of hydroclimatic controls on watershed biogeochemical processes is crucial for water quality control during the monsoon period. We investigated spatio‐temporal variations in the concentrations and spectroscopic properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the concentrations of trace metals in Hwangryong River, Korea, during a summer period from the relatively dry month of June through the following months with heavy rainfall. DOM and its spectroscopic properties differed spatially along the river, and also depended on storm and flow characteristics around each sampling time. At a headwater stream draining a forested watershed, the concentrations (measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC)), aromaticity (measured as specific UV absorbance at 254 nm), and fulvic acid‐ and protein‐like fluorescence of DOM were higher in stormflow than in baseflow waters. DOC concentrations and fluorescence intensities increased along the downstream rural and urban sites, in which DOC and fluorescence were not higher in stormflow waters, except for the ‘first flush’ at the urban site. The response of DOM in reservoir waters to monsoon rainfalls differed from that of stream and river waters, as illustrated by storm‐induced increases in DOM aromaticity and fulvic‐like fluorescence, and no significant changes in protein‐like fluorescence. The results suggest that surface water DOM and its spectroscopic properties differentially respond to changes in hydroclimatic conditions, depending on watershed characteristics and the influence of anthropogenic organic matter loadings. DOC concentrations and intensities of spectroscopic parameters were positively correlated with some of the measured trace metals (As, Co, and Fe). Further research will be needed to obtain a better understanding of climate effects on the interaction between DOM and trace metals. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research was conducted on the non-disturbed native alpine Kobresia meadow(YF) and the severely degraded meadow(SDL) of Dari County of Qinghai Province.By a density fractionation approach,each soil sample was divided into two fractions:light fraction(LF) and heavy fraction(HF).The obtained fractions were analyzed for organic carbon(OC) and nitrogen(N) concentrations.The results showed:(1) the OC concentration in HF and LF was 3.84% and 28.63% respectively while the nitrogen concentration in HF and LF wa...  相似文献   

采用室内培养的方法,以富营养化湖泊太湖为例,研究了沉积物有机质矿化过程中碳、氮、磷的迁移特征.结果表明,在沉积物中的有机质矿化过程中,碳以溶解性无机碳释放至水中,同时以CH4和CO2形式释放至大气中,培养结束时,CH4和CO2累积排放含量分别为1492.21和498.96 mg/g(dw),其中CH4占气态碳的89.16%(以C质量计);此外,大量的氮、磷营养盐释放至上覆水体,水中总氮、总磷和铵态氮的最高浓度分别是初始浓度的62.16、28.16和139.45倍,而硝态氮浓度在整个培养过程中逐渐下降,培养末期浓度是初期的0.21倍;厌氧条件下,沉积物有机质的矿化,不仅可以生成大量的CH4、CO2气体,还能够促使沉积物中铵态氮和磷的释放;而沉积物有机质矿化释放的碳、氮、磷营养元素又能加剧湖泊富营养化程度,促进湖泊水体的初级生产力,从而增加湖泊沉积物有机质输入.这样的循环方式可能是湖泊富营养化自维持的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

为深入理解纳木错湖水及入湖河流中溶解有机碳(DOC)和总氮(TN)浓度的季节变化特征及其影响因素,于2012-2013年不同季节对纳木错2个站点及流域内21条主要入湖河流进行采样及分析,采用统计学方法初步探讨纳木错水体和21条河流DOC和TN浓度季节变化特征.结果表明,河流DOC平均浓度范围为0.763~1.537 mg/L,TN平均浓度范围为0.179~0.387 mg/L.21条入湖河流DOC浓度在春末夏初和夏季达到高值,冬季为低值,TN浓度季节变化趋势大体上与DOC浓度相反.湖泊水体DOC和TN浓度范围分别为2.42~8.08和0.237~0.517 mg/L,明显分别高于河水中的浓度.湖泊DOC浓度季节变化趋势与河流一致,而TN浓度无明显的季节性变化.河水DOC浓度的季节变化和空间差异受控于河流的补给方式,湖水DOC浓度受湖泊内部藻类等水生植物活动和河流外源输入的影响.DOC等有机质的分解是影响纳木错流域湖水和河水TN浓度的重要原因.  相似文献   

This research was conducted on the non-disturbed native alpine Kobresia meadow (YF) and the severely degraded meadow (SDL) of Dari County of Qinghai Province. By a density fractionation approach, each soil sample was divided into two fractions: light fraction (LF) and heavy fraction (HF). The obtained fractions were analyzed for organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. The results showed: (1) the OC concentration in HF and LF was 3.84% and 28.63% respectively while the nitrogen concentration in HF and LF was 0.362% and 1.192% respectively in 0–10 cm depth. C:N ratio was 10.6 in HF and 23.8 in LF respectively. (2) As far as the ratio of OC in given fraction to that in gross sample was concerned, dominance of OC in HF was obvious in the whole soil profile. OC in HF increased from 78.95% to 90.33%, while OC in LF decreased from 21.05% to 9.68% with depths. (3) Soil total OC amounted to 47.47 in YF while 17.63 g · kg−1 in SDL, in which the OC content in HF decreased from 37.31 to 16.01 g · kg−1 while OC content in LF decreased from 10.01 to 1.62 g · kg−1. In other words, results of OC and N content show meadow degradation led to the loss of 57% OC in HF and 84% OC in LF from originally native ecosystem on alpine meadow. In addition, meadow degradation led to the loss of 43% N in HF and 79% N in LF from originally native ecosystem on alpine meadow. (4) The main reason for loss of C and N in LF during meadow degradation was not attributed to the decrease of OC and N concentration in LF and LF, but to the decrease in LF dry weight. Loss of N was far lower than loss of C in HF. This may suggest that there is difference in protection mode of C and N in HF. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30660120), Science Support Project in the Source Region of the Three Rivers (Grant No. 2005-SN-2)  相似文献   

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