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The turbulence data measured at two levels (i.e., 8.7 and 2.7?m) in the Energy Balance Experiment (EBEX), which was conducted in San Joaquin Valley in California during the period from July 20 to August 24, 2000, are used to study the characteristics of coherent structures over an irrigated cotton field. Patch-to-patch irrigation in the field generated the dry-to-wet horizontal advection and the oasis effects, leading to the development of a stably internal boundary layer (SIBL) in the late mornings or the early afternoons. The SIBL persisted in the rest of the afternoons. Under this circumstance, a near-neutral atmospheric surface layer (ASL) developed during the period with a stratification transition from the unstable to stable conditions during the daytime. Therefore, EBEX provides us with unique datasets to investigate the features of coherent structures that were generated over the patches upstream and passed by our site in the unstable ASL, the near-neutral ASL, and the SIBL. We use an objective detection technique and the conditional average method that is developed based on the wavelet analysis. Our data reveal some consistencies and inconsistencies in the characteristics of coherent structures as compared with previous studies. Ramp-like structures and sweep?Cejection cycles under the daytime SIBL have similar patterns to those under the nocturnal stable ASL. However, some features (i.e., intermittence) are different from those under the nocturnal stable ASL. Under the three stratifications, thermal and mechanical factors in the ASL perform differently in affecting the ramp intensity for different quantities (i.e., velocity components, temperature, and specific humidity), leading to coherent structures that modulate turbulence flow and alter turbulent transfer differently. It is also found that coherent structures contribute about 10?C20% to the total fluxes in our case with different flux contributions under three stratifications and with higher transporting efficiency in sensible heat flux than latent heat and momentum fluxes.  相似文献   

An integrated canopy micrometeorological model is described for calculating CO2, water vapor and sensible heat exchange rates and scalar concentration profiles over and within a crop canopy. The integrated model employs a Lagrangian random walk algorithm to calculate turbulent diffusion. The integrated model extends previous Lagrangian modelling efforts by employing biochemical, physiological and micrometeorological principles to evaluate vegetative sources and sinks. Model simulations of water vapor, CO2 and sensible heat flux densities are tested against measurements made over a soybean canopy, while calculations of scalar profiles are tested against measurements made above and within the canopy. The model simulates energy and mass fluxes and scalar profiles above the canopy successfully. On the other hand, model calculations of scalar profiles inside the canopy do not match measurements.The tested Lagrangian model is also used to evaluate simpler modelling schemes, as needed for regional and global applications. Simple, half-order closure modelling schemes (which assume a constant scalar profile in the canopy) do not yield large errors in the computation of latent heat (LE) and CO2 (F c ) flux densities. Small errors occur because the source-sink formulation of LE andF c are relatively insensitive to changes in scalar concentrations and the scalar gradients are small. On the other hand, complicated modelling frames may be needed to calculate sensible heat flux densities; the source-sink formulation of sensible heat is closely coupled to the within-canopy air temperature profile.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study turbulent transport processes of scalar quantities within and above a rice plant canopy. A sonic anemometer-thermometer and a Lyman- humidiometer were used to measure the turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat and related turbulence statistics within a paddy field. The sensible and latent heat fluxes measured at two heights within and above the plant canopy showed that the upper layer of this plant canopy was an active source region and that the source strength of sensible and latent heat depended on the solar radiation and physiology of rice plants. Analysis of joint probability distributions of w and T and of w and q within this plant canopy showed that downdrafts were remarkably efficient for upward transport of sensible and latent heat in the daytime. The vertical fluxes of temperature and humidity variance were also divergent from the upper layer of plant canopies. The power spectra of temperature and humidity within the plant canopy decreased rapidly in the high frequency range, compared with the - 2/3 law relationship of nS(n) vs log n observed above plant canopies.  相似文献   

Summary Variability of atmospheric turbidity calculated from direct beam solar radiation measurements and the transverse coherence length,r 0, derived from differential image motion of stellar sources show pronounced fluctuations on the order of a few minutes under convectively unstable conditions in a desert environment. The quiescent periods, neutral events, when local near surface adiabatic conditions occur show substantial reductions in the fluctuations of the same quantities. Image motion results for nighttime (stable) conditions display slowing varying patterns with reduced short term (few minutes) variations.The measurements were taken using a suite of instrumentation probing the same volume of atmosphere. The instrumentation used includes a pyrheliometer, Atmospheric Turbulence Measurement and Observation System (ATMOS), a sodar, a scintillometer, and tower- mounted sensors. A time-height display of sodar data calibrated for the refractive index structure parameter,C n 2 , coupled with scintillometer measurements show the diurnal evolution of the boundary layer responding to the local heating-cooling cycle and drainage flows from the surrounding mountains. Several atmospheric features are seen and discussed in these results as they affect the nature of the patterns of turbidity andr 0. Of particular interests are the development of convection, changes in the capping inversion, thermal plume structures, neutral events, and wave-turbulence interactions. Sinusoidal oscillations, identified as internal gravity waves, are seen in the nighttime laminated structures.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Comparison was made of the flux measurements of a closed-path CO2/H2O analyzer and an open-path H2O analyzer above a clover field and the forest floor of a Douglas-fir stand. The attenuation of the gas concentration fluctuations caused by the sampling tube of the closed-path analyzer resulted in underestimation of the H20 flux above both surfaces. The degree of underestimation above the clover field depended on wind speed, but was smaller than that calculated from the transfer function for laminar flow in a circular tube and the scalar cospectrum in the neutral and unstable surface layer. Above the forest floor CO2 fluctuations led those of H2O by 0.7s. The implications of this are discussed regarding the determination of the time delay caused by the sampling tube of the closedpath analyzer. The day-time CO2 efflux from the forest floor, averaged over three days, was 0.043 mg/(m2s).  相似文献   

We propose a simple model for esimating the average number of occurrences per unit time (c o) that a threshold concentration c o is exceeded. It is based on the joint probability density of the observed concentration c(t) and its time derivative (t) under the assumption that c(t) is a stationary time series; this assumption leads to the hypothesis that c(t) and (t) are statistically independent. Adopting plausible forms of the frequency distributions of c and , we apply the model to diffusion from an infinite area source and from an elevated point source, both in the neutral boundary layer, and obtain simple results for (c o) and the average duration of one excursion above c o as functions of c o, the mean and the standard deviation of the concentration, and surface-layer variables.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A series of experiments carried out in a pasture field during a growing season, allowed a radiometric determination of the scalar roughness for sensible heatz oh,r . The values ofz oh,r are shown to vary over the range of 10–1–10–7m both diurnally and seasonally, and an existing theoretical model for the estimation of scalar roughness for sensible heat is found to be inappropriate for the precise estimation ofz oh,r . To parameterizez oh,r better, a multiple regression analysis was performed, with predictor candidates such as solar elevation, solar radiationR s , leaf area index LAI, canopy height, the ratio of the solar radiation and the extraterrestrial radiationR s /R e , the ratio of the direct and the total solar radiationR d /R s , and the roughness Reynolds number among others. The best regression equation which usesR s , LAI,R s /R e , andR d /R s is derived withr=0.75; with smaller numbers of predictors, values ofr tend to deteriorate gradually down tor=0.52 when only one predictor, LAI, was incorporated into the equation.  相似文献   

 Precipitation (P) and freshwater (E-P) fluxes at the air-sea interface are investigated in the Atlantic Ocean sector using the reanalyses of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ERA) and of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). A canonical correlation analysis method between these fields and sea level pressure (SLP) is used to identify patterns. We also test whether precipitation and freshwater fluxes can be reconstructed from SLP data. In the winter months, patterns associated with both the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the East Atlantic (EA) mode are identified. The signals are strong enough to be reconstructed from the reanalysis fields, and they correspond to a significant part of the variability. The NAO signal is more robust than the EA one. The NAO-related variability mode is also present when the monthly precipitation rate is averaged for the winter season and even for annual averages. However, in the later case, other variability of natural origin (for instance, ENSO variability) or noise from the model and assimilation system prevents the reconstruction of E-P associated with NAO from SLP variability. Difficulties are identified in the tropical Atlantic with a different behaviour of NCEP and ERA precipitation variability, especially near the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The ERA patterns suggest a NAO signature in the tropical Atlantic which has clear monthly patterns and indicates a link between the phase of NAO and changes in the position and intensity of ITCZ. However, the analysis of winter rainfall based on satellite and in situ data does not support the monthly tropical pattern of ERA precipitation although it suggests a relation between convection near 15°S and NAO during northern winter. Received: 10 February 2000 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

We have examined the potential of using a closed-path sensor to accurately measure eddy fluxes of CO2. Five inlet tubeflow configurations were employed in the experimental setup. The fluxes of CO2 were compared against those measured with an open-path sensor. Sampling air through an intake tube causes a loss of flux, due to the attenuation of CO2 density fluctuations. Adjustments need to be made to correct for this loss and to account for density effects due to the simultaneous transfer of heat and water vapor. Theory quantifying these effects is discussed.The raw CO2 flux measured with the closed-path sensor was smaller than that measured with the open-path sensor by about 15% (on average) for the turbulent tubeflow configurations with a short (3 m) intake tube, by 31% for turbulent tubeflow with a longer (6 m) intake tube and by 24% for laminar tubeflow. The difference was, in part, caused by tube attenuation of the CO2 density fluctuations and inadequate sensor time response. The elimination of the flux adjustment for the simultaneous transfer of sensible heat (i.e., the attenuation of ambient temperature fluctuations in the intake tube) generally accounted for the rest of this difference.The raw flux measured with the closed-path sensor was corrected for frequency response and density effects. Except in the case of laminar tubeflow, the corrected closed-path flux agreed consistently with the corrected open-path flux within a few percent (<5%). These results suggest that closed-path sensors, with appropriate corrections, can be used to measure CO2 flux accurately. Recommendations are included on selecting an optimum flow configuration to minimize the effect of sampling air through a tube.Published as Paper No. 9938, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of decadal and long-term patterns of rainfall has been carried out using a combination of raingauge and gridded rainfall datasets, for the entire Amazon basin and for its northern and southern sub-basins. The study covers the period 1929–98. Rainfall variability and variations in circulation and sea surface temperature fields have been analysed in more detail for the period 1950–98. Negative rainfall trends were identified for the entire Amazon basin, while at the regional level there is a negative trend in northern Amazonia and positive trend in southern Amazonia. Decadal time scale variations in rainfall have been discovered, with periods of relatively drier and wetter conditions, with different behaviour in northern and southern Amazonia. Spectral analyses show decadal time scale variations in southern Amazonia, while northern Amazonia exhibits both interannual and decadal scale variations. Shifts in the rainfall regime in both sections of the Amazon basin were identified as occurring in the mid-1940s and 1970s. After 1975–76, northern Amazonia received less rainfall than before 1975. Changes in the circulation and oceanic fields after 1975 suggest an important role of the warming of the tropical central and eastern Pacific on the decreasing rainfall in northern Amazonia, due to more frequent and intense El Niño events during the relatively dry period 1975–98.  相似文献   

The Bowen-ratio profile method for calculating total carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat flux density above a corn crop was used by measuring temperature, water vapor, and CO2 concentrations at several heights in the aerodynamic boundary layer of the crop. The ratio (α) of sensible heat flux density to carbon dioxide flux density as well as the Bowen ratio (β) were used in the computations. The two ratios, α and β were determined graphically from the slopes of linear plots of temperature vs CO2 concentration and vs water vapor. Each of the energy flux densities was computed from the two ratios and net radiation minus soil heat flux density. An analysis of probable error was performed on the Bowen-ratio profile method to evaluate the accuracy of the flux density estimates. Less than 10% error was found for latent heat flux density and less than 15% for carbon dioxide flux density under normal midday conditions for the instrumentation used. However, the carbon dioxide flux density error increased to over 40% when the sensible heat flux was small.  相似文献   

The sensible heat flux density C and the latent heat flux density E are coupled in the case of a multi-layer model of vegetation. Therefore two linearly independent combinations of C and E, the enthalpy flux density H and the saturation heat flux density J, are introduced. Two electrical analogues, for H and J, are designed. They are equivalent to the resistance scheme for C and E, but uncoupled. Penman's formulas for C and E, which are applicable only to single-layer models, can be expressed equivalently in terms of H and J. This version of Penman's formulas can be extended easily to multi-layer canopies.  相似文献   

Several formulations and proposals to determine the value of the radiometric scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r are tested with respect to their performance in the estimation of the sensible heat flux by means of the profile equations derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The equations are applied to the data set of spatially averaged surface skin temperature and profiles of wind speed and temperature observed in a pasture field during a growing season. The use of a physical model developed for a dense canopy to estimate scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r produced sensible heat fluxH with a correlation coefficientr=0.884, the ratio of means being H s /H=1.19 in a comparison with reference values ofH s . In comparison, a proposal for a fixed value ofz 0h yieldedr=0.887, H s /H=0.879. In both cases, the validity ofz 0h =z 0h,r was assumed. All expressions derived to estimatez 0h,r from a multiple linear regression with such predictors as leaf area index, solar radiation and the ratio of solar radiation to extraterrestrial radiation, were found to produce a better result, withr better than 0.90 and H s /H around 1.0. However, when the constantsc andf of a linear regression equationHs=cH+f are used to evaluate the equations, a marked difference in performance of each formulation appeared. In general, equations with smaller numbers of predictors tend to produce a biased result, i.e., an overestimation ofH at largeH s . These values ofH are used in conjunction with the energy balance equation to derive values of the latent heat fluxLE, which are shown to be in good agreement with the reference valuesLE s , withr greater than 0.97.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Canopy resistance substantially affects the partitioning of available energy over vegetated surfaces. This study analyzed the variability of canopy resistance and associated driving environmental factors over a desert steppe site in Inner Mongolia, China, through the use of eddy-flux and meteorological data collected from 2008 to 2010. Distinct seasonal and interannual variabilities in canopy resistance were identified within those three years, and these variabilities were controlled primarily by precipitation. Strong interannual variability was found in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), similar to that of air temperature. Based on the principal component regression method, the analysis of the relative contribution of five major environmental factors [soil-water content (SWC), leaf-area index (LAI), photosynthetically active radiation (Kp), VPD, and air temperature] to canopy resistance showed that the canopy-resistance variation was most responsive to SWC (with 〉 35% contribution), followed by LAI, especially for water-stressed soil conditions (〉 20% influence), and VPD (consistently with an influence of approximately 20%). Canopy-resistance variations did not respond to Kp due to the small interannual variability in Kp during the three years. These analyses were used to develop a new exponential function of water stress for the widely used Jarvis scheme, which substantially improved the calculation of canopy resistance and latent heat fluxes, especially for moist and wet soils, and effectively reduced the high bias in evaporation estimated by the original Jarvis scheme. This study highlighted the important control of canopy resistance on plant evaporation and growth for the investigated desert steppe site with a relatively low LA1.  相似文献   

The energy-budget concept is used together with a high resolution spectral radiation model to study the time and height variation of the sensible heat flux and of the eddy thermal diffusivity for an actual case up to 50 m above ground. A data set of 32 h is chosen for this study. Time-height cross-sections of the local enthalpy changes, and the radiative and the sensible heat flux divergences are presented, which show the interaction of the two energy fluxes. It can be seen, for example, that during the transient hours from night to day the sensible heat flux divergence plays an outstanding role in the warming of the atmosphere, while during the clear night radiative cooling exceeds the cooling caused by the sensible heat flux. For the layer under consideration (0-50 m) a constancy of the sensible heat flux within 10% is obtained for seven hours only, namely for the time around noon and in the early afternoon. Selected night-time profiles of the thermal diffusivity are shown, which have their maximum below 48.3 m.The accuracy of the energy-budget method is studied in detail. The tests show that a high accuracy, with errors even less than 10% for some hours, can be expected, if special micrometeorological studies are made during the field phase and a layer depth of 50 cm or less is used in the radiation model.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in a maize field in 2006 in an arid area of the Yellow River Basin in China. The daytime evapotranspiration (ETc) and soil evaporation beneath the maize canopy (E g) were measured by Bowen ratio energy balance method and micro-lysimeters, respectively. The results showed that the total ETc during maize growth season was 696 mm, and the maximum values occurred at about 90–140 days after sowing. The crop coefficient (K c), which was calculated from the ratio of ETc to reference evapotranspiration (ET0), was quite different from the values reported by other researchers in similar climate areas, with average values of 0.34, 0.47, 1.0 and 0.9 for initial, development, mid-season and late-season stages, respectively. High correlations between leaf area index (LAI) and average K c for every 4 days were obtained. The total E g was 201.4 mm with average values ranged from 0.92 to 2.05 for four growth stages of maize; and accounted for around 28.9 % of ETc. The ratio E g/ETc showed high negative relationship with LAI. These results were very important in precise management of irrigation for maize in Yellow River Basin areas.  相似文献   

Diagnostic study on seasonality and interannual variability of wind field   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
l.Intr0ductionThoughseasonalvariationoftheatmosphericgeneralcirculationismainlycausedbythatofthesolarradiation,itsdistributionsareinhomogeneousovertheglobe,forinstance,itismoresignificantinmonsoonregionthaninanyotherregions.Inatraditionalsense,mon-soonsummarisesalldrasticseasonalvariationsinthetropicsandsubtropics(e.g.,IndiaandEastAsia).Besidestheclassicmonsoonregions,thereexistsomeotherregionsovertheglobe,wheretheseasonalvariationisclearorevendrastic.Inordertodescribequantitativelysea-sonal…  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the precipitation variability over the South China Sea (SCS) and its relationship to tropical Indo-Pacific SST anomalies during spring-to-summer transition (April-May-June, AMJ) simulated by 23 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 coupled models. Most of the models have the capacity to capture the AMJ precipitation variability in the SCS. The precipitation and SST anomaly (SSTA) distribution in the SCS, tropical Pacific Ocean (TPO), and tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) domains is evaluated based on the pattern correlation coefficients between model simulations and observations. The analysis leads to several points of note. First, the performance of the SCS precipitation anomaly pattern in AMJ is model dependent. Second, the SSTA pattern in the TPO and TIO is important for capturing the AMJ SCS precipitation variability. Third, a realistic simulation of the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) and local SST impacts is necessary for reproducing the AMJ SCS precipitation variability in some models. Fourth, the overly strong WEP SST impacts may disrupt the relationship between the SCS precipitation and the TPO-TIO SST. Further work remains to be conducted to unravel the specific reasons for the discrepancies between models and observations in various aspects.  相似文献   

We examine the internal climate variability of a 1000?year long integration of the third version of the Hadley Centre coupled model (HadCM3). The model requires no flux adjustment, needs no spin up procedure prior to coupling and has a stable climate in the global mean. The principal aims are (1) to validate the internal climate variability against observed climate variability, (2) to examine the model for any periodic modes of variability, (3) to use the model estimate of internal climate variability to asses the probability of occurrence of observed trends in climate variables, and (4) to compare HadCM3 with the previous version of the Hadley Centre model, HadCM2. The magnitude and frequency characteristics of the variability of the global mean surface temperature of HadCM3 on annual to decadal time scales is in good agreement with the observations. Observed upward trends in temperature over the last 20?years and longer are inconsistent with the internal variability of the model. The simulated spatial pattern of surface temperature variability is qualitatively similar to that observed, although there is an overestimation of the land temperature variability and regional errors in ocean temperature variability. The model simulates an El Niño Southern Oscillation with an irregular 3–4?year cycle, and with a teleconnection pattern which is much more like the observations than was found in HadCM2. The interdecadal variability of the model ocean in the tropical Pacific, North Pacific and North Atlantic is broadly similar to that in the real world with none of the simulated patterns having any periodic behaviour. HadCM3 simulates an Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in Northern Hemisphere winter which has a spatial pattern consistent with the observations in the Atlantic region, but has too much teleconnection with the North Pacific. The recent observed upward trend in the NAO index is inconsistent with the model internal variability. The variability of the simulated zonal mean atmospheric temperature shows some marked differences to the observed zonal mean temperature variability, although the comparison is confounded by the sparse observational network and its possible contamination by a climate change signal.  相似文献   

Monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST), free air temperature from satellite microwave sounding units (MSU) and oceanic surface energy fluxes are subjected to empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis for a common decade to investigate the physical relationships involved. The first seasonal modes of surface solar energy flux and SST show similar inter-hemispheric patterns with an annual cycle. Solar flux appears to control this pattern of SST. The first seasonal mode of MSU is similar with, additionally, land-sea differences; MSU is apparently partly controlled by absorption of solar near-infrared radiation and partly by sensible heat from the land surface. The second and third seasonal eigenvector of SST and solar flux exhibit semi-annual oscillations associated with a pattern of cloudiness in the subtropics accompanying the translation of the Hadley cell rising motion between the hemispheres. The second seasonal mode of MSU is dominated by an El Niño signal. The first nonseasonal EOFs of SST and solar flux exhibit El Niño characteristics with the solar pattern being governed by west-to-east translation of a Walker cell type pattern. The first non-seasonal EOF of MSU shows a tropical strip pattern for the El Niño mode, which is well correlated with the latent heat fluxes in the tropical east Pacific but not in the tropical west Pacific. Two possible explanations are: an increase in subsidence throughout the tropical strip driven by extra evaporation in the tropical east Pacific and consequent additional latent heat liberation; a decrease of meridional heat flux out of the tropics.  相似文献   

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