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地震体波走时层析成像是以地震体波到时作为观测数据,反演地下介质的地震波传播速度分布的一种反演技术方法.基于弱各向异性介质的假定,通过在走时反演方程中引入各向异性参数,可以同时进行介质的速度扰动和各向异性属性的联合反演.对三维介质的各向异性分析,有利于对区域结构构造演化、深部物质变形、动力学模式等问题的进一步解释.本文基...  相似文献   

西北太平洋俯冲地区410-km间断面上覆低速层探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自20世纪90年代首次探测到410-km间断面上覆低速层以来,全球多个俯冲带和大陆克拉通地区都陆续发现了该低速层结构.对其特性及形成机理的探讨是深部地幔结构、物性和动力学研究的热点问题.本文聚焦于西北太平洋俯冲地区410-km间断面上覆低速层的探测及特性研究上.通过对发生于日本北海道地区两个中等深度地震区域波形资料的分析,利用三重震相波形拟合方法获得了我国东北及日本海西北部下方410-km间断面附近的P波速度结构.速度模型明确显示,410-km间断面上方存在厚~47±14 km,异常值~2%的低速层,横向展布近700 km.结合区域地震层析成像、矿物高温高压物理实验及动力学模拟结果,我们否定了"从下至上"的上涌热物质导致410-km间断面上覆低速层的模型;认为较老且快速俯冲的太平洋板块在地幔过渡带顶部脱水导致硅酸盐矿物的部分熔融,由于熔体密度较大能够稳定存在于410-km间断面之上,从而产生了观测到的横向展布较广的410-km间断面上覆低速层结构.  相似文献   

地震层析成像研究清晰给出了地球深部俯冲板片的大尺度形态,但与俯冲过程相关的地幔流动特征仍不明确.在俯冲地幔楔系统中,前人观测到了与海沟平行和垂直的快波偏振方向.本文研究了西北太平洋俯冲板片在地幔过渡带中停滞形成的"大地幔楔"中的各向异性特征.对具有长期稳定观测数据的MDJ台站SKS震相和区域深源地震的直达S波震相进行了...  相似文献   

Partial melting of mantle peridotite generates a physically and chemically layered oceanic lithosphere that is cycled back into the mantle in subduction zones. Stirring times of the mantle are too long to allow for complete re-homogenization of subducted basalt and harzburgite, given the low chemical diffusivity of the solid mantle. This suggests that the Earth's mantle is a mechanical mixture of basaltic and harzburgitic components. Using a recently developed thermodynamic formulism we determine the phase equilibria and the seismic properties of a mantle comprised of a mechanical mixture of basalt and harzburgite (MM) and a homogeneous mantle (EA) with identical pyrolitic bulk chemistry. We use the theoretical shear velocity profiles as a new thermometer of the mantle below the magma-genetic zone by modeling the difference ΔT410-660 between traveltimes of shear wave reflections off the 410-km and 660-km with the potential temperature TP. ΔT410-660 are measured from waveform stacks. They indicate that, over 1000+ km wave lengths, the temperature varies by about 200 K. Lowest and highest temperatures are resolved for the western Pacific subduction zones and the central Pacific, respectively. This variation is similar for the EA and MM and is in excellent agreement with estimates of transition zone thickness and shear velocity variations. The median value of TP for the EA is 1720 K. It is about 1625 K for the MM, a value that is in better agreement with the Normal-MORB values of 1610 ± 40 K inferred from olivine-liquid equilibria given that our sampling region encompasses the Western Pacific subduction zones and the oldest parts of the Pacific Plate. We argue therefore that a mechanical mixed mantle, with generally higher velocities and steeper velocities gradients, represents a better physical reference model than a model based on a fully equilibrated assemblage.  相似文献   

华北地区上地幔及过渡带电性结构研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用远参考道和Robust技术,处理了华北地区14个地磁台站资料,得到了相干度超过0.8的地磁测深响应函数.并将其转换为大地电磁测深的响应函数,获取了105~107 s周期范围内的视电阻率和相位.应用ρ+理论对数据进行了一致性检验和反演,结果表明417 km,850 km深度附近可能存在电性间断面.同时采用基于一维最光滑模型的Occam反演方法得到了300~1000 km范围的地幔电性结构,并与前人在其他地区的研究结果进行了对比.发现华北地区地幔过渡带的电导率在大兴安岭—太行山重力梯度带东西两侧表现不同,重力梯度带附近及西侧台站下方过渡带深度的电导率和北美的Tucson地区相当,而华北地区东部的电导率在地幔过渡带范围高出西侧约2~5倍,这很可能和太平洋板块的俯冲有关.  相似文献   

张素芳 《地球物理学报》2009,52(9):2255-2263
目前人们利用4种基本的地震波现象研究地震各向异性,如横波双折射、面波散射、与传播方向有关的走时异常和PS转换波震相.本文利用面波散射产生的Quasi-Love(QL)波研究青藏高原上地幔顶部的各向异性结构特征.首先利用中国地震台网昌都(CAD)台记录的地震波形资料识别出产生QL波的路径,并利用合成地震记录和垂直偏振极性分析证实所观测到的为QL波,而不是高阶振型的Rayleigh波或其他体波震相;然后由Rayleigh波、Love波和QL波的群速度估算了各向异性结构横向变化的转换点;不同周期时,转换点的位置不同,这种频率依赖性还需要进一步的模拟研究.Love波向Rayleigh波耦合(产生QL波)的转换点位置揭示了青藏高原面波方位各向异性变化特征,并以南北向构造带的东西分段性、上地幔流引起的地球内力诱导岩石形变解释了青藏高原各向异性的东西向差异性.  相似文献   

By using the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 116 seismic stations which respectively involved in China National Digital Seismograph Network, and Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai regional digital networks, and portable broadband seismic networks deployed in Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet, we obtained the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between fast and slow waves of each station by use of the stacking analysis method, and finally acquired the fine image of upper mantle anisotropy in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions. We analyzed the crust-mantle coupling deformation on the basis of combining the GPS observation results and the upper mantle anisotropy distribution in the study area. The Yunnan region out of the plateau has dif-ferent features of crust-mantle deformation from the inside plateau. There exists a lateral transitional zone of crust-mantle coupling in the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, which is located in the region between 26° and 27°N in the west of Sichuan and Yunnan. To the south of transitional zone, the fast-wave direction is gradually turned from S60°―70°E in southwestern Yunnan to near EW in south-eastern Yunnan. To the north of transitional zone in northwestern Yunnan and the south of western Sichuan, the fast-wave direction is nearly NS. From crust to upper mantle, the geophysical parameters (e.g. the crustal thickness, the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and tectonic stress direction) show the feature of lateral variation in the transitional zone, although the fault trend on the ground surface is inconsis-tent with the fast-wave direction. This transitional zone is close by the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, and it may play an important role in the plate boundary dynamics.  相似文献   

地质学家基于岩石年代学、峰期变质的压力差和阿尔卑斯变质沉积岩中柯石英的发现,推断在大别造山带地区发现的柯石英和榴辉岩乃是地幔深处120km左右折返至地壳浅部的结果.为了提供大别造山带与郯庐断裂带地域的壳、幔深部结构与深层动力过程的定量判据,本文利用瑞利(Rayleigh)波的频散效应反演该区S波的三维群速度结构分布.研究结果表明:(1)该区存在一由东向西陆内俯冲的高速板舌,其下插深度仅达160 km.在秦岭—大别造山带地域上地幔70km深处存在一顶部宽约500km的低速地幔热点.(2)出露的含柯石英榴辉岩是大别造山带深部物质和能量的交换,郯庐断裂带强烈平移错动及板内俯冲效应共同作用导致的深部物质(上地幔)运移和动力学效应的综合产物.  相似文献   

宁夏地区上地幔地震各向异性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用宁夏6个三分向宽频带数字地震台记录的震中距在85°—110°,震级大于6级的远震SKS波震相作了偏振分析,采用Silver-Chan方法求得了分裂参数,获得了宁夏地区上地幔各向异性图像.结果表明,宁夏地区上地幔各向异性普遍存在,本区盐池台(YCI)所在的鄂尔多斯块体下方的各向异性可归结为"化石"各向异性,其它地区的各向异性特征则反映了正在进行的构造运动,由此可为贺兰山脉东西两侧复杂的运动图像提供深部证据.最后推测本区的青藏高原东北缘—阿拉善块体及银川断陷区壳、幔的运动是耦合的,而鄂尔多斯块体地区壳、幔的运动型式尚不明朗.  相似文献   

山东地区上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析山东地区数字地震台网37个宽频带地震台站的远震SKS波形资料,使用最小能量法和旋转相关法求得每一个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快、慢波时间延迟,获得了山东地区上地幔各向异性图像.该研究区的各向异性快波方向基本呈WNW-ESE方向,快、慢波时间延迟为0.73-1.71 s.研究表明,山东地区上地幔存在明显的各向异性...  相似文献   

We have studied the phase transformation of forsterite to wadsleyite under shear stress at the Earth's transition zone pressure and temperature conditions. Two-step experiments were performed using a multi-anvil press. First, we hot pressed iron-free forsterite at 6 or 11 GPa and 1100 °C. Then we deformed a slab of this starting material using a direct simple shear assembly at 16 GPa and 1400 °C for 1, 15, 35, 40, or 60 min. Both the starting material and the deformed samples were characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy including measurements of crystal preferred orientations (CPO) by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The phase transformation occurs very rapidly, in less than 1 min, and metastable forsterite relics are not observed after deformation. The grain size of wadsleyite is slightly smaller than the forsterite starting material. The water contents obtained from FTIR analyses in forsterite and wadsleyite are 65–124 wt ppm H2O and 114–736 wt ppm H2O, respectively, which are well below water solubility at similar conditions in the presence of free water. Wadsleyite aggregates display weak CPO patterns with [1 0 0] axes concentrated at low angle to the shear direction, [0 1 0] axes perpendicular to the shear plane and nearly random [0 0 1] axes. Only a few dislocations were observed in wadsleyite with TEM. This observation is consistent with the assumption that most dislocations formed during the initial high-stress stages of these stress-relaxation experiments, were consumed in the phase transformation, probably enhancing the transformation rate. CPO patterns vary as a function of the water content: with increasing water content the density of [1 0 0] axes parallel to the shear direction decreases, and the density of [0 0 1] axes increases. Viscoplastic self-consistent modeling of CPO evolution using previously reported glide systems for wadsleyite, i.e., [1 0 0]{0 k l} and 1/2 〈1 1 1〉{1 0 1}, cannot reproduce the measured CPO, unless the [0 0 1](0 1 0) system, for which dislocations have not been observed by TEM, is also activated. In addition, wadsleyite grain growth suggests the participation of diffusion-assisted processes in deformation. Calculated anisotropies for P and S-waves using measured CPO are always below 1%. This very low anisotropy is due to both the low finite strain achieved in the experiments, which leads to weak wadsleyite CPO, and to the diluting effect of added majorite. The present experiments emphasize the importance of stress, grain size evolution and water content in the forsterite to wadsleyite phase transformation and subsequent deformation in the transition zone.  相似文献   


采用NECESSArray流动地震台阵2009—2011年期间纪录的154个远震波形资料,使用考虑各向异性的走时层析成像方法获得了中国东北地区上地幔三维P波速度扰动和方位各向异性图像.结果显示,东北地区上地幔P波速度扰动和方位各向异性均存在明显的横向不均匀性.阿尔山火山区下方存在深至地幔转换带的柱状低速异常,可能暗示存在来自深部的岩浆运移通道;410 km以下,阿尔山地区下方低速异常与松辽盆地下方低速异常汇合,同时各向异性快波速度方向FVD整体为NW向分布,表明二者可能具有共同的深部热源补给.在松辽盆地下方100 km,盆地南侧及中部地区FVD呈近E-W向展布,东侧则呈NE-SW向展布,推测可能受到E-W走向的华北克拉通—松嫩地块拼合带及NE向深大断裂的共同影响;410 km以下,FVD整体以NW向分布为主,与SKS结果类似,可能表明SKS各向异性的来源深度较深,推测其形成机制与太平板块西向俯冲有关.长白山火山区下方200 km内FVD展布与块体拼合带走向一致,反映了拼合过程对局部构造变形的影响;300 km以下显示出一致的NW向特征,推断与太平洋板块的西向俯冲有关;520~660 km内火山区西北方存在一个低速异常区,但方位各向异性幅值较大,整体趋势一致,初步推测与来自深部的地幔热柱关系不大,可能与滞留板块的深部脱水作用有关.


Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in eastern China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Based on the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 65 seismic stations which respectively involved in the permanent and temporary broadband seismograph networks deployed in eastern China, the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves at each station were determined by use of SC method and the stacking analysis method, and then the image of upper mantle anisotropy in eastern China was acquired. In the study region, from south to north, the fast-wave polarization directions are basically EW in South China, gradually clockwise rotate to NWW-SEE in North China, then to NW-SE in Northeast China. The delay time falls into the interval [0.41 s, 1.52 s]. Anisotropic characteristics in eastern China indicate that the upper mantle anisotropy is possibly caused by both the collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates and the subduction from the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plates to the Eurasian Plate. The collision between two plates made the crust of western China thickening and uplifting and the material eastwards extruding, and then caused the upper mantle flow eastwards and southeastwards. The subduction of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate has resulted in the lithosphere and the asthenosphere deformation in eastern China, and made the alignment of upper mantle peridotite lattice parallel to the deformation direction. The fast-wave polarization direction is consistent with the direction of lithosphere extension and the GPS velocity direction, implying that the crust-upper mantle deformation is possibly a vertically coherent deformation. Supported by Special Project for the Fundamental R & D of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB06B06), Special Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2006FY110100), China Digital Earthquake Observation Network Project “North China Seismic Array”, and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40334041 and 40774037)  相似文献   

Introduction The study of the upper mantle anisotropy in Yunnan area benefits the research of deep structure of Sichuan-Yunnan active block and the characteristics of deformation field, the analysis of the coupling relations among different layers of the earth and the promotion of understanding the relation between anisotropy and stress-strain field and geological construction processes. The research results would be of important significance for the interpretation of movement of plates, the …  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔速度各向异性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍面波反演得到的华北地区地壳上地幔速度各向异性分布图像,并与S波分裂的结果作初步的定性比较.不同周期瑞利波群速度的方位各向异性图像呈现显著的横向变化,与华北地区地壳上地幔的构造分块和垂直分层结构有比较密切的联系.在鄂尔多斯和阿拉善等稳定地块中,岩石圈地幔到160 km深度都保持比较一致的显著各向异性;而在发生过岩石圈减薄的华北克拉通东部,大约80~150 km深度范围内基本没有探测到方位各向异性,可能说明岩石圈减薄过程抹去了原有的各向异性印迹而且没有显著的水平构造运动造成新的方位各向异性.地球介质的各向异性具有明显的分层特征,面波的反演结果是如此,而S波分裂测量所表现的离散性,也可能是由各向异性的分层差异和倾斜的各向异性对称轴等因素引起.采用多层的各向异性模型,在多数情况下可以定性地解释面波反演和S波分裂结果之间的差异.进一步的工作要求增大面波的探测深度和改善分辨能力,获取更多的S波分裂测量资料,从而建立定量或半定量的三维各向异性模型.  相似文献   

Studyonthecharacteristicsofcrust┐mantletransitionzoneinWesternYunnanProvinceHONG-XIANGHU(胡鸿翔)ZHONG-YANGLIN(林中洋)YIN-JUBIAN(边银...  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in Sichuan and adjacent regions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Based on the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 94 broadband seis-mic stations in Sichuan and adjacent regions, the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves were determined at each station using the grid searching method of minimum transverse energy and the stacking analysis method, and the image of upper mantle anisot-ropy was acquired. The fast-wave polarization directions are mainly NW-SE in the study area, NWW-SEE to its northeast and NS to its west. The delay time falls into the interval [0.47 s, 1.68 s]. The spatial variation of the fast-wave directions is similar to the variation of GPS velocity directions. The anisotropic image indicates that the regional tectonic stress field has resulted in deformation and flow of upper mantle material, and made the alignment of upper mantle peridotite lattice parallel to the di-rection of material deformation. The crust-upper mantle deformation in Sichuan and adjacent regions accords with the mode of vertically coherent deformation. In the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the crustal material was extruded to east or southeast due to SE traction force of the upper mantle material. The extrusion might be obstructed by a rigid block under the Sichuan Basin and the crust has been de-formed. After a long-term accumulation of tectonic strain energy, the accumulative energy suddenly released in Yingxiu town of the Longmenshan region, and Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake occurred.  相似文献   

上地幔各向异性分析中地壳的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
应用伪谱法研究了地壳各向异性对上地幔各向异性分析的影响. 用几种不同情况下的两层各向异性模型,模拟了全波场,着重分析了不同深度观测点上的剪切波分裂特征. 结果表明,当地壳为各向同性或其各向异性主轴与上地幔重合或相互垂直时,在地壳观测到的快、慢剪切波的偏振方向保持了上地幔中的偏振方向;重合时,快、慢波走时延迟增大;垂直时,走时延迟减小. 当地壳的各向异性主轴与上地幔成一般夹角时,其粒子运动轨迹变得十分复杂,不能直观地识别上地幔各向异性中的快波方向,对走时延迟也有一定的影响. 将常用的两种分析方法应用于对模拟结果的反演,发现当地壳各向异性与上地幔各向异性方向为一般夹角时,反演结果会出现较大的误差或误判. 进而提出解决这一问题的方法,一是综合多种方法的结果;二是由拟合残差或相关系数等值线作进一步的确定.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:8,自引:13,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析位于青藏高原东北缘的区域数字地震台网30个台站的远震SKS波形资料,采用最小切向能量的网格搜索法和叠加分析方法求得每一个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快、慢波的时间延迟,获得了青藏高原东北缘上地幔各向异性图像.从得到结果看,青藏高原东北缘的各向异性快波方向基本上呈NW-SE方向,并有一顺时针旋转趋势,快、慢波时间延迟是0.70~1.51 s.青藏高原东北缘的SKS快波偏振方向与区域内主要构造断裂走向基本一致;各向异性快波偏振方向变化与区域内最小平均主压应力方向变化相似,也与由GPS测量得到的速度场方向变化相似.研究表明青藏高原东北缘上地幔物质在区域构造应力场的作用下,发生了顺时针旋转的形变以至流动,使得上地幔中橄榄岩的晶格排列方向平行于物质形变或流动方向,上地幔变形和上覆地壳变形可能存在垂直连贯变形特征.  相似文献   

We consider results from modeling the crustal and upper mantle velocity structure in Kamchatka by seismic tomography and compare these with gravity data and present-day tectonics. We found a well-pronounced (in the physical fields) vertical and lateral variation for the upper mantle and found that it is controlled by fault tectonics. Not only are individual lithosphere blocks moving along faults, but also parts of the Benioff zone. The East Kamchatka volcanic belt (EKVB) is confined to the asthenospheric layer (the asthenosphere lens) at a depth of 70–80 km; this lens is 10–20 km thick and seismic velocity in it is lower by 2–4%. The top of the asthenosphere lens has the shape of a dome uplift beneath the Klyuchevskoi group of volcanoes and its thickness is appreciably greater; overall, the upper mantle in this region is appreciably stratified. A low-velocity heterogeneity (asthenolith) at least 100 km thick has been identified beneath the Central Kamchatka depression; we have determined its extent in the upper mantle and how it is related to the EKVB heterogeneities. Gravity data suggest the development of a rift structure under the Sredinnyi Range volcanic belt. The Benioff zone was found to exhibit velocity inhomogeneity; the anomalous zones that have been identified within it are related to asthenosphere inhomogeneities in the continental and oceanic blocks of the mantle.  相似文献   

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