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利用Argo剖面浮标的轨迹资料研究了棉兰老岛以东中层(1000~2000 m?)深度上的中尺度环流特征. 浮标漂移深度的轨迹表明, 棉兰老岛以东的中层环流包含非常显著的中尺度信号特征. 浮标的漂移流速表明了该区域的气旋式涡旋和反气旋式涡旋在1000 m深度上的平均切向速度约为20 cm·s-1, 随着深度增加速度有所降低, 在2000 m深度上流速约为10 cm·s-1. 以上结果暗示在棉兰老岛以东区域, 依据零速度参考面的动力计算可能存在着较大误差. 涡旋的平均涡度和赤道β 平面罗斯贝数表明, 这些中尺度涡旋对于棉兰老岛以东中层环流的质量和涡度平衡起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

海洋观测数据的质量控制是建立高质量海洋科学数据库的基础,对于推动海洋及多学科交叉研究、预测预报、灾害预警等具有重要意义.随着各种自动化观测平台(仪器)的出现,海洋调查从近海逐渐拓展到开放大洋,海洋科学已进入大数据时代.目前,国内外对如何获得高质量的现场观测数据越来越重视.然而,由于获取数据手段多样、数据质量千差万别、数据错情类型繁多等因素,使得如何高效和精准地发现这些质量问题并对其进行质量控制是一个难点,也是数据处理中的核心技术.本文系统总结了海洋观测数据(温度、盐度、溶解氧等)质量控制的研究现状与最新进展,对比了国内外不同机构质量控制的差异,分析了现已取得的成果及存在的问题,探讨了开展质量控制性能评估的可能性,并就未来的发展方向提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

吴伯荣  徐根福 《华南地震》1995,15(2):91-93,72
提高台站观测工作效益,重点在于抓好台站观测资料的质量,台站观测质量的提高是一项复杂的系统工程。我们在观测台站工作中紧紧抓住三个环节:应用现代观测技术;依靠科学管理;加强精神文明建设。十年来在仪器设备陈旧,人员文化素质偏低和台站条件相对艰苦的情况下,不断提高观测资料质量,取得了长足的进步。  相似文献   

通过对跨祁连山-海原断裂带的民乐、华藏寺和沙沟河等3个剖面2005~2009年GPS、水准及重力观测资料的分析,得到各观测量在每个时间段的变化特征,对剖面所跨主要断裂的活动特征有所了解。发现跨不同剖面的昌马-俄博断裂、毛毛山断裂、庄浪河断裂和海原断裂附近点位的位移和重力变化都较大,表明这些断层活动性较强;通过分析各剖面垂直位移与重力变化的关系,可知重力变化主要由于物质的迁移引起。GPS资料分析表明,2006~2007年水平运动基本沿断层走向,而2007~2008年水平位移偏离断层走向,以东向位移增大为主;通过进一步对剖面周围的中国地壳运动网络连续观测站坐标时间序列的去线性分析,得知2007~2008年的观测结果与汶川地震的影响有关。用2008~2009年的重力变化同重力布格异常背景相比,可知民乐剖面附近处于调整恢复阶段,而华藏寺和沙沟河剖面附近的异常仍没有完全解除。  相似文献   

在直流电剖面法的实际工作中,因受各种干扰因素的影响,使之ρ_5曲线复杂化,采用信息理论来处理直流电剖面资料,可以消除一些干扰因素,突出地电异常,为直流电剖面的资料解释提供了新的尝试。  相似文献   

对高台地震台2008—2012年的YRY-4分量钻孔应变观测资料进行处理与分析,结果显示:高台台YRY-4分量钻孔应变仪运行良好,产出的观测数据连续、稳定、可靠;各个分量应变潮汐因子及相位变化相对稳定,相对误差较小,符合地壳形变观测技术规范要求;各个分量应变观测数据具有明显的周期特性和同向漂移变化。  相似文献   




平安电磁波东西向数据在2008年汶川8.0级地震、2010年玉树7.1级地震前都有明显的高脉冲反应,因此统计了1993年平安电磁波仪器架设以来的观测数据变化与地震的对应情况。根据震级和震中距的约束条件选取了12次6级以上地震,发现其中在8次强震前有明显的异常现象,说明该测项在青藏块体北部地区6级以上地震前有较好的异常显示。  相似文献   

多台站地磁观测资料综合处理的一种方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴国有  关华平 《地震》1997,17(3):271-276
通过利用空间线性度方法,分析处理地磁场前兆观测资料,并从“场”的角度综合计算多台站的地磁场观测资料,确立地磁基本场的统一信息量-空间线性度a。分析处理华北地区多个台站1975 ̄1994年的地磁场前兆观测资料。结果表明,中强地震之前约1a左右的时间内,空间线性度a可能出现明显的下降异常,有些在临震前回升,因此地磁场空间线性度a有可能作为中强地震前兆预报的指标。  相似文献   

通过对广东各数字化形变观测仪器潮汐因子中误差、相位滞后及仪器零漂等参量的计算,对仪器观测资料的连续性、稳定性及观测质量进行了分析和评价.分析结果认为:各台仪器的观测精度基本达到了中国地震局形变Ⅰ类台的标准;地倾斜类观测仪器精度高,稳定性好,尤其是水管倾斜仪的稳定性及精度较高;垂直摆倾斜仪的漂移较大且资料精度较低.伸缩仪...  相似文献   

利用2008年中山站、Amundesen-Scott(SouthPole)站和Neumayer站为期一年的温度和臭氧探空数据,对AIRS第六版温度和臭氧垂直廓线产品在南极的精度进行了验证.结果表明,AIRS温度与探空温度总体上具有显著的一致性,其中对流层偏差最小(RMSe < 2℃),近地面温度由于受到下垫面影响偏差略大(RMSe~2℃),平流层偏差较大(2℃ < RMSe < 3℃),AIRS温度平均低于探空观测且受季节变化影响显著,秋冬季偏差整体上高于春夏季.AIRS臭氧反演精度在平流层(RMSe~25%)要优于对流层(RMSe~30%),RMSe最大值出现在UT-LS区域(可达40%)且在"臭氧洞"期间明显增大.AIRS产品精度在南极沿岸和内陆存在差异,由于南极地区探空资料较少且主要位于沿海,故在南极内陆地区进行探空观测对于提高卫星资料精度,改善该区域天气预报能力具有重大意义.  相似文献   

Based on gridded Argo profile data from January 2004 to December 2010, together with the P-vector inverse method, the three-dimensional structure, annual and inter-annual variations in volume of the Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) are studied. The variations of latitudinal and longitudinal warm water flowing into and out of the WPWP and the probable mechanism of warm water maintenance are also discussed. From the surface to the bottom, climatic WPWP tilts southward and its area decreases. The maximum depth could extend to 120 m, such that its volume could attain 1.86×1015 m3. Annual variation of the WPWP volume shows two obvious peaks that occur in June and October, whereas its inter-annual variations are related to ENSO events. Based on a climatic perspective, the warm water flowing latitudinally into the pool is about 52 Sv, which is mainly through upper layers and via the eastern boundary. Latitudinally, warm water flowing outward is about 49 Sv, and this is mainly through lower layers and via the western boundary. In contrast, along the latitude, warm water flowing into and out of the pool is about 28 Sv and 23 Sv, respectively. Annual and inter-annual variations of the net transportation of the warm water demonstrate that the WPWP mainly loses warm water in the west-east direction, whereas it receives warm water from the north-south direction. The annual variation of the volume of WPWP is highly related to the annual variation of the net warm water transportation, however, they are not closely related on inter-annual time scale. On the inter-annual time scale, influences of ENSO events on the net warm water transportation in the north-south direction are much more than that in the west-east direction. Although there are some limitations and simplifications when using the P-vector method, it could still help improve our understanding of the WPWP, especially regarding the sources of the warm water.  相似文献   

This work presents results from two complementary and interconnected approaches to study water temperature and salinity patterns in an estuarine tidal channel. This channel is one of the four main branches of the Ria de Aveiro, a shallow lagoon located in the Northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Longitudinal and cross-sectional fields of water temperature and salinity were determined by spatial interpolation of field measurements. A numerical model (Mohid) was used in a 2D depth-integrated mode in order to compute water temperature and salinity patterns. The main purpose of this work was to determine the horizontal patterns of water temperature and salinity in the study area, evaluating the effects of the main forcing factors. The field results were depth-integrated and compared to numerical model results. These results obtained using extreme tidal and river runoff forcing, are also presented. The field results reveal that, when the river flow is weak, the tidal intrusion is the main forcing mechanism, generating saline and thermal fronts which migrate with the neap/spring tidal cycle. When the river flow increases, the influence of the freshwater extends almost as far as the mouth of the lagoon and vertical stratification is established. Results of numerical modelling reveal that the implemented model reproduces quite well the observed horizontal patterns. The model was also used to study the hydrology of the study area under extreme forcing conditions. When the model is forced with a low river flow (1 m3 s−1) the results confirm that the hydrology is tidally dominated. When the model is forced with a high river flow (1,000 m3 s−1) the hydrology is dominated by freshwater, as would be expected in such an area.  相似文献   

Outlier trimming and homogeneity checking/correction were performed on the monthly precipitation time series of various lengths from 267 stations in Turkey. Outlier values are usually found during dry summer months, and are concentrated mostly over the southern parts of the country, where the dry period is most pronounced, implying natural extremes rather than wrong measurements. Homogeneity analysis was done using the Standard Normal Homogeneity Test, on an individual monthly basis, which led to many non‐testable series due to lack of reference stations, especially during summer months. Yet, remaining testable months were usually helpful for the assessment of homogenity, revealing a well distributed set of stations that proved to be homogeneous. There were still a number of stations which either could not be tested efficiently, or were classified as inhomogeneous. Lack of metadata is argued to be largely responsible for inefficient homogeneity testing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国地震局在“十五”期间将太原地磁台列为地磁基本台,2007年3~8月进行相对记录室的重建工作,本文对地磁观测室建设中是如何做好质量控制的问题做了一些总结,为今后的地磁台站建设提供参考。  相似文献   

地震地下流体井水位、水温观测是地震地球物理台网主要观测手段,其数据集包含水位、水温测项的原始数据、预处理数据、产品数据和均值类数据,可为地震监测预报研究提供重要的数据支撑,用于前兆异常、同震响应、区域应力变化特征、含水层参数反演、观测机理等研究。地下流体井水位、水温数据集不仅可为地震预测预报和科学研究提供服务,而且在国民经济建设领域具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

The flow-sediment interaction plays a considerable role on the vertical (internal) profiles of current,salinity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) within a turbidity maximum zone (TMZ).Numerical modeling provides valuable insights into the complex estuarine physical processes.By combining numerical modeling with field observations,the influencing factors of fine sediment dynamics within the TMZ of Yangtze Estuary have been explored in this study.Firstly,during the neap tide,the measured data present that the current is too weak to break the density stratification,and the vertical flow structure is effectively altered.Secondly,a three-dimensional numerical model based on the Delft3D has been developed and a range of numerical sensitivity analyses were carried out to distinguish the dominant mechanisms and physical processes responsible for the phenomena observed from the measurement data.The numerical investigation highlights the following findings.(1) The vertical profile of currents within the TMZ is largely affected by saltwater intrusion,especially during lower currents when the baroclinic pressure gradient can significantly reshape the local vertical profiles of velocity.(2) The baroclinic effects are primarily determined by the stratification of salinity.(3) In addition to salinity,SSC also influences the local density stratification when its contribution to fluid density is comparable to that of salinity.(4) The settling velocity determines the overall sediment distribution and vertical profiles of the SSC in the water column.The SSC-dependent settling velocity (including the flocculation-induced acceleration and hindered settling deceleration phases) affects the longitudinal movement of the sediments.(5) The vertical profiles of current,salinity and SSC within the TMZ are highly associated with the turbulence determined by the model.The approach to modulate the vertical eddy viscosity in the model,based on the empirical dependency between Rig and Prt,may lead to a numerical instability in the stratified flow.In order to improve the stratification of SSC,additional turbulence damping effect is suggested to be implemented in the model.  相似文献   

大同地震监测中心站配备2套GM4-XL磁通门磁力仪进行地磁观测,探头置于同一地下地磁房。自2017年以来,2套仪器每年夏秋季均存在不同程度的数据漂移现象。从数据连续率、完整率及台站背景噪声、数据预处理等角度,对2017年以来观测数据进行质量评价。通过与山西省其他台站地磁数据进行差值检测,结合地磁房附近地质条件、地下地磁室及观测墩建设、降雨等因素,分析认为,大同地震监测中心站地磁观测数据漂移的原因在于,夏秋季降雨致土层渗水,玻璃钢罩密封性较差,探头室地面积水,造成观测墩基不稳,使得置于观测墩上的仪器探头水平状态改变,进而引起观测数据发生漂移。  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional receiver ghost attenuation (deghosting) of dual‐sensor towed‐streamer data is straightforward, in principle. In its simplest form, it requires applying a three‐dimensional frequency–wavenumber filter to the vertical component of the particle motion data to correct for the amplitude reduction on the vertical component of non‐normal incidence plane waves before combining with the pressure data. More elaborate techniques use three‐dimensional filters to both components before summation, for example, for ghost wavelet dephasing and mitigation of noise of different strengths on the individual components in optimum deghosting. The problem with all these techniques is, of course, that it is usually impossible to transform the data into the crossline wavenumber domain because of aliasing. Hence, usually, a two‐dimensional version of deghosting is applied to the data in the frequency–inline wavenumber domain. We investigate going down the “dimensionality ladder” one more step to a one‐dimensional weighted summation of the records of the collocated sensors to create an approximate deghosting procedure. We specifically consider amplitude‐balancing weights computed via a standard automatic gain control before summation, reminiscent of a diversity stack of the dual‐sensor recordings. This technique is independent of the actual streamer depth and insensitive to variations in the sea‐surface reflection coefficient. The automatic gain control weights serve two purposes: (i) to approximately correct for the geometric amplitude loss of the Z data and (ii) to mitigate noise strength variations on the two components. Here, Z denotes the vertical component of the velocity of particle motion scaled by the seismic impedance of the near‐sensor water volume. The weights are time‐varying and can also be made frequency‐band dependent, adapting better to frequency variations of the noise. The investigated process is a very robust, almost fully hands‐off, approximate three‐dimensional deghosting step for dual‐sensor data, requiring no spatial filtering and no explicit estimates of noise power. We argue that this technique performs well in terms of ghost attenuation (albeit, not exact ghost removal) and balancing the signal‐to‐noise ratio in the output data. For instances where full three‐dimensional receiver deghosting is the final product, the proposed technique is appropriate for efficient quality control of the data acquired and in aiding the parameterisation of the subsequent deghosting processing.  相似文献   

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