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颜蕊  胡哲  王兰炜  关燚炳  刘超 《地震学报》2017,39(2):239-247
朗缪尔探针是目前国际上广泛应用的一种空间等离子体环境就位探测技术.中国电磁监测试验卫星上搭载的朗缪尔探针,是我国首次将探针技术应用于星载平台.本文基于电磁监测试验卫星朗缪尔探针的观测原理及Irving Langmuir等提出的近似理论公式,针对朗缪尔探针的仪器特点,提出了等离子环境下朗缪尔探针观测数据的简化反演方法,并依据朗缪尔探针鉴定件的等离子体罐试验数据对该方法进行了比较验证.结果表明,该数据反演方法的效果较好,可以作为电磁监测试验卫星朗缪尔探针观测数据反演的基本方法,并为后续数据处理提供技术基础.   相似文献   

肖佐 《地球物理学报》1980,23(01):13-18
用谐振探针在余辉式等离子体中进行测量,观察到了谐振效应。与某些作者的结论不同的是:可证明这一谐振发生在等离子体频率ωp处而没有强的阻尼。如果用这一方法进行等离子体浓度测量也不受探针污染的影响。进而指出这一技术在空间等离子体研究方面可能的应用。  相似文献   

用谐振探针在余辉式等离子体中进行测量,观察到了谐振效应。与某些作者的结论不同的是:可证明这一谐振发生在等离子体频率ωp处而没有强的阻尼。如果用这一方法进行等离子体浓度测量也不受探针污染的影响。进而指出这一技术在空间等离子体研究方面可能的应用。  相似文献   

采用张衡一号电磁卫星朗缪尔探针(Langmuir Probe, LAP)载荷原位电子密度对夏季磁静日时段新疆区域(30°~55°N, 70°~100°E)的顶部电离层Ne进行分析。通过分析日侧和夜侧的数据变化曲线:40°~55°N范围内Ne数据变化平稳,日侧Ne值平均高于夜侧Ne值的2倍,其中夜侧Ne值稳定在0.5×1010 cm-3~1.0×1010 cm-3,日侧Ne稳定在1.0×1010 cm-3~1.5×1010 cm-3;而30°~40°N范围上Ne数据波动较大。根据地方时特征分析结果表明:无论是夜侧还是日侧,随着纬度的降低Ne值逐渐增大,Ne值最大达到5.25×1010 cm...  相似文献   




张天华  肖佐 《地球物理学报》2000,43(05):589-597
电离层不规则结构的形成和演化与电离层等离子体不稳定性密切相关 .长期以来 ,在中低纬区扩展 -F现象的研究中 ,没有考虑电离层上下层结之间的相互作用 .本文从理论上全面探讨了在中纬度地区 ,E区可变的Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率 ,与F区可变的Pedersen电导率的共同作用对F区梯度漂移不稳定性的影响 ,导出了存在这种耦合时电离层梯度漂移不稳定性的统一表达式 .这一耦合理论不但解释了实际观测中发现的 ,在某些地方电离层F区顶部的不稳定性发生率要高于F区底部这一现象 ;同时还表明 ,电离层E区与F区的耦合对F区夜晚梯度漂移不稳定性的形成不仅会有阻碍作用 ,同时还使得中、低纬度地区的扰动增长具有了方向的选择性 .该理论的一个重要结论是 ,F区中某一地区能否发展出梯度漂移不稳定性 ,并不完全由当地电离层F区的状态决定 ,同一根磁力线连接的、位于不同纬度地区的E区层结对其发展和演化也会有相当大的影响 .  相似文献   

电离层不规则结构的形成和演化与电离层等离子体不稳定性密切相关 .长期以来 ,在中低纬区扩展 -F现象的研究中 ,没有考虑电离层上下层结之间的相互作用 .本文从理论上全面探讨了在中纬度地区 ,E区可变的Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率 ,与F区可变的Pedersen电导率的共同作用对F区梯度漂移不稳定性的影响 ,导出了存在这种耦合时电离层梯度漂移不稳定性的统一表达式 .这一耦合理论不但解释了实际观测中发现的 ,在某些地方电离层F区顶部的不稳定性发生率要高于F区底部这一现象 ;同时还表明 ,电离层E区与F区的耦合对F区夜晚梯度漂移不稳定性的形成不仅会有阻碍作用 ,同时还使得中、低纬度地区的扰动增长具有了方向的选择性 .该理论的一个重要结论是 ,F区中某一地区能否发展出梯度漂移不稳定性 ,并不完全由当地电离层F区的状态决定 ,同一根磁力线连接的、位于不同纬度地区的E区层结对其发展和演化也会有相当大的影响 .  相似文献   

通过在SAMI2模式的电子能量方程中添加人工加热项,数值模拟了在加热条件下磁场线上电子温度与电子密度的扰动情况,并对比了不同加热条件下的扰动效应.结果表明,入射到电离层中的大功率无线电波与等离子体相互作用,能够有效造成整条磁场线上电子温度的升高而产生电子温度扰动,尤其是加热点处,温度可增加3倍多;由于电子温度升高,压力平衡受到破坏,引发等离子体扩散进而导致电子密度扰动;电子密度扰动使得垂直于磁场线的电子密度梯度发生变化,这有可能形成电离层管(Ionosphere duct);电子温度和电子密度的扰动幅度随着加热时间的推移而减小,即扰动逐渐趋于稳定.电子温度与密度的扰动与加热率存在一种非线性关系.  相似文献   

中国大陆构造环境监测网络(简称陆态网络)是以全球卫星导航定位系统(GNSS)为主,辅以多种空间观测技术,实时动态监测大陆构造环境变化,探求其对资源、环境和灾害的影响的地球科学综合观测网络.基于陆态网络约200个基准站的GPS观测数据,本文探讨了其在电离层空间天气监测与研究方面的应用.包括磁暴期间电离层暴扰动形态,大尺度电离层行进式扰动,太阳耀斑引起的电离层骚扰和低纬电离层不规则体结构等.研究结果表明:陆态网络布局合理,观测数据质量良好,完全可用于中国及周边地区电离层空间天气监测与研究,为进一步开展我国电离层空间天气预警和预报奠定了观测基础.  相似文献   

基于陆态网络GPS数据的电离层空间天气监测与研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
中国大陆构造环境监测网络(简称陆态网络)是以全球卫星导航定位系统(GNSS)为主,辅以多种空间观测技术,实时动态监测大陆构造环境变化,探求其对资源、环境和灾害的影响的地球科学综合观测网络.基于陆态网络约200个基准站的GPS观测数据,本文探讨了其在电离层空间天气监测与研究方面的应用.包括磁暴期间电离层暴扰动形态,大尺度电离层行进式扰动,太阳耀斑引起的电离层骚扰和低纬电离层不规则体结构等.研究结果表明:陆态网络布局合理,观测数据质量良好,完全可用于中国及周边地区电离层空间天气监测与研究,为进一步开展我国电离层空间天气预警和预报奠定了观测基础.  相似文献   

We present a model that describes the decay of beam generated Langmuir waves into ion-acoustic waves in the topside ionosphere. This calculation is done within the frame of the weak turbulence approximation. We study the spectral signature of such a process as seen by a VHF incoherent scatter radar. An incoherent scatter (IS) spectrum is characterized by two maxima at kradar and −kradar, the right and left ion lines respectively. It is shown that, for reasonable beam parameters, the parametric decay of beam-generated Langmuir waves can enhance either the right, the left or both ion lines simultaneously. The shape of the spectrum can change drastically on time scale of about 0.1 to 1 s. The role of the beam parameter as well as the ionospheric parameters is also investigated. For a given beam number density, the beam energy or the background density are important to trigger either the left or the right ion line. A large energy spread of the beam or low electron collision frequencies can explain the simultaneous observations of the left and the right ion line. The importance of the electron collision frequency can explain the altitude distribution of the coherent echoes observed by incoherent scatter radars.  相似文献   

The IESP experiment implemented onboard the Interball auroral probe measures the six components (3B, 3E) of the waves in the ULF range: 0.1–10 Hz and from time to time 0–30 Hz. Two different kinds of waves have been observed in the auroral region at altitudes between 10 000 and 20 000 km: (1) electrostatic emissions which consist of quasi-monochromatic structures with frequencies above the oxygen gyrofrequency, superimposed on a wide band signal interpreted as a Doppler broadening, (2) electromagnetic wide band spectrum fluctuations. These emissions are interpreted as current-driven electromagnetic or electrostatic ion cyclotron waves. The electromagnetic/electrostatic character is controlled by the plasma parameter i and by the O+ concentration.  相似文献   

The special feature of the ringcore fluxgate magnetometer on Equator-S is the high time and field resolution. The scientific aim of the experiment is the investigation of waves in the 10–100 picotesla range with a time resolution up to 64 Hz. The instrument characteristics and the influence of the spacecraft on the magnetic field measurement will be discussed. The work shows that the applied pre- and inflight calibration techniques are sufficient to suppress spacecraft interferences. The offset in spin axis direction was determined for the first time with an independent field measurement by the Equator-S Electron Drift Instrument. The data presented gives an impression of the accuracy of the measurement.  相似文献   

Spreading of floating particles by Langmuir circulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Particles floating on the sea surface, in particular buoyant algae, are drawn into bands by the converging flow between neighbouring Langmuir cells. Floating bands subsequently amalgamate as a result of Langmuir turbulence. Simple models are developed to describe the rearrangement and dispersion of the floating particles. If the production of floating particles has ceased, the mean separation of the bands of particles increases with time and eventually becomes unrelated to the mean distance between the lines of convergence resulting from Langmuir circulation. The concentration of particles in the bands, proportional to the width of bands, and the separation of bands with a given concentration of particles, both increase with time. Care is needed in estimating the width of Langmuir cells to distinguish between surface bands of floating material that is continuously being produced and bands made visible by some earlier, but discontinued, generation. An alternative mechanism for the generation of dense bands of floating algae is proposed.  相似文献   

We discuss the creation of mid-latitude sporadic-E plasma irregularities (with length-scales smaller than sporadic layer thickness) by the neutral atmosphere turbulence. Using fluid equations, the relation between plasma density fluctuations and the velocity field of neutrals is derived. After a brief discussion of the relevant neutral turbulence, the analytical expression for the power spectrum of plasma irregularities is obtained. This expression allows a power-law type of experimental irregularity spectra (the spectral index depends on sporadic-E characteristics) and possible departures in detail of the irregularity spectra from the power-law form to be explained. In addition, it allows us to make estimates of length-scales at which such departures must occur.  相似文献   

坑道直流电阻率测深异常研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
电阻率测深数据可利用抗道的四个面和四个角得到。但由于受到坑道本身和体积效应影响,坑道内电阻率测深资料解释的困难很大。本文用有限单元法对坑道内的直流电阻率测深进行数值模拟计算。首先给出坑道中正常电位的取值,并利用有限单元异常电位计算法对坑道内电阻率测深进行正演计算。结果表明,在异常体断面尺寸、埋深及所用电极距与坑道截面尺寸相差不大时,坑道面上的测深断面反映的基本是本坑道面外侧地质体的信息,对其他位置的地质体没有明显反映,坑道角断面则反映的是相邻两个坑道面外侧地质体的综合信息。  相似文献   

We have determined the MLT distribution and KpKP dependence of the ion upflow and downflow of the thermal bulk oxygen ion population based on a data analysis using the EISCAT VHF radar CP-7 data obtained at Tromsø during the period between 1990 and 1996: (1) both ion upflow and downflow events can be observed at any local time (MLT), irrespective of dayside and nightside, and under any magnetic disturbance level, irrespective of quiet and disturbed levels; (2) these upflow and downflow events are more frequently observed in the nightside than in the dayside; (3) the upflow events are more frequently observed than the downflow events at any local time except midnight and at any KP level and the difference of the occurrence frequencies between the upflow and downflow events is smaller around midnight; and (4) the occurrence frequencies of both the ion upflow and downflow events appear to increase with increasing KP level, while the occurrence frequency of the downflow appears to stop increasing at some KP level  相似文献   

地面核磁共振方法(MRS)因具有对地下水探测定性、定量的特点而备受地球物理工作者关注.传统研究中,人们局限于一维探测方法,假设层状含水构造,导致复杂地质环境下难以确定井位、不均匀含水层小水体难以分辨的反演解释瓶颈.针对现有测量中的不足,本文提出了MRS二维分布式探测模式,依据激发场不均匀特性,定义了实际测量中的测线方位角α,推导了分布式接收线圈MRS响应核函数表达式,实现了二维正演计算,探索了α角与探测灵敏度之间的关系.在此基础上,首次将Occam方法用于MRS二维反演解释中,实现了磁共振断层成像MRT(magnetic resonance tomography).模型试算中,根据含水层位置以及环境噪声变化的磁共振响应,客观评价了分布式MRS探测适用范围.理论先行可推动仪器完善,本文通过分布式接收单元设计、接收线圈数量和匝数增加与调整、放大器参数自适应设置与矫正,成功研制了地面分布式磁共振探测系统,并进行了野外验证.本文的研究成果将为基岩裂隙水定位、堤坝渗漏灾害水源评价,喀斯特溶洞含水构造精确探测提供有力的科学支撑.  相似文献   

In usual incoherent scatter data analysis, the plasma distribution function is assumed to be Maxwellian. In space plasmas, however, distribution functions with a high energy tail which can be well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian distribution function with spectral index kappa (kappa distribution) have been observed. We have theoretically calculated incoherent scatter spectra for a plasma that consists of electrons with kappa distribution function and ions with Maxwellian neglecting the effects of the magnetic field and collisions. The ion line spectra have a double-humped shape similar to those from a Maxwellian plasma. The electron temperatures are underestimated, however, by up to 40% when interpreted assuming Maxwellian distribution. Ion temperatures and electron densities are affected little. Accordingly, actual electron temperatures might be underestimated when an energy input maintaining a high energy tail exists. We have also calculated plasma lines with the kappa distribution function. They are enhanced in total strength, and the peak frequencies appear to be slightly shifted to the transmitter frequency compared to the peak frequencies for a Maxwellian distribution. The damping rate depends on the electron temperature. For lower electron temperatures, plasma lines for electrons with a distribution function are more strongly damped than for a Maxwellian distribution. For higher electron temperatures, however, they have a relatively sharp peak.  相似文献   

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