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The capabilities and diversity of subsurface sediment sensors lags significantly from what is available for the water column, thereby limiting progress in understanding time-dependent seabed exchange and high-frequency acoustics. To help redress this imbalance, a new instrument, the autonomous sediment profiler (ASP), is described herein. ASP consists of a four-electrode, Wenner-type resistivity probe and a thermistor that log data at 0.1-cm vertical intervals over a 58-cm vertical profile. To avoid resampling the same spot on the seafloor, the probes are moved horizontally within a 20 times 100-cm-2 area in one of three preselected patterns. Memory and power capacities permit sampling at hourly intervals for up to 3-mo duration. The system was tested in a laboratory tank and shown to be able to resolve high-frequency sediment consolidation, as well as changes in sediment roughness. In a field test off the southern coast of France, the system collected resistivity and temperature data at hourly intervals for 16 d. Coupled with environmental data collected on waves, currents, and suspended sediment, the ASP is shown to be useful for understanding temporal evolution of subsurface sediment porosity, although no large depositional or erosional events occurred during the deployment. Following a rapid decrease in bottom-water temperature, the evolution of the subsurface temperature field was consistent with the 1-D thermal diffusion equation coupled with advection in the upper 3-4 cm. Collectively, the laboratory and field tests yielded promising results on time-dependent seabed change.  相似文献   

根据南黄海中部海底沉积物柱状样的实验室土工试验测试结果,分析沉积物的物理特征,并通过实验室方法获得沉积物压缩波速,探讨物理参数与压缩波速的相关关系,得到经验公式。结果表明:该区域沉积物以淤泥和淤泥质黏土为主,具有含水率高、孔隙比大、塑限高等特征;物理参数与压缩波速之间有较好的相关关系,密度、孔隙比、含水率、塑限、液限及塑性指数与压缩波速的相关性最明显,其中,密度与压缩波速成正比相关关系,而孔隙比、含水率、塑限、液限和塑性指数与压缩波速成反比相关关系;以沉积物天然密度和塑性指数为自变量的双变量回归分析方程能更好地表达沉积物物理特性与压缩波速的相关关系。  相似文献   

Vietnam is in the process of introducing adaptive management based on indicators and time-series to manage its marine fisheries. The development of indicator-based frameworks for fisheries management has accelerated in recent years. This article describes the suite of indicators being suggested or used in Vietnam including the data-collection system. The Vietnamese approach is supported by an institutional structure consisting of a multi-disciplinary advisory system to facilitate the process of using indicators and to introduce knowledge-based management. The article concludes by identifying current problems and weaknesses and by providing suggestions for future improvement of the system.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a fast diagrammatic method to determine the geometric part of a ship's stability lever, the MS. Additionally, diagrams are given of the contribution to the stability of erections: deck houses and superstructures. The methods are intended for use in the design work.  相似文献   

This paper computes the rotational energy levels of the HCO transition, especially, the higher values of the rotational quantum numbers NKa Kc and Ka, with the rotational constants which are obtained via B3LYP method with 6-311G basis set, and the results show that the calculated frequencies using the computed vibration--rotation energy levels are in reasonable agreement with the data from the experiment. Meanwhile, the line intensities of HCO are first reported, the results are of significance for the studying HCO.  相似文献   

The Law of the Sea Convention constrains regional environmental regimes, especially with respect to navigation beyond the territorial sea. Existing soft-law institutions, notably the Arctic Council, have already strengthened environmental governance in the region by (1) improving the knowledge base; (2) preparing practical guidance on risk reduction; (3) highlighting in broader regulatory fora the Arctic dimension of problems like long-range transported hazardous compounds; and (4) supporting the capacity of Arctic states to implement existing commitments. None of those functions would be much enhanced by a legally binding Arctic environmental regime. The political impediments to reaching circumpolar agreement on a single comprehensive legal regime would suggest a flexible approach to norm building that seeks productive interplay with existing institutions.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to study the influence of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) on pigment content (chlorophyll a and pheophytin) in sediment traps on the basis of experimental data. The marine microalgal cultures of Conticribra weissflogii (Mediophyceae), Tetraselmis viridis (Chlorodendrophyceae), Amphidinium carterae (Dinophyceae), Nannochloropsis sp. (Eustigmatophyceae) were used. The obtained results revealed that the influence of mercury on pigment content as well as on photosynthetic activity was different in different species. The considerable decrease in phytopigments content was observed in Amphidinium carterae and Conticribra weissflogii, while the proportion of pheophytin increased. The pigment content of Tetraselmis viridis was not different from the control line, while for Nannochloropsis sp. the increase in pigment concentration was noticed. The complete immediate inhibition of photosynthetic activity was observed in Conticribra weissflogii, Tetraselmis viridis, Amphidinium carterae, while Nannochloropsis sp. responded only after 24 h of exposition. The pigment degradation rate was almost the same for diatoms and dinoflagellates. The equation for estimating the phytopigments content in sediment traps, that takes into consideration the exposition time, is proposed.  相似文献   

The role of submerged macrophytes as refugia from fish predation and as possible food sources for the estuarine isopod Exosphaeroma hylocoetes ( Barnard, K.H., 1940) was investigated. Laboratory experiments tested the effectiveness of artificial vegetation, replicating submerged vegetation, in enabling isopods to elude selected fish predators Rhabdosargus holubi, Glossogobius callidus, Monodactylus falciformis and Clinus cottoides. Isopods preferentially hid in the vegetation (>90%), even in absence of fish. The predatory fish had varying success in finding isopods within the vegetation. Isopod mortality ranged from 2% (R. holubi) to a maximum of 87% (C. cottoides) within vegetation, depending on the fish predator present. Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses ruled out the submerged macrophyte Ruppia maritima and inundated fringing grasses as direct food sources, but highlighted the epiphytic biota (mainly diatoms) found on the submerged vegetation and sediments as more likely food sources. These findings are consistent with gut content analyses. The results suggest that the close association of E. hylocoetes with R. maritima is the result of the vegetation providing the isopod with a refuge against fish predation as well as areas of increased food availability.  相似文献   

The directional spreading of both the wavenumber and frequency spectra of finite-depth wind generated waves at the asymptotic depth limit are examined. The analysis uses the Wavelet Directional Method, removing the need to assume a form for the dispersion relationship. The paper shows that both the wavenumber and frequency forms are narrowest at the spectral peak and broaden at wavenumbers (frequencies) both above and below the peak. The directional spreading of the wavenumber spectrum is bi-modal above the spectral peak. In contrast, the frequency spectrum is uni-modal. This difference is shown to be the result of energy in the wind direction being displaced from the linear dispersion shell. A full parametric relationship for the directional spreading of the wavenumber spectrum is developed. The analysis clearly shows that typical dispersion relationships are questionable at high frequencies and that such effects can be significant. This result supports greater attention being focussed on the routine recording of wavenumber spectra, rather than frequency spectra.  相似文献   

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