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Morphological, seismic and lithostratigraphic investigations of a moraine deposit at Bleik (the Bleik moraine), northern Andøya, show short-distance transported till overlying long-distance transported predominantly glaciofluvial ice-marginal deposits. Consolidated glaciomarine sediments from a core at present sea-level, c . 400 m distally to the moraine complex, contain 31 species of foraminifera, among which Cassidulina reniforme, Islandiella helenae and Trifarina fluens dominate, and fragments of the molluscs Mya truncata and Astarte sp. and the echinoid Strongylocentrotus sp. Amino acid analyses of the foraminifera Cibicides lobatulus and the mollusc Mya truncata indicate ages between 22,000 and 16,000 BP. Radiocarbon dating of fragments of Mya truncata from the upper part of the core gave an age of 17,940 ± 245 BP, while a dating of unidentified shell fragments from the lower part gave an infinite age (>40,000 BP). The sediment was probably disturbed by icebergs beyond the end moraine zone, and the radiocarbon and amino acid dating of Mya truncata therefore represent a maximum age for this process. This new evidence indicates two phases with a higher relative sea-level than at present at Bleik, c . 18,000 and >40,000 BP. The Bleik moraine probably represents the early Late Weichselian glacial maximum ( c . 22,000 BP), while the underlying deglaciation deposit and associated beach-ridge (Bruvollen) is of pre-Late Weichselian age. Moraine ridges 3–4 km to the south of Bleik probably indicate advances of local glaciers between 22,000 and 18,000 BP.  相似文献   

Investigation of eight deep-sea sediment cores from the Fram Strait provides evidence of two phases with an increased input of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) during the last 130,000 years. For the Middle and Late Weichselian events, east-west trends in accumulation rates and terrestrial organic matter content in the deep-sea sediments point to Svalbard as the source area of the IRD. Both phases are clearly correlated with glacier advances on Svalbard, allowing the application of marine stratigraphy to the terrestrial field sections. Since the dating of the terrestrial record of the Weichselian glacial history of Svalbard is still uncertain, this correlation will improve the age assignments to the individual glacial events.  相似文献   

Up to four nested Neoglacial moraines occur in front of glaciers on Lyngshalvöya. Lichenometric measurements at 21 glaciers demonstrate that these represent five episodes of glacier expansion, one of which predated the Little Ice Age. Lichenometric, dendrochronological and historical evidence indicates that the oldest Little Ice Age moraines date to the mid-18th century, and the youngest to A.D. 1910-30. At nine small glaciers the A.D. 1910-30 moraine represents the Neoglacial maximum; only larger glaciers were more extensive in the 18th century. It is inferred that conditions for glacier growth were less favourable in the 18th century than in A.D. 1880–1910 because of low winter snowfall. Comparison of the relative magnitude of 18th- and 20th-century advances on Lyngshalvöya with those of southern Norway suggests that the diminished winter precipitation was due to the southerly location of the North Atlantic oceanic polar front in the 18th century, which resulted in a reduction in winter cyclonic activity in northern Scandinavia but in an increase in snowfall farther south.  相似文献   

BOREAS Vorren, K.-D. 1978 03 01: Late and Middle Weichselian stratigraphy of Andøya, north Norway, Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 19–38. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Bio-stratigraphy and 14C datings from Lake Endletvatn, 69o 44'N and 19o05'E, approx. 35 m above sea level, suggest that the lacustrine sedimentation started about 18,000 B.P. The Middle Weichselian vegetation was probably a dry arctic, partly barren, grassland type with abundant Draba spp. and perhaps also Braya spp. Two climatic ameliorations of this chronal substage, named Endletvatn thermomers 1 and 2 (ET 1 and 2), have been recorded. During ET 2, the beginning of which has been dated at about 15,000 B.P., a humid climate prevailed, with a July temperature probably not deviating much from the present one. The colonization by low alpine and subalpine species probably started in the Bølling Chronozone. During the early Allerød Chronozone, protocratic conditions with grasses RumexlOxyria, Papaver and Sagina of. saginoides prevailed. During the middle of the Allerød, stable soil and continuous vegetation was established at sheltered places. At the transition to the Younger Dryas Chronozone a climate favouring Artemisia changed this vegetational development. The middle of the Younger Dryas was cool and humid, probably with an upper low alpine vegetation. The end of this chronozone was characterized by a vegetation of low alpine heaths with Empetrum and Dryas.
Diatom analysis (Foged 1978) suggests that there has been no direct marine influence in the basin. The marginal moraine stratigraphy, the marine limit and the climatic development are discussed.  相似文献   

The deglaciation history and Holocene environmental evolution of northern Wijdefjorden, Svalbard, are reconstructed using sediment cores and acoustic data (multibeam swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data). Results reveal that the fjord mouth was deglaciated prior to 14.5±0.3 cal. ka BP and deglaciation occurred stepwise. Biomarker analyses show rapid variations in water temperature and sea ice cover during the deglaciation, and cold conditions during the Younger Dryas, followed by minimum sea ice cover throughout the Early Holocene, until c. 7 cal. ka BP. Most of the glaciers in Wijdefjorden had retreated onto land by c. 7.6±0.2 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the sea-ice extent increased and remained high throughout the last part of the Holocene. We interpret a high Late Holocene sediment accumulation rate in the northernmost core to reflect increased sediment flux to the site from the outlet of the adjacent lake Femmilsjøen, related to glacier growth in the Femmilsjøen catchment area. Furthermore, increased sea ice cover, lower water temperatures and the re-occurrence of ice-rafted debris indicate increased local glacier activity and overall cooler conditions in Wijdefjorden after c. 0.5 cal. ka BP. We summarize our findings in a conceptual model for the depositional environment in northern Wijdefjorden from the Late Weichselian until present.  相似文献   

A 6.5 m long sediment succession (18.5-2.2 ka BP) from the northern sub-basin of lake Endletvatn was analysed lithologically, palynologically and chemically. The chemical analyses were performed at about 10 cm depth intervals for the following parameters: total organic C, N, P, Fe, Mn, Mg, Na, K, Ca and S, in addition to water content, dry density, and pH. Two main lithostratigraphical units can be distinguished, which also differ substantially in chemical characters. Five chemostratigraphical main units were distinguished. The two lowermost units 1-2 (18.5-12.9 ka BP) correspond to the lower lithostratigraphical main unit and are characterized by minerogenous sediments with low C and N, and high Fe, Mg and K. P is low, partly because of a scarcity of P in parent rocks. Chemostratigraphical unit 3 (12.9-9.6 ka BP) is characterized by increasing C and N and a high N/P ratio (10-20) culminating in the early part of the Younger Dryas, indicating abundant N available for bio-production. The Fe, Mg, and K content is still high, but decreasing, indicating decreasing glacial and kryogenic erosion and allogenic deposition until c. 10.5 ka BP. A hiatus represented by a sand layer covers most of the time-span 10.5-9.6 ka BP. Chemostratigraphical unit 4 (9.6-5.3 ka BP) represents the Holocene thermal optimum in three subunits. In the time interval 9.6-9.1 ka BP, Fe, Mg and K decrease to a minimum and P shows a pronounced increase. The megathermal period c. 8200-5300 BP, is characterized by maxima of C, N and P and a minimum of Fe. The katathermal period after 5.3 ka BP is characterized primarily by increased Fe precipitation, increasing Fe/Mn ratio, and P, C and N at a constantly lower level than during the megathermal. A stable C/N ratio of about 10, of the sediment interval younger than 12.9 ka BP characterizes the sediments as transitional between gyttja and dy. The Holocene lake type varied between weakly oligohumic and mesohumic. Stagnant bottom waters (reducing conditions) occur in the periods 12.9-11.5 ka BP and c. 7.5-5.3 ka BP. The climatic development and other environmental implications of the joint chrono-, chemo-, litho- and biostratigraphical data set are discussed.  相似文献   

BOREAS Foged, N. 1978 03 01: Diatoms from the Middle and Late Weichselian and the Early Flandrian period on Andøya, north Norway. Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 41–47. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
From cores from a depth of 9.9 m up to 5.1 m below the present surface of a mire situated approx. 36 m above sea level on Andøya, north Norway, 47 samples were analysed for diatoms. Some 240 taxa were recorded, chiefly in Late Weichselian and Early Flandrian material. They were subdivided according to their halobion and pH relation. On the whole, the pH reaction of the environment was neutral, but it changed from faintly acid to faintly alkaline during the sedimentation of the Late Weichselian material.  相似文献   

The postglacial sea-level history along a cross-section of western Norway has been studied in detail. Ten local sea-level curves were used to construct an equidistant shoreline diagram, covering the last 13000 years. This includes 76 radiocarbon dates, of which the majority represent lacustrine sediments at the marine/lacustrine boundary in cores from emerged lakes. The distance between the westernmost and easternmost sites is 170 km and the difference in total emergence along this profile is more than 200 m. The shorelines all dip westward with a decreasing gradient through time. The Late Weichselian lines are all slightly curved whereas the Holocene lines are apparently straight. After the formation of the uppermost shoreline by around 12 800 BP there was a rapid emergence that decelerated with time to a near standstill during the Younger Dryas. From about 10 300 there was again a rapid emergence followed by the Tapes transgression along the coast and a standstill in the most easterly areas. At the western end of this profile, the Tapes transgression started around 9000 and culminated approximately 6000 BP, when a gradual regression occurred. To the east the early Holocene regression minimum occurs at a younger date and the transgression maximum is up to 1500 years older.  相似文献   

Lake and peat deposits from the Timan Ridge, Arctic Russia, were pollen analysed, reconstructing the vegetation history and paleoenvironment since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 20–18,000 years ago. The sites studied are located inside the margins of a large paleolake of about 20 km2, by us named Lake Timan. This lake developed in the Late Weichselian, more than 30,000 years after the deglaciation of this region, and was formed due to increased precipitation and warmer summers that accelerated the melting of stagnant ice within its catchment. The lake was drained during the early Holocene when the outlet rivers eroded the spillways. A new generation of much smaller lakes formed during the Holocene when the last remnants of buried glacier ice melted away causing the exposed floor of Lake Timan to subside. Since deglaciation, the following regional vegetation development has been recorded: (1) During the initial stage of Lake Timan, the dominant vegetation was discontinuous steppe/tundra, with patches of snow bed vegetation. (2) A dwarf-shrub tundra established during the Late Weichselian interstadial (Allerød), probably reflecting warmer and moister conditions. (3) The Younger Dryas cooling is recognised by a reversal to steppe/tundra and snowbeds on unstable mineral-soils, and higher palynological richness. (4) Soon after the transition into the Holocene, a birch-forest established on the Timan Ridge. (5) A cooling starting around 8200 cal.years BP initiated the deforestation of the exposed hills. In the most protected sites, birch trees persisted until later than 4000 years ago, reflecting a gradual development into the present treeless dwarf-shrub tundra.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the Weichselian Late Pleniglacial wind direction in northwest and central Europe are reviewed and compared with palaeoclimate simulations performed with an atmospheric general circulation model. These reconstructions are based on proxy data containing information on former wind directions, such as relic dune forms, sediments and wind‐polished rock surfaces. The objective is to investigate whether: (1) the proxy information is internally consistent; and (2) in agreement with the model simulations. We find a general consensus in the proxy‐based reconstructions, indicating a dominant westerly to northwesterly wind in winter during the Late Pleniglacial. The model results indicate over the study area an atmospheric circulation in winter that is dominated by southwesterly to west‐northwesterly winds, which are stronger than the southwesterly winds in the present‐day climate. The main driving factors behind the anomalous atmospheric circulation in the Late Pleniglacial are the Laurentide Ice Sheet and a colder North Atlantic Ocean with a relatively extensive sea‐ice cover, leading to an eastward relocation of the Icelandic Low and an enhanced pressure gradient over northwest Europe. The minor difference in Late Pleniglacial wind direction between the reconstructions and model can be explained by a combination of uncertainties in the proxy data and the relatively low spatial resolution of the applied climate model. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A revised lithostratigraphy of Skåne, South Sweden, constitutes the basis of an alternative Weichselian glaciation model for southern Scandinavia, progressively anchored to the stratigraphy. Skåne was not glaciated during the Weichselian until 21,000 B.P. The concepts, outlet surge and marginal dome (the main tools of the model) are defined. The palaeogeography of the Baltic and Kattegatt basins during the Mid-Weichselian are reconstructed. Shorelines, during the advance stage, are calculated from an inferred proglacial depression. Outlet surges, which occurred in three basins of the Baltic, guided the ice sheet during its growth. The growth of marginal domes on the outlet surge lobes resulted in changes in the configuration of the ice sheet and in the lowering of its surface profile. The South Scandinavian ice divide became located over a former outlet surge lobe NNE-NE of the island of Gotland in the northern Baltic. This gave the main ice in South Sweden and Denmark a NE ice movement during the whole glaciation until the deglaciation of SE Sweden. The Kattegatt Ice Lake was formed due to damming in the Skagerack area. Surging ice tilled in the basin resulting in the formation of vast areas of stagnant ice in front of the advancing NE-ice. Marginal domes were formed on these giving rise to the early glacial episodes in the southwest of Sweden and Denmark. During the deglactanon, tnree pnases of marginal dome formation are recorded in the soutnern Baltic area and the growth of these domes resulted in the East Jylland advance, the Bælthav readvance and the Simrishamn readvance. The marginal domes were formed on vast fields of stagnant ice left behind by the receding main ice. Baltic erratics, englacially present in the main ice as well as in the stagnant ice in front of it, were transported (stepwise) towards the west and northwest, partly by the advancing marginal domes and partly by ice streams formed between the marginal domes and the main (NE-) ice. It is argued that the classical, so-called Low Baltic ice stream in the sense of a readvancing glacier lobe never existed. The first two marginal domes collapsed due to starvation and the ice movement returned gradually to the independent NE ice movement of the main ice. The third marginal dome collapsed due to a downdraw caused by a large transgression recorded in the Kattegatt and the Öresund regions. The transgression took place roughly around 13,300 B.P. and was possibly caused by damming of the Kattegatt basin in the north in connection with a marine downdraw. The collapse of the third marginal dome and the subsequent ‘ice lake downdraw’ of the dome centre NNE-NE of Gotland took place during a cold period of the deglaciation. This resulted in an extremely high recessional rate on the Swedish cast coast compared with the west coast and a contemporaneous westwards displacement of the South Scandinavian ice divide. After the downdraw, the recession rate on the east coast slowed down markedly and became more or less equal to that of the west coast. Pure dynamic causes for the extremely high recession rate in SE Sweden are expected because the decrease in this rate coincides with the onset of a recorded, marked climatic amelioration at around 12,600 B.P. Formation of the marginal domes during the deglaciation indicates periods of increased cyclon activity at the southwest margin of the Weichsclian Scandinavian ice sheet alternating with periods of ice sheet starvation. Detailed modelling of the marginal domes is therefore expected to have significant palaeoclimatic implications. The marginal dome concept is believed to he useful also in the reconstruction of earlier glaciations.  相似文献   

The Grande Prairie region of northwestern Alberta was partially covered by glacial Lake Peace, which was dammed against the retreating Laurentide ice sheet. Two levels of glacial Lake Peace are identified in the study are by closely spaced groups of strandlines and minor deltas lying at 805 to 840 m a. s. l., and 655 to 710 m a.s.l. Sedimentation associated with the upper of the two lake levels is marked by rhythmites of silt and clay deposited by turbid underflow, interbedded with diamicton deposited by debris flow. Dropstones and dump structures indicate common ice-rafting. Thick sequences are only found on the axes of major valleys, where sediment gravity flows were concertrated. Thin sequences of ice proximal glaciolacustrine sediments reflect topographic setting and do not indicate a short-lived lake. Retreat of the ice front resulted in a decrease in ice-rafted material and diamicton in sediments. The fall in lake level to the second stage resulted in deposition of sequences of vaguely laminated silt and clay close to the modern Beaverlodge River. These sediments were deposited by suspension settling from interflow or overflow of the Beaverlodge River as it entered the lake. Lake sedimentation was dominated by inflow from unglaciated areas, rather than the ice front.  相似文献   

Hager Pond, a mire in northern Idaho, reveals at least five pollen zones since sediments formed after the last recession of continental ice (>9500 yr BP). Zone I (>9500-8300 yr BP) consists mainly of diploxylon pine, plus low percentages of Abies, Artemisia, and Picea. SEM examination of conifer pollen at selected levels in the zone reveals that Pinus albicaulis, P. monticola, and P. contorta are present in unknown proportions. The zone resembles modern pollen spectra from the Abies lasiocarpa-P. albicaulis association found locally today only at high elevation. Presence of whitebark pine indicates a cooler, moister climate than at present, but one which was rapidly replaced in Zone II (8300-7600 yr BP) by warmer, drier conditions as inferred by prominence of grass with diploxylon pine. Zone III (7600-3000 yr BP) was probably dominated by Pseudotsuga menziesii, plus diploxylon pine and prominent Artemisia and denotes a change in vegetation but continuation of the warmer drier conditions. Beginning at approximately 3000 yr BP Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa, and/or A. grandis and diploxylon pine were dominants and the inferred climate became cooler and moister concomitant with Neoglaciation. The modern climatic climax (Zone V), with Tsuga heterophylla as dominant, has emerged in approximately the last 1500 yr.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates on molluses in marine facies associated with glacial deposits in northern Cumberland Peninsula indicate both main fiord (Laurentide) ice and local glaciers remained at their late Wisconsin maxima until ca. 8000 BP. Essentially continuous deglaciation followed; local corrie glaciers melted out by 7100 BP and by 5500 BP fiord glaciers had receded behind the present margin of the Penny Ice Cap. The Hypsithermal warm interval probably lasted from ca. 8000 to 5000 BP. Lichenometry and radiocarbon dates on peat and buried organic horizons delimit a detailed Neoglacial chronology. Of 46 outlet and corrie glaciers investigated, the oldest Neoglacial moraines are dated lichenometrically at 3200 ± 600 BP. Subsequent advances terminated immediately prior to ca. 1650, 780, 350, and 65 yr BP, the most recent of which marked the most extensive ice coverage during the Neoglacial. The highest occurrence of lateral moraines from late Wisconsin advances of local and Laurentide ice suggest that at the late Wisconsin glacial maximum, depression of snowline varied from 450 m below present at the coast to 350 m below present level in the vicinity of the Penny Ice Cap. Moraines, surrounded by glacial ice and lying above the present steady-state ELA, suggest that during the Hypsithermal snowline was up to ca. 200 m above its present elevation. A radiometrically controlled reconstruction of relative summer paleotemperatures for the postglacial derived independently of lichenometry agrees well with the lichenometric age dating of moraines. The data suggest that between ca. 1650 and 900 BP climatic conditions were unfavorable for glacier growth, whereas the period ca. 800-65 yr BP was one of general glacial activity. During the last decade permanent snow cover has been increasing in the area. Previously reported data on climatic trends in the Canadian Arctic based on palynological analyses are similar to the chronology reported here.  相似文献   

This synopsis highlights some of the main results presented in this issue of Boreas. The collection of papers deals with ice sheet reconstruction in space and time, isostatic and eustatic response to deglaciation, land to shelf sediment interaction, and Eemian and Holocene environmental variations. The most significant new results are that the last glacial maximum of the Kara Sea and Barents Sea ice sheets were both much smaller and much older than in most previous hypotheses. This puts new constraints on, for example, climate and ice sheet linkages, ice sheet interactions (Scandinavian-Barents Sea-Kara Sea), and land-ocean riverine input through time.  相似文献   

The Kullen Peninsula in northwest Skåne, at the time of the Weichselian deglaciation an island surrounded by the Kattegat Sea, is the earliest known deglaciated area in Sweden. Sediment stratigraphic and mineral magnetic properties, combined with radiocarbon dating, were used to determine and date the isolation of present-day lake basins from the sea. Significant environmental changes, which reflect the isolations, are supported by previously published palaeoecological data and cannot be related to climate changes. Basins situated above the marine limit (ML) have short (in the order of centimetres) minerogenic sequences that are magnetically characterized by low concentrations of detrital magnetite. In contrast, the pre-isolation sediments in basins below the ML, especially those deposited in sheltered positions in the landscape, have thick sequences (in the order of metres) of authigenic greigite-bearing sediments. Age determinations of the isolation level are based on the AMS radiocarbon dating of terrestrial plant macrofossil remains and previously published pollen stratigraphical investigations. Supported by the upper level of a sandy beach deposit preserved on the generally steep till covered slopes, the marine limit can be determined to 88–89 m a.s.l., which developed at the regional deglaciation c. 17000 calendar years ago. The results indicate that the deglaciation shoreline level remained fairly constant, relative to the sea level, for c. 1000 years and was followed by a gentle regression. The presented shoreline displacement curve from the Kullen Peninsula extends c. 1000 calendar years further back in time than any previously published records from the Swedish west coast.  相似文献   

The Late Weichselian ice sheet of western Svalbard was characterized by ice streams and inter‐ice‐stream areas. To reconstruct its geometry and dynamics we investigated the glacial geology of two areas on the island of Prins Karls Forland and the Mitrahalvøya peninsula. Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of glacial erratics and bedrock was used to constrain past ice thickness, providing minimum estimates in both areas. Contrary to previous studies, we found that Prins Karls Forland experienced a westward ice flux from Spitsbergen. Ice thickness reached >470 m a.s.l., and warm‐based conditions occurred periodically. Local deglaciation took place between 16 and 13 ka. At Mitrahalvøya, glacier ice draining the Krossfjorden basin reached >300 m a.s.l., and local deglaciation occurred at c. 13 ka. We propose the following succession of events for the last deglaciation. After the maximum glacier extent, ice streams in the cross‐shelf troughs and fjords retreated, tributary ice streams formed in Forlandsundet and Krossfjorden, and, finally, local ice caps were isolated over both Prins Karls Forland and Mitrahalvøya and their adjacent shelves.  相似文献   

The Taymyr Peninsula constitutes the eastern delimitation of a possible Kara Sea basin ice sheet. The existence of such an ice sheet during the last global glacial maximum (LGM), i.e. during the Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk, is favoured by some Russian scientists. However, a growing number of studies point towards a more minimalistic view concerning the areal extent of Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk Siberian glaciation. Investigations carried out by us along the central Byrranga Mountains and in the Taymyr Lake basin south thereof, reject the possibility of a Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk glaciation of this area. Our conclusion is based on the following: Dating of a continuous lacustrine sediment sequence at Cape Sabler on the Taymyr Lake shows that it spans at least the period 39-17 ka BP. Even younger ages have been reported, suggesting that this lacustrine environment prevailed until shortly before the Holocene. The distribution of these sediments indicates the existence of a paleo-Taymyr lake reaching c. 60 m above present sea level. A reconnaissance of the central part of the Byrranga Mountains gave no evidence of any more recent glacial coverage. The only evidence of glaciation - an indirect one - is deltaic sequences around 100-120 m a.s.l., suggesting glacio-isostatic depression and a large input of glacial meltwater from the north. However, 14C and ESR datings of these marine sediments suggest that they are of Early Weichselian/Lower Zyryansk or older age. As they are not covered by till and show no glaciotectonic disturbances, they support our opinion that there was no Late Weichselian/Lower Zyryansk glaciation in this area. We thus suggest that the Taymyr Peninsula was most probably glaciated during the early part of the last glacial cycle (when there was only small- to medium-scale glaciation in Scandinavia), but not glaciated during the later part of that cycle (which had the maximum ice-sheet coverage over north-western Europe). This fits a climatic scenario suggesting that the Taymyr area, like most of Siberia, would come into precipitation shadow during times with large-scale ice-sheet coverage of Scandinavia and the rest of north-western Europe.  相似文献   

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