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Many lunar craters greater than 10 km in diam exhibit a variety of morphological characteristics which are not produced by meteorite impact or meteorite erosion. Most such craters are located in or near the margins of the maria. Although some could have resulted from processes such as cauldron resurgence, caldera formation, or ring dike emplacement, most have formed by modification of impact craters by endogenic processes including erosion by flowing lava, fissure volcanism, plutonism and uplift of crater floors along ring fractures of impact origin.  相似文献   

We use high-resolution three-dimensional numerical models of aerodynamically disrupted asteroids to predict the characteristic properties of small impact craters on Venus. We map the mass and kinetic energy of the impactor passing though a plane near the surface for each simulation, and find that the typical result is that mass and energy sort themselves into one to several strongly peaked regions, which we interpret as more-or-less discrete fragments. The fragments are sufficiently well separated as to imply the formation of irregular or multiple craters that are quite similar to those found on Venus. We estimate the diameters of the resulting craters using a scaling law derived from the experiments of Schultz and Gault (1985, J. Geophys. Res. 90 (B5), 3701-3732) of dispersed impactors into targets. We compare the spacings and sizes of our estimated craters with measured diameters tabulated in a Venus crater database (Herrick and Phillips, 1994a, Icarus 111, 387-416; Herrick et al., 1997, in: Venus II, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, pp. 1015-1046; Herrick, 2003, http://www.lpi.usra.edu/research/vc/vchome.html) and find quite satisfactory agreement, despite the uncertainty in our crater diameter estimates. The comparison of the observed crater characteristics with the numerical results is an after-the-fact test of our model, namely the fluid-dynamical treatment of large impacts, which the model appears to pass successfully.  相似文献   

Abstract— We surveyed the impact crater populations of Venus and the Moon, dry targets with and without an atmosphere, to characterize how the 3‐dimensional shape of a crater and the appearance of the ejecta blanket varies with impact angle. An empirical estimate of the impact angle below which particular phenomena occur was inferred from the cumulative percentage of impact craters exhibiting different traits. The results of the surveys were mostly consistent with predictions from experimental work. Assuming a sin2θ dependence for the cumulative fraction of craters forming below angle θ, on the Moon, the following transitions occur: >?45 degrees, the ejecta blanket becomes asymmetric; >?25 degrees, a forbidden zone develops in the uprange portion of the ejecta blanket, and the crater rim is depressed in that direction; >?15 degrees, the rim becomes saddle‐shaped; >?10 degrees, the rim becomes elongated in the direction of impact and the ejecta forms a “butterfly” pattern. On Venus, the atmosphere causes asymmetries in the ejecta blanket to occur at higher impact angles. The transitions on Venus are: >?55 degrees, the ejecta becomes heavily concentrated downrange; >?40 degrees, a notch in the ejecta that extends to the rim appears, and as impact angle decreases, the notch develops into a larger forbidden zone; >?10 degrees, a fly‐wing pattern develops, where material is ejected in the crossrange direction but gets swept downrange. No relationship between location or shape of the central structure and impact angle was observed on either planet. No uprange steepening and no variation in internal slope or crater depth could be associated with impact angle on the Moon. For both planets, as the impact angle decreases from vertical, first the uprange and then the downrange rim decreases in elevation, while the remainder of the rim stays at a constant elevation. For craters on Venus >?15 km in diameter, a variety of crater shapes are observed because meteoroid fragment dispersal is a significant fraction of crater diameter. The longer path length for oblique impacts causes a correlation of clustered impact effects with oblique impact effects. One consequence of this correlation is a shallowing of the crater with decreasing impact angle for small craters.  相似文献   

The analysis of Venus’ gravity field and topography suggests the presence of a small number of deep mantle plumes (~9). This study predicts the number of plumes formed at the core–mantle boundary, their characteristics, and the production of partial melt from adiabatic decompression. Numerical simulations are performed using a 3D spherical code that includes large viscosity variations and internal heating. This study investigates the effect of several parameters including the core–mantle boundary temperature, the amount of internal heating, and the mantle viscosity. The smallest number of plumes is achieved when no internal heating is present. However, scaling Earth’s radiogenic heating to Venus suggests a value of ~16 TW. Cases with internal heating produce more realistic lid thickness and partial melting, but produce either too many plumes or no plumes if a high mantle temperature precludes the formation of a hot thermal boundary layer. Mantle viscosity must be reduced to at least 1020 Pa s in order to include significant internal heating and still produce hot plumes. In all cases that predict melting, melting occurs throughout the upper mantle. Only cases with high core temperature (>1700 K) produce dry melting. Over time the upper mantle may have lost significant volatiles. Depending on the water content of the lower mantle, deep plumes may contribute to present-day atmospheric water via volcanic outgassing. Assuming 50 ppm water in mantle, 10 plumes with a buoyancy flux of 500 kg/s continuously erupting for 4 myr will outgas an amount of water on the order of that in the lower atmosphere. A higher level of internal heating than achieved to date, as well as relatively low mantle viscosity, may be required to achieve simulations with ~10 plumes and a thinner lid. Alternatively, if the mantle is heating up due to the stagnant lid, the effect is equivalent to having lower rates of internal heating. A temperature increase of 110 K/byr is equivalent to ?13 TW. This value along with the internal heating of 3 TW used in this study may represent the approximate heat budget of Venus’ mantle.  相似文献   

Theoretical consideration of the magma vesiculation process under observed and inferred venusian surface conditions suggests that vesicles should form in basaltic melts, especially if CO2 is the primary magmatic volatile. However, the high surface atmospheric pressure ((~90 bars) and density on Venus retard bubble coalescence and disruption sufficiently to make explosive volcanism unlikely. The products of explosive volcanism (fire fountains, convecting eruption clouds, pyroclastic flows, and topography-mantling deposits of ash, spatter, and scoria) should be rare on Venus, and effusive eruptions should dominate. The volume fraction of vesicles in basaltic rocks on Venus are predicted to be less than in chemically similar rocks on Earth. Detection of pyroclastic landforms or eruption products on Venus would indicate either abnormally high volatile contents of Venus magmas (2.5–4 wt%) or different environmental conditions (e.g., lower atmospheric pressure) in previous geologic history.  相似文献   

Radar images of Venus' surface, obtained from the Venera 15 and 16 spacecraft and from the Earth, show many impact craters that are radar bright compared with their surroundings. It is demonstrated in this report that this phenomenon cannot be caused by higher surface roughness of meteorite impact area only. Obviously, enhanced reflectivity is required as well. It is supposed that the necessary enlargement of reflectivity might be caused by raised conductivity of surface material in the impact area, if the meteorite is related by chemical composition to iron or iron-stony types.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT. Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Based on the results of photogeological analysis of the Thetis Regio on Venus, 13 material and 3 structural subunits were mapped and the relative sequence of their formation was determined. Two subunits are represented by impact craters, which were subdivided into relatively older (C1, 7 craters) and younger (C2, 8 craters) ones, according to the presence and clarity of the associated radio-dark halo. Taking into account the data from previous studies, it was established that the age of the first group was older than 1/2T or 1/3T, where T is the average age of the surface of Venus, and the age of the second group was younger than these values. Analyzing the age relationships between these craters and other geological subunits, it was determined that the formation of one of the largest rift zones in this area of Venus occurred later than at 1/3T up to the present time.  相似文献   

I. Romeo  D.L. Turcotte 《Icarus》2009,203(1):13-19
The areas of volcanic units on Venus have been measured on the 1:5000000 geological maps published by NASA/USGS. These data were used to obtain a frequency-area distribution. The cumulative frequency-area distribution of 1544 specific occurrence of units cover six orders of magnitude from the largest unit (30 × 106 km2) to the smallest (20 km2). The probability distribution function has been calculated. The medium and large volcanic units correlate well with a power-law (fractal) relation for the dependence of frequency on area with a slope of −1.83. There are fewer small units than the expected values provided by the power-law relation. Our measurements cover 21.02% of the planetary surface, 3.59% of the study area was found to be tessera terrain and is excluded from this study of volcanism. The measurements were restricted to areas where geological maps have been published. The analysis was performed on two independent areas of the planet, with a complete coverage of published maps. In both areas the largest volcanic unit covers a significant portion of the surface (58.75% and 63.64%, respectively). For the total measured volcanic units (excluding tessera), these two largest units (that could correspond to the same unit or not) cover the 61.18% and they are stratigraphically superimposed on older volcanic units which cover 3.37% of the area. The remaining area (35.45%) is occupied by younger volcanic units stratigraphically superimposed on the large volcanic unit(s). These results are based on the independent mapping of a large number of geologists with different ideas about the geodynamical evolution of Venus and different criteria for geological mapping. Despite this fact, the presence of these very large units is incompatible with the equilibrium resurfacing models, because their generation at different ages would destroy the crater randomness. Our frequency-area distribution of the mapped volcanic units supports a catastrophic resurfacing due to the emplacement of the largest unit(s) followed by a decay of volcanism. Our data for the frequency-area distribution of volcanic units provide new support for catastrophic resurfacing models. It is difficult to make our observations compatible with equilibrium, steady-state resurfacing models.  相似文献   

A long-popular model for producing Ganymede's bright terrain involves flooding of low-lying graben with liquid water, slush, or warm, soft ice. The model suffers from major problems, however, including the absence of obvious near-surface heat sources, the negative buoyancy of liquid water, and the lack of a mechanism for confining the flows to graben floors. We present new models for cryovolcanic resurfacing to overcome these difficulties. Tidal heating within an ancient Laplace-like orbital resonance (Showman and Malhotra 1997, Icarus 127, 93; Showman et al., 1997, Icarus 129, 367) provides a plausible heat source and could allow partial melting to occur as shallow as 5-10 km depth. Our favored mechanism for delivering this water to the surface invokes the fact that topography—such as a global set of graben—causes subsurface pressure gradients that can pump water or slush upward onto the floors of topographic lows (graben) despite the negative buoyancy of the liquid. These eruptions can occur only within the topographic lows; furthermore, as the low areas become full, the pressure gradients disappear and the resurfacing ceases. This provides an explanation for the observed straight dark-bright terrain boundaries: water cannot overflow the graben, so resurfacing rarely embays craters or other rough topography. Pure liquid water can be pumped to the surface from only 5-10 km depth, but macroscopic bodies of slush ascending within fractures can reach the surface from much greater depths due to the smaller negative buoyancy of slush. A challenge for these models is the short predicted gravitational relaxation timescale of topographic features at high heat flows; the resurfacing must occur before the graben topography disappears. We also evaluate alternate resurfacing mechanisms, such as pumping of liquid water to the surface by thermal expansion stresses and buoyant rise of water through a silicate-contaminated crust that is denser than liquid water, and conclude that they are unlikely to explain Ganymede's bright terrain.  相似文献   

The relation between the size and velocity of impact crater ejecta has been studied by both laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. An alternative method, used here, is to analyze the record of past impact events, such as the distribution of secondary craters on planetary surfaces, as described by Vickery (Icarus 67 (1986) 224; Geophys. Res. Lett. 14 (1987) 726). We first applied the method to lunar images taken by the CLEMENTINE mission, which revealed that the size-velocity relations of ejecta from craters 32 and 40 km in diameter were similar to those derived by Vickery for a crater 39 km in diameter. Next, we studied the distribution of small craters in the vicinity of kilometer-sized craters on three images from the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on board the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). If these small craters are assumed to be secondaries ejected from the kilometer-sized crater in each image, the ejection velocities are of hundreds of meters per second. These data fill a gap between the previous results of Vickery and those of laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Venus’ impact crater population imposes two observational constraints that must be met by possible model surface histories: (1) near random spatial distribution of ~975 craters, and (2) few obviously modified impact craters. Catastrophic resurfacing obviously meets these constraints, but equilibrium resurfacing histories require a balance between crater distribution and modification to be viable. Equilibrium resurfacing scenarios with small incremental resurfacing areas meet constraint 1 but not 2, whereas those with large incremental resurfacing areas meet constraint 2 but not 1. Results of Monte Carlo modeling of equilibrium resurfacing (Strom et al., 1994) is widely cited as support for catastrophic resurfacing hypotheses and as evidence against hypotheses of equilibrium resurfacing. However, the Monte Carlo models did not consider intermediate-size incremental resurfacing areas, nor did they consider histories in which the era of impact crater formation outlasts an era of equilibrium resurfacing. We construct three suites of Monte Carlo experiments that examine incremental resurfacing areas not previously considered (5%, 1%, 0.7%, and 0.1%), and that vary the duration of resurfacing relative to impact crater formation time (1:1 [suite A], 5:6 [suite B], and 2:3 [suite C]). We test the model results against the two impact crater constraints.Several experiments met both constraints. The shorter the time period of equilibrium resurfacing, or the longer the time of crater formation following the cessation of equilibrium resurfacing, the larger the possible areas of incremental resurfacing that satisfy both constraints. Equilibrium resurfacing is statistically viable for suite A at 0.1%, suite B at 0.1%, and suite C for 1%, 0.7%, and 0.1% areas of incremental resurfacing.  相似文献   

On Venus, present evidence indicates a crust of predominantly basaltic composition and a relatively young average age for the surface (several hundreds of millions of years). Estimates of crustal thickness from several approaches suggest an average crustal thickness of 10–20 km for much of the lowlands and rolling plains and a total volume of crust of about 1 × 1010 km3, approximately comparable to the present crustal volume of the Earth (1.02 × 1010 km3). The Earth's oceanic crust is thought to have been recycled at least 10–20 times over Earth history. The near-coincidence in present crustal volumes for the Earth and Venus suggests that either: (1) the presently observed crust of Venus represents the total volume that has accumulated over the history of the planet and that crustal production rates are thus very low, or (2) that crustal production rates are higher and that there is a large volume of missing crust unaccounted for on Venus which may have been lost by processes of crustal recycling.Known processes of crustal formation and thickening (impact-related magma ocean, vertical differentiation, and crustal spreading) are reviewed and are used as a guide to assess regional geologic evidence for the importance of these processes on Venus. Geologic evidence for variations in crustal thickness on Venus (range and frequency distribution of topography, regional slopes, etc.) are outlined. The hypothesis that the topography of Venus could result solely from crustal thickness variations is assessed and tested as an end-member hypothesis. A map of crustal thickness distribution is compiled on the basis of a simple model of Airy isostasy and global Venus topography. An assessment is then made of the significance of crustal thickness variations in explaining the topography of Venus. It is found that the distinctive unimodal hypsometric curve could be explained by: (1) a crust of relatively uniform thickness (most likely 10–20 km thick) comprising over 75% of the surface, (2) local plateaus (tessera) of thickened crust (about 20–30 km) forming less than 15% of the surface, (3) regions of apparent crustal thicknesses of 30–50 km (Beta, Ovda, Thetis, Atla Regiones and Western Ishtar Terra) forming less than 10% of the surface and showing some geologic evidence of crustal thickening processes (these areas can be explained on the basis of geologic observations and gravity data as combinations of thermal effects and crustal thickening), and (4) areas in which Airy isostasy predicts crustal thicknesses in excess of 50 km (the linear orogenic belts of Western Ishtar Terra, less than 1% of the surface).It is concluded that Venus hypsometry can be reasonably explained by a global crust of generally similar thickness with variations in topography being related to (1) crustal thickening processes (orogenic belts and plateau formation) and (2) local variations in the thermal structure (spatially varying thermal expansion in response to spatially varying heat flow). The most likely candidates for the formation and evolution of the crust are vertical differentiation and/or lateral crustal spreading processes. The small average crustal thickness (10–20 km) and the relatively small present crustal volume suggest that if vertical crustal growth processes are the dominant mechanism of crustal growth, than vertical growth has not commonly proceeded to the point where recycling by basal melting or density inversion will occur, and that therefore, rates of crustal production must have been much lower in the past than in recent history. Crustal spreading processes provide a mechanism for crustal formation and evolution that is consistent with observed crustal thicknesses. Crustal spreading processes would be characterized by higher (perhaps more Earth-like) crustal production rates than would characterize vertical differentiation processes, and crust created earlier in the history of Venus and not now observed (missing crust) would be accounted for by loss of crust through recycling processes. Lateral crustal spreading processes for the formation and evolution of the crust of Venus are interpreted to be consistent with many of the observations derived from presently available data. Resurfacing through vertical differentiation processes also clearly occurs, and if it is the major contributor to the total volume of the crust, then very low resurfacing rates are required.Although thermal effects on topography are clearly present and important on both Venus and the Earth, the major difference between the hypsometric curves on Earth (bimodal) and Venus (unimodal) is attributed primarily to the contrast in relative average thickness of the crust between the two terrains on Earth (continental/oceanic; 40/5 km = 35 km, 8:1) and Venus (upland plateaus/lowlands; about 30/15 km = 15 km, 2:1) (35 – 20 km = a difference of 20 km). The Venus unimodal distribution is thus attributed primarily to the large percentage of terrain with relatively uniform crustal thickness, with the skewness toward higher elevations due to the relatively small percentage of crust that is thickened by only about a factor of two. The Earth, in contrast, has a larger percentage of highlands (continents), whose crust is thicker by a factor of eight, on the average, leading to the distinctive bimodal hypsometric curve.Data necessary to firmly establish the dominant type of crustal formation and thickening processes operating and to determine the exact proportion of the topography of Venus that is due to thermal effects versus crustal thickness variations include: (1) global imaging data (to determine the age of the surface, the distribution and age of regions of high heat flux, and evidence for the nature and global distribution of processes of crustal formation and crustal loss), and (2) high resolution global gravity and topography data (to model crustal thickness variations and thermal contributions and to test various hypotheses of crustal growth).'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

The present study focuses both on the influence of impact scale on ejecta expansion and on specific features of ejecta deposits around relatively small craters (i.e., those a few kilometers in width). The numerical model is based on the SOVA multimaterial multidimensional hydrocode, considering subaerial vertical impacts only, applying a 2‐D version of the code to projectiles of 100, 300, and 1000 m diameter. Ejecta can roughly be divided into two categories: “ballistic” ejecta and “convective” ejecta; the ballistic ejecta are the ejecta with which the air interacts only slightly, while the convective ejecta motion is entirely defined by the air flow. The degree of particle/air interaction can be defined by the time/length of particle travel before deceleration. Ejecta size‐distributions for the impacts modeled can be described by the same power law, but the size of maximum fragment increases with scale. There is no qualitative difference between the 100 m diameter projectile case and the 300 m diameter projectile impact. In both cases, fine ejecta decelerate in the air at a small distance from launching point and then rise to the stratosphere by air flows induced by the impacts. In the 1000 m‐scale impact, the mass of ejecta is so large that it moves the atmosphere itself to high altitudes. Thus, the atmosphere cannot decelerate even the fine ejecta and they consequently expand to the rarefied upper atmosphere. In the upper atmosphere, even fine ejecta move more or less ballistically and therefore may travel to high altitudes.  相似文献   

W.W. Mullins 《Icarus》1978,33(3):624-629
A previous analysis of a stochastic model of lunar-type impact cratering is extended to utilize geological age data by defining a more general statistic Ωi(t) to be the number of equivalent whole craters of original diameter di and age ≤t in an observational area A; each crater is taken to be equivalent to the fraction of its rim (or area) that is in A and not occluded by later craters. By integration of a new gain-loss differential equation, a generalization of the previous basic equation is obtained that relates the expected value ωi(t) = E[Ωi(t)] to the process functions specifying the size distribution and flux of craters (primary or secondary) as they form. The results are specialized to the plausible case in which the cratered body can be subdivided into geological provinces of increasing ages t1, t2, …, ti … and the size probability distribution can be approximated as constant within each of the periods ti+1 - ti. It is shown that use of the Ωi permits, in principle, a reconstruction of the historical values of the process functions and correctly compensates for the effect of overlap by removing the false bias favoring large craters that results from the usual method of crater counting. Possible generalizations of the gain-loss equation are indicated.  相似文献   

The terrestrial impact record contains currently ~145 structures and includes the morphological crater types observed on the other terrestrial planets. It has, however, been severely modified by terrestrial geologic processes and is biased towards young ( 200 Ma) and large ( 20 km) impact structures on relatively well-studied cratonic areas. Nevertheless, the ground-truth data available from terrestrial impact structures have provided important constraints for the current understanding of cratering processes. If the known sample of impact structures is restricted to a subsample in which it is believed that all structures 20 km in diameter (D) have been discovered, the estimated terrestrial cratering rate is 5.5±2.7 × 10–15km–2a–1 for D 20 km. This rate estimate is equivalent to that based on astronomical observations of Earth-crossing bodies. These rates are a factor of two higher, however, than the estimated post-mare cratering rate on the moon but the large uncertainties preclude definitive conclusions as to the significance of this observation. Statements regarding a periodicity in the terrestrial cratering record based on time-series analyses of crater ages are considered unjustified, based on statistical arguments and the large uncertainties attached to many crater age estimates. Trace element and isotopic analyses of generally siderophile group elements in impact lithologies, particularly impact melt rocks, have provided the basis for the identification of impacting body compositions at a number of structures. These range from meteoritic class, e.g., C-1 chondrite, to tentative identifications, e.g., stone?, depending on the quality and quantity of analytical data. The majority of the identifications indicate chondritic impacting bodies, particularly with respect to the larger impact structures. This may indicate an increasing role for cometary impacts at larger diameters; although, the data base is limited and some identifications are equivocal. To realize the full potential of the terrestrial impact record to constrain the character of the impact flux, it will be necessary to undertake additional and systematic isotopic and trace element analyses of impact lithologies at well-characterized terrestrial impact structures.  相似文献   

The terrestrial impact record contains currently ~145 structures and includes the morphological crater types observed on the other terrestrial planets. It has, however, been severely modified by terrestrial geologic processes and is biased towards young (≤ 200 Ma) and large (≥ 20 km) impact structures on relatively well-studied cratonic areas. Nevertheless, the ground-truth data available from terrestrial impact structures have provided important constraints for the current understanding of cratering processes. If the known sample of impact structures is restricted to a subsample in which it is believed that all structures ≥ 20 km in diameter (D) have been discovered, the estimated terrestrial cratering rate is 5.5±2.7 × 10?15km?2a?1 for D ≥ 20 km. This rate estimate is equivalent to that based on astronomical observations of Earth-crossing bodies. These rates are a factor of two higher, however, than the estimated post-mare cratering rate on the moon but the large uncertainties preclude definitive conclusions as to the significance of this observation. Statements regarding a periodicity in the terrestrial cratering record based on time-series analyses of crater ages are considered unjustified, based on statistical arguments and the large uncertainties attached to many crater age estimates. Trace element and isotopic analyses of generally siderophile group elements in impact lithologies, particularly impact melt rocks, have provided the basis for the identification of impacting body compositions at a number of structures. These range from meteoritic class, e.g., C-1 chondrite, to tentative identifications, e.g., stone?, depending on the quality and quantity of analytical data. The majority of the identifications indicate chondritic impacting bodies, particularly with respect to the larger impact structures. This may indicate an increasing role for cometary impacts at larger diameters; although, the data base is limited and some identifications are equivocal. To realize the full potential of the terrestrial impact record to constrain the character of the impact flux, it will be necessary to undertake additional and systematic isotopic and trace element analyses of impact lithologies at well-characterized terrestrial impact structures.  相似文献   

This article presents fractal analyses of 28 outflow margins from 18 Venusian impact craters. The fractal dimensions of the second parts of R-plots of the outflow outlines were measured by a three-step method. The fractality values for the same outflow measured from images which have only a small difference in resolution are very similar, while large differences in image resolution may result in differences in fractality, possibly due to the fact that we are actually studying geological processes on different scales. The outflows were classified into three general categories: single outflows, multiple outflows and outflow fields. Three conclusions were drawn on the relations between fractality and crater diameter, which may be related to the greater effects caused by the immediate local environment on the outflows from small craters than on those from larger craters. Investigation of the relations between the regional topography and fractality indicates that there are substantially less effects on outflows originating from large craters than on those from small craters. The smooth bending in the R-plot and the higher D-value for the multiple outflows could result from the mixing of various fractal or non-fractal units. When comparing our results with the fractality of terrestrial lava flows, outflows from craters of diameter greater than 50 km seem to resemble aa-type lava flows in their fractal dimensions and outflows from craters of diameter below 50 km tend to be more pahoehoe-like. This preliminary result is based on 28 outflows, however, and the pattern should be investigated more carefully by further more extensive work.  相似文献   

The relation between gravity anomalies, topography and volcanism can yield important insights about the internal dynamics of planets. From the power spectra of gravity and topography on Earth, Venus and Mars we infer that gravity anomalies have likely predominantly sources below the lithosphere up to about spherical harmonic degree l=30 for Earth, 40 for Venus and 5 for Mars. To interpret the low-degree part of the gravity spectrum in terms of possible sublithospheric density anomalies we derive radial mantle viscosity profiles consistent with mineral physics. For these viscosity profiles we then compute gravity and topography kernels, which indicate how much gravity anomaly and how much topography is caused by a density anomaly at a given depth. With these kernels, we firstly compute an expected gravity-topography ratio. Good agreement with the observed ratio indicates that for Venus, in contrast to Earth and Mars, long-wavelength topography is largely dynamically supported from the sublithospheric mantle. Secondly, we combine an empirical power spectrum of density anomalies inferred from seismic tomography in Earth’s mantle with gravity kernels to model the gravity power spectrum. We find a good match between modeled and observed gravity power spectrum for all three planets, except for 2?l?4 on Venus. Density anomalies in the Venusian mantle for these low degrees thus appear to be very small. We combine gravity kernels and the gravity field to derive radially averaged density anomaly models for the Martian and Venusian mantles. Gravity kernels for l?5 are very small on Venus below ≈800 km depth. Thus our inferences on Venusian mantle density are basically restricted to the upper 800 km. On Mars, gravity anomalies for 2?l?5 may originate from density anomalies anywhere within its mantle. For Mars as for Earth, inferred density anomalies are dominated by l=2 structure, but we cannot infer whether there are features in the lowermost mantle of Mars that correspond to Earth’s Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs). We find that volcanism on Mars tends to occur primarily in regions above inferred low mantle density, but our model cannot distinguish whether or not there is a Martian analog for the finding that Earth’s Large Igneous Provinces mainly originate above the margins of LLSVPs.  相似文献   

We compare three previously independently studied crater morphologies - excess ejecta craters, perched craters, and pedestal craters - each of which has been proposed to form from impacts into an ice-rich surface layer. Our analysis identifies the specific similarities and differences between the crater types; the commonalities provide significant evidence for a genetic relationship among the morphologies. We use new surveys of excess ejecta and perched craters in the southern hemisphere in conjunction with prior studies of all of the morphologies to create a comprehensive overview of their geographic distributions and physical characteristics. From these analyses, we conclude that excess ejecta craters and perched craters are likely to have formed from the same mechanism, with excess ejecta craters appearing fresh while perched craters have experienced post-impact modification and infilling. Impacts that led to these two morphologies overwhelmed the ice-rich layer, penetrating into the underlying martian regolith, resulting in the excavation of rock that formed the blocky ejecta necessary to armor the surface and preserve the ice-rich deposits. Pedestal craters, which tend to be smaller in diameter, have the same average deposit thickness as excess ejecta and perched craters, and form in the same geographic regions. They rarely have ejecta around their crater rims, instead exhibiting a smooth pedestal surface. We interpret this to mean that they form from impacts into the same type of ice-rich paleodeposit, but that they do not penetrate through the icy surface layer, and thus do not generate a blocky ejecta covering. Instead, a process related to the impact event appears to produce a thin, indurated surface lag deposit that serves to preserve the ice-rich material. These results provide a new basis to identify the presence of Amazonian non-polar ice-rich deposits, to map their distribution in space and time, and to assess Amazonian climate history. Specifically, the ages, distribution and physical attributes of the crater types suggest that tens to hundreds of meters of ice-rich material has been episodically emplaced at mid latitudes in both hemispheres throughout the Amazonian due to obliquity-driven climate variations. These deposits likely accumulated more frequently in the northern lowlands, resulting in a larger population of all three crater morphologies in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

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