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为了解商业类不同功能公共场所室内甲醛浓度水平及其对从业人员的健康影响,于近几年在对北京市3个百货商场、1座燃香寺庙、6个有燃烧源的餐饮场所及3个服装批发市场属于商业类的公共场所室内甲醛浓度水平测试的基础上,对比分析了不同场所内的甲醛浓度水平和影响因素后,采用健康风险评价方法对场所中从业30年工作人员的非致癌风险和致癌风险进行了评价.结果 表明:1)不同功能公共场所中服装批发市场的甲醛污染最为严重,平均浓度达到了0.137 rmg/m3,其次为百货商场C,平均浓度为0.115 mg/m3;2)6个燃烧源餐饮场所、3个百货商场和1座燃香寺庙的甲醛浓度总平均值均未超过标准限值0.1 mg/m3,分别为0.093、0.080和0.073 mg/m3,但是不同场所内某些区域存在不同程度的超标,如商场A和B中的儿童娱乐区甲醛平均浓度达到了0.13 mg/m3和0.12 mg/m3,燃香寺庙香炉处的甲醛平均浓度达到了0.36 mg/m3;3)不同功能公共场所空气中的甲醛暴露会对从业30年的工作人员产生非致癌风险(危害系数HQ>1)和致癌风险(癌症风险CR>1×10-6),且男性的致癌风险大于女性;其中测试的服装批发市场甲醛致癌风险最高,男性为1.64× 10-4,女性为1.54×10-4.故,近几年所测部分商业类公共场所均存在不同程度的甲醛污染,且会对从业人员产生潜在的健康风险.  相似文献   

室内燃香烟雾空气污染特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文测定了燃香后室内空气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的数量浓度、质量浓度及甲醛浓度,分析了燃香烟雾对室内空气的污染特征,并且对燃香颗粒物的粒度分布采用分形维数进行了定量表征。结果表明:燃香后室内空气颗粒总数和质量浓度的最高值分别约为背景值的21倍和38倍,甲醛浓度最高达到了0.33mg/m3;燃香对室内空气颗粒数的影响主要集中在0.02~1.0μm粒径段,小于0.3μm的超细颗粒物所占PM10的百分比最高达到了99.94%,燃香颗粒物粒度分布分形维数的变化范围为2.57~2.73;燃香所引起的室内空气颗粒物和甲醛污染均在120min内难以彻底衰减。  相似文献   

利用TE-20-800型8级分级采样器采集焦作市燃煤电厂区、文教生活区、商业区和交通区大气颗粒物,通过重量法求出不同粒径颗粒物的质量浓度,研究可吸入颗粒物粒径分布特征和质量浓度分布特征发现:焦作市各功能区中可吸入颗粒物粒径分布呈现"两边凸中间凹"的趋势,峰值位置出现在5.8μm10.0μm和2.110.0μm和2.10.43μm处;研究区空气中PM10浓度均高于国家空气质量二级标准(PM10浓度的日平均值为0.15 mg/m3),与我国新制定的PM2.5日均浓度限值相比(0.075mg/m3),文教生活区、交通区、商业区PM2.5浓度分别为其2.22、1.02、1.66倍,燃煤电厂区低于此标准。  相似文献   

本文采用TSI AM-510型智能防爆粉尘检测仪和TSI Aero Trak TM 8220型激光粒子计数器对北京市西城区三个服装市场的室内、室外PM10的质量浓度和数量浓度进行了现场测试,并评价可吸入颗粒物的浓度水平和污染特征,分析室内外颗粒物之间的相关性及其影响因素。结果表明:1PM10是服装市场室外大气及室内环境的主要污染物。服装市场在室外颗粒物PM10质量浓度超标的情况下(0.15 mg/m~3),室内颗粒物PM10与标准相比的合格率为30%,在室外PM10质量浓度0.15 mg/m~3的情况下,室内PM10的合格率为92.2%。2服装市场室内外颗粒物浓度水平之间存在密切的相关性。室外颗粒物是室内颗粒污染的主要来源,室内颗粒物浓度随室外浓度变化而变化,且吸烟和人员活动是服装市场可吸入颗粒物的重要室内污染源。3对于颗粒物数量浓度比,室内室外PM1/PM10、PM2.5/PM10、PM1/PM2.5的比值都在0.99以上,表明可吸入颗粒物中的绝大部分都是粒径小于2.5μm的可吸入肺颗粒物,对人体健康具有更大危害。  相似文献   

为调研武汉市地铁的乘车环境,对地铁2号线出口处、地下站台及车厢进行空气污染物浓度的监测与分析。结果表明:地铁站台及车厢环境内温湿度状况良好,CO浓度较低。但苯、TVOC浓度总体偏高,颗粒物PM2.5、PM10浓度超标较为严重。其中,高人群密度车厢内的空气质量最差,PM2.5、CO2、TVOC的浓度平均值分别达到0.198 mg/m3、1326 ppm、2.050 ppm,均超过国家相关标准。此外,地铁站台出入口处的PM2.5平均浓度最高,达到0.49 mg/m3,超过国家标准5.5倍,出入口处的颗粒物浓度过高会加重站内颗粒物污染。通过结果分析,车厢内合理加大通风量和出入口处安置风幕有利于改善地铁环境。  相似文献   

长沙市某大学教室内外空气品质调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对长沙市某大学校园内三栋教学楼教室内外的空气品质进行了实地测量调查。在室内和室外同时对空气温度(Ta)、相对湿度(RH)、空气流速(V)以及二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和甲醛(HCH0)等的浓度参数进行了测量。实地测量时间为2004年3月和4月两个月。测量结果显示CO2和PM10为典型大学教室中污染最为严重的两项指标:CO2的最高和平均浓度分别高达0.3229/0和0.1997%,而中国国家标准为0.100%。造成如此严重污染的主要原因是通风不足以及教室内人员密度过大;教室内PM10的最大和平均浓度分别为0.16mg/m^3和0.13mg/m^3,通过实验分析得出在室内人员密度不是非常大的情况下,室内PM10主要来自室外环境;而人员密度大到一定程度时,室内人员活动与PM10浓度则显示出了一定的正相关性。本文所测的其他污染指标均符合国家标准要求。并且在结论中也提出了一些解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

燃香颗粒物是室内主要污染之一,为了解其排放状况,首次在环境舱内对大陆7种燃香颗粒物的排放特征进行了表征。研究结果表明:1)燃香产生的主要是细颗粒物PM_(2.5),且PM_(2.5)在PM_(10)中的占比在97.2%以上;2)燃香颗粒物PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)排放速率分别为35.130~131.020 mg/h和36.908~140.270 mg/h,PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的排放因子分别为6.950~34.600mg/g和7.311~37.040 mg/g;3)环保无烟卫生香和环保无烟正檀香的颗粒物排放因子低于细线香和柏香但高于红藏香,其环保标识基本合理;4)利用燃香颗粒物排放速率预测单室内PM_(2.5)的质量浓度显示出换气次数由1次/h增到3次/h和5次/h后,颗粒物PM_(2.5)的浓度明显降低,且衰减时间由4个多小时缩到不足1小时。以上表明一般自然通风房间燃香时细颗粒物浓度高且暴露时间长,不利人体健康。故在室内燃香时通过开窗通风或机械通风的方式加大换气次数来减少燃香污染。  相似文献   

目的了解某市铁路口岸旅检大厅空气质量现状,为提高和改善口岸空气质量提供科学依据。方法对铁路口岸的2个旅检大厅各取4个点每月进行一次监测。监测指标包括温度、相对湿度、风速、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)、甲醛、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、空气细菌总数、噪声、照度。结果温度监测均值超过卫生标准,部分监测点的相对湿度、噪声、照度超过国家卫生标准,超标率分别为38.54%、15.62%、11.46%。入境厅CO浓度均值高于出境厅,噪声低于出境厅,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。春季平均温度高于其它季节,且夏秋季高于冬季;春季监测的相对湿度最高,春夏秋冬4个季节依次降低;春夏季平均风速均高于秋冬季;春季甲醛平均浓度高于夏秋冬季;春夏季的PM10平均浓度分别高于秋冬季,且秋季低于冬季;冬季噪声平均值低于春夏秋季;春夏季平均照度低于秋冬季节,且差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论温度、相对湿度、噪声、照度是铁路口岸需要重视的空气卫生问题。  相似文献   

北京四合院可吸入颗粒物浓度测试分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苏雅璇  赵彬 《建筑科学》2008,24(4):19-23
本文测定了北京四合院内4户人家室内空气中可吸入颗粒物的计数浓度,分析了粒径分布,并考察了影响四合院室内可吸入颗粒物污染的不同因素。实验表明,空气内可吸入颗粒以细颗粒为主,粒径小于2.5μm的颗粒物占97%以上,煤球炉是四合院内空气中可吸入颗粒物污染的重要来源。  相似文献   

大气颗粒物是指液体和固体微粒均匀地分散在空气中形成的相对稳定的悬浮体系。按照空气动力学当量直径分为总悬浮颗粒物(TSP,空气动力学当量直径≤100μm)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10,空气动力学当量直径≤10μm)、细颗粒物(PM2.5,空气动力学当量直径≤2.5μm)及超细颗粒物(PM1.0,空气动力学当量直径≤1.0μm)等。  相似文献   

Incense burning is an important indoor source of airborne particles. In this study, the emission factors of PM2.5 and its chemical constituents emitted from six different brands of incense sticks were determined. Controlled experiments were conducted to measure the mass concentration of PM2.5 and to determine its chemical composition (elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), metals, and ions). Measurements showed that the emissions vary for different brands of incense sticks, with smokeless incense sticks emitting the least amount. PM2.5 emission factors range from 0.4 (smokeless incense stick) to 44.5 mg/g. Results also show that the amount of metals emitted is highly dependent on the quantity of metals present in the incense sticks. In addition, the information obtained from the controlled experiments is used to predict the concentration of PM2.5 at incense smoke-influenced microenvironments, such as temples and homes, in order to assess the potential indoor exposure during the course of incense burning. Comparison with indoor air quality guidelines suggests that inhalation of incense smoke can pose adverse health impacts.  相似文献   

In a religious context incense is used for a variety of reasons in various cultures, usually for the purposes of healing or purification. In traditional Chinese religion, incense and incense objects are essential for making a connection with spiritual beings as well as establishing and maintaining religious communities. For Chinese religious practitioners, burning incense opens up communication with deities, and incense ash is required to found new temples. Through pilgrimage, incense is used to demarcate the territory of a deity and maintain relationships between temple communities. Chinese communities have also had a long history of forming voluntary associations, religious and otherwise, that have been organized around the use of incense objects. This article examines the use of incense in traditional Chinese religion, how incense objects are used to build and maintain communities, and how incense acts as a tangible bridge between the spiritual and material.  相似文献   

We present the mechanistic-based exposure and risk models, appraised with reported empirical data, to assess how the human exposure to airborne particulate matters (PMs) and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during heavy incense burning episodes in temples. The models integrate size-dependent PM levels inside a temple from a published exploratory study associated with a human expiratory tract (HRT) model taking into account the personal exposure levels and size distributions in the HRT. The probabilistic exposure profiles of total-PAH levels inside a temple and internal PAHs doses are characterized by a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model with the reconstructed dose-response relationships based on an empirical three-parameter Hill equation model, describing PAHs toxicity for DNA adducts formation and lung tumor incidence responses in human white blood cells and lung. Results show that the alveolar-interstitial (AI) region has a lower mass median diameter (0.29 microm) than that in extrathoracic (ET(1), 0.37 microm), brochial (BB, 0.36 microm) and bronchiolar (bb, 0.32 microm) regions. The 50% probability (risk=0.5) of exceeding the DNA adducts frequency (DA(f)) ratio of 1.28 (95% CI: 0.55-2.40) and 1.78 (95% CI: 0.84-2.95) for external exposure of B[a]P and B[a]P(eq), respectively. The 10% (risk=0.1) probability or more of human affected by lung tumor is approximately 7.62x10(-5)% (95% CI: 3.39x10(-5)-1.71x10(-4)%) and 3.87x10(-4)% (95% CI: 1.72x10(-4)-8.69x10(-4)%) for internal exposure of B[a]P and B[a]P(eq), respectively. Our results implicate that exposure to smoke emitted from heavy incense burning may promote lung cancer risk. Our study provides a quantitative basis for objective risk prediction of heavy incense burning exposure in temples and for evaluating the effectiveness of management.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) may cause adverse health effects. However, PCDD/F emissions from burning incense in temples have rarely been addressed. This study investigates PCDD/F emissions from burning incense in a temple. The mean total PCDD/F concentrations were 72.4-82.2 pg Nm− 3 at two indoor sites; their corresponding mean total PCDD/Fs I-TEQ concentrations (0.24-0.27 pg I-TEQ Nm− 3) were ~ 11 times that at a background location. In air samples collected from burning incense, OCDFs accounted for approximately 90% of total PCDD/Fs at the two indoor sites and an outdoor site near the temple, while the major PCDD/Fs in incense ash were PCDDs. The total PCDD/F content and toxic equivalent value of incense ash were 617 pg g− 1 and 1.55 pg I-TEQ g− 1, respectively. At the three sites inside/outside the temple, the air and ash samples contained the same four primary PCDD/Fs-OCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD, OCDF and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF. The Cl emission factor, which is related to the PCDD/F formation, from burning incense was 0.454 mg g− 1. The resultant lifetime average daily dose and cancer risk for temple workers were 0.00964 pg I-TEQ day− 1 kg− 1 and 9.64 × 10− 6, respectively, approximately 2 times that for residents near the temple (0.00489 pg I-TEQ day− 1 kg− 1 and 4.89 × 10− 6, respectively). We suggest that the chlorine content in incense must be regulated, and the high risk of PCDD/F exposure from burning incense for temple workers and visitors should be of concern.  相似文献   

Lung SC  Kao MC  Hu SC 《Indoor air》2003,13(2):194-199
Burning incense to worship Gods and ancestors is a traditional practice prevalent in Asian societies. This work investigated indoor PM10 concentrations resulting from incense burning in household environments under two conditions: closed and ventilated. The exposure concentrations of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were estimated. The factors of potential exposure were also evaluated. Under both conditions, samples were taken at three locations: 0.3, 3.5 and 7 m away from the altar during three periods: incense burning, the first 3 h, and the 4-6 h after cessation of combustion. PAH concentrations of incense smoke were assessed in the laboratory. Personal environment monitors were used as sampling instruments. The results showed a significant contribution of incense burning to indoor PM10 and particulate PAH concentrations. PM10 concentrations near the altar during incense burning were 723 and 178 microg/m3, more than nine and 1.6 times background levels, under closed and ventilated conditions, respectively. Exposure concentrations of particle-bound PAHs were 0.088-0.45 microg/m3 during incense burning. On average, PM10 and associated PAH concentrations were about 371 and 0.23 microg/m3 lower, respectively, in ventilated environments compared with closed conditions. Concentrations were elevated for at least 6 h under closed conditions.  相似文献   

Y. C. Chen  W. C. Ho  Y. H. Yu 《Indoor air》2017,27(4):746-752
Incense burning is a popular cultural and religious practice, but whether exposure to incense smoke has effects on lung function is unclear. We investigated association between lung function and incense burning exposure and other household exposures in adolescents who participated in a mass asthma‐screening program. Information on asthmatic status and associated factors was obtained from parent‐completed questionnaires and student‐completed video questionnaires. Approximately 10% of students received lung function examinations. Valid lung function data of 5010 students aged 14‐16 years in northern Taiwan were analyzed. Forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory flow in 1 second (FEV1) were compared by incense burning status and other types of exposures for adolescents. Overall, 70.6% of students were exposed to incense smoke at home. The mean FVC and FEV1 measures were lower among adolescents with daily exposure to incense burning than those without such exposure (P<.05). Sharing bedroom was also associated with decreased FVC and FEV1. After controlling for confounding factors, multivariable linear regression analysis with generalized estimation equation showed that FVC was negatively associated with daily exposure to incense burning, sharing a bedroom, and living in a house adjacent to a traffic road. Such associations were also observed in FEV1. Daily exposure to incense burning is associated with impaired adolescent lung function.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of indoor sources including Chinese-style cooking, incense burning, cleaning, and people's moving on indoor particle size distributions and concentrations and calculated the personal exposure dose rates in the human respiratory tract (HRT) using time-activity and indoor and outdoor particle size distribution data collected from a traditional Taiwanese residence in central Taiwan region. We applied a simple size-dependent indoor air quality model associated with a compartmental lung model to determine the source emission rates and exposure dose. Cooking and incense burning had size-integrated source emission rates of 0.042+/-0.024 (mean+/-S.D.) and 0.038+/-0.026 particles s(-1), respectively. Cooking and incense burning were significant contributors to indoor particle levels for particle sizes from 0.5 to 5 microm in that the percent contributions to indoor concentrations were 0.334+/-0.02 and 0.267+/-0.035, respectively. Our results demonstrated that extrathoracic (ET) region had higher average PM mass lung/indoor ratio (0.77) than that of bronchial (BB) (0.52), bronchiolar (bb) (0.27) and alveolar-interstitial (AI) (0.14) regions from both cooking and incense burning events. The average integrated deposition dose rates (particles cm(-2) h(-1)) of 24.11 in ET, 4.68 in BB, and 7.89 in bb were higher than that of 0.011 in AI for both cooking and incense burning events. This research illustrates that exposure assessment based on time-activity and real-time behavior of particle data can provide valuable information on the fate of indoor particles and hazard to human health.  相似文献   

Field investigations of target air pollutants at two of the most famous temples in Hong Kong were conducted. The air pollution problems in these two temples during peak and non-peak periods were characterized. The target air pollutants included particulate matters (PM(10), PM(2.5)), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbonyl compounds, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), methane (CH(4)), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and inorganic ions (Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), Na(+), NH(4)(+), and K(+)). The pollutant levels of the two temples during peak period were shown to be significantly higher than those during non-peak period. The highest average CO level was obtained at Temple 1 during peak period, which exceeded IAQO 8-h Good Class criteria. In general, the average PM(2.5)/PM(10) ratios were approximately 82%. The results revealed that the fine particulates (PM(2.5)) constituted the majority of suspended particulates at both temples. It was noted that formaldehyde was the most abundant carbonyl compounds, followed by acetaldehyde. At Temple 1 during peak period, the average benzene concentration exceeded almost 8 times more than Indoor Air Quality Objectives for Office Buildings and Public Places (IAQO) [HKEPD, 2003. Guidance notes for the management of indoor air quality in offices and public places. Indoor air quality management group, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.] Good Class criteria. The average OC/EC ratios ranged from 2.6 to 17 in PM(10) and from 4.2 to 18 in PM(2.5) at two temples, which suggested that OC measured in these two temple areas may be due to both direct emission from incense burning and secondary formation by chemical reactions. The total mass of inorganic ions, organic carbon, and elemental carbon accounted for about 71% in PM(2.5) and 72% in PM(10).  相似文献   

香道作为山地寺院园林外部山林自然环境最重要的部分,具有森林康养的特点,对人体身心健康产生影响,同时其寺院导览、酝酿宗教情绪等功能亦会对人心理状态产生一定影响。对杭州永福寺、虎跑寺2座城市山地寺院香道景观的空气负离子浓度、PM2.5、温度、湿度等环境康养因子指标进行测量,基于标准规范,评价单因子的康养效益,分析不同康养因子间的相关性。通过主成分分析将环境因子分为3个主成分,计算各主成分得分,加权求和计算香道景观环境康养因子综合得分并进行评价;通过状态焦虑量表及POMS量表反映人群游览香道前后心理状态变化,评价香道景观对人心理恢复的效果。结果表明,不同季节下香道景观环境康养因子对健康均有积极影响;空气负离子浓度与环境温湿度呈显著正相关,与PM2.5呈显著负相关,共同影响香道景观环境的综合康养效益;永福寺香道景观环境康养综合评价得分高于虎跑寺;香道景观及其佛教文化氛围对人心理状态的变化有积极影响。  相似文献   

Characterization of emissions from burning incense   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The primary objective of this study was to improve the characterization of particulate matter emissions from burning incense. Emissions of particulate matter were measured for 23 different types of incense using a cyclone/filter method. Emission rates for PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter) ranged from 7 to 202 mg/h, and PM2.5 emission factors ranged from 5 to 56 mg/g of incense burned. Emission rates were also determined using an electrical low pressure impactor (ELPI) and a small electrostatic precipitator (ESP), and emission rates were compared to those determined using the cyclone/filter method. Emission rates determined by the ELPI method were consistently lower than those determined by the cyclone/filter method, and a linear regression correlation was found between emission rates determined by the two methods. Emission rates determined by the ESP method were consistently higher than those determined by the cyclone/filter method, indicating that the ESP may be a more effective method for measuring semivolatile particle emissions. A linear regression correlation was also found between emission rates determined by the ESP and cyclone/filter methods. Particle size distributions were measured with the ELPI, and distributions were found to be similar for most types of incense that were tested. Size distributions by mass typically ranged from approximately 0.06 to 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter, with peak values between 0.26 and 0.65 microm. Results indicated that burning incense emits fine particulate matter in large quantities compared to other indoor sources. An indoor air quality model showed that indoor concentrations of PM25 can far exceed the outdoor concentrations specified by the US EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), so incense smoke can pose a health risk to people due to inhalation exposure of particulate matter. Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) were also measured for seven types of incense. Emission rates of the gaseous pollutants were sufficient to cause indoor concentrations, estimated using the indoor air quality model, to exceed the outdoor concentrations specified by the NAAQS under certain conditions. However, the incense samples that were tested would fill a room with thick smoke under these conditions.  相似文献   

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