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In this paper,we develop and analyze several inter-cell interference modeling methods for cellular network.The models can analyze multiple interfering signals under different fading scenarios.Incoherent addition of summing multiple interfering signals is assumed.We propose an approximate method that uses the generalized Gram-Charlier series to analyze the error of the reference model.The approximate method is not only simple but also with neglectable errors.The methods proposed could be very useful in practical system design and analysis.  相似文献   

该文提出了CDMA网络规划的线性建模方法。该方法用线性方程组对 CDMA系统进行建模,并可用迭代的方法求解,该文同时给出了模型的仿真结果,仿真结果表明,该方法具有较高的准确性,完全可以用于对实际网络的规划,同时,该方法便于用计算机实现,可以作为规划软件的算法模型。  相似文献   

倪锐  周武旸  卫国 《通信学报》2010,31(7):33-39
将无线蜂窝网建模为一个网络演算系统,基于该网络模型提出了一套分析业务与网络匹配的新方法,解决了无线蜂窝网与各种具有不同有效带宽和时延要求的业务类型之间的匹配问题,为未来通信系统中新业务的应用提供了设计参考.  相似文献   

为提高计算任务卸载的效率,提出了一种基于D2D通信、移动边缘计算和云计算的分层任务卸载框架,并引入D2D协作中继技术辅助用户接入远端计算资源。针对所提任务卸载框架在多用户场景中可能存在上行通信拥塞、边缘计算资源受限、D2D复用干扰和云计算回程时延等问题,设计了一种基于博弈论的卸载调度和负载均衡方案,充分利用了所提任务卸载框架中各层计算和通信资源。仿真结果表明,所提方案能够有效降低端到端时延和卸载能耗,并在资源受限的条件下具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

Wireless network operators are continuously enhancing their networks by deploying newly developed wireless technologies. In order to reduce the deployment costs, the operators try to reuse as many components of the existing networks as possible. This includes the possibility of reusing base station sites in order to reduce costs such as site rental, site acquisition, and backhaul connectivity. In this paper, we model the problem of base station co-siting as a nested mixed integer optimization problem in order to optimize target objectives that are a function of performance and cost. The formulated problem takes as input an area of interest with existing fixed sites and obtains as output the optimal number and locations of required sites including newly deployed and co-sited with the fixed sites. The goal is to minimize the deployment cost of the new network by reusing as many existing sites of the existing network as possible while guaranteeing that the outage probability is below a target threshold. We propose and implement an algorithm to solve the formulated optimization problem as a function of the mobile station distribution and the existing fixed site locations. A UMTS/GSM co-siting scenario is used as a case study in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Results show that the optimal solution depends on the mobile station distribution and the existing sites in addition to a threshold parameter that provides a tradeoff between the deployment cost and the outage probability.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the optimization of the design and radio network resource planning for cellular mobile communication systems. The key element to be considered for mobile network planning is cost. A hierarchical optimization planning method (HOP) is utilized since there are so many factors like system performance, terrain features, base station parameters, and cost factors which are involved in the large-scale system design. We present a three-level optimization approach for designing a cellular mobile system. It determines the cell number, cell site allocation, and the specific base station parameters in order to minimize the total system cost and to comply with the required system performance. The problem is formulated as a large combinatorial optimization model which can determine the optimal number of cells and select the best base stations' locations. The simulated annealing approach is developed to solve the hard combinatorial problem. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the HOP approach for radio network planning  相似文献   

针对目前TD-LTE覆盖研究的不足,介绍2种TD-LTE覆盖分析的方法。详细介绍覆盖规划中涉及的参数取值,重点分析如何确定资源块数目和配置各信道发射功率。最后,举例各信道的覆盖结果并进行分析。研究成果对TD-LTE大规模建网有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

文章主要从智能配电网的内涵入手,针对配电网现阶段的运行管理情况进行全面说明,详细分析和介绍了智能配电网技术在配电网规划中的实践应用情况。  相似文献   

The effective management of access networks presents challenges which are not found in other sectors of the telecommunications network. The approaches being developed for the management modeling of access networks allow systems with different technologies and from different vendors to be managed in a uniform way. The functional architecture used for SDH can be generalized so that it is applicable to access networks, and this forms the basis of the modeling of their logical functionality. Technology-specific models of the various elements can be integrated into a technology-independent network model, and the physical resources and logical structure can be modeled to simplify repairs and improve inventory management. The development of standards for the management of the access network is an evolutionary process, but sufficient standards are now in place in order to achieve a useful level of functionality over a Q3 interface. Developing solutions that take advantage of the initial telecommunications management network (TMN) standards allows experiences to be fed back into the standards bodies to generate a more complete set of standard specifications, leading to the goal of access network management as part of a totally integrated TMN  相似文献   

We develop and analyze several inter-cell interference modeling methods for various fading scenarios in wireless systems. The models can analyze multiple interfering signals under different fading scenarios. Incoherent addition of multiple interfering signals is assumed. In this paper, we present two approaches, i.e., the approximate and exact analysis methods to calculate the probability density function (PDF) of the power of the interference signals. We propose the use of the generalized Gram-Charlier Series to analyze the error of the reference model. Although the computational complexity of exact analysis is high, it can be used to ensure the accuracy of the approximate analysis method. Hermite polynomials are used to simplify the integration operation into the summation operation, thus reduces the computational complexity of the exact method dramatically. The approximate method is simple although it may lead to increased errors. The methods proposed are useful in designing and analyzing practical systems.  相似文献   

What is network planning?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

@@@@电网建设与城市总体规划矛盾日益显现,为此需要在城市总体规划中预留出电力设施建设用地,在城市规划总图上定出配电房及主要电力通道等电力设施的位置和用地规模,并对其用地加以规划预控,合理利用土地资源,化解因土地资源紧张而制约电网快速发展的矛盾,进一步加强电力设施的建设以满足社会经济发展的需要。@@@@本文以顺德西部马冈专项规划为例子阐述电力专项规划的方法及步骤。规划负荷预测为基础,划分为供电区域,选择合适的网络结构,推行新的技术。最后向政府提出建议,电力规划与城市规划同步进行,并纳入市政的总规。  相似文献   

苗青  严学良 《电讯技术》2000,40(1):72-76
蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)是一种在窝电话网(如AMPS)的频谱上使用的移动分组数据技术。CDPD的特点是可通过信道跳转利用蜂窝小区中的任何空闲信道,而不影响下层蜂窝系统的话音业务。本文概述了CDPD无线接口的主要功能层,分别介绍了物理层、数据链路层和相关子网汇聚协议的评义和功能特性,并强调了2个重要的方向--媒质接入过程和信道跳转过程。  相似文献   

网络规划主要包括覆盖的规划、容量的规划、质量的规划、基站址的选择、硬件的配置、频率的安排、参数的设置等。黑河GSM网一期开始至今因为站址设置的不合理,已搬迁基站22个,并且在2002年GSM六期扩容中增加的新站多为1-1-1站型,主要解决低端用户的需求。结果工程刚刚结束,就有8、9个小区出现严重的拥塞,只好又从超闲小区上拆下载波板对之进行扩容,造成了人力、物力、资金的巨大浪费。实践证明,网络设计规划得好,站点布局、站高、天馈线选择合理,硬件配置准确、参数设置正确,其后的网络优化工作就能事半功倍,网络就会处于良性…  相似文献   

IP核心网的BGP增量规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
BGP协议的研究是目前IP核心网中的一个研究热点,对IP核心网的规划有重要意义.随着网络通信业务的广泛应用,越来越多的通信网络无法满足日益增长的业务需求.除了不断建设新的网络,还需要对旧网络进行改造.而对IP核心网的增量规划的研究对于旧网络向IP核心网的改造具有重要的指导作用.本文首先分析了IP核心网的上BGP协议的组...  相似文献   

马骁  盛敏  张琰  李渝舟 《通信学报》2012,33(Z2):153-159
针对蜂窝网用户在高速数据传输时能耗过高的问题,基于认知蜂窝网络模型,提出了一种通过合理利用认知网络资源进行多网络并发传输的最大能效传输策略。该策略利用多模终端可以同时接入不同网络进行并发传输的特点,建立用户能效模型,并通过研究并发传输时不同网络可用信道状态、能耗和数据传输速率之间的关系,得出使用户能效最大的认知网络资源使用和数据传输速率分配算法。仿真结果表明,该最大能效策略能够有效提升用户的能效。  相似文献   

Hierarchical architectures in the third-generation cellular network   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Third-generation wireless communication faces the challenges of rapidly increasing mobile user demand against limited radio bandwidth. Splitting cells into smaller cells can reduce the frequency reuse distance to improve network capacity within a certain area. Other than increasing the cost of the fixed infrastructure, cell splitting also causes the problem of increasing handoff rate and event the handoff failure rate when high-speed users roam in the network. To solve this problem, larger cells are overlaid on these smaller cells, and different classes of users (usually classified by speed) are initially assigned to the proper types of cells (i.e., proper tiers). We call this kind of cellular network a hierarchical cellular network. In this study, we review the different design techniques in the hierarchical architecture and some analytical tools to study the performance of these designs.  相似文献   

Location area planning and cell-to-switch assignment in cellular networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Location area (LA) planning plays an important role in cellular networks because of the tradeoff caused by paging and registration signalling. The upper boundary for the size of an LA is the service area of a mobile services switching center (MSC). In that extreme case, the cost of paging is at its maximum but no registration is needed. On the other hand, if each cell is an LA, the paging cost is minimal but the cost of registration is the largest. Between these extremes lie one or more partitions of the MSC service area that minimize the total cost of paging and registration. In this paper, we seek to determine the location areas in an optimum fashion. Cell to switch assignments are also determined to achieve the minimization of the network cost. For that purpose, we use the available network information to formulate a realistic optimization problem, and propose an algorithm based on simulated annealing (SA) for its solution. Then, we investigate the quality of the SA-based technique by comparing it to greedy search, random generation methods, and a heuristic algorithm.  相似文献   

LTE业务快速发展对运营商网络的容量规划工作提出了全新挑战,本文给出了一种基于区域栅格的容量规划方法,对不同区域的用户行为进行差异化分析,并加入了四网协同对容量规划方案的考量,以提升方案的全面性和准确性;最后对规划方案落地时的四网协同策略也做了针对性分析。  相似文献   

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