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中国海洋碳循环生物地球化学过程研究的主要进展(1998-2002)   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
阐述了1998-2002年期间中国海洋碳循环及其生物地球化学过程研究的3个主要进展部分:(1)海-气二氧化碳通量过程;(2)海水中碳及其生物地球化学循环;(3)入海河流流域土壤和沉积物在海洋碳循环中的作用;海洋与陆家容纳了近一半人类排放的二氧化碳,另外的50%被释放到大气中,海洋在缓和二氧化碳温室效应方面的作用不言而喻的,海洋储有的碳主要以无机碳的碳酸盐(CO3^2-)和碳酸氢盐(HCO3^-)的形式存在。海洋生态系统通过生物泵的作用驱动大气CO2进入海洋,在表面混合层中,由于生物的光合作用,CO2不断被转化成有机碳和生物碳酸盐,并进一步从表层CO2向深层转移,形成了海洋碳循环的主要途径,海洋水体中碳循环过程受到河口与近海碳的形态,转化,分布,迁移和生物生产过程等影响,海洋生物泵明显影响着海洋对空气中CO2的容量,春季和冬季东中国海皆为大气二氧化碳的汇,夏季皆为二氧化碳的源,秋季渤海与北黄海为二氧化碳的汇,南黄海与东海是二氧化碳的源。入海河流流域土壤,非入海河流流域的土壤和海洋沉积物在碳的来源,分布,含量以其迁移循环中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国近海生态动力学模型参数敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In order to develop a coupled basin scale model of ocean circulation and biogeochemical cycling,we present a biogeochemical model including 12 components to study the ecosystem in the China coastal seas(CCS).The formulation of phytoplankton mortality and zooplankton growth are modified according to biological characteristics of CCS.The four sensitivity biological parameters,zooplankton assimilation efficiency rate(ZooAE_N),zooplankton basal metabolism rate(ZooBM),maximum specific growth rate of zooplankton(μ_(20)) and maximum chlorophyll to carbon ratio(Chl2C_m) are obtained in sensitivity experiments for the phytoplankton,and experiments about the parameter μ_(20'),half-saturation for phytoplankton NO_3 uptake(K_(NO_3)) and remineralization rate of small detritusN(SDeRRN) are conducted.The results demonstrate that the biogeochemical model is quite sensitive to the zooplankton grazing parameter when it ranges from 0.1 to 1.2 d~(-1).The K_(NO_3) and SDeRRN also play an important role in determining the nitrogen cycle within certain ranges.The sensitive interval of KNO_3 is from 0.1 to 1.5(mmol/m~3)~(-1),and interval of SEdRRN is from 0.01 and 0.1 d~(-1).The observational data from September 1998 to July 2000 obtained at SEATS station are used to validate the performance of biological model after parameters optimization.The results show that the modified model has a good capacity to reveal the biological process features,and the sensitivity analysis can save computational resources greatly during the model simulation.  相似文献   

中国近海海温年际年代际振荡关键海区分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用HADLEY中心的HadISST的海温资料、NCEP的大气资料、国家气象局发布的74个月平均环流指数和美国华盛顿大学的PDO指数,讨论研究了中国近海海温的年际年代际振荡。通过对我国近海海温的EOF分析,可以发现我国近海30 N附近是海温年际年代际振荡信号最强的关键区,它占了总量的58.2%,与澳大利亚东北沿海海温年代际振荡有相同的周期,最明显周期是44—45年,滞后PDO信号近15年左右。该关键区海温与澳大利亚东北沿海海温都还存在1年、5年和15年的振荡,它们的相关系数达到0.604,属于同一个模态。另外,1年的海温振荡信号除了澳大利亚东北沿岸以外,还沿着西太平洋海岸线分布,因此中国近海海温年际年代际振荡不是一种局地现象,而与太平洋海温变化有关。另外,它是海气相互作用的结果,与中高纬度的东亚大槽和低纬度太平洋印度洋的风场、西太平洋副高和南海副高、大气温度场甚至南半球环流有明显的关系。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国近海13个海洋站1959年~2003年逐日日平均海表温度及其相关数据的处理分析,结合中国近海多年逐日天气实况,研究了中国近海水温的短时(1d)、过程、旬、月、年际变率以及海温的长期趋势变化,并在此基础上详细讨论了影响中国近海各时间尺度水温变化的天气气候因素.  相似文献   

本文系统性地总结了第四纪黑潮源区沉积物的源-汇过程、主要控制因素及其碳循环效应方面的最新研究进展.基于不同学科的综合性指标研究结果一致表明:黑潮源区的碎屑沉积物主要来源于附近的吕宋岛和大陆架及远端的亚洲东部沙漠.在轨道、千年和百年等不同时间尺度上两者对研究区的物质输入主要与海平面高度和东亚季风强度相关,并最终受控于高、...  相似文献   

珊瑚虫-虫黄藻共生系统碳循环研究的若干进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述并分析了珊瑚虫-虫黄藻共生系统碳循环研究的进展,主要包括珊瑚共生系碳的来源、碳利用机制及其碳循环的影响因素等.其中,珊瑚共生系碳循环的主要影响因素包括物理因素(光照和温度)、化学因素(CO2分压、营养盐、污染物)和生物因素(珊瑚共生系的营养方式),这些因素通过影响珊瑚共生系的生理活动(呼吸作用、光合作用和钙化作用)来影响其碳循环.最后提出碳循环的一些研究重点:1)珊瑚虫-虫黄藻共生系统碳循环对全球气候变化的响应;2)珊瑚虫-虫黄藻共生系统碳循环影响因素的耦合研究,从细胞和分子水平开展碳循环的影响机理研究;3)采用微传感器技术和叶绿素荧光技术,并加强它们在珊瑚虫-虫黄藻共生系统碳循环中的应用;4)珊瑚共生系呼吸作用对有机碳循环影响的研究,特别是呼吸作用、光合作用及钙化作用三者之间的相互作用对珊瑚共生系内部碳循环的影响机制.  相似文献   

潘玉龙  李瑞香  李艳  孙萍 《海洋通报》2012,31(2):207-213
通过研究在中国近海海域鉴定出25种裸甲藻,但发现其中许多种的中文名在国内文献中不统一,不规范,有些甚至曲解了有效拉丁名的原意。该研究对中文名使用不规范、争议较多或者在国内尚未报道过的共13种裸甲藻的发现历史,拉丁属名与种名的确立以及修定过程做出描述,结合有效拉丁名的中文释义和物种的形态特征,按照具体的中文名修订与命名原则,给出一个科学的、能准确表明其分类地位的中文种名。另外12种裸甲藻的中文名在国内的使用相对准确且较统一,最后将25种中国近海裸甲藻的有效拉丁名以及中文名进行了汇总。  相似文献   

使用卫星测高、海表温度以及中国沿海台站水位等数据,分析研究了ENSO对中国近海海平面影响的区域特征。结果表明:(1)赤道东太平洋海表温度与我国近海海平面存在显著的遥相关关系。相关系数自北至南呈梯度递增,分为3个影响明显的区域,分别是渤、黄海、东海和南海海域。南海海平面异常与赤道东太平洋区域的海表温度异常相关性最强,大部分区域的相关系数超过了0.6;东海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数弱于南海,强于渤、黄海,大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.4;渤、黄海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数最弱,但是大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.3,通过了显著性检验。(2)中国沿海海平面的季节变化与ENSO有明显的相关关系,且影响范围具有明显的区域特征,以长江口和台湾海峡为分界线分为长江口以北、长江口到台湾海峡以及台湾海峡以南3个区域。海平面的年振幅在厄尔尼诺年均出现偏低的现象,并且年振幅的极小值均出现在厄尔尼诺年。另外,海平面的年振幅对厄尔尼诺事件的响应与其强弱有关,在强厄尔尼诺事件中,响应区域和幅度较大,弱事件中,响应区域和幅度偏小。(3)南海、东海和渤、黄海这3个区域沿海的海平面变化均存在4~7 a的显著振荡周期,说明这3个区域的海平面均受ENSO的影响。其中,南海7 a周期的振荡幅度最大,约为1.5 cm;东海7 a周期的振荡幅度次之,约为1.3 cm;渤、黄海6 a周期的振荡幅度最小,不到1 cm。  相似文献   

中国对虾雌虾的心率及有关影响因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年4月初在青岛近海捕成熟中国对虾雌虾,观察其在产卵期间的心率变化以及惊扰、温度、光照等条件对其心率的影响。结果表明,成熟雌虾的心率在静态时约为38-75次/min,且与温度呈正相关;在受到惊扰时,心率急剧升至为静态水平的1.5倍,约30min后回落到静态水平,产有2-4h,雌虾心率开始逐渐升高,产卵时达到130-150次/min,约为静态心率的2-3倍,产卵后2-4h回落到静态水平,光心率  相似文献   

近海的生态环境问题态势严峻。在机制上,普遍认为富营养化是导致近海环境恶化的主导因子,但实际上,营养盐的结构失衡对近海生态环境问题的产生可能起到了更重要的作用。目前关于营养盐结构失衡的主导因素和机制尚缺乏全面系统的研究。本文基于对已有数据和文献资料的整合分析发现,由于存在强烈的人类活动影响,中国近海营养盐结构失衡问题较过去更为突出,且可能引发潜在“磷消耗”问题,其影响在某种程度上较传统意义上的磷限制要强,并进而产生深远的生态环境效应。据此提出,今后相关的研究应该特别关注河流流域-近海环境变化和它们之间的内在关联,阐明控制近海营养盐浓度、形态、分布和结构的关键生物地球化学过程,量化近海氮与磷的滞留机制与效率,揭示浮游植物群落结构变化与营养盐结构失衡和磷消耗的耦合关系及其生态效应等,最终制定中国入海河流与近海氮磷协同控制的适应性管理措施。  相似文献   

中国近海现场海洋观测系统设计评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑞文  叶冬 《海洋通报》2012,31(2):121-130
中国科学院正在发展一个在中国近海(包括黄海、东海和南海)现场海洋观测系统。观测系统包括3个沿岸观测站点、4个近海离岸浮标和由观测船只按固定航线做的船舶观测断面。观测站点、浮标和断面的位置已经预先确定,这个计划在2008-2011实施。利用基于卡尔曼理论的样本集合方法对这样一个能够监测大尺度的季节和年季变率的观测系统设计进行了评估。根据卡尔曼滤波理论,用集合样本的方法能够给出经过同化这个观测系统位置的观测资料后能够减少多少分析误差和分析场的不确定性。用2个来自不同模式、不同分辨率的模式的结果作为集合样本来计算静态的背景误差协方差,这2套样本分别是来自分辨率是0.5°×0.5°的模式同化结果和高分辨0.125°×0.125°的模式结果。由这2个不同资料得到的结果是一致的。发现来自3个近岸和4个离岸浮标得到的观测能够有效地减少SST在渤海、黄海、东海和南海中部的分析误差。然而在越南东部和台湾东部海域,分析误差减少的百分比相对要小。最后,给出了中国近海最优的观测位置序列设计。  相似文献   

为了快速而有效地对中国边缘海区沉积物中的酸可溶硫化物(AVS)进行研究,冷扩散法被引入。用冷扩散法提取不同体积硫化物溶液中的AVS,所得到的AVS含量与所加溶液体积的相关性较好,说明此方法具有较好的提取效果。在中国边缘海不同典型海域的浅表层沉积物中,利用冷扩散法对AVS进行了分析:胶州湾李村河口AVS的浓度在0.4~120.1μmol/g之间;南黄海西北部陆架在0~11.1μmol/g之间;南海北部陆坡一柱状样沉积物中多数样品<1μmol/g。结果显示不同典型海域沉积物中AVS的分布差别较大,符合不同环境沉积物中AVS含量的一般规律。因此冷扩散法作为一种有效的AVS提取方法,值得在研究中使用与推广。  相似文献   

河流-河口-近海连续体(简称连续体)是连接陆地和大洋的过渡地带,也是目前全球碳收支估算的薄弱环节.这个复杂的海陆交互生态系统不仅可以通过光合作用、溶解作用吸收大气中的CO2,陆地和流域光合作用或化学风化作用固定的碳也可以被横向输送到陆架和大洋中.本文以国际上著名的切萨皮克湾以及长江-长江口-东海等为例,综述了连续体碳循...  相似文献   

Past changes in the Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas have been profound, even during the last 10,000 years. Understanding these changes, such as those occurring during the transition from glacial to interglacial climates, are important for research on modern processes, because this knowledge provides a framework and unique perspective in which to view the modern physical and biological processes. This paper discusses our current understanding of past environmental change and processes relative to those currently in progress. Special emphasis is placed on the most recent transition from a glacial state to the modern interglacial conditions.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the abundance of microorganisms of different environmental and trophic groups in the seawater of several aquatic areas of Far Eastern seas under the conditions of integrated organic contamination was carried out. It was shown that, although marine microorganisms are characterized by polyresistance to a great variety of contaminants, their responses are individual for each of the kinds of pollutants. By the results of microbial indication, the environmental quality in the areas of the greatest ecological stresses at the Pacific Ocean coasts was estimated. These areas were the coasts of Sakhalin Island in the oil production region, the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Avacha Bay region, the southern Primor’e within the impact zone of the Tumannaya River runoff, and Zolotoi Rog Bight located in the central part of the city of Vladivostok. On the basis of the data concerning the microbial indication of the contamination of the aquatic areas studied with oil hydrocarbons, phenols, and nutrients, the applicability of this method to the express estimation of the quality of coastal seawaters and to the short-term forecast of the changes that proceed under the complicated organic contamination was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Thorium-234 and particle composition (organic matter, biogenic silica, carbonate and lithogenic component) were examined in the East China Sea (ECS) and the northern South China Sea (NSCS) in order to constrain the particle types scavenging thorium isotopes. Good positive correlations between particulate organic matter (POM) or carbonate and thorium-234 in suspended particulate matter (SPM) indicates that POM and carbonate are efficient to scavenge thorium-234. No relationship between biogenic silica and thorium-234 suggests that geochemical behavior of thorium-234 may be not influenced by biogenic silica. A simple model was used to evaluate the affinity of thorium-234 to different particle components. The results show that POM is the most efficient scavenger for thorium-234 in the ECS and the NSCS, followed by carbonate. The authors'' results lend support to the utility of thorium-234 as a proxy of POC and carbonate in the upper layer. However, the strong dependence of thorium scavenging on particle composition challenges thorium-230 as a constant flux proxy.  相似文献   

The magnitude and geographical distribution of the error in the Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO) altimetry data associated with tidal correction around Asian marginal seas has been revealed. The errors were evaluated by harmonic analysis of the AVISO corrected sea surface heights data (CorSSH). Errors of more than 15 cm of tidal correction were recognized in the western and northern parts of the Yellow Sea, Celebes Sea, Kuril Islands, and the northwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea. It was found that the CorSSH and sea level anomaly (SLA) data downloaded from the AVISO are not available for direct use in those marginal seas. To reduce the tidal correction error, the harmonic constants calculated from the latest tide model and regional tide model were applied as the tidal correction of the Altimetry data. The tidal errors in the Yellow Sea and the northwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea were reduced by approximately 20 cm and 10 cm, respectively. Root mean square differences between the harmonic constants derived from tide models and those derived from altimetry data were calculated. The root mean square differences were large in the Yellow and the Okhotsk Seas. Root sum squares for four principal tidal constituents in the Yellow and East China Seas and Okhotsk Sea were 7.72 cm and 8.36 cm, respectively.  相似文献   

中国区域滨海湿地固碳能力研究现状与提升   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国滨海湿地的固碳能力进行了评估,同时,对其固碳能力的遥感监测和评估方法进行了总结和分析,最后提出了滨海湿地固碳能力的提升技术。全球看来,我国滨海湿地的固碳能力总体上不高。国内看来,在北方泥炭地和植被覆盖率高,生长茂盛的区域,尤其是有红树林生长的区域固碳能力相对较高。滨海湿地主要分布在潮间带,人为监测困难,卫星遥感的出现为滨海湿地的监测带来很大方便,遥感监测已成为评估湿地固碳能力的一种高时效方法。滨海湿地固碳蕴藏着巨大潜力,提升滨海湿地的固碳能力可以大大降低全球CO2含量,对于改善全球温室效应有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

Thorium-234 and particle composition (organic matter, biogenic silica, carbonate and lithogenic component) were examined in the East China Sea (ECS) and the northern South China Sea (NSCS) in order to constrain the particle types scavenging thorium isotopes. Good positive correlations between particulate organic matter (POM) or carbonate and thorium-234 in suspended particulate matter (SPM) indicates that POM and carbonate are e.cient to scavenge thorium-234. No relationship between biogenic silica and thorium-234 suggests that geochemical behavior of thorium-234 may be not in.uenced by biogenic silica. A simple model was used to evaluate the a.nity of thorium-234 to di.erent particle components. The results show that POM is the most e.cient scavenger for thorium-234 in the ECS and the NSCS, followed by carbonate. The authors’ results lend support to the utility of thorium-234 as a proxy of POC and carbonate in the upper layer. However, the strong dependence of thorium scavenging on particle composition challenges thorium-230 as a constant .ux proxy.  相似文献   

Based on data on the concentration of noble metals (Au, Ag, Pt, Os, Ir, and Ru) in bulk samples of ferromanganese crusts, the presence of inclusions of micro- and nanosized grains of Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt, often with impurities of other elements, as well as their chaotic distribution, three sources of incorporation of these metals into ore crusts of Far Eastern seas are suggested: seawater, postvolcanic gas–hydrothermal fluids, and hydrothermal plumes. The presence of grains of platinoids and gold in ferromanganese crusts on only some mounts may result from peculiarities in the formation of volcanic rocks on the ancient continental basement.  相似文献   

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