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While the availability of large-scale online recipe collections presents opportunities for health consumers to access a wide variety of recipes, it can be challenging for them to discover relevant recipes. Whereas most recommender systems are designed to offer selections consistent with users’ past behavior, it remains an open problem to offer selections that can help users’ transition from one type of behavior to another, intentionally. In this paper, we introduce health-guided recipe recommendation as a way to incrementally shift users towards healthier recipe options while respecting the preferences reflected in their past choices. Introducing a knowledge graph (KG) into recommender systems as side information has attracted great interest, but its use in recipe recommendation has not been studied. To fill this gap, we consider the task of recipe recommendation over knowledge graphs. In particular, we jointly learn recipe representations via graph neural networks over two graphs extracted from a large-scale Food KG, which capture different semantic relationships, namely, user preferences and recipe healthiness, respectively. To integrate the nutritional aspects into recipe representations and the recommendation task, instead of simple fusion, we utilize a knowledge transfer scheme to enable the transfer of useful semantic information across the preferences and healthiness aspects. Experimental results on two large real-world recipe datasets showcase our model’s ability to recommend tasty as well as healthy recipes to users.  相似文献   

多语言神经机器翻译利用单一的编码器-解码器模型对多种语言之间的翻译同时进行建模.多语言神经机器翻译不仅能够促进关联语言之间的知识迁移,提高低资源语言的翻译质量,并且能够实现未见语言对之间的翻译.现有多语言神经机器翻译仍然存在语言多样性建模能力不足和未见语言对翻译质量不佳的问题.为此,首先在现有的适配器模型基础上提出变维...  相似文献   

在推荐系统中,利用图卷积网络等方法提取图的高阶信息缓解了冷启动问题。为了在此基础上融合神经网络协同过滤的深层特征提取能力,提出一种基于图卷积的双通道协同过滤推荐算法(GCNCF-2C)。首先,将推荐问题分为上游任务和下游任务;其次,在上游任务中,预训练编码器利用包含残差的一维卷积层和多个图卷积层在两个独立通道中对节点特征和图高阶特征进行分离提取,形成节点的特征表示;最后,解码器通过节点特征进行评级预测,进行端到端的训练。在数据集MovieLens-100K和MovieLens-1M上的实验表明,该算法相比于基线模型在两个数据集上的RMSE指标平均提高1.72%和1.76%,MAE指标平均提高2.7%和1.98%,同时在基于用户和项目的冷启动实验中RMSE指标平均提高5.9%,具有更好的综合性能。  相似文献   

Sharing sustainable and valuable knowledge among knowledge workers is a fundamental aspect of knowledge management. In organizations, knowledge workers usually have personal folders in which they organize and store needed codified knowledge (textual documents) in categories. In such personal folder environments, providing knowledge workers with needed knowledge from other workers’ folders is important because it increases the workers’ productivity and the possibility of reusing and sharing knowledge. Conventional recommendation methods can be used to recommend relevant documents to workers; however, those methods recommend knowledge items without considering whether the items are assigned to the appropriate category in the target user’s personal folders. In this paper, we propose novel document recommendation methods, including content-based filtering and categorization, collaborative filtering and categorization, and hybrid methods, which integrate text categorization techniques, to recommend documents to target worker’s personalized categories. Our experiment results show that the hybrid methods outperform the pure content-based and the collaborative filtering and categorization methods. The proposed methods not only proactively notify knowledge workers about relevant documents held by their peers, but also facilitate push-mode knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

针对传统的知识推荐算法存在用户冷启动和冷门物品推荐的问题,提出了一种基于三部图网络结构的知识推荐算法。在计算相似度时引入网络结构中的度,综合考虑项目的度和权值及标签的度和权值对推荐算法的影响。实验结果表明,该算法提高了推荐的个性化和多样性,有效地解决了用户冷启动和冷门物品推荐的问题,改善了推荐效果。  相似文献   

预测用户对物品的行为中,准确的物品推荐是推荐系统的困难问题。为了提高推荐系统的推荐精度,引入物品的推荐潜力,提出一种新颖的融合物品推荐潜力的个性化混合推荐模型。首先根据最近短时间段和最近长时间段的物品访问率计算趋势动量,然后利用趋势动量计算出当前物品的推荐潜力值,最后将物品推荐潜力值融入到个性化推荐模型中得到混合推荐模型。实验证明,融合了物品推荐潜力值的个性化趋势预测,能较大地提高推荐系统的推荐精度。  相似文献   

Knowledge is a critical resource that organizations use to gain and maintain competitive advantages. In the constantly changing business environment, organizations must exploit effective and efficient methods of preserving, sharing and reusing knowledge in order to help knowledge workers find task-relevant information. Hence, an important issue is how to discover and model the knowledge flow (KF) of workers from their historical work records. The objectives of a knowledge flow model are to understand knowledge workers’ task-needs and the ways they reference documents, and then provide adaptive knowledge support. This work proposes hybrid recommendation methods based on the knowledge flow model, which integrates KF mining, sequential rule mining and collaborative filtering techniques to recommend codified knowledge. These KF-based recommendation methods involve two phases: a KF mining phase and a KF-based recommendation phase. The KF mining phase identifies each worker’s knowledge flow by analyzing his/her knowledge referencing behavior (information needs), while the KF-based recommendation phase utilizes the proposed hybrid methods to proactively provide relevant codified knowledge for the worker. Therefore, the proposed methods use workers’ preferences for codified knowledge as well as their knowledge referencing behavior to predict their topics of interest and recommend task-related knowledge. Using data collected from a research institute laboratory, experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid methods and compare them with the traditional CF method. The results of experiments demonstrate that utilizing the document preferences and knowledge referencing behavior of workers can effectively improve the quality of recommendations and facilitate efficient knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

杨武  唐瑞  卢玲 《计算机应用》2016,36(2):414-418
针对基于内容的新闻推荐方法中用户兴趣多样性的缺乏问题和混合推荐方法存在的冷启动问题,提出一种基于内容与协同过滤融合的方法进行新闻推荐。首先利用基于内容的方法发现用户既有兴趣;再用内容与行为的混合相似度模式,寻找目标用户的相似用户群,预测用户对特征词的兴趣度,发现用户潜在兴趣;然后将用户既有兴趣与潜在兴趣融合,得到兼具个性化和多样性的用户兴趣模型;最后将候选新闻与融合模型进行相似度计算,形成推荐列表。实验结果显示,与基于内容的推荐方法相比,所提方法的F-measure和整体多样性Diversity均有明显提高;与混合推荐方法相比,性能相当,但候选新闻无需耗时积累足够的用户点击量,不存在冷启动问题。  相似文献   

ContextOpen source development allows a large number of people to reuse and contribute source code to the community. Social networking features open opportunities for information discovery, social collaborations, and improved recommendations of potential collaborators.ObjectiveOnline community and development platforms rely on social network features to increase awareness and attention among community members for improved collaborations. The objective of this work is to introduce an approach for recommending relevant users to follow. Follower networks provide means for informal information propagation. The efficiency and effectiveness of such information flows is impacted by the network structure. Here, we aim to understand the resilience of networks against random or strategic node removal.MethodSocial network features of online software development communities present a new opportunity to enhance online collaboration. Our approach is based on the automatic analysis of user behavior and network structure. The proposed ‘who to follow’ recommendation algorithm can be parametrized for specific contexts. Link-analysis techniques such as PageRank/HITS provide the basis for a novel ‘who to follow’ recommendation model.ResultsWe tested the approach using a GitHub-based dataset. Currently, users follow popular community members to get updates regarding their activities instead of maintaining personal relations. Thus, social network features require further improvements to increase reciprocity. The application of our ‘who to follow’ recommendation model using the GitHub dataset shows excellent results with respect to context-sensitive following recommendations. The sensitivity of GitHub’s follower network to random node removal is comparable with other social networks but more sensitive to follower authority based node removal.ConclusionLink-based algorithm can be used for context-sensitive ‘who to follow’ recommendations. GitHub is highly sensitive to authority based node removal. Information flow established through follower relations will be strongly impacted if many authorities are removed from the network. This underpins the importance of ‘central’ users and the validity of focusing the ‘who to follow’ recommendations on those users.  相似文献   

为了提升基于事件的社交网络(EBSN)中社交事件的推荐效果,提出了融合用户历史行为和社交关系的个性化社交事件推荐方法.首先采用深度学习技术从用户的历史行为以及用户之间的潜在社交关系两个方面建立用户模型;然后在对用户偏好建模时,引入用户偏好的负向量表示,并使用注意力权重层根据不同的候选推荐事件为用户历史行为中不同的事件和...  相似文献   

一种柔性的电子商务推荐系统*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首先概述了电子商务推荐系统的相关研究工作,指出目前的推荐系统结构不够灵活、柔性,然后运用柔性理论对电子商务推荐系统进行了柔性分析,进而提出了一个柔性的电子商务推荐系统。该系统通过策略模块去完成推荐需求与实现之间的映射,通过这个映射完成不同的推荐服务。系统的设计遵循构件化的原则,以做到随着策略的改变能够灵活调整。  相似文献   

Events play many roles in computer systems, ranging from hardware interrupts, over event-based software architecture, to monitoring and managing of complex systems. In many applications, however, individual event occurrences are not the main point of concern, but rather the occurrences of certain event patterns. Such event patterns can be defined by means of an event algebra, i.e., expressions representing the patterns of interest are built from simple events and operators such as disjunction, sequence, etc.We propose a novel event algebra with intuitive operators (a claim which is supported by a number of algebraic properties). We also present an efficient detection algorithm that correctly detects any expression with bounded memory, which makes this algebra particularly suitable for resource-constrained applications such as embedded systems.  相似文献   

个性化推荐系统综述   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
信息超载是目前网络用户面临的一个严重问题,个性化推荐系统是解决该问题的一个有力工具,并受到了众多的关注和研究。给出推荐系统的定义,同时阐述了推荐系统的几项关键技术,包括用户建模、推荐对象的建模和推荐算法。后来总结了推荐系统的体系结构和性能评价指标,并尝试给出了推荐系统未来研究的重点、难点和热点问题。  相似文献   

D. W. Singer 《Software》1981,11(5):521-529
Programs in general are concerned with the changing of information. Sometimes it is desirable that some changes be undone, or that the effect of alternative sets of changes be observed. This paper describes a package designed to manage events that effect changes, so that such event management becomes easier to program.  相似文献   

董祥和  张春光 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(12):4104-4106,4150
针对个性化推荐系统规模扩大而引起的实时性差、推荐精度较低等问题,提出了改进的k-均值用户聚类算法,实现对推荐系统中推荐池的压缩,将用户在不同项目簇上的评价差异作为用户距离,采用kruskal最小生成树算法生成初始聚类中心,使得初始中心靠近类中心,这样得到的聚类更符合实际.进行了算法改进前后的实验对比,结果表明,改进的聚...  相似文献   

To satisfy a user’s need to find and understand the whole picture of an event effectively and efficiently, in this paper we formalize the problem of temporal event searches and propose a framework of event relationship analysis for search events based on user queries. We define three kinds of event relationships: temporal, content dependence, and event reference, that can be used to identify to what extent a component event is dependent on another in the evolution of a target event (i.e., the query event). The search results are organized as a temporal event map (TEM) that serves as the whole picture about an event’s evolution or development by showing the dependence relationships among events. Based on the event relationships in the TEM, we further propose a method to measure the degrees of importance of events, so as to discover the important component events for a query, as well as the several algebraic operators involved in the TEM, that allow users to view the target event. Experiments conducted on a real data set show that our method outperforms the baseline method Event Evolution Graph (EEG), and it can help discover certain new relationships missed by previous methods and even by human annotators.  相似文献   

提出一种基于最大频繁序列模式有向图的页面个性化推荐技术,由于考虑了用户会话的页面访问顺序,比一些不考虑页面访问顺序的推荐技术有更高的准确率。有向图结构压缩存储了所有最大频繁序列模式,推荐引擎依据截取的用户最近访问页面子序列,与有向图的部分路径进行匹配并进行横向推荐和纵向推荐,无需在整个模式库中搜索相同或相似的模式,从而加快了模式匹配的速度,更好地满足了页面推荐的特性和实时要求。实验证明,方法是有效的。  相似文献   

目前大多数序列推荐系统(SRS)都假设需要预测的下一项与用户的上一项输入有关,然而真实场景中,用户可能会在浏览过程中误点击与自身兴趣偏好不一致的项目(不可靠实例)。针对此问题,提出了一种基于高斯分布建模的序列推荐算法。该算法首先通过一个含有多头自注意力的不确定性感知图集合网络(uncertainty-aware graph ensemble network,UAN),通过降低输入项的不确定性来提取输入的序列模式;其次将提取的输入序列模式建模为一个高斯分布,得到序列信息中的动态用户偏好以及偏好的不确定性;再将传统的推荐目标函数拓展为一个采样损失函数和一个不确定性正则化器,赋予每个训练实例适当的不确定性;最后将高损失且低不确定性的不可靠实例去除,增强序列推荐的准确性。该算法在三个公开的数据集Book-Crossing、MovieLens-1M和Steam上进行实验测试,结果表明,该算法相对于效果较好的基线取得了5.3%左右的提升,得到了更优的序列推荐结果,并能通过有效降低输入序列信息的不确定性,从而提升推荐准确率。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,旅游已成为一项普遍的休闲活动,进而推动了旅游推荐方面技术的研究。与传统推荐系统相比,除了考虑游客和旅游产品的相关特征之外,旅游推荐系统的推荐质量在很大程度上受到位置、时间、天气、游客社交群体等上下文信息的影响。本文首先给出上下文感知旅游推荐系统的总体框架;然后对位置、时间、游客社会化网络和多维上下文等4类典型的上下文信息在旅游推荐系统中的应用进行了详细考察,并对综合应用各种上下文信息的旅游推荐系统进行了分析;从旅游推荐产品的角度对推荐系统进行分类考察;最后讨论了上下文感知旅游推荐系统目前面临的重点和难点问题,指出下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

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