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随着云计算技术的不断发展,越来越多的企业采用OpenStack来构建私有云或公有云平台.云平台正逐步替代传统服务器,用来承载着企业和用户的IT业务.为了保证云平台的服务质量,本文基于OpenStack的报警功能接口——Ceilometer Alarm API设计和实现了对于云平台虚拟机监控报警功能的交互操作页面.通过使用该功能,用户可以监控虚拟机运行时的性能状态,保证云平台的可靠运行.  相似文献   

针对省级气象部门日常网络业务运行监控的实际需要,采用AJAX网页开发技术和jQuery EasyUI富客户端软件技术进行了气象网络实时探测综合管理系统的开发与设计,实现了网络实时状态监视、网络故障隐患排查、链路故障定位、网络日志登记、网络监控数据统计和分析等综合管理功能。业务运行结果表明:该系统功能实用、操作简单、响应快捷、展示方式灵活,首次实现了省级气象部门网络监控与网络管理单一入口的便捷式集约化用户管理平台。  相似文献   

龚平  冯在文 《计算机应用》2014,34(7):2115-2123
当前,企业的业务活动受到越来越多的来自政府法律法规、行业标准及自身内控制度的规范约束。如何确保支撑企业业务活动的过程感知系统是合规的已成为信息系统(IS)研究领域的热点问题。确保过程模型的合规性是实现过程感知系统的合规性的重要前提。针对过程设计阶段过程模型的合规性,扩展前期关于语义标注过程模型的可执行性分析的工作,提出了基于标注的合规性验证方法。方法包括:合规性规则模式的标注表达式生成和基于合规性标注的过程模型的可执行性分析方法。合规性标注表达式描述了规则所关联的活动及其相应的合规性约束,对合规性验证的调试及运行时合规性检测评估能起到有效的支持作用;合规性标注的过程模型的可执行分析方法是利用满足性求解器对合规性信息标注后的过程模型是否可执行进行求解。通过银行开户的流程案例,证明了上述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

监控设备大规模安装和应用带来了运维困难的问题.本文研发了一个通用运维管理平台,平台通过前端状态采集装置获取监控设备运行时产生的各种状态信息;平台的运维管理系统汇总、存储状态信息,并提供监控、统计、分析、报警等管理功能以支持运维业务;平台的可视化展示子系统对状态信息进行可视化渲染呈现,为系统运维提供智能化的支持.状态采集装置模块化和冗余设计使得设备具有通用性、可扩展性、高可靠性和易维护性.状态信息具有时序数据特征,运维管理系统使用InfluxDB存储状态信息,大幅度降低了存储空间需求,并保证了数据查询和管理的性能需求.基于InfluxDB的监控设备通用运维管理平台已在多个用户单位安装试用,运行状态良好,具有很好的经济社会效益和推广价值.  相似文献   

工作流监控是处理工作流运行期各种例外、保证工作流实例正确高效执行的有效方法.基于状态的工作流监控方法不仅可以实时处理实例执行过程中出现的各种例外、消除实例运行的阻塞,并能对任务执行进行必要的干预.但这类监控也经常造成工作流模型及实例的不一致,如不加以调整,会导致后续任务无法执行.在对ADEPT模型及过程实例进行形式化定义基础上,给出用于验证过程模型正确性和过程实例一致性的判定规则;提出一个基于状态的实时监控方法,该方法由一组状态转换原语和过程实例转换算法组成.采用该监控方法并结合上述判定规则,在完成各种监控任务的同时,保证了模型的正确性和过程实例的一致性.最后讨论了原语操作的完备性和一致性.  相似文献   

徐进  黄勃  冯炯 《计算机应用》2017,37(4):1157-1163
在分布式系统中为了满足高性能和吞吐量,一般采用异步消息通信方式,但消息通信没有解决分布式事务不一致问题。针对这个问题,提出建立一致性保障平台,通过这个平台实现最终一致性。首先,使系统满足幂等性以及业务数据与消息生产消费记录强一致性;其次,建立消息监控机制,根据监控规则和消费生产消费记录,判定消息正常还是需要补偿操作或者幂等操作,从而保证分布式系统基于消息通信的最终一致;最后,在整个设计实现过程中采用关注点分离和横向切分的思想与工程化的方法,实现一致性保障平台。通过实验和分析证明比较得出,与异步消息通信相比,分布式消息通信性能更优越;一致性保障平台能及时发现不一致并由系统及时处理,实现最终一致,即可以完全保障系统最终一致性;而且该平台通过平台化的实现方式在应用中可以快速复用到数十个业务系统。由此得出一致性保障平台可以解决分布式交易系统事务最终一致性问题,不仅性能优越而且经济。  相似文献   

随着智能矿山建设的稳步推进和煤炭企业数字化转型的加速实施,煤矿企业用户业务数字化应用需求呈指数式增长,对业务应用开发效率提出更高要求,传统的煤炭行业应用系统开发模式过度依赖专业厂家,实施周期长、实施成本高、资源重复利用率低,难以满足煤矿用户对快速开发业务应用的管理要求。针对上述问题,提出了一种采用“模型驱动”开发模式的智能矿山低代码工业物联网平台设计方案。基于微服务技术设计了包含数据采集层、数据处理层、数据存储层、数据发布层、人机交互与应用层的平台架构,在每个层级运行平台通过解析引擎解析开发平台配置对应的功能;通过设计数据编码与主数据规范、平台内部数据交互规范、平台接口与服务等构建统一技术体系,实现了煤矿作业现场各类物联网监控对象的统一监管;通过开发低代码组件工具箱,将原本在煤矿各类监控系统软件中需要通过定制化开发的系列通用功能和业务逻辑进行统一封装,形成可直接复用的组件,使其可适应煤矿不同类型监控系统应用,为用户提供一个通过拖拽组件和配置参数等方式即可完成智能矿山应用软件开发的可视化开发环境。应用结果表明,该平台可为煤矿监控类系统提供快速开发平台,满足煤矿用户日常提出的紧急定制化任务...  相似文献   

目前监控市场的平台软件,可以分成两大类:一是通用的监控管理平台软件,逐渐演变成用户业务系统中的标准件、中间件;二是除了提供通用的监控业务,同时提供行业特色的业务,形成行业平台软件。  相似文献   

随着气象数值模式预报精度越来精细化,其对高性能计算资源依赖程度也越来越高,因此研发一套高性能计算机系统监控管理平台,不仅是当前业务值班人员的迫切需求,更是保障气象预报业务模式安全稳定运行的重要手段。本文提出并实现了华中区域高性能计算机监控管理平台,该平台系统采用AIX、Linux的shell设计,基于Routrek.granados模块进行操作指令传递,通过直观、形象、智能的方式对所有高性能计算机系统及作业进行监控和管理。在高性能业务值班中极大的提高了值班的工作效率,降低了值班员的工作量。  相似文献   

近年来,随着云计算的兴起和逐步发展,云平台已成为各类企业和机构提供服务的主要方式,为保证云平台高效稳定运行,需要对云平台进行实时监控。针对以上需求,基于开源监控工具Ganglia和Ceilometer,设计并实现了一个多云平台监控系统,提供云平台、物理机和虚拟机中内存、CPU和硬盘等资源使用情况的监控能力,同时,通过物理资源管理、监控策略管理、日志管理和用户管理等功能,提升监控系统的可扩展水平和用户友好程度。最终,实现对多云平台全方位可视化的管理和控制。  相似文献   

In recent years, monitoring the compliance of business processes with relevant regulations, constraints, and rules during runtime has evolved as major concern in literature and practice. Monitoring not only refers to continuously observing possible compliance violations, but also includes the ability to provide fine-grained feedback and to predict possible compliance violations in the future. The body of literature on business process compliance is large and approaches specifically addressing process monitoring are hard to identify. Moreover, proper means for the systematic comparison of these approaches are missing. Hence, it is unclear which approaches are suitable for particular scenarios. The goal of this paper is to define a framework for Compliance Monitoring Functionalities (CMF) that enables the systematic comparison of existing and new approaches for monitoring compliance rules over business processes during runtime. To define the scope of the framework, at first, related areas are identified and discussed. The CMFs are harvested based on a systematic literature review and five selected case studies. The appropriateness of the selection of CMFs is demonstrated in two ways: (a) a systematic comparison with pattern-based compliance approaches and (b) a classification of existing compliance monitoring approaches using the CMFs. Moreover, the application of the CMFs is showcased using three existing tools that are applied to two realistic data sets. Overall, the CMF framework provides powerful means to position existing and future compliance monitoring approaches.  相似文献   

Facilitating compliance management, that is, assisting a company’s management in conforming to laws, regulations, standards, contracts, and policies, is a hot but non-trivial task. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) has evolved traditional, manual business practices into modern, service-based IT practices that ease part of the problem: the systematic definition and execution of business processes. This, in turn, facilitates the online monitoring of system behaviors and the enforcement of allowed behaviors—all ingredients that can be used to assist compliance management on the fly during process execution. In this paper, instead of focusing on monitoring and runtime enforcement of rules or constraints, we strive for an alternative approach to compliance management in SOAs that aims at assessing and improving compliance. We propose two ingredients: (i) a model and tool to design compliant service-based processes and to instrument them in order to generate evidence of how they are executed and (ii) a reporting and analysis suite to create awareness of a company’s compliance state and to enable understanding why and where compliance violations have occurred. Together, these ingredients result in an approach that is close to how the real stakeholders—compliance experts and auditors—actually assess the state of compliance in practice and that is less intrusive than enforcing compliance.  相似文献   

赵海燕  曹健  周晓俊 《计算机科学》2008,35(12):262-264
业务过程管理能够支持企业业务流程优化运行,因而日益成为学术界和工业界研究和开发的重点.目前绝大多数的业务过程管理系统都是在传统的工作流管理系统基础上的扩展,因而具有适应性能力不强等缺点.介绍了一个面向业务过程管理的Agent平台,它包含了Agent的建模工具和运行环境.对该Agent的模型、相关工具和环境的实现方法进行了说明.该平台能够方便地支持面向业务过程管理的Agent的构造,并提供了求解业务问题的能力.  相似文献   

Any enterprise must ensure that its business processes comply with imposed compliance rules. The latter stem, for example, from corporate guidelines, legal regulations, and best practices. In general, a compliance rule may constrain multiple perspectives of a business process, including behavior (i.e. control flow), data, time, resources, and interactions with business partners. As a particular challenge, compliance cannot be completely ensured at design time, but needs to be continuously monitored during process enactment as well, i.e., it has to be dynamically checked whether compliance rules are satisfied or temporarily/permanently violated. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for visually monitoring business process compliance. As opposed to existing approaches, the framework supports the visual monitoring of all relevant process perspectives based on the extended Compliance Rule Graph (eCRG) language. Furthermore, it not only allows for the detection of violations, but additionally highlights their causes. Finally, the framework assists users in both monitoring business process compliance and ensuring the compliant continuation of running business processes. Overall, the framework provides a fundamental contribution towards the real-time monitoring of compliance in process-driven enterprises.  相似文献   

设计并实现了一个通用的多用户、多角色为主体的面向知识密集型协作的业务流程管理平台。在传统的工作流引擎中扩展了基于资源和角色间的约束和关联的元数据描述框架,实现了流程定义级和实例级的用户、角色和资源的动态映射、运行时自适应的动态任务创建和满足角色资源约束和关联的动态任务表单构建。  相似文献   

基于模型驱动的软件集成平台研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前管理软件业务需求快速变化的特点,提出了"以用户为中心"的面向业务的软件集成平台.分析了当前管理软件开发遇到的问题,提出面向业务的软件集成平台(BOSIP)作为求解的基本思想;提出采用模型驱动作为BOSIP的实现技术体系,研究了模型驱动原理,给出了运行期模型驱动观点;根据运行期模型驱动思想,给出BOSIP实现框架;最后针对油气勘探业务领域实现了数据管理平台,对基于运行期模型驱动的BOSIP进行了验证.  相似文献   

在某运输政务管理电子审批平台建设中,引入工作流技术,自主研发一个嵌入式工作流引擎。通过对其审批业务的分析,提出面向电子审批业务的工作流概念模型;在此基础上,对该工作流引擎的系统架构和数据模型作了详细设计。基于该工作流引擎的运输政务管理电子审批平台上线后,一方面运行稳定,工作流引擎作为流程控制中心有效支撑了业务运营,并对审批电子文书实现有效管理;另一方面,实现灵活的流程定制,审批内容可适时调整,大大降低了维护成本。  相似文献   

张建华  张文博  徐继伟  魏峻  钟华  黄涛 《软件学报》2014,25(11):2702-2714
随着虚拟化技术的发展与普及,越来越多的企业将关键业务系统部署到了虚拟化平台上。虚拟化技术降低了企业的硬件和管理成本,但同时也给系统的可靠性带来了严峻挑战。传统的方法通过运行时系统状态备份的方法来提高系统的失效恢复能力,但该方法会引入了巨大的系统开销。提出了一种基于隐马尔可夫模型的系统失效恢复性能优化方法。通过对系统运行时状态的预测分析,计算系统未来运行状态的概率趋势,并在运行过程中动态调整系统失效恢复功能与正常业务功能之间的资源分配,从而降低了系统的运行时性能开销,提高了业务系统服务能力。实验分析显示,该方法可以在保障系统可靠性的同时有效地降低系统的性能开销,在系统运行状态稳定的情况下,最高可以降低2/3的系统响应时间。  相似文献   

Compliance to legal regulations, internal policies, or best practices is becoming a more and more important aspect in business processes management. Compliance requirements are usually formulated in a set of rules that can be checked during or after the execution of the business process, called compliance by detection. If noncompliant behavior is detected, the business process needs to be redesigned. Alternatively, the rules can be already taken into account while modeling the business process to result in a business process that is compliant by design. This technique has the advantage that a subsequent verification of compliance is not required.  相似文献   

The generic model query language GMQL is designed to query collections of conceptual models created in arbitrary graph-based modelling languages. Querying conceptual models means searching for particular model subgraphs that comply with a predefined pattern query. Such a query specifies the structural and semantic properties of the model fragment to be returned. In this paper, we derive requirements for a generic model query language from the literature and formally specify the language’s syntax and semantics. We conduct an analysis of GMQL׳s theoretical and practical runtime performance concluding that it returns query results within satisfactory time. Given its generic nature, GMQL contributes to a broad range of different model analysis scenarios ranging from business process compliance management to model translation and business process weakness detection. As GMQL returns results with acceptable runtime performance, it can be used to query large collections of hundreds or thousands of conceptual models containing not only process models, but also data models or organizational charts. In this paper, we furthermore evaluate GMQL against the backdrop of existing query approaches thereby carving out its advantages and limitations as well as pointing toward future research.  相似文献   

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