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The seasonal variability of leaf litter removal by crabs was observed from May 2006 to April 2007 in a Kandelia candel mangrove forest in Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. Daily average quantities of leaf fall ranged 0.85–3.86 gDW m−2 d−1, with high values in May, August, October and November. The whole-year's leaf fall was 6.48 t ha−1 yr−1 (1.81 gDW m−2 d−1). The standing stock of leaf litter on the forest floor was 7.78 gDW m−2 averaged from the whole year's data, with the lowest value in December (1.23 gDW m−2) and the highest in April (16.18 gDW m−2). Annually averaged removal (consumption on mangrove floor + burial in burrows) rate of leaf litter by crabs was 0.59 gDW m−2 d−1. High seasonal variability was observed in the removal rates of leaf litter by crabs. Removal rates in the winter months (December, January and February) were 0.07–0.09 gDW m−2 d−1, much lower than those in other months with values of 0.59–1.18 gDW m−2 d−1. Annually averaged percentage of leaf fall removed by crabs was 33%, with the highest values in September (reached 76%) and the lowest values in winter months. Of leaf litter removed by crabs, a large proportion was buried by crabs, and only 12% was consumed by crabs on the forest floor. Leaf litter removal rate, consumption rate on the forest floor, percentages of leaf fall and standing stock removed on the forest floor were significantly positively correlated with air temperature, indicating that leaf removal ability by crabs was higher in warm months than in cold months.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests are vulnerably threatened by sea level rise (SLR). Vegetation organic carbon (OC) stocks are important for mangrove ecosystem carbon cycle. It is critical to understand how SLR affects vegetation OC stocks for evaluating mangrove blue carbon budget and global climate change. In this study, biomass accumulation and OC stocks of mangrove vegetation were compared among three 10 year-old Kandelia obovata (a common species in China) mangrove forests under three intertidal elevations through species-specific allometric equations. This study simulated mangrove forests with SLR values of 0 cm, 40 cm and 80 cm, respectively, representing for the current, future ~100 a and future ~200 a SLR of mangrove forests along the Jiulong River Estuary, China. SLR directly decreased mangrove individual density and inhibited the growth of mangrove vegetation. The total vegetation biomasses were (12.86±0.95) kg/m2, (7.97±0.90) kg/m2 and (3.89±0.63) kg/m2 at Sites SLR 0 cm, SLR 40 cm and SLR 80 cm, respectively. The total vegetation OC stock decreased by approximately 3.85 kg/m2 (in terms of C) from Site SLR 0 cm to Site SLR 80 cm. Significantly lower vegetation biomass and OC stock of various components (stem, branch, leaf and root) were found at Site SLR 80 cm. Annual increments of vegetation biomass and OC stock also decreased with SLR increase. Moreover, significant lower sedimentation rate was found at Site SLR 80 cm. These indicated that SLR will decrease mangrove vegetation biomass and OC stock, which may reduce global blue carbon sink by mangroves, exacerbate global warming and give positive feedback to SLR.  相似文献   

长江口柱状沉积物中甾醇的组成特征及其地球化学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕晓霞  翟世奎 《海洋学报》2006,28(4):96-101
通过对长江口两个柱状沉积物中有机质的GC-MS分析,检出C27-C29甾烷醇、C27Δ5,C28Δ7和C29Δ22甾烯醇以及C30Δ22烯醇(4α,23,24-三甲基-5α-胆甾-22-烯醇)7种主要甾醇生物标志化合物.8站位沉积物中以陆源输入为主的C29甾醇的相对丰度最高,在17站位深层沉积物中也以C29甾醇为主,而其表层沉积物中则是以海洋浮游动物输入为主的C27甾醇的相对丰度最高.在所有的样品中甾醇都经历了较强的加氢还原作用,相同碳数的甾烷醇的相对丰度远远高于其相对应的甾烯醇的相对丰度.随着沉积深度的增加,甾烯醇的加氢还原作用越强,且由于两个站位不同的沉积环境,8站位甾烯醇的加氢还原作用更强.  相似文献   

陆志强  郑文教  马丽 《台湾海峡》2007,26(3):321-326
本文应用沉积物质量评价基准法对九龙江口及邻近港湾红树林区表层沉积物中多环芳烃的污染现状进行了生态风险评价,并定量分析了多环芳烃的相对污染强度.研究结果表明:各测站区多环芳烃相对污染系数均小于1,范围为0.022~0.620,污染程度尚属较低,引起生物毒性效应的几率相对较小.低分子量多环芳烃芴、萘和二氢苊占总相对污染系数比例较高(平均分别为18.1%、16.7%和15.3%),因而具有相对较高的潜在生态危害风险.  相似文献   

九龙江口红树林土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
研究了九龙江口的秋茄(Kandelia candel)林和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)林两个红树林群落及其相应对照光滩土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性.对微生物类群的研究结果表明:九龙江口红树林区土壤细菌中,芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)是最占优势的属;放线菌以小单胞菌属(Micromonospora)最具优势;其次是链霉菌属(Streptomyces),从秋茄林到白骨壤林,由于潮位降低,小单胞菌比例增加,而链霉菌比例下降;丝状真菌以半知菌占绝对优势,木霉(Trichoderma)、曲霉(Aspergillus)和青霉(Penicillum)是最常见的属;随着土壤深度的增加,微生物的类群减少,但芽孢杆菌和小单胞菌的相对比例增加;红树林土壤微生物类群比对照光滩丰富,缘于林内土壤营养与微生物的栖息条件比光滩优越.对抗菌活性研究表明:土壤真菌的抗菌活性低,抗菌谱窄;放线菌的抗菌活性高,抗菌谱宽,具有抗菌活性的放线菌多为小单胞菌,小单胞菌是一类值得重视的放线菌.  相似文献   

为研究福建省九龙江口海门岛大型底栖动物的群落结构变化,于2014年11月至2015年8月对海门岛红树林区的大型底栖动物进行4个季度的调查研究,并利用PRIMER软件进行群落物种多样性单变量分析、群落聚类分析(Cluster)、多维尺度排序(MDS)分析和丰度/生物量曲线(ABC)分析.结果表明:九龙江口海门岛红树林区获得大型底栖动物共计112种,年平均生物量为77. 58 g/m2,年平均栖息密度为991. 0 ind/m2. Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、丰富度指数(d)和均匀度指数(J')分别为2. 42、5. 02和0. 70,其中春季生物多样性指数和均匀度指数均最低,与春季生物的繁殖有关.ABC曲线表明该区域有三分之一采样点的大型底栖动物群落受到中等到严重程度的扰动,主要集中在春季站位,这与该季节渔民滩涂养殖作业活动有关. Cluster聚类分析和MDS标序结果表明,在50%的相似性水平群落可分为6组,且不同组间显示季节差异显著.结合历史资料发现,大型底栖动物群落随环境质量的变化已出现了一定的群落演替,物种呈小型化趋势.环境因子与群落分布特征相关性较大,其中最能解释群落丰度和生物量空间分布特征的环境因子为水温、盐度和有机质含量.  相似文献   

Mangroves can not only provide multiple ecosystem service functions, but are also efficient carbon producers,capturers, and sinks. The estimation of the organic carbon accumulation rate(OCAR) in mangrove sediments is fundamental for elucidating the role of mangroves in the global carbon budget. In particular, understanding the past changes in the OCAR in mangrove sediments is vital for predicting the future role of mangroves in the rapidly changing environment. In this study, three dated sediment cores from interior and fringe of mangroves in the Yingluo Bay, China, were used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal variations of the calculated OCAR since 1900 in this area. The increasing OCAR in the mangrove interior was attributed to mangrove flourishment induced by climate change characterized by the rising temperature. However, in the mangrove fringe, the strengthening hydrodynamic conditions under the sea level rise were responsible for the decreasing OCAR, particularly after the1940 s. Furthermore, the duration of inundation by seawater was the primary factors controlling the spatial variability of the OCAR from the mangrove fringe to interior, while the strengthened hydrodynamic conditions after the 1940 s broke this original pattern.  相似文献   

长江口和东海海域沉积物粒径对有机质分布的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2007年11月采集于长江口和东海陆架区域的78个站位的表层沉积物样品,以及2007年11月、2008年4月采集于长江口东南和浙江近岸泥质区的悬浮物样品,对长江口和东海海域表层沉积物以及部分站位的悬浮物进行了粒度、有机碳和总氮的分析和研究,探讨了沉积物粒径对有机质运移和沉积过程的影响.结果表明:(1)水体中悬浮物的...  相似文献   

In this study, the contents, sources and accumulation rate of sedimentary organic matter (OM) in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and adjacent coastal area were investigated. The stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) is a reliable geochemical proxy and was used to indicate the OM origin here. Nevertheless, the organic carbon and nitrogen molar ratios (TOC/TN) and the stable nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) were affected by diagenesis and could be the supplementary indicators. The sources of OM were estimated based on the two end-member model. The results showed that in the estuary, sedimentary OM originated from terrestrial and aquatic mixing origins, whereas, OM in coastal sediments was dominantly algae-derived. The accumulation rate of sedimentary OM was analyzed based on 210Pb dating. Due to the sampling sites and the distinct hydraulic environments, the accumulation rates of TOC, aquatic and terrestrial OC were obviously higher in the estuary than in coastal area. TOC accumulation rates were 18–27 mg cm−2 y−1 in the estuary, and 0.84–3.6 mg cm−2 y−1 in coastal area. Aquatic OC accumulation rates were 7.9–11.3, 0.8–1.3, and 2.6–3.1 mg cm−2 y−1, and terrestrial OC accumulation rates were 9.7–16.3, 0.02–0.14, 0.16–0.42 mg cm−2 y−1 in cores 2, 5, 6, respectively. It could be seen from the high accumulation rate of organic matter in the estuary that, when nutrients increased in the river, phytoplankton biomass and productivity would also have increased. As a result, phytoplankton sinking and organic matter sedimentation usually increased with primary productivity, resulting in the observed accumulation rate of aquatic OC in the estuary. Furthermore, terrestrial OC accumulation rates in the estuary and coastal area showed an increasing trend with the age.  相似文献   

Essential nutrients for seagrass growth may be derived from benthic decomposition of organic matter. To test this idea, cores of Halophila ovalis (seagrass-vegetated) and unvegetated sediment (control) were amended with either particulate organic matter (POM) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) to test whether a positive feed-back loop exists, where increased organic matter results in increased seagrass nutrients. POM was added in the form of seagrass wrack (0, 1, 5, 12 g core−1) and DOM was added with sucrose diffusion tubes at the root zone (0, 0.8, 2.4, 5.2 g core−1). Cores were incubated under saturating light conditions (12 h light/12 h dark) at 18 °C, for 4 weeks. Results suggest a complex balance between positive and negative effects of organic matter enrichment. Whilst leaf molar concentrations of N and P of H. ovalis increased (by 15 and 30% respectively), plant growth declined (up to 50% relative to control) for both DOM and POM enrichments. Phosphate was removed from sediment porewater following POM addition and most likely translocated to the leaves. Stressors other than nutrient limitation (e.g. biogeochemical constraints) reduce growth and affect the nutrient dynamics of the seagrass and should be the focus of future work.  相似文献   

The Zhelin Bay is one of the most important bays for large-scale mariculture in Guangdong Province, China. Owing to the increasing human population and the expanding mariculture in the last two decades, the ecological environment has greatly changed with frequent harmful algal blooms. A monthly survey of water content, organic matter (TOM), and various forms of nitrogen and phosphorous in sediment from July 2002 to July 2003 in the bay was conducted. The results showed that the water content was correlated significantly with TOM and various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus and can be used as proxy for quick and rough estimate of these factors in the future surveys. TOM was also correlated significantly with various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, indicating that it was one of the key factors affecting the concentrations and distributions of nitrogen and phosphorus in the investigated waters. Average total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TkN) content was( 1 113.1 ± 382.5)μg/g and average total phosphorus (TP) content was(567.2± 223.3)μg/g, and both were much higher than those of similar estuaries in China and elsewhere. Average nitrogen and phosphorus tended to be higher inside than outside the bay, higher at aquaculture than non-aquaculture areas, and higher at fish-cage culture than oyster culture areas, suggesting that large-scale mariculture inside the bay played an important role in the eutrophication of the Zhelin Bay. Various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were higher during the warm season (July--September), which was due to the increased decomposition and concentration of organic matter resulted from the fast growth and high mortality of the cultured species. Compared with July 2002, TkN and TP contents were much higher in July 2003, in consonance with the eutrophication of the Zhelin Bay. Because exchangeable phosphorus (Ex-P), iron-bounded phos- phorus (Fe-P) and organic phosphorus (OP) combined accounted for 34.3% of the TP and authigenic phosphorus (Au-P  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether there was distinctive seasonal and zonal variation in the species diversity, biomass, and element accumulation capacities of macroalgae in two major intertidal mangrove stand types (Avicennia marina assemblage andSonneratia apetala assemblage) in the Zhanjiang region of southern China. Over a year, 31 species in 15 genera were identified in both mangrove assem-blages, of which the dominant species wereCladophoropsis zollingeriand Enteromorpha clathrat.Macroal-gal species were significantly most abundant in spring (p〈0.05), followed by summer, winter, and autumn. Variation in the zonal distribution of macroalgal species was conspicuous in both intertidal mangrove as-semblages, with the greatest abundance in the middle zone, and the least in the front zone. Patterns in the seasonal and zonal variation in macroalgal biomass in theS. apetalaassemblage were similar to those of macroalgal species diversity in both mangrove assemblages. The seasonal patterns in tissue concentrations of 15 analyzed elements were not uniform among the macroalgaeC. zollingeri,E. clathrata, andGracilaria salicornia in theA. marina assemblage. All three species exhibited variation in their responses to ambient concentrations of different elements, implying their differential ability to absorb and selectively accumulate certain elements.  相似文献   

Mangrove macrobenthos species are used as ecological indicators as they are sensitive to changes in sediment properties. In this study, the population density of the common mangrove whelk Cerithidea decollata was assessed during different environmental conditions in the St Lucia Estuary, South Africa. Previously, this species was found to persist through both hypersaline and freshwater-dominated conditions. The natural variability in C. decollata populations could provide information on the potential for this widespread species to be used as an ecological indicator in mangroves. We found that snail population density as well as sediment conductivity, moisture content and organic content differed between three mangrove sites that were monitored between 2010 and 2015. The relationship between snail population density and physicochemical characteristics of the sediment was therefore investigated using a mixed-effects model, and sediment conductivity was found to be the best predictor of C. decollata abundance. The resistance of this species to environmental variability could inform on resilience to ecological shifts, which is important when measuring responses associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Naturally existing stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes are important in the study of sedimentary organic matter sources. To identify the sources of sedimentary organic matter in Sanggou Bay and its adjacent areas, which is characterized by high-density shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, the grain size, organic carbon(OC), total nitrogen(TN), carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition(δ13C and δ15N) of organic matter in the surface sediment were determined. The results showed that, in August, sedimentary OC and TN ranged from 0.17% to 0.76% and 0.04% to 0.14%, respectively. In November, OC and TN ranged from 0.23% to 0.87% and 0.05% to 0.14%, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between OC and TN(R=0.98, P0.0001), indicating that OC and TN were homologous. In August, the δ13C and δ15N of organic matter varied from-23.06‰ to-21.59‰ and 5.10‰ to 6.31‰, respectively. In November, δ13C and δ15N ranged from-22.87‰ to-21.34‰ and 5.13‰ to 7.31‰, respectively. This study found that the major sources of sedimentary organic matter were marine shellfish biodeposition, seaweed farming, and soil organic matter. Using a three-end-member mixed model, we estimated that the dominant source of sedimentary organic matter was shellfish biodeposition, with an average contribution rate of 65.53% in August and 43.00% in November. Thus, shellfish farming had a significant influence on the coastal carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Thirty-one surficial sediment samples were collected from the floor of Izmit Bay with a grab onboard the R/V Bilim in summer 1987 and analysed for their grain size, total carbonate, and organic carbon distribution.Low calcareous-terrigenous mud (2–45% CaCO3) with a relatively high silt percentage was the principal sediment type found on the floor of Izmit Bay. Sediments rich in sand and gravel usually occur in the narrow and shoal areas of the bay, where biogenic and topography-related hydrodynamic conditions are dominant factors controlling the nature of bottom deposits. The carbonates are made up almost entirely of the remains of calcareous organisms. Organic carbon concentrations of the sediments (0·35-1·62%) are probably associated with the high primary production rates in this region. Thus, the rates of sedimentation in the Izmit Bay calculated from the organic carbon and primary productivity data are estimated to be up to 70 cm/1000 years.  相似文献   

用碱熔法处理样品,水沥取,用分光光度法测量了采集自福建省兴化湾、九龙江河口和东山湾3个海湾潮间带沉积物岩心的碘分布。兴化湾、九龙江河口和东山湾3岩心中的碘含量分别为2.5~43.7,17.3~39.6和11.3~29.1 mg/kg。3个沉积物岩心中的碘含量稍高于福建省的土壤的碘含量,与我国海域的沉积物碘含量在同一水平,但明显低于文献报道的开阔海域沉积物的碘含量。兴化湾和东山湾沉积物中的碘与有机碳含量有较好的相关性;在九龙江河口采集的岩心中的碘与有机物碳含量的相关性较差。推测海洋源的沉积物碘与有机碳含量相关性较好,而陆源沉积物的碘与有机碳含量相关性较差。  相似文献   

Mangrove trees may allocate >50% of their biomass to roots. Dead roots often form peat, which can make mangroves significant carbon sinks and allow them to raise the soil surface and thus survive rising sea levels. Understanding mangrove root production and decomposition is hence of theoretical and applied importance. The current work explored the effects of species, site, and root size and root nutrients on decomposition. Decomposition of fine (≤3 mm diameter) and coarse (>3 mm diameter, up to a maximum of ∼9 mm) roots from three mangrove species, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Ceriops tagal was measured over 12 months at 6 sites along a tidal gradient in Gazi Bay, Kenya. C:N and P:N ratios in fresh and decomposed roots were measured, and the effects on decomposition of root size and age, of mixing roots from A. marina and C. tagal, of enriching B. gymnorrhiza roots with N and P and of artefacts caused by bagging roots were recorded. There were significant differences between species, with 76, 47 and 44 % mean dry weight lost after one year for A. marina, B. gymnorrhiza and C. tagal respectively, and between sites, with generally slower decomposition at dryer, high tidal areas. N enriched B. gymnorrhiza roots decomposed significantly faster than un-enriched controls; there was no effect of P enrichment. Mixing A. marina and C. tagal roots caused significantly enhanced decomposition in C. tagal. These results suggest that N availability was an important determinant of decomposition, since differences between species reflected the initial C: N ratios. The relatively slow decomposition rates recorded concur with other studies, and may overestimate natural rates, since larger (10–20 mm diameter), more mature and un-bagged roots all showed significantly slower rates.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (13C and 15N) of surface sediments were measured within Osaka Bay, in the Seto Inland Sea in Japan, in order to better understand the sedimentation processes operating on both terrestrial and marine organic matter in the Bay. The 13C and 15N of surface sediments in the estuary of the Yodo River were less than –23 and 5 respectively, but increased in the area up to about 10 km from the river mouth. At greater distances they became constant (giving 13C of about –20 and 15N about 6). It can be concluded that large amounts of terrestrial organic matter exist near the mouth of the Yodo River. Stable isotope ratios in the estuary of the Yodo River within 10 km of the river mouth were useful indicators allowing study of the movement of terrestrial organic matter. Deposition rates for total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) over the whole of the Bay were estimated to be 63,100 ton C/year and 7,590 ton N/year, respectively. The deposition rate of terrestrial organic carbon was estimated to be 13,200 (range 2,000–21,500) ton C/year for the whole of Osaka Bay, and terrestrial organic carbon was estimated to be about 21% (range 3–34) of the TOC deposition rate. The ratio of the deposition rate of terrestrial organic carbon to the rate inflow of riverine TOC and particulate organic carbon (POC) were estimated to be 19% (range 3–31) and 76% (range 12–100), respectively.  相似文献   

长江口表层沉积物有机碳分布及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据长江口及其邻近海域2007年2、5、8、11月4个航次野外调查资料,系统地探讨了长江口表层沉积物总有机碳(TOC)的时空分布特征及其主要影响因素.结果表明,长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物类型以细砂和粉砂为主,细颗粒泥沙主要分布在调查水域南部,北部海域以砂组分为主,沉积物组成和分布具显著的季节变化特征;长江口及其邻近海...  相似文献   

The distribution of diatoms in surface sediments in the Minjiang Estuary, southeast China, was investigated in2009. Total 56 species and other species belonging to 25 genera were identified, among them 11 species were dominant over 5%. Dominant species included Actinocyclus ehrenbergii, Coscinodiscus curvatulus, C. divisus, C.jonesianus, C. radiatus, C. rothii, C. subtilis, Cyclotella stylorum, Epithemia hyndmanii, Hydrosera whampoensis,and Trachyneis aspera. Diatom abundance varied spatially, with the absolute abundance of diatoms ranging from13 valves/g to 11×104 valves/g, and averaging 2.5×104 valves/g. A canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) was used to explain the relationships between diatom distribution and sediment properties in the Minjiang Estuary.CCA revealed that the major elements(Fe_2O_3, Na_2O, CaO, MgO, TiO_2, SiO_2, Al_2O_3, and K_2O) were closely related to diatom abundance. Four diatom assemblages were distinguished, representing different sediment properties,which may assist late Quaternary palaeoceanographic reconstructions of the Minjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

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