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This paper considers bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) with a turbo channel code and M-ary orthogonal modulation. The BICM signal is iteratively demodulated and decoded in a noncoherent fashion. A soft demodulator suitable for noncoherent orthogonal modulation is presented, and the convergence of the iterative receiver is analyzed through extrinsic information transfer charts. The demodulator can work either with or without fading amplitude estimates. Extensive simulation results are presented for the well-known cdma-2000 turbo code, and the results are compared with the corresponding channel capacities, which are computed using a Monte Carlo technique. The results indicate gains of up to 1 dB relative to noniterative BICM can be achieved with the iterative receiver.  相似文献   

The full-complexity soft-input/soft-output (SISO) detector based on the BCJR algorithm for coded partial-response channels has a computational complexity growing exponentially with channel memory length. In this letter, we propose a low complexity soft-output channel detector based on the Chase decoding algorithm, which was previously applied to decode turbo product codes. At each iteration, the proposed detector forms a candidate list using all possible combinations of bit patterns in the weakest indices based on tentative hard estimates and a priori information fed back from the outer decoder. To demonstrate the performance/complexity tradeoff of the proposed detector, simulation results over rate-8/9 turbo-coded EPR4 and ME/sup 2/PR4 channels are presented, respectively. It is shown that the proposed detector can significantly reduce the computational complexity with only a small performance loss compared to the BCJR algorithm.  相似文献   

Decoding of space-time codes in frequency-selective fading channels is considered. The approach is based on iterative soft-in soft-out equalization and decoding. It is applicable to space-time coded systems that deploy symbol/bit interleavers. We focus on the equalization stage by extending the Ungerboeck equalizer formulation to a multiple-input multiple-output time-variant channel. The resulting structure comprises a bank of matched filters, followed by an a posteriori probabilities calculator that runs the Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv/maximum a posteriori algorithm with an appropriate metric. Simulation results are reported for space-time bit-interleaved codes designed over the enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE) air interface.  相似文献   

Noncoherent communication over the Rayleigh flat fading channel with multiple transmit and receive antennas is investigated. Codes achieving bit error rate (BER) lower than 10/sup -4/ at bit energy over the noise spectral density ratio (E/sub b//N/sub 0/) of 0.8 to 2.8 dB from the capacity limit were found with coding rates of 0.5 to 2.25 bits per channel use. The codes are serial concatenation of a turbo code and a unitary matrix differential modulation code. The receiver is based on a high-performance joint iterative decoding of the turbo code and the modulation code. Information-theoretic arguments are harnessed to form guidelines for code design and to evaluate performance of the iterative decoder.  相似文献   

Iterative demodulation, demapping, and decoding of coded non-square QAM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is shown that a non-square (NS) 2/sup 2n+1/-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) can be decomposed into a single parity-check (SPC) block encoder and a memoryless modulator in such a way that the inherent block encoder has a recursive nature. When concatenated with a forward-error-correcting (FEC) code, iterative demodulation, demapping, and decoding of the FEC code and the inherent SPC code of NS-2/sup 2n+1/-QAM is then possible. Simulation results show that coded NS-8QAM performs nearly 2 dB better than standard 8QAM and star-8QAM, and nearly 1 dB better than 8-ary phase-shift keying when the FEC code is a rate-1/2, 16-state convolutional code, while coded NS-32QAM performs 0.75 dB better than standard 32QAM.  相似文献   

We propose a novel scheme for iterative multiuser detection and turbo decoding. The multiuser detector and single-user turbo decoders are coupled such that after each turbo decoding iteration the extrinsic information of the interfering users is passed to the multiuser detector, and after each multiuser iteration, updated a posteriori probabilities are passed to the single-user turbo decoders as the soft input metrics. In synchronous systems, the proposed detector approaches the multiuser capacity limit within 1 dB in the low signal-to-noise ratio region  相似文献   

We present a fast algorithm for exact maximum-likelihood multisymbol noncoherent phase-shift keying decoding. While the standard algorithm is exponential in the rate and the block length, our algorithm is rate independent and linear-logarithmic in the block length  相似文献   

Bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) is a spectral efficiency coded modulation technique. This technique is therefore very attractive for many broadcasting services where transmission bandwidth is a primary concern. It has been shown that when signal constellation, interleaver and error-control code are fixed, signal mapping has a critical influence to the error performance of a BICM-ID system. Based on the technique of mutual information, good mappings of different 8-ary constellations are presented for BICM-ID systems over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. It is also shown that, compared to free Euclidean distances, mutual information is a more useful technique to find the good signal mappings for BICM-ID systems.  相似文献   

吴团锋  杨喜根 《通信学报》2006,27(7):106-111
针对准相干解调Turbo编码GMSK信号,提出了一种简便的迭代信道估计算法。该方法基于Turbo码的迭代译码原理,将信道估计和译码联合考虑,利用译码器输出反馈进行迭代信道估计,从而提高了估计精度。仿真结果表明,该方法能显著地改善系统误码率性能。  相似文献   

New noncoherent sequence detection algorithms for combined demodulation and decoding of coded linear modulations transmitted over additive white Gaussian noise channels are presented. These schemes may be based on the Viterbi algorithm and have a performance which approaches that of coherent detection for increasing complexity. The tradeoff between complexity and performance is simply controlled by a parameter referred to as implicit phase memory and the number of trellis states  相似文献   

We present a noncoherent coded 16QAM (NC-16QAM) scheme by modifying the trellis-coded 16QAM (TC-16QAM) scheme. Our simulation results show that the performance of the NC-16QAM with noncoherent detection is close to the one of the original TC-16QAM with coherent detection. The NC-16QAM is an extension of the NC-8PSK previously obtained by Wei and Lin (see IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.2. p.260-62, 1998). A noncoherent initial phase estimation algorithm is also proposed  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于DSP的DPSK信号非相干解调算法及其硬件平台的实现。与相干解调算法比较,其具有原理简单、硬件实现方便的特点,同时还给出了该算法在不同信噪比下的仿真性能比较。  相似文献   

It is shown that use of a two-stage decoding procedure consisting simply of an inner stage of block decoding and an outer stage employing a single sequential decoder does not result in an improvement in the computational overflow problem for the sequential decoder. Improvement can, however, result from use of multiple sequential decoders or use of a single sequential decoder with appropriate scrambling. Although the performance improvement resulting from application of these techniques to the additive white Gaussian noise channel is not significant, implementation and rate advantages make iterative sequential decoding techniques worth pursuing. Ia particular, with these techniques, a sequential decoder for a binary symmetric channel can be used regardless of the physical channel characteristics. Such a "universal" decoder is expected to be both simple and capable of high rate operation.  相似文献   

The jointly optimum multiuser noncoherent detector for differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) modulation over the generalized diversity Rayleigh-fading (GDRF) channel is derived and analyzed. The GDRF channel includes time/frequency/receiver antenna diversity and allows fading correlations between the various diversity branches of each user. Noncoherent detection here refers to the case where the receiver has neither knowledge of the instantaneous phases nor of the envelopes of the users' channels. Upper and lower bounds on the bit-error probability of the optimum detector are derived for a given user. For fast fading, when the fading coefficients vary from one symbol interval to the next (but are still essentially constant over one symbol interval), the detector asymptotically (for high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)) reaches an error floor, which is bounded from below and above for different fast fading scenarios. For slow fading, when the channel is constant for at least two consecutive symbol intervals, the upper bound is shown to converge asymptotically to the lower bound. Thus, the asymptotic efficiency of optimum multiuser DPSK detection can be determined and is found to be positive. In contrast to coherent detection, however, it is smaller than unity in general. Since the asymptotic efficiency is independent of the interfering users' signal strengths, the optimum detector is near-far resistant. While optimum multiuser detection is exponentially complex in the number of users, its performance provides the benchmark for suboptimal detectors. In particular, it is seen that the previously suggested post-decorrelative detectors can be far from satisfactory.  相似文献   

Bit interleaved coded space-time modulation (BIC- STM) is an attractive strategy to achieve high power- and bandwidth-efficiency over multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels due to coding and diversity gains promised by the serial concatenation of an outer convolutional code, a bitwise interleaver and an inner high order space-time modulation (STM). In this paper, BICSTM with iterative decoding (BICSTM-ID) including non-iterative decoding as a special case is considered. For designing the inner STM, two parameters based on bitwise pairwise error probabilities (b- PEP) for the cases with and without a-priori knowledge are proposed as new measures for designing labeling rules for the STM codewords set suited to iterative decoding. On the other hand, the BICSTM-ID scheme is analyzed from an information theoretical aspect, and Information Processing Characteristic (IPC) analysis is developed for MIMO systems in order to fully characterize the BICSTM-ID scheme based on a new equivalent model of combined binary input channels. The analysis results show that the IPC analysis offers a unified perspective for BICSTM and BICSTM-ID from an information theoretical point of view and provides a comprehensive insight into the whole BICSTM-ID scheme as well. Additionally, IPC based upper and lower bounds on bit error ratio (BER) performance are extended to BICSTM-ID, and are confirmed by simulations. These bounds are of significant practical interest for estimating the BER performance of the bit-interleaved concatenated schemes with general nonlinear inner systems.  相似文献   

In this letter, we study iterative demodulation and decoding methods for lattice based space-time coded systems concatenated with convolutional codes. We first apply the optimal MAP demodulation and the suboptimal linear MMSE methods to lattice based space-time demodulation and decoding. We then propose two other methods based on the idea of soft interference cancellation and in one method vector Gaussian approximation is used and in the other method scalar Gaussian approximation is used. We also present the EXIT chart analyses for the performance analyses for these iterative methods. Both theoretical and simulation results show that the performance of the vector Gaussian approximation method is the same as that of the linear MMSE method but in some cases the vector Gaussian approximation method has lower complexity. The complexity of the scalar Gaussian approximation method is the lowest among these different methods and grows linearly with the transmission rate while it still has an acceptable performance. Full diversity and full rate lattice based space-time coding is compared with the BLAST scheme and simulations show that the former has a better performance than the later even with the proposed suboptimal iterative demodulation and decoding methods.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes possible transmission schemes for satellite personal communication systems adopting low/medium-Earth orbit (LEO/MEO) constellations and direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) in the presence of fading and shadowing, the statistics of which are functions of the satellite elevation angle. In particular, the performance of M-ary Walsh-Hadamard orthogonal (MWHO) convolutionally coded DS-CDMA over a Rice-log-normal fading channel is analyzed in depth, and compared to the simpler coded differential BPSK (DBPSK) scheme. Optimization of the performance/complexity tradeoff in the metric computation for soft inputs to the Viterbi (1979) decoder is addressed. Upper bounds on the error probability without or with satellite diversity and equal gain combining are evaluated considering different coding rates. The effect of correlated fading is also taken into account via simulation. Among the various results, it is shown that the optimal coding rate is a function of the satellite elevation angle and of the diversity order, that the loss for using DBPSK instead of MWHO is in the range 1-1.4 dB, and that interleaving depth is a critical parameter  相似文献   

The performance of a soft-limiter metric and a quantized soft-limiter metric is evaluated for coded DS/DPSK (direct sequence/differential phase shift keying) in the presence of worst case pulse jamming and background noise. The metrics are easy to implement and do not require jammer state information. Instead they rely on the use of receiver thresholds, which must be adjusted according to the code rate and the received bit-energy-to-background-noise ratio. The performance of the metrics is evaluated by using the cutoff rate criterion and a number of specific convolutional and block codes. It is shown that the metrics can offer a significant soft-decision decoding gain and can perform to within 0.5-1.5 dB of the maximum-likelihood soft-decision metric with perfect jammer state information  相似文献   

Improved decoding of LDPC coded modulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A coded modulation belief propagation (CMBP) decoder is proposed for decoding LDPC codes with multilevel modulations. The decoder takes into account statistical dependencies among bits originating in the same symbol, providing better performance than the marginal BP (MBP) decoder. Asymptotically it converges to MAP decoding. The CMBP decoder is based on a single-level coding (SLC) scheme and does not suffer from practical disadvantages of multi-level coding (MLC) schemes. Furthermore, the CMBP decoder can close the capacity gap of the bit interleaved coded modulation (BICM) SLC scheme. The BICM capacity gap increases when the modulation size increases and in scenarios where gray mapping is not possible.  相似文献   

A theoretical performance analysis of noncoherent sequence detection schemes previously proposed by the authors for combined detection and decoding of coded M-ary phase-shift keying (M-PSK) is presented. A method for the numerical evaluation of the pairwise error probability-for which no closed-form expressions exist-is described, the classical union bound is computed, and results are compared with computer simulations. An upper bound on this pairwise error probability is also presented. This upper bound may be effectively used for the definition of an equivalent distance, which may be useful in exhaustive searches for optimal codes. Using this bound, it is proven that, in the general coded case, the considered noncoherent decoding schemes perform as close as desired to an optimal coherent receiver when a phase memory parameter is sufficiently large. In the case of differentially encoded M-PSK, a simple expression of the asymptotic bit-error probability is derived, which is in agreement with simulations for high as well as low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)  相似文献   

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