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提出了一种新的存在相干信号时的最优波束形成算法。该方法首先利用二阶统计量信息估计合成方向矩阵,然后给出了一种根据期望信号的波迭方向寻找与之对应的合成方向矢量的方法.再据此估计最优权矢量。该方法与现有的同类算法相比计算量更小、鲁棒性更强。计算机仿真证明了算法的性能。  相似文献   

相干信号源自适应波束形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘张林 《雷达与对抗》2011,(3):23-25,30
介绍了常规自适应波束形成的一般理论,并在此基础上分析了期望信号与干扰信号相干时常规自适应波束形成失效原理,引入了空间平滑技术,给出了空间平滑技术去相干的原理和在自适应波束形成上的应用,同时给出了计算机仿真结果。  相似文献   

自适应阵列的性能在相干环境下会急剧下降。常用空间平滑技术对接收信号进行预处理。然而,均匀空间平滑不能完全去除信号间的相干性,对相干信号的抑制并不理想。该文根据线性约束最小方差(LCMV)准则,分析了空间平滑基础上的信号子空间投影、正交投影和斜投影三种投影方式的性能效果。仿真结果表明,斜投影有着比信号子空间投影更高的性能,同时比正交投影更易于实现。  相似文献   

赵永波  水鹏朗  张守宏 《电子学报》2006,34(6):1016-1019
在假设事先估计得到不相关干扰信号方向的条件下,本文提出了一种能有效接收相干信号的波束形成方法.该方法首先利用估计得到的不相关干扰信号的方向构造变换矩阵,然后基于变换矩阵估计得到期望信号和相干干扰信号的合成导向矢量,最后利用得到的合成导向矢量和阵列相关矩阵求得波束形成的权矢量.计算机仿真结果证实本文所提方法基本上达到理论上的最优性能,且能快速收敛.  相似文献   

为有效接收多径相干信号,该文提出一种基于波束主瓣幅度约束的鲁棒自适应波束形成算法。该算法充分利用多径相干信号的来波信息,对接收数据协方差矩阵统计量进行优化,并对多径相干信号波束主瓣进行幅度约束,通过一阶泰勒展开将多径相干信号的优化问题转换为迭代二阶锥规划问题,获得最佳波束形成权矢量。该算法不仅能够有效接收多径相干信号,抑制干扰和噪声,而且能够克服较大导向矢量失配误差,自由控制鲁棒响应区的波束宽度和纹波水平。仿真实验验证了算法的正确性和有效性。   相似文献   

存在相干信号情况下的常规波束形成器,由于相干信号的相对信号强度估计误差、天线阵导向矢量扰动误差和采样协方差矩阵估计误差的存在,会产生波束畸变及信号相消,输出信干噪比会明显下降。该文提出一种基于量子信号处理中内积成形算法的波束形成器,并分析了波束形成器的性能,通过仿真比较验证了新的波束形成器的有效性。分析和实验表明,新波束形成器作为一种鲁棒性波束形成器,在上述应用环境中,通过适当调整影响因子,可以得到比传统波束形成器更稳定的性能输出。  相似文献   

最差性能最优通用信号模型稳健波束形成算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘聪锋  廖桂生 《电子学报》2010,38(6):1249-1255
针对空间分布散射信号源的稳健波束形成问题,提出了一种新的通用信号模型稳健波束形成算法,不仅得到了封闭形式的最优加权矢量,而且获得了最优的性能改善.其中分析了与传统对角加载的关系,给出了最优加载量的计算方法,并得出具有最优负加载的解才可以获得最优的性能改善.最后的仿真分析验证了所提出算法的正确性和有效性,而且发现最优加权矢量只取决于给定的接收数据和未知的失配量,与失配约束参数的选择无关,而失配约束参数只是参与最优权计算的辅助参数.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了数字波束形成的基本原理,随后对普通波束形成及基于LCMV准则和MVDR准则的单多波束自适应形成技术分别进行了原理介绍和仿真分析。仿真结果表明,基于自适应技术的数字波束形成能有效提取有用信号,并在干扰方向上形成零陷,有效的抑制噪声和干扰,大大提高了阵列雷达的天线性能。  相似文献   

针对常规自适应波束形成器只能用于非相干信号波束形成这一缺陷,提出了一种基于二阶锥规划的相干信号自适应波束形成方法.首先对接收到的信号的自相关矩阵进行Toeplitz重构,使其秩等于干扰和信号的数目;然后在保证波束形成器对期望信号无失真输出和波束旁瓣级电平低于给定要求值的前提下,使波束输出功率最小化,同时对系数的范数进行约束以保证波束形成器的稳健性;最后将波束形成器的设计问题转化为凸优化中的二阶锥规划问题,用MATLAB中的SeDuMi工具箱进行快速求解;仿真结果和数据分析表明了该方法有效性.  相似文献   

基于特征结构的自适应波束形成新算法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
廖桂生  保铮  张林让 《电子学报》1998,26(3):23-26,22
基于相关矩阵的特征分解,本文提出了一种改进的线性约束最小方差波束形成(LCMV)新算法,当目标信号含于相关矩阵中时,新算法能有效地抑制信号对消现象,并且具有良好的波束保形能力和快速收敛特点,计算机仿真结果验证了这些优点。  相似文献   

多普勒信号的稳健盲自适应波束形成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
廖桂生  刘宏清  敖珺 《电波科学学报》2006,21(5):697-700,707
针对假设的多普勒频率和真实的多普勒频率之间的误差会导致盲波束形成的性能急剧的下降这一事实. 首先分析了存在多普勒误差时的最小均方误差准则意义下的盲自适应波束形成的性能, 然后提出了一种有效的算法来对抗多普勒误差, 该算法是一迭代过程, 可以在线估计出真实的多普勒频率. 计算机仿真验证了提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

For a large-scale adaptive array, heavy computational load and high-rate data transmission are two challenges in the implementation of an adaptive digital beamforming system. Moreover, the large-scale array becomes extremely sensitive to array imperfections. First, based on a restructured recursive linearly constrained minimum variance algorithm and a gradient-based optimization method, a new robust recursive linearly constrained minimum variance (RRLCMV) algorithm is proposed in this paper. The computational load of the RRLCMV algorithm is on the order of o(N), which is less than that of the conventional gradient-based robust adaptive algorithm. Then, a new efficient parallel robust recursive linearly constrained minimum variance (PRRLCMV) adaptive algorithm is proposed by appropriately partitioning the RRLCMV algorithm into a number of operational modules. It can be easily executed in a distributed-parallel-processing fashion, sequentially and in parallel. As a result, the PRRLCMV algorithm provides an effective solution that can alleviate the bottleneck of high-rate data transmission and reduce the computational cost. Finally, an implementation scheme of the PRRLCMV algorithm based on a distributed-parallel-processing system is also proposed. The simulation results demonstrate that the new PRRLCMV algorithm can significantly reduce the degradation due to various array errors.  相似文献   

An iterative approach to GSC beamforming is presented. The algorithm is able to achieve a GSC solution through a number of optimisation cycles, each of which includes several iterative weight vector updates. The algorithm is flexible and a weight vector may contain one or a few beamforming weights, implementing the optimal solution with reduced dimensionality. It is shown through theoretical analysis that the weight vector convergences with the proposed algorithm. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated through simulation results.  相似文献   

分形编码在图像检索中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
分形编码在图像压缩方面取得了很好的效果,同时,分形编码也能够用于基于内容的图像检索.本文提出了一种基于块限制的分形编码算法和匹配策略,并将它们用于图像检索.在我们编码算法中,图像会被预先分成互相不重叠的子图像块,然后对这些子图像进行独立地分形编码,从而获得整幅图像的分形码.该编码算法能够在很大程度上减少编码时间.在进行图像间相似性的匹配时,我们采用改进的基于九叉树的分配策略,从而避免全局地进行分形码的匹配,减少了计算量.实验结果说明,我们的编码算法和匹配策略能够比较有效地应用于基于内容的图像检索,在计算时间和存储时间上都优于实验中其它两种方法.  相似文献   

For the realistic case where there is no secondary snapshot that does not contain the desired signal and exhibits the statistical characteristics similar to the snapshot under test, direct data domain (D3) beamforming approaches have been proposed to estimate a desired signal in the presence of interference. However, the basic idea of the D3 methods is realized by making significant sacrifices with respect to the number of degrees of freedom (DoFs). In this paper, we present a multi-snapshot approach for D3 beamforming. Using the least-squares method with multiple snapshots, we can eliminate the interference without causing a severe reduction in the number of DoFs. In addition, to consider a mismatch between nominal and actual target steering vectors, we propose a D3 approach combined with a probability constraint to prevent the self-nulling effect, and the relationship between the probability constraint and norm constraint is discovered. The simulations verify that the proposed method provides better performance and robustness than the conventional D3 approaches.  相似文献   

In this article, a method based on max signal interference noise ratio (SINR) criterion is proposed, to mitigate the interuser interference for downlink multiuser spatial multiplexing multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems.Unlike the zero forcing (ZF) scheme in which the SNR is decreased when the interference is eliminated completely, max SINR method makes a compromise between noise and interuser interference.When the number of substreams is larger than the difference between the number of base station antennas and the sum of interference mobile station antennas, the ZF is infeasible.An existing coordinated TX-RX block diagonalization (COOR BD) method uses preprocessing at the receiver to cancel the interuser interference.However, it cannot obtain more receive diversity gain because of the preprocessing.Analysis and simulation show that the max SINR scheme has better performance than the ZF method.Moreover, when the ZF is infeasible, the max SINR scheme can obtain more receive diversity gain than COOR BD in the two-user case.  相似文献   

PADEC算法中引入已知波形信号源的信息,使得相干多径信号的DOA估计性能大大提高,而DEESE算法异于传统空间平滑算法的独特去相关策略,使它在低信噪比、天线阵阵元数较少时有着良好的DOA估计性能.结合这两种算法各自的优点,将DEESE算法的去相关策略应用于PADEC算法中,形成PADEC-DEESE算法.计算机仿真结果表明,PADEC-DEESE算法完全能够实现相干多径信号的DOA估计,并在天线阵阵元数较少、低信噪比情况下的DOA估计精度优于PADEC、DEESE及传统的MUSIC-SS算法.  相似文献   

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