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提出了一种针对自学习控制的稳定性判据,应用这一稳定性判据将自学习控制器的设计转化为寻找正定离散矩阵核,从而回答了两个问题,其一什么样的量可以通过自学习叠代加以控制,其二学习叠代中什么样的滤波环节的引入不会影响学习收敛性.根据这一判据设计了一种机器人参数自学习控制律,它保证跟踪轨线全程的收敛性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of controlling two robotic manipulators handling a constrained object is addressed. First, a reduced order dynamic model of the system is obtained. Using this model, a controller that guarantees the asymptotic convergence of the position, the internal force, and the constraint force to their desired values is proposed. Simulation results for two three-link planar manipulators moving a constrained object demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

陈强  陈凯杰  施卉辉  孙明轩 《自动化学报》2023,49(12):2594-2604
针对任意初始状态下机械臂轨迹跟踪问题, 提出一种变长度误差跟踪迭代学习控制(Iterative learning control, ILC)方法. 首先, 构造不依赖于期望轨迹的双曲余弦型期望误差轨迹, 放宽经典迭代学习控制初始状态要求严格一致的条件. 由于该误差轨迹只需设置一个常数项, 因而能够有效减少计算量, 使得期望误差轨迹的设计更为简单. 其次, 考虑机械臂运行区间随迭代次数变化的问题, 构建虚拟误差变量补偿机制, 通过定义虚拟误差变量对未运行区间进行信息补偿, 放宽经典迭代学习控制的迭代长度不变条件. 在此基础上, 基于Lyapunov-like理论设计迭代学习控制器和全限幅学习律, 实现机械臂关节位置在指定区间上跟踪给定的期望轨迹和保证未知参数估计值的有界性. 最后, 仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于迭代学习的机械手操作空间力/位置混合控制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦庆  常文森  张彭 《自动化学报》1997,23(4):468-474
基于对常规机械手操作空间力/位置混合控制算法的简单回顾,及对该算法所遇到困难的分析,提出了一种基于迭代学习的机械手操作空间力/位置混合控制算法,来改善机械手同高刚度环境接触时,机械手力/位置混合控制的动态控制性能.给出了学习算法的收敛条件及其证明.实验表明该算法具有快速的收敛性,能达到很高的力/位置动态控制精度.  相似文献   

研究任意初态下,机器人系统的有限时间自适应迭代学习控制方法。引入初始修正吸引子的概念,构造一个含有初始修正项的误差变量。针对定常机器人系统和时变机器人系统,采用Lyapunov-like方法,分别设计迭代学习控制器处理系统中不确定性。并且,采用未含/含限幅学习机制,保证闭环系统各变量的一致有界性和误差变量在整个作业区间一致收敛性。藉以实现跟踪误差在预先指定区间的完全跟踪。仿真结果验证所设计控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

加速抑制随机初态误差影响的迭代学习控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕庆  方勇纯  任逍 《自动化学报》2014,40(7):1295-1302
针对一类具有不确定性的多输入多输出非线性系统,提出一种迭代学习控制算法.该算法具有的特点是:针对任意初态情形,结合开环 D型迭代学习控制器的优点,在时间轴上设计了一个随迭代次数增加而缩短的时间段.在该时间段上,控制算法对状态偏差进行修正,以使系统输出在此段时间后跟踪期望输出,且系统跟踪误差收敛到一个界内.这个界仅由系统自身不确定性和不确定的外界干扰决定,与初态误差无关.当外界扰动为0,以及迭代次数趋于无穷时,经过上述时间段后,系统输出精确跟踪期望输出.理论证明和仿真结果都说明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model‐based adaptive control in task coordinates for robotic manipulators executing multilateral constrained tasks The controller works based on the concept of orthogonality between force and motion in the subspaces derived from the constraints. The control gains are independently adjustable in each subspace. The friction force, depending on the contact force, is compensated adaptively. Asymptotic convergence for both force and motion tracking errors is guaranteed by the Lyapunov‐Like Lemma. Experimental results obtained using a 3 D.O.F. robot are given.  相似文献   

吕庆 《自动化学报》2015,41(7):1365-1372
针对一类参数化高阶不确定非线性连续系统, 设计迭代学习控制算法, 以解决随机初态对系统跟踪性能产生负面影响的问题. 结合滑模控制思想以及部分限幅参数学习律, 控制算法在预设时间段内抑制随机初态偏差对系统跟踪性能的影响. 经过预设时间后, 随着迭代次数的增加, 系统的跟踪误差及其各阶导数一致收敛到零. 且在整个运行时间段内, 系统各个变量一致有界. 此外, 本文回避了非参数化不确定非线性系统在放宽迭代初值假设时常使用的Lipschitz假设条件, 而采用类Lyapunov函数分析法设计迭代学习控制器. 理论证明和仿真结果都说明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

任意初值非线性不确定系统的迭代学习控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决任意初态下的轨迹跟踪问题, 针对一类含参数和非参数不确定性的非线性系统, 提出基于滤波误差初始修正的自适应迭代学习控制方法. 利用修正滤波误差信号设计学习控制器, 并以Lyapunov方法进行收敛性能分析. 依据类Lipschitz条件处理非参数不确定性, 对于处理过程中出现的未知时变参数向量, 利用自适应迭代学习机制进行估计. 经过足够多次迭代后, 藉由修正滤波误差在整个作业区间收敛于零, 实现滤波误差本身在预设的作业区间也收敛于零. 仿真结果表明了本文所提控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

An experience based iterative learning controller is proposed for a general class of robotic systems. Experience of the iterative learning controller is stored in the memory in terms of input output data and later used for the prediction of the initial control input for a new desired trajectory. It is proved in this paper that using this approach we can reduce the number of iterations to achieve a certain user defined tracking accuracy. This approach is very general and applicable to all kinds of existing iterative learning control schemes. Numerical illustrations showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为实现对多自由度机械臂关节运动精确轨迹跟踪,提出一种基于非线性干扰观测器的广义模型预测轨迹跟踪控制方法。针对机械臂轨迹跟踪运动学子系统,采用广义预测控制(Generalized Predictive Control,GPC)方法设计期望的虚拟关节角速度。对于机械臂轨迹跟踪动力学子系统,考虑机械臂的参数不确定性和未知外界扰动,利用GPC方法设计关节力矩控制输入,基于非线性干扰观测器方法实时估计和补偿系统模型中的不确定性。在李雅普诺夫稳定性理论框架下证明了机械臂关节角位置和角速度的跟踪误差最终收敛于零的小邻域。数值仿真验证了所提出控制方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

对迭代学习控制研究内容进行综述,回顾1995年以来该领域内取得的研究与应用成果,展望今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

一种受限机械手的自适应力/位置控制方法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于受限机械臂,本文提出了一种自适应的力/位置控制方法。其实现是基于给出的新的降阶动力学模型,在反馈信号中引入力的累积误差信号,利用降阶模型的本身特性从而达到自适应力/位置控制的目的。给出的自适应律是通过跟踪误差信号来调节的。仿真结果证实了本方法的正确性。  相似文献   

机械臂自适应鲁棒轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对具有外界干扰和不确定性的机械臂轨迹跟踪控制问题,提出了一种自适应鲁棒补偿控制算法,将计算转矩法用于系统标称模型,鲁棒控制用于消除系统不确定性的影响,并通过自适应算法自动调节不确定项,保证系统存在建模误差和外部干扰时的稳定性和动态性能。给出了具体的控制算法设计和系统稳定性、收敛性证明,最后通过仿真实验,表明系统具有跟踪误差快速收敛性以及良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this paper, iterative learning control using output data, which are more advanced than the relative degree of the system, is being investigated. It is known that the output error can be made zero with the conventional iterative learning control in which the input is updated with the output data advanced by the relative degree. However, the input can become too large for nonminimum phase systems. With the proposed scheme, the input can be prevented from becoming unnecessarily too large, which in turn makes it practical to apply iterative learning control for nonminimum phase systems. Simulations are performed to show the effectiveness of the scheme.  相似文献   

改进幂次趋近律的机械臂滑模控制律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机械臂滑模控制中存在的抖振问题,采用趋近律的方法来进行改善,在对机械臂的控制特点和常用的滑模趋近律进行分析的基础上,针对幂次趋近律的缺点,提出了一种改进的幂次趋近律,并对其趋近性能进行了分析;根据机械臂动力学模型和改进的幂次趋近律设计了相应的滑模控制策略,对其控制策略的位置跟踪特性和抖振消除能力等进行了验证;仿真结果表明,该控制策略不仅有效地抑制了机械臂滑模控制中的抖振问题,而且保证了机械臂系统对期望轨迹的快速跟踪性,具有更好的趋近特性和收敛特性。  相似文献   

Recent Advances in Iterative Learning Control   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this paper we review the recent advances in three sub-areas of iterative learning control (ILC): 1) linear ILC for linear processes, 2) linear ILC for nonlinear processes which are global Lipschitz continuous (GLC), and 3) nonlinear ILC for general nonlinear processes. For linear processes, we focus on several basic configurations of linear ILC. For nonlinear processes with linearILC, we concentrate on the design and transient analysis which were overlooked and missing for a long period. For general classes of nonlinear processes, we demonstrate nonlinear ILC methods based on Lyapunov theory, which is evolving into a new control paradigm.  相似文献   

余超  董银昭  郭宪  冯旸赫  卓汉逵  张强 《软件学报》2023,34(4):1749-1764
针对深度强化学习在高维机器人行为控制中训练效率低下和策略不可解释等问题,提出一种基于结构交互驱动的机器人深度强化学习方法(structure-motivated interactive deep reinforcement learning, SMILE).首先,利用结构分解方法将高维的单机器人控制问题转化为低维的多关节控制器协同学习问题,从而缓解连续运动控制的维度灾难难题;其次,通过两种协同图模型(ATTENTION和PODT)动态推理控制器之间的关联关系,实现机器人内部关节的信息交互和协同学习;最后,为了平衡ATTENTION和PODT协同图模型的计算复杂度和信息冗余度,进一步提出两种协同图模型更新方法 APDODT和PATTENTION,实现控制器之间长期关联关系和短期关联关系的动态自适应调整.实验结果表明,基于结构驱动的机器人强化学习方法能显著提升机器人控制策略学习效率.此外,基于协同图模型的关系推理及协同机制,可为最终学习策略提供更为直观和有效的解释.  相似文献   

Two important properties of industrial tasks performed by robot manipulators, namely, periodicity (i.e., repetitive nature) of the task and the need for the task to be performed by the end‐effector, motivated this work. Not being able to utilize the robot manipulator dynamics due to uncertainties complicated the control design. In a seemingly novel departure from the existing works in the literature, the tracking problem is formulated in the task space and the control input torque is aimed to decrease the task space tracking error directly without making use of inverse kinematics at the position level. A repetitive learning controller is designed which “learns” the overall uncertainties in the robot manipulator dynamics. The stability of the closed‐loop system and asymptotic end‐effector tracking of a periodic desired trajectory are guaranteed via Lyapunov based analysis methods. Experiments performed on an in‐house developed robot manipulator are presented to illustrate the performance and viability of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

In this study, an iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm is proposed to improve synchronous errors in rigid tapping. In rigid tapping, the displacements of the z‐axis and spindle must be kept synchronous to prevent damage. Using learning control provides better commands for both the z‐axis and spindle dynamics, improving the synchronicity of the output responses of the z‐axis and spindle. The proposed ILC makes use of synchronous errors in the previous cycle of tapping to modify the current position commands of both the z‐axis and spindle. A systematic algorithm is proposed for the computation of learning gains that guarantee the monotonic convergence of synchronous errors. A systematic procedure of applying ILC to rigid tapping is also proposed, where the ideas of effective learning gains and stop learning criteria are discussed. Experimental results on a tapping machine verify the effectiveness of the proposed ILC algorithm.  相似文献   

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