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Hydrographic observations in Hidaka Bay, south of Hokkaido, Japan were carried out in late winter 1996 and 1997 to examine the spatial distributions and circulation features of two different water masses, i.e., Coastal Oyashio Water (COW) and Tsugaru Warm Water (TWW), and their modifications. It is known that COW is mostly composed of cold and low-salinity water of the melted drift ice coming from the Okhotsk Sea and flows into Hidaka Bay from winter to spring and TWW with high-salinity continuously supplies from the Tsugaru Strait to the North Pacific. Cold surface mixed layers (<26.2σθ, 0–100 m depth) were found mainly over the shelf slope, confirming that anti-clockwise flow of COW was formed. TWW was relatively high in salinity and low in potential vorticity, and had some patch-like water masses with a temperature and salinity maximum in the limited area in the further offshore at the deeper density levels of 26.6–26.8σθ. The fine structure of vertical temperature and salinity profiles appeared between TWW and COW is an indication of enhanced vertical mixing (double-diffusive mixing), as inferred from the estimated Turner angles. At a mouth of the Tsugaru Strait in late winter 1997, a significant thermohaline front between TWW and the modified COW was formed and a main path of TWW spreaded south along the Sanriku coast, probably as the bottom controlled flow. Hence, the patch-like TWW observed in late winter is isolated from the Tsugaru Warm Current and then rapidly modified due to a diapycnal mixing. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The temperature and salinity data obtained by the Iwate Fisheries Technology Center for the 25-year period from 1971 to 1995 were analyzed to clarify the seasonal variations in the sea off Sanriku, Japan. The variations of three typical waters found in this region, the Tsugaru Current water, the Oyashio water, and the Kuroshio water are discussed in terms, of a T-S scatter diagram referring to the water mass classification proposed by Hanawa and Mitsudera (1986). The mean temperature and salinity fields averaged for each month show clear seasonal variation. Distributions of the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water can barely be distinguished in the fields deeper than 200 m since the Tsugaru Current has a shallow structure; however, the fields at 100 m depth indicate remarkable seasonal variation in the area of the Tsugaru Current. At 100 m depth, the temperature and salinity fronts between the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water gradually disappear in January through April, appear again in May, then become clearest in September. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study we used two stable isotopes, δ13C and δ18O, for water mass classification in the coastal region off eastern Hokkaido. δ13C* values, which were corrected for the biological effect, and δ 18O values up to 300 m depth suggested that the isotopic character of the onshore and offshore water in the southern Okhotsk Sea, the Nemuro Strait and the western North Pacific could be explained by the mixing of three source waters: the Oyashio water (OYW), Soya Warm Current water (SWCW) and East Sakhalin Current water (ESCW). In summer, δ 13C*-δ 18O plots indicated mixing between SWCW from the southern Okhotsk Sea and OYW in the Pacific coast of southeastern Hokkaido, while temperature-salinity plots of the onshore water showed minimal difference from the offshore OYW. In winter, on the other hand, the mixed water of ESCW and OYW (or SWCW) appeared in the Pacific coastal region, distributed as cold, low salinity onshore water. Finally, we estimated mixing ratios of OYW, SWCW and ESCW in the coastal region of western North Pacific using their mean values of δ 13C* and δ 18O as endmembers. These results suggest seasonal and yearly changes of water mass combination en route from the southern Okhotsk Sea to the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

南黄海表层沉积物粒度特征季节变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
卢健  李安春 《海洋科学》2015,39(3):48-58
通过对南黄海春季和秋季27个相同站位表层沉积物的粒度分析,并结合水文观测资料,研究了南黄海表层沉积物粒度的季节变化,参考文献资料初步讨论了粒度变化的影响因素。研究结果显示,按照Folk分类,南黄海表层沉积物可以分为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂和泥四种类型。秋季与春季相比,总体上砂和粉砂的含量增加,黏土含量降低,相应地平均粒径相对变粗,分选系数和峰态的变化较小,而偏态表现为更加正偏。季节性变化还表现出明显的区域差异,主要是受环流系统、河流来沙及波浪的季节性变化的影响。  相似文献   

We have investigated the water mass distribution and circulation in Tachibana Bay, which is located in the junction area between Ari-ake Sound and Amakusa-Nada in western Kyushu, Japan. This was done to clarify the mechanism by which ghost shrimp larvae, originating from a sandflat of Amakusa-Shimoshima Island, are transported. Temperature and salinity data repeatedly obtained over the area of Tachibana Bay show that relatively low salinity water lies over northern part of the bay, while high salinity water lies over southern part of the bay. The location of the low salinity water margin tends to depend on the amount of rainfall several days before the observation. A large amount of rainfall makes a clear boundary between low and high salinity waters. Current velocity data indicate an eastward mean flow just north of Tomioka, northern tip of Amakusa-Shimoshima Island, and a clockwise mean flow approaching the Tomioka Bay sandflat, which should be suitable for the on-shore transport of the ghost shrimp postlarvae. Current measurements with shipboard ADCP just west of Hayasaki Strait, at the entrance of Ari-ake Sound, show that a westward tidal residual current tends to incline to the north, with evidence of a density current in the northern part of the western Hayasaki Strait.  相似文献   

The distributions of DMS and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate, in both dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate fractions (DMSPp) were determined in the seasurface microlayer and corresponding subsurface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China and its adjacent area in May and August 2006. The concentrations of all these components showed a clear seasonal variation, with higher concentrations occurring in summer. This can be mainly attributed to the higher phytoplankton biomass observed in summer. Simultaneously, the enrichment extents of DMSPd and DMSPp in the microlayer also exhibited seasonal changes, with higher values in spring and lower ones in summer. Higher water temperature and stronger radiant intensity in summer can enhance their solubility and photochemical reaction in the microlayer water, reducing their enrichment factors (the ratio of concentration in the microlayer to that in the corresponding subsurface water). A statistically significant relationship was found between the microlayer and subsurface water concentrations of DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a, demonstrating that the biogenic materials in the microlayer come primarily from the underlying water. Moreover, our data show that the concentrations of DMSPp and DMS were significantly correlated with the levels of chlorophyll a, indicating that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling the distributions of biogenic sulfurs in the study area. The ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSPp/chlorophyll a varied little from spring to summer, suggesting that there was no obvious change in the proportion of DMSP producers in the phytoplankton community. The mean sea-to-air flux of DMS from the study area was estimated to be 5.70 μmol/(m2·d), which highlights the effects of human impacts on DMS emission.  相似文献   

The distributions of DMS and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate, in both dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate fractions (DMSPp) were determined in the sea-surface microlayer and corresponding subsurface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China and its adjacent area in May and August 2006. The concentrations of all these components showed a clear seasonal variation, with higher concentrations occurring in summer. This can be mainly attributed to the higher phytoplankton biomass observed in summer. Simultaneously, the enrichment extents of DMSPd and DMSPp in the microlayer also exhibited seasonal changes, with higher values in spring and lower ones in summer. Higher water temperature and stronger radiant intensity in summer can enhance their solubility and photochemical reaction in the microlayer water, reducing their enrichment factors (the ratio of concentration in the microlayer to that in the corresponding subsurface water). A statistically signi.cant relationship was found between the microlayer and subsurface water concentrations of DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a, demonstrating that the biogenic materials in the microlayer come primarily from the underlying water. Moreover, our data show that the concentrations of DMSPp and DMS were signi.cantly correlated with the levels of chlorophyll a, indicating that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling the distributions of biogenic sulfurs in the study area. The ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSPp/chlorophyll a varied little from spring to summer, suggesting that there was no obvious change in the proportion of DMSP producers in the phytoplankton community. The mean sea-to-air .ux of DMS from the study area was estimated to be 5.70 μmol/(m2 ·d), which highlights the e.ects of human impacts on DMS emission.  相似文献   

1996年春季南黄海水文特征和水团分析   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:29  
利用中韩“黄海水循环动力学及物质输运”合作研究项目第一航次1996初春所获得的CTD资料描述了南黄海初春温、盐和密度的水平和垂直分布特征,分析了水团结构,并揭示了春季在34°~36°N,121°45'~124°E的南黄海西部水域的中层冷水现象。分析结果表明初春黄海暖流上表层开始向济州岛方向退缩,黄海底层冷水团首先在青岛外海形成。  相似文献   

Monthly variations of hydrographic structures and water mass distributions were investigated over a nearly 30-year period (January 1982–March 2011) off the Doto area, Japan, to examine temporal evolutions and devolutions of representative water masses in this area. In the continental shelf area, the Coastal Oyashio Water (COW) was distributed along the coast during January–May, when COW has been modified by relatively higher salinity water, which may have originated from the Oyashio Water (OW) off the Kuril Islands. On the other hand, the Surface COW (S-COW) may have formed with COW heated by solar radiation, simultaneously mixing with the Tokachi River freshwater and OW in the continental shelf area, and the area of this S-COW spread offshoreward during June and July, and stayed in the offshore area during June and October. Although coastal density current structures, probably due to the Modified Soya Warm Current Water (M-SWCW) inflows, were conspicuous in the continental shelf area during August–October, those structures were weak after November. These weakening structures may be due to developed surface mixed layer caused by surface cooling, and decay of volume transport of the Soya Warm Current in the Okhotsk Sea, and such weakening accordingly may lead to weakening of higher salinity water inflows from the upstream regions. M-SWCW was radically replaced by COW during December and January with rapid salinity decreases, which suggest extremely lower salinity water inflows, probably due to influences of the East Sakhalin Current Water.  相似文献   

The present study is based on the sedimentological data from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin, the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The data include sediment color (L*), X-ray radiographs, grain size distribution and AMS14C date. Four kinds of sediments (homogeneous, laminated, crudely laminated and hybrid sediments) are identified according to the characters of the sedimentary structures that were considered to reflect changes in bottom-water oxygenation. Alternations of dark laminated/crudely laminated sediments and light homogeneous sediments represent millennial-scale variations that are possibly associated with the high-resolution changes in the East Asian monsoon (EAM). The relative contributions of the East China Sea Coastal Water (ECSCW) and the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) were likely the main reasons for the repetition of the anoxic and oxic depositional conditions in the East Sea since the last 48 ka BP. During the interstadial, the strengthen summer EAM was attributed to the expansion of the ECSCW because of more humid climate in central Asia, and then more strongly low-salinity, nutrient-enriched water was introduced into the East Sea. The ventilation of deep water was restricted and therefore the dark laminated layer deposited under the anoxic bottom water condition. During the lowest stand of sea level in the last glacial maximum (LGM), the isolated East Sea dominated by stratiˉed water masses and the euxinic depositional environment formed. The homogenous sediments have been predominating since 17.5 ka BP indicating that the TWC has intruded into the East Sea gradually with the stepwise rise of sea level and the bottom water oxygen level was high. During the late Younger Dryas (YD) period, the last dark laminated layer deposited because the ventilation of bottom water was restricted by stronger summer EAM. The TWC strengthened and the bottom water became oxic again from 10.5 ka BP.  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties in the brine and under-ice water were measured in Saroma-ko Lagoon on the northeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, which is connected to the Sea of Okhotsk, during the period from mid-February through mid-March 2006. The brine within brine channels of the sea ice was collected with a new sampling method examined in this study. Salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), nutrients and oxygen isotopic ratio (δ18O) contained in the brine within brine channels of the sea ice and in the under-ice water varied largely in both time and space during the ice melt period, when discharge from Saromabetsu River located on the southeast of the lagoon increased markedly due to the onset of snow melting. The under-ice plume expands as far as 4.5 km from the river mouth at mid-March 2006, transporting chemical components supplied from the river into the lagoon. The under-ice river water was likely transported into the sea ice through well-developed brine channels in the sea ice due to upward flushing of water through brine channels occurred by loading of snowfalls deposited over the sea ice. These results suggest that the river water plume plays an important role in supplying chemical components into the sea ice, which may be a key process influencing the biogeochemical cycle in the seasonally ice-covered Saroma-ko Lagoon.  相似文献   

东海中部陆架高密水在其形成、演变的过程中向东海北部迁移。冬、春和夏季在东海北部济州岛以南海域存在着一高密(条件密度σt高于25.00)、高溶解氧(高于5.0×10-3)及高盐或次高盐(34.00左右)性质的水体。韩国以南50~100m等深线附近海域也有一高盐、高溶解氧的高密水带。T-S和T-O2点聚图表明这两块高密水基本属同一水体,韩国以南高密水可能是由济州岛以南高密水经济州岛东岸或东、西岸两侧海区迁移过来的  相似文献   

本研究分析了2013年10月东山湾八尺门海域表层海水和沉积物中重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd含量,并基于多种方法进行评价。结果显示,研究海域表层海水中重金属含量符合《海水水质标准》第一类标准,重金属污染指数法评价显示污染风险较低。沉积物中Pb、Cd、Zn含量均符合《海洋沉积物质量》第一类标准,整体污染水平较低;潜在生态风险指数大小顺序为:Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn,沉积物重金属污染整体情况良好,但个别站位的Cd的潜在生态风险指数超过40,应加以关注;地累积指数评价法显示总体污染情况较轻,其地累积指数平均值大小依次为Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd。纵观1990年至2013年的研究结果,东山湾水体中重金属含量总体呈先升高后降低的趋势;与同期相比,东山湾水体中的重金属含量与福建其他海域相差不大,而沉积物中重金属含量比其他海域稍高。  相似文献   

In the current study, low-background γ-spectrometry was employed to determine the 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio and 137Cs activity of 84 coastal water samples collected at six sites along the main island of Japan (Honshu Island) within the Sea of Japan, including the Tsushima Strait, and two other representative sites on Honshu Island (a Pacific shore and the Tsugaru Strait) at 1-month intervals in 2006.The 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal waters in the Sea of Japan exhibited similar patterns of seasonal variation, with minimum values during early summer (228Ra/226Ra = 0.6–0.8), maximum values during autumn (228Ra/226Ra = 1.5–3), and a time lag in their temporal changes ( 2.5 months and over  1300 km distance). However, the 2 other sites represented no clear periodic variation.In contrast to the positive correlation between 137Cs activity (0.6–1.7 mBq/L) and salinity (15–35), the 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal water samples from the Sea of Japan was not observed to correlate with salinity, and the increase in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio was not as marked (0.5–1; May–June 2004 and 2005) during the migration along Honshu Island. The input of land-derived water and/or the diffusion of radium from coastal sediments is unlikely to have affected the wide seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio observed in these water samples.The seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio recorded for the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan is considered to be mainly controlled by the remarkable changes in the mixing ratio of the 228Ra-poor Kuroshio and the 228Ra-rich continental shelf waters within the East China Sea (ECS). After passing through the Tsushima Strait, this water mass moves northeast along the coastline of the Sea of Japan as the Tsushima Coastal Branch Current (TCBC).  相似文献   

A significant surface net heat loss appears around the Kuroshio and the Tsushima Warm Current regions. The area where the surface heat loss occurs should require heat to be supplied by the current to maintain the long-term annual heat balance. Oceanic heat advection in these regions plays an important role in the heat budget. The spatial distribution of the heat supply by the Tsushima Warm Current near the surface was examined by calculating the horizontal heat supply in the surface layer of the East Sea (the Japan Sea) (ESJS), directly from historical sea surface temperature and current data. We have also found a simple estimation of the effective vertical scale of heat supply by the current to compensate net heat loss using the heat supplied by the current in the surface 10 m layer. The heat supplied by the current for the annual heat balance was large in the Korea/Tsushima Strait and along the Japanese Coast, and was small in the northwestern part of the ESJS. The amount of heat supplied by the current was large in the northwestern part and small in the south-eastern part of the ESJS. These features suggest that the heat supplied by the Tsushima Warm Current is restricted to near the surface around the northeastern part and extends to a deeper layer around the southeastern part of the ESJS. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The concentration of nutrients was measured during the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay over a 5-year period (1988–92). During the winter mixing period, nutrient concentrations were similar in every year except in 1990 when a high concentration of silicate was observed. There was interannual variation in the onset of the bloom, presumably depending on the stability of the water column. The bloom developed in early March when the Oyashio water (OW), which has a lower density than the existing winter water, flowed into the bay and the pycnocline formed near the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this case, high chl a was found only in the euphotic zone and nutrient utilization was limited to this zone. In the year when the inflow of OW was not observed by April, the bloom took place at the end of March without strong stratification and high chl a was found in the whole water column, accompanied by a decrease in nutrients. Interannual differences were found not only at the beginning of the decrease, but also in the thickness of the layer which showed a decrease in nutrients. Primary production from the beginning to the end of the spring bloom was estimated from the nutrient budget before and after the spring bloom. The integrated production over the spring bloom period ranged from 25 to 73 g C m-2, which accounts for 19–56% of the annual production in this bay. We found that the timing of the bloom was strongly dependent on the inflow of OW, but the amount of production was not clearly related to this timing.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of water properties and the baroclinic flow pattern in the upper layer of Toyama Bay, where the shelf breaks in the passway of the eastward coastal branch of the Tsushima Warm Current, have been examined using temperature and salinity data from 26 local stations collected in the 32 years from 1963 through 1994. The results show that the flow pattern around the bay, as inferred from the distributions of the geopotential anomaly at 300 dbar and saline core water, changes remarkably from summer to autumn. There are two obvious inflows into Toyama Bay in a year. One is the surface inflow of less saline water from east of the Noto Peninsula as the coastal-trapped density-driven flow of the coastal branch during the transition from May to July. In September, this inflow is abruptly weakened by a transient northwestward reversal flow in the intermediate layer around 100 m depth. This reversal flow is accompanied by the temporary shallowness of the pycnoclines inside the bay. At that time, another inflow with more saline water of the year occurs in the intermediate layer. From November until January, this reversal flow disappears and a southeastward passing through-flow gradually intensifies across the bay mouth, accompanied by deepening of the pycnoclines inside the bay. According to our interannual analysis over the 32-year study period, this reversal flow has been a stable seasonal phenomenon, except for only 4 years, in which a local warm region or warm eddy developed just north of the Noto Peninsula.  相似文献   

We report several biogeochemical parameters (dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate (PO4), nitrate + nitrite (NO3 + NO2), silicate (Si(OH)4)) in a region off Otaru coast in Hokkaido, Japan on a “weekly” basis during the period of April 2002–May 2003. To better understand the long-term temporal variations of the main factors affecting CO2 flux in this coastal region and its role as a sink/source of atmospheric CO2, we constructed an algorithm of DIC and TA using other hydrographic properties. We estimated the CO2 flux across the air–sea interface by using the classical bulk method. During 1998–2003 in our study region, the estimated fCO2sea ranged about 185–335 μatm. The maximum of fCO2sea in the summer was primarily due to the change of water temperature. The minimum of fCO2sea in the early spring can be explained not only by the change of water temperature but also the change of nutrients and chlorophyll-a. To clarify the factors affecting fCO2sea (water temperature, salinity, and biological activity), we carried out a sensitivity analysis of these effects on the variation of fCO2sea. In spring, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (40%). In summer, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the maximum of fCO2sea (25%). In fall, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (53%). In winter, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (35%).We found that our study region was a sink region of CO2 throughout a year (−0.78 mol/m2/yr). Furthermore, we estimated that the increase of fCO2sea was about 0.56 μatm/yr under equilibrium with the atmospheric CO2 content for the period 1998–2003, with the temporal changes in the variables (T, S, PO4) on fCO2sea, thus as the maximum trend of each variable on fCO2sea was 0.22 μatm/yr, and the trend of residual fCO2 including gas exchange was 0.34 μatm/yr. This result suggests that interaction among variables would affect gas exchange between air and sea effects on fCO2sea. We conclude that this study region as a representative coastal region of marginal seas of the North Pacific is special because it was measured, but there is no particular significance in comparison to any other area.  相似文献   

Alkenone unsaturation indices (UK37 and UK′37) have long been used as proxies for surface water temperature in the open ocean. Recent studies have suggested that in other marine environments, variables other than temperature may affect both the production of alkenones and the values of the indices. Here, we present the results of a reconnaissance field study in which alkenones were extracted from particulate matter filtered from the water column in Chesapeake Bay during 2000 and 2001. A multivariate analysis shows a strong positive correlation between UK37 (and UK′37) values and temperature, and a significant negative correlation between UK37 (and UK′37) values and nitrate concentrations. However, temperature and nitrate concentrations also co-vary significantly. The temperature vs. UK37 relationships (UK37=0.018 (T)−0.162, R2=0.84, UK′37=0.013 (T)−0.04, R2=0.80) have lower slopes than the open-ocean equations of Prahl et al. [1988. Further evaluation of long-chain alkenones as indicators of paleoceanographic conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52, 2303–2310] and Müller et al. [1998. Calibration of the alkenone paleotemperature index UK′37 based on core-tops from the eastern South Atlantic and the global ocean (60°N–60°S). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 1757–1772], but are similar to the relationships found in controlled studies with elevated nutrient levels and higher nitrate:phosphate (N:P) ratios. This implies that high nutrient levels in Chesapeake Bay have either lowered the UK37 vs. temperature slope, or nutrient levels are the main controller of the UK37 index. In addition, particularly high abundances (>5% of total C37 alkenones) of the tetra-unsaturated ketone, C37:4, were found when water temperatures reached 25 °C or higher, thus posing further questions about the controls on alkenone production as well as the biochemical roles of alkenones.  相似文献   

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