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为推动植物源杀螨剂的研发进程,采用玻片浸渍法测定40种植物丙酮提取物对朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabrinus)雌成螨的毒杀活性,以期发现具开发潜力的植物资源。结果表明,沙茴香(Ferula bungeana)、盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)、黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)、紫丁香(Syringa oblata)和南方六道木(Abelia dielsii)等5种植物丙酮提取物对朱砂叶螨的毒杀活性较好;毒力测定表明,沙茴香和盐肤木丙酮提取物对朱砂叶螨的毒杀活性最好,LC50分别为0.08 g·mL-1和0.09 g·mL-1。可见,沙茴香和盐肤木可作为植物源杀螨剂研发的候选材料,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

采用玻片浸渍法测定了植物源杀螨活性物质东莨菪内酯、双脱甲氧基姜黄素及两者联合作用最佳增效配比(东:双=7:6)对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的致死效应,并采用时间-剂量-死亡率(TDM)模型进行模拟.结果表明:所建TDM模型均通过Hosmer-Lemoshow拟合异质性检验,朱砂叶螨雌成螨对3种药剂浓度变化的敏感程度为东莨菪内酯>两者最佳配比>双脱甲氧基姜黄素,双脱甲氧基姜黄素、东莨菪内酯和两者最佳配比对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的致死率高峰期分别为处理后32、28和32 h;处理后48 h的LC50和LC90分别为0.3324、0.2035、0.2195mg·mL-1和2.1198、0.9521、1.1617 mg·mL-1;浓度为1.0和2.0 mg·mL-1处理下,LT50分别为7.4、6.0、6.1h和6.4、4.8、5.0h.因此,东莨菪内酯与双脱甲氧基姜黄素最佳配比和东莨菪内酯具有相近的杀螨动态及时间-剂量效应,表现出较好的杀螨活性和增效作用,具有一定的开发利用价值.  相似文献   

测定了木鳖子提取物对朱砂叶螨的触杀活性。用甲醇、氯仿、石油醚3种不同极性的溶剂提取,石油醚提取率最高为30.79%,且对朱砂叶螨成螨和卵的触杀活性均高于其他两种溶剂的提取物,24 h校正死亡率分别为77.52%和72.04%。用甲醇对石油醚提取物萃取,发现甲醇萃取物活性明显高于石油醚部分,对成螨和卵处理24 h后的校正死亡率分别为89.60%和74.65%,产卵抑制率为62.74%,驱避率为58.23%。柱层析对甲醇萃取物进行分离得到10种组分,组分5活性最高,浓度为2 mg/mL时,24 h校正死亡率为86.15%。用薄层层析和气相色谱质谱联用仪分别检测组分5纯度和主成分,初步确定活性成分为α-菠菜甾醇。  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨的交配行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴千红 《昆虫知识》1990,27(6):344-346
先羽化的雄螨有主动帮助雌螨蜕皮的行为,待雌螨蜕出蛹蜕即与其交配。交配时雄体在下方,锥形腹端翻转向上与雌体交接。初羽化雌螨交配时间多在2分钟以上,而羽化日久的雌螨,交配时间明显缩短。雌雄螨一生均多次交配。交配能刺激雌螨产卵,并使雌性比增加。  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨越冬的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)原多混同于二斑叶螨(T.urticae),为世界性害螨,在我国严重危害棉花、瓜、豆、茄果类蔬菜及许多观赏植物。叶螨科叶螨属的很多种类以滞育态雌成螨  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨密度效应研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
吴孔明 《昆虫知识》1990,27(4):213-216
研究朱砂叶螨密度效应的结果表明,朱砂叶螨在卵期不存在密度作用,平均孵化率可达96.01%。但在幼若螨期,高密度则将导致较高的死亡率并调节种群的性比值。羽化成螨种群中雌性比例增加,但子代成螨则表现雄性比例的显著增大。雌成螨密度不同,产卵量和寿命均有显著差别。当雌成螨密度超过3头/cm~2时表现较强的扩散性。  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨滞育诱导的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴千红  经佐琴 《昆虫知识》1993,30(6):335-337
朱砂叶螨滞育诱导反应曲线为长日照型,临界光照长度为9小时45分。15℃条件下诱导,0~1小时30分和11~24小时光照时无滞育发生,光照6小时15分至9小时45分则几乎完全滞育。后若螨期和成螨期具光敏感性,最敏感虫态是成螨期。诱导其他虫态,滞育不发生。  相似文献   

【目的】研究柑桔提取物中主要杀螨活性成分,为柑桔提取物作为杀螨剂的使用奠定基础。【方法】采用乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯、石油醚4种溶剂对北碚447的果皮与种子进行平行提取,对4种提取物进行杀螨活性评价。对北碚447的果皮乙醇提取物和乙酸乙酯提取物进行GC-MS分析,就其中主要成分进行杀螨活性评价,确定主要杀螨活性成分。【结果】发现柑桔乙醇提取物的杀螨活性最高;果皮提取物的杀螨活性高于种子;果皮和种子乙醇和乙酸乙酯提取物通过GC-MS分析共鉴定出35种成分,其中柠檬烯含量最高,和柠檬醛、4-松油醇、芳樟醇占提取物含量的85%以上;柠檬烯杀螨活性高于柠檬醛、松油醇、芳樟醇、?-蒎烯。【结论】柑桔提取物中主要的杀螨成分是柠檬烯、柠檬醛、4-松油醇、芳樟醇、?-蒎烯,以这些物质为主要有效成分的柑桔提取物类杀螨剂的研发具有重大意义。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确不同杀螨剂对朱砂叶螨Tetranychuscinnabarinus不同发育阶段的生物活性。【方法】采用浸渍法分别测定了10种杀螨剂对朱砂叶螨成螨、卵和若螨的毒力。【结果】丁氟螨酯、阿维菌素和联苯肼酯对成螨、卵和若螨的活性均较高;乙螨唑和螺螨酯对卵和若螨活性较高,但对成螨活性明显偏低;甲氰菊酯对成螨和若螨的活性优于卵;唑螨酯、哒螨灵和三唑锡对3种螨态也均具有毒杀作用,但毒力偏低。同一种杀螨剂对若螨的活性均高于成螨和卵,乙螨唑、螺螨酯、联苯肼酯、唑螨酯和炔螨特对卵的活性高于成螨,丁氟螨酯、阿维菌素、甲氰菊酯、哒螨灵和三唑锡对成螨的活性高于卵。【结论】不同杀螨剂对朱砂叶螨不同发育阶段毒力存在较大差异,田间用药防治时应根据害螨发生情况和发生阶段,选择适合的防治药剂。  相似文献   

旋覆花提取物对朱砂叶螨的生物活性及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了旋覆花石油醚提取物对朱砂叶螨的毒力作用及其对相关酶活性的影响。结果表明:旋覆花石油醚提取物的杀螨活性较高,浓度为2mg?mL-1 时,校正死亡率达到92.05%。通过对旋覆花石油醚提取物进一步萃取、柱层析分离、薄层层析,发现最终得到的38个流分中,杀螨效果较好的是流分7,其校正死亡率为85.53%。流分7经GC/MS鉴定为羽扇豆醇,其校正死亡率达到66.46%。进一步测定羽扇豆醇对朱砂叶螨谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、Ca2 -ATPase、过氧化物歧化酶的活性以及总蛋白含量的影响,结果表明经羽扇豆醇处理后,螨体内过氧化物歧化酶被激活,而谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶和Ca2 -ATPase均受到不同程度的抑制,蛋白总量在这个过程中没有明显的变化。上述结果表明旋覆花提取物羽扇豆醇可以有效地杀死朱砂叶螨,这为旋覆花作为新型植物源农药提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

张永强  丁伟  赵志模  吴静  樊钰虎 《生态学杂志》2007,26(12):1969-1973
选用不同生长时期(4、5和6月)黄花蒿的根、茎、叶,采用30℃~60℃石油醚、60℃~90℃石油醚、乙醇、丙酮和水溶剂等溶剂,用顺序和平行提取方法获得81种提取物,测定其对朱砂叶螨的生物活性,同时,将81种提取物分别稀释至5mg.ml-1,测定其对朱砂叶螨的触杀毒力。结果表明:在杀螨活性方面,黄花蒿的杀螨活性随植株的生长呈增加的趋势,总体表现为6月>5月>4月。6、5和4月黄花蒿叶的丙酮平行提取物活性最强,5mg.ml-1浓度处理48h对朱砂叶螨的校正死亡率为74%~86%,它们对朱砂叶螨的致死中浓度(LC50)分别为0.84、0.94和1.38mg.ml-1;处理浓度为5mg.ml-1时,它们的致死中时(LT50)分别为24.61、27.63和37.23h。  相似文献   

Artemisinin is a polycyclic sesquiterpene lactone that is highly effective against multidrug-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, the etiological agent of the most severe form of malaria. Determination of artemisinin in the source plant, Artemisia annua, is a challenging problem since the compound is present in very low concentrations, is thermolabile and unstable, and lacks chromophoric or fluorophoric groups. The ain of this study was to develop a simple protocol for the quantification of artemisinin in a plant extract using an (1)H-NMR method. Samples were prepared by extraction of leaf material with acetone, treatment with activated charcoal to remove chlorophylls and removal of solvent. (1)H-NMR spectra were measured on samples dissolved in deuterochloroform with tert-butanol as internal standard. Quantification was carried out using the using the delta 5.864 signal of artemisinin and the delta 1.276 signal of tert-butanol. The method was optimised and fully validated against a reference standard of artemisinin. The results were compared with those obtained from the same samples quantified using an HPLC-refractive index (RI) method. The (1)H-NMR method gave a linear response for artemisinin within the range 9.85-97.99 mm (r(2) = 0.9968). Using the described method, yields of artemisinin in the range 0.77-1.06% were obtained from leaves of the A. annua hybrid CPQBA x POP, and these values were in agreement with those obtained using an HPLC-RI.  相似文献   

Six plant crude extracts were chosen to evaluate their acaricidal activity against Tetranychus cinnabarinus adults. The crude extract from the stems and leaves of Arachis hypogaea L. presented the highest activity in leaf‐dip bioassays, with an LC50 value of 3,545.98 mg/L. Further extraction using four different solvents (petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n‐butyl alcohol and distilled water) demonstrated that the active components mainly existed in the petroleum ether phase. Then, the active compound, palmitic acid, was isolated from the petroleum ether phase via two‐step column chromatography using columns filled with silica gel and C‐18 and identified via mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. The LC50 value of active palmitic acid against T. cinnabarinus was 534.58 mg/L. The present study demonstrated that the active compound extracted from A. hypogaea is a potential novel botanical acaricide for controlling T. cinnabarinus.  相似文献   

Artemisia annua, well recognized for its production of antimalarial drug artemisinin, is seldom attacked by any of phytopathogenic fungi, which could be partially associated with the presence of endophytes. Present investigation is aiming at disclosing whether the endophytes inside A. annua produce antifungal substances. A total of 39 endophytes were isolated and fermented, and the ferment broth was evaluated in vitro for the antifungal activity against crop-threatening fungi Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Rhizoctonia cerealis, Helminthosporium sativum, Fusarium graminearum, Gerlachia nivalis and Phytophthora capsici. These plant pathogens are still causing wheat take-all, sharp eyespot, common rot, scab, snow mould, and pepper phytophthora blight, respectively. Out of 39 endophytes investigated, 21 can produce in vitro substances that are inhibitory to all or a few of the tested phytopathogens whereas the rest yielded nothing active. Moreover, the most active broth of endophyte IV403 was extracted with EtOAc and n-butanol, and comparisons of the antifungal activity of the extracts indicated that the major active metabolites were EtOAc-extractable.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):389-395
Petroleum ether (Pee), carbon tetrachloride (Cte) and methanol extract (Mee) of Artemisia annua, Chenopodium album and Sonchus oleraceus were screened for their efficacy against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. Pee of A. annua, Mee of A. annua and Ch. album, Cte of A. Annua were found effective in descending order after 24 and 48 hrs of treatment. Pee of A. annua, the most potent extract with LC50 78.2 ppm was selected to study its influence on the development and metamorphosis of the culicine mosquito. The extract significantly affected the hatching, larval development, pupal transformation and also lengthened the larval and pupal periods. Growth index was remarkably reduced. Treated culicine eggs, larvae and pupae showed deformities including disruption of the body wall, distorted alimentary canal, damaged tracheal network and arrested histogenesis. The extract has remarkable effect on the metamorphosis and high larvicidal potential, hence, can be used as an effective alternative to the existing synthetic pesticides for the control of Cx. quinquefasciatus.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that Gynandropsis gynandra emits acetonitrile as a foliar volatile from intact plants and isolated leaves, and that this compound is an effective spider mite repellent. This study has used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to investigate volatile compounds emitted from homogenised G. gynandra leaves to evaluate their tissue acetonitrile content and to look for other compounds that might be exploited for the management of spider mites. Acetonitrile was absent from the homogenised tissues of five lines of G. gynandra, studied over two seasons. Thirteen volatile compounds were emitted by G. gynandra at significantly higher levels than mite‐susceptible pot roses, including isothiocyanates, aldehydes, esters, alcohols and terpenes. Six representative compounds were selected to assess bioactivity. Spider mite populations were completely inactive after a 2 h exposure to butyl isothiocyanate, 2,4‐heptadienal or β‐cyclocitral, when evaporated from 0.5 µL of pure compound in a 100 mL air space. The same level of inactivity was achieved after exposure to 5.0 μL of (Z)‐2‐pentenol or a 25 μL volume of 50% v/v Z‐3‐hexenal or 5% w/v methyl isothiocyanate. Dissipation of β‐cyclocitral following 24 h exposure to its concentration of 5 μL in a 100 mL air space resulted in a 6% recovery of the spider mites but at higher concentrations no recovery was observed. These identified compounds may have potential as extracted products for management of spider mites in roses, and a high constitutive content of them in roses may be of value in targeted plant breeding for enhanced insect resistance. The range of isothiocyanates found in G. gynandra accounts for the bitter taste of the leaves when used as a traditional vegetable in Eastern Africa and provides a target for manipulation to improve palatability.  相似文献   

Extracts of an annual herbaceous plant, Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad (Macrophomina), were bioassayed to determine their acaricidal activities against Tetranychus urticae Koch, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval), and Tetranychus viennensis Zacher (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the laboratory. Extracts had both contact and systemic toxicity to these mites. Three solvents were tested for preparing crude extracts: petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanol. Methanol was the most effective solvent, extracting 3.11-4.53% of the acaricide. Petroleum ether was the least effective solvent, extracting 1.25-1.54%. However, extracts with chloroform resulted in the highest mite mortality (78.86%), and ultrasound-assisted extraction required the least time (10 min). Concentrated extracts were prepared using chloroform, methyl acetate, or distilled water as a solvent. Mite mortalities from the concentrated extracts by methyl acetate or distilled water were significantly lower than those by chloroform. The mean lethal concentrations (LC50) of the extracts by chloroform, methyl acetate, and distilled water to the mites were 0.71 +/- 0.06, 2.08 +/- 0.16 and 8.75 +/- 0.062 mg/ml, respectively. After liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography, the concentrated extracts by chloroform were separated into seven groups of isolated fractions and tested for acaricidal activity.  相似文献   

艾蒿提取物对菜青虫的生物活性   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
李水清  张钟宁 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):439-442
采用微波辅助提取、溶剂浸提 ,以正己烷、乙醇、正己烷 +乙醇 (体积比 1∶1 )为溶剂从艾蒿ArtemisiaargyiL啨vl.etVant茎叶得到了提取物。另外 ,还用水蒸气蒸馏法获得了精油。生物活性试验表明 ,它们对菜青虫PierisrapaeL .具有较强的拒食活性和一定的触杀活性。其中 ,正己烷为溶剂的微波辅助提取物的拒食活性和触杀活性最强。  相似文献   

Artemisia annua L. (also called qinghao) has been well known as a source of antimalarial drug artemisinins. In addition, the herb was reported to have in vitro antioxidative activity. The present study investigated the protective effect of aqueous ethanol extract of Qinghao (AA extract) against D-galactose-induced oxidative stress in C57BL/6J mice. Feeding AA extract-containing diet lowered serum levels of malondialdehyde and 8-OH-dG that are biomarkers for lipid peroxidation and DNA damage, respectively. Furthermore, AA extract feeding enhanced the activity of NQO1, a typical antioxidant marker enzyme, in tissues such as kidney, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. In conclusion, AA extract was found to have antioxidative activity in mouse model.  相似文献   

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