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华北平原秸秆焚烧火点的MODIS影像识别监测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用Terra/MODIS 1B级数据,基于火点像元亮温特征及其与背景亮温的偏差来提取华北平原秸秆焚烧火点信息。文中采用MODIS 1B 500m分辨率下的第1、4、3波段反射率产品进行RGB合成,基于GIS平台叠加火点信息和地理基础数据生成华北平原5省2市秸秆焚烧火点分布图。本文结合火点分布图对研究区2007年6月17日和18日的火点数目进行了统计:结果表明,河南、河北地区的火点较多,山东、河南等境内火点数目分布区域有较大扩展。通过遥感监测秸秆焚烧信息,可为环境监测部门提供环境监测数据;同时能提高秸秆焚烧预警和日常监控能力,兴利保护生态环境。  相似文献   


STUDYONMODELFORREMOTESENSINGESTIMATIONOFMAIZEYIELDLiuZhaoli(刘兆礼)HuangTieqing(黄铁青)WanEnpu(万恩璞)ZhangYangzhen(张养贞)ChangchunInsti...  相似文献   

Through analysis of perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) from combination of visible and near-infrared spectrums reflecting the feature of crop reflectance, we come to the conclusion that the index can better indicate crop instantaneous photosynthesis whereas people generally regard it as the representation of crop leaf area index (LAI). Exploration of crop photosynthesis within a day and its period of duration leads to production of photosynthetic vegetation index (PST) that can reflect the whole crop accumulated photosynthesis, which means the total biomass produced by crop, moreover the method simulating PST is put forward by employment of multi-temporal spectrum parameters. On the basis of the achievements mentioned above, a new comprehensive model for remote sensing estimation of maize yield is established, which can comprehensively show major physiological actions of maize and the course of its yield formation, organically integrate various effective ways of crop yield estimation. It lays a solid foundation for carrying out remote sensing estimation of maize yield on a large scale.  相似文献   

The Songnen Plain in Northeast China, one of the key national bases of agricultural production, went through remarkable land use/cover changes in recent years. This study aimed to explore the long-term land use/cover changes and the effects of these changes on the environment. The Landsat-based analysis showed that, during 1986–2000, cropland, built-up land and barren land had increased, among which cropland had the largest increase of 9,198km2 with an increase rate of 7.5%. Woodland, grassland, water body and swampland had decreased correspondingly, among which grassland had the most dramatic decrease of 6,127km2 with a decrease rate of 25.6%. The transition matrix results revealed that grassland, woodland and swampland were the three main land use types converted to cropland. Climate warming created the potential environment for the conversion of grassland and swampland into cropland. Land resources policy made by central and provincial governments of China affected the pattern and intensity of land use. Land use/cover changes accompanied by climatic variation brought out a series of environmental consequences, such as sand desertification of land, land salinization and alkalinization, grassland degradation, and more frequent floods. Under this circumstance, optimized land use structure and restoration measures are needed.  相似文献   

The crop estimates by remote sensing, developing quickly in recent decades, is a up-to-date technique. Regionalization for large area crop estimates by remote sensing, a special applied regionalization, is the foundation of crop estimates in a large area by remote sensing. According to the actual demands of wheat yield estimation by remote sensing and wheat agroclimatic demarcation of China, this paper first puts forward some principles upheld in this regionalization and analyses its main bases. Secondly, it works out the classificatory schemes about the optimum temporal for estimating wheat yield by remote sensing, information sources of space remote sensing and landuse structure in China. Finally, According to the regionalization indices, this study divides the wheat plantable region of China into 14 regions of crop yield estimates and 31 subregions of crop yield estimates.  相似文献   

华北平原水资源紧缺情势与因源   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
基于水资源可持续利用理念,从水资源承载能力演化周期性、经济社会需用水规模难变性和未来水资源供需关系入手,介绍近60年以来华北平原水资源情势,特别是该平原水资源量、实际用水量和地下水开采量变化特征,并结合未来10到30年区域经济社会发展需用水量趋势,识别和诊断华北平原水资源紧缺因源.结果表明:由于降水量减少导致华北平原缺...  相似文献   

华北平原水资源合理开发利用的思路与举措   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经过几十年的大量开采利用,华北平原地下水资源不仅表现为区域超采和局部严重超采,也暴露出地下水补给源严重萎缩的问题。其主要表现在中西部粗质平原的地下水易补给区,因汇流山地水库强力拦蓄,河道主体补给功能丧失,而在中东部细质平原的径流主产区,因水位埋藏浅和水质咸化,降水径流不能形成对地下水的有效补给,蒸发流失严重。以往实践强调山区水利工程建设而轻视了东部低平原区径流拦蓄利用,重视对高海拔咸水体的改造利用而忽视了对低海拔咸水体的改造利用,强化地表水库建设的重要性而忽略了地下水库的重要性。面对华北平原供水紧张的严峻形势,调整水资源开发战略势在必行,其具体思路是:以千方百计提高降水利用水平为中心,调整和改善水资源开发利用整体布局;以地下水补给调蓄为重点,大力集蓄雨洪水和改造利用浅层水,充分发挥地表水和地下水两大功能作用。其具体举措有:实施山前梯级水坝的地下水库"回灌"工程;实施中东部及滨海淡水蓄水利用工程;实施东部浅层地下水规模化改造开发利用工程。若上述措施得以实施,可使降水利用率从现状的20.65%提高到26%以上,则华北平原供水问题有望获得解决。  相似文献   

本文利用2000年的TM数据,经过图像增强、合成、几何精纠正、镶嵌和分割,以1∶10万地形图分幅标准,在微机Windows的ARC/INFO软件平台上,人机交互解译,最终获得2000年全国各省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积。土地覆盖类型采用二级分类系统,第一级分为6大类:耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地和未利用土地。TM解译结果表明,于2000年,新疆维吾尔自治区、内蒙古自治区、青海省和甘肃省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积分别为:79361263hm2、58570586hm2、18917225hm2和12340694hm2。面对中国局部生态环境得到改善但整体上土地荒漠化面积每年都在扩大的现实,利用遥感手段快速准确地监测国土荒漠化面积,对政府决策整治防护有重要意义。  相似文献   

Surface roughness parameter is an important factor and obstacle for retrieving soil moisture in passive microwave remote sensing.Two statistical parameters,root mean square (RMS) height (s) and correlation length (l),are designed for describing the roughness of a randomly rough surface.The roughness parameter measured by traditional way is independence of frequency,soil moisture and soil heterogeneity and just the ″geometric″ roughness of random surface.This ″geometric″ roughness can not fully explain the scattered thermal radiation by the earth's surface.The relationship between ″geometric″ roughness and integrated roughness (contain both ″geometric″ roughness and ″dielectric″ roughness) is linked by empirical coefficient.In view of this problem,this paper presents a method for estimating integrated surface roughness from radiometer sampling data at different frequencies,which mainly based on the flourier relationship between power spectral density distribution and spatial autocorrelation function.We can obtain integrated surface roughness at different frequencies by this method.Besides "geometric" roughness,this integrated surface roughness not only contains "dielectric" roughness but also includes frequency dependence.Combined with Q/H model the polarization coupling coefficient can also be obtained for both H and V polarization.Meanwhile,the simulated numerical results show that radiometer with a sensitivity of 0.1 K can distinguish the different surface roughness and the change of roughness with frequency for the same rough surface.This confirms the feasibility of radiometer sampling method for estimating the surface roughness theoretically.This method overcomes the problem of ″dielectric″ roughness measurement to some extent and can achieve the integrated surface roughness within a microwave pixel which can serve soil moisture inversion better than the ″geometric″ roughness.  相似文献   

目前,地热资源勘查仍以传统的物探方法为主,这样在探测区地热宏观环境条件不明时,就会出现投资风险大或盲目开采的情况;而遥感对地热资源的探测是弥补这一不足的先进技术.本文利用陆地卫星遥感数据处理方法进行了有效的遥感地质解译,依据陆地卫星红外遥感数据所反映的地物辐射温度差异特点,对遥感影像进行波段差值运算、HIS(HLS)彩...  相似文献   

利用GRACE卫星数据反演华北平原2003~2015年地下水储量变化,并用监测井数据进行验证。基于EOF方法分解GRACE年际地下水储量变化,结合冬小麦年均WFblue和TRMM降雨数据分析影响华北平原地下水储量年际变化的因素。结果表明,前2个特征向量方差贡献率为93.09%。其中,第1模态方差贡献率为80.04%,与华北平原2003~2009年冬小麦年均WFblue空间变化的相关系数为-0.69,且空间分布一致;第2模态方差贡献率为13.05%,与同时段降水数据的空间分布的相关系数为0.93。说明农业灌溉,尤其是冬小麦的灌溉对华北平原地下水的消耗起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

各类光学植被指数已成功地应用于各种植被监测与作物产量估算中,但这些指数易受大气状况的影响.由星载微波辐射计得到的植被光学厚度数据(VOD)与植被密度、含水量密切相关,数据可全天候获得,在农业遥感监测中呈现着巨大的潜力.作为来自不同传感器的遥感数据,微波遥感数据与光学遥感数据可以提供不同波长范围内的植被信息.为了更准确地...  相似文献   


Land-cover survey in northeast China using remote sensing and GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I.INTRODUCTIONWiththerapiddevelopmentofnationaleconomyandthegrowthofthepopulationsincethe1990s,therecomesnewdemandsforexploit...  相似文献   

中国浮空器遥感遥测应用现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浮空器是一种新型的航空遥感遥测平台,适合于中小面积高分辨率的遥感遥测,尤其是中低空小型遥控飞艇,可依靠动力推进与操纵系统实现可操作飞行,具有飞行时间长、覆盖面积大、载重能力强、效费比高等特点,与其他几种航空平台相比,飞艇平台具有综合优势,在基础地理数据采集、国土资源勘查、环境监测、农业植被监测等各个领域具有广泛的应用前景。本文分析了中国有人飞机、无人机和中低空飞艇、平流层飞艇平台在遥感遥测中应用案例,以及各个航空平台的性能特点、工作方式、技术难点等,对比了各种平台的技术特点;探讨了中小型遥控飞艇平台在遥感遥测中应用的优势,研究了平流层飞艇的发展现状与关键技术;并结合国际相关领域的研究进展,对未来浮空器遥感应用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

晋北地区生态环境脆弱性的GIS综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态环境脆弱性评估可以为退化系统的综合整治提供策略依据。晋北地区作为我国北方农牧交错带的组成部分,在自然和人为因素的综合作用下,表现出脆弱性的特征。本文利用空间主成分分析和层次分析法,结合遥感数据和地理信息系统技术,评价了晋北地区生态环境的脆弱性。结果表明:在自然和人为因素综合作用下,晋北地区生态环境脆弱性呈现不平衡的空间分布特征,东北部重,西南部轻。极度和重度脆弱区主要分布在东北部,占整个研究区面积的33.1%;微度和中度脆弱区主要分布在西南部,占41.9%;轻度脆弱区在整个研究区几乎均有分布,占24.9%。轻度和中度脆弱区占整个研究区面积的55.5%。总体来看,晋北地区大部分区域处于中度和轻度脆弱性水平。自然因素是晋北地区生态环境脆弱性的主导因素,人为因素是其脆弱性变化的关键外在因素。影响晋北地区生态环境脆弱性的自然因素主要有干旱、NDVI、水土流失比率;人为因素主要有土地利用、第二产业占GDP比重、环保投资指数、水资源量。研究结果为晋北地区合理调控人类活动,保护和治理生态环境提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapotranspiration(ET) over the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.Land cover/land use was classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data,which were reconstructed based on the Savitzky-Golay filtering approach.The MODIS product Quality Assessment Science Data Sets(QA-SDS) was analyzed and all scenes with valid data covering more than 75% of the Sanjiang Plain were selected for the SEBAL modeling.This provided 12 overpasses during 184-day growing season from May 1st to October 31st,2006.Daily ET estimated by the SEBAL model was misestimaed at the range of-11.29% to 27.57% compared with that measured by Eddy Covariance system(10.52% on average).The validation results show that seasonal ET from the SEBAL model is comparable to that from ground observation within 8.86% of deviation.Our results reveal that the time series daily ET of different land cover/use increases from vegetation on-going until June or July and then decreases as vegetation senesced.Seasonal ET is lower in dry farmland(average(Ave):491 mm) and paddy field(Ave:522 mm) and increases in wetlands to more than 586 mm.As expected,higher seasonal ET values are observed for the Xingkai Lake in the southeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain(Ave:823 mm),broadleaf forest(Ave:666 mm) and mixed wood(Ave:622 mm) in the southern/western Sanjiang Plain.The ET estimation with SEBAL using MODIS products can provide decision support for operational water management issues.  相似文献   

从拓宽地(市)局遥感应用服务产品的领域、改善服务产品的形式、提高服务产品水平的角度,提出了适合地(市)级遥感应用系统的建立方法和资料处理流程,使地、市遥感应用进入定量分析的阶段.开发的基于局地数据集的地(市)级遥感应用处理软件, 可同时处理EOS和NOAA、FY卫星接收的数据资料,并可进行植被长势、沙尘暴、干旱等监测.通过配发的遥感数据和应用处理软件将为我省各地(市)初步建立起遥感应用系统.  相似文献   

In view of the large quantities of areas,complex landform and dynamic change of resources and environ-ment in China,China has already funded abundantly a series of macro remote sensing investigation projects in land use cover change(LUCC) since 1990.Supported by the achievements of such projects,Chinese resources,environmental and remote sensing database(CRERS) was created.In this paper,we standardized the LUCC dataset of CRERS at scale of 1km,which facilitated the study of spatial features of LUCC in China.The analysis on the spatial features of LUCC and their causes of formation in China are based on the CRERS supported by the technologies of Geographic Information System(GIS) .The whole research was based on the grade index of land use,ecological environmental index and index of population density.Based on the correlation analysis,we found that the special features of LUCC were closely related with those of ecological environment and population density,which resulted form that areas with better ecological environ-ment and high production potential of land were easy and convenient for human being to live,which,furthermore,led to the aggravation of excessive exploitation of land resources there.  相似文献   

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