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A range of structured learning packs (SLIPS) has been developed for third-year medical students undertaking a community medicine firm at King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry (KCSMD). The aim of the packs is to provide materials for independent learning by students to complement teaching by general practice tutors. An approach to the development of this method of learning is described. A tutor working alongside students designed, tested and revised exercises that were developed into learning packs. Tutors who piloted the packs found that they offered flexibility and versatility in a general practice setting. The active learning exercises were enjoyed by students, who particularly valued tasks that fulfilled a genuine practice need. The packs allowed tutors and students to use their contact time more effectively by promoting discussion of concepts and issues rather than basic clinical information. A formal evaluation programme is planned with the aim of extending use of the packs onto other clinical medical firms.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Integrated teaching and problem-based learning (PBL) are powerful educational strategies. Difficulties arise, however, in their application in the later years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, particularly in clinical attachments. Two solutions have been proposed - the use of integrated clinical teaching teams and time allocated during the week for PBL separate from the clinical work. Both approaches have significant disadvantages. Task-based learning (TBL) is a preferred strategy. In TBL, a range of tasks undertaken by a doctor are identified, e.g. management of a patient with abdominal pain, and these are used as the focus for learning. Students have responsibility for integrating their learning round the tasks as they move through a range of clinical attachments in different disciplines. They are assisted in this process by study guides. METHOD: The implementation of TBL is described in one medical school. One hundred and thirteen tasks, arranged in 16 groups, serve to integrate the student learning as they rotate through 10 clinical attachments. RESULTS: This trans-disciplinary approach to integration, which incorporates the principles of PBL offers advantages to both teachers and students. It recognizes that clinical attachments in individual disciplines can offer rich learning opportunities and that such attachments can play a role in an integrated, as well as in a traditional, curriculum. In TBL, the contributions of the clinical attachments to the curriculum learning outcomes must be clearly defined and tasks selected which will serve as a focus for the integration of the students' learning over the range of attachments.  相似文献   

Finley  Sharratt  Nanton  Chen  Roy  Paterson 《Medical education》1998,32(4):357-361
Declining skills in auscultation of the heart prompted an evaluation of teaching methods for medical students. A comparison of classroom teaching and computer-aided independent learning of auscultation was carried out with two groups of approximately 20 second-year medical students. Both groups used approximately 20 recorded normal and abnormal heart sounds and murmurs, chosen to illustrate learning issues. For the classroom group a cardiologist presented each case through multiple stethophones and led the discussion. The individual study group used a new CD-ROM collection of cases and recordings in quiz format, with a hypertext link to a comprehensive text on auscultation and additional recordings. Students were tested with 16 multiple choice and 5 open questions on eight selected recordings, and evaluated the teaching by questionnaire. The classroom-taught students scored higher on open questions than the CD-ROM-taught group, but in general performance by both groups was satisfactory and equivalent. Students of both groups repeatedly had difficulty classifying regurgitant and ejection murmurs and identifying characteristics of the second heart sound. Both CD-ROM and classroom teaching methods were highly rated by students but most students preferred a combination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between clinical experience, learning style and performance in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in medical students at the end of their first clinical year. DESIGN: Prospective study of undergraduate students taking an OSCE examination at the end of their first clinical year. SUBJECTS: 194 undergraduate medical students (95 male). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Performance in the OSCE examination, the Entwhistle Learning Style Inventory1 and a composite self-reported score of clinical activity during the students first clinical year. RESULTS: Performance in the OSCE examination was related to well-organized study methods but not to clinical experience. A significant relationship between clinical experience and organized deep-learning styles suggests that knowledge gained from clinical experience is related to learning style. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between clinical experience and student performance is complex. Well-organized and strategic learning styles appear to influence the benefits of increased clinical exposure. Further work is required to elucidate the most beneficial aspects of clinical teaching.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To obtain students' perceptions of the educational quality of the general internal medicine teaching overall and to determine whether specific learning objectives were better addressed in general practice or in hospital. DESIGN: The survey was carried out after a 10 week block of general internal medicine, consisting of five weeks taught in general practice and five weeks taught in a teaching hospital. Students were randomly allocated to start in either general practice or hospital. The outcome measure was a questionnaire survey of students perceptions' of their learning on the two halves of the block. Each student completed the same questionnaire twice: once after their hospital experience and once after their general practice experience. Statistical Analysis was carried out using the SPSS package for Windows 3.1. Group means were calculated for each response, and the mean differences for each student's responses for the two learning environments were analysed using t-tests for paired samples. SETTING: Royal Free and University College Medical School at University College London. SUBJECTS: The study population was the entire annual intake (n = 225) of students into the first clinical year at one UK medical school. RESULTS: Students perceived they learnt more about history taking and physical examination in the community, whereas they learnt more about writing up their clerkings, keeping progress notes and disease management in hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The community and hospital environments appear to have different strengths for the teaching of medical students. These data support judicious transfer of clinical skills teaching from teaching hospitals into general practice, when the circumstances achieved here can be duplicated. However, some aspects of the clinical attachment, particularly record keeping and disease management, are probably better taught in hospital at present.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: The Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen viewed the use of Computer Assisted Leaning (CAL) and other IT based learning resources as a possible way of coping with an increase in student numbers whilst maintaining or increasing the quality of medical teaching. OBJECTIVES: Our primary objective was to develop and integrate Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) applications into the undergraduate medical curriculum. SUBJECTS/MATERIALS: A wide spectrum of CAL applications were developed dealing with many topics in the curriculum. METHODS: We formulated a structured approach to CAL development by establishing a team of professionals (forming a CAL Unit), using existing expertise and by implementing a process to ensure that the CAL had a maximum impact upon the curriculum. The CAL included multimedia tutorials, learning guides, computer aided assessment (CAA) and Model Patients. RESULTS: There are now over 150 IT based learning resources in our curriculum and course evaluation has showed that these have been well received by students. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that with the wise use of the many skills and facilities usually available within an institution and by promoting collaborative projects with others, the production of high quality CAL is possible within most institutions.  相似文献   

AIMS: New medical graduates lack clinical skills in assessing and managing patients seeking drugs of dependence. This study compares the effectiveness of three different clinical skills training methods, with similar content, which were developed to teach these skills to senior medical students. METHODS: A preliminary survey indicated that common problems seen by primary care practitioners included both new and previously known patients seeking either benzodiazepines or opiates. The common content of the teaching was determined from this survey. A didactic small group tutorial (DT), a video-based tutorial (VBT) using professional actors, and a computer-aided instruction package using digitized video (CAI) were developed with this common content, and trialled with undergraduate medical students over 2 years in a parallel-group design. Outcome was assessed by student feedback, performance on a case-based written examination and by a structured evaluation of interviews with simulated patients requesting drugs. Comparison was also made between methods on the basis of knowledge tests. RESULTS: No difference was seen in written examination and simulated patient outcomes between the three groups. However, the VBT was thought by the students to be preferable to other methods. The estimated development costs of CAI were higher, but total costs over a 6-year period were lower than for the DT and VBT. The results suggest that clinical skills can be taught equally effectively through several different methods. Collaboration between institutions in the development of widely applicable CAI tools should be an efficient and economical mode of teaching with a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and structure of an Electronic Study Guide for Oncology (LETSGO) for undergraduate medical students. LETSGO is aimed at clinical students learning about cancer. The subject of the guide is breast cancer and learning objectives cover structure and function, behavioural science, public health and epidemiology and professional and personal values. LETSGO is designed to follow the steps used in problem-based learning. The student is encouraged to carry out individual brainstorming around cases with the issues identified acting as the first step in an educational audit loop. Clear definition of prior knowledge is available by way of interactive features, and hyper-text links to core text and diagrams (including microscopic sections) precede definition of both broad aims and objectives for the module and specific objectives for assessment purposes. Core knowledge is available via hyper-text links. Assessment has three components: open ended questions asking for free text responses linking to 'model' answers; extended matching items linking to 'model' answers and providing peer-referenced feedback as a bar-chart distribution, and an educational audit loop referring back to the original issues identified at the beginning of the package in brainstorming. Clear mapping throughout the guide is a major feature and the student's progress is clearly displayed at each stage of the guide. The program provides dynamic access to the student's existing knowledge base and stimulates new learning based on the student's own learning needs.  相似文献   

A Howe 《Medical education》2001,35(7):666-672
CONTEXT: The UK General Medical Council has proposed that increased use of community settings is essential to enhancement of medical education. However, such curriculum developments have been directed by educationalists and clinical faculty; there is to date little to show whether student perspectives accord with such expectations. AIM: To examine student views on whether community-based learning during a UK undergraduate medical education course results in new learning in the areas expected, and to elucidate any process factors which enhance attainment of learning objectives. METHOD: Nominal group technique, to develop consensus on important learning outcomes and process factors, and questionnaire survey, developed from the views of the nominal groups. RESULTS: 89 students participated (response rate 70% for the nominal groups, and 88% for questionnaire). Students perceived increased learning in many of the areas expected. In particular, students reported significant learning from: witnessing the impact of a longer term and more personal relationship with patients; the visible impact of social environment on health; the importance of dealing with people rather than diseases, and the use of the whole team for care. In addition, they emphasized that tutor, staff and patient enthusiasm for student presence and learning greatly enhanced the student learning experience. CONCLUSIONS: Community settings appear to achieve the expected attitudinal adaptation of students. The role of the committed tutor and team is seen as pivotal to learning. The conclusions support an increased emphasis in contemporary medical education and related research activity on the key impact of relationships in the learning environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A new self-directed learning package was developed to assist medical students learn the counselling and practical skills to enable them to communicate with men and women about contraception and related matters. OBJECTIVES: This paper describes the package and the way it was facilitated, the students' ratings of the package and their feedback about the session on the first time it was presented at four teaching hospitals. RESULTS: The students rated the contraception package as average. The reasons given were: no introduction to the contraception session, lack of a trained person to conduct and facilitate the contraception learning session, poor organization at one of the hospitals and too little emphasis on self-assessment. The assumption that the students had a basic hormonal knowledge prior to the contraception sessions was incorrect. DISCUSSION: The results suggest the contraception learning package needs a person with contraceptive knowledge, patient-doctor skills and experience with self-directed learning to be present throughout the 3-hour session and for tools to be available that emphasize self-assessment during the session. OUTCOME: The modifications to be made to the learning package include pairing male and female students, a reduction in duration of the learning stations, an additional learning station relating to hormonal contraception, and inclusion of pregnancy and ovulation testing. These modifications were suggested by the participating students.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Performing a clinical procedure requires the integration of technical clinical skills with effective communication skills. However, these skills are often taught separately. OBJECTIVES: To explore the feasibility and benefits of a new conceptual model for integrated skills teaching. : Design A qualitative observation and interview-based study of undergraduate medical students. METHODOLOGY: Medical students performed technical and communication skills in realistic clinical scenarios (urinary catherization and wound closure), using latex models connected to simulated patients (SPs). Procedures were observed, videorecorded and assessed by tutors from an adjoining room. Students received immediate feedback from tutors and SPs, before engaging in a process of individual feedback through private review of their videotapes. Group interviews explored the response of students, SPs and tutors. Data were analysed using standard qualitative techniques. SUBJECTS: Fifty-one undergraduate students were recruited from the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London. RESULTS: The scenarios provided a realistic simulation of two common clinical situations and proved feasible in terms of time, facilities and resources within this institution. Students found the opportunity to integrate communication and technical skills valuable, challenging and an appropriate learning experience. Immediate feedback was especially highly valued. Some students found difficulty integrating technical and communications skills, but benefited from conducting two procedures in the same session. CONCLUSION: The integrated model was feasible and was perceived to be valuable. Benefits include the opportunity to integrate, within a safe environment, skills which are often taught separately. Promoting reflective practice may enable the successful transfer of these integrated skills to other procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the performance in learning clinical research methodology (CRM) by means of the Keller Plan (KP), to assess its impact on attitudes towards research (AR) and to estimate its acceptability. DESIGN: An educational intervention trial was employed with control group (CG) and random assignment. SETTING: The Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit in Valencia, Spain, 1997. SUBJECTS: Third-year family residents. RESULTS: In the KP both specific written self-teaching material and interactive computer programme were used, focusing on the tutored resident, with compulsory assessments to continue. In the CG a conventional course was followed. Knowledge of CRM and the AR test (previously validated in another study) were measured at the start. Four tests of successive knowledge, time spent studying, tutorials, final AR test and acceptability were conducted. Non-parametric tests were used. Forty (89%) residents participated, 22 were assigned to KP and 18 to CG. Similar basic characteristics, with exception of AR test (medians 55 Keller, 58 control). KP knowledge tests significantly higher (P = < 0.05) than the CG (medians 101, 88) along with time spent studying (medians 53, 23.4 h). There were no significant differences in AR test, although there was an improvement in both groups, significant in KP but not in CG (median increase of 4.5 and 2). Nine residents used and positively assessed the computer programme. Better acceptability was obtained by the KP in overall evaluation, recommendation of the method and learning dynamic. CONCLUSIONS: The KP obtained better knowledge, motivated studying and was positively accepted.  相似文献   

AIM: There are data to suggest that medical school may not adequately prepare doctors for practice and that there are deficiencies in undergraduate teaching of skills in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis and management (clinical skills). There is a need to re-evaluate methods by which we can teach clinical skills effectively. This aim of this review was to describe the literature concerning the important principles underpinning effective clinical learning. Subsequently a structured learning tool and teaching process was developed in order to support these principles. METHOD: The principles of effective clinical learning were derived after a search of the medical education and relevant behavioural science literature. Consequently, a structured learning tool and teaching process was developed in order to potentiate the translation of these principles into practice for medical school training in clinical skills. RESULTS: Ten principles were derived from the 68 articles referred to in this review. These were: making active decisions, an individual focus to learning, gaining experience, feedback to the learner, reciprocal learning, holistic care, relevant learning, feasibility, cost efficiency and mentoring. A process for history taking, physical examination and management plan was developed for medical students which incorporated these principles. CONCLUSION: Relevant literature can provide the foundations for teaching and learning methods in medical education. We plan to trial this method and evaluate the impact on student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of four training workshops at the inception of a programme to cascade critical appraisal skills training throughout Scotland. Data were collected from all participants and organizers at four commissioned critical appraisal skills training workshops in Scotland. The collection of data involved three components: a survey of workshop participants before and after each workshop to determine knowledge of the principles of clinical effectiveness; semi-structured interviews with organizers before, during and after the programme of commissioned workshops to assess views on the workshops; and a postal survey to determine involvement in critical appraisal activities following the initial workshops. The main outcome measures were 'change in knowledge' and subsequent involvement in teaching. An average of 41 people attended each workshop. Participants improved their scores on understanding of clinical effectiveness. Not all of the improvement can be ascribed to the workshops, however, because control item scores also improved, albeit to a lesser extent. The workshops were perceived as an acceptable way of acquiring critical appraisal skills, but doubts were expressed about whether participants would be able to roll out the programme on their own. Of the 32 (42%) attendees who were involved in CASP-style workshops after the initial workshops, 26 (34%) providing aspects of teaching, and a further six (8%) were participants. The evaluation of the CASP workshop technique suggests that it does improve knowledge of clinical effectiveness, but concerns remain about the viability and reliability of this approach as it rolls out training within Scotland.  相似文献   

Objectives  We aimed to establish the most effective order in which to deliver teaching to medical students when using both bedside teaching (BT) and computer-based learning (CBL) and to ascertain the students' preferred method and order of delivery.
Methods  A sample of 28 medical students were randomly divided into two equal groups during their orthopaedic knee examination teaching session. Group 1 received standard BT and group 2 undertook a CBL package. Each group then undertook an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). The groups then received the other method of teaching followed by another OSCE. A questionnaire was administered to all students to assess their views on, and preferences for, the various teaching methods.
Results  Mean scores on the first OSCE were 12.19 for group 1 (BT then CBL) and 11.96 for group 2 (CBL then BT) ( P  = 0.692). Mean scores on the second OSCE were 11.81 for group 1 compared with 12.79 for group 2 ( P  = 0.038). Statistical analysis showed a significantly better score improvement for group 2 (CBL then BT) over group 1 (BT then CBL). Of the 26 students who returned questionnaires, 24 (92%) expressed their preference for traditional BT over CBL only, and 23 (88%) were in favour of undertaking CBL prior to traditional BT.
Conclusions  The CBL package is a useful tool and is most effective if used before BT. Students prefer BT alone over CBL alone, but, if offered both, prefer to undertake CBL first.  相似文献   

Since its first implementation in a medical programme at McMaster University, Canada, problem-based learning (PBL) has become a well-established means of teaching and learning medicine. Extensive research has been conducted and a number of strengths of the method are well supported. Several items, however, remain unclear although there is evidence that no relevant difference exists in factual knowledge among students from PBL and traditional curricula, a controlled, randomized study has not been conducted to address this issue. The Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne is in the process of integrating elements of PBL into its curriculum. In the spring term of 1997, after seven semesters of experience with PBL supplementing the traditional course of basic pharmacology, we did for the first time use PBL instead of the lecture-based course (LBL) and conducted a controlled prospective study to determine the effects of this intervention. One-hundred and twenty-three students were randomly assigned to either PBL (n = 63), with tutorial groups of up to nine students, or to the traditional, lecture-based course (n = 60). Analysis of the results of both groups in the examination of basic pharmacology, consisting of multiple-choice and short-essay questions, revealed similar scores with a tendency favouring PBL students in the category of short-essay questions. Hence, it seems clear that PBL does not imply a disadvantage in terms of factual knowledge. Students considered PBL to be an effective learning method and favoured it over the lecture format. Furthermore, students reported positive effects of PBL in terms of use of additional learning resources, interdisciplinarity, team work and learning fun.  相似文献   

Two identical groups of first-year dental students were instructed in the pathology of dental caries and periodontitis using computer-assisted learning (CAL) or tutorial teaching (TT). A cross-over arrangement, in which the first group was taught about dental caries by CAL and periodontitis by TT and the second group in the reverse order, allowed comparison of the two methods. The comparison included a knowledge test and completion of a questionnaire. CAL and TT were equally effective as far as acquisition of knowledge was concerned. Students felt pressurized with CAL and had problems with note-taking. They liked a teacher to be present. Nevertheless, CAL was an acceptable method of instruction and was more economical, in terms of staff involvement, than TT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this health promotion project is to introduce students to appropriate skills and attitudes--as well as knowledge about health promotion strategies and methods. As part of this process, standardized procedures have been established to ensure that the projects are scientifically and ethically appropriate and adequately supervised. This project-centred course introduces the discipline of health promotion to third-year medical students at Monash University. It is aimed at introducing students to the range of health promotion concepts, providing them with experience of health promotion activities and involving them in consideration of the scientific, political and ethical issues arising from doctors' participation in health promotion. DESIGN: As the major learning and assessment component of the unit, students participate in self-selected project groups of three to five students. Each group develops a topic for a health promotion activity in the community, carries out that project and presents the results as a poster as well as a written report. SETTING: Monash University. SUBJECTS: Third-year medical students. RESULTS: Sixty per cent of each student's mark for the unit is based on the project. The posters produced by the project groups are placed on public display in a major teaching hospital for a week at the end of the unit. Public display of the posters helps each student to appreciate the variety of possible health promotion activities, and to appreciate health promotion as a scientific discipline. It also makes the project findings available to the public. CONCLUSIONS: Student evaluation of the project, and community response to the projects--especially the poster display-- indicate that the project is both a highly effective learning experience and a health-promoting activity in its own right.  相似文献   

Martin D 《Medical education》2003,37(12):1145-1153
OBJECTIVE: At the end of training, students seem to lack a basic understanding of how to take an organised, relevant medical and social history using a patient-centred approach. The aim of developing the map described in this paper was to provide a framework for such an approach. METHODS: Action research was used to continuously modify and refine an interview map that was used by medical clerks, family medicine residents, international medical graduates and practising doctors for teaching and learning purposes over a 10-year period. CONCLUSION: 'Martin's Map' provides a realistic framework for flexibly organising and integrating medical content with process that did not previously exist. The map provides medical educators with a standardised framework for talking about the medical interview, which helps learners understand how to use their medical knowledge with a patient-centred approach. Learners are able to visually see how they can take a focused medical and social history using a patient-centred approach, which subsequently seems to help them organise their thinking and approach during the medical encounter.  相似文献   

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