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Behavior can explain population-level processes such as dispersal, yet connecting a specific behavioral phenomenon with a larger ecological pattern is often speculative rather than supported by experimental studies. We investigate how exploratory behavior may develop in the killifish, Rivulus hartii through association with another taxon, the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. We hypothesize that exploratory behavior is enhanced by nearby guppies, which embolden Rivulus to move along the river edge, through zones of high predation risk. We tested individual boldness in the presence of both guppies and conspecifics. We also tested for the effect of prior experience with guppies, comparing boldness in Rivulus from locations in which it was either allopatric to or sympatric with guppies. Guppies increased boldness in Rivulus, equivalent to the effect of conspecifics, and prior experience with guppies also increased boldness over that of inexperienced Rivulus. Sympatric Rivulus were shy compared with the allopatric ones when each was tested alone, but this relationship reversed when guppies were present, showing that boldness is a plastic trait that can be influenced by the population of origin. An experimental field-stream test showed that guppies increased movement of Rivulus under predation threat, supporting links in a conceptual framework that connects a behavioral phenomenon, exploratory boldness, with a larger ecological pattern, selection of favorable habitats that, in turn, can lead to increased reproduction and fitness relative to non-dispersers.  相似文献   

Molecular methods of assessing dispersal have become increasingly powerful and have superseded direct methods of studying dispersal. Although now less popular, direct methods of studying dispersal remain important tools for understanding the evolution of dispersal. Here, we use data from Siberian jays Perisoreus infaustus, a group-living bird species, to compare natal dispersal distances and rates using visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking and microsatellite data. Siberian jays have bimodal natal dispersal timing; socially dominant offspring remain with their parents for up to 5 years (delayed dispersers), while they force their subordinate brood mates to leave the parental territory at independence (early dispersers). Early dispersers moved about 9,000 m (visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking) before settling in a group as a non-breeder. In contrast, delayed dispersers moved about 1,250 m (visual mark–recapture only) and mainly moved to a breeding opening. Dispersal distances were greater in managed habitat compared to natural habitat for both early and delayed dispersers. Molecular estimates based on 23 microsatellite loci and geographical locations supported distance estimates from the direct methods. Our study shows that molecular methods are at least 22 times cheaper than direct methods and match estimates of dispersal distance from direct methods. However, molecular estimates do not give insight into the behavioural mechanisms behind dispersal decisions. Thus, to understand the evolution of dispersal, it is important to combine direct and indirect methods, which will give insights into the behavioural processes affecting dispersal decisions, allowing proximate dispersal decisions to be linked to the ultimate consequences thereof.  相似文献   

Analysis of the isotope composition of calcareous structures of marine organisms has proved useful in providing biological data. The present study constitutes the first detailed work undertaken on the isotope composition of coleoid cephalopods. We analysed the carbon- and oxygen-isotope composition [δ13C (CO2− 3) and δ18O (CO2− 3), respectively] of the cuttlebone aragonite of wild and cultivated specimens of Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758. δ13C (CO2− 3) ranged from −2.94 to 1.00‰, δ18O (CO2− 3) from −0.18 to 2.08‰. The carbon-isotope composition is not in equilibrium with the carbon species of the ambient seawater, and does not reflect the deposition of CaCO3 in seawater. The potential influence of environmental factors and biological processes on the carbon-isotope composition of the cuttlebone is discussed. In contrast to δ13C, the oxygen-isotope composition of cuttlebone aragonite appears to be in isotopic equilibrium with the ambient seawater. Seasonal changes in isotopic temperature revealed by our analyses agreed with changes in the temperature of the ambient seawater. CaCO3 was deposited all year round. A maximum life span of 2 yr, a year-round spawning season, and variable growth rates among and within individuals have been inferred from the isotopic temperatures. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

The term ‘heavy metals’ is commonly used in the environmental literature to refer to metals and metalloids associated with environmental pollution, toxicity and adverse effects on biota. The term has been diversely defined, mostly in terms of density, relative atomic mass and atomic number. This diversity of definitions has raised questions about the nomenclature of these elements. The inclusion of the metalloid As and the nonmetal Se with heavy metals is also an important issue. Some people have called the term as meaningless, imprecise and poorly defined and have suggested abandoning the use of the term. The term itself may not be problematic but the careless and inconsistent use of terminology has led to a confusion about the meaning of the term. The use of the term may be continued but it should be defined in a more comprehensive and scientific way. Here, a more comprehensive definition of the term ‘heavy metals’ is suggested as ‘naturally occurring metals having atomic number (Z) greater than 20 and an elemental density greater than 5 g cm?3.’ A screening of the Periodic Table according to this definition yields 51 elements to be called ‘heavy metals.’ As and Se are excluded from heavy metals.  相似文献   

The streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, exhibits ineffective antipredator behavior (high emergence rate from refuge, and high activity while out of refuge) and thus suffers heavy predation in stream pools with sunfish. A. barbouri evolved relatively recently from an ancestor that closely resembled a sister species, A. texanum, which breeds in fishless, ephemeral ponds. Sunfish thus represent a relatively new selection pressure for A. barbouri. Phylogenetic inertia predicts that (1) A. texanum should be very poor at coping with fish and (2) because it has only recently been exposed to fish, A. barbouri should still be poor at avoiding fish, but due to its recent exposure to fish, A. barbouri should be better than A. texanum at coping with sunfish. Experimental results provided mixed support for these predictions. As predicted, A. texanum suffered heavy sunfish predation. Compared to A. texanum, A. barbouri showed a greater tendency to initiate alarm moves that enhanced escape success from fish. However, in both the presence and absence of fish, A. barbouri showed higher emergence rates from refuge and higher movement while out of refuge than A. texanum. These behaviors tend to increase exposure to sunfish, i.e., for these key behaviors, A. barbouri apparently evolved in the wrong direction as far as fish predation is concerned. Due to these offsetting effects (increased exposure to fish, increased escape success), A. barbouri is no better at surviving with sunfish than A. texanum. A possible explanation for the high activity of A. barbouri is its use of highly ephemeral habitats (relative to A. texanum) that favor the evolution of higher activity, feeding, and developmental rates for A. barbouri relative to A. texanum. Received: 15 May 2000 / Revised: 3 August 2000 / Accepted: 18 August 2000  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean (International Whaling Commission ‘Breeding Stock B’—BSB) are distributed from the Gulf of Guinea to Western South Africa. Genetic data suggest that this stock may be sub-structured, but it remains unknown if this is due to reproductive segregation. This paper evaluates the spatial and temporal population structure of BSB humpback whales using a combination of maternally and bi-parentally inherited markers. The genetic differentiation that we identify in this study could be due to a combination of (1) spatial and/or temporal segregation on breeding grounds in the greater Gulf of Guinea, (2) the possibility of maternally inherited site fidelity to specific feeding grounds and (3) the use of two generalized but exclusive migratory routes (coastal and offshore) between feeding and breeding areas. Further, photo-identification and genetic sampling efforts in other areas of the Sub-Saharan Western Africa winter range and targeted deployment of satellite tags would help to clarify some of the apparent complexity in the population structure of animals biopsied in this region.  相似文献   

Inadvertent selection is an important genetic process that frequently occurs during laboratory culture. The mass-reared strain of the sweet potato weevil Cylas formicarius exhibits stronger inbreeding depression than the wild strain does. When inbreeding depression occurs in a population, mating with a close relative is often considered maladaptive; however, in some contexts, the inclusive fitness benefits of inbreeding may outweigh the costs, favoring individuals that tolerate a low level of inbreeding depression. Theory predicts that mass-reared strain weevils will avoid inbreeding while wild strain weevils will tolerate inbreeding. To examine this prediction, we compared the effect of relatedness on the mating and insemination successes in mass-reared and wild strains of C. formicarius. While close relative pairs of the wild strain copulated less frequently than non-kin pairs, almost all mass-reared strain pairs copulated irrespective of relatedness. The results showed that the strain with weak inbreeding depression (wild strain) avoided inbreeding, whereas the strain with strong inbreeding depression (mass-reared strain) tolerated inbreeding. The contradiction between the theoretical prediction and our results is discussed from the perspective of laboratory adaptation, mating systems, and life history of C. formicarius.  相似文献   

We studied variability in foraging behavior of Noctilio albiventris (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae) in Costa Rica and Panamá and related it to properties of its echolocation behavior. N. albiventris searches for prey in high (>20 cm) or low (<20 cm) search flight, mostly over water. It captures insects in mid-air (aerial captures) and from the water surface (pointed dip). We once observed an individual dragging its feet through the water (directed random rake). In search flight, N. albiventris emits groups of echolocation signals (duration 10–11 ms) containing mixed signals with constant-frequency (CF) and frequency-modulated (FM) components, or pure CF signals. Sometimes, mostly over land, it produces long FM signals (duration 15–21 ms). When N. albiventris approaches prey in a pointed dip or in aerial captures, pulse duration and pulse interval are reduced, the CF component is eliminated, and a terminal phase with short FM signals (duration 2 ms) at high repetition rates (150–170 Hz) is emitted. Except for the last pulses in the terminal phase N. albiventris avoids overlap between emitted signals and echoes returning from prey. During rakes, echolocation behavior is similar to that in high search flight. We compare N. albiventris with its larger congener, N. leporinus, and discuss behavioral and morphological specializations that can be interpreted as preadaptations favoring the evolution of piscivory as seen in N. leporinus. Prominent among these specializations are the CF components of the echolocation signals which allow detection and evaluation of fluttering prey amidst clutter-echoes, high variability in foraging strategy and the associated echolocation behavior, as well as morphological specializations such as enlarged feet for capturing prey from the water surface. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Risk management processes increasingly call for enhanced stakeholder participation, and aim to integrate different risk perceptions, concerns and interests. Frequently, this goal is driven by the increased complexity of risk management processes, as risk management processes continuously have to deal with multi-risk situations including impacts resulting from risks of natural hazards and risks caused by misguided social or economic development. Although stakeholder participation is required by different policies, major challenges still arise from the question of how to perform multi-stakeholder participation in practice. In order to find answers, we tested the so-called ‘bow-tie analysis’ as a potential tool to facilitate multi-stakeholder participation with a major effort on integrating stakeholders risk perceptions and interest in the risk management processes. The bow-tie analysis is a commonly used risk assessment technique (IEC 2009) to analyse cause-and-effect pathways of risks, but its application in multi-stakeholder processes in risk management of natural hazards, especially in a European context, is rather new. Using practical experiences from the trilateral Wadden Sea Region we demonstrate the bow-tie analysis’ contribution to coastal risk management processes in this coastal area by facilitating collaborative identification, comprehension and analysis of the management system. The use of a modified bow-tie analysis in collaboration with stakeholders from the Wadden Sea Region proved to be an appropriate framework for enhancing the understanding of risk management processes and fostered disclosure of different perceptions and concerns of multi-risk problematics. The bow-tie can be beneficial as a communication and co-construction tool in risk management processes in a multi-risk context.  相似文献   

This review has been undertaken to understand the role of various parameters such as redox potential, microbes, and organic matters on the fate and transport of arsenic in the constructed wetland. A conceptual diagram of arsenic fate and transport in the constructed wetland was developed. Role of various minerals which are produced due to microbial activities are described. The role of these minerals on arsenic adsorption is discussed. It was envisaged that iron sulphide would be the main adsorbent for arsenic in microbe-mediated adsorption process. Beside microbe-mediated arsenic adsorption, roles of various microbes, such as sulphate reducers and methane producers, on arsenic transformation are discussed. Role of various organic carbon sources and electron acceptors on the proliferation of the above mentioned microbes with respect to arsenic transformation was envisaged. Role of dissolved organic matters on arsenic transformation and transport was also discussed in details. To strengthen the review, laboratory studies and modelling of arsenic adsorption and transformation using the Visual Minteq were appended.  相似文献   

 Growth and reproduction were compared among six geographically and genetically distinct intertidal populations of the annual, semelparous, dorid nudibranch Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock) to evaluate variation in fitness-related traits. The six populations spanned the geographic range in the northern British Isles: NE England (Cowling Scar), E Scotland (Kinkell Braes), NW Scotland (Loch Eriboll), W Scotland (Cuan Ferry), Northern Ireland (Portaferry), and N Wales (Menai Bridge). Nudibranchs from five sites were collected in July to August 1992 as post-metamorphic juveniles and were laboratory-reared under the same conditions of ambient temperature and photoperiod for up to 10 months and the completion of spawning. Individuals from the sixth site were added to the experiment in December 1992. Growth was monitored every 2 weeks, and reproductive performance was expressed as a weight-adjusted dimensionless index (ΣRI) of each individual's spawnings summed over the reproductive period. In general, larger nudibranchs produced larger first spawn masses and more total spawn than did smaller nudibranchs, but these size-related trends were observed only in some populations. The patterns of energy partitioning to spawnings varied significantly among populations, from allocations of a large number of eggs to few spawn masses (Loch Eriboll) to production of many small spawnings over a long spawning period (Portaferry). There was no relationship between maximum body size and the amount of spawn produced after the first spawning, nor to the length of the spawning period or the number of spawn produced. Both Menai Bridge and Kinkell Braes had low mean population ΣRI, reflecting a very poor reproductive performance, given their large maximum (pre-spawning) body sizes. By contrast, the Loch Eriboll, Cuan Ferry, and Portaferry populations all displayed high mean population ΣRI, albeit as a result of differing combinations of numbers and sizes of spawn masses and duration of the spawning period. This high variance of reproductive allocation among populations, and previous evidence of relatively stable among-population differences in allozyme frequencies, adult color, and embryo characteristics suggest very restricted larval transport of lecithotrophic larvae of A. proxima. Received: 10 December 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 2000  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of sand beach arthropods were studied at Zouara (Nefza), a beach dune system along the northwestern coast of Tunisia. Two transects with pitfall traps, perpendicular to the shoreline and placed from sea towards land, captured spontaneously crawling arthropods. The pitfalls were used to obtain data on horizontal zonations for 2 days during different seasons (April, October). In April, in order to assess local, long-shore distributions of surface-active beach invertebrates, ten transects with pitfall traps were placed every 100 m, for 2 days. Core samples were also taken in correspondence with each of the ten transects to obtain the distribution of burrowing individuals. Sand samples were taken for successive laboratory analyses (salinity, grain size and organic contents). Local climatic conditions were also recorded. One isopod (Tylos europaeus, subdivided into three different size classes), two amphipods (Talitrus saltator, Talorchestia brito and indistinguishable juveniles) and four coleopteran species (Eurynebria complanata, Scarites laevigatus, Phytosus nigriventris, Phaleria acuminata) were considered. Mean zonations perpendicular to the shoreline showed that crustaceans were found closer to the sea-line limits than coleopterans and that between seasons some species changed their mean zonation more than others. Local, long-shore distributions of active and burrowing individuals showed that most species were unevenly distributed along the shore. These discontinuous distributions differed according to the species and age class and were mainly related to specific microclimatic conditions and to nutrition.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of water quality using multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO4-Si, total N, total P) in relation to some physico-chemical features (DO, BOD, TSS, TDS, SO42−, Cl) were studied for 31 different stations of the Mahanadi river–estuarine system in the eastern part of India. The seasonal nutrient variations (except SiO4-Si) exhibit higher values during monsoon season in unpolluted stations and the reverse trends for polluted stations, which are related to agricultural run-off and regional anthropogenic activities respectively. Silicate shows a well defined pattern of distribution with a higher concentration during the monsoon, which is slightly removed from the estuarine water of Mahanadi during the pre-monsoon season. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for the increase in nutrients and the decrease in DO and pH levels of the water. The magnitude of BOD with respect to total N and P demonstrates the intensity of organic pollution in the system. The removal of silicate in the saline system is clearly visible through factor analysis and the different mode of association of TSS is reflected seasonally. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of water quality data sets for the Xin'anjiang River through the use of multivariate statistical techniques, including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), correlation analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). The water samples, measured by ten parameters, were collected every month for three years (2008-2010) from eight sampling stations located along the river. The hierarchical CA classified the 12 months into three periods (First, Second and Third Period) and the eight sampling sites into three groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3) based on seasonal differences and various pollution levels caused by physicochemical properties and anthropogenic activ- ities. DA identified three significant parameters (tempera- ture, pH and E.coli) to distinguish temporal groups with close to 76% correct assignment. The DA also discovered five parameters (temperature, electricity conductivity, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus) for spatial variation analysis, with 80.56% correct assignment. The non-parametric correlation coefficient (Spear- man R) explained the relationship between the water quality parameters and the basin characteristics, and the GIS made the results visual and direct. The PCA identified four PCs for Groups 1 and 2, and three PCs for Group 3. These PCs captured 68.94%, 67.48% and 70.35% of the total variance of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although natural pollution affects the Xin'anjiang River, the main sources of pollution included agricultural activities, industrial waste, and domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

Explaining the coexistence of species that basically depend on the same resources has been a brainteaser for generations of ecologists. Different mechanisms have been proposed to facilitate coexistence in plant communities, where space is an important resource. Using a stochastic cellular automaton simulation model we analyze - separately and in combination - the influence of different species traits and processes which alter local competition on the coexistence of plant species over a fixed time horizon. We show that different species traits operate on different time scales in competition. We therefore suggest the concept of weak versus strong traits according to short- or long-term exclusion of species differing in these traits. As a consequence, highly non-linear trade-offs between weak and strong traits can result in communities. Furthermore, we found that trade-offs based on physiological species traits such as plant lifetime, dispersal range and plant growth, did not support broad and long-term coexistence—further processes such as density-dependent mortality and light-dependent colonization were necessary. This suggests that coexistence in plant communities requires (stabilizing) local processes to support the (equalizing) trade-offs in species traits.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide an improved climatology of sea level extremes on seasonal and long-term time scales for Hawaii and the U.S-Trust islands. Observations revealed that the Hawaiian and U.S.-Trust islands, by and large, display a strong annual cycle. For estimating the statistics of return period, the three-parameter generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is fitted using the method of L-moments. In the context of extremes (20- to 100-year return periods), the deviations in most of the Hawaiian Islands (except at Nawiliwili and Hilo) displayed a moderate sea-level rise (i.e., close to 200 mm), but the deviations in the U.S.-Trust islands displayed a considerably higher rise (i.e., more than 300 mm) in some seasons due to typhoon-related storm surges. This rise may cause damage to roads, harbors, and unstable sandy beaches. Correlations between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate cycle and the variability of seasonal sea level have been investigated. Results show that correlation for the station located west of the International Date Line (DL) is strong, but it is moderate or even weaker for stations east of the DL. The skill of SST-based Canonical Correlation Analyses (CCA) forecasts was found to be weak to moderate (0.4–0.6 for Honolulu, Kahului, Hilo, and Wake, and 0.3 or below for Kahului, Mokuoloe, and Johnston). Finally, these findings are synthesized for evaluating the potential implications of sea level variability in these islands.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,165(1):79-89
Reduction and synthesis has always been Science’s way to learn about complex systems. The problem is, of course, that after studying the behavior of the system components, the reconstruction of system behavior cannot be any simple summation of the behavior of the individual components. How should we go about with the reconstruction is an umbrella question addressed in the paper. In particular, one should ask what is the contribution of each component to the system, and what kind and quantitative relations do the connections among the components signify in the total system? Answering these questions is necessary to understand the internal mechanism of a life system, the regularity of its dynamics, and the nature of the control mechanisms.The general approach of the paper is based on the assumption that the life energy transmission structure of the system is the fundamental principle of reduction and synthesis.The paper generalizes the energy transmission in terms of two basic types, based upon the mode of linkage in energy activities, such as sequential or parallel. The basic mathematical concept is an eigenparameter analysis in a model called Life Energy System Model (LESM). Simple examples illustrate the models application. It is true that the energy transmission structure of a natural life system is usually very complex, in which case the analysis has to incorporate more details than shown in the paper. Yet, the analysis still follows the same fundamental principle as outlined.  相似文献   

Reproduction and growth of the dominant copepods Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus and Pseudocalanus minutus were studied on transects across the sea ice zone of the northern Barents Sea in May and June 1997. C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus were numerically dominant and also the largest component of the biomass. C. hyperboreus was rather rare. Moderate levels of phytoplankton and eventually high concentrations of ice algae supported maximum egg production rates of 53.6 and 48.5 eggs female–1 day–1 of C. glacialis in May and June, respectively. Results of incubation experiments were supported by a tremendous abundance of C. glacialis eggs in the water column ranging from 7×103 to 4.4×104 m–2 in May and from 9.8×103 to a maximum of 9.7×104 m–2 in June. In contrast, C. finmarchicus spawned only in the vicinity of the ice edge, at a maximum rate of 30 eggs female–1 day–1. Egg sacs of P. minutus were often observed in the preserved samples, but contained only few eggs, which may be due to loss during sampling. The presence of considerable concentrations of young stages in May and June indicated successful recruitment of C. glacialis and P. minutus. Back calculation using published stage duration estimates indicates March/April as the begin of the reproductive and growth period for these species under the first-year ice of the Barents Sea. Hence, secondary production in the study area starts at the same time as in open water regions and polynyas in the northern North Atlantic. Although the role of ice algae in the nutrition of copepods was not clarified here, the significant relationship between phytoplankton chlorophyll and egg production of C. glacialis suggests that high reproductive activity has already been achieved at moderate food concentrations.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

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