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Abstract: Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B play important roles in the metabolism of neuroactive, vasoactive amines. Human platelets contain only MAO B, often used as an indicator of brain MAO B. The validity of this model remained to be evaluated. This report describes the molecular cloning of human MAO B from frontal cortex and platelets. Two overlapping PCR-amplified clones of human platelet MAO B and four PCR-amplified clones of human frontal cortex MAO B covering the entire coding region were sequenced using five internal oligomers and M13 reverse and forward primers. The nucleotide sequences of human MAO B cDNA from platelet and frontal cortex were identical to that of human liver MAO B except for three nucleotides that differed in frontal cortex: nucleotides 440 A → G, 794 C → T, and 825 C → T. Whether or not these differences are artifactual, all three represent silent mutations, which would not alter the amino acid of the encoded polypeptides. Thus, the deduced amino acid sequences of MAO B from frontal cortex, platelet, and liver are identical. These findings indicate the validity of using platelet MAO B mRNA as a marker for brain MAO B and provide a new approach to study the role of brain MAO B in humans.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B are important enzymes that metabolize biogenic amines throughout the body. Previous studies had suggested that both MAO A and B consist of two subunits of molecular masses of 63 and 60 kilodaltons, respectively. The cDNAs encoding one subunit of human liver MAO A and B have been expressed in mammalian cells by transfection of the individual clones. The proteins expressed from these cDNAs are shown to be catalytically active. Similar to the endogenous enzymes, the expressed MAO A prefers serotonin as a substrate and is sensitive to the inhibitor clorgyline. In contrast, the expressed MAO B prefers phenylethylamine as a substrate and is sensitive to the inhibitor deprenyl. These results suggest that a single polypeptide of MAO A (or B), existing as either a monomer or homodimer, is enzymatically active. The ability to obtain functional MAO A and B from their respective cDNA clones allows us to study further the structure and function relationships of these important enzymes.  相似文献   

Genetic variations in monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B activity have been proposed to have a contributory role in several neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Variations in activity could affect rates of degradation of exogenous amines, including toxins, precursors of toxins (like 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine), or false transmitters, and of endogenous amines, such as neurotransmitters. In this study a highly polymorphic (GT)n repeat element was used to mark alleles at the MAOB locus. The MAOB allele status and levels of platelet MAO-B activity were determined for 41 control males. No correlation was noted between specific alleles and levels of MAO-B activity in this sample set. This suggests that the structural gene for MAOB is not usually the primary determinant of activity levels in platelets.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase by N-Methylisoquinolinium Ion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
N-Methylisoquinolinium ion (N-MIQ) has been found to inhibit the biosynthesis of catecholamines; it inhibited tyrosine hydroxylase activity in striatal tissue slices. In this article, the effects of N-MIQ and an analogue, N-methylquinolinium ion, on monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity were examined to see their effects on the catabolism of catecholamines. MAO-A in human placental mitochondria was strongly inhibited by N-MIQ in competition with the substrate. The apparent Ki value of N-MIQ was found to be 20.4 +/- 1.1 microM, whereas that of N-methylquinolinium ion was 54.6 +/- 4.5 microM. MAO-B in human brain synaptosomes and liver mitochondria was found to be inhibited by N-MIQ, but the inhibition proved to be noncompetitive. The inhibition of MAO-B by N-MIQ was completely reversible by dialysis of the incubation mixture. MAO-A in human brain and liver mitochondria was more sensitive to the inhibitor than MAO-B. By quantitative analysis of N-MIQ, using HPLC, it was found not to be catabolized by the incubation with mitochondria, suggesting that the inhibition was due to N-MIQ itself and not due to any metabolic product. The inhibition of MAO by N-MIQ is discussed in terms of its possible involvement of the etiology of parkinsonism.  相似文献   

Abstract: A series of methylquinolines (MQ) were found to inhibit markedly type A monoamine oxidase (MAO) in human brain synaptosomal mitochondria. 4-MQ and 6-MQ inhibited type A MAO (MAO-A) competitively and 7- and 8-MQ inhibited MAO-A noncompetitively. Among these four isomers of MQ, 6-MQ was the most potent inhibitor; the K i value toward MAO-A was 23.4 ± 1.8 μ M , which was smaller than the K m value toward kynuramine, ± amine substrate, 46.2 ± 2.8 μ M . On the other hand, MQ were very weak inhibitors of type B MAO (MAO-B) and 8-MQ did not inhibit MAO-B in brain synaptosomal mitochondria. The inhibition of MAO-A proved to be reversible; by dialysis the inhibition of MQ was completely reversible. The affinity of these isomers of MQ toward MAO-A or -B was confirmed further with human liver mitochondria as sources of MAO-A and -B and with human placental mitochondria and rat pheochromocytoma PC12h cell line as sources of MAO-A. The relationship of the chemical structure of structurally related quinoline and isoquinoline derivatives to inhibition of the activity of type A or B MAO was examined.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase by 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylserine   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
The effects of diastereomers of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) on the enzyme activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in human placenta and liver mitochondria were examined. Both L- and D-threo-DOPS were found to inhibit MAO-A in human placental mitochondria in competition with the substrate, and the Ki values for L- and D-threo-DOPS obtained were 68.3 and 125 microM, respectively. The inhibitory effect of L-threo-DOPS on both MAO-A and -B activity was confirmed in human liver mitochondria, and MAO-A was found to be more sensitive to the inhibitor. Other isomers of DOPS, L- and D-erythro-DOPS, were found to inhibit MAO activity, but the inhibition was noncompetitive with the substrate. The inhibitory effects of DOPS isomers were not affected by the presence of NSD-1055, an inhibitor of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, suggesting that the inhibition is the direct effect of DOPS, and not of norepinephrine produced by the decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular injections of angiotensin II caused 108, 62, and 54% increases in monoamine oxidase A activities in rat hippocampus, hypothalamus, and striatum, respectively. These activatory effects were abolished by simultaneous injections of eledoisin. No significant changes of monoamine oxidase B activities were found under the same experimental conditions. Neither angiotensin II nor elodoisin changed substrate/inhibitor affinities of both isoenzymes. These data indicate that angiotensin II and tachykinin transmitter systems may exert opposite, long-term regulatory effects on monoaminergic neurons in rat brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: A monoamine oxidase assay utilizing generally labeled [3H]-serotonin as substrate became nonlinear after only ~5% conversion of initial c.p.m. to product. Subsequent analysis showed that a significant proportion of the tritium label was readily exchangeable into water and that monoamine oxidase activity increased release of label as water. The use of generally labeled substrates for oxidase activities is not recommended.  相似文献   

Two amphetamine metabolites, p-hydroxyamphetamine (p-OHA) and p-hydroxynorephedrine (p-OHN), selectively inhibited the A form of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in rat and mouse forebrain homogenates. Of these two metabolites, p-OHA inhibited MAO-A more strongly than p-OHN. This MAO-A-selective inhibition by p-OHA or p-OHN was found to be competitive with respect to deamination of its substrate, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). The degree of MAO-A inhibition was not changed by 90 min of preincubation of the enzyme preparations with either metabolite, and the activity inhibited by p-OHA after the preincubation recovered completely to the control level after repeated washing. Uptake of 5-HT or dopamine into mouse forebrain synaptosomes was highly reduced by both p-OHA and p-OHN. Both metabolites were more potent in reducing dopamine uptake than in reducing 5-HT uptake. In reduction of 5-HT and of dopamine uptake, p-OHA was more potent than p-OHN. These results indicate that p-OHA is a more selective inhibitor of brain MAO-A activity and 5-HT uptake than its subsequent metabolite, p-OHN. These two actions of p-OHA might, together with possible 5-HT efflux into the synaptic cleft, greatly contribute to head twitch, a brain 5-HT-mediated animal behavior induced by p-OHA.  相似文献   

Antisera have been raised against monoamine oxidase preparations from human placenta and platelets. These antisera have been employed to characterize membrane-bound enzyme from a variety of human sources including liver, heart, and brain. The comparisons were based on a displacement radioimmunoassay system with soluble placental monoamine oxidase, previously labelled specifically with [3H]pargyline, as antigen. All forms of enzyme investigated demonstrated immunological cross reaction; however, the placental enzyme appeared to possess determinants not exhibited by the enzyme from the platelets or other tissues examined.  相似文献   

Differences in the Structure of A and B Forms of Human Monoamine Oxidase   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
Abstract: [3H]Pargyline-labeled polypeptides associated with the A and B types of monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in human tissues were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). [3H]Pargyline was bound to MAO A in a crude mitochondrial fraction from the placental trophoblast of a male newborn and to MAO B in blood platelets from the umbilical vein of the same newborn. [3H]Pargyline was also bound to MAO A and B in a crude mitochondrial fraction from cultured skin fibroblasts of a male adult and to MAO B in blood platelets from the same individual. Specific labeling of proteins associated with type A or type B activity in fibroblast cells was achieved by preincubation with selective B or A inhibitors, respectively. For all tissues, SDS-PAGE of [3H]pargyline-bound samples revealed a labeled protein band of apparent molecular weight 63,000 for MAO A and 60,000 for MAO B. When SDS-solubilized, [3H]pargyline-labeled MAO A and B proteins from the same male newborn were subjected to limited proteolysis and one-dimensional peptide mapping in SDS gels, different patterns of [3H]pargyline-labeled peptides were obtained. These findings indicate that distinct enzyme molecules are associated with the A and B types of human MAO activity.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of agents that change the respiratory state of the mitochondrion on tyramine oxidation was investigated. Neither uncoupler nor ADP and Pt in the presence of substrate produced any change in the rate of tyramine oxidation, as judged by direct measurement of tyramine oxidation or by H2O2 production. We conclude that previously reported depression of monoamine oxidase activity by stimulated respiration was due to oxygen depletion.  相似文献   

Influence of C Terminus on Monoamine Oxidase A and B Catalytic Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B play important roles in the metabolism of neurotransmitters and dietary amines. The domains important for enzyme specificities were studied by construction of chimeric MAOA/B enzymes. Exchange of the N-terminal 45 amino acids of MAOA with the N-terminal 36 residues of MAOB (chimeric enzymes B36A and A45B) resulted in the same substrate and inhibitor sensitivities as the wild-type MAOA or B. Thus, the N terminus may not be responsible for MAOA or B enzyme specificities. When MAOB C-terminal residues 393–520 were replaced with MAOA C-terminal residues 402–527 (chimeric B393A) catalytic activity was not detectable. Chimeric B393A consists of eight residues with different charges, three less proline residues (458, 476, and 490), and one additional proline at 518 compared with wild-type MAOB. These differences may have induced conformational changes and affected MAOB catalytic activity. Thus, the C terminus of MAOB is critical for maintaining MAOB in an active form. It is interesting that when the C terminus of MAOA was switched with MAOB (chimeric A402B), little effect was observed on MAOA catalytic activity. This new information is valuable for further studies of the structure and function relationship of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

Milacemide (2-n-pentylaminoacetamide) is a secondary monoamine that in the brain is converted to glycinamide and glycine. This oxidative reaction was suspected to involve the reaction of monoamine oxidase (MAO). Using mitochondrial preparations from tissues that contain MAO-A and -B (rat brain and liver), MAO-A (human placenta), and MAO-B (human platelet and bovine adrenal chromaffin cell), it has been established that mitochondria containing MAO-B rather than MAO-A oxidize (H2O2 production and glycinamide formation) milacemide. The apparent Km (30-90 microM) for milacemide oxidation by mitochondrial MAO-B preparations is significantly lower than that for milacemide oxidation by mitochondrial MAO-A (approximately 1,300 microM). In vitro MAO-B (l-deprenyl and AGN 1135) rather than MAO-A (clorgyline) selectively inhibited the oxidation of milacemide. These in vitro data are matched by ex vivo experiments where milacemide oxidation was compared to oxidation of serotonin (MAO-A) and beta-phenylethylamine (MAO-B) by brain mitochondria prepared from rats pretreated with clorgyline (0.5-10 mg/kg) and l-deprenyl (0.5-10 mg/kg). Furthermore, in vivo experiment demonstrated that l-deprenyl selectively increased the urinary excretion of [14C]milacemide and the total radioactivity with a concomitant decrease of [14C]glycinamide. Such changes were not observed after clorgyline treatment, but were evident only at doses beyond clorgyline selectivity. The present data therefore demonstrate that milacemide is a substrate for brain MAO-B, and its conversion to glycinamide, further transformed to the inhibitory neurotransmitter, glycine, mediated by this enzyme may contribute to its pharmacological activities.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism of mild intensity was obtained with prenatal and neonatal submission of Long-Evans rats to an iodide-rich diet. Chronic daily administration of methimazole to iodide-supplemented Long-Evans pups or to iodine-deprived Charles-River rats through the first 29–30 days of age provoked severe hypothyroidism. Monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) and not type B (MAO-B) activity was consistently, although slightly (by approximately 20%), increased in the hypothyroid brain. Triiodothyronine (T3)-induced hyperthyroidism did not affect MAO activity. Replacement therapy with T3 did not normalize MAO-A activity in hypothyroidism. Methimazole displayed a competitive and reversible in vitro inhibition of MAO-A but not MAO-B activity. Although this effect was obtained at concentrations far higher than those estimated to reach the brain after a single injection of the goiterogen, the occurrence of accumulation processes in the metabolism-deficient hypothyroid neonate rs cannot be excluded. Thus, MAO-A activity might be either directly depressed during the goiterogenic treatment, or increased as the result of some kind of rebound effect after interruption of methimazole administration.  相似文献   

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