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In this study we analyze the life cycle primary energy use of a wood-frame apartment building designed to meet the current Swedish building code, the Swedish building code of 1994 or the passive house standard, and heated with district heat or electric resistance heating. The analysis includes the primary energy use during the production, operation and end-of-life phases. We find that an electric heated building built to the current building code has greater life cycle primary energy use relative to a district heated building, although the standard for electric heating is more stringent. Also, the primary energy use for an electric heated building constructed to meet the passive house standard is substantially higher than for a district heated building built to the Swedish building code of 1994. The primary energy for material production constitutes 5% of the primary energy for production and space heating and ventilation of an electric heated building built to meet the 1994 code. The share of production energy increases as the energy-efficiency standard of the building improves and when efficient energy supply is used, and reaches 30% for a district heated passive house. This study shows the significance of a life cycle primary energy perspective and the choice of heating system in reducing energy use in the built environment.  相似文献   

Life cycle energy analysis of buildings: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Buildings demand energy in their life cycle right from its construction to demolition. Studies on the total energy use during the life cycle are desirable to identify phases of largest energy use and to develop strategies for its reduction. In the present paper, a critical review of the life cycle energy analyses of buildings resulting from 73 cases across 13 countries is presented. The study includes both residential and office buildings. Results show that operating (80-90%) and embodied (10-20%) phases of energy use are significant contributors to building's life cycle energy demand. Life cycle energy (primary) requirement of conventional residential buildings falls in the range of 150-400 kWh/m2 per year and that of office buildings in the range of 250-550 kWh/m2 per year. Building's life cycle energy demand can be reduced by reducing its operating energy significantly through use of passive and active technologies even if it leads to a slight increase in embodied energy. However, an excessive use of passive and active features in a building may be counterproductive. It is observed that low energy buildings perform better than self-sufficient (zero operating energy) buildings in the life cycle context. Since, most of the case studies available in open literature pertain to developed and/or cold countries; hence, energy indicative figures for developing and/or non-cold countries need to be evaluated and compared with the results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A companion paper presented the life cycle inventory (LCI) calculation model for buildings as a whole, developed within a global methodology to optimise low energy buildings simultaneously for energy, environmental impact and costs without neglecting the boundary conditions for thermal comfort and indoor air quality. This paper presents the results of a contribution analysis of the life cycle inventory of four typical Belgian residential buildings. The analysis shows the relative small importance of the embodied energy of a building compared to the energy consumption during the usage phase. This conclusion is even more valid when comparing the embodied energy of energy saving measures with the energy savings they realise. In most studied cases, the extra embodied energy for energy saving measures is gained back by the savings in less than 2 years. Only extremely low energy buildings might have a total embodied energy higher than the energy use of the utilisation phase. However, the sum of both remains small and the energy savings realised with these dwellings are large, compared to the energy consumption of average dwellings.  相似文献   

In this study the life cycle primary energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of an eight-storey wood-framed apartment building are analyzed. All life cycle phases are included, including acquisition and processing of materials, on-site construction, building operation, demolition and materials disposal. The calculated primary energy use includes the entire energy system chains, and carbon flows are tracked including fossil fuel emissions, process emissions, carbon stocks in building materials, and avoided fossil emissions due to biofuel substitution. The results show that building operation uses the largest share of life cycle energy use, becoming increasingly dominant as the life span of the building increases. The type of heating system strongly influences the primary energy use and CO2 emission; a biomass-based system with cogeneration of district heat and electricity achieves low primary energy use and very low CO2 emissions. Using biomass residues from the wood products chain to substitute for fossil fuels significantly reduces net CO2 emission. Excluding household tap water and electricity, a negative life cycle net CO2 emission can be achieved due to the wood-based construction materials and biomass-based energy supply system. This study shows the importance of using a life cycle perspective when evaluating primary energy and climatic impacts of buildings.  相似文献   

Traditionally, life cycle assessment (LCA) is mostly concerned with product design and hardly considers large systems, such as buildings, as a whole. Though, by limiting LCA to building materials or building components, boundary conditions, such as thermal comfort and indoor air quality, cannot be taken into account. The life cycle inventory (LCI) model presented in this paper forms part of a global methodology that combines advanced optimisation techniques, LCI and cost-benefit assessment to optimise low energy buildings simultaneously for energy, environmental impact and costs without neglecting the boundary conditions for thermal comfort, indoor air quality and legal requirements for energy performance. This paper first outlines the goal and scope of the LCI. Then, the partial inventory models as well as the overall building inventory model are presented. Finally, the LCI results are shown and discussed for one reference dwelling for the context of Belgium.  相似文献   

A literature survey on buildings’ life cycle energy use was performed, resulting in a total of 60 cases from nine countries. The cases included both residential and non-residential units. Despite climate and other background differences, the study revealed a linear relation between operating and total energy valid through all the cases. Case studies on buildings built according to different design criteria, and at parity of all other conditions, showed that design of low-energy buildings induces both a net benefit in total life cycle energy demand and an increase in the embodied energy. A solar house proved to be more energy efficient than an equivalent house built with commitment to use “green” materials. Also, the same solar house decreased life cycle energy demand by a factor of two with respect to an equivalent conventional version, when operating energy was expressed as end-use energy and the lifetime assumed to be 50 years. A passive house proved to be more energy efficient than an equivalent self-sufficient solar house. Also, the same passive house decreased life cycle energy demand by a factor of three – expected to rise to four in a new version – with respect to an equivalent conventional version, when operating energy was expressed as primary energy and the lifetime assumed to be 80 years.  相似文献   

In several housing development projects in Norway the requirements related to the mandatory connection to district heating plants have shown to be a barrier for building low-energy residential buildings. The developers have considered the costs related to both low-energy measures and a space heating system that can utilize district heat to be too high to give the project acceptable profitability. In these projects the developers wanted to use a cheaper electric space heating system. Based on models representative for the range of the Norwegian district heating plants, calculations show that the CO2 emissions related to heating in residential buildings with an energy standard in accordance with the new building regulations and that are connected to the district heating grid, are lower than for similar buildings with a low-energy standard and with heating based on electricity. However, in a long term perspective the differences are marginal when considering the national annual CO2 emissions. Similarly, increased peak power demand due to electricity-based heating may also be regarded as marginal when compared to the present maximum peak power capacity in Norway.  相似文献   

Agya Utama 《Energy and Buildings》2009,41(11):1263-1268
This study evaluates the effect of building envelopes on the life cycle energy consumption of high rise residential buildings in Jakarta, Indonesia. For high rise residential buildings, the enclosures contribute 10-50% of the total building cost, 14-17% of the total material mass and 20-30% of the total heat gain. The direct as well as indirect influence of the envelope materials plays an important role in the life cycle energy consumption of buildings. The initial embodied energy of typical double wall and single wall envelopes for high residential buildings is 79.5 GJ and 76.3 GJ, respectively. Over an assumed life span of 40 years, double walls have better energy performance than single walls, 283 GJ versus 480 GJ, respectively. Material selection, which depends not only on embodied energy but also thermal properties, should, therefore, play a crucial role during the design of buildings.  相似文献   

This paper presents two case studies of performance improvement alternatives. The first one is the 52.5 MWe cogeneration plant at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, and the second is the 9.9 MWe cogeneration plant of the government office building complex. Both plants are located in Bangkok. Performance improvements assume changing system design and operational plans during on-peak and off-peak periods with applying chilled water storage for more flexible operation. Such analysis gives opportunity for improvement of plant efficiency, primary energy saving, emission reduction and economical benefits. In case study 1, the selection of new prime mover results in overall efficiency improvement from 48% to 61%, 24% increase of primary energy saving, and 27% improvement of CO2 emission reduction. Significant amount of primary energy is saved 1451 TJ/a and CO2 emission reduction is 129,271 tCO2/a. The profit is increased to 24.80 Million US$/a and the payback period is 4.77 years. In case study 2, the application of chilled water storage leads to maximum profit of 2.63 Million US$/a. The results show that the selection of plant components should be made very carefully in the design stage, as well as that permanent control and optimization of plant operation in the exploitation phase is essential. Economic aspects of cogeneration plants are more sensitive to changeable input parameters than classical separate heat and power generation since cogeneration plants are more complex in the aspects of process configuration and products costs/values (electricity, steam, hot water, and chilled water). Having in mind the future development of the natural gas distribution network in Thailand, it can be estimated that the potential of power generation in public buildings is around 1.3 GWe. Comparing the Thailand total primary energy supply for commercial buildings, it means reduction of about 9.1%.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the impact of ventilation heat recovery (VHR) on the operation primary energy use in residential buildings. We calculate the operation primary energy use of a case-study apartment building built to conventional and passive house standard, both with and without VHR, and using different end-use heating systems including electric resistance heating, bedrock heat pump and district heating based on combined heat and power (CHP) production. VHR increases the electrical energy used for ventilation and reduces the heat energy used for space heating. Significantly greater primary energy savings is achieved when VHR is used in resistance heated buildings than in district heated buildings. For district heated buildings the primary energy savings are small. VHR systems can give substantial final energy reduction, but the primary energy benefit depends strongly on the type of heat supply system, and also on the amount of electricity used for VHR and the airtightness of buildings. This study shows the importance of considering the interactions between heat supply systems and VHR systems to reduce primary energy use in buildings.  相似文献   

Efficient and rational implementation of building stock CO2 emission reduction strategies and policies requires the application of comprehensive building stock models that have the ability to: (a) estimate the baseline energy demand of the existing building stock, (b) explore the technical and economic effects of different CO2 emission reduction strategies over time, including the impact of new technologies, and (c) to identify the effect of emission reduction strategies on indoor environmental quality.  相似文献   

The importance of the built environment from an environmental impact and energy use perspective is well established. High thermal efficiency of the constructed building envelope is a key strategy in the design and construction of buildings which limit use of active space conditioning systems. Australia's current housing stock is thermally poor and national energy performance standards are relatively weak when benchmarked against international best practice. A lack of data has impeded the policy debate and a significant gap in analysis remains a lack of empirical research into the life-cycle cost implications of increased building thermal efficiency, particularly for residential buildings. This paper applies an integrated thermal modeling, life cycle costing approach to an extensive sample of dominant house designs to investigate life cycle costs in a cool temperate climate, Melbourne Victoria. Empirical analysis provides new insights into lifetime costs and environmental savings for volume housing design options and identifies sensitive factors. Results suggest that the most cost-effective building design is always more energy efficient than the current energy code requirements, for the full time-horizon considered. Findings have significant policy implications, particularly in view of present debates which frequently present higher energy efficiency standards as prohibitive from a costs perspective.  相似文献   

There are various definitions of ‘zero energy’ and ‘net-zero’ energy building. In most cases, the definitions refer only to the energy that is used in the operation of the building, ignoring the aspects of energy use related to the construction and delivery of the building and its components. On the other hand the concept of ‘net energy’ as used in the field of ecological economics, which does take into account the energy used during the production process of a commodity, is widely applied in fields such as renewable energy assessment. In this paper the concept of ‘net energy’ is introduced and applied within the built environment, based on a methodology accounting for the embodied energy of building components together with energy use in operation. A definition of life cycle zero energy buildings (LC-ZEB) is proposed, as well as the use of the net energy ratio (NER) as a factor to aid in building design with a life cycle perspective.  相似文献   

The existing building stock in European countries accounts for over 40% of final energy consumption in the European Union (EU) member states, of which residential use represents 63% of total energy consumption in the buildings sector. Consequently, an increase of building energy performance can constitute an important instrument in the efforts to alleviate the EU energy import dependency (currently at about 48%) and comply with the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is also in accordance to the European Directive (EPBD 2002/91/EC) on the energy performance of buildings, which is currently under consideration in all EU member states. This paper presents an overview of the EU residential building stock and focuses on the Hellenic buildings. It elaborates the methodology used to determine the priorities for energy conservation measures (ECMs) in Hellenic residential buildings to reduce the environmental impact from CO2 emissions, through the implementation of a realistic and effective national action plan. A major obstacle that had to overcome was the need to make suitable assumptions for missing detailed primary data. Accordingly, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of scattered national data resulted to a realistic assessment of the existing residential building stock and energy consumption. This is the first time that this kind of aggregate data is presented on a national level. Different energy conservation scenarios and their impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions were evaluated. Accordingly, the most effective ECMs are the insulation of external walls (33–60% energy savings), weather proofing of openings (16–21%), the installation of double-glazed windows (14–20%), the regular maintenance of central heating boilers (10–12%), and the installation of solar collectors for sanitary hot water production (50–80%).  相似文献   

Building enclosures contribute 10–50% of the total building cost and 14–17% of the total material mass. The direct as well as indirect influence of the enclosure materials plays an important role in the building life cycle energy. Single landed houses, the typical houses in Indonesia, have been chosen for this study. The life cycle energy of the house enclosures and energy consumed during their life spans shows intriguing results. The initial embodied energy of typical brick and clay roof enclosures is 45 GJ compared to the other typical walls and roof material (cement based) which is 46 GJ. However, over the 40 years life span of the houses, the clay based ones have a better energy performance than the cement based ones, 692 GJ versus 733 GJ, respectively. The material selection during the design phase is thus crucial since the buildings have at least 40–50 years’ life span.  相似文献   

基于全生命周期理论的住宅建筑能耗计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用全生命周期理论,结合住宅建筑的自身特点,通过建立计算模型,对住宅建筑的能耗进行了计算与分析。找出了住宅建筑各能耗之间的内在关系,为建设节能型住宅提供相应的理论依据,以促进住宅建筑的可持续发展。  相似文献   

DOE-2在住宅建筑能耗分析中存在的问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了定性检验DOE-2软件对居住建筑能耗分析及节能评价的合理性,利用DOE-2软件模拟计算了两种体形系数差别较大的模型建筑在广州、重庆、杭州等8个城市围护结构改进前后单位建筑面积的全年空调和供暖能耗量。研究了围护结构性能改进、体形系数变化及换气次数增加等因素对建筑全年空调、供暖能耗相对变化率的影响规律。  相似文献   

Heating and cooling systems consume the most energy and are the largest source of emissions in the entire life cycle of a house. This study compares the life cycle impacts of three residential heating and cooling systems—warm-air furnace and air-conditioner, hot water boiler and air-conditioner, and air–air heat pump over a 35-year study period. Simulation and life cycle assessment studies of the systems at four locations in the United States, namely Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Texas determine the effect of regional variations in climate, energy mix, and the standard building characteristics on the systems’ environmental impacts.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how Linear Programming (LP) can be applied to assist in the choice of renewable energy technologies for use in buildings to meet CO2 emissions reduction targets. Since there are many possibilities for combining different renewable technologies, the capital costs associated with the installation of one or more renewables can vary widely. In terms of capital investment the preferred solution will be the one at least cost, and LP provides an effective way to find this minimum through the so-called “objective function”. This project has used “lp_solve”, a free-source Mixed Integer Linear Programming solver that has been embedded in a Microsoft Excel application called Carbon emissions And Renewables for Building OPtimisation Toolkit (CARB-OPT) developed by RES Ltd in collaboration with London South Bank University (Renewable Environmental Services Ltd. (RES) is the environmental consultancy of Long and Partners Engineering Group. RES is currently involved in a Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) project in conjunction with the Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Building Environment (ESBE) at London South Bank University). This paper reports the application of this LP optimisation process for an office building case study with four alternative combinations of renewables. The process showed the technology mix that would lead to the smallest investment needed to comply with UK Building Regulations requirements and regional planning targets. In addition, the process offers a robust methodology to test the impact that the key assumptions may have upon the optimum solution.  相似文献   

A typical office building in Thailand was analyzed using the life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) method to illustrate the argument. Results indicate that although life cycle energy (LCE) distribution is concentrated at the operating phase, the embodied energy of buildings is a non-negligible fraction of the LCE balance. Energy (electricity) used for lighting and HVAC systems in the operation phase and; the manufacture of concrete and steel were the most significant elements in the buildings life cycle. Application of a combination of energy saving measures, showed that 40-50% of energy (electricity) used in a typical office building in Thailand can be saved. Preliminary analysis indicated that recycling building materials can also contribute additional energy savings (about 8.9%) to a buildings LCE profile. Therefore reducing energy consumption should be a priority for not only the operation but also other life cycle phases. It is suggested that both embodied and operating energy should be accounted for within the context of energy efficiency through the incorporation of LCEA into the existing Thai building energy code.  相似文献   

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