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纳米阵列电极研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从纳米阵列电极的制作、基本原理和应用 3方面综述了纳米阵列电极的研究进展。着重阐述了模板法和自组装法制作纳米阵列电极的具体过程以及纳米阵列电极的扩散电流理论 ,对纳米阵列电极在生物传感器、电化学动力学、电化学分析等方面的应用作了介绍  相似文献   

纳米阵列电极研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳米阵列电极作为一种人工组装的纳米结构体系,具有高传质速率、低双电层充电电流、小时间常数、小IR降及高信噪比、可操作性强和测量灵敏度高等优势,因而在电化学理论研究、生物传感器、电催化材料和高能化学电源电极材料等方面等具有广阔的应用前景。迄今为止,人们采用多种材料设计制备出包括圆盘状、圆柱形、球形、圆锥形、叉指状和井状等各种形状的纳米阵列电极。其制作方法主要包括模板法、刻蚀法和自组装法等,电极的表征主要采用电子显微镜技术和电化学方法。本文结合我们的工作和国内外文献,就纳米阵列电极制作方法、表征和应用等方面进行了评述,并对目前纳米阵列电极研究中存在的问题及发展前景进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

通过电化学剥离法在石墨棒表面构筑了层数不等、彼此平行且垂直于基底的二维石墨纳米片(GNS)阵列, 而后采用阴极还原电沉积法在GNSs 表面均匀地包覆了一层氧化钌(RuO2·xH2O)薄膜, 形成了RuO2·xH2O/GNS 复合阵列电极. 电化学测试表明, RuO2·xH2O/GNS 复合阵列电极具有优良的超电容性能, 在0.5mol·L-1 H2SO4电解质溶液中, 扫描速率为5 mV·s-1, 电位窗口为0.9 V时, 其比电容高达4226 F·m-2, 并且具有优异的循环性能, 经过20000圈充放电循环后, 电容保持率高达94.18%.  相似文献   

半导体光催化是一种理想的太阳能化学转化绿色技术,可以实现水分解制氢和CO2光还原制备碳氢化合物燃料.氧化锌 (ZnO) 作为一种直接带隙半导体材料,一方面具有性能优异、价格低廉、易制备等优点; 另一方面因光腐蚀而不稳定,大大限制了该材料的实际应用.本文提出了一种简单易行的类石墨碳修饰方法,可以有效提高 ZnO 用于CO2光还原的光催化活性和稳定性.首先采用水热法在金属锌片基底上生长 ZnO 纳米棒阵列 (ZnO-NRA),然后通过葡萄糖水热法进行不同含量的类石墨碳 (C-x) 修饰,形成 ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构,同步实现碳包覆和碳掺杂.X 射线衍射结果表明,ZnO 纳米棒及ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构都具有良好的纤锌矿型 (Wurtzite) 结构; 而拉曼散射则清楚地证实了类石墨碳的存在.扫描电子显微观察显示,生长的 ZnO 纳米棒长度大约 2-5 μm,直径为 400-700 nm,沿方向[0001]生长,端部由六个规则的 (103)晶面组成,进一步直观佐证了 ZnO 的典型纤锌矿型结构特征.透射电子显微分析结果表明,ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构中类石墨碳包覆层厚度大约为 8 nm.ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构的 X 射线光电子谱分析结果验证了 C-C,C-O 和 C=O键的存在与碳的包覆层相对应; 而 C-O-Zn键的出现则是由于碳在 ZnO 中掺杂所引起.从紫外-可见吸收谱上可观察到ZnO 的典型吸收带边位置约为 385 nm,而碳的包覆和掺杂导致 ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构的吸收带边发生红移,并且吸收背底明显提高.电化学阻抗谱测试结果清楚地显示,ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构比单纯 ZnO-NRA 的电化学阻抗明显降低,说明类石墨碳包覆层大幅度提高了电导性能,从而有利于光生载流子的分离和传输.荧光分析结果也表明,与单纯的 ZnO-NRA 相比,ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构的荧光强度大幅度下降,进一步证实了 ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构比单纯的 ZnO-NRA更有利于光生载流子的分离和传输.光电化学测试结果表明,ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构的瞬态光电流 4 倍于单纯的ZnO-NRA,而 CO2 光还原性能测试也得到一致的结果.长时间多循环 CO2 光还原实验证实,ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构具有稳定的光催化活性和极好的光稳定性.综上,我们利用一种简单易行的水热法进行类石墨碳修饰,成功开发了 ZnO-NRA/C-x 纳米复合结构,该结构因其优异的光生电子和空穴的分离和迁移性能,从而具有显著提升的CO2光还原活性和光稳定性.本工作证明,类石墨碳修饰是一种可以广泛借鉴的有效提升半导体材料光催化活性和光稳定性的可行方法.  相似文献   

聚合物/石墨纳米复合材料研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述聚合物 /石墨纳米复合材料近年来的研究情况 ,介绍通过各种不同的途径制备聚合物 /石墨纳米复合材料的过程与原理 ,总结其导电性能 ,机械性能以及影响性能的因素 ,并对其发展做了展望。  相似文献   

半导体光催化是一种理想的太阳能化学转化绿色技术,可以实现水分解制氢和CO_2光还原制备碳氢化合物燃料.氧化锌(ZnO)作为一种直接带隙半导体材料,一方面具有性能优异、价格低廉、易制备等优点;另一方面因光腐蚀而不稳定,大大限制了该材料的实际应用.本文提出了一种简单易行的类石墨碳修饰方法,可以有效提高ZnO用于CO2光还原的光催化活性和稳定性.首先采用水热法在金属锌片基底上生长ZnO纳米棒阵列(ZnO-NRA),然后通过葡萄糖水热法进行不同含量的类石墨碳(C-x)修饰,形成ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构,同步实现碳包覆和碳掺杂.X射线衍射结果表明,ZnO纳米棒及ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构都具有良好的纤锌矿型(Wurtzite)结构;而拉曼散射则清楚地证实了类石墨碳的存在.扫描电子显微观察显示,生长的ZnO纳米棒长度大约2-5mm,直径为400-700 nm,沿方向[0001]生长,端部由六个规则的(103)晶面组成,进一步直观佐证了ZnO的典型纤锌矿型结构特征.透射电子显微分析结果表明,ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构中类石墨碳包覆层厚度大约为8 nm.ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构的X射线光电子谱分析结果验证了C-C,C-O和C=O键的存在与碳的包覆层相对应;而C-O-Zn键的出现则是由于碳在ZnO中掺杂所引起.从紫外-可见吸收谱上可观察到ZnO的典型吸收带边位置约为385 nm,而碳的包覆和掺杂导致ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构的吸收带边发生红移,并且吸收背底明显提高.电化学阻抗谱测试结果清楚地显示,ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构比单纯ZnO-NRA的电化学阻抗明显降低,说明类石墨碳包覆层大幅度提高了电导性能,从而有利于光生载流子的分离和传输.荧光分析结果也表明,与单纯的ZnO-NRA相比,ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构的荧光强度大幅度下降,进一步证实了ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构比单纯的ZnO-NRA更有利于光生载流子的分离和传输.光电化学测试结果表明,ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构的瞬态光电流4倍于单纯的ZnO-NRA,而CO_2光还原性能测试也得到一致的结果.长时间多循环CO_2光还原实验证实,ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构具有稳定的光催化活性和极好的光稳定性.综上,我们利用一种简单易行的水热法进行类石墨碳修饰,成功开发了ZnO-NRA/C-x纳米复合结构,该结构因其优异的光生电子和空穴的分离和迁移性能,从而具有显著提升的CO_2光还原活性和光稳定性.本工作证明,类石墨碳修饰是一种可以广泛借鉴的有效提升半导体材料光催化活性和光稳定性的可行方法.  相似文献   

水热法制备TiO2纳米管阵列   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在(NH4)2TiF6的水溶液中,以铝基阳极氧化铝膜为模板,采用水热法制备了TiO2纳米管阵列. 采用场发射扫描电镜、 X射线能量色散谱及X射线光电子能谱对所得纳米管阵列进行了表征,并探讨了其形成机制. 结果表明,控制水热处理时间对制备形貌规整的纳米管阵列至关重要,较佳的水热处理时间为90 min. 采用本方法制备的纳米管阵列具有特殊的形貌,即表面的连续多孔结构和断面的不连续、分离的管状特征. 这种特殊形貌的形成是由于[TiF6]2-与阳极氧化铝模板的表面和断面具有不同的反应速率,水解产物优先在阳极氧化铝模板的表面沉积所致.  相似文献   

纳米技术在能源领域的应用为解决化石燃料的消耗和环境污染问题提供了新的契机.水滑石(LDHs)作为一类典型的阴离子黏土材料,其独特的组成、结构及形貌可调性,使其成为一类优秀的能源储存和转化材料.其中,将水滑石材料进行纳米阵列结构化设计,结合水滑石优异的物理化学性能和纳米阵列的结构特性,已经成为构建高性能电化学电极的重要方法.本文综述了水滑石基纳米阵列电极的合成及其在电化学能量储存和转化上的应用,并进一步讨论了水滑石纳米阵列材料在该领域面临的挑战和发展趋势.  相似文献   

相变储热系统(LTES)可用于太阳能利用、建筑物调温、余热回收及电能错峰调节。本文将正三十烷(C_(30))吸附到有纳米孔的多孔材料(可控孔径玻璃CPGs、硅胶SGs)中,制成定型纳米相变储热材料(nano-PCMs,C_(30)/CPG,C_(30)/SG)。用差示扫描量热法(DSC)测量其相变温度(储热温度)及储热密度,显示两者均与孔径成反比关系。通过调节多孔材料的孔径,C_(30)/CPG复合材料的储热温度最大可在6℃范围内调节,C_(30)/SG材料最大在近9℃范围内调节。该类材料过冷度与纯C_(30)比没有明显增加,熔化过程储热密度没有明显降低,使用过程形状固定、不会出现泄漏。实验结果,为石蜡类可调温度纳米储热材料的使用,提供理论依据。  相似文献   

石墨与聚苯乙烯的纳米复合过程研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
石墨具有电导率高、化学稳定性好等优点 ,被广泛应用于聚合物 石墨复合导电材料[1~ 3] .石墨作为聚合物导电填料一般以粉末形态居多 .用粉末状石墨填料往往需要较高的填充量才能得到理想的导电性能 .石墨也可以制备成膨胀石墨 ,将它与聚合物复合 ,可以大幅度降低石墨的填充量 .如一般粉末状石墨填料与聚合物复合制备的导电材料其逾渗阀值为 1 5 %~ 2 0 % ,电导率达到 1 0 -4 ~1 0 -7S cm[4 ] ;而若采用膨胀石墨方法 ,逾渗阀值则低于 3% ,电导率可达到 1 0 -2 S cm以上[5~ 7] .Pan等[7] 报道用膨胀石墨与聚合物复合得到纳米复合…  相似文献   

Adiabatic free energy surfaces (AFES) for adiabatic electrochemical reactions of electron transfer (ARET) are computed with exact allowance for electron–electron correlation effects (EECE) in models of electrode with nearly empty and almost filled conduction bands and analyzed on the basis of a diagram of kinetic modes obtained earlier. The EECE role in ARET for an electrode with an arbitrary Fermi level in a conduction band of an arbitrary width is discussed. In the general case, allowing for EECE gives at some model parameters results other than for the Fermi level coinciding with the conduction band center (model of a surface molecule, MSM). As in the case of MSM considered previously, EECE considerably reduce activation free energies and at some model parameters give qualitatively different AFES.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic characterization of clusters is crucial to understanding the structures and reaction mechanisms at the microscopic level, but it has been proven to be a grand challenge for neutral clusters because the absence of a charge makes it difficult for the size selection and detection. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy based on threshold photoionization using a tunable vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser (VUV-FEL) has recently been developed in the lab. The IR-VUV depletion and IR+VUV enhancement spectroscopic techniques open new avenues for size-selected IR spectroscopies of a large variety of neutral clusters without confinement (i.e., an ultraviolet chromophore, a messenger tag, or a host matrix). The spectroscopic principles have been demonstrated by investigations of some neutral water clusters and some metal carbonyls. Here, the spectroscopic principles and their applications for neutral clusters are reviewed.   相似文献   

用电子顺磁共振(EPR)法,化学发光法及荧光光谱法研究了100例正常人、42例角膜移值患者泪液中的自由基、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)和水溶性脂质过氧化物(WSLP)等指标.结果表明正常人泪液中自由基的自旋浓度是(3.6±0.58)×1012spins/mL,SOD浓度为(3.84±1.45)μg/L、水溶性脂质过氧化物相对荧光强度为9.598~16.225U/mL.角膜移植后三项指标变化出现两个规律的峰,这种规律性变化在三项指标间存在显著的相关性.其中5例患者的特殊变化证明移植排斥反应与术后这些变化的进一步持续发展有关  相似文献   

A diagram of kinetic modes (DKM), whose parts correspond to different electron transfer types, for any electrode's Fermi energy F and any finite value of its conduction band's width B is studied. Important differences between DKM for any F and B and DKM in a model of a surface molecule for an electrode-reactant system are pointed out. DKM for electrode models with nearly empty and nearly filled conduction bands proposed earlier are discussed. Expressions for outermost curves of DKM are derived for some special cases within these models.  相似文献   

The valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model—also known as the Gillespie–Nyholm rules—has for many years provided a useful basis for understanding and rationalizing molecular geometry, and because of its simplicity it has gained widespread acceptance as a pedagogical tool. In its original formulation the model was based on the concept that the valence shell electron pairs behave as if they repel each other and thus keep as far apart as possible. But in recent years more emphasis has been placed on the space occupied by a valence shell electron pair, called the domain of the electron pair, and on the relative sizes and shapes of these domains. This reformulated version of the model is simpler to apply, and it shows more clearly that the Pauli principle provides the physical basis of the model. Moreover, Bader and his co-workers' analysis of the electron density distribution of many covalent molecules have shown that the local concentrations of electron density (charge concentrations) in the valence shells of the atoms in a molecule have the same relative locations and sizes as have been assumed for the electron pair domains in the VSEPR model, thus providing further support for the model. This increased understanding of the model has inspired efforts to examine the electron density distribution in molecules that have long been regarded as exceptions to the VSEPR model to try to understand these exceptions better. This work has shown that it is often important to consider not only the relative locations and sizes, but also the shapes, of both bonding and lone pair domains in accounting for the details of molecular geometry. It has also been shown that a basic assumption of the VSEPR model, namely that the core of an atom underlying its valence shell is spherical and has no influence on the geometry of a molecule, is normally valid for the nonmetals but often not valid for the metals, including the transition metals. The cores of polarizable metal atoms may be nonspherical because they include nonbonding electrons or because they are distorted by the ligands, and these nonspherical cores may have an important influence on the geometry of a molecule.  相似文献   

《Analytical letters》2012,45(12):1143-1150

A steady state concentration of hydrated electrons, generated by a 60Cobalt gamma source in a hydrogen saturated alkaline water solution, can be used as an analytical reagent in the determination of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. The results are in good agreement with previous studies using pulse radiolysis.  相似文献   

Expressions for the calculation of the adiabatic free energy surfaces (AFES) and average number of electrons in the valence orbital of the reagent for adiabatic electrochemical reactions of electron transfer are obtained in terms of exactly solved models for a metal electrode with nearly empty and nearly filled conduction bands. The models are extreme cases of the Anderson model, which account exactly for the electron–electron correlation effects. In particular, the electrode model with a nearly filled conduction band can be applied to transition metals of Group VIII in the periodic table. Exact relationships connecting AFES and diagrams of kinetic modes (DKM) for electrodes with symmetric position of Fermi levels relative to the conduction band center are obtained. Two characteristic functions for analyzing the role of electron–electron correlation effects in the system under consideration are proposed and calculated. The results form a basis for calculating AFES and studying correlation effects in adiabatic electrochemical reactions of electron transfer and constructing DKM that would correspond to different electron transfer modes.  相似文献   

《Analytical letters》2012,45(13):2299-2307

p-Nitrophenacyl esters derived from p-nitrophenacyl bromide and carboxylic acids were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with electron spin resonance. p-Nitrophenacyl bromide was used as the pre-column reagent to determine the carboxylic acids. The p-nitrophenacyl esters gave free radicals by hydrolysis with alkaline solution, and then the free radicals were detected with electron spin resonance. The separation of these esters was achieved within 20 min.  相似文献   

通过结合杂化密度泛函和前线轨道理论与弹性散射格林函数方法研究了三种苯基衍生物分子器件的电子输运性质. 基于杂化密度泛函方法计算扩展分子电子结构的基础上, 计算了苯基衍生物三分子结的输运性质. 计算结果表明, 在低偏压下, 电流与电压呈线性变化; 分子结的电阻的对数与苯环的数目呈线性增加关系.  相似文献   

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