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One of the important protocols for increasing the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is hybrid energy efficient distributed (HEED) protocol. This protocol considers two parameters for deciding the cluster heads, i.e., residual energy and node density and has been designed for the homogeneous WSNs. In this paper, we consider the implementation of HEED for a heterogeneous network. Depending upon the type of nodes, it defines one-level, two-level, and three-level heterogeneity and accordingly the implementation of HEED is referred to as hetHEED-1, hetHEED-2, and hetHEED-3, respectively. We also consider one more parameter, i.e., distance and apply fuzzy logic to determine the cluster heads and accordingly the hetHEED-1, hetHEED-2, and hetHEED-3 are named as HEED-FL, hetHEED-FL-2, hetHEED-FL-3, respectively. The simulation results show that as the level of heterogeneity increases in the network, the nodes remain alive for longer time and the rate of energy dissipation decreases. And also, increasing the heterogeneity level helps sending more packets to the base station and increases the network lifetime. The increase in the network energy increases the network lifetime manifold. In fact, using fuzzy logic, the network lifetime increases by 114.85 % that of the original HEED without any increase in the network energy. Thus, the hetHEED-FL-3 provides the longest lifetime (387.94 % increase) in lifetime at the cost of 19 % increase in network energy), sends maximum number of packets to the base station, and has minimum rate of energy dissipation.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), all the data collected by the sensor nodes are forwarded to a sink node. Therefore, the placement of the sink node has a great impact on the energy consumption and lifetime of WSNs. This paper investigates the energy-oriented and lifetime-oriented sink node placement strategies in the single-hop and multiple-hop WSNs, respectively. The energy-oriented strategy considers only the minimizing of the total energy consumption in the networks, while the lifetime-oriented strategy focuses much more on the lifetime of the nodes which consume energy fastest. Using a routing-cost based ant routing algorithm, we evaluate the performances of different placement strategies in the networks. Simulation results show that the networks with lifetime-oriented strategy achieve a significant improvement on network lifetime.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - This paper proposes a cost and sub-epoch based stable energy-efficient clustering (CSSEEC) algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we...  相似文献   

This paper investigates strategies for prolonging the system lifetime for wireless video sensor networks, by adopting a mobile sink and solar-powered video sensors. Issues of tracking moving objects in wireless video sensor networks are studied, and the effectiveness of adopting a mobile sink is evaluated. This paper applies a power-rate-distortion analysis framework, which provides a theoretical fundamental to quantify various properties of wireless video sensor networks. The performance of wireless video sensor networks is evaluated with a mobile sink versus a static sink, under different cluster sizes and number of sensors. Comparisons of network lifetime, tracking error, video distortion, are also covered in this paper. In addition, this paper also evaluates the performance of solar-powered video sensors under an unequal layered clustering topology.  相似文献   

孙力娟  魏静  郭剑  肖甫  王汝传 《电子学报》2014,42(10):1907-1912
针对传感器网络中的节点冗余问题,提出了一种冗余判别方法来关闭冗余节点,以达到延长网络生命周期的目的.首先按邻居节点的不同位置对节点进行分类,研究了每组邻居节点的网络覆盖率与工作节点数k之间的约束关系,在此基础上,按不同的冗余法则对节点进行判断,关闭冗余节点.理论分析和实验结果表明,提出的算法能关闭网络中的冗余节点从而有效地延长网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

为克服陆地静态无线传感网和水下无线传感网因节点能耗分布不均衡而出现的能量空穴问题,和具有单一移动Sink节点的无线传感网数据收集时延过长问题,该文提出基于网格的移动无线传感网生存时间优化算法(Grid-based Lifetime Optimization Algorithm,GLOA)。GLOA算法考虑多个Sink节点的移动,将监测区域分成多个大小相同的网格。根据网格潜能值确定Sink节点移动的锚点,将锚点分配给不同的Sink节点,建立路径选择优化模型并获得Sink节点的最短移动路径,采用移动收集方法或静态收集方法循环收集数据。仿真结果表明:与Ratio_w或TPGF算法相比,GLOA算法能延长网络生存时间,降低和均衡节点能耗。与LOA_SMSN算法相比,GLOA算法能降低数据收集时延。在一定的条件下,比Ratio_w,TPGF和LOA_SMSN算法更优。  相似文献   

Maximizing Lifetime for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies energy efficient routing for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Our goal is to maximize the lifetime of the network, given the energy constraint on each sensor node. Using linear programming (LP) formulation, we model this problem as a multicommodity flow problem, where a commodity represents the data generated from a sensor node and delivered to a base station. A fast approximate algorithm is presented, which is able to compute (1−ε)-approximation to the optimal lifetime for any ε > 0. Then along this baseline, we further study several advanced topics. First, we design an algorithm, which utilizes the unique characteristic of data aggregation, and is proved to reduce the running time of the fastest existing algorithm by a factor of K, K being the number of commodities. Second, we extend our algorithm to accommodate the same problem in the setting of multiple base stations, and study its impact on network lifetime improvement. All algorithms are evaluated through both solid theoretical analysis and extensive simulation results. Yuan Xue received her B.S. in Computer Science from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1994 and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2002, and 2005. Currently she is an assistant professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include wireless and sensor networks, mobile systems, and network security. Yi Cui received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1997 and 1999, from Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, China, and his Ph.D. degree in 2005 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since then, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University, where he is currently an assistant professor. His research interests include overlay network, peer-to-peer system, multimedia system, and wireless sensor network. Klara Nahrstedt (M ' 94) received her A.B., M.Sc degrees in mathematics from the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, and Ph.D in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania. She is an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science Department where she does research on Quality of Service(QoS)-aware systems with emphasis on end-to-end resource management, routing and middleware issues for distributed multimedia systems. She is the coauthor of the widely used multimedia book ‘Multimedia:Computing, Communications and Applications’ published by Prentice Hall, and the recipient of the Early NSF Career Award, the Junior Xerox Award and the IEEE Communication Society Leonard Abraham Award for Research Achievements, and the Ralph and Catherine Fisher Professorship Chair. Since June 2001 she serves as the editor-in-chief of the ACM/Springer Multimedia System Journal. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks is to maximize network lifetime under given energy constraints. In this paper, we study the network lifetime problem by considering not only maximizing the time until the first node fails, but also maximizing the lifetimes for all the nodes in the network, which we define as the Lexicographic Max-Min (LMM) node lifetime problem. The main contributions of this paper are two-fold. First, we develop a polynomial-time algorithm to derive the LMM-optimal node lifetime vector, which effectively circumvents the computational complexity problem associated with an existing state-of-the-art approach, which is exponential. The main ideas in our approach include: (1) a link-based problem formulation, which significantly reduces the problem size in comparison with a flow-based formulation, and (2) an intelligent exploitation of parametric analysis technique, which in most cases determines the minimum set of nodes that use up their energy at each stage using very simple computations. Second, we present a simple (also polynomial-time) algorithm to calculate the flow routing schedule such that the LMM-optimal node lifetime vector can be achieved. Our results in this paper advance the state-of-the-art algorithmic design for network-wide node lifetime problem and facilitate future studies of the network lifetime problem in energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. Y. Thomas Hou obtained his B.E. degree from the City College of New York in 1991, the M.S. degree from Columbia University in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, in 1998, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1997 to 2002, Dr. Hou was a research scientist and project leader at Fujitsu Laboratories of America, IP Networking Research Department, Sunnyvale, California(Silicon Valley). Since Fall 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech, the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Blacksburg, Virginia. Dr. Hou's research interests are in the algorithmic design and optimization for network systems. His current research focuses on wireless sensor networks and multimedia over wireless ad hoc networks. In recent years, he has worked on scalable architectures, protocols, and implementations for differentiated services Internet; service overlay networking; multimedia streaming over the Internet; and network bandwidth allocation policies and distributed flow control algorithms. He has published extensively in the above areas and is a co-recipient of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) Best Paper Award and the 2001 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT) Best Paper Award. He is a member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE. Yi Shi received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1998, a M.S. degree from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, in 2001, and a second M.S. degree from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, in 2003, all in computer science. He is currently working toward his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech. While in undergraduate, he was a recipient of Meritorious Award in International Mathematical Contest in Modeling and 1997 and 1998, respectively. Yi's current research focuses on algorithms and optimization for wireless sensor networks and wireless ad hoc networks. His work has appeared in highly selective international conferences (e.g., ACM MobiCom and MobiHoc). Hanif D. Sherali is the W. Thomas Rice Endowed Chaired Professor of Engineering in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. His area of research interest is in discrete and continuous optimization, with applications to location, transportation, and engineering design problems. He has published about 200 papers in Operations Research journals, has co-authored four books in this area, and serves on the editorial board of eight journals. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中节点很容易因能量的缺失、环境的影响、遭受意外破坏等原因而停止工作,影响整个网络的生命周期,因此网络生命周期最大化成为传感器网络设计的关键.从节点和网络两个方面阐述了延长网络生命周期的一些策略.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The challenge in the deployment of wireless sensor networks is to ensure the coverage of targets with high energy efficiency, particularly when coverage and...  相似文献   

We consider the joint optimal design of the physical, medium access control (MAC), and routing layers to maximize the lifetime of energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. The problem of computing lifetime-optimal routing flow, link schedule, and link transmission powers for all active time slots is formulated as a non-linear optimization problem. We first restrict the link schedules to the class of interference-free time division multiple access (TDMA) schedules. In this special case, we formulate the optimization problem as a mixed integerconvex program, which can be solved using standard techniques. Moreover, when the slots lengths are variable, the optimization problem is convex and can be solved efficiently and exactly using interior point methods. For general non-orthogonal link schedules, we propose an iterative algorithm that alternates between adaptive link scheduling and computation of optimal link rates and transmission powers for a fixed link schedule. The performance of this algorithm is compared to other design approaches for several network topologies. The results illustrate the advantages of load balancing, multihop routing, frequency reuse, and interference mitigation in increasing the lifetime of energy-constrained networks. We also briefly discuss computational approaches to extend this algorithm to large networks  相似文献   

An important performance consideration for wireless sensor networks is the amount of information collected by all the nodes in the network over the course of network lifetime. Since the objective of maximizing the sum of rates of all the nodes in the network can lead to a severe bias in rate allocation among the nodes, we advocate the use of lexicographical max-min (LMM) rate allocation. To calculate the LMM rate allocation vector, we develop a polynomial-time algorithm by exploiting the parametric analysis (PA) technique from linear program (LP), which we call serial LP with parametric analysis (SLP-PA). We show that the SLP-PA can be also employed to address the LMM node lifetime problem much more efficiently than a state-of-the-art algorithm proposed in the literature. More important, we show that there exists an elegant duality relationship between the LMM rate allocation problem and the LMM node lifetime problem. Therefore, it is sufficient to solve only one of the two problems. Important insights can be obtained by inferring duality results for the other problem.  相似文献   

随着异构无线多媒体传感器网络应用日益广泛,如何满足不同数据源的要求,为其提供区分服务,保证其服务质量成为研究热点问题。该文在引进区分队列服务算法的基础上,提出了解决方法。该方法通过设置分组生存时间来实现在标量节点能够及时可靠地向汇聚节点报告事件发生的前提下,保证实时分组优先转发。仿真实验显示,汇聚节点在规定时间内收到了足够多的事件相关标量分组,实时分组时延满足实时性要求。表明文中方法是正确有效的。  相似文献   

Recently, wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) have emerged as one of the most important technologies, driven by the development of powerful multimedia device such as CMOS. WMSNs require several factors such as resource constraints, specific QoS, high bandwidth and so on. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical heterogeneous network model based routing protocol for WMSNs. In our proposal, proposed network model is classified into monitoring class, delivery class and aggregation class. Also we define two kinds of the routing path in order to ensure bandwidth and QoS. In simulation results, we illustrate the performance of our proposal.  相似文献   

We consider the distributed estimation by a network consisting of a fusion center and a set of sensor nodes, where the goal is to maximize the network lifetime, defined as the estimation task cycles accomplished before the network becomes nonfunctional. In energy-limited wireless sensor networks, both local quantization and multihop transmission are essential to save transmission energy and thus prolong the network lifetime. The network lifetime optimization problem includes three components: i) optimizing source coding at each sensor node, ii) optimizing source throughput of each sensor node, and iii) optimizing multihop routing path. Fortunately, source coding optimization can be decoupled from source throughput and multihop routing path optimization, and is solved by introducing a concept of equivalent 1-bit MSE function. Based on the optimal source coding, the source throughput and multihop routing path optimization is formulated as a linear programming (LP) problem, which suggests a new notion of character-based routing. The proposed algorithm is optimal and the simulation results show that a significant gain is achieved by the proposed algorithm compared with heuristic methods.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - With the advent of automation, more and more information is being generated. Thereby, increasingly sensors are being used, featuring increasingly dense networks....  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the connected target coverage (CTC) problem with the objective of maximizing the network lifetime by scheduling sensors into multiple sets, each of which can maintain both target coverage and connectivity among all the active sensors and the sink. We model the CTC problem as a maximum cover tree (MCT) problem and prove that the MCT problem is NP-Complete. We determine an upper bound on the network lifetime for the MCT problem and then develop a $(1+w)H(mathhat{M})$ approximation algorithm to solve it, where $w$ is an arbitrarily small number, $H(mathhat{M})=sum_{1leq ileqmathhat{M}}(1/i)$ and $mathhat{M}$ is the maximum number of targets in the sensing area of any sensor. As the protocol cost of the approximation algorithm may be high in practice, we develop a faster heuristic algorithm based on the approximation algorithm called Communication Weighted Greedy Cover (CWGC) algorithm and present a distributed implementation of the heuristic algorithm. We study the performance of the approximation algorithm and CWGC algorithm by comparing them with the lifetime upper bound and other basic algorithms that consider the coverage and connectivity problems independently. Simulation results show that the approximation algorithm and CWGC algorithm perform much better than others in terms of the network lifetime and the performance improvement can be up to 45% than the best-known basic algorithm. The lifetime obtained by our algorithms is close to the upper bound. Compared with the approximation algorithm, the CWGC algorithm can achieve a similar performance in terms of the network lifetime with a lower protocol cost.   相似文献   

对于普遍存在的异构传感器网络,目前尚缺乏有力的方法解决其覆盖势力的剖分问题。对此,该文提出一种本地化的覆盖势力剖分算法CFA(Coverage Force Algorithm)。该算法根据节点感应能力的差异,构建基于感应异构性的通用Voronoi图,能有效对网络中异构节点的覆盖势力范围进行剖分。实验证明,CFA算法解决了异构网络覆盖性能分析问题,和传统的Voronoi图方法相比,具有广普性和本地化的特点。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In this paper, we propose a scheme allow vehicles in a Vehicular Ad hoc Network share running information among them. We developed a mechanism that can help a...  相似文献   

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