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波流作用下网格锚泊的单个重力式网箱缆绳张力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以中国沿海常用的周长40 m×10 m的HDPE重力式网箱作为研究对象,采用渔具模型试验狄克生准则,选用大比例尺(λ=1/10)和小比例尺(λ′= 1/2)设计制作模型网箱.网箱锚泊系统采用的网格形式与实际使用的一致.模型试验于日本东京大学生产技术研究所海洋环境工程实验室风浪流水槽[50 m(L)×10 m(W)×5 ...  相似文献   

小尺度网箱缆绳张力在波浪中的变化特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海水养殖网箱系统主要包括网箱框架、网衣和锚泊系统.其中锚泊系统是网箱系统安全的重要保证之一,而锚泊系统设计的核心问题是系泊力,即缆绳张力问题.为了保证受风浪冲击的网箱锚泊安全,必须对锚泊的动力负荷进行分析研究.为此本研究设计了一种小尺度网箱进行试验,通过测量不同波长、波高的波浪中网箱的缆绳张力、以及波浪通过网箱前后时的平均波高及波长,对网箱缆绳张力随波长、波高的变化进行分析和研究.结果表明,波浪中缆绳张力最大张力随波高的增加而增加,且随着波浪周期的增加张力增加的趋势随波高变缓,而波浪的波长和网箱框架的边长一致时,波浪单位截面积内的能量损失率达到最大值.  相似文献   

水流作用下重力式网箱网衣张力分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在水流作用下,网箱网衣要承受很大的水流作用力,在网箱实际使用中破网逃鱼现象时常发生。网衣属于柔性结构物,在外部荷载作用下会发生较大的变形和位移,因此其受力和变形特性较为特殊。为了获得水流作用下重力式网箱网衣的张力分布,从而为设计和生产提供理论参考依据,利用集中质量的方法建立了水流作用下网箱网衣受力和变形的数学计算模型。利用此数学模型对重力式网箱网衣在不同配重模式和网目形状下的变形和张力分布进行了数值模拟。通过数值模拟研究发现,网箱网衣张力分布形式和网目形状关系密切,配重形式对其影响较小。相同工况条件下,配置底图时网衣所受最大张力略大于单独沉子配重形式,同时菱形网目网衣所受最大张力略大于正方形网目的受力。  相似文献   

波流作用下圆柱形近海抗风浪网箱缆绳的张力特性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
波流作用下圆柱形近海抗风浪网箱缆绳的张力特性= Study on the characters of tension in mooring lines of anti-stormy-wave-cage with cylindrical net under the combined action of waves and currents [刊,中]/郑国富(福建省水产研究所,厦门 361012),黄桂芳,魏观渊,丁兰,朱健康//水产学报,—2007,31(1).-84~89 HDPE框架圆柱形网箱是目前我国应用最广泛的抗风浪网箱养殖设施。作者以40 m×6 m该种网箱为原型,选择λ=1/16和λ′=1/3.625~1/4.333的尺度比制造模型,于2003年7月在大连理工大学开展了模型试验,研究其在纯流(0~1.25 m·s-1)、纯波(0 m、3 m和6 m)及其联合作用下的运动状态和缆绳张力特性。结果表明,缆绳张力对台风浪的响应过程复杂,纯波浪时呈“波群”状态,波流联合时呈“漂移”状态,而对季风浪响应则无此现象,其对网箱在台风浪下的破坏作用需继续研究;台风浪下,张力回归方程为T=95423V2 - 42546V+63329(R2=0.8736)(无底框架)和T=54161V2+8613.7V+67319(R2=0.8862)(带底框架);流速从1 m·s-1增到1.25 m·s-1时,张力增幅分别达92.5%(无底框架)和61.7%(带底框架),表明该网箱应布置在流速小于1 m·s-1的海区;在波流联合作用下,左右缆绳张力存在一定差异,试验中相差约25%,实际工况下波流分布更复杂,张力差异更大,建议取迎波流面两缆力和的统计最大值作为单锚及锚缆绳的允许受力值。图9表3参17 关键词:圆柱形抗风浪网箱;锚缆绳;张力特性 E-mail:gfhy007@163.com  相似文献   

沉力变化对圆形重力式网箱容积的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用网箱模型试验,以周长50 m、深8 m的HDPE双管圆形重力式网箱为研究对象,研究不同沉力条件下流速对网箱容积的影响.结果表明,网箱随着流速的增加,水面下网衣出现后移、提升,流速越大,其影响的幅度越大;增加沉力可以减小网箱内容积的损耗,但网箱阻力增加;网箱内容积损耗率η与流速V的关系可以通过"逻辑斯蒂方程"拟合;在沉力配置分别为9 408 kN、7 840 kN和6 586 kN时,其方程式分别为η1=1/[1+exp(2.624-1.356 2V)]、η2=1/[1+exp(2.613 6-1.541V)]和η3=1/[1+exp(2.508 7-1.532V)].  相似文献   

漂浮状态下重力式及碟形网箱锚绳受力特性的比较   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李玉成 《水产学报》2005,29(4):570-573
深水网箱养殖是海洋牧场建设的重要手段之一,在其发展及应用过程中出现了多种结构形式,其中以重力式和碟形深水网箱应用最为普遍,国内外关于网箱的水动力特性已进行了不少研究,但结果存在较大差异。Colboume等曾对多种配重形式和锚碇形式的重力式网箱的水动力特性及运动特性进行试验,  相似文献   

目前的分析使用一种数字算法来研究当来自多个角度的均匀海流的表面波冲击网箱系统时它的动力学性状。分析了网箱系缆的最大张力以及养殖系统最小的容积减少系数。发现由海流导致的对网箱系统的影响远比仅仅由海浪导致的影响更加重大。得出的结论是海流速度超过1m/s的地方不适合选作养殖场址,除非有技术设备用来克服严重的网箱体积变形。  相似文献   

用数值法计算圆形沉浮式深海网箱的下潜水深   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用一系列力学关系,给出了深海沉浮式养殖网箱的运动方程组,在网箱下潜深度的研究中采用绕射理论和Morison方程进行了波浪力分析,讨论了网箱的下潜深度随波浪的波高、波长及周期的变化情况,得出下潜水深比较小时深海网箱的波力变化快,当达到某一个下潜深度以后,波力的变化趋于平缓,从而为深海网箱选用最佳工况提供了一种参考方法。  相似文献   

本文针对常见的重力式、碟形和拟碟形网箱在不同下潜深度状态下的锚绳受力特性进行了试验研究.结果表明:重力式网箱的配重形式及下潜形式对网箱的受力具有重要影响.在纯流条件下,重力式网箱采用沉降圈及单管灌水的下潜方式实现下潜时,锚绳受力不但没有衰减,反而呈现较大幅度的增加;在波浪条件下也较其它网箱更为不利.因此从受力的角度来看,实际应用中不宜采用这一配重形式及下潜方式.总体上,碟形网箱及拟碟形网箱在相同条件下的锚绳受力大于重力式网箱,拟碟形则大于碟形网箱的锚绳受力.在综合比较网箱价格和性能的前提下,作者认为选用重力式网箱将更符合实际.  相似文献   

HDPE圆形重力式网箱受力变形特性的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究旨在综合探讨不同网箱周长、浮管管径、网衣高度及网目大小对整体网箱受力变形的影响,为网箱的科学合理选型提供数据参考。设定的网箱周长40—80m,浮管管径250~630mm,网衣高度6~20m,网目大小45~115mm。通过数值模拟方法对4种规格高密度聚乙烯圆形网箱在不同组合条件下网箱锚绳受力、波流力以及容积损失率进行了数值计算。结果表明,大规格网箱的锚绳受力、波流力更大,容积损失率更小,锚绳数量的增加可以大大降低锚绳受力。相比浮管管径,网衣高度和网目大小对网箱受力变形的影响更显著。整体网箱的受力变形随着网衣高度的增加而增大,随网目的增大而减小。  相似文献   


深海抗风浪网箱养殖区别于传统近海网箱、围栏等养殖方式,适合发展高经济价值的鱼类养殖,现已成为沿海渔民转产转业的重要方向。为缓解近岸养殖压力、拓宽深海水域养殖,基于中国海域养殖条件,设计了一种可以应对恶劣海况条件的新型复式抗风浪深海养殖网箱。该网箱放弃了传统的浮架和浮圈结构,采用双浮筒可调节结构,以适应不同海域海浪状况,减少因刚性连接而发生的中拱和中垂现象;此外,浮筒与立体浮框连接而成的垂荡体可以提供较大的垂荡以及纵向摇摆阻尼,控制网箱的运动幅度。同时采用莫里森公式和伯努利方程对网箱承受的风、浪、流等环境载荷进行受力计算,并与传统高密度聚乙烯 (High density polyethylene, HDPE) 网箱进行对比,结果显示新型复式抗风浪网箱比传统HDPE网箱更能承受海洋中的环境负载。研究结果为后续研究和发展大型抗风浪网箱养殖提供了设计参考。


The dynamic behavior of a fish cage collar in waves was investigated using a numerical model based on the finite element method. The floating collar and mooring system were divided into a series of line segments modeled by straight massless model segments with a node at each end. To verify the validity of the numerical model, research data from other authors were cited and compared with the simulated results, the comparison of results showed a good agreement. The numerical model was then applied to a dynamic simulation of a floating cage collar in waves to analyze its elastic deformation and mooring line tension. The simulated results indicated that the greatest deformation of the collar taken place in the position of the mooring line connection point when incident waves were in the same direction. An increase in the length of mooring line would help to decrease the mooring line tension of the collar. Furthermore, the effects of collar dimension, including collar circumference, pipe diameter in cross-section, and pipe thickness, on the dynamic behavior of the floating collar were discussed. The results of this study provided a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the fish cage collar.  相似文献   

The effects of waves with a uniform current on marine aquaculture gravity-type cages were analyzed using a numerical model previously validated by physical model tests. The present analysis employs a numerical algorithm to study the dynamic behaviors of the net-cage system when impinged upon by surface waves from various angles over a uniform current. The maximum tension of the mooring lines and the minimum volume reduction coefficients of the rearing system were analyzed. We found that the current-induced effects on the net-cage system were more important than those due to waves only. We conclude that farming sites should not be situated in areas where the current speed exceeds 1 m/s, unless technological devices are available to overcome serious net-cage volume deformation. Furthermore, we recommend that, whenever possible, the combined effects of various oblique waves and currents be carefully examined before a system is installed. Finally, the ideal range of water depth for net-cage implementation in the open sea is between 30 and 50 m.  相似文献   

A static analysis of the tension and configuration of submerged plane nets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A non-linear finite element method is employed to determine the equilibrium configuration and tension distribution of a net set in a uniform current. The method models each mesh bar in the net as an infinitely flexible rope element connected at each end to other elements by a frictionless hinge. The Newton-Raphson method is used to solve the basic non-linear simultaneous equations with respect to tension in mesh bar and knot displacements. Global convergence to the correct solution from an initially estimated state is ensured using a loading iteration in addition to the common configuration iterative procedure in order to accurately model the shape-dependent characteristic of hydrodynamic forces. The method is shown to predict the shape and tension distribution of fishing nets with reasonable accuracy in the case examined in the present study.  相似文献   

An automatic, submersible fish cage system using air control was developed and a set of model experiments were conducted to examine the automatic submerging characteristics of the cage. The components of the fish cage consist of a rigid frame assembly with 6 variable ballast tanks and 6 fixed ballast tanks. The variable ballast tanks were used to change the buoyancy characteristics of the system by air control so that the fish cage can either be placed at the surface or submerged. The cage is free to move vertically within a water column by adjusting the weight and the buoyancy with an air control system. The model of this system, with dimensions of 2.20 m in diameter and length and 1.04 m in net cage depth, was constructed to be 1/10 the size of the full-scale system. In the model experiments, the submerging and surfacing characteristics of the cage were regulated with measurements from a water-pressure gauge and a gyroscope incorporated into the automatic control system. Model tests were performed in a still water tank and a large wave tank to develop the algorithm required to control the cage system and to verify the ability of the automatic submersion mechanism to function. The control system was designed so that when the variable ballast tanks were flooded with water, the model descended. To raise the system, compressed air is injected into the tanks by opening the main evacuation valve on the manifold. After the required amount of compressed air is supplied, the main evacuation valves can be shut and as a result, the fish cage becomes buoyant. Measured performance results in a still water tank are then compared with calculations from a previously developed numerical technique. The submerging and surfacing characteristics of the fish cage were relatively similar to the measurements obtained with the physical model experiments using air control. The cage was submerged to a target depth when incidence wave heights were higher than the critical wave height and raised when little wave actions were detected in a wave tank. On the other hand, the cage was placed at the surface when incidence wave heights were the same as the critical wave height or lower.  相似文献   

Socio‐economic factors related to management of costal zones and biological parameters related to species‐specific requirements set limitations for the rearing location of net‐pen sea cages. A cage was designed and installed at 45 m depth based on the REFA Tension Length Cage technology at the cage facility of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Crete. The cage‐net module consisted of a net‐pen contained within a hexagonal rigid frame to maintain the shape of the net. Vertical beams of the frame glider on six tension legs were placed in a circle. The operation of the cage was evaluated using a group of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) for a rearing period of 4 months whereas a second group reared in a surface net‐pen cage served as control. Growth performance was similar between the experimental groups. The rearing method significantly affected fish skin pigmentation. Individuals reared in the submerged cage had a brighter skin colour and lower skin melatonin content compared with the ones reared in the surface cage. The presented submerged cage may provide a feasible alternative for rearing fish in exposed areas and particularly species requiring specific biological conditions, such as narrow temperature ranges and low light intensity.  相似文献   

1. The likelihood that seabirds will be hooked and drowned in longline fisheries increases when baited hooks sink slowly. Fishermen target different fishing depths by setting the mainline through a line shooter, which controls the tension (or slackness) in the line. An experiment was conducted in Australia's pelagic longline fishery to test the hypothesis of no difference in sink rates of baited hooks attached to mainline set under varying degrees of tension. 2. Mainline was set in three configurations typically used in the fishery: (a) surface set tight with no slackness astern; (b) surface set loose with 2 s of slack astern; and (c) deep set loose with 7 s of slack astern. 3. Tension on the mainline had a powerful effect on sink rates. Baited hooks on branch lines attached to tight mainlines reached 2 m depth nearly twice as fast as those on the two loose mainline tensions, averaging 5.8 s (0.35 m s?1) compared with 9.9 s (0.20 m s?1) and 11.0 s (0.18 m s?1) for surface set loose and deep set loose tensions, respectively. 4. The likely reason for the difference is propeller turbulence. Tight mainline entered the water aft of the area affected by turbulence whereas the two loose mainlines and the clip ends of branch lines were set directly into it about 1 m astern of the vessel. The turbulence presumably slowed the sink rates of baited hooks at the other end of the branch lines. 5. The results suggest that mainline deployed with a line shooter (as in deep setting) into propeller turbulence at the vessel stern slows the sink rates of baited hooks, potentially increasing their availability to seabirds. Unless mainline can be set to avoid propeller turbulence the use of line shooters for deep setting should not be promoted as an effective deterrent to seabirds. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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