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青藏高原苟鲁错近几十年环境变化的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王小天  李世杰 《湖泊科学》2002,14(3):217-222
通过对青藏高原苟鲁错湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量,粒度、C值的综合分析,得出湖泊流域气候近几十年来气候呈干暖化趋势。另外,通过苟鲁错附近五道梁和沱沱河气象站统计资料和湖泊沉积特性的对比分析,说明通过碳酸盐、粒度、C值等综合指标对重建苟鲁错流域古气候是可行的,这为苟鲁错流域古气候重建提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

高山湖泊远离人类活动直接影响,通常具有面积小、寡营养、食物网单一等特点,对气候变化和营养输入具有较高的敏感性。我国青藏高原东南缘地区氮沉降通量较高、增温幅度显著,已有研究显示该地区可能受湖泊类型、流域特征等影响存在差异性的湖泊响应模式。本研究选择该区域位于树线以下、具有不同水深的3个小型湖泊(盖公错纳、沃迪错、碧沽天池)开展沉积物调查和对比研究,通过钻孔样品测年、理化特征和藻类(硅藻群落、藻类色素)等多指标分析,结合区域气候定量重建和氮沉降等数据收集,评价了过去300年来藻类演替模式的异同特征及湖泊水深的调节作用。结果显示,3个湖泊中硅藻的优势物种与群落组成差异明显。深水型湖泊盖公错纳(最大水深39.4 m)的硅藻群落以浮游种为主(占比达82%),优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiolla ocellata)、科曼小环藻(Pantocsekiella comensis);深水型湖泊沃迪错(最大水深20.7 m)的硅藻群落中浮游种和底栖种约各占50%,优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiella ocellata)、连结脆杆藻(Saurosira construens);浅水湖...  相似文献   

2000年以来青藏高原湖泊面积变化与气候要素的响应关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原星罗密布的湖泊对气候变化十分敏感,在自然界水循环和水平衡中发挥着重要作用.以MODIS MOD09A1和SRTM DEM为数据源,提取了2000-2016年青藏高原丰水期面积大于50 km2的湖泊边界,从内外流分区、湖泊主要补给来源和湖水矿化度三个方面对2000年以来湖泊面积变化进行分析,并结合青藏高原近36年气象数据,根据气象要素变化趋势分区,初步探讨青藏高原湖泊面积变化与气候要素的关系.结果表明:青藏高原面积大于50 km2的138个湖泊整体扩张趋势显著,总面积增加2340.67 km2,增长率为235.52 km2/a.其中,扩张型湖泊占67.39%,萎缩型湖泊占12.32%,稳定型湖泊占20.29%.内流湖扩张趋势显著,外流湖扩张趋势较明显;以冰雪融水为主要补给来源的湖泊整体扩张趋势明显,以地表径流和河流补给为主要补给源的湖泊也呈扩张趋势;盐湖和咸水湖以扩张为主,淡水湖的扩张、萎缩和稳定三种类型较均衡.在青藏高原气候暖湿化方向发展背景下,湖泊面积变化与气候要素具有显著的区域相关性.气温和降水变化趋势分区结果表明,气温增加、降水增加强趋势的高原Ⅰ区湖泊扩张程度(78.18%)依次大于气温降低、降水量呈增加趋势的Ⅴ区(66.67%),气温、降水量呈增加趋势的Ⅱ区(60.78%),气温呈降低、降水量呈增加强趋势的Ⅳ区(58.83%)和气温呈增加、降水量呈减少趋势的Ⅲ区(50.00%).湖泊面积变化对气候变化响应研究表明,升温引起的冰雪融水补给对Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区湖泊面积扩张的影响显著,加之降水量的增加,湖泊扩张速率明显;Ⅳ区和Ⅴ区湖泊面积扩张主要受降水量增加影响显著.整体而言,气温主要影响以冰雪融水为主要补给来源的湖泊,降水量主要影响以降水和地表径流为主要补给来源的湖泊.  相似文献   

吴瑞金 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):128-135
湖泊沉积物的磁性参数是古气候、古环境的重要代用指标。通过对青海湖QI5孔和岱海DH32孔短岩心的磁化率、频率磁化率的研究,并与地球化学参数等其它资料对比,探讨了以上两个湖区历史时期古气候变化规律;论证了用磁化率、频率磁化率作为古气候、古环境指标的可靠性和敏感性;并对其变化机制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

花粉现代过程研究是基于化石花粉谱重建古植被和古气候变化的基础.尽管青藏高原已经有大量花粉现代过程研究,但是仅有少数关于湖泊表层沉积物现代花粉组合的报道.本研究分析了青藏高原草原带和荒漠带34个湖泊的表层沉积物花粉组合,结果显示,这两个高原植被带的现代花粉组合以草本、灌木花粉占优势,不过特征类群的相对丰度具有显著差别.高...  相似文献   

东北松嫩平原区湖泊对气候变化响应的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
以气候变暖为主要特点的气候变化已成为当前研究的焦点,气候变化和不同类型的生态系统之间的相互作用更是受到广泛关注.东北地区作为我国气候变化的一个敏感区,观测记录和多种模式预估显示该区气候变暖显著并将进一步增强,降水变化趋势则不明显或略有增加.东北松嫩平原湖泊群是我国湖泊密度最大的湖区之一,但近几十年来,该区湖泊生态环境不断恶化,其中气候因素最为受人关注.本文从以下几个角度综述了松嫩平原湖泊群对气候变化的响应:(1)湖泊面积和湖泊水位;(2)湖泊水质;(3)湖泊生态多样性.在此基础上,探讨了该区未来气候变化对湖泊的可能影响以及湖泊的演变趋势,也阐述了在这种自然背景下的人类活动对湖泊环境演变的影响.  相似文献   

青藏高原腹地半混合型湖泊的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
发现青藏高原腹地的兹格塘错湖(海拔4560 m)是一个半混合型湖泊. 分析表明, 湖盆地形的屏障因素是导致半混合现象的主要原因, 淡水入流的作用次之. 作为目前世界上发现的海拔最高的半混合型湖泊, 兹格塘错湖对世界湖泊系统分类研究具有一定意义, 同时为开展湖泊现代过程及纹泥应用研究提供了可能.  相似文献   

统计分析了青藏高原不同区域水体环境表层沉积物陆相介形类的属种分布特征,探讨了介形类在不同水环境下(盐度、pH值及水深)对生态环境的响应.结果显示,青藏高原现生介形类共计21属67种,其中Candona candidaIlyocypris bradyiEucypris inflataLimnocythere dubiosaLimnocythere inopinataParacypricerus angulataLeucocytherella sinensisLeucocythere mirabilis为青藏高原地区的常见种.湖泊、河流、洼地和湿地4类水体环境中,湖泊中介形类最为丰富,达19属62种;青藏高原东北部(祁连山和柴达木盆地)、北部(昆仑山)、西部和南部不同区域的介形类常见种存在较大差异,可能是区域海拔、pH值和盐度综合作用的结果.淡水和微咸水环境介形类属种数量较咸水及盐湖中丰富,分别有17属41种和13属42种,Limnocythere dubiosa (0.52~90.6 g/L)和Leucocythere mirabilis(0.51~174.63 g/L)在淡水、咸水及盐湖中均有出现,适应盐度范围较广;pH值在8.0~10.0范围内介形类属种多样性最丰富,表明大部分介形类具有嗜碱性的特征;青藏高原陆相介形类属种多样性随水深的增加而降低,浅湖(0~15 m)中介形类属种最为丰富,达到17属52种,其中Candona candida(0.2~80 m)和Leucocythere dorsotuberosa(0.3~110 m)从滨湖至深湖区均有分布,二者均具有较大的水深适应范围.  相似文献   

青藏高原的隆起过程及其机制探讨   总被引:175,自引:6,他引:175  
高原隆升是一个多阶段的(45~38Ma、25~17Ma、13~8Ma、3Ma至今)、不等速的和非均变过程。晚上新世以来,高原整体隆起与局部快速抬升,是两种以上机制联合运作的结果。  相似文献   

吴瑞金 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):128-135
湖泊沉积物的磁性参数是古气候、古环境的重要代用指标。通过对青海湖QI_5孔和岱海DH_(32)孔短岩心的磁化率、频率磁化率的研究,并与地球化学参数等其它资料对比,探讨了以上两个湖区历史时期古气候变化规律;论证了用磁化率、频率磁化率作为古气候、古环境指标的可靠性和敏感性;并对其变化机制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Multi-proxies of lacustrine sediments, such as total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), hydrogen index (HI), oxygen index (OI) and stable carbon isotopic composition of organic matter (δ 13Corg), were analyzed using a 7.3 m core from Zigê Tangco. The source of the organic matter in the sediment was mainly from autochthonous phytoplankton, therefore the significances of proxies can be interpreted as that high TOC, TOC/TS, HI and δ13Corg values, low TC, TIC values corresponded to warm and wet climatic condition, and vice versa. The process of climatic development in the Zigê Tangco region was hence recovered. During the early and Mid-Holocene, the climate was warm and wet and intensive cold events occurred during the periods of 8600 to 8400 cal a BP and 7400 to 7000 cal a BP. In the second half of Holocene, the climate became cold and dry gradually. The palaeoclimatic process during Holocene in Zigê Tangco region matched well with that in Co Ngoin region which is ca 40 km to the south-east. Therefore this palaeoclimatic process represents the Holocene climatic feature in the Central Tibetan Plateau which has the same pattern in the Northern Tibetan Plateau, but the time and duration of some climatic events might be different. We can conclude that in Holocene solar insolation controlled the climatic pattern on the central Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东部若尔盖盆地兴措湖50年来Gyraulus sibirica壳体元素及同位素分析,并与器测气象资料的比较,建立了兴措湖记录与对应的降水和气温间的函数关系,探讨了湖泊记录所指示的气候环境意义,结果表明:青藏高原东部兴措湖地区腹足类生物在夏半年形成壳体,它所记录的是夏半年而不是全年的气候环境信息,Gyraulus Sibria壳体Mg/Ca比及δ^18O指标与夏半年气温有一定的相关性,其中壳体δ^18O指标对气温变化更敏感,δ^18O与夏半年气温滑动平均间的变率为1.64‰/℃,均值比为0.28‰/℃,Sr/Ca比,δ^13C指标与夏半年的降水量关系较密切,尤其是Sr/Ca比随降水量波动呈显著相关变化,Sr/Ca变化与降水间的平均变率(d(Sr/Ca)/dP)为-0.045/mm。  相似文献   

The streamflow on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays an important role in the water supply of Asia's main river basins. To enhance understanding of hydrologic cycle under the pronounced warming over the TP, this study comprehensively investigates the streamflow changes at the upstream of six major rivers (Yellow River, Yalong River, Jinsha River, Lancang River, Nu River, and Yarlung Zangbo River) originating from the TP, and then diagnoses their possible causes by analysing the impacts of climate variability and human activities. Results indicate that these six major rivers studied have generally insignificant increasing trends in annual streamflow during the last half century, except for two stations. The significant increase appears at the Tuotuohe station in the headwater area of Jinsha River, while the dramatic decrease occurs at the Yunjinghong station in the downstream of Lancang River. In terms of climate factors, the six river basins show a distinct warming trend, along with a noticeable increase in precipitation over the central and northern regions. Pan evaporation, wind speed, sunshine duration, and relative humidity have been found to gradually decrease in most areas. As for the Tuotuohe station, both warming-induced meltwater and increasing precipitation might jointly contribute to the increasing streamflow. But for the Yunjinghong station, the results simulated by the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model indicate that human activities, especially for the impoundment processes of Xiaowan and Nuozhadu dams, significantly influenced the streamflow, contributing to approximately 69% of the streamflow reduction during 2009–2013. In the context of accelerated global warming, greater attention should be paid to hydrometeorological changes on the TP to offer further insights for the water resources management of the ‘Asian Water Tower’.  相似文献   

在青藏高原南部空姆错钻取了一根浅湖芯,对其中时间跨度约为50年的剖面按7年间隔对其中陆源正构烷烃(C_(25),C_(27),C_(29),C_(31))进行了提取分析。通过将这些生物标志物的氢同位素比值与附近浪卡子气象站和拉萨气象站的气象参数记录进行比较,发现这些生物标志物的δD值与生长季节时段的平均气温显著相关,而与生长季节时段的降雨量和相对湿度的相关性差,说明陆源沉积正构烷烃的氢同位素比值主要记录了气温信号,可以被用于古温度重建。  相似文献   

若尔盖盆地兴措湖沉积记录揭示的近代气候与环境   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
依据湖泊沉积记录进行古气候环境要素定量的是过去全球变化研究的重要内容,本文通过若尔盖盆地兴措湖近代湖泊沉积特征、沉积物总有机碳及其同位素指标分析,并与器测气象资料进行比较,对兴措湖泊近代湖泊沉积物中有机碳及其同位素指标所代表的气候环境信息进行了定量研究,在此基础上,建立了兴措湖沉积物总有机碳及其同位素记录与对应的降水和气温间的函数关系,为定量恢复该区长尺度历史时期古气候环境特征提供了基础。  相似文献   

Understanding climate change impacts on hydrological regime and assessing future water supplies are essential to effective water resources management and planning, which is particularly true for the Tibetan Plateau (TP), one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change. In this study, future climate change in the TP was projected for 2041–2060 by a high‐resolution regional climate model, RegCM4, under 3 representative concentration pathways (RCPs): 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5. Response of all key hydrological elements, that is, evapotranspiration, surface run‐off, baseflow, and snowmelt, to future climate in 2 typical catchments, the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, was further investigated by the variable infiltration capacity microscale hydrological model incorporated with a 2‐layer energy balance snow model and a frozen soil/permafrost algorithm at a 0.25°×0.25° spatial scale. The results reveal that (a) spatial patterns of precipitation and temperature from RegCM4 agree fairly well with the data from China Meteorological Forcing Dataset, indicating that RegCM4 well reproduces historical climatic information and thus is reliable to support future projection; (b) precipitation increase by 0–70% and temperature rise by 1–4 °C would occur in the TP under 3 RCPs. A clear south‐eastern–north‐western spatial increasing gradient in precipitation would be seen. Besides, under RCP8.5, the peak increase in temperature would approach to 4 °C in spring and autumn in the east of the TP; (c) evapotranspiration would increase by 10–60% in 2 source regions due to the temperature rise, surface run‐off and baseflow in higher elevation region would experience larger increase dominantly due to the precipitation increase, and streamflow would display general increases by more than 3% and 5% in the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, respectively; (d) snowmelt contributes 11.1% and 16.2% to total run‐off in the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, respectively, during the baseline period. In the source region of Yangtze River, snowmelt run‐off would become more important with increase of 17.5% and 18.3%, respectively, under RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 but decrease of 15.0% under RCP8.5.  相似文献   


The temporal and spatial characteristics of soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) were analysed to explore the relative contributions of temperature and precipitation to soil moisture change. Non-significant changes in soil moisture were observed for the TP over the period 1950–2010, while a seasonal cycle was evident, with higher values in summer and smaller values in winter. The soil moisture showed obvious spatial heterogeneity, with higher values in the south than in the north of the TP. The soil moisture fluctuated with time, jointly influenced by precipitation and temperature changes, with precipitation the dominant factor, while temperature regulated the relationship between soil moisture and precipitation. The relative contribution of precipitation to soil moisture changes was over 80%, except for winter in which temperature was the dominant factor, with a relative contribution of more than 70%. Because of the sharp increase in temperature in winter, the uneven spatial distribution of soil moisture over the TP might harm the fragile ecological environment.  相似文献   

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