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针对在低阶脑网络应用图论忽视了功能连接高阶动态性的问题,提出了一种基于高阶动态功能连接的图论网络构建方法(GNC-HodFC),提取高阶FC网络的图论特征以对轻度认知障碍患者和健康被试者进行差异性分析及分类。首先定义了表征高阶动态脑网络连接的图论节点和边;然后利用滑动窗相关技术提取低阶功能连接信息,提出平稳性判据,选取最优特征子集以构建图论的节点;最后提出自适应阈值策略对高阶动态功能连接信息进行选取以构建图论的边,最终完成高阶动态脑网络的图构建。实验结果表明,GNC-HodFC的平均分类准确率可以达到70.5%,优于其他三种对比方法,且患者组和健康组的图论特征中存在显著性差异,GNC-HodFC方法可以为轻度认知障碍的诊断提供新的辅助手段。  相似文献   

目的 脑功能网络的提取在脑科学研究中具有重要意义,本文提出一种基于先验信息的脑功能网络提取方法。方法该方法首先基于先验信息得到初始的目标和背景种子点,然后基于图论将整个脑图像构建图,最后利用半监督聚类技术提取脑功能网络。基于不同信噪比的模拟数据,本文对提出方法、基于种子点的方法、独立成分分析方法、以及两种聚类方法(归一化最小化割和K均值方法)进行比较。基于真实脑静息态功能核磁共振数据,本文使用提出方法对默认模式网络进行提取。结果 基于模拟数据的实验结果表明提出算法相对于传统的方法可以得到更为准确且鲁棒的脑功能网络。基于静息态功能核磁共振数据得到的默认模式网络在一些重要脑区具有高的稳定性,且不同地点采集数据得到的结果具有较强的一致性。结论 提出方法是一种有效的脑功能网络提取方法。  相似文献   

Jiao  Zhuqing  Wang  Huan  Cai  Min  Cao  Yin  Zou  Ling  Wang  Shuihua 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(21-22):15075-15093

Conventional brain functional networks are constructed by extracting the entire time series from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Yet such a method is easy to ignore the dynamic interaction patterns of brain regions that essentially change across time. In this study, we analyze the functional connectivity characteristics of Rich Club in resting-state brain functional networks, and study the dynamic functional differences of core brain regions at different time periods. First, the time series is extracted from resting-state fMRI to construct a dynamic brain functional network. Then, Rich Clubs of different time periods are determined by the Rich Club coefficients. In particular, the efficiency of each Rich Club is calculated to examine the influences of the Rich Connections, Feeder Connections and Local Connections. Finally, the node degree, clustering coefficient and efficiency for Rich Club nodes are calculated to quantify the dynamic processes of Rich Clubs, and the functional connectivity of Rich Clubs are compared with those of the functional networks constructed by the entire fMRI time series. Experimental results demonstrate that the distribution of Rich Clubs in the dynamic brain functional network is consistent with that from the entire fMRI time series, while the composition and functional connectivity of Rich Club dynamically change across time. Moreover, Rich connection and Local connection in the brain functional networks show a significant correlation with the efficiency of Rich Club, and the local and the global efficiency of Rich Clubs are greater than that of the global network. These results further illustrate the viewpoint that Rich Clubs have significant influence on the functional characteristics of global brain functional networks.


针对脑功能网络的构建受到特定大脑图谱对兴趣点描述准确度及覆盖度的限制,提出了基于认知任务信息和神经影像数据的脑功能网络构建方法。首先计算fMRI体素对于认知任务的敏感度,然后在此基础上选取兼顾分布均衡和去中心化的大脑兴趣点,从而构建任务驱动的脑功能网络。实验通过在人脸情绪识别认知任务相关的梭状回构造任务驱动的脑功能网络,其度中心性、聚类系数、全局效率、局部效率这四个复杂网络指标均优于典型大脑图谱梭状回中兴趣点构成的网络。结果表明,计算得到的大脑兴趣点具有更强的整合性,更适合用于表征特定认知任务下的脑功能网络。  相似文献   

传统脑网络的情绪分类将聚类系数、平均最短路径等拓扑属性作为分类特征。针对这些属性易受网络连接阈值和特征选择的影响,难以完全表征不同情绪状态下的网络空间拓扑结构差异的问题,提出了一种基于脑网络和共空间模式的脑电情绪识别方法(EEG emotion classification based on common spatial patterns of brain networks topology,EEC-CSP-BNT)。该算法基于互信息在各个子频段内计算电极间的功能连接矩阵,同时利用共空间模式(common spatial pattern,CSP)分析学习空间滤波器,构建分类特征,最后通过分类器(如Fisher线性判别、支持向量机、K最近邻)实现基于脑电的情绪分类。基于DEAP和SEED数据集的实验结果表明,相比于脑网络拓扑属性,EEC-CSP-BNT能有效提取脑网络拓扑结构的分类信息,提高脑电情绪识别性能。  相似文献   

根据正常人与听力损伤患者的失匹配负波(MMN)数据建立大脑功能性网络,计算该大脑功能性网络的复杂网络统计特性,发现所建立的功能性网络相对于随机网络具有类似无标度特性,而且具有高聚类系数、小特征路径长度的小世界网络特性;另外,还计算了功能性网络的平均度和网络结构熵,结果发现正常人的功能性网络的平均度、聚类系数、结构熵等参数均高于听力损伤患者的相应参数,提示了听力损伤后脑功能网络连接减弱可能是声源分辨能力下降的中枢表现,同时也反映了平均度、聚类系数、结构熵等功能性网络参数可作为反应听力损伤后声源分辨能力下降的诊断标志。  相似文献   

Methods for generating a random sample of networks with desired properties are important tools for the analysis of social, biological, and information networks. Algorithm-based approaches to sampling networks have received a great deal of attention in recent literature. Most of these algorithms are based on simple intuitions that associate the full features of connectivity patterns with specific values of only one or two network metrics. Substantive conclusions are crucially dependent on this association holding true. However, the extent to which this simple intuition holds true is not yet known. In this paper, we examine the association between the connectivity patterns that a network sampling algorithm aims to generate and the connectivity patterns of the generated networks, measured by an existing set of popular network metrics. We find that different network sampling algorithms can yield networks with similar connectivity patterns. We also find that the alternative algorithms for the same connectivity pattern can yield networks with different connectivity patterns. We argue that conclusions based on simulated network studies must focus on the full features of the connectivity patterns of a network instead of on the limited set of networkmetrics for a specific network type. This fact has important implications for network data analysis: for instance, implications related to the way significance is currently assessed.  相似文献   

网络表示学习旨在将网络中的节点表示成低维稠密且具有一定推理能力的向量,以运用于节点分类、社区发现和链路预测等社交网络应用任务中,是连接网络原始数据和网络应用任务的桥梁。传统的网络表示学习方法都是针对网络中节点和连边只有一种类型的同质信息网络的表示学习方法,而现实世界中的网络往往是具有多种节点和连边类型的异质信息网络。而且,从时间维度上来看,网络是不断变化的。因此,网络表示学习的研究方法随着网络数据的复杂化而不断变化。对近年来针对不同网络的网络表示学习方法进行了分类介绍,并阐述了网络表示学习的应用场景。  相似文献   

张欣  胡新韬  郭雷 《计算机应用》2015,35(7):1933-1938
针对传统静态功能连接分析技术不能准确反映大脑动态功能状态的问题,提出了一种基于全脑动态功能连接(DFC)分析对大脑的状态变化进行表达的方法。首先,利用个体的弥散张量成像(DTI)数据构建高精确度全脑网络,将运动任务下功能磁共振成像(fMRI)数据映射到相应DTI空间后,提取各节点fMRI信号;然后,采用滑动时间窗口方法计算随时间变化的全脑功能连接强度矩阵,并提取动态功能连接向量(DFCV)样本;最后,将所有个体的DFCV样本通过基于Fisher准则的字典学习(FDDL)算法进行稀疏表达和分类。共得到8个该运动任务下全脑功能连接状态模式,各模式的功能连接强度空间分布具有明显差异,模式1、模式2和模式3占据了大部分样本分布(77.6%),且与平均静态功能连接强度矩阵之间的相似度明显高于其他5个模式。此外,大脑在各模式之间的状态迁移遵循一定的规律。实验结果表明,采用全脑DFC和FDDL学习相结合的方法,能够有效地对任务态下大脑的功能状态变化进行表达,为研究脑动态信息处理机制提供基础。  相似文献   

Electroencephalography (EEG) coherence networks represent functional brain connectivity, and are constructed by calculating the coherence between pairs of electrode signals as a function of frequency. Visualization of such networks can provide insight into unexpected patterns of cognitive processing and help neuroscientists to understand brain mechanisms. However, visualizing dynamic EEG coherence networks is a challenge for the analysis of brain connectivity, especially when the spatial structure of the network needs to be taken into account. In this paper, we present a design and implementation of a visualization framework for such dynamic networks. First, requirements for supporting typical tasks in the context of dynamic functional connectivity network analysis were collected from neuroscience researchers. In our design, we consider groups of network nodes and their corresponding spatial location for visualizing the evolution of the dynamic coherence network. We introduce an augmented timeline‐based representation to provide an overview of the evolution of functional units (FUs) and their spatial location over time. This representation can help the viewer to identify relations between functional connectivity and brain regions, as well as to identify persistent or transient functional connectivity patterns across the whole time window. In addition, we introduce the time‐annotated FU map representation to facilitate comparison of the behaviour of nodes between consecutive FU maps. A colour coding is designed that helps to distinguish distinct dynamic FUs. Our implementation also supports interactive exploration. The usefulness of our visualization design was evaluated by an informal user study. The feedback we received shows that our design supports exploratory analysis tasks well. The method can serve as a first step before a complete analysis of dynamic EEG coherence networks.  相似文献   

已有的功能连接研究大多根据脑图谱构建全脑功能连接,但目前可选用的脑图谱种类有限且采用不同脑图谱的分析结果可能存在一定的差异。针对上述问题,利用独立成分分析方法研究了抑郁症辅助诊断问题。首先利用组独立成分分析提取独立成分并构建全脑功能连接网络,然后采用BoostFS(Boosting Feature Selection)方法进行特征选择,最后应用多元模式分析方法对20名抑郁症患者和21名健康被试进行分类。实验分类准确率达到95.12%,错分了一名抑郁症患者和一名健康被试。进一步分析表明,具有较强分辨能力的脑网络为感觉运动网络、默认网络和视觉网络,与已有基于脑图谱的研究结果基本一致,从而说明了基于独立成分分析方法的合理性,使其可能成为抑郁症辅助诊断的一种新方法。  相似文献   

为了提高无线传感器网络疑误数据检测能力,提出基于轮换调度的无线传感器网络疑误数据节点自动诊断方法.通过采用分块区域特征匹配的方法,得到无线传感器网络疑误数据传输的梯度模型,采用资源优化分配方案,进行数据传输信道的均衡调度,得到节点部署分布模型.通过传感信息跟踪采样方法,得到采样信息分布,建立无线传感器网络疑误数据信息特...  相似文献   

Network representation learning called NRL for short aims at embedding various networks into lowdimensional continuous distributed vector spaces. Most existing representation learning methods focus on learning representations purely based on the network topology, i.e., the linkage relationships between network nodes, but the nodes in lots of networks may contain rich text features, which are beneficial to network analysis tasks, such as node classification, link prediction and so on. In this paper, we propose a novel network representation learning model, which is named as Text-Enhanced Network Representation Learning called TENR for short, by introducing text features of the nodes to learn more discriminative network representations, which come from joint learning of both the network topology and text features, and include common influencing factors of both parties. In the experiments, we evaluate our proposed method and other baseline methods on the task of node classification. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms other baseline methods on three real-world datasets.  相似文献   

复杂网络分析与机器学习方法相结合的阿尔茨海默病辅助诊断研究受到了越来越多的关注,其通常采用脑功能网络的方法来描述大脑活动的信息.然而,现有的成果大多基于时域信号匹配构建脑功能网络,忽略了脑活动信息在各个频段下的差异.因此,本文提出了脑网络多频融合图核的阿尔茨海默病诊断方法.首先,将功能磁共振成像产生的图像通过小波变换的方法进行分频段处理;其次,分别计算得到的各频段图像中任意两个脑区间的互信息,并设定阈值与互信息值进行比较进而构造出多频脑网络模型;然后,基于此提出面向多频脑网络模型的融合图核;最后,基于多频融合图核、采用核极限学习机在ADNI(Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative)公开数据库中获取的一组数据以及在OASIS(Open Access Series of Imaging Studies)公开数据库上获取的一组数据进行阿尔茨海默病的诊断.同时,还通过实验验证了不同参数设置对诊断结果的影响.两组数据集的实验结果表明,提出的多频融合图核的辅助诊断方法能够取得最佳性能,且该方法的辅助诊断准确率在两种数据集上比对比方法的最好结果分别提高了13.79%和15.29%.  相似文献   

郭浩  刘磊  陈俊杰 《计算机应用》2017,37(11):3339-3344
利用静息态功能磁共振成像技术来研究大脑的功能连接网络是当前脑疾病研究的重要方法之一。这种方法能准确地检测包括阿兹海默氏症在内的多种脑疾病。然而,传统的网络只是研究两个脑区之间相关程度,而且缺乏对大脑区域之间更深层次的交互信息和功能连接之间关联程度的研究。为了解决这些问题,提出了一种构建高阶最小生成树功能连接网络的方法,该方法不仅保证了功能连接网络的生理学意义,而且研究了网络中更复杂的交互信息,提高了分类的准确率。分类结果显示,基于高阶最小生成树功能连接网络的静息态功能磁共振成像分类方法大幅提高了阿兹海默氏症检测的准确率。  相似文献   

Previous studies on network mining have focused primarily on learning a single task (such as classification or community detection) on a given network. This paper considers the problem of multi-task learning on heterogeneous network data. Specifically, we present a novel framework that enables one to perform classification on one network and community detection in another related network. Multi-task learning is accomplished by introducing a joint objective function that must be optimized to ensure the classes in one network are consistent with the link structure, nodal attributes, as well as the communities detected in another network. We provide both theoretical and empirical analysis of the framework. We also show that the framework can be extended to incorporate prior information about the correspondences between the clusters and classes in different networks. Experiments performed on both real-world and synthetic data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint framework compared to applying classification and community detection algorithms on each network separately.  相似文献   

冀俊忠  龙腾  杨翠翠 《控制与决策》2023,38(4):1092-1100
脑功能连接判别特征可以作为神经精神类疾病诊断的一种生物标记物,利用机器学习方法对其进行识别是脑科学研究中的一项重要课题.已有脑功能连接生物标记物的识别方法大都忽视了脑功能连接数据高维、连续、多噪声的特性对识别性能的影响,导致所得到的生物标记物的分类能力不强.对此,提出一种基于邻域决策粗糙集的脑功能连接生物标记物识别方法.首先,针对脑功能连接数据连续性和高噪声的特点,引入能有效处理连续和高噪声数据的邻域决策粗糙集来识别分类能力更强的脑功能连接判别特征作为生物标记物;其次,针对脑功能连接数据的高维特点,通过快速生成邻域和缩小特征搜索空间来保证邻域决策粗糙集识别脑功能连接生物标记物的效率.在ABIDE I和ADNI数据集上的实验结果表明,所提出方法能够准确快速地获得分类能力更强的脑功能连接判别特征,有望为神经精神类疾病的诊断提供更准确的生物标记物.  相似文献   

静息态功能脑网络在脑疾病研究中得到了广泛的应用。然而传统的功能连接网络分析主要集中在确定图上,忽视了大脑区域之间的不确定信息。基于此,对不确定脑网络进行了研究,该方法不需要进行阈值选择,而且可以更准确地对功能连接网络进行建模。同时,将频繁子图挖掘应用到了不确定图上,并提出了几种新的判别性特征选择方法。分类结果显示,基于不确定脑网络的磁共振影像分类方法有效地提高了抑郁症诊断的准确率。  相似文献   

Two techniques based on the Bayesian network (BN), Gaussian Bayesian network and discrete dynamic Bayesian network (DBN), have recently been used to determine the effective connectivity from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data in an exploratory manner and to provide a new method for exploring the interactions among brain regions. However, Gaussian BN ignores the temporal relationships of interactions among brain regions, while discrete DBN loses a great deal of information by discretizing the data. To overcome these limitations, the current study proposes a new BN method based on Gaussian assumptions, termed Gaussian DBN, to capture the temporal characteristics of connectivity with less associated loss of information. A set of synthetic data were generated to measure the robustness of this method to noise, and the results were compared with discrete DBN. In addition, real fMRI data obtained from twelve normal subjects in the resting state was used to further demonstrate and validate the effectiveness of the Gaussian DBN method. The results demonstrated that the Gaussian DBN was more robust than discrete DBN and an improvement over BN.  相似文献   

丁超  赵海  司帅宗  朱剑 《计算机应用》2019,39(4):963-971
为了对正常衰老的人脑功能网络(NABFN)的拓扑结构变化进行探究,提出一种基于朴素贝叶斯的网络演化模型(NBM)。首先,依据朴素贝叶斯(NB)的链路预测算法与解剖距离来定义节点间存在连边的概率;其次,利用特定的网络演化算法,在青年人的脑功能网络基础上,通过不断地增加连边来逐步得到相应中年及老年时期的模拟网络;最后,为了对模拟网络与真实网络间的相似程度进行评价,提出网络相似指标(SI)值。仿真实验结果表明,与基于共同邻居的网络演化模型(CNM)相比,NBM构建的模拟网络与真实网络间的SI值(4.479 4,3.402 1)高于CNM模拟网络对应的SI值(4.100 4,3.013 2);并且,两者模拟网络的SI值均明显高于随机网络演化算法所得模拟网络的SI值(1.892 0,1.591 2)。实验结果证实NBM能够更为准确地预测出NABFN的拓扑结构变化过程。  相似文献   

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