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沉积岩中的微量元素对沉积环境水介质的变化较为敏感,是研究沉积物沉积时古气候、古环境的有效手段。选取了对沉积环境介质较为敏感的锶(Sr)、钡(Ba)、铜(Cu)、铀(U)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)、钍(Th)等元素作为判别指标,对柴达木盆地西部上新统油砂山组、狮子沟组和更新统七个泉组三套富锶岩层的古气候和古沉积环境特征进行了研究。结果表明,柴达木盆地西部从油砂山组到七个泉组沉积时总体上为干旱的气候环境;湖盆水体的盐度较高,表现为咸水环境,且从油砂山组到七个泉组随着地层变新,盐度有逐渐增大的趋势;油砂山组、狮子沟组和七个泉组沉积时湖盆水体均表现为中等分层、湖水循环较为顺畅的氧化环境。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地是我国西北地区最干旱的盆地之一,常年盛行强劲的西北风,尤其在冬春季更甚。柴达木盆地西部地区自新生代以来沉积了巨厚的河湖相沉积。自上新世晚期以来,随着气候的逐步干化和盆地内部构造变形的加剧,该地区风力侵蚀地貌开始出现。早更新时出现的古盐壳和古雅丹地貌说明当时侵蚀已经相当剧烈。晚更新时以来,气候的极端干旱化和冰期的出现,更加促进了风蚀地貌的发育,在强劲的低空风力的雕刻下,形成了盆地西部几万平方千米的“百万雅丹”地貌,十分壮观。柴达木盆地不同地区风蚀地层的厚度和速率都不同,最大可达3 km和1.1 mm/yr,如此巨量的物质搬运必然为下风向的地区(都兰、青海湖地区、西宁盆地、黄土高原)的粉尘堆积提供可观的物源物质。研究表明,柴达木盆地西部被侵蚀的古湖相地层是上述地区,尤其是黄土高原重要的物源物质。随着研究的深入,其盆地内侵蚀物质输送到黄土高原的机制,已被学界越来越清晰的认识。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地是我国西北地区最干旱的盆地之一,常年盛行强劲的西北风,尤其在冬春季更甚。柴达木盆地西部地区自新生代以来沉积了巨厚的河湖相沉积。自上新世晚期以来,随着气候的逐步干化和盆地内部构造变形的加剧,该地区风力侵蚀地貌开始出现。早更新世出现的古盐壳和古雅丹地貌说明当时侵蚀已经相当剧烈。晚更新世以来,气候的极端干旱化和冰期的出现,更加促进了风蚀地貌的发育,在强劲的低空风力的雕刻下,形成了盆地西部几万平方千米的"百万雅丹"地貌,十分壮观。柴达木盆地不同地区地层的厚度和风蚀速率都不同,最大分别可达3 000 m和1.1 mm/yr,如此巨量的物质搬运必然为下风向的地区(都兰、青海湖地区、西宁盆地、黄土高原)的粉尘堆积提供可观的物源物质。研究表明,柴达木盆地西部被侵蚀的古湖相地层是上述地区,尤其是黄土高原重要的物源物质。随着研究的深入,其盆地内侵蚀物质输送到黄土高原的机制,已得到学界越来越清晰的认识。  相似文献   

沉积物中粘土矿物类型主要有自生粘土矿物和碎屑粘土矿物。其中,自生粘土矿物含量较少,是在沉积环境中形成,可能是沉积再循环或成岩作用的产物,可作为沉积环境某方面的指示标志;而碎屑粘土矿物是母岩风化的产物,受沉积环境影响较小,能够有效示踪物源区化学风化过程,进而反映古气候变化。近年来利用碎屑粘土矿物特征来重建物源区古气候的方法得到了广泛的应用。然而,由于粘土矿物主要存在于<2 μm硅酸盐粘粒中,粘土矿物的提取、鉴定比较困难,且自生粘土矿物易受沉积环境等的影响。因此,在利用粘土矿物重建古气候变化时,需慎重选择粘土矿物的提取方法,并考虑物源和沉积环境变化以及成岩作用等对粘土矿物解释的影响。本文以柴达木盆地东北缘怀头他拉剖面硅酸盐粘土矿物的提取、鉴定及其古环境指示意义为例,介绍粘土矿物的提取及应用,为后期粘土矿物研究提供参考。  相似文献   

沉积物粒度分析是恢复古气候、研究古环境演变的一把钥匙,根据粒度大小及其分布特征可区分沉积类型,辨别沉积时的自然地理环境及水动力条件。本文介绍了粒度分析的方法和概念,以鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗塔然高勒地区为例,分析了粒度资料在辨别沉积环境中的应用,并说明了其对铀矿找矿工作的指导性意义。  相似文献   

曾永丰 《中国沙漠》2003,23(3):331-333
位于柴达木盆地南缘的诺木洪绿洲农牧业曾兴盛于约3300aBP,衰亡于约2900aBP之后的全新世晚期,诺木洪绿洲农牧业在这一发展过程中曾出现过一次间断。因此,可将晚全新世诺木洪绿洲农牧业的发展分为前后两期。全新世气候与环境的变化深刻地影响着盆地绿洲农牧业的出现、发展与衰亡。从诺木洪绿洲农牧业兴盛与衰亡史中可知,约于3300aBP在柴达木盆地就有了绿洲农牧业,而且盆地绿洲农牧业深受盆地环境变化的控制,干旱和沙漠化是盆地绿洲农牧业走向衰亡的直接原因。  相似文献   

朱建佳  陈辉  邢星  陈同同 《地理研究》2015,34(2):285-292
选择柴达木盆地的格尔木作为研究区域,选取沙拐枣、合头草、驼绒藜和麻黄4种典型的地带性荒漠灌木,应用稳定氢氧同位素技术定量分析典型荒漠植物的水分来源。结果表明:1柴达木盆地典型荒漠植物能灵活利用各种水源(河水、地下水、降水和土壤水等),最主要的水源是土壤水。2不同种类植物水分利用方式存在差异:驼绒藜、麻黄和沙拐枣主要利用深层土壤水和地下水,合头草以土壤水为优势水源。3植物水分来源的时间变化为:生长季初期,植物主要利用河水和地下水;生长季中后期,合头草主要利用浅层土壤水,其他3种植物主要利用较深层土壤水和地下水。  相似文献   

作为一种风蚀地貌,雅丹地貌是对环境长期适应的一种表现,其形态特征可以反映所受内外营力的作用。对火星埃律西昂平原和地球柴达木盆地雅丹体的形态参数进行对比分析。结果显示:(1)埃律西昂平原雅丹体的长宽比(3.49)与柴达木盆地雅丹体的长宽比(3.57)较为接近,同时也与理想状态下的长宽比(4)接近,它们都具有流线型的形态,且处于雅丹体发育的成熟期。(2)柴达木盆地雅丹体是鲸背状,埃律西昂平原雅丹体是椭圆状,原因是柴达木盆地雅丹体常年受盛行风的影响,埃律西昂平原雅丹体受两种反向风的影响。柴达木盆地雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹不明显,埃律西昂平原雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹比较明显,原因是形成雅丹体的物质基础和温差环境不同:柴达木盆地雅丹体的物质基础是湖相沉积物,雅丹体表面有减弱风化的盐壳;埃律西昂平原雅丹体的物质基础是火山熔岩流,而且火星的昼夜温差大于地球。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地大面积裸露于地表的古湖相沉积物长期受到物理风化的剥蚀作用,成为风尘堆积的主要物源。而沉积物中的生物标志物在一定条件下会被保存下来,记录了古环境变化。利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对采自柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖古湖相沉积物样品进行了分析,结果检测出一系列具有生物源指示意义的生物标志物,主要包括系列正构烷烃、系列正烷基-2-酮、正构脂肪酸/醇/酯、系列支链烷烃、系列烷基酰胺以及若干五环三萜类(非藿烷系列)及甾类化合物。研究发现柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖湖泊沉积物中生物标志物未受强烈的成岩作用及微生物活动的改造,基本保持了原有的分布特征。正构烷烃高碳数系列明显的奇碳优势以及样品中高含量的非藿类五环三萜类生物标志物的检出说明在高原封闭性盐湖中曾经存在着大量高等植物碎屑的输入,指示了沉积时期气候湿润、植被相对繁盛,与柴达木盆地的现代自然地理环境截然不同。  相似文献   

本文利用电镜扫描方法 (SEM)对比分析了南极乔治王岛无冰区海滩沉积、冰碛物以及阿德雷岛湖泊沉积等典型沉积环境中的石英砂表面结构特征 ,得出了乔治王岛各典型沉积环境中石英砂表面结构特征的颗粒频率曲线。结果表明 :不同沉积环境下的石英砂颗粒表面结构特征具有相似性 ,这主要和南极地区广泛发育的冰川作用有关 ,同时 ,它们也有各自典型的特征组合 ,这些典型特征组合的不同反映了石英砂后期的搬运历史和沉积环境的差异。本文还依据石英砂表面特征的颗粒出现频率 ,利用聚类分析方法对研究区内三级海岸阶地上的沉积物和一个未知成因的样品进行了沉积环境的判别分析 ,结果证明石英砂微形貌特征可以作为南极地区沉积环境识别的有效手段  相似文献   

Quartz‐rich sandstones can be produced through multiple sedimentary processes, potentially acting in combination, such as extensive sedimentary recycling or intense chemical weathering. Determining the provenance of such sedimentary rocks can be challenging due to low amounts of accessory minerals, the fact that the primary mineralogy may have been altered during transport, storage or burial and difficulties in the recognition of polycyclic components. This study uses zircon and apatite U‐Pb geochronology, apatite trace elements, zircon‐tourmaline‐rutile indices and petrographic observations to investigate the sedimentary history of mineralogically mature mid‐Carboniferous sandstones of the Tullig Cyclothem, Clare Basin, western Ireland. The provenance data show that the sandstones have been dominantly and ultimately sourced from three basement terranes: older Laurentian‐ associated rocks (ca. 900–2500 Ma) which lay to the north of the basin, peri‐Gondwanan terranes (ca. 500–700 Ma) to the south and igneous intrusive rocks associated with the Caledonian Orogenic Cycle (ca. 380–500 Ma). However, the multi‐proxy approach also helps constrain the sedimentary history and suggests that not all grain populations were derived directly from their original source. Grains with a Laurentian or a Caledonian affinity have likely been recycled through Devonian basins to the south. Grains with a peri‐Gondwanan affinity appear to be first cycle and are potentially derived from south/southwest of the basin. Taken as a whole, these data are consistent with input into the basin from the south and southwest, with the reworking of older sedimentary rocks, rather than intensive first‐cycle chemical weathering, likely explaining the compositional maturity of the sandstones. This study highlights the need for a multi‐proxy provenance approach to constrain sedimentary recycling, particularly in compositionally mature sandstones, as the use of zircon geochronology alone would have led to erroneous provenance interpretations. Zircon, together with U‐Pb geochronology from more labile phases such as apatite, can help distinguish first‐cycle versus polycyclic detritus.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jingjing  Zhu  Wenbo  Zhu  Lianqi  Cui  Yaoping  He  Shasha  Ren  Han 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(4):598-612
Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. The limitation is especially apparent in the mountain-plain transition zone. Taking the transition zone between the Qinling Mountains and the North China Plain (i.e. the mountainous area in western Henan Province) as an example and based on the 200-m resolution DEM data, we used the mean change-point analysis to determine the optimal statistical unit for topographical relief, and thereafter extracted the relief degree. Taking the 1:100,000 land use data, township population and county-level industrial data, population and economic spatial models were constructed, and 200-m resolution grid population and economic density maps were generated. Afterwards, statistical analysis was carried out to quantitatively reveal the impact of topographical relief on population and economy. In addition, the impacts of other topographical factors were discussed. The results showed the following. (1) The relief degree in western Henan is generally low, where 58.6% of the regional topography does not exceed half the height of a reference mountain (relative elevation ≤250 m). Spatially, the relief degree is high in the west while low in the east, and high in the middle while low in the north and south. There is a positive correlation between relief degree and elevation, and a much stronger correlation between relief degree and slope. (2) The linear fitting degree between the population and economic validation data and the corresponding simulation data are 0.943 and 0.909, respectively, indicating that the spatialized results can reflect the actual population and economic distribution. (3) The impact of topographical relief on population and economy was stronger than that of other topographical factors. The relief degree showed a good logarithmic fit relationship with population density (0.911) and economic density (0.874). Specifically, 88.65% of the population lives in areas where the topographical relief is ≤0.5 and 88.03% of the gross regional product was from areas where the relief is ≤0.3. Compared with the population distribution, the economic development showed an obvious agglomeration trend towards low relief areas.  相似文献   

Lacustrine rift basins commonly preserve a fairly complete record of the sediment source-to-sink (S2S) system, and consequently may form an ideal natural laboratory for establishing quantitative relationships between the various elements within the S2S system. The tectonic-activity rate in the source (e.g., fault-growth rate and fault-activity rate), accommodation space and depositional system in the sink (e.g., areal extent and volume, as well as the depositional dip of the fan- and braid-deltas) are genetically related and their quantitative correlations are explored. The Palaeogene succession on the southwestern margin of the Huanghekou Depressionin the Bohai Bay Basin, one of the largest lacustrine rift basins in eastern China, was chosen to study these relationships, using 3-D seismic, core and well-log data. The tectonic activity was strongly related to the sediment supply, accommodation space and morphology of the sink area. Three different rates of tectonic activity are identified; these led to changes in the basic features of the S2S system that influenced each other. In Members 4 and 3 (lower unit) of the Shahejie Fm. (40.44–44.7 Ma), strong tectonic activity led to significant uplift, resulting in the widest exposure of the provenance area to erosion, to a high sediment-supply rate, to a steep slope and to a large accommodation space which controlled the development of several fan-deltas with steep progradational angles. In Member 3 (upper unit) of Shahejie Fm. (37.89–40.44 Ma) and Member 3 of Dongying Fm. (30.2–33.28 Ma), decreased tectonic activity led to slower uplifting, resulting in a wider alluvial plain, longer transport distances, a lower sediment-supply rate and less accommodation space, so that braid-deltas with larger volumes and a gentler slope developed; In Members 1 and 2 of Shahejie Fm. (33.28–37.89 Ma) and Member 2 of Dongying Fm. (26.71–30.2 Ma), still further decreasing tectonic activity led to a still lower sediment-supply rate, a more gentle depositional slope, less accommodation space, and the development of several braid-deltas with a gentle angle. The quantitative relationships established here advance our understanding of the relationships within lacustrine source-to-sink systems, especially for tectonically controlled rift basins.  相似文献   

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