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一个先天性白内障家系缝隙连接蛋白基因新突变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 鉴定一个中国常染色体显性遗传先天性白内障(autosomal dominant congenital cataract,ADCC)家系其致病与缝隙连接蛋白a3/a8(gap junction protein alpha3/alpha8,GJA3/GJA8)基因突变的关系.方法 对一个ADCC家系5名家系成员和100名正常健康人进行全面眼科检查.抽取外周血5 mL并提取基因组DNA.采用聚合酶链反应扩增GJA3/CJA8编码外显子及其侧翼内含子序列,纯化的PCR产物通过直接测序以筛查致病突变.结果 通过双向序列分析,发现GJA8基因第2外显子的第138位发生碱基G→A转换(c.138G》A,GGG→GGA),产生同义突变(G46G);第139个碱基因G→T颠换发生错义突变(c.139 G》T,GAT→TAT)导致第47位编码天门冬氨酸密码子突变为酪氨酸(D47Y),家系中非患者和100名对照者基因组序列均无此改变,而且生物信息检索显示GJAB基因第47位编码的天门冬氨酸具有高度的物种保守性.家系3例患者CJA3基因突变筛查未见任何碱基改变.结论 在一个中国人ADCC家系中发现GJAB基因新致病突变(D47Y).  相似文献   

先证者,Ⅲ23,男,33岁。因双眼视物模糊20余年、逐渐加重6年就诊。视力:右眼指数/30cm,左眼0.01,双眼矫正视力均不提高。散瞳检查,双眼晶状体混浊,深层皮质周边及中央蓝色点状混浊,周边部呈棒状放射形排列,形如花冠(左眼较著),中央部呈弥散性分布,核呈灰色混浊(右眼较左眼致密),后囊膜中央局限性致密混浊,色自如钙化状呈星型。双眼玻璃体、眼底窥视不清。全身及眼部无其他异常。  相似文献   

中国东北汉族一个先天性白内障家系致病基因的鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的鉴定一个先天性白内障家系的致病基因。方法根据已知与先天性白内障有关的12个致病基因的染色体上的定位,分别选取3~4个的微卫星标记位点,对该家系进行连锁分析。通过测序鉴定致病基因。结果在1q21.1GJA8位点显示最大Lod值2.44。致病基因定位于1q21.1区的GJA8基因,构成缝隙连接的缝隙连接蛋白Connexin50。DNA序列分析鉴定显示其第2外显子的第191个碱基杂合突变T>G导致其蛋白产物第64位缬氨酸转变为甘氨酸。结论Connexin50的V64G新生突变是导致该家系的致病原因。  相似文献   

目的在散发的中国人先天性心脏病(congenital beart defects.CHD)患者中,鉴定GATA4基因突变方法应用单链构象多态性方法对31例CHD患者进行GATA4基因6个外显子所有编码序列的突变检测,对有异常条带的DNA进行直接测序:结果在31个CHD患者中,我们发现GATA4基因的两个新的错义突生,分别是位于第4外显子的V267M,和位于帮6外显于的V380M.以及一个第6内含于中的核苷酸改变.结论我们在患有CHD的中国人群中.发现两个GATA4基因的新突变.提示其编码的转录因子在心脏的发育中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

目的 对一个鸟氨酸氨甲酰基转移酶缺乏症(ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency,OTCD)家系进行分子遗传学检测,从基因水平确定其原因,为遗传咨询和产前诊断提供依据.方法 应用聚合酶链扩增技术和Sanger测序法对该家系成员的鸟氨酸氨甲酰转移酶基因(ornithine carbamoyltransferase,OTC)的10个外显子进行直接测序,检测潜在的致病突变,以100名健康人为正常对照.结果 先证者新生儿期发病,OTC基因测序发现其第9外显子发生错义突变c.917G>C,第306位密码子由AGA突变为ACA,精氨酸替换为苏氨酸,即p.R306T.家系成员检测证实先证者母亲及家系中另外两名女性为表型正常的c.917G>C杂合突变携带者,其他家系成员及100名对照者未发现上述突变.结论 结合生物信息学分析,错义突变c.917G>C为该家系的致病原因.该突变尚未见报道,是一新发现的OTC基因突变位点.  相似文献   

目的:分析IL-13 基因rs20541C/ T 位点多态性在广西人群中的分布特点,同时比较其在不同种群之间的分布差异。方法:采用多重单碱基延伸技术(SNaPshot)和DNA 直接测序法对275 例广西人群IL-13 基因rs20541C/ T 进行分型,并分析其基因型及等位基因的分布频率。检测结果与NCBI 中人类基因组国际单体图(HapMap)公布的其他种群(欧洲人、北京人、日本人、非洲人)和文献报道的天津人的基因型及等位基因数据进行比较。结果:IL-13 基因rs20541C/ T 在广西人群中具有多态性,CC、CT 和TT 基因型频率分别为40.0%、46.2%、13.8%,C 和T 等位基因频率分别为63.1%、36.9%。其基因型及等位基因的分布频率在男女性别之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其基因型与欧洲、非洲、天津人群作比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),等位基因分布频率与这5 种人群相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:IL-13 基因rs20541C/ T 基因多态性在不同种族和地区间存在着不同程度差异。  相似文献   

遗传性非息肉性结直肠癌(HNPCC)为最常见的常染色体显性遗传病之一,发病的直接原因为患者携带错配修复基因的胚系突变,其中错义突变约占已检突变的三分之一。因此建立有效的错义突变功能评估体系,确定检出突变的病因学作用具有重要意义。基于对错配修复系统功能的认识,目前对其基因编码蛋白质的功能研究,取得了突破性进展,主要从两个方面入手:(1)分析其功能活动过程中存在的蛋白质之间的相互作用,(2)分析错配修复基因功能活动的结果。  相似文献   

为了解先天性肾上腺皮质增生症患者的21-羟化酶CYP21B基因中Ile~(172)→Asn错义突变的发生率,根据放大受阻突变体系(Amplificationrefractorymutationsystem,ARMS)的要求,设计了3种引物:5'd(TTGGGAGACTACTCCCTGCTCT)3'(共同引物)、5'd(AGGTGAGGTAACAGA)3'(正常引物)、5'd(AGGTGAGGTAACAGT)3'(突变引物),在7例患儿中进行了检测,发现具有本突变者3例。对其中一例进行的家系分析,结果提示:这组引物有快速、简便的优点,不需使用同位素就能对具有Ile~(172)→Asn变异的高危家庭成员作产前诊断。  相似文献   

中国人WD基因第14和18号外显子的错义突变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的了解中国人肝豆状核变性(Wilson'sdisease,WD)基因第14和18号外显子的突变情况,与国外报道的这两个外显子的高突变频率进行比较。方法应用聚合酶链反应-单链构像多态(PCR-SSCP)结合DNA测序技术,对44例无亲缘关系的WD患者及60例正常对照进行突变检测。结果一例患者在14号外显子发生了Arg1041Pro(3121G→C)纯合错义突变,另一例患者在18号外显子发生了Asn1270Ser(3809A→G)杂合错义突变。结论Arg1041Pro为未报道过的新型错义突变,Asn1270Ser突变与国外报道一致。但均未呈热区分布。  相似文献   

目的 检测和分析河南1个常染色体显性先天性静止性夜盲症( autosomal dominant congenital stationary night blindness,ADCSNB)家系相关基因的致病突变.方法 从该家系14名成员的外周血提取基因组DNA,根据已报道的ADCSNB的3个致病基因的6个相关位点设计引物.利用PCR扩增相关位点所在的外显子,纯化扩增产物后进行正反向测序.结果 在该家系患者的RHO基因中发现了1个c.281C>T的杂合错义点突变,该突变在蛋白质水平将导致p.Thr94Ile的改变,而在该家系正常成员以及50名正常对照中未发现此突变.结论 RHO基因c.281C>T突变(p.Thr94Ile)为该家系先天性静止性夜盲症发病的分子遗传学基础.  相似文献   

Fabry disease: polymorphic haplotypes and a novel missense mutation in the GLA gene. Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder with a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical manifestations that are caused by the deficiency of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal-A) activity. Although useful for diagnosis in males, enzyme activity is not a reliable biochemical marker in heterozygous females due to random X-chromosome inactivation, thus rendering DNA sequencing of the α-Gal-A gene, alpha-galactosidase gene (GLA), the most reliable test for the confirmation of diagnosis in females. The spectrum of GLA mutations is highly heterogeneous. Many polymorphic GLA variants have been described, but it is unclear if haplotypes formed by combinations of such variants correlate with FD, thus complicating molecular diagnosis in females with normal α-Gal-A activity. We tested 67 female probands with clinical manifestations that may be associated with FD and 110 control males with normal α-Gal-A activity. Five different combinations of GLA polymorphic variants were identified in 14 of the 67 females, whereas clearcut pathogenetic alterations, p.Met51Ile and p.Met290Leu, were identified in two cases. The latter has not been reported so far, and both mutant forms were found to be responsive to the pharmacological chaperone deoxygalactonojirimycin (DGJ; migalastat hydrochloride). Analysis of the male control population, as well as male relatives of a suspected FD female proband, permitted the identification of seven different GLA gene haplotypes in strong linkage disequilibrium. The identification of haplotypes in control males provides evidence against their involvement in the development of FD phenotypic manifestations.  相似文献   

Reduced activity of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC was found in a male medical student during practical examinations of his own blood. Serum LDH isoenzyme pattern showed reductions in activities of the isoenzymes with lower subunit A/B ratios such as LDH1 and LDH2. These findings were indicative of a partial LDH-B subunit deficiency, which was confirmed in erythrocyte hemolysates by Western blotting. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA sequence analysis of the LDH-B subunit gene revealed a heterozygous nucleotide change: a guanine to adenine substitution in codon 69 (GGG --> GAG) at the third exon of the LDH-B subunit gene that resulted in a glycine to glutamic acid substitution (G69E). The mutation was confirmed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using a mismatched primer to introduce a new NcoI restriction site. The same heterozygous mutation was found in his mother but not in other family members. This mutation involves a residue belonging to alphaC helix in LDH-B subunit protein molecule that functions as an interface for other subunits.  相似文献   



The major intrinsic protein gene (MIP), also known as MIP26 or AQP0, is a member of the water-transporting aquaporin family, which plays a critical role in the maintenance of lifelong lens transparency. To date, several mutations in MIP (OMIM 154050) have been linked to hereditary cataracts in humans. However, more pathogenic mutations remain to be identified. In this study, we describe a four-generation Chinese family with a nonsense mutation in MIP associated with an autosomal dominant congenital cataract (ADCC), thus expanding the mutational spectrum of this gene.


A large four-generation Chinese family affected with typical Y-suture cataracts combined with punctuate cortical opacities and 100 ethnically matched controls were recruited. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes to analyze congenital cataract-related candidate genes. Effects of the sequence change on the structure and function of proteins were predicted by bioinformatics analysis.


Direct sequencing of MIP in all affected members revealed a heterozygous nucleotide exchange c.337C>T predicting an arginine to a stop codon exchange (p.R113X). The substitution co-segregated well in all the affected individuals in the family and was not found in unaffected members or in the 100 unrelated healthy controls. Bioinformatics analysis predicted that the mutation affects the secondary structure and function of the MIP protein.


We identified a novel mutation of MIP (p.R113X) in a Chinese cataract family. This is the first nonsense mutation of MIP identified thus far. This novel mutation is also the first disease-causing mutation located in the loop C domain of MIP. The results add to the list of mutations of the MIP linked to cataracts.  相似文献   

Familial Juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy (FJHN, OMIM #162000) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hyperuricemia with renal uric acid under-excretion, gout and chronic kidney disease. In most but not all families with FJHN, genetic studies have revealed mutations in the uromodulin (UMOD) gene located on chromosome 16p11-p13. We here described a novel heterozygous missense mutation (c.1382C>A causing p.Ala461Glu) in an affected 16-year-old male with hyperuricemia, gout and chronic kidney disease. His father was also affected and the UMOD mutation was found to segregate with the disease. There has been only one case report of Korean family with FJHN, which has not been diagnosed by genetic study. This is the first report of genetically diagnosed FJHN in Korea.  相似文献   

Tao R  Jin B  Guo SZ  Qing W  Feng GY  Brooks DG  Liu L  Xu J  Li T  Yan Y  He L 《Journal of human genetics》2006,51(5):498-502
X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is a rare disease characterized by the hypoplasia or absence of eccrine glands, dry skin, scant hair, and dental abnormalities. Here, we report a Mongolian family with congenital absence of teeth inherited in an X-linked fashion. The affected members of the family did not show other HED characteristics, except hypodontia. We successfully mapped the affected locus to chromosome Xq12-q13.1, and then found a novel missense mutation, c.193C>G, in the ectodysplasin A (EDA) gene in all affected males and carrier females. The mutation causes arginine to be replaced by glycine in codon 65 (R65G) in the juxtamembrane region of EDA. In addition, 33% (3/9) of female carriers have a skewed X-chromosome inactivation pattern. Our result strongly suggests that the c.193C>G mutation is the disease-causing mutation in this family.Ran Tao, Buhe Jin, Shen Zheng Guo, and Wei Qing contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Hypophosphatasia is a rare heritable inborn error of metabolism characterized by abnormal bone mineralization associated with a deficiency of alkaline phosphatase. The clinical expression of hypophosphatasia is highly variable, ranging from death in utero to pathologic fractures first presenting in adulthood. We investigated the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP) gene from a Japanese female patient with hypophosphatasia. By a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, the amount of TNSALP mRNA appeared to be almost equal to that in normal individuals. Gene analysis clarified that the hypophosphatasia originated from a missense mutation and a nucleotide deletion. The missense mutation, a C ? T transition at position 1041 of cDNA, results in an amino acid change from Leu to Phe at codon 272, which has not yet been reported. The previously reported deletion of T at 1735 causes a frame shift mutation downstream from Leu at codon 503. Family analysis showed that the mutation 1041T and the deletion 1735T had been inherited from the proband's father and mother, respectively. An expression experiment revealed that the mutation 1041T halved the expression of alkaline phosphatase activity. Using homology analysis, the Leu-272 was confirmed to be highly conserved in other mammals.  相似文献   

Congenital cataracts are a common major abnormality of the eye that frequently cause blindness in infants. At least a third of all cases are familial; autosomal dominant congenital cataract (ADCC) appears to be the most common familial form in the Western world. We have mapped an ADCC gene in family ADCC-2 to chromosome 21q22.3 near the alpha- crystallin gene CRYAA. By sequencing the coding regions of CRYAA, we found that a missense mutation, R116C, is associated with ADCC in this family.   相似文献   

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